V16 pitch deck

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Transcript of V16 pitch deck

Investor Pitch Deck Template

Vision / Elevator Pitch

V16 Brings together 20 years of focused work on global transformation in one place so every one can find something to get involved with that they are passionate about.

Its all about building a core team of people to install the methodology and organisations to drive forward transfomation from the crowd for the crowd.

V16 is landing page and launch pad for current current crowd sourcing, crowd investing and crowd funding campaigns.

For A set of information products and services Collectively called Right View 8

A Giant decentralised Social Enterprise with 8 departments - Right Action 8.

The goal is to create enough capital and connect with other organisations that have also raised large ammounts of capital and compensate a change in behavoiur.

logo-crowdfunder.pngCommunication Technology is ready to faciliate a global change in behaviour. There is mass desire for transformation.



1986 -1993 Total clarity of purpose principles and philosophy 1993 saw first computer network and Foresore global communication1994 Focused clarity of purose to refinne to Fill the gap in the market left by the beartles and bob marley and deliver a clearly defined plan with good enough marketing and growth 1996 Plot formular for stories seed arrived. 1996-2016 primary focus and research Towards innovation and marketing to Achieve purpose.

Throughout 20 years managed to spead 80% of my time thinking, talking and Writing and gaining knowlage whilst ignoring all other responsibilities and rewards

After 17 years of partial iscolation and 3 years of support I then spent three years reading, writing and listening only to the masters ofMarketing leadership and personal development and assembled knowledge tocomplete plan

Resulting in perfect methodology for a change in behaviour for mutual benefit To all.

Market Opportunity


We are in the positive change and transformation domain

Both RV8 and RA8 present different market opportunities

with a range luxury products, services

To 2.8 billion people, with 20% of the worlds current wealth and 20% - 100% of the worlds wealth by 2020

We serve the people who are suffering the most widespread and painful problems of having to much or not enough money.

The total size of our Market is highest and lowest 20 %of income, within our Target audience

Within this 40% we are looking at specific types of people There will also be a lot of expusure to People in the middle 60%

Our growth model progresses local, national, Inter local, international and Global markets.

The Problem

Define the real problem/need youre solving, and for who.

Who else is already doing this, and how are they going about it and what are they not getting right or doing wrong?

logo-crowdfunder.png Solutions

Behaviour Continues that not only the majority does not agree with but that it Is causing emmence suffering overtly to 12.5 % of the population that live on An average of Aprox 1 pound a day in urgently painful situations The number of people Living in chronic suffering combined with the people onhigh incomes suffering with Chronic obesity, Also there are Nuclear and biological waste issues that need clearing up The wars on the batle fields and the roads if same escalation will kill xBad behaviour of treatment of nature Living things and natrual resources can alsoBe transformed with concerted collective effort. What is the picture now in the next year and next 10 years globaly For each problem we need to look at how many people are Currently chronicly suffering and what does it take to transform this situation.

Compensate changing behaviours through collective funding catalysed by A fast start organisation that rapidly creates capital and connects with the Crowd of organisations, groups and individuals who are already doing this.Create the platform for global prosperity with a direct profit flow from the Top 20 % of income to the bottom end by giving them money, products and Services Create a platform for and global understanding of the collective purpose and Potential attainment systems solve addiction with clarity, right thinking and right action. Create a platform fo relgious unity and understanding the mutual Benfit and mutual service without any challenge to existing sytems or structure Just positive transformation every actually agrees on.

Product / Service

logo-crowdfunder.pngV16 Center for crowd sourcing and Landing Page for current crowd funding campaigns and investment campaigns RV8 and RA8 When the targets are reached for all campaigns V16 Continue to be the home page.

Right View 8 Unicorn - Information Products, Knowlage & Support Services

Right Action 8 Unicorn - Investment, Tech Start ups & Art Start ups

Current Crowdfunders Ch-Oak 4 batch made high value products and production licences

Peter Sulo & Good Art Market High Value Art and prints

Current Crowd Invetments V16 RV8 - RA8

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Product / Service

logo-crowdfunder.pngV16 Center for crowd sourcing and Landing Page for current crowd funding campaigns and investment campaigns RV8 and RA8 When the targets are reached for all campaigns V16 Continue to be the home page.

