Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

9202169AB 9163520AC 9820049AC LOVETHIS PAPER, LOVETHIS PLACE hronicle hronicle Horowhenua Horowhenua C C NEW WORLD LEVIN MOTOR CO. LTD MOTORCO L TD MOTOR CO L TD HOROWHENUA HOROWHENUA ANDERSONS OUTDOOR MACHINERY LTD Proud supporters of the Horowhenua Chronicle Established 1893 PHONE: (06) 368 5109 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7, 2014 FREE MEASURE & QUOTE CARPET your HOME $3,299.00 * Solution Dyed Nylon Cut-Pile Carpet * Installation * 8mm Foam underlay * Based on 23 LM *Conditions Apply 304 Oxford Street, Levin. Phone: 06 368 6107 Email: sales@floorcourt.co.nz www.floorcourt.co.nz Hours: Mon - Fri 7.30 - 5.30 INSIDE Swazi celebrates — page 7 Trail to Japan — page 9 Chance to gain skills By PETER FRANKLIN [email protected] One of the biggest hurdles facing Horowhenua employers is the lack of skilled labour. This issue was highlighted by the Horowhenua Economic Development Board during their recent strategy planning sessions. Addressing the problem is one of the key elements to the district’s growth strategy, identifying training opportunities and making them work for both unemployed young people and the community at large. Ten young people from Horowhenua are hoping to gain valuable work experience after being selected for a Youth Skills Initiative developed by Work and Income New Zealand and Focus Labour Solutions. The group, who headed off to Blenheim this week, will spend four months learning about the viticulture industry that could to lead to a permanent job in Horowhenua. The scheme has the backing of Horowhenua Mayor Brendan Duffy and Marlborough Mayor Alastair Sowman, both passionate about initiatives that aim to see their young people succeed. “It will be great to see these young people return to Horowhenua and bring their skills back to work in our local seasonal areas,” Mr Duffy said. Work and Income’s Central Regional Commissioner Penny Rounthwaite said sustainable employment in the viticulture industry could be very challenging for young people. “Lack of transport, accommodation and budgeting issues are big challenges and it takes time and training to develop skills required to earn at higher levels of income. This initiative is great because it provides a total support package, life skills and work skills,” she said. Craig Mill, of Focus Labour Solutions, is excited about the chance to support young people from his home region of Horowhenua. The company is a significant employer in the Marlborough viticulture sector. “We can see a win-win outcome from making an investment in the development of young people,” he said. The youth initiative is one of a number of ways Work and Income is supporting the development of the local skill base. Other initiatives currently underway to help upskill local people include a civil construction training programme, focused on roading, and a Training For Work programme with the Horowhenua Learning Centre, to develop general construction, welding and rigging skills.


Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Transcript of Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Page 1: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14









LOVETHIS PAPER, LOVETHIS PLACEhroniclehronicleHorowhenuaHorowhenuaCC



Proud supporters of the Horowhenua Chronicle

Established 1893

PHONE: (06) 368 5109 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7, 2014




$3,299.00*Solution Dyed Nylon Cut-Pile Carpet*Installation *8mm Foam underlay *Based on 23 LM*Conditions Apply

304 Oxford Street, Levin.Phone: 06 368 6107

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Mon - Fri 7.30 - 5.30


Swazi celebrates — page 7

Trail to Japan — page 9

Chance to gain skillsByPETERFRANKLIN

[email protected]

One of the biggest hurdlesfacing Horowhenuaemployers is the lack ofskilled labour.

This issue was highlightedby the Horowhenua EconomicDevelopment Board duringtheir recent strategy planningsessions.

Addressing the problem isone of the key elements to thedistrict’s growth strategy,identifying trainingopportunities and makingthem work for bothunemployed young people andthe community at large.

Ten young people fromHorowhenua are hoping togain valuable workexperience after beingselected for a Youth SkillsInitiative developed by Workand Income New Zealand andFocus Labour Solutions.

The group, who headed offto Blenheim this week, willspend four months learningabout the viticulture industrythat could to lead to apermanent job inHorowhenua.

The scheme has thebacking of HorowhenuaMayor Brendan Duffy andMarlborough Mayor AlastairSowman, both passionateabout initiatives that aim tosee their young peoplesucceed. “It will be great to see

these young people return toHorowhenua and bring theirskills back to work in ourlocal seasonal areas,” MrDuffy said.

Work and Income’s CentralRegional CommissionerPenny Rounthwaite saidsustainable employment inthe viticulture industry couldbe very challenging for youngpeople.

“Lack of transport,accommodation andbudgeting issues are bigchallenges and it takes timeand training to develop skills

required to earn at higherlevels of income. Thisinitiative is great because itprovides a total supportpackage, life skills and workskills,” she said.

Craig Mill, of Focus LabourSolutions, is excited about thechance to support youngpeople from his home regionof Horowhenua.

