Chapter 23 Chapter 23 – FTE Reporting – COUNT 3 23-3 FTE OVERVIEW FTE reporting requires the...

12/14/2011 Chapter 23 FTE Reporting COUNT 3 23-1 Chapter 23 FTE REPORTING and CLASS SIZE Count 3 Submission of data reports to the State of Georgia reporting agencies is required two times yearly for FTE (Full Time Equivalent) purposes. These reports give a snapshot of instructional services that each student receives on the day of the count. Count 3 ACTIVE STUDENTS ONLY February 14, 2012 “10 Days prior to Count Day” March 1, 2012 FTE Count Day, which will represent a count report of all currently active students and CLASS SIZE. The FTE cycle is a period of time, with a start and end date, in which our school district submits data required for state reporting at the Georgia Department of Education. Cycles 1 and 3 collect data used for QBE funding and official enrollment counts. These collection cycles are required by state law and are somewhat different in population. FTE Cycle 1 includes both active and withdrawn students; whereas, Cycle 3 only includes active students. FTE funds are earned based on the program weights and segments reported in Cycles 1 and 3. Detailed State of Georgia regulations can be found on the DOE website through the following path: f particular interest are: 2012 FTE Resources Reports and Descriptions General Information Categories and Weights Data Elements for cycles 1 and 3 EIP Information

Transcript of Chapter 23 Chapter 23 – FTE Reporting – COUNT 3 23-3 FTE OVERVIEW FTE reporting requires the...

Page 1: Chapter 23 Chapter 23 – FTE Reporting – COUNT 3 23-3 FTE OVERVIEW FTE reporting requires the teamwork of school personnel under the leadership ofAuthors: Philippe Quevauviller

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Chapter 23


Submission of data reports to the State of Georgia reporting agencies is required two times

yearly for FTE (Full Time Equivalent) purposes. These reports give a snapshot of

instructional services that each student receives on the day of the count.


February 14, 2012 – “10 Days prior to Count Day”

March 1, 2012 – FTE Count Day, which will represent a count report of all

currently active students and CLASS SIZE.

The FTE cycle is a period of time, with a start and end date, in which our school district

submits data required for state reporting at the Georgia Department of Education.

Cycles 1 and 3 collect data used for QBE funding and official enrollment counts. These

collection cycles are required by state law and are somewhat different in population. FTE

Cycle 1 includes both active and withdrawn students; whereas, Cycle 3 only includes active

students. FTE funds are earned based on the program weights and segments reported in

Cycles 1 and 3.

Detailed State of Georgia regulations can be found on the DOE website through

the following path:

f particular interest are:

2012 FTE Resources

Reports and Descriptions

General Information

Categories and Weights

Data Elements for cycles 1 and 3

EIP Information

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FTE Overview 23-3

FTE General Info 23-4 to 23-8

Things to Remember 23-9

FTE Data Element Dictionary 23-10 to 23-28

Task Checklist Summary 23-29 to 23-30

Phase I - A Level Tasks 23-31 to 23-48

Phase II - B Level Tasks 23-49 to 23-64

Phase III - C Level Task 23-65 to 23-69

Phase IV - FTE COUNT DAY tasks 23-70 to 23-73

State Board Policies Related to FTE Data Collection 23-74

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FTE reporting requires the teamwork of school personnel under the leadership of

the Student Information Coordinator with others including, but not limited to:

Student Information Coordinator, Data Clerk, Instructional Support Teacher, TAG

Teachers, Special Education Teachers, School Social Workers, Counselors, ESOL

Teachers, Food Service Managers, Remedial and EIP Teachers, Scheduling Assistant


General Responsibilities of the Student Information Coordinator include:

Participation in scheduled in-service meetings on enrollment, attendance,

scheduling, FTE, and special education reporting procedures

Training of school personnel involved in FTE and Special Education reporting

Maintenance of necessary preparation forms (if needed) and long-term storage of

working documents and final reports

Distribution of procedural instructions, forms, other information and final reports to

applicable school personnel in a timely manner

Verification of accuracy of all enrollments, attendance, scheduling, FTE, and Special

Education reports prior to submitting data file to district office and State of Georgia

Adherence to reporting timelines developed for enrollment, attendance, scheduling,

FTE and Special Education reporting cycles

Representation of school as contact person for communication purposes

Maximizing FTE funding is an important part of preplanning for your school year. The

following suggestions and procedures for examining your data will be helpful.

Class Size: “Maximum class sizes adopted by the State Board of Education must not be

exceeded for funding eligibility.”

State Board Rules relevant to CLASS SIZE and FTE:


List of State Funded Courses – Board Rule 160-4-2-.03

Remedial Education – Board Rule 160-4-5-.01

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The Quality Basic Education (QBE) Act requires local school systems to report student enrollment in terms of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) students. State funding for the operation of instructional programs are generated from FTE data reported by local school systems.

FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) reporting refers to the state funding mechanism based on the student enrollment and the educational services local school systems provide for the students. Educational programs are divided into seventeen state-funded categories. A specific funding weight is assigned to each category. The base amount of money received for each FTE student is determined by the Georgia General Assembly. Refer to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-161 for information concerning the QBE formula. FTE FUNDING PROGRAM CATEGORIES

A funding category is a state-authorized instructional program as listed in the QBE Act. The

seventeen program categories for FTE funding are:

Kindergarten Gifted Education

Grades 1-3 Grades 6-12 Remedial Education

Grades 4-5 High School Vocational Laboratories

Grades 6-8 (Middle Grades Program) Special Education Category I

Grades 6-8 (Middle School Program) Special Education Category II

Grades 9-12 Special Education Category III

Kindergarten Early Intervention Program (EIP) Special Education Category IV

Grades 1-3 Early Intervention Program (EIP) Special Education Category V

Grades 4-5 Early Intervention Program (EIP)


The program weight is the numerical factor used in determining FTE funding. The assigned

weight (value) given to an FTE category/program is determined by the cost of providing the

state-funded courses approved by the Georgia Board of Education. The FTE Weights

Committee, with input from state and local educators, determines the costs assigned to each

FTE category.


An unweighted FTE is the sum of all segments reported for a given program, divided by six

and rounded to the nearest whole number. It does not represent a particular student. A

particular student may have several different FTE unweighted categories (e.g., Grades 9-12,

Vocational Lab, Gifted) assigned during an academic day. Therefore, the services the

student receives may show up in the totals of different unweighted FTE categories.

Unweighted FTE = Rounded ((Sum All Segments) / 6)


A weighted FTE is the unweighted FTE multiplied by the Program Weight:

Weighted FTE = Unweighted FTE X Program Weight

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FTE Funding Criteria Funding for FTE is determined according to the requirements outlined in state law, federal

law and program enforcement.

Some of those requirements include the following:

1. Eligibility for Enrollment in School – Students that have attained age 5 by

September 1, 2011 are eligible for enrollment in the appropriate general education

programs authorized in state law. General education students who have reached the

age of 20 by September 1, 2011 or have received high school diplomas or the

equivalent are not eligible for enrollment. Students with disabilities are eligible for

enrollment through age 21 or until they receive a high school or special education

diploma or the equivalent. In addition, the law notes an exception for students who

were legal residents of another state. See O.C.G.A. 20-2-150.

2. Six Segments – The FTE report must indicate the student‟s specific assigned

program for each one-sixth segment of the school day on the designated reporting

date. See O.C.G.A. 20-2-160. Courses that are identified as non-credit courses,

enrichment courses, or course which require participation in an extracurricular

activity for which enrollment is on a competitive basis, courses in which student

serves as a teacher assistant, office assistant, or library aides, courses for which no

outline of course objectives is prepared or does not dedicate a major portion of the

class time toward meeting state-approved curriculum requirements, or any other

course identified by the Georgia Department of Education are not eligible for FTE


3. Prior Ten Days – A student must have attended class for at least one of the prior ten

school days before the FTE count date.

4. Enrolled in an Instructional Class – A student must be enrolled in an instructional

program to earn FTE funding for that segment. The student must be regularly

scheduled to receive services on the count day. In other words, schedules should not

be rearranged for the purpose of earning FTE funding. Funding should be based on

the student‟s needs and the ability of the school to regularly schedule those services.

5. Tuition – Students that pay tuition for class enrollment do not earn FTE funding for

that class.

6. Resident Status – FTE funding is earned for students that are residents of a Georgia

public school district. Out of state students do not earn FTE funding.

