Music Video Story Board




Transcript of Music Video Story Board

  • 1. Shot Number: 1 Shot Number: 2 Sound Dark lighting Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Beating on the track begins to play exactly on two seconds. Camera movement upwards begins. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Low lighting remains.

2. Shot Number: 3 Shot Number: 4 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Ariel shot Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Vocal section of piece of music begins, artist begins lip syncing 3. Shot Number: 5 Shot Number: 6 Sound Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Quick change in lighting from light to dark. Zoom out stops. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Slow zoom out, to finally show a mid-shot of artist. Zoom out begins at permanent slumber during lyrics. 4. Shot Number: 7 Shot Number: 8 Sound Brighter light compared to first 16 seconds. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Lip-syncing stops during broken memories during lyrics. Camer angle at slight tilt. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hand from the left of the artist enters shot opens left eye. Can see the lower body, of said person, as well as hand. 5. Shot Number: 9 Shot Number: 10 Sound As hand from left begins to close eye, a pair of scissors from the hand entering from the middle right side of screen is transferred to hand entering from bottom left of screen. A hand also enters screen from top right and flashes torch on and off before exiting. Hand from bottom right begins to enter. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hand entering from bottom right open and closes mouth. 6. Shot Number: 11 Shot Number: 12 Sound Pair of hands enters from right, left hand resting an object on the left hand before exiting. At the same time, hand from bottom centre enters and is placed on the left cheek of artist. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hand from bottom centre moves head to face the right before exiting. 7. Shot Number: 13 Shot Number: 14 Sound Hand enters from bottom right, stretching across body diagonally. At the same time, hand from top centre enters with torch. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Torch is switched on. 8. Shot Number: 15 Shot Number: 16 Sound Hand with torch exits as hand from left enters to take object from the opposite hand while another hand from bottom centre enters and is placed on the right check of artist. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hand moves face from facing the right back to central positon. 9. Shot Number: 17 Shot Number: 18 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Close up of blue sheet been put over body. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Zoom out to show the table covered- arms and lower bodies of people can be seen. 10. Shot Number: 19 Shot Number: 20 Sound Half of blue sheet is pulled back to show arm of artist. The wrist is held by hand entering from the bottom right while another hand from the left enters and appears to be putting a glove on, entering in time woth the beat of the music. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hand holding wrist flips arm over as a hand enters from top right and is placed on the upper part of the arm while another hand enters from the left, also putting a glove on. 11. Shot Number: 21 Shot Number: 22 Sound Third hand enters from right, in between other two hands, and dabs arm with cotton wool,. Another can also be seen slightly at top. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Third hand from right exits while hands on left flip over before exiting. Movement of hands change at same pace as the beat of the music. 12. Shot Number: 23 Shot Number: 24 Sound Blue sheet flipped back over by hand entering from top right. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Quick movement up body. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Oxygen mask place over mouth 13. Shot Number: 25 Shot Number: 26 Sound Pair of hands enter from left and right and are placed underneath the head. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hands lift head up while oxygen mask is placed and secured around head. 14. Shot Number: 27 Shot Number: 28 Sound Head is placed back down. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Downwards movement of the body begins. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography As camera travels down body, a medical kit is seen held across the body by hands from the right and left. Hand from bottom left takes object. Camera continues to travel down body. 15. Shot Number: 29 Shot Number: 30 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Camera continues to move down body at same pace while hand holding red object moves with it. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hand holding object exits from screen. 16. Shot Number: 31 Shot Number: 32 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Camera continues to travel down body until reaching the end of the body. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Second verse of music begins as person goes to take blue sheet and pull it back. (The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues) Hand from top right reaches down and across to take blue sheet from the left. 17. Shot Number: 33 Shot Number: 34 Sound Blue sheet pulled back. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Pair of hands holding clipboard and pen enters from bottom right while hands entering from left take the thigh and knee. 18. Shot Number: 35 Shot Number: 36 Sound Hands with cilpboard and pen make a tick on the sheet while a third hand enters from the left. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography As the hand with object moves towards the knee, the leg moves up. 19. Shot Number: 37 Shot Number: 38 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Extreme clos up of the sole of the shoe. Clipboard and trainer take up equal parts of the frame although only the trainer is in focus. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Foot is placed back on the table. 20. Shot Number: 39 Shot Number: 40 Sound Hands enter from left and take hold of knee. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography The leg is pushed down while the blue sheet is folded back over. 21. Shot Number: 41 Shot Number: 42 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography As soon as hand from right exits, another enters from the left with a stethoscope. Hand reaches across the body to place it on the body. 22. Shot Number: 43 Shot Number: 44 Sound Hand moves left and places stethoscope on body again, moving at a slight diagonal position. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Hand moves diagonally back and to the right, placing object on body again. 23. Shot Number: 45 Shot Number: 46 Sound Hand moves diagonally back, slightly, and to the left. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Remains in the same spot before exiting while another pair of hands enter. 24. Shot Number: 47 Shot Number: 48 Sound Pair of hands enter from the top, forming a heart shape around the spot where the stethoscope was placed. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Another pair of hands enter to place a red cross in centre of the heart. 