R p ryWaJ WANTED WfKLY STRONG CU111belandri bioyoleJI...

r- ti 1 ke la R p AEis L 11 ryWaJ rt DI U bioyoleJI nn tuon fI ell ysr ree drAN 1JmI05 4 vith Conuief JI h wad 11m qMI tlf03 G t9t74t mur S HI t Mukr U thN tipJ yrAHJ rmtit i II mtii ut onethird tunml boaII t G Vo JWf t f > 1 OSrHI C O D to liD B oar infou I rnl ralai allow 10 DAYS yFREE TRIAL Ie IHHIIIHM is binding w SCO Szsotxi ffftml IViff of QoO 12w I to JOTril a UlCJv umll you ha rlHili for our FACTOR i rniafs fKO r rr must OFFER Tires rieotnuubl0 r J PUN YLiQCES RogrtIar prioo 86O p r pair 5vo You a Sample nR15siASs Pair for Only ourtTHE am- NO MOPE TflfhJ tr from PUNCTURES RosuU of 15 years osuprieur ui tine making No tiannor from THORNS CACTUS PINS NAILS TACKS OP GlASS Sirious punctures IIkn Intontliiml knife cUUuutt bo llko any oihir tire Pond for Caiatocuo T showinr all klndu and niakra of tiro at rm F pair and UP otoo tuathlraker 11I1IItd 4 hrt onI IllryeIeaSundryM at llall the usual prices II IJ This IIr wil APPROVAo D wrAoae II amlp Wo allow s cash 5 thlrrhy making tJo price flrtI per pair It y0 u send lull ah wills oritmr Tlr t to txi ruturucu at our cxiwnw It not CO Dept JL1 ILL u l Southern Raiway Shortest ani Fastest Lines y ISOt Lexington ani Louisville r St Louis the West- Two trnins daily as follows Leave Lexington 010 a m Lou ¬ isville 900 a m arrive at St Louis C12 p m Carrying vcstibulcd and Cafe Observation Par ¬ lor CarMeals a cartethrough without cargo Leave Lexington 530 p m Lou- isville ¬ 1015 pm arrive at St Lou ¬ is 732 a m carrying free reclin ¬ ing chair cars and Pullman sleeper tough without change Sleeping Car berths at 111 bust Main St Lexington Ky231 Ave Louisville K1or Union BEST THE- BOWELS i If you ksTsnt a rerilsr htsltbr movement of the- boweaerydayToureIllerwnlb Kttprour bowels open and be well free In the chap ot 101 pbJI 0 or 111110110 It The j keepinggthe j CANDY L CATHARTIC = 11I j CANDYI DoI j flood Ner r Bltknn Wtskta or Orlp 10 II ae Beats os Writs forte sample sod book Ittoahsslth Adlrsts UJ Sterling Remedy Company Chicago or New Yo- rkCEP I YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Nasal CATARRH la all Ice stares then houM pe clesiilln- esElji Cream Balm elcan e o the and heal- sthe dUeued membrane 11 eurtscaturh drives T 1 away scold the head quickly WANTED Iuncturolcss KUD la Cream Dalm It placed Into the noitrui spread over the Is absorbed RellsHs Im ¬ mediate and a curs follows It Is Dot drylnj oee not produce sneering Large Size 60 cents at Drug QUN or by manic Trial Size 10 cents by snail ELI UROTIIEILS 66 Warren Street New York r 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRADE rVUrtna DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ae Anyone sending a sketch and dNerlpUoaI Intention Ispro0ablrpstentabli lions stnotl CentlalNAaS ou iaUaM tree Oldest for seta npateats eoelrSpcWnotkswllhoalo rkaNl ear latlon of mnracienUBo ioaraaU term M a r i tons martbaL 0 4b I NilCa QrkP 1 Drag oe 4 N Iv i t tit iV fJtf s 4Er R EASY RIDING STRONG DURABLE SELF HEALING FULLY COVEnEDbyPATENTS- BEWARE OF IMITATIONS nI j A EXAMINAtiON will dfacouel f r satuisctorr umlnstlon MEAD CYCLE GHIGAGO tinci coaches e Fourth Depots FOR and membrane and newadultra i KILL THE COUGH II AND CURE THE LUNCS WITH qr Kings FOR DiscoveryCONSUMPTION Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES or MONEY BACK I gROeunrtoANoovcNoEomodel frat felTta how to o irnlmu aPJrlilbUt44 IN ALL COUNTRIES Uiulnttl Jlrrrl vllJk R ail μ 7os l nti timr Iktfatftil I IU EzclelvelyWrlkor Stalk Itnrt tff anew saw ntat One WASHINGTON D C Thousands of Acres For Sale at reasonable prices Rcch Agricultural land Mineral Lands along the line of the IRON- MOUNl4IN ROUTE In Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas most direct line via ST LOUIS AND MEMPHIS recln1nachair first and third Tuesdays of each pamphlmtolder H C TOWKSEKD 1tIPJtrldrkLT YATTHEWSfnrttisg wgitTItLrAT 1 1AUtREiIVO RESTORtS VITALITY I u Made a Well Man 1 of Me Ft 1NC7 RED Produce the above results to 30 days It aetl owsrf ally ana aulcklr Cures wbsn all otliirs falL ooogmea nlll tegsln their lost iaulioodtadolil tatESItEVIVO near tart Vitality Impotency Subtly Emlsslont andW which unfi ts one for study business or