7. Class Size – Schools must meet Class Size requirements as defined in state law and

state board of education policy. Failure to comply with maximum class size

requirements will result in a complete loss of funding for the entire class out of


8. Program Requirements – Various programs have additional program requirements

that must be met in order for students to earn FTE funding.

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Data Collected in FTE Cycle 3


PURPOSE To determine state funding



WHEN Spring


Cycle THREE Elements System

Fiscal Year

Report Period

Student ID


Grade Level

Prior Ten Days

Resident Status Code

System of Residency

Program Code (Segments 1-6)

Alternative Education Program

Location of Enrollment (Segments 1-6)

Fiscal Agent (Segments 1-6)

ESOL- Itinerant

ESOL Non-Itinerant



Race (Indian, Asian, Black, Pacific, White)

Student Status


Report Type

Date of Birth

Transported (Segments 1-6)

Supplemental Speech (Segments 1-6)

Itinerant Teacher (Segments 1-6)

Inclusion (Segments 1-6)

Primary Area


EL (English Learner)


Gifted Delivery Model (Segments 1-6)

Previous Student ID

Last Name

First Name

Middle Initial

Dual Enrollment Type (Segments 1-6)

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Reporting of Segments


One FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) is equal to six “instructional segments”. An instructional

segment is the service provided to a student during one-sixth of an academic day. For

purposes of reporting FTE, the academic day is thought of as being divided into six equal

segments of instructional time. FTE funding is allocated only for state-approved

instructional programs for the basic six-hour day.

Depending on the grade, a segment consists of:

For Grades PK-8: the minimum number of hours of instruction required for the length of the school day divided by six.

For Grades 9-12: at least the minimum number of minutes required for earning of a

Carnegie unit

Refer to Georgia Board of Education Rule: 160-4-2-.47 (48) HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS and 160-5-1-.02 SCHOOL DAY FOR STUDENTS. Each student‟s FTE record must have program codes for all six segments. If a segment is not

coded, the record is rejected when it is processed at GaDOE and the school district will

receive an error message. If the student is not scheduled for a state-approved course, the

segment must be coded as non state-funded (code „O‟). Use the segment code „O‟ for all

regular education pre-kindergarten student segments.

Segment 2

Segment 1

Segment 3

Segment 5

Segment 6

Course Length within School Term


Lunch break Segment 4

From beginning to end of term, a segment

SHOULD EQUAL the instructional time

needed to earn credit or seat time for a course

NOTE: FTE Segments DO

NOT INCLUDE lunch breaks, recesses, rest times,

or class change time. These

are not considered instructional time.

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If a system uses an alternative student schedule, such as Block Scheduling, which results in

four-period instruction day, that system must report FTE outlined as follows:

For Cycle 3 (Spring Count) the system will report the four classes that are

scheduled on the day before the official state FTE count day as the first four

segments. Segments five and six will be obtained from the day of the official

count day and will consist of one segment reflecting the highest weight code for

the student on that day and one segment reflecting the lowest weight code for the

student on that day.

Rules for determining the highest and lowest weights:

1. If at least two of the codes to choose from include a 4 and an M, N or O (all are

0.00 weight), always choose the 4 to report as the lowest weighted code. This

will allow the SED facility to receive funding even though it is recognized as

0.00 weight.

2. If all codes to choose from have 0.00 weight, but one code is a 4, then report the 4

as the high weight and report one of the other 0.00 weight codes for the low

weight. For Example, assume that FTE PROGRAM CODES for segments 1-4

have already been determined (N, O, O, 4). According to the above rule (No. 1),

the high weight code that is selected is 4 and the low weight code that is selected

is O.

Scheduled Periods FTE Reported Segments 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6

N O O 4 N O O 4 4 O

If segments to choose from include M, N or O (all are 0.00 weight), ignore all of

these program codes and choose the lowest code that is actually weighted. For

Example, assume the PROGRAM CODES for segments 1-4 have been determined

(D, N, O, K). The PROGRAM CODE K is selected and reported for the highest

weight and the PROGRAM CODE D is selected and reported for the lowest

weight. The PROGRAM CODE D is the lowest weighted program code because

PROGRAM CODES N and O carry no funding weight.

Scheduled Period FTE Reported Segments 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 D N O K D N O K K D




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Things to remember in preparation for FTE Reporting:

Copies of all FTE Worksheets and FTE Worksheets Instructions can be found on the

Student Information website under Information, GA Reporting, FTE Worksheets,

and Instructions.

Instructions for “Itinerant Teacher” reporting can be found on the Student

Information website under GA Reporting, FTE, FTE Worksheets, and Instructions.

The instructions are included when the Special Education and ESOL worksheets are


Classifications of instruction in the Personal Information screen include:

Blank - Regular Ed

G - Gifted

S - Special Education

R - Remedial or EIP

X - Special Education and Remedial

B - Special Education and Gifted.

In-School Suspensions must be reported as Alternative School Program for students

in ISS on the FTE Count Day.

If a student‟s services change during the school year, make necessary changes to the

Classification field in the Personal Information screen. Never remove the Primary

Exceptionality for the student if he/she was served during the current school year.

If a student is receiving Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) for all 10 days prior to the

FTE count, the “Present 10 days Prior” field will be coded as “N” and the student will

not generate funding. OSS is not considered an Alternative Program.

Night school students (ages 16-21) DO generate funding IF they are not enrolled in

any other school. Students must be Fulton County residents and non-fee paying.

Students who are receiving hospital/homebound services for the minimum three

hours per week during any part of the ten school days proceeding the day of the

count, may report six FTE Segments. The student should be reported with the six (6)

PROGRAM CODES that would correspond to his/her normally scheduled in-school


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The ALL IEP code indicates if a student eligible for special education services is receiving

services via an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or an Individual Service Plan (ISP).

Students eligible for special education services that are reported with a Special Education

Environment Code of “1-9” and have an IEP are reported with an All IEP code of „Y‟.

Students eligible for special education services who are reported with an Special Education

Environment Code of “0” – Parentally Placed in Private School and have an ISP are reported

with an All IEP code of „S‟.

If a student with a disability has an IEP or ISP and is not receiving services during the fall

semester due to scheduling, but will receive services in the spring, then code the student as

receiving the services with IEP (Y) or ISP (S).

Students eligible for special education services who are reported with an Special Education

Environment Code of “0” – Parentally Placed in Private School but are NOT receiving

proportionate share services and do not have an ISP are reported with an All IEP code of „N‟.

General education students must report BLANK for ALL IEP.

Valid codes are: „Y‟ = Yes

„N‟ = No

„S‟ = Service Plan

BLANK (General education students)














6-21 1 to 9 Yes No Y

0 No Yes S

0 No No N

Ages 3-5 A to I Yes No Y

J No Yes S

J No No N

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DATE OF BIRTH is the date of the student's birth. It must be in the format MMDDYYYY.

NOTE: “all children and youth who have attained the age of five years by September 1,

2011 shall be eligible for enrollment in the appropriate general education programs

authorized in this part unless they attain the age of 20 by September 1, 2011 or they have

received high school diplomas or equivalent. This shall specifically include students who

have re-enrolled after dropping out and who are married, parents, or pregnant.

Special education students shall also be eligible for enrollment in appropriate education

programs through age 21 or until they receive high school or special education diplomas or

the equivalent; provided, however, they were enrolled during the preceding school year and

had an approved Individualized Education Program (IEP) which indicated that a successive

year of enrollment was needed.

Other students who have not yet attained age 21 by September 1, 2011 or received high

school diplomas or the equivalent shall be eligible for enrollment in appropriate education

programs, provided they have not dropped out of school for one quarter or more. . . .”

O.C.G.A. § 20-2-150 (a).

NOTE: Special education students are eligible for enrollment in appropriate education

programs through age 21 or until they receive a regular high school diploma or equivalent.


The DUAL ENROLLMENT TYPE must be reported for students reported who are reported

with a PROGRAM CODE = „M‟. The DUAL ENROLLMENT TYPE code identifies the type

of dual enrollment instruction the student is receiving.

Valid values are: „01‟ - General Education

„02‟ - CTAE/Vocational



whether the student has been identified as having limited proficiency in English.

EL students are frequently in the state-funded ESOL program if such a program exists in

the school, but they are not necessarily participating in the ESOL program. If a student is

an ESOL student, then the student must be EL.

