An Introduction to Facebook Ads - #SFGettingSmarter

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of An Introduction to Facebook Ads - #SFGettingSmarter

1. #SFGettingSmarter Getting Smarter - An Introduction to Facebook Ads 2. #SFGettingSmarter The Agenda. 1. Whos on Facebookand Why? 2. Why Marketers Use Facebook 4. Campaign Optimisation 5. How Ads Tie In With Social 6. Hit & Miss 2 7. Summary & Questions 3. Facebook Ads Breakdown 3. #SFGettingSmarter 3 Whos on Facebook and Why? Who? Everyone. 18-34 is the largest age proportion of users, but even your Grandma is online. Why? People are here to engage, learn, discover, and share. How many? 1.23 billion registered users on Facebook. 757 million daily visitors. 556 million of those are on mobiles. Facebook & Instagram make up 20% of all phone use time. Why mobiles? Digital has made a shift to mobile. Now mobiles are part of our extended self image. Like a limb, our phones are now constantly attached to us. 79% of smartphone users part with their phone for just 2 hours a day. 4. #SFGettingSmarter The Agenda. 1. Whos on Facebook and Why? 2. Why Marketers Use Facebook 4. Campaign Optimisation 5. How Ads Tie In With Social 6. Hit & Miss 4 7. Summary & Questions 3. Facebook Ads Breakdown 5. #SFGettingSmarter 5 Why Marketers Use Facebook. Dont just push Two way dialogue Build relationships Raise brand awareness Create a personality Receive reviews Communicate through video - Facebook is the worlds top source of video discovery Ads Manager Ads Manager on Facebook provides excellent targeting options and is generally cost effective. Recent updates make you more able to drives business results - brand awareness, preference, loyalty, and sales. Whats different about Facebook to other ad platforms? Facebook - About connection, engagement and discovery. Twitter - Immediate. Seeking current conversations and trending topics, and has a larger potential to impact brand personality. LinkedIn - One-on-one conversations, group discussions, professional support, creating business value, education, upskilling, problem solving. AdWords - People using engine with search intent. And on a side note Facebook is adding an array of advertising products to their portfolio. Social, PPC, & Search. Potential advertising options there in the future. 6. #SFGettingSmarter The Agenda. 1. Whos on Facebook and Why? 3. Facebook Ads Breakdown 4. Campaign Optimisation 5. How Ads Tie In With Social 6. Hit & Miss 6 7. Summary & Questions 2. Why Marketers Use Facebook 7. #SFGettingSmarter 7 Facebook Ads Breakdown. What Makes Facebook Ads Successful? What works? A number of factors influence what the best type of ad creative and message delivery strategy for a company will be in any given campaign. Industry Product Campaign objective Target market Time of day Sequential messaging Type of content to share How do we find out what works best for us? Facebook outlines best practices around design and messaging to improve reach and frequency. Use best practices as a guide and test! 8. #SFGettingSmarter 8 Facebook Ads Breakdown. Ads Manager & Power Editor A special mention to Audience Insights Audience size, demographics, page likes, location, activity in the last 30 days, & devices used. Household and purchase information is soon to be released in Australia. Power Editor Power Editor is to Facebook as AdWords Editor is to AdWords. It allows us to make bulk edits fast! It has undergone an incredible amount of development in the past few months (sometimes presenting changes every 1-2 weeks) and I expect this will continue. 9. #SFGettingSmarter 9 Different Campaigns for Different Objectives Campaigns can be set up with 1 of 10 objectives. Most objectives give the ads a unique layout proven to convert best for the given objective. The 10 Objectives 1. Send people to your website - Direct people to a landing page (most common objective) 2. Increase conversions on your website - Reach people when they are most likely to convert. 