minis II not only curebystaztingattheseat ordtllue hut hanglug Storing toe ere ot youth It wards off lassnlt end Consumption Insist oa having REVlTO no tthsr It can be ureleddnjutDocket Br cull fOOprsaclugeorsixaorSLeOt HII law written gwSnt to even ilUaVAVAIFor FL Will let- I r J r tt c Y > 1 nw OUR WfKLY 9E1 YORK LETTER Midwinter Hats of Gauzy Stuffs Modified Bandeauxa Noticeable Fea ¬ ture Sweeping Plums and Full Tulle Ruches Drideimaid Hat o Black Leaver and Pink Tulle fly RENE DEVERAUX dale H it wnum of ovvnliiK lade lint cliiiMMiux UniTy anil tuft im suniinur skits tires n niUhvInlur fcnturi of Iliua crcotiimnri With fiisliluus usinil lu > foiwlHtuiuIiM nNUIo wunllior grow Colder Iioiuljtear nRfluniPxiuuro airy of torte cloiidlllit tulle ntelica nUll Imng Hwvpiilnj iihiiiiM uildlnc to the plelnr osqiiontMs of box and restaurant par tllMIliiiillv ice the RrnNon advancoH bad nnd Nidu ImtiilLMiiix have asmunttl inoro normal iirojuirtlnns kavlnu the lint tilt ¬ ed but a trlllo mare sane In appear pure UVPII HO however there IH still milllcliiit room for 11 superabundance of trimming and many of the mimrte t Ivinlnt haH Mites their bandeaux en llrelv covered with ono long white ostrich foalher Short bock sailor shapes fafilonel of Irish crochet not other lacy materials nro taking the plnlentS comblnctl with her and flowers Seen In n theater box last week will a straight brimmed hat of Irish crochot simply trimmed with n bunch of white hatdenuU n At ono Ride tens an effective bunch of gold roses A Htrlklncly mart lint worn with n French blue broadcloth wan of a cor resiKindhiK shade of blue felt becom I TUB LAT RIIAPE 1IIQ1I BACK COED ingly knocked up and trimmed nt the side with a hunch of Kold brown tips Xvxt tho hair In front was a twist o pold brown velvet Mud a cloud of golU brown tulle covered tile bandeau At ono of the weeks fashionable j church wetldhiKi the brldcsmaldH were gowiie In pink clillTou cloth quaintly j fiiohloned their bodices gaped with I long law llehus with ends reaching almost to the hem of the gown lu front i Worn with these gowns wore large black beaver kntH rolled ut the left old iouil iilcturesauely covered with plulc tulle rushes and nuuibcrt of pink curl cllrII ¬ pink tourmaline the gift of tile bride AVIillo lung bklrts are lliidoubtoUly mnklng a Htrong bid for popularity at many of the smart riffalrs of tho Wee tho abort skirt was decidedly awes worn Sonic advanced spring guwu- brought out for those who winter south lire made with walking length circular skirts and exceedingly short boleros terminating hath back and front a trl ¬ lie below the bust line AH n rtilo these short boleros ore vastly more becoming than long coat effects and for early spring wear or for southern climate are lighter nml more comforta- bly ¬ worn startlinghair has brought forth Everything from a Jeweled comb to n sweeping paradise feather or n glided quill adorns the coiffure of New York fashionables Dainty and chic are the little wreaths of tiny pink roses strung on wires and worn around tho head In n semicircle Some of these are made of gold or nil ¬ ver roses exceedingly effective in dark tresses Toweled roses are quite fash ¬ ionable anti where large lowers either natural or artificial are worn they are usually worn in pairs one over the loft ear perhaps and tho other nearer tho top of thin coiffure Denmark Claim Nelson The Danes maintain that Admiral Nelson Was one of their race despite the fact that he was bora in England They point out that thename is Dan- Ish ¬ and that many Danes were settlers in East Anglla They consoled them ¬ solves over their defeat at the battle of Copenhagen with the thought that the victor wits one of their own race At least ono Scandinavian historian re ¬ fern to his family as one of the most brilliant examples of noble English families descended from the North men Apples Cures Drunkards 1Fps 10 years said a physician I have advocated apples as a cure for drunkenness In that time I have tried the apple cure on some 40 or 60 drunkards and my success has been most gratfyjift Let any man afflicted with the love of drink eat three or more apples willjliaiuii11y if 4flt > e II < f r > oI 1 > < I j smokes as little as possible Iknow a woman