By definition, all ESOL students have limited proficiency in English. Some students that

have limited proficiency in English may not be in a state-funded ESOL program.

International Exchange Students must be coded as „N‟.

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The ENVIRONMENT code indicates the type of residential environment in which the

student lives.


1 Resides in a local institution for the


2 Resides in a local institution for the


3 Is homeless

4 Is Unaccompanied Youth

BLANK Does not meet the criteria for 1, 2, 3, or 4


ESOL - ITINERANT represents the number of segments, from 1 to 5, in which the student

spends in ESOL classes taught by an itinerant teacher. (An ITINERANT TEACHER is a

teacher who, on the day of the FTE count, accumulates travel time equal to or greater than

the major portion of one segment of an instructional day and during the week accumulates

travel time of 90 minutes or more during instructional time).

The total number of reported segments for ESOL - ITINERANT plus ESOL - NON-

ITINERANT cannot exceed:

Five („5‟) for grades 9-12

Two („2‟) for grades 4-8

One („1‟) for grades K-3.

NOTE: If ESOL segments are reported, the student must be reported EL = „Y‟.


ESOL - NON-ITINERANT represents the number of segments, from 1 to 5, in which the

student spends in ESOL classes taught by a non-itinerant teacher. Other than the type of

teacher, ESOL - NON-ITINERANT is the same as ESOL - ITINERANT.


FIRST NAME identifies the student's first name as it appears on legal documents.

Nicknames are not allowed. FIRST NAME cannot be null, contain numbers, or selected

special characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, - ,', ., `, Blank(Space Char). FIRST NAME

is reported in all FTE cycles.


FISCAL AGENT is the entity responsible for hiring the teacher for a dual enrollment course

taken by a high school student. The FISCAL AGENT is required whenever a dual

enrollment („M‟) segment is reported in FTE.


FISCAL YEAR is the Georgia fiscal year to which a record corresponds. It must be in the

format YYYY. FISCAL YEAR is reported in all FTE cycles.

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The GENDER code identifies the student's sex. GENDER is reported in all FTE cycles.

Valid values are Male = „M”; Female = „F‟.


GIFTED DELIVERY MODEL indicates the model used in the delivery of gifted services for

the particular segment of instruction. To claim funding for gifted services, segment must

meet all of the criteria outlined in the Gifted Education Regulations. (I.E. class size, teacher

credentials, curriculum, student qualifications). If FTE funding is claimed for a gifted

student, information on the type of service delivery and content area of curriculum will be

required in Student Record.





1 Resource Model K-12

2 Advanced Content 6-12

3 Cluster Group K-12

4 Collaborative Teaching K-12

5 Internship/Mentorship 9-12

6 PSO/Joint Enrollment 9-12

7 Approved Innovative Model K-12


GRADE LEVEL indicates the student's current grade placement. Valid codes are:


PK Pre-


All students being served by the public schools, birth through four years of age,

served prior to the kindergarten program.

UK* Underage


All students served in kindergarten who have not attained the age of five on or

before September 1. For the current school year, a UK student would have been

born after 9/1/2006. If the kindergarten student was born before this date, the

grade level would be „KK.‟

U1* Underage First


All students starting first grade for the first time that have not attained the age of

six on or before September 1. For the current school year, a U1 student must have

been born after 9/1/2005. If the student was born on or before this date, the

GRADE LEVEL would be „01.‟

KK Kindergarten (Regular kindergarten)



01 Grade 1 04 Grade 4 07 Grade 7 10 Grade 10

02 Grade 2 05 Grade 5 08 Grade 8 11 Grade 11

03 Grade 3 06 Grade 6 09 Grade 9 12 Grade 12

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*Exception to UK and U1 Coding: A child who was a legal resident of a state or

states other than Georgia for a period of two years immediately prior to moving to

Georgia and who was legally enrolled in a public kindergarten or first grade, or a

kindergarten or first grade accredited by a state or regional association, shall be eligible

for enrollment in the appropriate general or special education programs authorized in

this part if such child will attain the age of five for kindergarten or six for first grade by

December 31, 2011 and is otherwise qualified. Authority O.C.G.A. § 20-2-150 (b).

These students should be reported as either kindergarten (KK) or first grade (01).

GRADE LEVEL codes of PK, UK, and U1 must be reported in Cycle 1 and Cycle 3 for

statistical purposes, although they do not earn FTE funding. If these students are

receiving special education services, the special education services must also be reported

in Cycle 1 and 3.


GTID is the 10-digit student ID assigned by the Georgia Department of Education. It is a

unique testing identifier that is created in the GTID application. All GTID‟s reported for

students must also be found in the GTID application. Students transferring between districts

should already have a GTID

INCLUSION (Segments 1-6)

INCLUSION indicates that a student with disabilities has an individualized education

program (IEP) that identifies the general education classroom as the least restrictive

environment for the delivery of special education services for that course. INCLUSION

includes both supportive instruction and direct special education services provided in the

general education classroom.

Supportive services are specifically designed instruction or supplemental aids or services

provided from personnel such as paraprofessionals, interpreters, job coaches, other assistive

personnel, and other general education teachers that allow the student to receive instruction

in the general education classroom. Direct Special Education Services in the general

education classroom are specifically designed instruction where the special education teacher

works with the identified student and the general education teacher within the general

classroom setting, such as co-teaching, collaborative instruction, and consultative services.


Students receiving special education services in a general education setting through

supportive services are reported with a general education PROGRAM CODE and are funded

at the Special Education Level 5 funding weight. Students receiving special education

services in a general education setting through direct special education services are reported

with a disability specific PROGRAM CODE and funded at Special Education Levels 1-4

with a disability-specific weight for FTE funding.

Alternate special education services - where the special education teacher provides

instruction to students in a separate classroom, special school, home environment, hospitals,

or institutions are NOT reported with an INCLUSION code, but are reported with a

disability-specific weight for FTE funding.

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The services received must be from personnel such as paraprofessionals, interpreters,

job coaches and other assistive personnel. The indicators are as follows:

Code Personnel



4 Paraprofessional

Personnel employed and/or assigned to provide assistance

to students with disabilities in the general education

classroom. Paraprofessionals provide educational

services for a student with disabilities under the

supervision of a professional. Paraprofessionals may

perform their duties in environments where the following

are provided: classroom instruction; physical education;

speech-language instruction; vocational programs;

community-based instruction, and other types of support

to classroom instruction and related services.

Paraprofessionals not providing services in the general

education classroom are not reported with an inclusion


5 Interpreter

Personnel employed and/or assigned to facilitate

communication between

students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing by interpreting

from spoken English to American Sign Language (or the

reverse) from spoken English to American Sign Language

(or the reverse) and/or transliterating from spoken

English to an English system used on the hands.

6 Job Coach

Job Coach Personnel employed and/or assigned to teach,

support and supervise (i.e., “coach”) specific jobs or

components of jobs to students with disabilities in a

community setting. This includes CTI serving students

on the day of the count that are participating in CTAE

Work based Learning Programs.

7 Assistive or

other personnel

Assistive or other personnel – Personnel other than Job

Coaches, Interpreters, or Paraprofessionals who are

employed and/or assigned to provide assistance to

students with disabilities in the least restrictive

educational environment.

Examples may include therapy or mobility aides.




(Not Special


Personnel who hold teaching certificates from the State of

Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

N Not applicable.

NOTE: Any segment that is reported with one of the INCLUSION indicators of 4, 5,

7, or 8 must have a general education PROGRAM CODE („A‟ through „M‟, or „9‟) in

the corresponding PROGRAM CODE segment.

Any segment reported with an INCLUSION indicator of „6‟ must be reported with


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This indicates an instructional model where a special education teacher works with

identified students and the general teacher within the general education classroom.



Personnel Type Description


Certified Specified Education

Teacher / Co-Taught /

Collaborative / Consultative


A general and special education teacher teaching in

the same classroom with the special education teacher

being in the classroom at least 50% of an instructional

segment for collaborative and 100% of an instructional

segment for co-taught. See SPECIAL EDUCATION

requirements for reporting consultative services.


ITINERANT TEACHER indicates whether Special Education services are provided by an

ITINERANT TEACHER on the day of the FTE count.

The valid codes are:

„Y‟ = Special Education services are provided by an itinerant teacher

„N‟ = Special Education services are not provided by an itinerant teacher

An ITINERANT TEACHER is a special education itinerant teacher who accumulates travel

time equal to or greater than the major portion of one segment of an instructional day on the

day of the FTE count, and accumulates travel time of 90 minutes or more during

instructional time in a week.


