Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your...

Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 ADVT. SUPPLEMENT | Free Mogappair MAIL YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWSPAPER Circulated at n Mogappair n Nolambur n Anna Nagar West Extn.

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Page 1: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4

Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 ADVt. SupplemeNt | Free

Mogappair MAILY o u r N E I G H B o u r H o o D N E W S P A P E r

Circulated at n Mogappair n Nolambur n Anna Nagar West Extn.

Page 2: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4

This Space Costs

Rs. 600To AdverTise80560 018554269 0063

Buying Spot CaSh

Old Furniture, Computer, Laptop, TV, LED, LCD, A/c, Water Heater, Inverter, Music System, Fridge.

All Scraps, Any Condition.

89405 00363anBu

BuyingComputer, Laptop, Sofa, Cot, Dining

Table, All Furniture, TV, Batteries, UPS, A/c, All Mobiles &

Two Wheeler.

78679 97129K.K. traderS

MoGAPPAIr MAIL December 16 - 22, 20182

Authorised Distributor

Packaged drinking Water available: retail & Wholesale

Ph: 94444 02457 / 044 2688 1000PP1, 3rd Block, MogaPPair West, chennai - 600 037, taMil nadu.

« 250 Ml « 300 Ml « 500 Ml « 1, 2 & 5 litres

« 20 litres can

Mini Biz For Booking oF Mini BiZ Call: 80560 01855 / 4269 0063 | E-mail: [email protected]

buying & selling

LED, LCD, Old TV & Computer, Laptop, UPS Batteries,

Music System, Bero, Fridge, Old Brass & Even Silver, Copper, Water Heater,

All A to Z Scraps.

97108 20853

Sivan TraderS

inverter batteries any condition rs. 2000/-

Split, WindoW old & neW

higheSt priCe

Mogappair WeSt


Dr. Husna Anjum BPT M.IAP

97909 66027

brain train, kids yoga, Plyometrics,Fun & games

KidS CaMp

age: 3 - 7 yrs

No. 10/572, Pari Salai, Mogappair East, Chennai 37.

24.12.18 to 29.12.18

aeSthetiC poStureSPHySIOTHErAPy &


p Fridges p Handycam p Geysers p Grinders p Stabilizers p ACs p Motors p Batteries p Washing Machines at working condition price

CTVs (Working)


Buying Old Scooters & Cars also

dead Conditon





Sweatha electonics93827 2867293827 28677ph:

Rs 500 Penalty for Dumping Garbage in

Open PlotsBy Our Correspondent

In a bid to counter the menace of dumping of gar-bage in vacant grounds, the Greater Chennai Corpora-tion has warned that a pen-alty of Rs 500 would be levied on violators. In the Mogappair and Nolambur neighbourhoods, the civic body has installed sign-boards near open plots cau-tioning people not to dis-card garbage in vacant grounds. “If you violate, Rs 500 penalty would be im-posed,” the board says.

Incidentally, over the past two years, the Mogap-pair Mail has through sev-eral reports highlighted how open grounds have become breeding grounds for mos-quitoes due to indiscrimi-

nate dumping of garbage by households and commercial establishments alike.

In many parts of Mogap-pair East, West and Nolam-bur and a very few places in Anna Nagar, one could spot vacant plots. Invariably people living in and around these plots by habit dump garbage there or sometimes outsiders come and discard wastes during night time.

According to an official of the Greater Chennai Corporation’s Ambattur Zone, under whose jurisdic-tion the Mogappair and Nolambur neighbourhoods fall, “We have placed these boards warning of imposing a penalty as part of our ef-forts to keep the neighbour-hoods clean under the Swachch Bharat (Thooymai

Bharatam in Tamil or Clean India in English) mission. We hope this will yield re-sults and dissuade people from dumping garbage. Instead they will now deposit garbage in the bins.”

However, a section of resi-dents was scep-tical if the move would indeed pay off and help keep the neigh-bourhood clean and hygienic. “Who is going to monitor this? Will the Greater Chennai Corporation post a guard at all vacant plots to catch hold of violators and levy the Rs 500 fine? I have a feeling that

in the absence of strict en-forcement this will also be just another law that will be mocked at by violators,” said Vaitheeswaran, a senior citi-zen and resident of Mogap-pair West. Another resident Singaravelu pointed to a scene where garbage has been strewn all around a signboard that warns of imposing fine for littering on open grounds and said,

“Look this is how much peo-p le care for cleanliness. You cannot insti l civic sense in our people by t h r e a t e n i n g them with pen-alties. It simply won’t work. In-stead the au-thorities must under take a massive cam-paign to create

awareness among people and sensitise them on source segregation of waste and proper disposal of other wastes,” he argued.

