New Horizon College English Unit 4 A Test of True Love Book 2.

New Horizon College English Unit 4 A Test of True Love Book 2

Transcript of New Horizon College English Unit 4 A Test of True Love Book 2.

New Horizon College English

Unit 4

A Test of True Love

Book 2

New Horizon College English



Detailed Study



ContentBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

New Horizon College English

PresentationBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

What do we know about love?What do we know about love?

When you really want love, you find what When you really want love, you find what is wanting for wanting for you. —— ——Oscar WildeOscar Wilde

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PresentationBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

• Every man is a poet when he is in love.

• Love makes the world go round.

• Love me ,love my dog.

• You don’t love a woman because she is

beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love


• Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It

extinguishes the small; it inflames the great.

• To the world you may be one person, but to one

person you may be the world.

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PresentationBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Discussion questions:

1、What do you know about love?

2、 Do you think love needs testing?

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PresentationBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Pre-reading questions:Pre-reading questions:

1.1.What is the passage mainly about?What is the passage mainly about?

2. Did John Blandford pass the test o2. Did John Blandford pass the test of true love?f true love?

New Horizon College English

Detailed Study-- Text Structure AnalysisText Structure Analysis BOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

The beginning of the story (Paras. 1)

Who was that woman? How had she given him strength? What had happened between them?

(Paras. 2-3)

What had happened after they fell in love?

(Paras. 4)

New Horizon College English

Detailed Study-- Text Structure AnalysisText Structure Analysis BOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Did they meet as planned? (Paras. 5-7)

Was the young woman the very one he had been waiting for so impatiently?

(Paras. 8-9)

How did the women who addressed him look?

(Paras. 10)

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Detailed Study-- Text Structure AnalysisText Structure Analysis BOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

What was John Blandford thinking then with the old lady before him?

(Paras. 11)

(Paras. 12-13)

What did the old woman say?

(Paras. 14)

What was the result? What did the man do?

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Without failWithout fail


• Be here at 8 o’clock sharp, Be here at 8 o’clock sharp, without failwithout fail..

• I’ll bring you that book next time, I’ll bring you that book next time, without failwithout fail..

— — with complete certaintywith complete certainty

--Words and phrases

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volunteervolunteer vt.

— — Offer to do something without being paidOffer to do something without being paid


• Volunteer for the Navy.Volunteer for the Navy.

— — a person who offers to do something without being paida person who offers to do something without being paid


• After the party, many young men stayed behind as After the party, many young men stayed behind as volunteers to clean the place.volunteers to clean the place.

--Words and phrases

volunteer volunteer n. [C]n. [C]

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identical identical adj.

— — exactly the sameexactly the same


• Your fingerprint can’t be identical to mine.Your fingerprint can’t be identical to mine.

• She recognized the bracelet as the identical one She recognized the bracelet as the identical one she had lost.she had lost.

--Words and phrases

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decreasedecrease n.[C,U]

— — the process of becoming lessthe process of becoming less


• There has been a 6% decrease in his income.There has been a 6% decrease in his income.

decrease decrease v.v.


• There is no sign that house price will decrease.There is no sign that house price will decrease.

--Words and phrases

— — become less in size,amount, strength, etc.become less in size,amount, strength, etc.

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nourishnourish vt.

— — Here, the verb “nourish” is used metaphoricalHere, the verb “nourish” is used metaphorically, meaning “maintain, encourage, strengthen soly, meaning “maintain, encourage, strengthen something”.mething”.ExamplesExamples

• Letters of love only nourished he longing for Letters of love only nourished he longing for him. him.

• University study nourished his ability to think University study nourished his ability to think critically.critically.

--Words and phrases

New Horizon College English

forbidforbid vt.

— — not allownot allowExamplesExamples

• You are forbidden to leave before I come back.You are forbidden to leave before I come back.


• Women are strictly Women are strictly forbidden formforbidden form entering entering that area.that area.

--Words and phrases

forbidforbid someone from doing somethingsomeone from doing something

New Horizon College English

be free to do free to do sth.

— — be able to act as one wantsbe able to act as one wants


• You You areare totally totally free tofree to choose your own course. choose your own course.

• During the holiday we During the holiday we are free toare free to do what we do what we

--Words and phrases

New Horizon College English

decline decline v.v.

