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Page 1: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

Music video market research

I have created a survey/questionnaire to collect primary market research on what types of music videos they like to watch, where they watch the music videos etc. To collect my primary market research I have created a questionnaire by using survey monkey. I have then emailed the questionnaire to people so they can fill the questionnaire easier as it is online. I have now gathered all my data and now going to analyse it.

Firstly I asked the participants if they were male and female as I wanted to know if they had different opinions on music videos or different genres of music they listen to. I asked 14 people for my primary market research, I found that I asked 7 males and 7 females. This means it is 50/50 answers from both male and females. I will now be able to generalise the results to both genders as I have asked an equal amount of participants for male and females. This means my results will be more reliable as they replicate what most male and females think about music videos and what genres they like. The results I will collect will be reliable also as I will be able to target my music video to males and females as I have the data which they have answered.

Page 2: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

My second question was asking what age they were. I asked this as it will give me a better chance on whom to target my music video to. My result in this questionnaire is 50% of the people who answered my questionnaire are 16-20 years. As this is the most popular age group which answered my survey I will mostly get the opinions and viewpoints of this age group this means I will mostly target my music video to 16-20 year olds. Another result is 7.14% which was 1 person who answered they were in the age group of 21-26 year olds answered my survey, this was the lowest age group which answered my survey, this means I will not target this age group as much as only one person answered so I don’t have a lot of opinions and information of what type of genre of music and music videos they prefer. Overall as I know now that most of my participants are between 16-20 years old I will use most of the data and target this age group and make it more appealing to them.

Page 3: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

My third question I asked which of the following categories best describes your employment status. I asked this question to get an idea of how much free time my participants have and to build up my target audience. Looking at the graph 28.57% (4 participants) are employed and working 40 or more hours per week. Secondly 50% of my participants are employed and working between 1-39 hours per week. I also asked my participants if they weren’t employed but looking for work, 7.14% of my participants said this. I also asked if any of my participants were not employed and were not looking for work 14.29% said this. This shows that 3 of my participants have a lot of free time as they are not employed, I will be most likely to target these participants for my music video as they have a lot of time on their hands to watch a lot of music videos. I will also try to target people who work; they would be able to watch music videos when they are not working. These participants who are not working or working a few hours will be between 16-21 years old, so most of them are students and listen and watch music videos a lot in their free time. Looking at these results I will most likely try to target the people who are not working a lot as they are students, they listen to a lot of music in their free time and watch a variety of music videos.

Page 4: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

For my

forth question I asked what type of genre of music did my participants prefer to watch. This question was a multiple choice answer, so my participants could choose however

many they wanted as they may listen to a different variety of music genres. The most popular genres of music are indie and rock with 57.14%. For my music video choice of song I will use this information of the most popular genre to choose a song which is indie rock which will relate to the participants who preferred the rock. The second most popular was pop and soundtrack; I will also use this type of genre of music and relate it to choosing my song and music video. However for metal, ballads, gothic rock only one participant for each genre of music choose these, this means I will not include these genres in choosing my song for my music video as these types of music are not as popular with my participants. Overall my 14 participants choose a variety of genre of music which I have looked at and analysed. I will take into

Page 5: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

For my fifth question I asked ‘How do you typically access music videos’ Similar to the question above this is a multiple choice question which i asked my participants. I gave my participants six choices to choose from, they could choose more than one. The most frequently one which was chosen was YouTube 100% of my participants said this is how they accessed their music videos they wanted to watch. This encourages me to use YouTube to put my music video on so people can access it. This will also benefit me as YouTube is a very popular website to use to access music videos of peoples favourite artists. The second popular website which is used between my participants is sound cloud. 21.43% of my participants answered they used sound cloud to access their music. With these results i will also use this website to put my music video which i am creating onto the website. On the other hand the least used website used to access music videos is vevo; none of my participants choose this as their answer for accessing their music. Vimeo Facebook and CDs/DVDs are also the least used with only two of my participants choosing these how they access their music. I will take this into consideration and will not use these websites as much as they are not as popular with the participants which answered the questionnaire.

Page 6: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

My sixth question considered me asking ‘Do you prefer a music video to have an underlining message or do you prefer them to be more hedonistic/indulgent?’ Looking at my graph results i can see that the most popular answer was a music video to have an underlying message with 78.57% of my participants answering this. Looking at these results i can see that my participants like music videos to have a message behind the music video. I will use this information which my participants have given me and use this while planning and filming my music video to have a message behind it. On the other hand I also asked my participants if they prefer music videos to be more hedonistic/indulgent meaning that they don’t have any meaning behind the song/video but is just more for fun. Only three participants (21.43%) choose this as their answer compare to the other eleven participants which said they preferred music video with an underlying music video. Using this information I can relate this to when I am planning and filming my music video, I have come to the conclusion that I will create my music video by it having an underlying message. This will attract more of my participants to watch my music video as I am relating it to most popular music videos which have a message behind the video.

Page 7: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

My seventh question I asked ‘Which is more important to you in watching a music video? Style or Substance?’ For this question I asked my participants to give their opinion by choosing the answer which relates to their opinion. For example I asked mostly style, mostly style with some substance, mostly substance with some style and mostly substance. The most frequent answer is mostly substance with some style, 50% of my participants chose this. Looking at this I can see that most people prefer a music video to have substance as also 25% of my participants answered that they prefer music videos with just mostly substance. However looking at my other results my participants also would like some style in a music video as it is important to have both style and substance in a music video. Overall looking at this question which I have asked, I have gathered that my participants prefer a music video to have mostly substance so there is a meaning to the music video and it makes it more interesting. But they would also like to have style in the music video as it would make it more interesting to watch.

Page 8: Music video market research

Shauna Hughes

My ninth question i asked my participants is ‘Which type of music videos interests you the most?’ For this question i gave my participants seven choices to choose from to answer. The most popular answer is that my participants like a music video which is a combination of conceptual and narrative with 35.71% of my participants choosing this as their answer. Looking at this when planning my music video i will take into consideration to make my music video conceptual and a narrative video. The second most popular answer is a combination of conceptual, narrative and performance; i will use this i think more as it uses all three elements of a music video which can cater to all my audiences. On the other hand the least answer for this question is ‘a combination of conceptual and performance’ i will take this into consideration and use this information to not include these to elements in my music video on their own with each other.

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Shauna Hughes

For my final question I asked ‘If you had to pick one, what would be your favourite music video?’ This gave my participants a chance to write their own answer down. Looking at my survey I had many responses to what my participant’s favourite music video is. This also gives me the chance to see what type of music my participants listen to and who their favourite artists are. Looking at the results I can compare this to the song and music video I will choose so I can target my participants to make sure they enjoy my music video with the type of genre and type of music video I construct.

To conclude constructing this survey has helped and influence me into how to tackle choosing and making my music video. The questions I have asked to my participants have influenced me to how to create my music video by what genre of music, what type of music video etc. The survey has given me an insight into what participants/audiences want from music videos. I will know will be able to use my knowledge to create a music video which maybe able to cater to all participants and audiences