lapjag interna english day

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  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    Case Report

    Emergency UnitWednesday, 29 October


    Doctor : dr. WulanDoctor : dr. HusnaCoass j : Ivan Onggo Saputro

    Frisma Indah Permatasari

  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    List of Patient

    Mrs.TAcute Asthma on exacerbation

    Mr. PParalysis periodic hypokalemia

    Mr.T Stroke infarct

    Mr.I complex partial seizure

    Mr. Kdyspepsia

    Mr.AStroke hemmoragic

    Mrs. TTB ec immunocompromise

  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    Patient Identity

    Name : Mrs.T

    Medical Record : 220570

    DoB : 0108 - 1965

    Age : 49 y.o

    Gender : female

    Address : komplek hankam supi jl kiwal no k44 jakartabarat

    Weight : 57 kgHeight : 150 cm

    BMI : (normoweight)

    Date of admission : 29 Oktober 2014

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    (autoanamnesis) Chief complaint:

    Shortness of breath 1 day before admission

    Additional compaint:

    Cough with clear mucous

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    Current Illnesso Patient came with chief complaint of breathlesness since 1

    day ago. The symptom came after the patient had exercise.

    In these past 1 month the symptom usually came once a

    week in the morning. She took the medication from the doctor

    but the symptom didnt resolve. No breathlesness felt when

    the patient lie down or sleep. Patient didint eat anything ortook medication before the symptom came.

    o The cough was felt since 1 day ago along with the shortness of

    breath and has a clear mucous. No night sweat and weight

    loss in these past 1 month.

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    History of Illnesso Patient had history of asthma since 2003 an the doctor

    give prescription of salbutamol (PO), ventolin (inhale),

    simbicop (inhale) . She told that she usually take the

    medication properly. After she took the medication the

    symptom usually resolved.

    o The patient also had history of allergy (egg, amoxicillin)

    o Patient didntsmoke, but her husband is smoking.

    o History of diabetes, hypertension, cardiac problem, TB, was

    denied by the patient

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    Physical Examination Consciousness : compos mentis

    General Condition : Moderately ill

    Vital sign

    o BP : 130/80 mmHg

    o HR : 112 x menit, regular

    o RR : 28 x/menit


    T : 36



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    General Status Head :


    Eye :

    Conj. anemis (-/-), Sclera Icteric (-/-)

    Ears :

    normotia, discharge (-)

    Nose :

    septum deviation (-), discharge (-)

    Mouth : mucosa moist, cyanosis (-)

  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    Thorax : symmetric, intercostal retraction (-)

    oCor : regular 1stand 2ndheart sound,

    murmur (-), gallop (-)

    oPulmo : vesicular breathing sounds, rales (-/-),wheezing (+/+)

    Abdomen : flat, not distended, epigastric tenderness(-),

    timpani, no enlargement of liver &lien,normal skin turgor.

    Extremities : warm, pitting edema (-), cyanosis (-)CRT < 2 seconds

  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    LaboratoryLab 29/10/2014,

    Kimia Klinik

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  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day



    A women 49 y.o came with chief complaint of breathlesness

    since 1 day ago. The symptom came after the patient had

    exercise. There was also cough with clear mucous that came

    along with the breathlessness. She had history of asthma

    since 2003 and the doctor give prescription of salbutamol

    (PO), ventolin (inhale), simbicop (inhale). History of diabetes,

    hypertension, cardiac problem, TB, was denied

  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    List of problem

    1. Acute exacerbation asthma

    2. Respiratory Alkalosis3. Leukocytosis

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  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    1. Acute exacerbation Asthma

    Based on : anamnesis, history of illness,

    physical examination.

    2. Respiratory Alkalosis

    Based on : laboratory examination

    3. Leukocytosis

    Based on : laboratory examination


  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day




    Ventolin 5mg Nebulizer

    Flixofed 1 mg Nebulizer

  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    Planning Spirometry

    Chest Xray

    Fasting glucose tolerance test /oral glucose

    tolerance test (2 hours)

  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    Prognosis Quo ad vitam : dubia ad bonam

    Quo ad functionam : dubia ad bonam

    Quo ad sanationam : dubia ad malam

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  • 8/10/2019 lapjag interna english day


    Refference1. Global Initiative for Asthma. Pocket Guide for

    Management and Prevention.2011