The company is asignificant employer in theMarlborough viticulturesector. “We can see a win-winoutcome from making aninvestment in the

development of youngpeople,” he said.

The youth initiative is oneof a number of ways Work andIncome is supporting thedevelopment of the local skillbase. Other initiativescurrently underway to helpupskill local people include acivil construction trainingprogramme, focused onroading, and a Training ForWork programme with theHorowhenua LearningCentre, to develop generalconstruction, welding andrigging skills.

Page 2: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14


Low Term Deposit RatesThere are two reasons why interest rates are low for term deposit investorsand why they are likely to remain low.

Firstly, one of the drivers of rates is the Official Cash Rate (“OCR”) which isset and reviewed by the Reserve Bank. Last week The Reserve Bank keptthe OCR at 3.5% and said it would remain on hold for an unspecified periodof “assessment”. This is because they feel inflation will remain low. Someeconomists are saying the OCR will not increase till 2016 if at all.

The second reason is that the banks were offering higher rates while theybuilt up locally sourced funds to meet their regulatory obligations. They havedone this now and therefore are not seeking deposits quite as aggressively.

Term deposit rates could even decrease. This means those depending on term deposits for incomeare in for a lean time as term deposit rates are likely to remain low for the foreseeable future.

What can you do? You could draw the income and also eat into your funds but there are alternativesto term deposits that offer greater liquidity, can offer better returns, and are more diversified. Andthey can provide you a regular income. However there may be increased risk so give me a call totalk about your options.

Bernard Long is an Authorised Financial Adviser with AdviceFirst. The views and opinions expressedin this article are intended to be of a general nature and do not constitute a personalised financial orother advice for an individual client. Before taking any action, you should always seek personalisedfinancial advice that takes into account your particular financial situation or goals from a financialadviser. A disclosure statement is available, on request and free of charge.

HOWTO CONTACT US:OFFICES13 Bristol Street, Levin

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MANAGERVivien Douglas (06) 366 0696

MB: 021 896 858

Email: [email protected]


Julie Shapiro (06) 366 0695

MB: 021 818 411

Email: [email protected]


Email: [email protected]

Russell Woodley (06) 366 0694

MB: 021 307 482

Email: [email protected]

MISSED DELIVERIESPhone: 0800 111 200

EDITORIALFacebook: Horowhenua Chronicle

Fax: (06) 368 2366

Email: [email protected]

After hours: MB: 021 368 202

CHIEF REPORTERPeter Franklin (06) 366 0257

REPORTERSFrankie Webb (06) 366 0258

TanyaWood (06) 366 0254

The Horowhenua Chroniclepublishes onWednesday and Fridayand is delivered free to homes and

businesses throughout Horowhenua.Circulation: 15,500.

Debra Brown (06) 366 0251

Email: [email protected]



JIM Read took this photo of a sunset over Foxton Beach after the high winds. This wonderful, colourful photo was captured withan Olympus camera using a standard lens.


WRITE TO USThe Horowhenua Chronicle welcomesreaders letters. Emailed letters are preferredsent to [email protected], if posted toPO Box 547 Levin. letters should be typed,double spaced, clear handwritten letters willbe accepted.Letters should not exceed 200 to 250 words.Hand written and emailed letters must havethe senders name, address and a contactphone number. However, where specificallyrequested and at the editors discretion‘name and address supplied’ can be used inpublishing.Letters to the editor express the views of thewriter, not those of the HorowhenuaChronicle, staff or APNmedia.The editor reserves the right to edit, amendor reject any letter without explanation.Complaint process:Horowhenua Chronicle is subject to NZ PressCouncil procedures. Complaints are to befirst directed in writing [email protected]. Ifunsatisfied, the complaint may be referred tothe Press Council, P O Box 10-879, TheTerrace, Wellington 6143 or email([email protected]. Further detail andan online complaints form are available atwww.presscouncil.org.nz.

Abuse reportingWhen New Zealand signed up for theUnited Nations Convention onParamountcy of the Child we stood apartfrom the clause that required mandatoryreporting of suspected child abuse.

The UN Convention clearly reasonedthat, if the safety of children was theparamount concern, then it followed thatmandatory reporting was essential to theplan for child protection. The logistical andprofessional concerns that led to NewZealand deleting the mandatory reportingclause are adult concerns and are capable ofresolution by the professionals concerned;whereas infants, having no self-determination, rely entirely on adults forcare and protection. If the safety of childrenis held to be paramount then mandatoryreporting is essential to the process.