who cured a drunken husband without his knowl- edge by keeping always a plentiful supply of good apples on the dining table The man ate those apples and finally stopped drinking alto- gether ¬ A Fatal Trimming Ilickm m countyf whose feet are paralyzeda few weeks ago while trimming his toe- nails not being able to see very well or feel any pain cut oft the endof his toes Wood poisoning set in and he cannot live Died on Ills Horse Greenburg Ky Jan DJ IL Coffey jailer of Green county died here this morning on the street He was sitting on his horse when stricken with heart failure He had only been jailer four days at the time of his death LATEST FIYING KITE Of Prof Alexander Graham Bell Carres a Weight of 227 Pounds Sydney N S Jan DAfter ex perimepting for a number of years at his labratory at Beinn Breagh Braddock with kites for the tetrah edral from a construction Prof Alexander Graham Bell announced yesterday that he had succeeded in having his latest designed kite in the air and carrying a weight of 227 pounds this including a man weigh ¬ ing 165 ponnds and ropes and lines weighing C2 pounds The kite itself weighs 61 pounds making a total weight of 288 pounds The kite rose to a height of 30 feet and remained there steadily until photographs were taken of it Following the ex ¬ periment Prof Bell left for Wash- ington ¬ Good Advice The lute Judge Andrew Wylle of Virginia hnd a happy gift of ill 1860t given Mir Alexandria Va In an address oq Lincolu he once illus Crated in aii odd way the power of perseverance Lincoln perse ¬ vered be said and it is only those who persevere they who concentrate their energies who yearso to journalism and then discour ¬ aged try the law awhile Dont learn the grocery business and in little while take up placer min ¬ flug or plumbing Consider rath ¬ er the postage stamp whose use fulness depends on its ability to getsq i Bismarck Monuments Bismarck has como to be about the most bestatucd figure in wino tenth century hero worship The monutiionts erected in Germany to the man of blood and iron are not less alarming in number than they are doubtlessly low in any real art quality Up to the present the number unhappily completed is 204 and there are still 39 to be inflicted on nn already inuchBis nmrckcd people The kingdom of Saxony leads with 54 monuments Germans dwelling in the wild con- tinents are also in the race One Ltismarck statue confronts in an attitude of becoming defiance the savages of the South Seas in the Bismarck archipelago N Y Tribunes Odd Bits of Information The largest dryfish packinghouse in the world is at Halifax It has 45000 square feet of floor space Paul Bowles of Boliver N Y lost his hair by fright A runaway horse threw him into convulsions and caused an Sllnes of several weeks during which all his hair come out According to La Nature lamp chimneys are made less liable to break by putting them in a strong solution of salt in water boiling them and then allowing the chimney- to cool slowly The official report of the French Minister of commerce sets forth that the excess of births over deaths re- ported 1 in France for the year 1904 is 67026 as against an excess in 1903 73106 > The area devoted to corn in Kan ¬ sas in 1905 was 6799755 acres an increase over that of 1904 of 305597 acres or 47 percent The average 1to ncraifor + bQ nf ire State 0 w li ctilii 1 STRONG Again what Mrs Lucy Stovall Tilton Ga said after taking Koddl Dyspepsia Curt Hundreds Is otherweak women being stored perfect II remIedy Indication nearly the sick- ness that women have deprives the system nourish ment and the dolieato organs peculiar women suiter weaken and become diseased Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs digest and assimilate all of the whole some food that may be eaten nourishes tho body and rebuilds the weak organs restoring health and strength Kodol curs Indigestion constipation dyspepsia sour risings belchlncheartbum and all stomach disordersDigests What You Eat Dollar bottle bold H I lion 4i nub a the trio II 10 of a of are re It I cau i ell ¬ It of ¬ to ¬ It > sea she Is to to hparw a are LaM r Wrr tloDWH > a OeOhlea a eUJ Hold by Z WAYNE UItl1 FIN Firstclass typewriter paper for sale at this of ice cheapI OUR FAMOUS ANNUAL