LAST NAME identifies the student's last name as it appears on legal documents.

Nicknames are not allowed. LAST NAME cannot be null, contain numbers, or selected

special characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, - ,', ., `, BLANK(Space Char). LAST

NAME is reported in all FTE cycles.


LOCATION OF ENROLLMENT refers to the place of instruction for a student enrolled in

a dual enrollment program. The location of these services may be on a University System of

Georgia (USG) campus, a Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) campus, a K-12 public

school campus, a private post-secondary institution, or through a post-secondary online

course. LOCATION OF ENROLLMENT is required for any segment where the program

code is „M‟, „6‟, or „7.‟


MIDDLE INITIAL identifies the first character of the student's middle name as it appears

on legal documents. MIDDLE INITIAL is reported in all FTE cycles.

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PREVIOUS STUDENT ID must be entered for students whose ID has been changed or

corrected since the previous collection of student information. See the chart below regarding

when to report previous student id.





FTE 1 Student Record


Student Record FTE 3

PRIMARY AREA (Cycles 1 & 3)

PRIMARY AREA indicates the student‟s primary area of exceptionality. Only one

PRIMARY AREA may be reported for each student.

Code Description Code Description

P Mild Intellectual Disability Y Other Health Impairment

Q Moderate Intellectual


Z Visual Impairment

R Severe Intellectual Disability 1 Blind

S Profound Intellectual


2 Deaf and Blind

T Emotional and Behavioral


3 Speech-Language Impairment

U Specific Learning Disability 6 Autism

V Orthopedic Impairment 7 Traumatic Brain Injury

W Hearing Impairment 8 Significant Developmental Delay

X Deaf

PRIMARY AREA = '8' must have GRADE LEVEL = 'PK', 'KK', 'UK', 'U1‟,

„01‟, „02‟, „03‟, „04‟ or „05‟.

PRIMARY AREA = '8' must have DATE OF BIRTH such that the student

is less than or equal to 9 years of age as of September 1, 2011.


PRIOR TEN DAYS - Students must be present at least one of the ten school days prior to

the FTE day, not including the day of the count, in order to earn FTE credit. These PRIOR

TEN DAYS are based on the district‟s calendar of school days. Valid codes are:

„N‟ = Student was absent all ten days prior to the count

„Y‟ = Student was present at least one of these ten days prior to the count

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PROGRAM CODE (Segments 1-6)

PROGRAM CODE represents the type of service received by a student during an

instructional segment. The PROGRAM CODE is assigned a predetermined weight used in

the funding calculation. Some PROGRAM CODES, such as „M‟, „N‟, and „O‟, do not have a

funding weight and do not earn FTE funding for the school.

Georgia Virtual High School - Schools with students participating in the Georgia Virtual

School Program (GAVS) and earning high school credit should report PROGRAM CODE of

„5‟ to indicate segments for each of the following situations:

Block school - 1 unit - earns full credit in one semester - report one „5‟ segment in FTE

Block school – ½ unit – earns ½ credit in one semester – report one „5‟ segment in FTE

Traditional - 1 unit -earns full credit in one semester - report two „5‟ segments in FTE

Traditional – ½ unit - earns ½ credit in one semester - report one „5‟ segment in FTE

Virtual School segments should only be reported if the course is taken as part of

the regular school day.

Middle School Program – The Middle School Program is reported with PROGRAM

CODE = „H‟. Only schools using the state-approved model for middle schools are able to

report students with „H‟ segments. FULTON COUNTY USES the Middle School Program


All other middle schools should use the middle grades PROGRAM CODE („9‟). For more

information on the middle schools program, see Board Rule 160-4-2-.05 MIDDLE SCHOOL


Remedial Education Program – Remedial Education is an approved program for grades

6-12. To determine the number of segments that can be reported for a student, see the

Remedial Education Program Guidelines and Board Rule 160-4-5-.01 REMEDIAL


Dual Enrollment HOPE Grant - Schools with students participating in the Dual

Enrollment HOPE Grant Program are reported in the same manner as the students

participating in the PSO/Accel program. They are reported PROGRAM CODE = „M‟.

PROGRAM CODE = „K‟ is no longer valid for students taking courses under the Dual

Enrollment HOPE Grant.

Move on When Ready - PROGRAM CODE = „6‟ is used to indicate the student received

instruction at an eligible post-secondary institution which is equivalent to the general

education instruction under the existing PROGRAM CODE = „D‟.

Move on When Ready - PROGRAM CODE = „7‟ is used to indicate the student received

instruction at an eligible post-secondary institution which is equivalent to the vocational lab

instruction under the existing PROGRAM CODE = „K‟.

Students participating in Move on When Ready will take all coursework at or through the

eligible institution or virtual courses approved by the State Board of Education.

The Move On When Ready program allows 11th and 12th grade public school students to

transfer to a college or technical school to complete high school while receiving credit towards

a higher degree.

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PROGRAM CODE indicates the funding/weight for the various education programs as



A Kindergarten R Severe Intellectual Disability

B Grades 1-3 S Profound Intellectual


C Grades 4-5 T Emotional and Behavioral


9 Middle Grades Program (Grades 6-8) U Specific Learning Disability

D Grades 9-12 V Orthopedic Impairment

E Kindergarten Early Intervention

Program (EIP)

W Hearing Impairment

F Primary Grades 1-3 Early Intervention

Program (EIP)

X Deaf

G Primary Grades 4-5 Early Intervention

Program (EIP)

Y Other Health Impairment

H Middle School Program (Grades 6-8) Z Visual Impairment

I Gifted education 1 Blind

J Remedial education (Grades 6-12) 2 Deaf and Blind

K Vocational lab 3 Speech/Language


M Postsecondary Options (Dual Credit)

4 Georgia Network for

Educational and Therapeutic

Support (GNETS)

N Study hall (no earnings) 5 Georgia Virtual School


O Non state-supported programs 6 Move On When Ready –

General Ed

P Mild Intellectual Disability 7 Move On When Ready –

Vocational Lab

Q Moderate Intellectual Disability

Note: The PRIMARY AREA of „6‟, „7‟ and „8‟ are not used to determine FTE funding.

PROGRAM CODE specifications for students with disabilities are highlighted for the

following populations:

Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Significant Developmental Delay

Community-Based Instruction/Special Education Cooperative Work


Other Health Impairment

Private School Students

Career Technical Instruction

Speech-Language Impairment

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PROGRAM CODE (Segments 1-6)


Autism, Traumatic

Brain Injury, and





‟6‟, „7‟, and „8‟ should be

coded using the


which the student is


Example: Segments for a five year old

student with significant developmental

delay will be coded according to the

services most similar to one of the codes „P‟

through „4‟ above.




CODE that correspond

to the student's


Must have PROGRAM CODE that

correspond to the student's PRIMARY

AREA. Each school system shall report

FTE credit in the student‟s area of

disability for the segments of special

education classroom instruction provided

in an approved work-study program, as

well as, the sements of supervised work

experience. However, the total segments

reported for the work-study program shall

not exceed three.

Other Health


For purposes of FTE

counting, segments will

be reported as „Y‟

A student reported with PROGRAM

CODE = „Y‟ (Other Health Impairment)

may be served in a variety of special

education settings as determined by IEP


Parentally Placed

Private School



CODES for all

segments must = „O‟.

o All segments of the day must have a

PROGRAM CODE = „O‟ non-state


o These students are funded through

proportionate share.



Private School


All six (6) segments for

student are reported


CODES „P‟-„4‟.

o Students must be assigned by the local

school system, by IEP determination, to

private placement, either in or out of


Career Technical



Collaborative and


Code segments meeting

the requirements for


collaborative and co-

taught services with


CODES that

correspond with the

student‟s PRIMARY

AREA and with an



o The CTI services must be included in

the student‟s IEP and the CTI must

provide regularly scheduled direct

instruction to the student on the day of

the count

o If a student with disabilities is enrolled

in CTAE and CTI does not provide

direct instruction to the student on the

day of the count, then the student

should be reported with CTAE


CODE = „K‟).