Eminent child psychologist, the late DrDorothea Wraith, worked with the victimsof child abuse and from her vast experienceshe argued for re-introduction of theDistrict Nurse concept, where nurses withlife experience would have right of access tocheck vulnerable children and could alsooffer parenting advice. Dr Wraith alsoclaimed that the welfare agencies had failedin their responsibilities and that childprotection should transfer to the healthauthority. Given the ideological and mis-guided approach by CYFS — placingfamily/kinship and cultural concernsahead of infant/child welfare — then DrWraith’s proposals need to be seriously re-cendisdered.

JOHN BRADLEYTrustee (Wraith Trust), Foxton

Bridge viewsIt would appear that we are to get anopportunity to share our views on theproposed upgrading or replacement of theWhirokino Trestle and Manawatu RiverBridge just south of Foxton.

Hopefully many will express theiropinion and the NZTA will actually listenand pay attention to the comments of thelocal population.

It is also hoped that there will bemeaningful cooperation between the NZTA,HDC and Horizons Regional Councilbecause here is a wonderful opportunity tosolve two problems at the same time.

For forty odd years the good folk ofFoxton have been trying to get the FoxtonLoop re-opened and various governmentofficials and departments appear to havepaid lip service to the fact that somethingneeds to be done.

Now we have an ideal opportunity: thenew bridge is going to need many cubicmetres of fill to build the ramps up to thebridge.

What better place, from where to get thisfill, is the adjacent land [owned by Hori-zons] where the requested canal needs to beput, thereby opening the Foxton Loop?

With this simple common sense solu-tion, the canal can be excavated and the fillfrom the canal needs only to be carted a fewmeters to the ramp and the NZTA do notneed to truck in many loads of fill fromother areas.

Could this be a win-win situation?JOHN GIRLING


Jobs debateEmployers are a sensitive lot, aren't they?So Nick Gibson of BananalamaLandscaping Ltd sees the comments I havemade as an “attack” rather than a contri-bution.

I think his vitriolic response to mycontribution to the debate is doing rathermore to prove my concerns about theemployment strategy being developedrather than dispel them.

In fact, I've been waiting for the callsaying I clearly have a lot to offer and wouldI like a job helping to develop the strategy.

Not surprisingly it hasn't come becausea tunnel vision approach is preferred. Idon't think there is anything negative oruntoward in making the statement that asuccessful employment

strategy needs to take more than theconsiderations of employers into account.

For example, I am sure their would bemany mothers who would like part-timework but how many employers are able tothink out of the box in terms of providingthese opportunities? What about Maorieconomic development? Less of the tra-ditional employment approach and more ofthe innovative is what's required in the 21stCentury but, judging by Mr Gibson'sresponse, hell is more likely to freeze overfirst.

People want a future not just a job andunless an employment strategy addressesthis fundamental fact then the district willnot grow.


2 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

ARMISTICE DAYTo mark Armistice Day, which this year falls on aTuesday, November 11, Horowhenua DistrictCouncil is to conduct a short CommemorativeService at Levin Cenotaph. The service willcommence at 10.58am. After the observance oftwo minutes silence at 11am, the remainder ofthe programme will follow. The public areinvited to attend and join with Council, the RSAand military representatives in thiscommemoration and to lay wreaths and poppieswhere appropriate.

Page 3: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Understanding yourUnderstanding yourneeds in time of griefneeds in time of grief

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Cancer awareness monthNovember is Lung Cancer Awarenessmonth. Lung Cancer is the greatestcause of cancer death in New Zealand.There is a stigma attached to lungcancer being caused by smoking but 20per cent of women who get lung cancerhave never smoked. MidCentral regionis developing a Map of Medicine HighSuspicion of Lung Cancer pathway forreferral from GP to hospital and todevelop a public awareness campaignfocusing on seeking help for symptomsat an earlier stage. Lung cancer causesno symptoms 25 per cent of the time, ifyou are over 50 years old with a historyof smoking you are more at risk soshould have a check even withoutsymptoms.

Protecting young womenIn the wake of the police decision not toprosecute those implicated in theRoastbusters investigation, the MentalHealth Foundation (MHF) believes nowis the time for all New Zealanders toconsider how we can best protect thewellbeing of our young women.According to Rape Prevention EducationNew Zealand, in New Zealand up to onein three girls will be subject to anunwanted sexual experience by the ageof 16. People who experience sexualviolence will often experiencedepression, anxiety, and post-traumaticstress disorder. The MHF supportsinitiatives to educate young peopleabout the issue of consent. With 90 percent of sexual violence committed bysomeone known to the survivor, youngpeople must be educated aboutrespectful and safe sexual relationships.

Call for art entriesNZ Art Show 2015 is calling for entries.The NZ Art Show is an annual event,established in 2004 and formerly namedthe Affordable Art Show, held at the TSBBank Arena in Wellington from June19-21, 2015. The show promotes adiverse range of art. It proudlychampions the concept of all NewZealanders expressing themselves byowning original New Zealand artworkfrom new and emerging artists alongsidemore established artists. All art isavailable for purchase with the averageprice at $580. In 2015 two awards will beoffered to help assist artists further theirart-making to the next level, as well asfour awards of $2500 each, open tostudents studying visual arts at thediploma or degree level. A total of$13,500 is on offer. For more informationand entries go to www.artshow.co.nz .