JANUARY SALE Of Undennuslius and White Goods UNPRECEDENTED PRICES You may share In this money saving op ¬ portunity as well as tho residents of Now York city UNDERSKIRTS 4 ± hemC tucksU NIGHT GOWNS Cambric low neck with horn tilt stitched lawn ruffle embrolder3iC DRAWERS loocambrlo umbrella ciunbrlo rum lace and lace edge 24 embroldetyG CORSET COVERS 150 Cambric Y shaped neck lace loser lion beading ribbon and lace edge Cambric French style wide lace JJC edge 240Cambrlc V shaped neck tight fit rows embroidery edge front3oC lace Insertions beading ribbon and lace ruffle Send for complete catalogue of this sal Mailed tree Addrsss Room 201 R H MACY f8l CO BROADWAY NEW YORK was twentyeight bushels Grandopera vaudeville melodrama and heavy drama circuses church so ciables baseball games newspaper i fights and cock fights are the order of the day in Little New York otherwise known as Manila PI A citizen of Gluckstadt Germany has returned a censure paper in which he describes his trade as that of a basketmaker while the question regarding His position is answer ¬ ed thus Vfo do bur work setting CU111belandri TELEPHONE fAND I l netlI llooI 1 inrree nothing the dillCatl1per my buBinw8 I have land Telephone in my tthi < t crt ana place ol business My Uufilneen bee increased and my wiles voice 1 uuiv ifr heard to grumble nhout tin fcle phone Youth lor good seivlce and gentlemanly competition r A E PATH Mgr Olilo CountY ClrcultCoort TF lllrkh nd Judge lien D ItlNKO Attorney Oscar Mldklff Jailor KdO llnrrnni Clerk Frank L Fells llaater Com mlluner Y L Moseley Trustee Jury Fund It IIMiirtlnHherltt Iluitford t <pnty Sheriff 8 A llrntclier I 1 Crowder E1I Slogan Jo H Uoliprtui aiCourtconvenennmt MOD day In March and August and continues three wwkHnml third Monday In May and November t two weeks CountyCuurtW II Taylor Judge WSt Tlnflry Clerk E Woodward Attorney told WCourt conrcnw lint Monday In each month Quarterly Court Doglni on the third Monday la April July October and Januaryr Court of ClaimsConvene lint Monday In Jan nary Tuesday alter second Monday In October j Other Officers XMoxley Surveyor Shroro I H WIeorh Asseesorllob ItoyJomes DeWeese School Superintendent Hartford Jerome Allen CoronerJ Inn oi 7uatie B Court X Unrrnns Hearer Dam February 1C May 18 August 81 November 30 t Wllllier Uoilnitobrairy May 11 w AnKUit SO November 1- 21v8 Dean Dundee February 2S Mnj 2 August 29 November 1- 8WlI Edge Fordarllle January 1C May 7 August 27 November II It Chamberlain Il daF bruary 7 May p- All nst12NOVemberT rbcrtlender Centertonn February 9 May 11 August H November I John Miles ImrkportFebruary 20 Msy S August 23 November 14 ttat or tcUce Court lh n Wedding Judge CltyAte torney S r Darnett Marshal Court cotv venes second Monday In enchmonth toli jlojo Car rlceo M E Church South Services third Sunday each month at 11 a m end 7 p mlIlId secon Sunday at 7 pm 1rayer meeting every Wednei day evening Rev J A Lexis Vaster Baptist Church Services held Saturday nigh before second Sunday Sunday and Sunday tight and fourth Sunday and Sunday night grayer meeting every Thursday evening Her A II Gardner pastor CI Church Services lint Sunday In each month at llam and 7 p mlley J D IIai ned pastor School Trustees Hartford CMCrowe J S Glenn Dudley Ford 1 E Thomas Dr E D rendloton CltyConncllJ H Williams Mayor 4 Clerk R K L Slmmerman Dr EiD 1endletonAD White Wm Fair WJIo Dean DrJW Taylor V Cscxat Oociatlvo A O U W mreta first and third Friday nights In each month Hartford Lodge No 075 Fd A Masons firt Monday night In each month Hartford Tent No W Knights ol the MaccV bees every Thursday night ItoughhiverLodgeNo110Knights oirythla meets every Tuesday night Frestou Morton Post No4OAnhold rtff ntarraeeilDps Saturday beforeflrstSunday each month TILE REPUBLICAN is prepared to do your Job Printing in a firstclass manner OpportunityWe in this locality to sell the WHEELER WILSON SewingI Machine We can offer ex ¬ ceptional induce- ments ¬ to someone who commands ai r horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product Energetic men find our proposition a moneymaker cal- pableofdevelopment into a permanent and profitable business 4 WRITE AT ONC- EWheelerWilsoNMfo It 72 and 74 Wabash Ave CNICAeeA R JV

