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Page 2: ONGOING EVENTS PRAYER REQUESTS - … · sign up on the sheet provided above ... responde, como eco resonante regresa

PRAYER REQUESTS• Elijah Gonzales• Robert Ewey• Almae Law• Herb Garrett• Terry Roae and Family• Jean, client of Maria Menard• David Sanchez• John and Donna Weaver• Sandra Young• Samantha Gardner• Janet Bivens• Wanda Cappello• LaVeda Brumfeld• Fran Hopkins• Alex Rodriguez• Shirley Padilla• Jack Brohamer• Jo McKay• Doris Parry• Miles Shopshear• Desiree Chechin• Nicole Macias• Jim & LaJuanna Cross & Julie• Kosovo Congregation• Kevin Stuessel • Elders and Deacons • Doug Smith & Kosovo students: Megi, Kedion and Noel, Melina, Edmond, Ester, Kevin

(Update)Doug Smith is on a mission trip in Albania and Kosovo. He will be gone until July 19th. Please pray daily for his students and for his teaching. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will open their hearts. Please pray for Dougs success in Kosovo. Please say special prayers for Kevin, Melina, and Noel.

Please keep Elijah Gonzales in your prayers. They are waiting for the results of the biopsy to determine if he has siliac disease. His rash is not going away, causing him great discomfort. He also misses his dad, Adrian, who is on the ship for the next few weeks. Prayers for the family are greatly ap-preciated.

Mary Wells would like Almae Law added to our prayers. She is recovering from pneumo-nia. (No relation to our Janet) Prayers are greatly appreciated.

Prayers are requested for Robert Ewey, a close family friend of Mary Wells. He has congestive heart and edema issues coupled with his diabetes. The next step is probably dialy-sis. The family appreciates our prayers.

Karen Sneed’s dad, Herb Gar-rett, has esophageal cancer and hasn’t been able to swallow anything to speak of in several weeks and has lost weight. The plan right now is to insert a stint to open his throat up so he can eat. They want to get his strength up before radiation and chemo.

Send prayer request to:[email protected]

Sun. Mornings at 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes with Worship Service at 10:15 and fellowship to follow. We currently offer classes for all ages. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen after class. We also have headsets for Spanish translations during worship service.

Class on “How to Live With the Loss of a Loved One” and The New Members’ Class are being offered. If you are interested please contact: Diana Burton (760) 345-2615or Steve Cardinal (760) 574-7204 for additional information.

Sunday night or afternoon “In the Word” Bible study information is located on the table in the kitchen. Please check with the study leader for more information.

Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom.

The Elders would like an opportu-nity to visit with you either at your home or here at the building. Please sign up on the sheet provided above the information table in the kitchen.

Tuesdays Ladies Bible Class at 10 a.m. for Study and potluck. Please plan on joining us at 10:00 a.m. Class will last until aprox 11:30. Our potluck will be cancelled until further notice.

Wednesdays at 7 a.m. men meet at the building for prayer and then go out for breakfast. Every Wed. at 7 p.m.Mid-week Bible Study at the build-ing.

KIDS FOR KIDS : Our children participate in contributing funds for children in the Philippines to purchase goats. The goats provide milk and a way for the children in the Philippines to financially help themselves and their families.

ONGOING EVENTSPierre Ortiz 7/5Camille Meyer 7/7Jay Johnson 7/8Terry Shubin 7/8Jhymai Stevenson 7/9Rayna Willis 7/11Carole Rogers 7/11Veronica Alvarez 7/13Rachel Shubin 7/13Dan Johnson 7/14Sophie McGuire 7/16Andrea Aranda 7/17

DIRECTORY CHANGESPlease be sure to let the office know if you have any contact information changes or additions.

Calendars and Additional InformationTODAY JULY 12TH PDCOC BOWLING FELLOWSHIP 2PM-4PMPDCOC members, youth and family.

JULY 15TH NARROW DOOR FOOD DISTRIBUTION Thursday 5:45pm-7:30pm. Vol-unteers needed.



JULY 22ND WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDYJack Rowe will be bringing some lessons on Wednesday evenings, from the old testament, particu-larly on the life of King David. These stories will fit in with how we live our lives today. We wish to thank Henry for heading this class the last several weeks. Sadly, our Wednesday evening Bible Study has deteriorated drastically over the past year or so. We realize people are busy and have other pursuits, but an hour out of the week is so little to give up. Please ask yourself if re-turning for this study would not be good for you, for your family and hopefully for friends. See you Wednesday!

JULY 28TH OUR FRIENDS AT ST JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH NEEDHELP OVER THE SUMMER MONTHS Their food distribution is the 4th Tuesday of each month from 8:00am to 9:30am


AUGUST 13TH FOOD PAN-TRY 5;30 PM-7 PM HERE AT THE CHURCH Volunteers come at 5:00 pm. Be sure to sign up on sheet on the kitchen bulletin board.

