July 21, 2016 Volume 42, Issue 15 The North Stuart...

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Transcript of July 21, 2016 Volume 42, Issue 15 The North Stuart...

Quarterly Business Session at 11:45 in the sanctuary on July 24!

School supplies and backpacks for Touching Miami with Love! The Missions Committee is collecting these for the CBF ministry in Miami. Boxes are in the narthex to collect the school supplies and backpacks. Time is of the essence, to let’s collect these and have them to TMWL before school starts in mid-August! A+ to you for your generosity!

Congratulations to the children who participated in VBS. They brought non-perishable food items each day instead of a monetary offering. They collected 5 boxes of non-perishable food! Those boxes were so full the lids wouldn’t go on them! Remember, we have an ongoing food collection for the Salvation Army and House of Hope. Your donations help keep their shelves stocked and allow them to avoid buying food from the food bank.

Children’s Choirs and AWANA groups begin the fall season on Wednesday, August 17!

The North Stuart News is published biweekly by

North Stuart Baptist Church

MAILING ADDRESS: 1950 NW Federal Highway

Stuart, FL 34994

office phone—772-692-1616 fax—772-692-0239

email—office@northstuart.org www.northstuart.org

Twitter: @NorthStuart

bobsearl@northstuart.org doug@northstuart.org

jacqueline@northstuart.org sally@northstuart.org


Dr. Bob Searl, Pastor Dr. Doug Jewett, Minister of Music

Rev. Jacqueline Smail, Minister to Students ————————————————

Deadline for copy: Tuesday of each week. Copy must be in writing. Email is preferred.

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Stuart, FL 34995 Permit No. 68

July 21, 2016


Meetings: Dawnings Grief Journey, TBA Men’s Fellowship Lunch, every Friday at noon at Key West Diner Deacons’ Meeting, (summer break) Stewardship Committee, every third Thursday of the month Quarterly Business Meetings, third Sunday in January, April, July, October

For complete listing of weekly activities please visit our website:


Wednesday Night Supper Volunteer schedule: Week 1—Berean Class Week 2—Seekers Class Week 3—Good News Class Week 4—Median Adult Class Week 5—Hayslip Class

...with humility and gentleness, we want to be a safe place for people to discover or rediscover faith in Christ.

Ephesians 4:2

July 21, 2016 Volume 42, Issue 15

The North Stuart News

Sunday sermons, scriptures and newsletters are on the church website so you can hear them and read them at your convenience.

Check it out at www.northstuart.org

Office hours: 9 a.m.—3 p.m. Ministers available after 3 p.m. by appointment only.

Flip-flop July! Two more Sundays!

July 24 & 31 Worship—9:30 a.m.

Bible Study—10:45 a.m.

Flip-flops and Hawaiian attire are encouraged!

for Touching Miami With Love! The Missions Committee is collecting school supplies and back-packs for the TMWL ministry! (now consolidated with Open House Ministries)

Let’s fill the boxes in the narthex to overflowing!

Page 2

One of my college roommates and I - yes, I had several, but that tells you more about them than me, I promise – had a little morning routine. He would come bouncing into our room after his 8:00 a.m. class and greet me with a cheery, “G’morning Bobby! How ya doing?” I would always say, “I’m doing fine,” to which he would reply, “That’s great!” After several months of this daily litany I decided to change things up a bit just to see what would happen. So, when he sprang through the door like he did every day and said, “G’morning Bobby!” I said, “Really awful. Terrible.” Without missing a beat he said, “That’s great!” Somewhere along the line our conversation became rote; we stopped communicating and settled for mindless recitation. That can happen in worship where we do the same things each week. We hear the scriptures read and reply, “This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.” We close the pastoral prayer with the Lord’s Prayer. We sing the doxology as the ushers bring the offering to the Lord’s Table. These beautiful expres-sions of faith can become mindless, rote recitations absent of meaning. We say and sing the words but we stop considering their meaning. They become as automatic – and thoughtless – as breathing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The trick is to engage in worship fully; to thoughtfully consider what it is you are singing and saying each week no matter how