Transcript of R p ryWaJ WANTED WfKLY STRONG CU111belandri bioyoleJI...

Page 1: R p ryWaJ WANTED WfKLY STRONG CU111belandri bioyoleJI …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58dx3q/data/0902.pdfr-ti 1 ke la R p AEis L 11ryWaJ rt DI U bioyoleJI nn1JmI05 tuon fI ell ysrree drAN





R p AEisL 11ryWaJrt DI

U bioyoleJInn tuon fI ell ysrree drAN1JmI054 vith Conuief JI h wad 11mqMI tlf03 G t9t74t mur S

HI t Mukr U thN tipJyrAHJ rmtit i II mtii ut onethird tunmlboaIIt

G Vo JWf t f >1 OSrHI C O D to liDB oar infou I rnl ralai allow 10 DAYSyFREE TRIAL Ie IHHIIIHM is bindingw SCO Szsotxi ffftml IViff of QoO12wI to JOTril a UlCJv umll you ha rlHili for our FACTOR

i rniafs fKO r rr must OFFER Tiresrieotnuubl0 r

J PUN YLiQCESRogrtIar prioo 86O p r pair5voYou a Sample nR15siASs

Pair for Only ourtTHE am-


RosuU of 15 years osuprieur ui tine makingNo tiannor from THORNS CACTUSPINS NAILS TACKS OP GlASS Siriouspunctures IIkn Intontliiml knife cUUuutt bo

llko any oihir tirePond for Caiatocuo T showinr all klndu and niakra of tiro at rm F pair and UP

otoo tuathlraker 11I1IItd 4 hrt onI IllryeIeaSundryM at llall the usual pricesII IJ This IIr wilAPPROVAoD wrAoae II amlp

Wo allow s cash 5 thlrrhy making tJo price flrtI per pair It y0 usend lull ah wills oritmr Tlr t to txi ruturucu at our cxiwnw It not

CO Dept JL1 ILLu


Southern RaiwayShortest ani Fastest Lines

y ISOtLexington ani Louisville


St Louis the West-

Two trnins daily as followsLeave Lexington 010 a m Lou ¬

isville 900 a m arrive at St LouisC12 p m Carrying vcstibulcd

and Cafe Observation Par¬

lor CarMeals a cartethroughwithout cargo

Leave Lexington 530 p m Lou-


1015 pm arrive at St Lou ¬

is 732 a m carrying free reclin ¬

ing chair cars and Pullman sleeper

tough without changeSleeping Car berths at 111

bust Main St Lexington Ky231Ave Louisville K1or



If you ksTsnt a rerilsr htsltbr movement of the-boweaerydayToureIllerwnlb Kttprourbowels open and be well free In the chap ot

101 pbJI 0 or 111110110 It The jkeepinggthe j




flood Ner r Bltknn Wtskta or Orlp 10 IIae Beats os Writs forte sample sod bookIttoahsslth Adlrsts UJSterling Remedy Company Chicago or New Yo-





la all Ice stares thenhouM pe clesiilln-esElji Cream Balm

elcan e o the and heal-sthe dUeued membrane11 eurtscaturh drives

T 1 away scold the headquickly





Cream Dalm It placed Into the noitrui spreadover the Is absorbed RellsHs Im ¬

mediate and a curs follows It Is Dot drylnj oee

not produce sneering Large Size 60 cents at DrugQUN or by manic Trial Size 10 cents by snail

ELI UROTIIEILS 66 Warren Street New Yorkr



COPYRIGHTS AeAnyone sending a sketch and dNerlpUoaI

Intention Ispro0ablrpstentablilions stnotl CentlalNAaS ou iaUaM

tree Oldest for seta npateatseoelrSpcWnotkswllhoalorkaNl ear

latlon of mnracienUBo ioaraaU term M ar i tons martbaL 0 4b

I NilCa QrkP 1

Drag oe

4NIv it tit iV fJtf s

4Er R




nI j

A EXAMINAtiONwill dfacouel f r

satuisctorrumlnstlonMEAD CYCLE GHIGAGO







membrane and






Surest and Quickest Cure for allTHROAT and LUNG TROUBLES or MONEY BACK


gROeunrtoANoovcNoEomodelfrat felTta how to o irnlmuaPJrlilbUt44 IN ALL COUNTRIESUiulnttl Jlrrrl vllJk Railµ7os lnti timr


