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Goal Setting Goal Setting -Praveen Kavilikatta (89) -Joslin Fernandes(79) -Aditya Shetty(114) -Dishant Nambi(104) What is the Goal Setting theory ? Goal Setting involves…

Goal setting How to set ambitious and realistic goals What’s important to take in consideration when setting goals for your term? Know what goals you need to set Set them…

Goal Setting An important strategy of setting targets for the performer which help increase their motivation, confidence and performance. Functions Goal Setting is generally…

1. In the late 1990s, I asked Fred DeLucca, the founder and CEO ofSubway restaurants, why he insisted in putting the prediction“10,000 stores by 2001” on the napkins…

1. Goal Setting Workshop 2008 GMR Group 2. Introductions Purpose of today’s Workshop Your Workbook Ground Rules 3. Program Design Goal Setting Workshop – Introduction,…

Do you have a goal??? Goals should be... Specific Getting an âAâ in Math and a âBâ in Accounts is much more specific than just saying that you would like to get good…

1. GCSE PE Goal Setting 2. TODAY’S AIMS Recap; Can I remember and define all the components of skill related fitness and health related exercise? Can I describe and explain…

1. Jordan Chung [email protected] 2. Objectives  Know what the Goal Setting is when we talk about Goal Setting  Practice the Goal Setting Principle when you…

1. Goal Setting Why Should You Use GoalWhy Should You Use Goal Setting?Setting? 2. What is a Goal Anyway?  According to Merriam-Webster a goal is: the end toward which…

Smoke ScreenPage * Page * "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it." Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Page * Goal

1. Vishwatosh Tripathi 2. 2 3. AgendaWhat is a Goal?Purpose, Aim, Target and GoalTypes of GoalFRAMESMARTTo Do – For an effective Goal SettingMistakes…

Goal Setting Goal Setting Dr D N Venkatesh Dr Venkatesh Goals that are difficult to achieve and specific tend to increase performance more than goals that are not. A goal…

1. GOAL THEORY Edwin Locke 2. 95% of organization’s said goal setting led to improved productivity 3. 61% of organizations used the goal-setting theory specifically to…

1. Goal Setting 2. Goal Setting Presentation for Supervisors and Managers in your organisation. 2 3. Seven Key Beliefs of High Achievers From “Change your life in seven…

1. 06/04/09 Author: Trainer Natarajan 2. 06/04/09 Author: Trainer Natarajan 3. Goals are dreams with deadlines.Since…

1. Goal Setting in eNDeavor~Non-Exempt~ 2. Objectives• Develop Goals that are aligned with those of theUniversity, Division and Department.– Modify the three standard…

GOAL SETTING GOAL SETTING AVINASH SAURABH 15092014 Setting & Achieving your goals Knowledge helps you to reach your destination provided you know what the destination…

1. Goal SettingYour Plans for Your Future 2. GOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLL !!!!You’ve heard this by the announcer on TV.A “goal” is what all the soccer players are working…

1.PRESENTEDBYSCOTT ODIGIE2. To redefine goal-setting as a majorprinciple for personal, and corporate transformation. 3. Goal-setting is a life-long profession. 4. 1. Must…

1.WHY WE ARE HERE ?2. GOAL SETTING 3. GOALS 4. REASONF FOR GOAL SETTING Goals provide direction Goals tell you how far you have traveled Goals help to make the overall…