“Who is going to monitor this?

Will the Greater Chennai

Corporation post a guard at all vacant plots to catch hold of

violators and levy the Rs 500 fine?

By Our Correspondent

A sword has a double edge but a gun has only one pointer, pre-cisely the reason for director Dinesh Selvaraj to focus his guns on the travails of an encounter specialist, ‘Thupakki Munai’ which had an impressive Friday opening.

Of his second project, fresh from the success of the crowd funded ‘Naalu Peruku Nallladhuna Edhuvam Thappilla’ the one time assistant of Mani Ratnam sounded confident that speed will be the essence of his plot, the happenings confined to a one-day happening.

Not branding it as a road trav-elled script, Selvaraj said the locales of Mumbai, Delhi along with the ones in South will give the viewers a feeling of a connected plot. “My

protagonist is an encounter special-ist having scalped 30 and on the prowl for fresh kills. He is from the police force but the disguised act is to zero in on the targets without giving a clue. High on speed and energy, Vikram Prabhu has done total justice to a character of 40-plus, the salt and pepper look giv-ing a total transformation to his body language, In such a script, songs generally do not have a place with focus on the background score. On similar lines, Selvaraj said the two songs will not look out of place, one a melody for the first time pair of Vikram-Hansika Mot-wani. “For the BGM, the notes were sent to a brand name in Greece and the inputs were moni-tored by the musical duo of Muthu-Ganesh.”

Travails of an encounter specialistDr. Sudha Balakumaran


ph: 044-2656 4371

harini hoMoeo CliniC

time: 10.00 AM to 3.00 PM (Sunday Holiday)

WE ArE SPECIALISED FOru Gynecological Problems - PCOS (Ovarian Cyst), Fibroid

(Uterine) u Renal Calculi u Piles u Gastroenterological

Problems u Respiratory Disease

Page 3: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4


Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPErVol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free

classiFieds on Page 4 & 6

By Our Correspondent

D Gukesh is the new kid on the block. The 12-year-old is on a roll. After win-ning his maiden World U-12 title in Spain, Gukesh followed it up with an-other stunning performance, winning the closed round-robin GM tournament in Paracin, Serbia. He won the tournament with a whopping performance rating of 2744, gaining 24 rating points in the process. The Velammal School student has a chance of making history if he can make his third GM norm in the ongoing Sunway Sitges International in Sitges, Spain. If Gukesh can make his final norm, he will become the youngest Grandmaster in the world, rewriting the longstanding record of Sergei Karjakin, which he achieved in 2002.

R Praggnanandhaa, who was trying to better the Russian’s record, became

the second youngest GM in the world at that time. Of course, he has been pushed to the third spot by Uzbek youngster Javokhir Sindarov, who achieved the GM title even quicker than the Indian. If Gukesh can continue his rich vein of form, he can obliterate the record, which is the most difficult to break. It will be a phenomenal achievement if he accom-plishes it.

Gukesh, who made his maiden GM norm at the Bangkok Open this year, has been going from strength to strength with every tournament. He also had the sat-isfaction of defeating former World Championship challenger Nigel Short. Gukesh proved it was not a fluke by holding Short to a draw in the Isle of Man International Open in Douglas, the capital city of Isle of Man. The way Gukesh has been progressing, he has a bright future ahead without a doubt.

Page 4: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4


99414 23745

tuition taken for std i to Xii, re-exam coaching, summer classes also taken by experienced

lady teacher.

TUITIONHome / RegulaR

9th, 10th, 11th & 12thSTATE / CBSE - Maths, Acc.,

Com. Sci., Phy, Che, Bio, Eng, B. Maths, Tamil

98404 92384

1st to 10thall board / subjects

10th, 11th & 12th cbse spl. coaching for Maths,

comp. sci., Phy, che, acct., sci

b.e,, b.coM, bca, M.coM, Mca, Mba

all branch / subjectsincl. all engg. Maths

home / regular tuitionsSugaNTHI






Music class

tailoring class


situation vacant



Classifieds For Booking oF ClassiFieds Call: 80560 01855 / 4269 0063 | E-mail: [email protected]


Classifieds.... Rs. 300 for 20 words and Rs. 10 for every addit ional word Contact: 8056001855 / 42690063



98407 44246

C, C++, python prograMMing

+1, +2 (State / CBSe), B.e. (18 yrs exp.)