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Career Technical

Instruction CTAE



Students participating

in CTAE Work-Based

Learning and receiving

supportive services

from CTI should be

reported with a CTAE



CODE = „6‟ (Job Coach)

o The CTI services must be included in

the student‟s IEP and the CTI must

provide direct instruction to the student

on the day of the count.

o If a student with disabilities is enrolled

in CTAE and CTI does not provide

direct instruction to the student on the

day of the count, then the student

should be reported with CTAE


CODE = „K‟).

o The total segments reported for the

work-based program shall not exceed


Career Technical

Instruction - CTI



Students participating

in CTI Work-Based

Learning should be

reported with


that correspond with

the student‟s


o Report the PROGRAM CODES for the

student's PRIMARY AREA for

segments in an approved CTI work-

based learning program . The total

segments reported for the work-based

program shall not exceed three.





(see Conditions =>)

o Only when a student receives speech

services on the day of the count for a

major portion of the segment.


marked „Y‟ (Yes) when a student is

reported for more than three segments

on the day of the count in a single area

of disability and receives speech for less

than the major portion of one of those


RACE/ETHNICITY - The race/ethnicity of an individual is now collected in a two part



ETHNIC HISPANIC is a code that indicates the ethnicity of a student. Valid codes are:


H Hispanic

An ethnicity flag that is used to identify a person of Cuban, Mexican,

Puerto Rican,

South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin,

regardless of race.

The term “Spanish Origin” can be used in addition to “Hispanic/Latino

or Latino.”

ETHNIC HISPANIC must be „H‟ (Hispanic) or „N‟ (not Hispanic).

(NOTE: This ethnicity indicator is separate from the race indicators.

Individuals shall have the opportunity to identify themselves as being

of or belonging to more than one race. If an individual identifies more

than one race, and also flags

ETHNIC HISPANIC as „H‟ (yes), that person is counted as Hispanic.

(See also: RACE)

N Non Hispanic

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RACE INDIAN is a code that indicates the race of a student. Valid codes are:


I Indian

One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student.

More than one race indicator can apply per student.

RACE INDIAN - a person having origins in any of the original peoples

of North and South America (including Central America), who

maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment.

RACE INDIAN must be „I‟ (yes) or „N‟ (no).

N Non Indian


RACE ASIAN is a code that indicates the race of a student. Valid codes are:


S Asian

One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a

student. More than one race indicator can apply per student.

RACE ASIAN – a person having origins in any of the original peoples

of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including,

for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,

Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

RACE ASIAN must be „S‟ (yes) or „N‟ (no).

N Non Asian


RACE BLACK is a code that indicates the race of a student. Valid codes are:


B Black One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student.

More than one race indicator can apply per student.

RACE BLACK - a person having origins in any of the original peoples

of the Black racial groups of Africa.

RACE BLACK must be „B‟ (yes) or „N‟ (no).

N Non Black


RACE PACIFIC is a code that indicates the race of a student. Valid codes are:


P Pacific

One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student.

More than one race indicator can apply per student.

RACE PACIFIC - a person having origins in any of the original

peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

RACE PACIFIC must be „P‟ (yes) or „N‟ (no).

N Non Pacific

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RACE WHITE is a code that indicates the race of a student. Valid codes are:


W White

One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student.

More than one race indicator can apply per student.

RACE WHITE - a person having origins in any of the original peoples

of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

RACE WHITE must be „W‟ (yes) or „N‟ (no).

N Non White


REPORT PERIOD is the FTE annual reporting cycle. The actual dates are set each year

by the Georgia Department of Education. Valid codes are:


1 FTE Report Cycle 1 in October (State Funding, Enrollment Counts,

Special Education Child Count)

3 FTE Report Cycle 3 in March (State Funding, Enrollment Counts)


REPORT TYPE indicates whether the student is a regular (general) education student or a

special education student. Valid codes are:

R = Regular/General Education Student

S = Special Education Student

Information on Report Type = „S‟

Every student with REPORT TYPE = “S” and ALL IEP = “Y” (served in a special education

program) must have been through due process procedures and have an Individualized

Education Program (IEP). The student must meet both of the following conditions:

meet the eligibility requirements for the area of disability being reported for special

education services AND

be scheduled to receive instruction from a teacher certified in the area of disability

noted in their IEP.

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Exceptions to these requirements are as follows:





Co-taught or


d Model

Use codes indicating the


Student must receive at least one segment

per month from a teacher certified in

student's PRIMARY AREA.



Use codes indicating the


Student receives direct instruction from

a teacher certified in student's

PRIMARY AREA for at least one

segment per month AND

Student must receive such direct

instruction for the majority of a

segment on the day of the FTE count.




(AGES 3 and 4)

Use codes



CODES „P‟ through

„4‟) according to the

special education

services received on

the day of

the count.


CODE = „O‟ for non-

special ed segments

Student is served through preschool

special education by categorically

certified teachers or by teachers holding

the “preschool handicapped”

endorsement or the Early

Childhood/Special Education

Interrelated certificate.

The GRADE LEVEL should be coded


These students do not earn FTE

funds but must be reported

through FTE for other funding.




(AGE 5)

Use codes



CODES „P‟ through

„4‟) according to the

services received on

the day of the count.

Student is served through preschool

special education by categorically

certified teachers or by teachers holding

the “preschool handicapped”

endorsement or the Early

Childhood/Special Education

Interrelated certificate.

Student, age 5, whose GRADE

LEVEL = „PK‟ should also be reported

as described for Preschool Special

Education and do not earn FTE funds.

Student, age 5, whose GRADE LEVEL

= „K‟ should also be reported as served

and do earn FTE funds.

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Network for

Educational and




Code segments

involved with



Any other part of the

instructional day the

student is served by

the local school

system should be

coded accordingly.

Students served in the GNETS

Program do not earn FTE funds, but

must be reported through FTE for other

state funding.

Example: A student, in this program a

portion of the day, ALSO is in an emotional

& behavioral disorders class in the school

system. The SYSTEM reports segments

spent in the emotional & behavioral

disorders class with PROGRAM CODE =

„T‟ (EBD).


= „6‟ (Autism); or


= „7‟ (Traumatic

Brain Injury); or


= „8‟ (Significant



Should be coded using


in which the student is


Students earn FTE funds at the level of the

program in which they are served. For

example, a student with traumatic brain

injury served in a class for specific learning

disabilities for 6 segments would earn at

Level I. In this example, all 6 PROGRAM

CODES = „U‟.

Multisystem Instructor or System Contract

Each school system will report for FTE credit, services received by students on Monday or

Friday only when those services are provided by a part-time instructor who cannot schedule

these students on a regular count day.

The FTE coordinator in the school system must have on file, a signed statement from the

instructor that indicates that these services can only be provided on a Monday or Friday.

For example, a private speech therapist is only available on Mondays for the afternoon.

Students served by this therapist on Monday may be counted on Tuesday of the Fall count.

Students who are served only on Monday before the Fall count by a multisystem instructor

on an itinerant basis or by a part-time individual with a system contract may have those

segments reported on the day of the count (Cycle 1). Students who are served only on Friday

after the Spring count by a multisystem instructor on an itinerant basis or by a part-time

individual with a system contract may have those segments reported on the day of the count

(Cycle 3).

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The RESIDENT STATUS CODE indicates whether a student is a resident of your school

system, another school system but attending your school system, or another state. Indicate

residence with the following codes:


1 Resident of your school system

Students who reside in the geographic boundaries of the reporting school system. International Exchange Students and homeless students are also considered residents of the school system in which they are enrolled.

2* Nonresident, in-state, with consent of the system to accept this student with or without tuition

Children of employees who do not reside in the geographic boundaries of the school system, but who are allowed to enroll their children in the school where they are employed, OR in a different school within the same school

system where they are employed RESIDENT STATUS CODE = ‘2’ for these students.

Students enrolled in State or Commissioned Charters Schools should have a RESIDENT STATUS CODE = ‘2’. These students are funded through FTE.

3* Nonresident, in-state, with a contractual relationship between school systems

4* Nonresident, in-state, with a court-ordered desegregation plan

5 Nonresident, out-of-state (not funded through FTE)

Children of employees who reside outside the State of Georgia, but who are allowed to enroll their children in the same school system where they are employed, should have RESIDENT STATUS CODE = ‘5’. These students are not funded through FTE.

6* Nonresident, in-state, with excessive distance provision. (Reference OCGA 20-2-294)

7 Non-Resident, Consent - International Exchange Student

RESIDENT STATUS CODE = ‘7’ for International Exchange Students on a J-1 or F-1 visa.