I IUEzclelvelyWrlkor

Stalk Itnrt tff anew saw ntat OneWASHINGTON D C

Thousands of AcresFor Sale

at reasonable prices

Rcch Agriculturalland Mineral Lands

along the line of the


ROUTEIn Southern Missouri and

Northern Arkansasmost direct line via


recln1nachairfirst and third Tuesdays of eachpamphlmtolderH C TOWKSEKD







Made aWell Man1 of Me

Ft 1NC7 REDProduce the above results to 30 days It aetlowsrf ally ana aulcklr Cures wbsn all otliirs falLooogmea nlll tegsln their lost iaulioodtadolil

tatESItEVIVOnear tart Vitality Impotency Subtly EmlsslontandWwhich unfi ts one for study business or minis IInot only curebystaztingattheseat ordtllue huthanglugStoring toe ere ot youth It wards off lassnltend Consumption Insist oa having REVlTO notthsr It can be ureleddnjutDocket Br cull

fOOprsaclugeorsixaorSLeOt HIIlaw written gwSnt to evenilUaVAVAIForFL Will let-


J r tt cY > 1




Midwinter Hats of Gauzy StuffsModified Bandeauxa Noticeable Fea ¬

ture Sweeping Plums and FullTulle Ruches Drideimaid Hat oBlack Leaver and Pink Tulle

fly RENE DEVERAUXdale H it wnum of ovvnliiK lade lint

cliiiMMiux UniTy anil tuft im suniinurskits tires n niUhvInlur fcnturi of Iliuacrcotiimnri With fiisliluus usinil lu >

foiwlHtuiuIiM nNUIo wunllior growColder Iioiuljtear nRfluniPxiuuro airy oftorte cloiidlllit tulle ntelica nUll ImngHwvpiilnj iihiiiiM uildlnc to the plelnrosqiiontMs of box and restaurant par

tllMIliiiillvice the RrnNon advancoH bad

nnd Nidu ImtiilLMiiix have asmunttl inoronormal iirojuirtlnns kavlnu the lint tilt ¬

ed but a trlllo mare sane In appearpure UVPII HO however there IH stillmilllcliiit room for 11 superabundanceof trimming and many of the mimrte tIvinlnt haH Mites their bandeaux enllrelv covered with ono long whiteostrich foalher Short bock sailorshapes fafilonel of Irish crochet notother lacy materials nro taking theplnlentScomblnctl with her and flowers

Seen In n theater box last week willa straight brimmed hat of Irish crochotsimply trimmed with n bunch of whitehatdenuUnAt ono Ride tens an effective bunch ofgold roses

A Htrlklncly mart lint worn with nFrench blue broadcloth wan of a corresiKindhiK shade of blue felt becom


ingly knocked up and trimmed nt theside with a hunch of Kold brown tipsXvxt tho hair In front was a twist opold brown velvet Mud a cloud of golUbrown tulle covered tile bandeau

At ono of the weeks fashionablej church wetldhiKi the brldcsmaldH weregowiie In pink clillTou cloth quaintly

j fiiohloned their bodices gaped withI long law llehus with ends reachingalmost to the hem of the gown lu front

i Worn with these gowns wore largeblack beaver kntH rolled ut the left old

iouil iilcturesauely covered with plulctulle rushes and nuuibcrt of pink curlcllrII ¬

pink tourmaline the gift of tile brideAVIillo lung bklrts are lliidoubtoUly

mnklng a Htrong bid for popularity atmany of the smart riffalrs of tho Weetho abort skirt was decidedly awesworn Sonic advanced spring guwu-brought out for those who winter southlire made with walking length circularskirts and exceedingly short bolerosterminating hath back and front a trl ¬

lie below the bust line AH n rtilothese short boleros ore vastly morebecoming than long coat effects andfor early spring wear or for southernclimate are lighter nml more comforta-bly



startlinghairhas brought forth Everything from aJeweled comb to n sweeping paradisefeather or n glided quill adorns thecoiffure of New York fashionables

Dainty and chic are the little wreathsof tiny pink roses strung on wires andworn around tho head In n semicircleSome of these are made of gold or nil ¬

ver roses exceedingly effective in darktresses Toweled roses are quite fash ¬

ionable anti where large lowers eithernatural or artificial are worn they areusually worn in pairs one over theloft ear perhaps and tho other nearertho top of thin coiffure

Denmark Claim NelsonThe Danes maintain that Admiral

Nelson Was one of their race despitethe fact that he was bora in EnglandThey point out that thename is Dan-Ish


and that many Danes were settlersin East Anglla They consoled them ¬

solves over their defeat at the battleof Copenhagen with the thought thatthe victor wits one of their own raceAt least ono Scandinavian historian re ¬

fern to his family as one of the mostbrilliant examples of noble Englishfamilies descended from the Northmen