4 hrS Free ClaSSeS


AvAilAble in No 2047, 2nd Street, eWS vasantha Colony, West Anna Nagar for conducting ceremonies (Srardhams) and small functions. Catering and other arrangements also under-taken, brahmins only. Ct: Ra-madurai Sastrigal, 26183898.

SituatioN vacaNtmuSic claSS

ê£Œó£‹ Üè£ìI

9444287849 / 26564454

v«ô£è‹, 𣆴,

i¬í èŸÁˆîóŠð´‹.

Office Address: 283, Mohanram Nagar,

Mogappair West, Chennai - 37.Phone:

Reception: 2656 6858 Advertising: 4269 0063

E-mail: [email protected]


How to contact




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CLASSIFIEDSInside Page: J 50 Per Sq. Cm.

Minimum Size: 3 Column Cm.

B&W: J 360/-; Colour: J 450/-

Editor & Publisher: Julian Rodrigo

Reporter: N Rathi Chithra

Designer: Nitin R

Front Office Manager: S Kavitha

Business Executive: D Rathina Kumar

Collection Executive: T Surya

Circulation Supervisors: Jeeva, Madan, GopalLEgAL ADvISOR:

E.J. Ayyappan B. Sc., B.L, DPM

The Team

SituatioN vacaNt

MoGAPPAIr MAIL December 16 - 22, 20184

92831 7094299621 98044



Classifieds booking closes on Saturday,

11.00 a.m.

ph: 2624 3946

u lady counter staffu Fresh / trained two Wheeler Mechanics

Contact in personSrihari MotorS

K-2, 7th Street, Near Vavin, Ambattur Indl. Estate,

Chennai - 600 058.

authorised require


activity classes

90804 34228

yoga / handWritingabacus / hindi /

draWing / robotics / Phonicsnakshatra acadeMy

SaMy Chandra ConStruCtion

98429 81462 / 99404 60821

interior Painting, apartment exterior Painting,

Water Proofing for terrace & bathrooms, terrace cool coat, renovation


FORTUNe Finserv invest Min. Rs. 10,000 to 10,00,000. Weekly, Monthly 10% returns. Secured investments. inves-tors, Agents, Referral welcome. Contact: 63835 73726

99620 12088


Telecallersfor a reputed real Estate Company. Fixed Salary &

Attractive Incentives.



ganesha gas agency96001 23700

FeMale staFFQual. Any Degree,

Good Communication Skill.

No. 9/13, Vellalar St., Senthamizh Nagar, Mogappair West


99445 52212

sales reP.Male / FeMale for Retail Garment

shop. Bonus given for Good Candidates.

WantedFemale STaFF

accounTSQual.: Any Degree, Computers

& Tally knowledge @ Mogappair West

[email protected]

suPer selva’s sruthi orchestra

94442 9911773389 83117


DrUMS PAD.Contact: Selva


98844 48461Chennai DeCors

HousE Painting

Wanted Freshers (WoMen candidates)

8939951110 / 044-48652726

For adMin & data entry WorKwith Good Communication Skills

in English from Nolambur / Mogappair with Two wheeler.

Salary rs. 8,000/- to 10,000/-

[email protected]

tailoriNg claSS

7358205043 / 9176729046MOGAPPAIr & MADUrAVOyAL

uDiploma in uTailoring uFashion uDesigning uAari Work uEmbroidery uMachine uMechanics

oFFer50% Off

tailoring INSTITUTE &






Sithara SeWing & deSign SChool

By Our Correspondent

Way back in the late 1990’s, exclusive baby shops were fewer in num-ber and one had to go all the way upto Nungambak-kam or even further. It was then, a young entrepreneur Jeyanthi Nathan thought of the idea to start one at

Anna Nagar. He was 27 years old when Born Ba-by’s, an exclusive baby shop to cater to the needs of residents in and around Anna Nagar was born in 2001.

Born Baby’s takes pride in saying that they are the pioneers in a posh locality like Anna Nagar. They

have grown over the years and are in a position to supply mostly branded qualilty imported items at competitive prices. “There are distributors appointed in India itself and products are available right through the year,” said Nathan.