CALIFORNIA COASTAL CRUISE Leaving From LA to San Fran-cisco, to San Barbara to San Diego to Ensenada back to LA. 7 day event. 3/26/16 to 4/2/16.$100 holds a cabin and you have till 1/11/16 to make final pay-ment. If you have any questions call or text Robert Carven at 760-567-1748. All are invited to join in on the fun.

ATTENTION:NEW DIRECTORIES ARE HERE Please see Robin or Cynthia in office after service.

HELP NEEDEDVolunteers are needed to assist with the Donuts/coffee set-up and with the Communion/kitch-en clean-up after service. Please see Adell Bynum if you can as-sist. We really need your help.

FOOD PANTRYOur Food Pantry is in need of volunteers now that our snow-birds have left. Also if you know of anyone that can use food, or if any members of our church family could use food, please let the office know.

SKY VALLEY WORSHIP UPDATEWorship service is at 2:30 p.m. See Doug Smith for more info.and carpooling from PDCOC.

GREETERS:The 10:00AM greeting assign-ments may require you, if you happen to be scheduled on a day Sunday School runs past 10:00AM, to leave class to greet. Please remember that the Greeters are still our first, best resource for making visitors and regulars welcome.

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AVECES PIENSO..........Gilbert


Youth Connection: Wednesday Night Bible Class - 7:00 p.m. Children’s Church during Sermon - Age 9 and underSunday School Classes for all ages - 9:00 a.m.

Upcoming Youth Activities:See Caleb or Ashley Gervin for more information on Youth

Caleb (c) (760) 898-9776 Ashley (c) (760) 625-6935e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

YOUTH EVENTS FOR JULYFirst Sunday of every month: Rescue MissionLast Sunday of every month: Bowling. T.B.A

Please see monthly flyer.

Outreach and Family Ministry:This team offers home bible studies, baptisms, home visits, hospital visits, visits for shut-ins, and any encouragement needs. The team also offers general maintenance duties such as minor home and yard re-pairs and heavy lifting.


MINISTRY TEAM MEMBERS Jim Sultzer Rafael Rodriguez Marco Aparicio Henry McNulty Bob Tripp Nick Macias Garry Sage

JULY BIRTHDAYSPierre Ortiz 7/5Camille Meyer 7/7Jay Johnson 7/8Terry Shubin 7/8Jhymai Stevenson 7/9Rayna Willis 7/11Carole Rogers 7/11Veronica Alvarez 7/13Rachel Shubin 7/13Dan Johnson 7/14Sophie McGuire 7/16Andrea Aranda 7/17

Dean Davenport 7/19Tammy Johnson 7/20Lynn Packer 7/20Cruz Aranda 7/22Bob Finnell 7/22Jerry Bivens 7/24Sean McGuire 7/25Caryl Brennan 7/27Mary Cardinal 7/27Christ Gonzales 7/29Bob Berk 7/31

JULY ANNIVERSARIESTodd & Lori Hodulik 7/6Brian & Sierra Wagner 7/11Tom & Sunny Patton 7/18Lin & Adell Bynum 7/19

DIRECTORY CHANGESPlease be sure to let the office know if you have any contact information changes or additions.

Que edad tienes hoy? quizas eres joven adolecente, adul-to, o quizas haz llegado a la mayoria de edad. Si eres ad-olecente, quizas no te importe mucho esta historia, aunque a la mejor podria ser para ti, como adolecente quizas te resulte facil recordar cuando fuiste niño, y comote divertia jugar con tus Padres a ser invisible, pero para los viejos y los adultos no es algo que tengamos que recordar, como tampoco algo que nos divierta tanto, porque es algo que empesamos a vivir. Un dia fuimos los super heroes, sin necesidad de la batisenal sacamos de apuros a nuestros hijos pero quien lo miro, claro eramos invisibles teniamos la energia que importaban las gracias, o un sabia que lopodias hacer Papa. hoy con el paso de los anos, nuestra energia fisica se a deteriorado, muchas veces olvidamos encender el obturador que nos a de quitar la coraza que nos hace invisibles y dejar que fluya nuestra voz para hac-ernos notar. Pero nadie mira nada, nadie escucha, nadieresponde, como eco resonante regresa a mi “aqui estoy”. Todos ocupados en sus propias necesidades, revisando el mensaje de texto, contestando el correo electronico, un tel-efono celular en la mesa ,una computadora encendida y a tu derecha un bulto olvidado que se queda contento (a)con el simple hecho de verte llegar, te caliento algo de com-er apenas te escuchan ;la comida se enfria en la mesa y con ella tu corazon. Te das valor y aun asi pides a Dios por tus hijos, nietos y bisnietos y como si escucharas a Dios decir: No te preocupes por nada Yo lo veo todo, Yo te escucho, y te respondere tu no eres invisible para Mi, ningun sacrificio es tan pequeno para que Yo no lo note, veo cada plato