Apples Cures Drunkards1Fps 10 years said a physician

I have advocated apples as a curefor drunkenness In that time Ihave tried the apple cure on some40 or 60 drunkards and my successhas been most gratfyjift

Let any man afflicted with the loveof drink eat three or more apples

willjliaiuii11yif 4flt >


< f r> oI 1> < I


smokes as little as possibleIknow a woman who cured a

drunken husband without his knowl-edge by keeping always a plentifulsupply of good apples on the diningtable The man ate those applesand finally stopped drinking alto-gether


A Fatal TrimmingIlickmmcountyfwhose feet are paralyzeda few

weeks ago while trimming his toe-

nails not being able to see very wellor feel any pain cut oft the endofhis toes Wood poisoning set in andhe cannot live

Died on Ills HorseGreenburg Ky Jan DJ IL

Coffey jailer of Green county diedhere this morning on the streetHe was sitting on his horse whenstricken with heart failure Hehad only been jailer four days atthetime of his death


Of Prof Alexander Graham Bell

Carres a Weight of 227


Sydney N S Jan DAfter ex

perimepting for a number of yearsat his labratory at Beinn BreaghBraddock with kites for the tetrahedral from a construction ProfAlexander Graham Bell announced

yesterday that he had succeeded inhaving his latest designed kite in theair and carrying a weight of 227

pounds this including a man weigh ¬

ing 165 ponnds and ropes and linesweighing C2 pounds The kite itselfweighs 61 pounds making a totalweight of 288 pounds The kite roseto a height of 30 feet and remainedthere steadily until photographswere taken of it Following the ex ¬

periment Prof Bell left for Wash-


Good AdviceThe lute Judge Andrew Wylle

of Virginia hnd a happy gift of ill1860tgiven Mir Alexandria Va In anaddress oq Lincolu he once illusCrated in aii odd way the power ofperseverance Lincoln perse ¬

vered be said and it is onlythose who persevere they whoconcentrate their energies whoyearsoto journalism and then discour ¬

aged try the law awhile Dontlearn the grocery business and in

little while take up placer min ¬

flug or plumbing Consider rath ¬

er the postage stamp whose usefulness depends on its ability togetsqi

Bismarck MonumentsBismarck has como to be about

the most bestatucd figure in winotenth century hero worship Themonutiionts erected in Germanyto the man of blood and iron arenot less alarming in number thanthey are doubtlessly low in anyreal art quality Up to the presentthe number unhappily completedis 204 and there are still 39 to beinflicted on nn already inuchBisnmrckcd people The kingdom ofSaxony leads with 54 monumentsGermans dwelling in the wild con-tinents are also in the race OneLtismarck statue confronts in anattitude of becoming defiance thesavages of the South Seas in theBismarck archipelago N YTribunes

Odd Bits of InformationThe largest dryfish packinghouse

in the world is at Halifax It has45000 square feet of floor space

Paul Bowles of Boliver N Ylost his hair by fright A runawayhorse threw him into convulsionsand caused an Sllnes of several weeksduring which all his hair come out

According to La Nature lampchimneys are made less liable tobreak by putting them in a strongsolution of salt in water boilingthem and then allowing the chimney-

to cool slowlyThe official report of the French

Minister of commerce sets forth thatthe excess of births over deaths re-



in France for the year 1904 is67026 as against an excess in 1903

73106 >

The area devoted to corn in Kan¬

sas in 1905 was 6799755 acres anincrease over that of 1904 of 305597acres or 47 percent The average

1to ncraifor +bQ nf ire State


lictilii 1


what Mrs LucyStovall Tilton Ga

said after takingKoddl DyspepsiaCurt Hundreds

Is otherweakwomenbeing

stored perfectII


nearly the sick-

ness that womenhave deprives the system nourishment and the dolieato organs peculiarwomen suiter weaken and becomediseased

KodolDyspepsia Cure

enables the stomach and digestive organsdigest and assimilate all of the whole

some food that may be eaten nourishestho body and rebuilds the weak organsrestoring health and strength Kodol cursIndigestion constipation dyspepsia sourrisings belchlncheartbum and all stomach