* NOTE: If the residency code is „2‟, „3‟, „4‟, or „6‟, then SYSTEM OF RESIDENCY must be



SCHOOL CODE is 4-character State ID School code that identities the public school in


Students enrolled in alternative programs, GNETS, Career Academies, or other programs

outside the traditional school setting must be reported through the home school for FTE.

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STUDENT ID is the 9-digit Social Security Number of the student. Refer to Georgia Board



If the parent or student chooses not to provide the Social Security Number, then use one of

the Social Security-like (FTE) Numbers assigned to your system. STUDENT ID is reported

in all FTE cycles.

The following ID types are not acceptable as a STUDENT ID:

1. Parent‟s Social Security Number,

2. Parent‟s Tax ID Number (ITIN), or

3. Student‟s Military ID Number.


STUDENT STATUS indicates the student's enrollment status. Valid Student Status Code

for Count 3 is :

Code Description Definition Reported in

N Normal Students who must be reported with STUDENT

STATUS = „N‟ (Normal):

All students who are enrolled on the day of the

FTE count

Who were not retained (STUDENT STATUS =


Students reported by other state agencies

(system code > 800)

Cycles 3


SUPPLEMENTAL SPEECH indicates whether Speech services are received by a student

for whom REPORT TYPE = „S‟ (Special Education). Valid codes and conditions are:

Code Description Conditions

Y Student receives

supplemental speech

Student can be marked „Y‟ (Yes) ONLY when:

Student is reported with four or more PROGRAM

CODES in a single area of disability AND

SUPPLEMENTAL SPEECH = „Y‟ must be in one of the

more than THREE segments of the same PROGRAM

CODE AND within that same segment:

o Student receives speech services for less than the

major portion of that segment AND

o PROGRAM CODE for those segments cannot be

„3‟ (Speech/Language Impairment);

A maximum of 2 segments can be marked „Y‟ for

SUPPLEMENTAL SPEECH. See example below.

3 or more program codes in a single area: Q Q Q Q 9 9

Supplemental Speech segments: Y Y

N Student does not

receive supplemental


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SYSTEM is a three digit numeric code that identifies each school district. SYSTEM is

reported in all FTE cycles. Fulton County is „660‟.


SYSTEM OF RESIDENCY is the home system number of any non-resident student where

the RESIDENT STATUS CODE = „2‟, „3‟, „4‟ or „6‟.

If a student‟s home residence is out-of-state, set the SYSTEM OF RESIDENCY = „800‟. If


TRANSPORTED (Segments 1-6)

TRANSPORTED indicates whether a student with a disability is transported during the

school day from one instructional setting to another as follows:

Code Description Conditions Example


Student is

transported during

the school day

There should be a

Special Education


the same segment.

Student who has an emotional and

behavioral disability is being

transported from school to the GNETS

center for segment 3. Mark

TRANSPORTED (Segment 3) as „Y‟

and mark PROGRAM CODE for

segment 3 a „4‟ for GNETS.


Student is not

transported during

the school day

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A. Phase I Tasks – Data Preparation Tasks

Student Information Coordinator supervises completion of accurate source data in

ESchoolPlus and Encore.

Student Information Coordinator distributes FTE materials to staff.

Student Information Coordinator reviews reporting procedures and instructions with


Student Information Coordinator will supervise Class Size Data Preparation.

Special Ed, ESOL, Gifted, Remedial, and EIP teachers prepare FTE Worksheets or

reports prior to FTE Count Day.

Student Information Coordinator will supervise the collection of FTE data from staff:

Remedial Education, TAG, Special Ed, ESOL and EIP

TASK A1 Master Schedule Review

TASK A2 Ensure enrollments, withdrawals and schedule changes are current

TASK A3 Identify and Code UK or U1 students.

TASK A4 Update Classification on the personal information page.

TASK A5 Identify/Verify ESOL students

TASK A6 Identify/Verify EIP/Remedial students.

TASK A7 Identify/Verify TAG students.

TASK A8 Identify/Verify Special Ed students.

TASK A9 Identify any Modeled Schedules and “Keep”

TASK A10 Identify/Verify students on the ADA N Calendar

TASK A11 Identify students with missing SSN

TASK A12` Identify/Verify Race and Ethnicity Values

TASK A13 Distribute FTE Worksheets and Instructions.

TASK A14 Verify worksheets are completed and collected

TASK A15 Review Homeless- Environment Code for students

TASK A16 Update Alternative Education Program field.

TASK A17 Search for Program Code “O” in Course file

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B. Phase II Tasks - Data Entry Tasks

TASK B1 Alternate ID data entry if needed in the Ga Student screen

TASK B2 Identify and review Area Served when Prim Exceptionality = 6,7,or 8

TASK B3 KEY ESOL segments on the Ga Student screen

TASK B4 Key Inclusion segments on the Ga Student Course screen

TASK B5 Key Supplemental Speech segments on the Ga Student Course screen.

TASK B6 Key Special Ed Itinerant teachers on Ga Staff Information screen.

TASK B7 Run Re-Calculate Seats

TASK B8 Identify potential “over class size” sections

TASK B9 Enter any Paraprofessionals for CLASS SIZE purposes only.

TASK B10 Key Gifted Delivery Model and Content Areas in Ga State Course.

TASK B11 Key Collaborative and Seminar TAG segments

TASK B12 Key any EIP/REP segments not generated through course numbers.

TASK B13 Key Location of Enrollment, Fiscal Agent and Dual Enrollment Codes

C. Phase III Tasks – Keying Manual Overrides Tasks

TASK C1 Key program code exceptions

C. Phase IV Tasks – FTE Count Day TASKS

TASK D1 Manually key your Residential Students

TASK D2 Enter any ISS program data in for students served in ISS on Count Day

TASK D3 Run your FTE Segment Reports to very ALL FTE data you are reporting.

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TASK A1 Master Schedule Review

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High Schools

Refer to the 2011/12 Class Size Guidance for Schools


Begin now to review your Master Schedule in preparation for Class Size Data Collection.

Scheduling Center > Master Schedule Folder > Master Schedule Screen


Perform a search using your building number to give you your school‟s Master Schedule.

After the search completes you will have a Master Schedule List specific to your building.

Click Report

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Select the parameters as shown below and click Run

Once the Master Schedule report has finished running, select the report from “My Recent

Reports” link

Please adhere to the Fulton County Class Size Resolution document to be sure all

class sizes are met.

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TASK A2 Ensure entries, withdrawals, schedule course

changes are current

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High Schools

Always process enrollments, withdrawals, and schedule changes on a daily basis.

TASK A3 Reporting UK or U1 Students


Students reported as UK or U1 require prior approval from your Area Superintendent to be

enrolled. Please note that these UK or U1 students WILL NOT GENERATE any FTE

funding. Refer to UK/U1 definition on page 23-16 and 23-17.

Run the following search looking for underage KK or First graders. Use your

building number in the search.

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If the advanced search yields results, you need to determine the following:

Is the grade level accurate for the student?

Does the student potentially meet the “exception to the rule” as defined by

GaDOE board rule 20-2-150- (b)


If the answer is yes to both questions, no further action is required. It is

important to maintain all documents used to determine the students

eligibility to be enrolled when meeting the “exception to the rule” for audit

trail purposes.

If the student is a true “Underage KK or 01” student who will NOT generate FTE Funding,

complete the following steps:

CONTACT your Area Superintendent to report that your school has a

student does not meet the GaDOE Board Rule for age of enrollment and

therefore will not generate FTE funding.

Change the grade level from “KK” to “UK” or ‟01 to “U1” on the

Entry/Withdrawal page for FY 2012.

Check the box to indicate the student is an Underage KK/01 on the

Additional Student Information Page.

PLEASE REMEMBER: If the student meets the exception to Rule for UK or U1 students,

O.C.G.A. 20-2-150 (b) do not mark the student in the “Underage KK/01” field.

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TASK A4 Update the Classification

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

Run the following searches to verify the current classifications for all active special education

(S, X, B), Gifted (G, B), and EIP/Remedial (R, X) students.

Search for S, X or B:

Search for G or B:

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Search for R or X:

After the lists have been printed, please distribute the student lists to the appropriate

personnel to verify the student‟s classification for this current school year only. Mark off any

student that should not be on the list and add omitted students. Give your personnel a

deadline to return the list to you for coding into eSchoolPlus.