de comida que Tu compartes, ese abrazo de ternura y com-prension que le das al enfermo, la sonrisa que sale de tus labios, y cada lagrima de decepcion cuando las cosas no salen como a ti te hubiera gustado que salieran. Romanos 12:10AMENSE LOS UNOS A LOS OTROS CON AMOR FRATERNAL, RESPETANDOSE Y HONRANDOSE MUT-UAMENTE. Filipenses 2: 3 NO HAGAN NADA POR EGO-ISMO O VANIDAD; MAS BIEN, CON HUMILDAD CONSID-EREN A LOS DEMAS COMO SUPERIORES A USTEDES MISMOS. Deuteronomio 5: 16 HONRA A TU PADRE YA TU MADRE, COMO EL SENOR TU DIOS TE HA MAN-DADO, PARA QUE TUS DIAS SEAN PROLONGADOS Y TE VAYA BIEN EN LA TIERRA QUE ELSENOR TU DIOS TE DA. Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto.........................

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Sunday July 12, 2015

Sermon Notes“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” Kings of JudahLesson 8: Ahaz: Forsaking Sin or Forsaking God?

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 28

Paul’s PonderDebbie and I are visiting with Rachel, Andrew and her boys in Wag-oner, Oklahoma. We were able to worship with them in Muskogee on Sunday. I was hoping they would give me a certificate saying I could be called an “Okie from Muskogee”, but there is some kind of

residency requirement.That evening I was able to attend worship services in Wagoner. There were about 20 people in attendance. I arrived a few minutes early so I introduced myself to all those in attendance. One of the people I met was Cheryl Helm who used to live in California, so we had something in common. I then learned that she attended high school at Charter Oak which was close to where I lived. I mentioned that I graduated from Azusa High. She stopped and looked at me and asked, “Did you attend the Azusa church of Christ?” I told her I did. She asked me again for my last name and then told me her

maiden name, Cheryl Reagan. Then we hugged and cried. We had not seen each other since 1969. We even have ties in Oregon. We began talking about people and shared experiences. Memories

of people and events flooded my mind. Precious memories.Precious memories, unseen angels. Sent from somewhere to my soul.

How they linger, ever near me, And the sacred past unfolds.Precious memories how they linger. How they ever flood my soul.

In the stillness, of the midnight, Precious sacred scenes unfold. -J.B.F Wright

What are the odds that I will travel 1500 miles to a town of 8,323 and visit a church with 20 in attendance to meet a woman I have not seen since both of us were teens. Coincindence? I think not. What is the purpose? I may not know entirely, but I know what it has meant for

me. I love Jesus and the church He purchased with His blood. The en-couragement I received by meeting a member I had not seen in so long was invigorating. How precious is the body of Christ! We are very special to each other. I can’t imagine a strong relationship with Christ if we do not have a strong relationship with one another. We

can’t have relationships if we don’t spend time together.19We love, because He first loved us. 20If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. 21And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves

God should love his brother also. I John 4:19-21Secondly, it increases my longing for heaven where we will not have to move to another part of the country or talk about people who have “gone home” but can love one another more and more. How beauti-

ful heaven will be because God provided for us to be there.Just Pondering

Order of worshipSong Leader Dale WellsSong Announcement Dan Johnson Prayer of Praise Song Communion # Sermon# Invitation # Communion Lead Bob FinnllAssisting Len Stuessel Nick Macias Marco Aparicio Miguel Carmona Doug Brannon Keith Chambliss

Scripture Reading Nick Moreno Sermon Dale WellsClosing Prayer Jerry BivensSpanish Translation Norma MorenoGreet Visitor Rodriquez Family Garry SageUsher Renzo ChumbeCloser Jack Rowe

Please join us for a brief fellowship with donuts and coffee in the kitchen before service

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We welcome you to our worship celebration. If you are a guest today, we are pleased to have you with us. May our worship time together be filled with

praise and honor. May our souls be uplifted while glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ.


9:00 a.m.(Classes for all ages)


10:15 a.m.

Contribution last week:$4554

Kids for Kids$87




Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. (Classes for all ages)




Attendance last week134

Our Mission statement: We are Christ’s Ambassadors Nuestra dclaracion de mision: Somos embajadores de Cristo

78-135 Avenue 42 • Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 760.360.6595

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 • Palm Desert, CA 92255 Contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Find us on the WEB at


Jack BrohamerJohn Burton

Robert CravenJim Cross

Dan JohnsonJack Rowe

DEACONSJerry BivensBob Finnell

Paul SchlosserJim SultzerDale WellsMike Young




Office Hours

Mon: 8:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.

Tues: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.

Wed: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Thurs: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

SUNDAY July 12, 2015