Right View 8 Unicorn - Information Products, Knowlage & Support Services

Right Action 8 Unicorn - Investment, Tech Start ups & Art Start ups

Current Crowdfunders Ch-Oak 4 batch made high value products and production licences

Peter Sulo & Good Art Market High Value Art and prints

Current Crowd Invetments V16 RV8 - RA8

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Revenue Model

logo-crowdfunder.pngWho is your primary customer & how do you make money

What is the pricing / model

Revenue and # of customers to date

Show basic math on revenues and conversion rates

Life-time value of an average Customer (How many months, how many dollars?)

Social concious sponsors, suppliers and buyers

ShareAs 100k Perks Average 100 products average

All the products start to run on a pricing model of 3.6With the 1 part materials, 1 part labour, 1 part marketing .6 Freedom fundThe first ovbjective of the marketing is to generate as much commision fromAffliate sales to cover the cost of the parts labour and everything that is Related to marketing like premises,transport,food and communication forGrowth.The Art and Event tickets are on 50% for the Artist and Event production 50% Freedom fund.

The revenues and conversion rates will be on the Specific decks for each crowd funder and investment platform

V16 Team of 16 Investors and Team16

The lifetime value of the customers Is more than all the money in the worldRight Now

Marketing & Growth Strategy

logo-crowdfunder.pngWhere are your customers looking today and finding help?

Where will you get in front of them?

How will you achieve your target growth rates?

What are the most important and unique channels and methods you will use to find and win customers?

How are you doing it differently than others in the space?

Untill this launches there is no one place anyone in the world canGo to on the internet where they can get help for there most painful Needs if they are suffering one of the most widespread demands for Help.

V16 Will get in front of them through social Media and google seo and adwords by zooming from The big picture of the portfolio of social enterprise Products services and indeed the rest of the Virgin Group

Into the specific person who would benefit most From each specific prodoct tell them theunique story of that Product or serive and begin a process where a conversation exchanges Valuable information in an automated journey that the user can Progress at there level with personalised support along the way. As we get to know each customer We get to know which of our affiliate products will Add the most value to them to they are invited to look at 4-5 sales processes inside or out side of ourProduct range

Marketing & Growth Strategy

We specifically dont want any customers for any of our prodcuts that are not going to be raving fans or advocates but from the conversation we Will know enough about them to offer them one of our affiliate products or services and this covers the costs for growth in the short term and The long term because the mareketing team are nurturing a long term relatinship so it has to be 100 hundred percent highers value to the customer or less offers will be made. This means even if all 5 of our most alligned offers do not match there is an exponential return on sending out more letters.

The lifetime value of the client is so great in most cases phisical products can be sent to key clients at the later stages of the conversation for example, money,essential resources, Tablets, Cpus, sound systems,sports equipment or scaled examples of the products and ownership experiemces and garuntees built in

The affliiate growth stratagy also gives our repeat products to market for 100 % of the 1-10 sales

V16 Launches with 32 people

Onced launched each project has its own 2, 4, 8 16 32...people

Working in 24 day individual project flow team project flow and fun flow cycles with4 days total rest 3 - 8 day cycles 13 project cycles a year

Specificall V16 Marketing & Growth Strategy

There will always be an opportunity to invest present on the platformWith tranparent accounts and targets so not only can people in real time See the effects of there contribution towards specific goals People interested in investing directly or because they are thinking of Buying a product or service

The relation ship of the team like the clients is ongoing and im really Looking forward to it

It will be maintained by the dedication to the cause and benefits of the Solutions. This entire plan is design to generate capital for others and also An opportunity for the growing team and growing comminity to reach there Potential through circles of support and moving the benefits forward By the created and connected capital who are aware of the problems Understand the solution is possible Are determined to make the solution possible Are prepared to make the solution practical

Team-You,Financials, better than market rate Rewards what ever you want, what ever you need and whatever you can get from Your potential