This showroom which was started in a small 300

sq ft area, later occupied an area of nearly 1000 sq ft at the Anna Nagar Plaza has now been shifted to a new spacious premises spread to a fully air conditioned showroom of nearly 3000 sq ft. Located just opposite to Saravana Bhavan has ample car parking. Regular customers who found it difficult climbing up the stairs earlier will now find shopping a pleasure as there is lift facility.

Feeding bottles and ac-cessories from Avent (Eng-land), Pigeon (Japan), ce-reals from Gerder (USA), Heinz (England); cosmet-ics and toileteries from Sebamed (Germany) and Johnson & Johnson (USA) and diapers that originated from Saudi (genuine ones); accessories (cradlle, walk-er, feeding bottles and

teether) and furnishings from Meemee and 1st Step; infant formula like Enfamil and Similac (USA), the famous brands are also available.

Born Baby’s has a cou-ple of branches operating at Ambattur and Kolathur. The shop in its 18th year is a one stop shop for all ba-bies need. The shop func-tions at Shop No AC-15, 1st Floor, 2nd Avenue, (Opp. to Saravana Bhavan), Chennai - 600 040. Ph: 99405 73206 / 80725 92858.

Born Baby’s shifted to new spacious premises

89394 74473

WantedFemale STaFF

accounTS cum admin

with computer knowledge @ Mogappair East90929 02918

99529 21777

WantedMale CandidateS

FreSh / exp.Water Purifier Service

@ Ambattur

SituatioN vacaNt


98404 55158

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Readers are recommended to make appropriate enquiries before entering into dealings with advertisers who advertise in this publication. The Editor and Publisher does not vouch any claims made by advertisers and hence shall not be held liable for any adverse consequences. Mogappair Mail is not responsible for any unsolicited materials received at its office.

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99520 24732

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For Sale

Page 5: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4

MoGAPPAIr MAILDecember 16 - 22, 2018 5

By N Rathi Chithra

The poor condition of the main bus route road in Mogappair West is causing hassles to regular road us-ers including drivers of heavy vehicles and two-wheeler riders. A look at the battered surface of the Mogappair West Third Main Road would make anyone wonder if they are actually passing by some interior road in the neigh-bourhood.

“This is the road that leads to the Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) Mogappair West Bus Depot and also to the

road leading to Madura-voyal. But you look at how pathetic its condition is. This has been the state of this road for a few months now,” complains Yesubi-ran, an auto rickshaw driver in the neighbour-hood. He explains that the road, which was once good and broad, has now shrunk in motorable space after a civic agency under-took some digging opera-tions. “They did not relay the road and left rubble all over the place. Now we are forced to drive on this stretch strewn with loose blue metal and sharp stones,” he laments.

Road users complain that there has been no sense of urgency on display by the authorities con-cerned in repairing or re-laying the road. “Everyday many bus drivers take this road. So do the water tank-er drivers and hundreds of cars, auto rickshaws, mo-torcycles and scooters as this is a busy road in so far as Mogappair West is con-cerned. Taking this road is inevitable for the residents of the locality,” points out Maragadham, a resident of the neighbourhood.

Those riding motorcy-cles say they are finding it extremely difficult to bal-

A Hassle for Motorists on this Main Roadance the vehicle on the stretch and are forced to slow down. Since buses and heavy vehicles keep coming on the road, the two-wheeler riders fear the worst possibility of skid-ding and coming under the wheels of the bus.

“If this was the state of an interior road then one could be patient and need not worry unduly as the traffic would be less. But this is a main road that connects people to the hundreds of houses in Nolambur as well. So there is always heavy traffic here. Therefore authorities must act quickly and repair the road,” says Maragadham.

yogi Babu in a new avatar

With the season of Yogi Babu spreading out across the year, here is ‘Dharmaprabhu’, which will feature him in lead role. The shooting of this film com-menced recently in Chennai, where huge set works

wor th Rs.2 Crore have been erected.

“Vetri Vetri Amogha Vetri .Naam Plus One – Amogha Vetri” was the dialogue spo-ken by Yogi

Babu on the first shot of this film that was held before few minutes.

The story is set against the fictional backdrops of Yamalokam with a humour treatment. Yogi Babu will be seen playing the role of son Yama and Radharavi as his father Yama. Ramesh Thilak would be appear-ing as Chitra Guptan and there are lots of prominent actors in the film.