--Words and phrases

— — refuse a request or offer, usually politelyrefuse a request or offer, usually politely


• We had to decline the invitation to visit our We had to decline the invitation to visit our friends in another city.friends in another city.

• The football star declined to answer the The football star declined to answer the reporter’s question.reporter’s question.

New Horizon College English

decline decline

--Words and phrases

— — decrease in amount, quality, or inportancedecrease in amount, quality, or inportance


• The number of staff has declined from 12,000 The number of staff has declined from 12,000 to 10, 10,000.

• Her health has been declining these past Her health has been declining these past months.months.

New Horizon College English

decline decline n.[sing.,U]n.[sing.,U]

--Words and phrases

— — a reduction in the amount or quality of a reduction in the amount or quality of somethingsomething


• The birth rate is on the decline.The birth rate is on the decline.

• There has been a sharp decline in profits this There has been a sharp decline in profits this year.year.

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——1). 1). a. having a lot of decoration or bright having a lot of decoration or bright colorscolorsExamplesExamples

• I don’t like his paintings. They are too fancy I don’t like his paintings. They are too fancy for me.for me.

2). 2). n.[sing.] n.[sing.] a feeling of liking someone or somethinga feeling of liking someone or something


• I have taken a fancy to that hat.I have taken a fancy to that hat.

--Words and phrases

New Horizon College English

fancy fancy

--Words and phrases

3). 3). vt.vt. want something or want to do something want something or want to do something


• I just fancied a drink.I just fancied a drink.

• I really fancy going for a swim.I really fancy going for a swim.

• I think he has always fancied a car like this.I think he has always fancied a car like this.

New Horizon College English

longinglonging n.[sing., U]

——a strong feeling of wanting something; strong a strong feeling of wanting something; strong wish.wish.


• The young writer has a strong longing for The young writer has a strong longing for fame.fame.

• He frustrated her longing to study abroad.He frustrated her longing to study abroad.

--Words and phrases

New Horizon College English

In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled In six minutes he would see the woman who had filled a special place in his life for the past thirteen months, a special place in his life for the past thirteen months, a woman he had never seen,yet whose written words ha woman he had never seen,yet whose written words had been with him and had given him strength without ad been with him and had given him strength without fail.(Para.1)fail.(Para.1)

After six minutes he would see the woman who had After six minutes he would see the woman who had been so special in his life for the past thirteen months. been so special in his life for the past thirteen months. He had never met this woman before, but her letters He had never met this woman before, but her letters to him had stayed with him and had certainly given to him had stayed with him and had certainly given him strength.him strength.



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Soon after he volunteered for military, he had received a book from this woman.(Para.2)

Not long after he joined the military, he had Not long after he joined the military, he had received a book form this woman.received a book form this woman.



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And while they all got strength from it, and appreciated her support of their cause, John Blandford was the only person to write Ms.Meynell back.(Para.2)

And although John and his friends all got strength from And although John and his friends all got strength from her letter and felt thankful for her support of their her letter and felt thankful for her support of their cause, only he wrote a letter to her in reply.cause, only he wrote a letter to her in reply.

He wrote back accepting our offer.

She writes me back from time to time, telling me how she lives in Russia.



New Horizon College English

On the day of his departure, to a destination overseas On the day of his departure, to a destination overseas where he would fight in the war, he received a letter of where he would fight in the war, he received a letter of reply from her. (Para.2)reply from her. (Para.2)

On the day when he was leaving for a foreign land where On the day when he was leaving for a foreign land where he would fight in the war, he received a letter of reply he would fight in the war, he received a letter of reply from her.from her.



overseas: ad. in or to a country across the sea; abroad

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When his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, When his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, without decrease.(Para.3)without decrease.(Para.3)

Even if she failed to receive his letters, she Even if she failed to receive his letters, she still kept on writing to him, without still kept on writing to him, without reducing the number of her letters. reducing the number of her letters.

Words to learn:Words to learn:


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During the difficult days of war, her letters nourished him During the difficult days of war, her letters nourished him and gave him courage.(Para.3) and gave him courage.(Para.3)

During the difficult days of war, her letters gave During the difficult days of war, her letters gave him strength and courage.him strength and courage.