Please Note: Students dismissed from special education, remedial education/EIP, and/or

gifted services must have their Classification field adjusted appropriately.

To make corrections to a student‟s classification:

Student Center >> Demographic >> Personal Information >> Classification field

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TASK A5 Identify ESOL students

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

Working with your ESOL contacts at your school, identify students who are ESL = Y.

Make corrections as necessary. Be sure to use your building number in the search.

Working with your list of ESOL students generated in the search above, please correct any

incorrect data entries for your ESOL students in the GALAN Program screen.

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TASK A6 Identify and Verify EIP / REP students


EIP advanced search for ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS

Run the following search using your building number to identify students who have been

coded as EIP and their classification setting. With the results of this search, use the

completed FTE Worksheet for EIP students to make sure that all the EIP students are

accounted for and scheduled accordingly.

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REP advanced search for Middle and High Schools

Run the following search using your building number to identify students who have been

coded as REP and their classification setting. With the results of this search, use the

completed FTE Worksheet for REP students to make sure that all the REP students are

accounted for and scheduled accordingly.

Make any needed corrections to open or close a program record for students as necessary.

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TASK A7 Identify and Verify TAG students

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High School

All students who are receiving gifted services this school year must be coded with a

classification of G or B and a gifted service code of “1”. Run the following search to identify

those students who are classified as gifted.

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TASK A8 Identify and Verify Special Ed students

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High School

Run the advanced search below to identify all students with a classification of S, X, or B and

their Primary Exceptionality. Use the FTE worksheets to be sure that all students have

been identified and coded correctly.

Do not manually enter a Primary Exceptionality for a student. Please work with

your IST to be sure that the data is correct at the source of the data which is


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TASK A9 Identify Modeled Schedules and “Keep”

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High School

Be sure to correct any students who have a „modeled schedule‟ at this time. A „modeled‟

schedule will not allow the calculation of FTE segments and will result in a loss of funding

for your building if not corrected.

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TASK A10 Identify and Verify the ADA = N Students

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

The purpose of this task is to identify students in your building who are on the ADA N

Calendar. Keep this list handy to identify and code any students who will receive

services on FTE count day as they will require „manual‟ entry of FTE segment data.

TASK A11 Identify Missing SSN for students

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

Run the Students with no SSN Cognos report.

Public Folders > FCBOE Reports > State Reporting > State Reporting Issues (Errors)

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TASK A12 Identify and Verify Race/Ethnicity Values

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

Run the following search looking for missing data elements for Race and Ethnicity values.

Where there is a “U” in the Hispanic field on your report, you must identify is the student

Hispanic or not. Review and correct as needed.

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TASK A13 Distribution of FTE Worksheets

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

FTE Worksheets are mandatory for use. Worksheets and instructions are found on the

Student Information website at the following link:

Distribute FTE Worksheets and instructions to any of the following teachers that provide

services that are not reflected in the student‟s schedule as a course:

Special Education Teachers

Gifted Teachers

EIP (Elementary School only)

Remedial Education (Middle and High School only).

ESOL teachers should receive worksheets to identify students and the number of

segments served.

TASK A14 Verification of FTE Worksheets

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

Once the FTE worksheets are completed, the Student Information Coordinator will need to

verify the data that has been submitted on the FTE worksheets.

Check that correct FTE program codes have been used and return to teachers for any

updates or changes.

Check with any (FTE defined) itinerant teachers to ensure that they can provide you with

completed FTE Worksheets and schedule for the week of FTE (Detailed instructions can be

found on the Student Information website, Itinerant Teacher Instructions on the ESOL and

Special Education worksheets).

The Student Information Coordinator should collect and retain all FTE worksheets at a

deadline to be determined by them.

TASK A15 Homeless Status, Environment Code TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

New this school year, ALL coding of homeless students is being done by the district

“Homeless Liaison”. For informational purposes, please run the following search to identify

all students coded as homeless in your building. Direct any questions/concerns to your

school social worker or Sara Blake Smith, the Homeless Liaison at the Jo Wells Center

404-763-5600 ext 216.

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TASK A16 Update Alternative Education Program

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle, and High Schools

This task is specific to North and South Crossroads/Second Chance, McClarin HS,

Independence HS, South Metro and any School Based GNETS programs.

Any students who have enrolled since FTE Count 1 will need Alt Program data entered.

Valid AltProg Types are:

01: Alt Ed (Crossroads/Second Chance, Independence and McClarin)


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Valid AltProg Codes are:

01A: Alt Ed for disruptive students

01E: Open Campus

02A: GNETS – Center Based

02B: GNETS – School Based

GAPRG – Program Type data entered for any new students since 10/04/2011 in the

program screen.

GAALT – Alt School program data entered for new students since 10/04/2011

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TASK A17 Identify PROGRAM codes of “O” in courses


1. Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > Master Schedule > Search

Identify courses in the Master Schedule that have program code = “O”

2. To Identify Course sections in the Master Schedule that have “Blank” program codes.

Please note: Homeroom and Advisement sections will all have

„blank‟ program codes which is acceptable. No action required for

those sections.

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B. DATA ENTRY Phase II Tasks

TASK B1 Alternate ID field data

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High Schools

When it becomes necessary to change the SSN/800/999 number for a student, that number

must be placed in the the Ga Student Screen in the Alternate ID field.

The path is as follows:

Student Center Folder

Demographic folder

Ga Student screen

This is the ONLY place that an alternate id will be entered for state reporting

purposes. Do not use the “Previous ID” field from the personal information page.

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TASK B2 Review Area Served for students with

Primary Exceptionality of 6, 7 or 8

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High Schools

In order to generate FTE funding for Special Education students with a primary

exceptionality of 6, 7 or 8, it is necessary to indicate the area served for the students. This

data element is captured on the Ga Student page.

You DO NOT need to key this data manually as the field is populated from Encore nightly.

If data is missing, please work with your IST to be sure the Summary of Services is complete.

The path is as follows:

Student Center Folder

Demographic folder

Ga Student page

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Run the following search to review any student in your building with a primary

exceptionality of 6, 7 or 8. Using the search results, confirm accuracy of the data reported.

If corrections are needed to be made, work with your IST to be sure that the student is

identified properly in ENCORE. DO NOT manually key this data.

Be sure to use your building number in the search.

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TASK B3 Key ESOL Segments

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High Schools

The method in which FTE funding is generated for your ESOL students is not done through

the use of a specific FTE Program Code. ESOL segments must be keyed into the Ga Student


Keep in mind that no matter how many segments the student is actually served in the ESOL

program, the state will only allows a set number of segments to be reported. The numbers

are as follows:

Grades K- 3 = 1 segment

Grades 4 – 8 = 2 segments

Grades 9 – 12 = 5 segments

The students can be served by an Itinerant OR Non-Itinerant Teacher. The ESOL contact

person at your building can assist in identifying ESOL students for the FTE Worksheet.

Using the information from the FTE worksheet, key in the number of segments that each

student is served in the ESOL – Itinerant or ESOL – Non-Itinerant field.

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TASK B4 Key Inclusion segments

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High Schools

Special Education students receive instruction based on the directives of their IEP. They can

be served in general education courses or special education courses, in self contained

environments or resource models. To capture the type of “Inclusion Segments” they are

served in, schools must select an inclusion code on the Ga Student Course screen as shown


For each student listed on the FTE Worksheet provided by the IST and/or Special

Ed teacher, you will follow this path to locate the Ga Student Course:

Student Center Folder

Scheduling Folder

Entry page – Student Schedule

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Click on the course name in the student‟s schedule (click on the course number) where the

inclusion services are received.

Click on the District-Defined tab.

From the District-Defined tab, click on the Ga Student Course link:

On the Ga Student Course, in the Inclusion Services field you will select the appropriate code

that reflects the correct inclusion code for the course.

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Inclusion codes are:

Refer to page 23-15 Supportive Services for definitions.

TASK B5 Key Supplemental Speech Segments

TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High Schools

To report segments for special education students of “Supplemental Speech”, you will key the

data into the Ga Student Course page.

From the student‟s schedule, select the course that represents the time the student would

receive a segment of “Supplemental Speech”.

Refer to page 23-27 for Supplemental Speech definitions and rules.

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TASK REQUIRED FOR: Elementary, Middle and High Schools

ONLY SPECIAL ED Teachers who are classified as an Itinerant teacher need to be coded

as Itinerant on the GA Staff Information page.