Muthukumaran is already gearing up for the re-lease of his debut film ‘Kanni Rasi’ featuring Vemal and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in lead roles. He is direct-ing this film, which is produced by P. Ranganathan for P. Vaari Film.

The technical crew includes Justin Prabhakaran (Music), Mahesh Muthuswamy (Cinematography), San Lokesh (Editing), CS Balachandran (Art), Muru-gan (Costumes) and Joseph Jaxson (Designer).

Page 6: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4

real eState real eStatereal eState

87787 52143

ayyaPakkaMTNHB Ph-I, II &

III, MIG, HIG 800, 1000, 1936,

2300 Sq.ft. Land Sale.

reNtal real eState




74010 02006

mogappairEast & WEstnolamBur

1500, 2400 Sft. Land.20x50-1000 Sft. Land.1000 Sq.ft. Ind. House,

20ft rd.468, 390 Sq.ft.

Old & New House.

MoGAPPAIr MAIL December 16 - 22, 20186

leaSe / reNt

73585 37207

mogappaIR weST4th block, no. 806, near Priya school,

1000 sq.ft., g. Floor, 2 bhk, ind. house,

rs. 12,000/- (nego.)

91766 23567

neW Flats For salenear vijaya bank & velammal. 850 sft.,

2nd Flr, 2 bhk, ccP, lift. rs. 76l & 81l.

1330 sft., 3 bhk, 1st Flr, e. Facing, ccP, rs. 74l.

mogappaIR weST

90802 13069

vgn nolaMburMogaPPair West

2400 Sq.ft.: 2 Cr1100 Sq.ft.: 1.15 Cr1500 Sq.ft.: 1.60 Cr

960 Sq.ft.: 85l680 Sq.ft.: 64l468 Sq.ft.: 35l

land Sale

99418 3266989394 03828

neW duplex Flat For Sale

3 BHK, Gated Community / Sweet Ground Water

Built Up Area 1183 - 1330 Sq.ft.3.5 Km from Mogappair Wavin SignalBudget rS. 57 laKhS + regiStration ChargeS

rate save 40% coMPared to MogaPaPir

ayyapaKKaMready to oCCupy

90802 13069

neW ind. houSe Sale430 sft., g+1: 44l640 sft., g+1: 75l

1000 sft., g. Flr: 80l1000 sft.,

g+1: 1.10 cr740 sft.,

g. Flr: 55l


99411 23567

padiNear Chennai Public &

SBOA School, 1800 Sft., UDS 800,

1st Floor, luxury

3 BhK Flat Fully furnished, Lift,

CCP, East facing, 1 yr Old, rs. 1.20 Cr.

90802 13069

TNHB 1000 Sft. Land, Built Up 1000 Sft.,

2 bhk luxury neW ind. house For sale. Near Sai Baba Temple.

rs. 75L & 78L80% loan arranged


93810 38473

iCF Colony½G, 1G Land Sale. 2200 Sq.ft. Land,

Built Up 3500 Sft. Ind. Bungalow. rs. 1.10 Cr.

For lease (4 lakhs) or rent (6k)

98405 40109

brand new Flat

lease / rent

at Mevalur kuPPaM (PoonaMallee - arakonaM road)

u Builders Arun Excello u First Floor u Around 600 Sq.ft. u Covered Car Parking u Gated Community u 1 Km from Thandalam Bus Stand u No maintenance u Immediate occupancy

Next to Saveetha Medical and Dental College Hospital Main Road

This Space Costs Rs. 360

To AdverTise80560 018554269 0063

Flat For sale

73972 87999

near velaMMal cbseMogaPPair West extn.

ready to



Flat For sale

73972 87999

near MogaPPair West@ aishWarya nagar

3BhK65l - 96l

With Private terrace

73972 87888

ayyaPakkaMTNHB, New

Commercial Building for rent, 1st & 2nd Floor,

5000 Sq.ft. Suitable for Bank,

Export, Gym, Cell Phone Tower.


ind. houSe For Sale

70105 05590

ayyapaKKaMtnhb 13x33, g+1,

east Facing

33 lakhs

73974 64910

anna nagar1st Main road,

Behind Santhosh Super Market, 800 Sq.ft. Office

Space / Co-Working space for rent.