What You EatDollar bottle bold H

I lion 4i nub a thetrio II 10


a ofarere

ItI cau i

ell ¬

It of ¬





sea she




hparw a are LaMr Wrr tloDWH >

a OeOhlea a eUJHold by Z WAYNE UItl1 FIN

Firstclass typewriterpaper for sale at this ofice cheapI


Of Undennuslius and White Goods


You may share In this money saving op¬

portunity as well as tho residents of NowYork city


4±hemCtucksUNIGHT GOWNSCambric low neck with horn

tilt stitched lawn ruffle

embrolder3iCDRAWERSloocambrlo umbrella ciunbrlo rum

lace and lace edge

24embroldetyGCORSET COVERS

150 Cambric Y shaped neck lace loserlion beading ribbon and lace edgeCambric French style wide lace

JJC edge

240Cambrlc V shaped neck tight fitrows embroidery edge

front3oClace Insertions beading ribbon and laceruffle

Send for complete catalogue of this salMailed tree

Addrsss Room 201


was twentyeight bushelsGrandopera vaudeville melodrama

and heavy drama circuses church sociables baseball games newspaper i

fights and cock fights are the orderof the day in Little New Yorkotherwise known as Manila P I

A citizen of Gluckstadt Germanyhas returned a censure paper inwhich he describes his trade as thatof a basketmaker while the questionregarding His position is answer ¬

ed thus Vfo do bur work setting


l netlI llooI1

inrree nothing the dillCatl1permy buBinw8 I haveland Telephone in my tthi< tcrt anaplace ol business My Uufilneen beeincreased and my wiles voice 1 uuiv

ifr heard to grumble nhout tin fclephone Youth lor good seivlce andgentlemanly competition r


Olilo CountYClrcultCoort TF lllrkh nd Judge lien D

ItlNKO Attorney Oscar Mldklff Jailor KdOllnrrnni Clerk Frank L Fells llaater Com

mlluner Y L Moseley Trustee Jury Fund ItIIMiirtlnHherltt Iluitford t<pnty Sheriff 8A llrntclier I 1 Crowder E1I Slogan Jo HUoliprtui aiCourtconvenennmt MOD

day In March and August and continues threewwkHnml third Monday In May and November ttwo weeks

CountyCuurtW II Taylor Judge WStTlnflry Clerk E Woodward Attorneytold WCourt conrcnw lint Monday In eachmonth

Quarterly Court Doglni on the third Mondayla April July October andJanuaryrCourt of ClaimsConvene lint Monday In Jannary Tuesday alter second Monday In October j

Other Officers XMoxley Surveyor Shroro I

H WIeorh Asseesorllob ItoyJomes DeWeese

School Superintendent Hartford Jerome AllenCoronerJ Innoi7uatie B Court

X Unrrnns Hearer Dam February 1C May18 August 81 November 30 t

Wllllier Uoilnitobrairy May 11w

AnKUit SO November 1-21v8 Dean Dundee February 2S Mnj 2

August 29 November 1-8WlI Edge Fordarllle January 1C May 7

August 27 November II

It Chamberlain Il daF bruary 7 May p-

All nst12NOVemberTrbcrtlender Centertonn February 9 May

11 August H November I

John Miles ImrkportFebruary 20 Msy S

August 23 November 14

ttat or tcUce Courtlh n Wedding Judge CltyAte

torney S r Darnett Marshal Court cotvvenes second Monday In enchmonth

toli jlojo Car rlceoM E Church South Services third Sunday

each month at 11 a m end 7 p mlIlId seconSunday at 7 pm 1rayer meeting every Wedneiday evening Rev J A Lexis Vaster

Baptist Church Services held Saturday nighbefore second Sunday Sunday and Sunday tightand fourth Sunday and Sunday night grayermeeting every Thursday evening Her A IIGardner pastor

CI Church Services lint Sunday In eachmonth at llam and 7 p mlley J D IIained pastor

School Trustees Hartford CMCrowe J SGlenn Dudley Ford 1 E Thomas Dr E Drendloton

CltyConncllJ H Williams Mayor 4Clerk R K L Slmmerman Dr EiD

1endletonAD White Wm Fair WJIo DeanDrJW Taylor V

Cscxat OociatlvoA O U W mreta first and third Friday

nights In each monthHartford Lodge No 075 Fd A Masons firt

Monday night In each monthHartford Tent No W Knights ol the MaccV

bees every Thursday nightItoughhiverLodgeNo110Knights oirythla

meets every Tuesday nightFrestou Morton Post No4OAnhold rtff

ntarraeeilDps Saturday beforeflrstSunday eachmonth


is prepared to do

your Job Printing ina firstclass manner


in this locality to sellthe WHEELERWILSON SewingIMachine

We can offer ex ¬

ceptional induce-ments


to someonewho commands ai r

horse and wagon andcan devote his timeto advancing thesales of our product

Energetic menfind our propositiona moneymaker cal-pableofdevelopmentinto a permanentand profitablebusiness


EWheelerWilsoNMfo It72 and 74 Wabash Ave