many times you’ve sung or said it. The words of worship don’t change but you do. You come to worship each Sunday with another week’s worth of life and faith shaping experiences un-der your belt. You are not the same person you were a week earlier. So, as the scriptures are read and you prepare to offer thanks for those ancient words, ask yourself, “Am I really thankful for these words or I wish they weren’t in the book?” Sometimes the scriptures comfort and affirm us, but the Bible is often hard on us, confronting us with a word that throws harsh light on our weakness or challenges our assumptions. To say thanks in moments like that is like thanking a surgeon for a painful, but life-saving procedure. When you speak the Lord’s Prayer you ask, “How have I seen the Kingdom come in my world this week, or to what dark places in my world can I take the light of God’s Kingdom? The doxology begins, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” As you sing can you list the ways God has blessed you? Rote worship is stopped in its tracks by worshippers who thoughtfully engage in the experience. Repetition helps us go deep as the familiar words of worship, empowered by the Holy Spirit, move us to think and do things we’d never come up with on our own. I look forward to seeing you in worship with engaged minds, open hearts, and willing spirits!

Dr. Bob Searl

Children’s Music Camp! August 1-5

from 9 a.m.—noon

We need children who love to sing, children who love drama,

adults who love to work with these children!

Please let me know by Monday, July 25 if you will:

be a volunteer/helper be a camper

Your presence is needed so we can... Spend Awhile on the Nile!

I am getting excited about the Children's Music Camp, August 1 - 5. It will be a wonderful time of reaffirming some of the Biblical stories through music. It is an intense week, but it is lots of fun. Please register your child for the camp by Mon-day, July 25. That gives us a week to prepare for all the activi-ties and songs. (The children will be singing a lot!!!!!) Our fall session for Children's Choirs and AWANA begins on Wednesday, August 17. Dinner is at 5 pm and the evening's activities begin at 6. Please register your children by calling the church office or filling out the registration card on Sunday during worship. Faydra Stratton, Sarah Arntson and I are working to make sure that our Wednesday schedule is most effective and productive for teaching our children the im-portance of music in worship and application of Bible truths in life. (I can't believe we are already into the fall schedule! I will have to be saying things like, Merry Christmas, very soon.) Our Sanctuary Choir along with other church choirs in the community will be presenting Faure's Requiem on the 15th Anniversary of the September 11 attacks on our country. If you know anyone in our community who would like to partic-ipate with us, there will be a rehearsal on July 30 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm to distribute music and have our initial rehearsal. For more information, please call the church office. We will be glad to send a letter to anyone interested. BTW, Christmas music is on the horizon!!! Keep singing

Another Note Dr. Doug Jewett

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Children, Family, & Program Additions!

Rev. Jacqueline Smail Student Ministry

Summer Fun Nights! "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good and perfect will." Romans 12:2

Looking ahead to Awanas!

We will begin our Awana program in mid-August. We have a need for a male lead teacher for the 3rd--5th grade boys class. Your curriculum will be provided. Time commit-ment is Wednesday evenings from 6pm-7:40pm

Sunday morning Children's Church! We are adding in an offering time into the Chil-dren's Church schedule. Please give your children opportunities to earn money and encourage them to give a 1/10th (or more) to the Children's Church collection. All funds collected during Children's Church will support CBF missions in India. Our goal is to raise $75 which will buy a sewing machine so a widow or young girl can have an opportunity to have an income.

Upcoming for Youth!! 1. NSBC Youth Olympics—Wednesday, August 3

2. Experiencing God—Sundays,

August 7-September 25 at noon

3. NSBC Talent Show—Wednesday, August 10 at 6 p.m.

in the fellowship hall

4. Youth Committee Meeting—Wednesday, August 10 at

7:30 p.m. Focus: Fall 2016, Summer 2017, fundraising

5. High School Senior Retreat—Saturday, August 13