25. Shot Number: 49 Shot Number: 50 Sound Both pairs of hands exit. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Both hands enter at the same time, slower than previous hand movements. Hand from top left slowly takes object from other hand. 26. Shot Number: 51 Shot Number: 52 Sound Hand rests object on the red cross, holds for one second. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Artist opens eyes as the camera shows his face. Camera moves up body to show mid shot. 27. Shot Number: 53 Shot Number: 54 Sound Oxygen mask is lifted off, moved and held on the right side of the body. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Artist begins lip-syncing again at chorus of music- if you love me let me go.. Sits up towards end of lyrics- go.. 28. Shot Number: 53 Shot Number: 54 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Cuts to different positing of the camera, filming the right side of the artist. Slow motion Last two seconds before next cut. Whole frame filled, showing the artist and most of the others arms, can slightly see face towards edge of screen. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Artist pushed back 29. Shot Number: 55 Shot Number: 56 Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Cuts back to original camera position, continues from previous cut, showing him been pushed back on his back. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Artists arms move up and round to push other hands away and out of shot. Hands re-enter right after. 30. Shot Number: 57 Shot Number: 58 Sound Arm from top left reaches over body at the same time as the hand from bottomleft. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Artist reaches diagonally across to the left and takes hold of persons arm. Camera moves quickly with the movement of the artists arms, first diagonally down to show person in bottom left. 31. Shot Number: 59 Shot Number: 60 Sound Right arm grabbed and held back by people stood on the right side of artist. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Lip-syncing begins. Artist reaches diagonally over to the right. Pair of arms enters from the left to take artists arm. Camera moves to the left 32. Shot Number: 61 Shot Number: 62 Sound Second pair of arms enters from the left to take and hold back arm. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Quick cut to show part of upper body of the artist. Mid shot. 33. Shot Number: 63 Shot Number: 64 Sound Hands move towards centre of frame. Another hand enters from bottom left. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Close up of cluster of hands dominating frame, covering body. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Quick cut from previous shot. Higher camera shot, showing full arms of people and tops of their heads. 34. Sound Person stood in top right as hold of wrist and shoulder. Person stood in bottom right has hold of upper arm and one hand placed on chest. Person stood in top left is reached over and has both hands on chest. Person stood in bottom left is holding left arm. Artist moves from facing left side to facing right side. Mise-en-scene Editing Cinematography No lip-syncing Cut between shots 65 and 67. Slow motion. Shot Number: 65 Shot Number: 66 Sound Pair of hands holding each wrist back. Other hands enter from top right (placed on the right shoulder), bottom right (placed on the chest), top left (placed on the left shoulder) and bottom left (placed on the upper part of left arm.) Hand from bottom right moves across the chest and to the wait. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Slow motion as artist tries to sit up. Slight camera tilt. Camera at slight tilt. 35. Sound Artist tries to sit up. Previous hand positions remain, except person in top right has swapped hands over; their right hand moves over to and pushes on the chest. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Lip-syncing- go, continuing from if you love me let me go in shot 65. Cut back to shot continuing from shot 65, to closer framing. Slow motion. Camera tilted more to the left. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography No lip-syncing. Cut to shot continuing from shot 66 but showing camera position previously shown in shot 65. Slow motion. Artist is pushed down, head moving from an upright position to falling flat on the table. Artists right arm is held further down, hands of people stood on the right are placed on artists right shoulder. Position of those stood on left are slightly changed, moved forward as they push him down. Shot Number: 67 Shot Number: 68 Artist takes up 2/3 of frame. More of those stood on left can be seen, take up last third of frame. 36. Shot Number: 69 Shot Number: 70 Sound Atrists arm are placed down beside him. Camera tilts downwards, showing only the middle part of the artists body. Continues to down as he is spun round so his face is filling up almost the whole frame. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Music continues but no lip- syncing. Cut to lower angle and different positiong of the camera. Lower angle, filming straight on but slight facing the right, showing most of the bodies stood towards the back of the table. Each person takes up equal parts of frame. Sound Editing Cinematography Mise-en-scene The two people stood on left reach over the chest to grab the opposite arm. Person at far back left places one hand on right should. Person towards front keeps one hand on the left wrist. Person at far back right removes hands from arms and the person towards the front right keeps hand placed on right wrist Body is spun around 180degrees. Person stood at far back right grabs legs as he spins. 37. Shot Number: 71 Shot Number: 72 Sound First hand placed on mouth enters from left. Artist looking to the right. Hands from bottom move in to support head. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Back to ariel shot showing close up of face, hands take up most of upper part of the frame. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Second hand placed on mouth enters from the right. Artist looks to the left. 38. Shot Number: 73 Shot Number: 74 Sound Third hand placed on mouth enters from top right. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Fourth hand placed on mouth enters from bottom left. Artis looks forward. 39. Shot Number: 75 Shot Number: 76 Sound Artist pushes up, hands exit. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Begins lip-syncing at words are knives Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Lip-syncing continues for two seconds before head is pushed down as he sings scars. Hand enters from right is placed on forehead to push him down, hand behind head is removed at the same time; 40. Shot Number: 77 Shot Number: 78 Sound Bandage tightly placed across forehead. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Lip-syncing continues. Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Lip-syncing continues (should be singing the fear of falling..) Person holds down bandage on head for one second. 41. Shot Number: 79 Shot Number: 80 Sound Takes bandage off as he sits up while lip-syncing [fear of falling] apart. Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Cinematography Final cut to show artis sitting up, continuing from previous shot. Close up shot at a lower height, showing the artist continuing to sit up and lean forward towards the camera.