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As long as he received letters from her, he felt as As long as he received letters from her, he felt as though he could survive.(Para.3)though he could survive.(Para.3)

If he received letters from her, he felt as if he If he received letters from her, he felt as if he could go through the war safe and sound. could go through the war safe and sound.

as long as: on condition that; if as long as: on condition that; if



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But when he asked her for a photo, she declined his request.(Para.4)

But when he asked her for a photo, she But when he asked her for a photo, she refused politely.refused politely.



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She explained her objection…(Para.4)She explained her objection…(Para.4)

She explained why she had refused to give She explained why she had refused to give him her photo…him her photo…



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Either way, I would forbid myself from loving you.Either way, I would forbid myself from loving you.(Para.4)(Para.4)



In either situation, I would keep myself from loving you.

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When you come to New York and you see me, then When you come to New York and you see me, then you can make your decision. Remember, both of us you can make your decision. Remember, both of us are free to stop or go on after that…(Para.4)are free to stop or go on after that…(Para.4)



When you come to New York and you see me, then you can decide whether you really love me or not. Remember, both of us can choose either to stop or go on like this after that…

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He started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice He started toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she wasn’t wearing a rose, and as he moved, a that she wasn’t wearing a rose, and as he moved, a small, warm smile formed on her lips.(Para.7)small, warm smile formed on her lips.(Para.7)



He walked closer to her, completely forgetting to see that she wasn’t wearing a rose (as she was supposed to be). When he walked toward her, a small warm smile appeared on her lips.

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She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past forty, and a fossil to his young woman well past forty, and a fossil to his young eyes, her hair sporting patches of gray. (Para.10)eyes, her hair sporting patches of gray. (Para.10)



The woman who he thought was Hollis Meynell was standing just behind the girl. The woman, in her forties, was quite old in his young eyes and she had patches of gray hair.

sport: wear something or have hair in a particular style.

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His fingers held the book she had sent to him before His fingers held the book she had sent to him before he went off to the war, which was to identify him to he went off to the war, which was to identify him to Hollis Meynell.(Para.12)Hollis Meynell.(Para.12)



He tightly held the book which Hollis Meynell sent to him before he went off to the war. The book was to show Hollis Meynell that he was the soldier she was to meet.

New Horizon College English

This would not be love. However, it would be This would not be love. However, it would be something precious, something perhaps even less something precious, something perhaps even less common than love---a friendship for which he had common than love---a friendship for which he had been, and would always be, thankful.(Para.12)been, and would always be, thankful.(Para.12)


ParaphraseParaphraseThis feeling would not be love. But, it would be something very valuable, something perhaps even less common than love. This was a friendship for which he had been and would always be grateful.

be thankful for : be grateful for

New Horizon College English

Consolidation--clozeBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

What do we know about love? Is it, as some people would suggest, a mysterious force? Or can it be explained and possibly even 1 ? Well, even in this scientific and reason-driven age, love seems still to 2 total understanding. We can, however, know something about love and make stronger 3 between individuals.

One thing that seems to 4 love is distance. The common idea is that the love between people grows as they are 5 . Sometimes it is ture that longing for someone who has gone overseas becomes more 6 .

word bandword band

A) intense

B) uncertainty

C) demands

D) commands

E) nourishes

F) comforts

G) connection

H) affect

I) alter

J) defy

K) isolated

L) separated

M) forbidden

N) committed

O) created

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Consolidation--clozeBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Something that 7 love si danger. Send both lovers to dangerous places and they will end up loving each other more. This could be caused by the worry it develops. It could also be that feelings of 8 or need transform into love with time.

Love gives us warmth, courage, and a feeling of being safe, but it also 9 selfless devotion and sacrifice. If you are truly 10 to finding true love, you should make yourself more interesting. Do things that you enjoy and try to meet people who share identical interests.

word bandword band

A) intense

B) uncertainty

C) demands

D) commands

E) nourishes

F) comforts

G) connection

H) affect

I) alter

J) defy

K) isolated

L) separated

M) forbidden

N) committed

O) created

New Horizon College English

Consolidation—Vocabulary ExerciseBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83

overseas identical decrease warmth forbid volunteer decline fancy resist objection aboard connection departure vanish compress