3. Boost your posts - Promote social content posted to your page 4. Promote your page - Promote page likes and drive traffic to your page 5. Get installs of your app 6. Increase engagement in your app - Drive re-engagement 7. Reach people near your business - Find locals 8. Raise attendance at your event - Drive event ticket sales 9. Get people to claim your offer - Online coupons 10. Get video views - I want them to look Facebook Ads Breakdown. Campaign Types and Purposes 10. #SFGettingSmarter 10 Core Audience Facebook is where people go to share information about themselves, so naturally targeting metrics are vast. Core audiences allow marketers to target users based on 5 key factors: 1. Location - Countries, States, Cities, Zip Codes 2. Demographics - Age, Gender, Employment Company, Relationship Status, Income, Parental Status, Life Events, Online Behaviour, Device Owner 3. Interests - Broad category groups and specific interests 4. Behaviours - Digital activities, devices used, purchases and travel 5. Connections - Affiliations with brands, companies and people Lookalike Audience Create audiences based on similar Facebook profiles to the people who matter to your business. These are built from either: Customer database list Website visitors Page fans Custom Audience Build a custom audience from your own data you want to match with Facebook profiles for accurate targeting of current potential and actual customers. Can reach people based on specific actions taken on your website. Facebook Ads Breakdown. Targeting 11. #SFGettingSmarter The Agenda. 1. Whos on Facebook and Why? 4. Campaign Optimisation 5. How Ads Tie In With Social 6. Hit & Miss 11 7. Summary & Questions 2. Why Marketers Use Facebook 3. Facebook Ads Manager Breakdown 12. #SFGettingSmarter 12 Campaign Optimisation. Why optimise? Improving ad performance will improve ad reach and help optimise the number of conversions received for your given objective. A good place to start campaign optimisation is A/B testing creative elements and offers. What should I optimise? Facebook gives us a great summary of 7 creative elements proven to increase conversions. These are a great place to start looking when creating an engaging ad. 1. Focal Point - Make it easy for the user to know where to focus 2. Brand Link - Does the audience know who the brand is? 3. Brand Personality - Does it convey the personality of the brand? 4. Informational Reward - Were here for interesting information - long and short 5. Emotional Reward - Make them feel 6. Noticeability - Cut through the noise. Cinemagraphs are a great use of Facebook autoplay video feature that does this. 7. Call to Action - A strong call to action lets the audience know what they should do next 13. #SFGettingSmarter The Agenda. 1. Whos on Facebook and Why? 5. How Ads Tie In With Social 6. Hit & Miss 13 7. Summary & Questions 2. Why Marketers Use Facebook 3. Facebook Ads Breakdown 4. Campaign Optimisation 14. #SFGettingSmarter 14 How Ads Tie In With Social. We know why theyre there Facebook users are there to engage, learn, discover and share what they love with 100s of their friends. Ads in Social Facebook ad formats are not intrusive to user experience. Creative rules for advertisers pushing paid content. Increased reach for boosted social posts. Ads provide a means to engage with an audience socially. Create a two way conversation and build relationships. Social vs Promotional On newsfeed, get your content balance right. 1 in 5 promotional posts is a good place to start testing. Test engagement further with a content schedule and monthly optimisation practices. 15. #SFGettingSmarter The Agenda. 1. Whos on Facebook and Why? 6. Hit & Miss 15 7. Summary & Questions 2. Why Marketers Use Facebook 4. Campaign Optimisation 5. How Ads Tie In With Social 3. Facebook Ads Breakdown 16. #SFGettingSmarter 16 Hit & Miss. Facebook isnt perfect Missing functionality Features rough around the edges during rollout - which happens often The rollout in different countries can make the interface confusing for international marketers Broad targeting vs tight targeting - you can expect mixed results 17. #SFGettingSmarter The Agenda. 1. Whos on Facebook and Why? 17 7. Summary & Questions 2. Why Marketers Use Facebook 3. Facebook Ads Manager Breakdown 4. Campaign Optimisation 5. How Ads Tie In With Social 6. Hit & Miss 18. #SFGettingSmarter THANK YOU!