89253 66695

mogappaIR weST5th Block, Opp. Margre-

gorios College, 640 Sq.ft., 2nd Flr, 2 BHK Ind. row house, Good Ventilation & 24 Hrs Water, Separate

water tank. rs. 8K.

97910 2020293823 36286



1500 SFT., DUPLEx 2 BHK, 950 SFT., GODOWN /


99621 50085

mogappaIR weSTnolaMbur,

tnhb 1000 sq.Ft., 2 bedrooMs,

ind. house, 1st Floor. rent rs. 12,000/-

99404 1621194440 16061

KilpauKGarden Colony, Land 1400 Sq.ft., Built up

1500 Sq.ft., 3 BHK, Ind. House, Semi furnished, Bore & Sump, 3 Ph EB, Passage House. No CP.

73584 31599

mogappaIR weSTtnhb

40x60-2400 sq.ft., g. Floor, 4 bhk

ind. house for sale. 3600, 1100 sq.ft.

vacant land for sale.

95511 17111

nolaMBurNear PMr College, Millennium Town,

CMDA Appd. 2470 Sq.ft., North East corner land sale. 30ft rd. rs. 3900 Per Sq.ft.

99401 77426

390 sq.ft., g+1, rs. 48l & 52l

468 sq.ft., g+1, rs. 60l

468 sq.ft., g+2, rs. 65l & 70l

640 sq.ft., g+1, 80l

mogappaIR weSTNew INd. HouSe Sale


90802 13069

468 sq.ft., g+1, rs. 41l & 44l

390 sq.ft., g+1, rs. 36l

800 sq.ft., g+2, rs. 90l

mogappaIR eaST

99401 77426

Mogappaireri SCheMe

1500 Sq.ft.: 1.60 Cr960 Sq.ft., 30ft rd: 85L

JanaKi nagar2500 Sq.ft.: 2.25 Cr

750 Sq.ft.: 64L468 Sq.ft.: 35L

CMDA Appd. Land Sale

90802 13069

MogaPPairneW Flat Sale

2 BhK & 3 BhKLift, CCP, rs. 55L, 75L &

80L. Nr. DAV & Velammal.

rs. 32 lakhs

neW apartMent (ONLy 2 UNITS IN TOTAL)


99406 92976

750 SqFt., 2 BhK, g. Floor


87787 52143

mogappaIR eaSTtnhb 1600 sq.ft.

land, south facing, 33ft rd, opp. Mosque.

rs. 2 cr (nego.)

99401 77426

7th block, no. 646 468 sq.ft.: 35l, near velammal390 sq.ft.: 28l

740 sq.ft., ½ corner: 63l

only cash Parties

mogappaIR weSTland salE

87787 52143

ind. houSe Sale344 sq.ft., g+1: rs. 29l430 sq.ft., g. Flr: rs. 30l430 sq.ft., g+1 corner:

rs. 34l640 sq.ft., g. Flr: rs. 49l640 sq.ft., g. Flr corner,

30ft rd: rs. 54l


90802 13069

ayyaPakkaMThiruvalluvar &

Marutham Kudiyiruppu 444, 480, 530 Sq.ft.,

1 BHK, Lift, 2 Wheeler Park,

rs. 14L, 16L, 17.50L. 90% Loan Arranged.

P.M. Subsidy Available.

mogappaIR weSTa tyPe, g+2: 45l

1000 sq.Ft., 2 bhk: 95l4 bhk ind.

bungaloW: 2 cr1000 sFt. land:


70103 59973a.K. propertieS

98843 24116

nolaMBur ph-i & ii

eri SCheMepanneer nagar40x60-2400 Sq.ft.30x60-1800 Sq.ft.30x50-1500 Sq.ft.

TNHB Vacant Land Sale. 30 &

40ft rd.

94448 67986

mogappaIR weST900 sq.Ft.,

2 bhk Flat For sale. liFt, ccP. rs. 46l (nego.)

99621 30111

NolambuR1000, 1200, 1800 Sq.ft.

adayalampaTTu775, 2100 Sq.ft.

ayaNambakkamMetro City

1350, 2500, 3270 Sq.ft. CMDA Appd. Land Sale.

mogappaIR weSTJaswanth Nagar 2400 Sft.

real eState

95662 02047

20x50-1000 sft.23x48-1104 sft.30x50-1500 sft.50x60-3000 sft.

mogappaIR weSTlandS

For Sale

Classifieds booking closes on Saturday,

11.00 a.m.