From the Registration Center

Staff Information Page

Select Teacher Name, then select the District-Defined tab

From this page, click on the GA Staff Information link

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TASK B7 Run Re-Calculate Seats

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

Run “Re-Calculate Seats” to ensure the accuracy of “available seats” and “used seats.”

Scheduling Center > Student Scheduler > Re-Calculate Seats

TASK B8 Identify Classes Over Class size

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > Master Schedule > Search

Note: Modify query as needed for each class/program/size specified.

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Contact Eulonda Washington, if classes are over the maximum indicated and there are no

seats available in other sections to relieve the classes at risk of funding losses. See 2011/12

Class Size Resolution.

[email protected] or 404-763-5537

TASK B9 Identify Classes using Paraprofessionals

for CLASS SIZE purposes ONLY

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > GA State Course > Search for course/courses

Click on the resulting course link(s) to see the GA State Course page.

Number Paraprofessionals = Populate this field to specify the number of

paraprofessionals in the class for class size purposes only.

For questions regarding this task contact Phyllis Large-Deeb.

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TASK B10 Gifted Delivery Model Coding

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

Go to: Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > GA State Course > Search

Generate the Search below to identify all scheduled gifted classes:

Click Search to generate a listing of all Gifted Courses in your BUILDING:

Click on each course section generated to code the gifted delivery model/content

area on the GA State Course page.

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Identify and code the Gifted Delivery Model, Gifted Content Area, for each applicable

course as shown in the fields below.

Note: All elementary schools will have a gifted delivery model=”1” and gifted

Content Area = “blank” unless approved for “cluster grouping” by Amy Barger in the

TAG department.

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TASK B11 Coding Collaborative and Seminars



In the high schools, gifted instruction for TAG students can come from individualized

projects/seminars when these students are pulled from “Non-TAG courses in order to

received gifted instruction. These courses will not generate a program code of “I” and

therefore the program code will need to be coded for each student individually.

GA Student Course Screen – Collaborative/Seminar-Gifted Courses

Identify students receiving gifted services through collaborative/seminar settings.

Demographic > Scheduling > Entry > Search

Identify the student,

Go to the Entry (Schedule) page

Click on the course title of the class in which services are received (non-.2 courses)

Click the District Defined tab

Click GA Student Course.

Darken “Gifted Delivery Collaboration” if the student receives services for the non-tag

class. This will generate a segment of “I” in the FTE segment for those courses/students


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TASK B12 Coding EIP/REP segments when

segments are not automatically


TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

Code individual Remedial/EIP students in classes that do not generate a remedial/EIP

segment automatically.

Student Center folder > Scheduling folder > Entry Screen click on Search

Identify the student,

Go to the Entry (Schedule) page

Click on the course title of the class in which services are received (only if a remedial

segment is not automatically generated)

Click the District Defined tab

Click GA Student Course

Darken the“Remedial Segment” field if the student receives services for EIP/REP in

classes that do not have a remedial/EIP program code. This will generate a segment of

Remedial/EIP in the FTE segment for those courses/students selected.

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TASK B13 Code Location of Enrollment,

Fiscal Agent and Dual Enrollment Code

for courses generating “M” segments


Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > GA State Course

Search for the courses that generate “M” FTE funding and code each course with the location

of enrollment, the fiscal agent and the dual enrollment code.

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Location of Enrollment: Select the “Location of Enrollment” for each PSO course.

REPORTED for courses generating a „M‟, „6‟ or „7‟ FTE program code.

The Location of Enrollment refers to the place of instruction for a student enrolled in a Dual

Enrollment program.

1 – K-12

2 – TCSG

3 – USG

4 – Online Course

5 – Private PSO Institution

Fiscal Agent: The entity responsible for hiring the teacher for a dual enrollment


ONLY REPORT this for dual enrollment courses generating a “M” FTE program


1 – K-12

2 – TCSG

3 – USG

4 – Private

Dual Enrollment Code: Select the type of Dual Enrollment when a „M‟ segment is

reported for student.

01 – General Education

02 – CTAE/Vocational

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PLEASE do not KEY data into the Download Summary until you

have been directed to do so by Student Information, not adhering to

this request could result in a loss of data and having to rekey data at

a later time.


TASK C1 Key Program Code Exceptions

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High Schools

Once you have been notified by the Student Information department begin to complete

any manual program overrides that cannot be resolved through the students schedule (the

source of the FTE data) and the calculate FTE segment function.

For those instances where the program code associated with the course number does not

accurately report the actual instruction received by a student you have the ability to

“override” a segment.

This page functions in a similar manner as the FTE Segments tab in SASI.

The page is named “Download Summary” and can be found at this path.

Student Center Folder > State Folder > Student Download Summary > FTE

General Tab

Select the 2012 – 3 FTE cycle from the drop down menu.

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Student Center Folder > State Folder > Student Download Summary > FTE

General Tab

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Student Center Folder > State Folder > Student Download Summary > FTE

Segments Tab

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Keying in “overrides” on the FTE General Tab will be done, by clicking Edit link. The

window will appear as seen below. Make changes and click SAVE.

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For keying overrides on the FTE Segment tab when the data is not accurately populated

through district extract build. Click edit.

As needed, you will key in correct data elements on the FTE Segments page and click SAVE.

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FTE COUNT DAY – 03/01/2012

TASK D1 Key Residential Students Program Codes

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

Schools who have students who based on their IEP are served in a Residential Facility will

not generate segments, therefore these students FTE segments will be manually entered in

the download summary on the FTE Segments Tab.

Your school‟s IST will be able to assist you in identifying these students should you have one

enrolled in your building.


TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

For those students who have been scheduled for “IN SCHOOL Suspension” on count day,

please code them as follows:

Student Center folder

Demographic folder

Programs page

Select the GAPRG – Program Type link

In the Program Type field,

1. Key the FTE Count Date in the Start Date. 03/01/2012

2. Select “01” as the value field.

3. Key the FTE Count Date as the End Date. 03/01/2012

4. Click SAVE.

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TASK D3 Run Student Download Searches

TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

From the Student Center, State Folder use the Student Downloads Search to look at various

data elements. All data elements that are reported for FTE can be searched on using this

search feature.

Feel free to generate your own searches to become familiar with the data being sent up to the

GaDOE for FTE Count 3.

To begin, select the Record Type you wish to search on. For FTE, you have FTE_SEG

which represents the segment data being reported in the extract or FTE_GEN which

represents the general demographic data being reported in the extract.

Search Options available to select, for FTE you will only have two choices.

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1. Search the FTE General table for students with Prior Ten Days = N

Correct in the Download Summary Screen, on the FTE General Tab if you find

students who are incorrectly reported as “N” for Prior Ten Days. Change the “N”

value to “Y”.

2. Search the FTE Segments table based on a student‟s classification:

Remember, you can search on any element that is found in the FTE General or

FTE Segments tabs by using this tool.

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12/14/2011 Chapter 23 – FTE Reporting – COUNT 3 23-73


TASK REQUIRED FOR Elementary, Middle and High School

Run the FTE Segment reports to keep documentation for your records.

Page 74: Chapter 23 Chapter 23 – FTE Reporting – COUNT 3 23-3 FTE OVERVIEW FTE reporting requires the teamwork of school personnel under the leadership ofAuthors: Philippe Quevauviller

12/14/2011 Chapter 23 – FTE Reporting – COUNT 3 23-74

State Board Policies Related to FTE, Class Size and EIP

Rule AF School Day for Students (160-5-1-.02)

Rule EF(1) Identification and Reporting of Schools (160-5-1-.03)

Rule EF(2) Student Data Collection (160-5-1-.07) Courses/Curriculum

Rule IDDB Remedial Education (160-4-5-.01)

Rule IDDC Hospital/Homebound Instruction (160-4-2-.31)

Rule IDDD Educational Program for Gifted Students (160-4-2-.38)

Rule IDDF(07) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) (160-4-7-.08)

Rule IDDF(06) Individualized Education Program (IEP) (160-4-7-.09)

Rule IDDG Language Assistance: Program for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students (160-4-5-.02)

Rule IED(2) Postsecondary Options (160-4-2-.34)

Rule IFGBD Georgia Virtual School Program (160-8-1-.01)

Rule JB Student Attendance (160-5-1-.10)

Rule JBC(2) Procedure for Requesting Student Social Security Numbers (160-5-1-.24)