1. The management _____ their workers from accepting tips form customers.

key: forbid

2. The picture is _____ to the one in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

key: identical

New Horizon College English

Consolidation—Vocabulary ExerciseBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83

overseas identical decrease warmth forbid volunteer decline fancy resist objection aboard connection departure vanish compress

3. If you have no ___, I would like to ask your daughter to marry me.

key: objection

4.Hearing his comforting words, I felt a huge wave of ____ inside me and couldn’t help crying.

key: warmth

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Consolidation—Vocabulary ExerciseBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83

overseas identical decrease warmth forbid volunteer decline fancy resist objection aboard connection departure vanish compress

5. After the party, the mother needed some ____ to help with the washing-up in the kitchen.

key: volunteers

6.The factory has now earned a large amount of foreign money, because there has been an increase in _____ trade during the past few years.

key: overseas

New Horizon College English

Consolidation—Vocabulary ExerciseBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83

overseas identical decrease warmth forbid volunteer decline fancy resist objection aboard connection departure vanish compress

7. At the press conference he _____ to comment on the company’s difficulties and only answered questions about successes.

key: declined

8. The university ____ pressure to close one of its departments.

key: resisted

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Consolidation—Vocabulary ExerciseBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83Do Vocabulary Exercise on page 83

overseas identical decrease warmth forbid volunteer decline fancy resist objection aboard connection departure vanish compress

9. We don’t serve anything _____, just plain, ordinary food.

key: fancy

10.Thanks to the great efforts made by the police, crime has been on the _____ in the past few years.

key: decrease/decline

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1.1. 友朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。友朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 (use “it” as the f(use “it” as the formal subject)ormal subject)

It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.


Unit 4Consolidation—Translation

New Horizon College English

22.. 不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。(( as long as long as)as)

It doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white as It doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.long as it catches mice.


Unit 4Consolidation—Translation

New Horizon College English

33.. 你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我 ..(witho(without fail)ut fail)

You must let me have the money back without fail by You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o’clock tomorrow morning.ten o’clock tomorrow morning.


Unit 4Consolidation—Translation

New Horizon College English

44.. 请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。(more than +(more than +adjectiveadjective))

Allow me to take part in this project, I am more than Allow me to take part in this project, I am more than a little interested in it.a little interested in it.


Unit 4Consolidation—Translation

New Horizon College English

55.. 人人都知道他非常特殊:他来去随意。人人都知道他非常特殊:他来去随意。(( be free be free to do sth.)to do sth.)

Everyone knows that he is special: He is free to come Everyone knows that he is special: He is free to come and go as he pleases.and go as he pleases.


Unit 4Consolidation—Translation

New Horizon College English

66.. 看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。我说。(( feel as though)feel as though)

Watching the unhappy look on her face, I felt as Watching the unhappy look on her face, I felt as though she wished to say something to me.though she wished to say something to me.


Unit 4Consolidation—Translation

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WritingBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Structured WritingStructured Writing

Write a paragraph which starts with the point of Write a paragraph which starts with the point of view followed by some reasons.view followed by some reasons.

Point of view:Point of view: Parents have to save a large amount of money for Parents have to save a large amount of money for their children to study abroad.their children to study abroad. Reasons:Reasons: pay for the international flight, food, shelter, pay for the international flight, food, shelter, entertainment, long-distance telephone calls, entertainment, long-distance telephone calls, clothing, and unexpected expensesclothing, and unexpected expenses

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WritingBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

Sample Paragraph:Sample Paragraph:

Parents have to save a large amount of money Parents have to save a large amount of money for their children to study abroad. Apart from the for their children to study abroad. Apart from the international flight, they to pay for their daily international flight, they to pay for their daily expenses, such as food, shelter, entertainment, expenses, such as food, shelter, entertainment, long-distance telephone calls, and clothing. In long-distance telephone calls, and clothing. In addition, the children should have some money addition, the children should have some money ready to cover unexpected expenses.ready to cover unexpected expenses.

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AssignmentBOOK 2

Unit 4

New Horizon College English

1.1. Do the rest of Exercises from 83 to 90.Do the rest of Exercises from 83 to 90.

2. Read the passage three times or more.2. Read the passage three times or more.

3. Do you think love needs testing?3. Do you think love needs testing? Give your views.Give your views.