Nikhil Magizhan (Std VII) securing 6 points

out of six and C Tina (Std VIII) with 5 four of 6 of Velammal Main school, Mogappair representing

the Tamil Nadu U-14 chess teams won the

gold and bronze respectively in the SGFI

National Chess tournament in Mumbai

on Dec 11 and 12.


94980 44330

anna Nagar west extn.tVS Colony

1050 Sq.ft., G+1, 4 BHK, Land & Building, Nr. CPS School. rs. 2 Cr (Nego.)

oFFiCerS Colony 1g ind. house, West facing, 30ft rd. rs. 3 Cr2g land, West facing. rs. 6 Cr. Nr. ICICI Bank.

63851 08881

nolaMBurVgn MinerVa1630 Sq.ft., 2nd Flr,

3 BHK Flat, Gated Community,

CCP. rs. 85L (Nego.)

63851 08881

nolaMBurvgn la Parisinne

1205 Sq.ft., 3 BHK Flat, Semi furnished, Gated Community, CCP.

Page 7: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4

MoGAPPAIr MAILDecember 16 - 22, 2018 7

Page 8: Mogappair MoGAPPAIr il Your NEIGHBourHooD NEWSPAPEr Vol.18 n No.45 December 16 - 22, 2018 Free classiFieds on Page 4

Owned & Published by Julian Rodrigo from 283, Mohanram Nagar, Mogappair West, Chennai - 600 037 and Printed by Cyril Sagayraj at V S Printograph Pvt. Ltd., #1, Narasingpuram, First Lane, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032. editor: Julian Rodrigo

Regd. with Registrar of Newspaper for India Under No. TNBIL/2005/15167MoGAPPAIr MAIL December 16 - 22, 20188

By N Rathi Chithra

Residents of Anna Nagar Western Extension are in

for a bonanza as the Great-er Chennai Corporation is constructing another spa-cious recreational park for them right on the Park Road. Already the Park Road, which connects the Thirumangalam-Mogap-pair Road with the Padi Main Road, has the spa-cious Millennium Park. And recently a small park was opened very close to the Park Road-Padikup-pam Road junction. So, essentially the residents will soon have access to three lung spaces, which is a rarity for any neighbour-hood.

The new park is coming up on the left side at the beginning of the Park Road close to a new con-vention hall that is being constructed by a public

sector company. "Half of the work on establishing the new park has been completed. Canopies have been set up inside the park under which people could relax after a brisk walk or jogging or to chat up with friends. The walking track is being laid and red soil is being used extensively," said a worker who was busy giving final touches to a canopy when this Cor-respondent visited the site recently.

An official of the Great-er Chennai Corporation’s Ambattur Zone, who did not wish to be named, said, the park is being formed on the Open Space Reserve (OSR) land given by the Oil and Natural Gas Com-pany (ONGC) Limited, which is building a mas-sive infrastructure facility on its ground. The park would fall under Division 90 in Zone 7 of the Great-er Chennai Corporation.

"We are executing this work of constructing a park under the Govern-ment of India's Atal Mis-sion for Rejuvenation and Urban Transportation (AMRUT) scheme," he explained.

Residents in the neigh-bourhood were excited to learn that they are all set to get a new lung space. "Initially we did not know that a park is coming up here. Only after spotting the canopies and walking track, we realised that we are fortunate enough to get a third park in our neighbourhood. This is indeed a welcome initia-tive," said Suma, a resident of Soundarya Colony in Anna Nagar Western Ex-tension. "The Millennium Park is getting crowded these days. We hope that when the new park is opened, many walkers and joggers would shift here," she added.

fOR these ResiDents

An awareness program on precautionary mea-sures to avoid Dengue was held at the Velammal West on December 13. Ms. Pushpa Devi, Ms. K. Aruna, Ms. R. Sathya members of unit Y-20 Animators f rom the

Greater Chennai Corpo-ration briefed the stu-dents. The importance of source segregation of gar-bage into Bio-degradable and Non-biodegradable waste was elaborated.

The Swachhata Mohua App can be downloaded

on mobile phones. It was informed that if anyone found garbage bins or area that was not cleared it could be photographed and posted on this App. Steps would be taken to clear the bins within 6 hours, they assured.

a PaRk BOnanza