True love 36

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of True love 36

What is True Love? It is God’s Love.

Therefore we need to develop a

Heart to Heart relationship

with our Creator in order to learn

about the deepest aspects of True Love

True Love begins from our Heavenly Parent

who longs that


people walk the path of

True Love

When God exercised His power as the Creator, He created everything centered on

True Love

Our Heavenly Father/Mother relates to everything

with True Love. Therefore, it is also

our aspiration to relate to everything

in True Love

Ultimately, the original source

of True Love is not in

human beings, but in the

First Causal Being, who is absolute

and unchanging

That is why a family of True Love is a God -centered


Such families are the basic units for the realization of the ideal in human society

Beginning with families that realize the highest ideal of absolute Love,

True Love can expand


the nation and the world

The world of unity that is formed in families that perfect and complete Love will surely expand to bring about God’s promise of an ideal world of eternal happiness

True Love is not seen when it is easy to love. True Love

becomes evident when you

love someoneeven though it is difficult

with an

unconditional Heart

As sons and daughters we are the object partners of the absolute God who

created us out of absolute Love for the sake of the greatest

pleasure and fulfilment

for all

True Love is Love that continues forever.

It is Love that does not change,

whether in spring, summer, autumn,

or winter

True Love does not diminish when a person is a child, middle-aged, a senior citizen,

or has passed on to the eternal spirit world. True Love is unchanging

and eternal

More than any other kind of changes we need a True Love revolution with the goal of liberating people

to become free in Heart to love in a selfless way

Leading a True Love life is not easy but when we follow the voice of our innermost Heart

we will surely arrive at this extremely valuable

goal of embodying the highest standard of


and spend it with selfless Love

so that we can feel at the end of each day that we filled it with

True Love

Once we have developed

a loving Heart we will begin our day with sincere Love

It is only possible to reach True Love by going through the

necessary steps of growth within the

atmosphere of a loving


True Love is humanity's common denominator on the level of Heart,

enabling us to be brothers

and sisters as members of a

worldwide family

It is only in relationships of Heart

within the realm

of True Love that you

can fulfill your own unique self

True Love can fully awaken all five senses of the body, which tries to perceive

it all without losing any part of it

True Love is our only hope; so all our senses need

to be

fully active

for the sake of allowing it to become

a reality

When God looks at us, He/She looks through the eyes of True Love.

We should do the same as we relate to one another