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 3

Breast cancer awareness rolls on051114pjfvets

PINK RULES: It was a Pink dayfor staff at Horowhenua Vets onFriday, as they did a big push toraise money for breast cancer.Everyone got in on thefundraising theme with a touchof pink, whether it was a pinkhair-do or flashy pink bra andtutu. The pink theme was notonly entertaining for customersbut a timely reminder thatbreast cancer is still one of themajor issues faced by womenof all ages, and, surprisingly,affecting men as well. While theofficial fundraising week isover, staff are committed tocarry on their fundraising effortfor another week, so don't beshy, pop in to Horowhenua Vetsand donate what you can.



TALENT: The T-Birds danceup a storm at Ed’s Dinerduring dress rehearsals forPoroutawhao Schools’production of Grease.


PINK PRETTIES: ThePink Ladies rehearse oneof their songs ahead ofTuesday’s performanceto invited groups andfamilies. From left, top:Kadia Easton, TamrynCooney; bottom: KalaniFogden, CourtneyFitzgibbon, Emma Haigh(absent Jemma Dowd).

If it’s systematic,hydromatic, then it couldbe greased lightning.

Poroutawhao Schoolwas in 50s rock’n’rollmode this week,performing the hitmusical Grease, a versionespecially adapted forchildren.

Invited communitygroups, including pre-schools and retirementhomes, and families, weretreated to the well-knownsongs and some energeticdance routines during thehour-long show, as theT-Birds and Pink Ladieshung out at Ed’s Dinerdiscussing what theyplanned to do at the schoolprom.

Director and Year 1teacher Fiona Mitchellsaid the cast had workedextremely hard to nail the12 songs, and danceroutines, in just over amonth. “We wereincredibly lucky to haveLevin dancer JohnManville choreograph theboys’ routines. The boysloved it and really got intoit. It was a fantasticperformance on the night,they’re all superstars asfar as I’m concerned.”

The school performedtwo matinees and oneevening show on Tuesdayat the Poroutawhao Hall.Ms Mitchell said all theshows were well receivedby the audiences and thechildren were still hypedup, singing the songs thenext day.

Volunteer servicescommunity’s mainstayBy PETER FRANKLIN

Respect for volunteer St John andfirefighters has always been high fromFoxton businessman Kevin Gunther,but his feelings for those whounselfishly dedicate their time to thecommunity has taken a giant leaprecently.

Mr Gunther’s mother had a massiveheart attack while collecting her maillast week.

A neighbour saw her fall, rang 111and went to her aid, applying CPR untilemergency services arrived.

Volunteer firefighters andambulance staff worked tirelessly for 20minutes, trying to resuscitate MrsGunther, unfortunately their efforts

were not successful.“I was just blown away at the huge

effort that they all (the neighbour, StJohn, fire service and police) made tosave her,” Mr Gunther said. “It is onlywhen you have a personal tragedy thatyou actually realise just how dedicatedthese people are.”

He said small towns like Foxtonwould be in deep trouble withoutvolunteer groups and neighbours whocare. “It really would be a sad day if wedid not have them.”

Mr Gunther is urging the communityto support volunteers emergencyservices in anyway they can.

“As far as I’m concerned these peopleare the backbone of our community andthey have my sincere thanks,” he said.

Page 4: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

LLeevviinn CChhrriissttmmaass PPaarraaddee""%%//&&,,!! 22 $$##''##00))##++--((11****..00

Terms and Conditions:1. In entering this event, I agree to accept the decision of the duly appointed judges and to abide by allthe rules and regulations of the event. I further agree to release sponsors from any and all responsibil-ity for loss, damage or injury to any person or property from any participation in this event.2. There is to be only one official Father Christmas for the parade, who will be provided.3. A maximum of two vehicles per organisation are permitted into the parade (unless by prior arrange-ment with HDC)4. All floats / vehicles are to be significantly decorated. Non-decorated vehicles will not be allowedentry.5. Participants are to follow the instructions set by the parade organisers and are to attend the parade


Type of Entry (circle applicable):

-Commercial -Non-commercial-Walking unit -Float

-Vehicle 1 2 (3+ contact Council)

Participants: 1-10 11-20 21-30 31+Does your float have music? Yes NoEntry Name:

Contact Person:

Contact Number:

Email:Entry Deadline: Friday 21 November 2014

Mail to: Horowhenua District Council. Private Bag 4002, LevinOr email: [email protected]

_________________________ Date:Signed

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Detective workleads to arrestwith GRAEME JARVISCommunity Constable

Police officers derive agreat deal of satisfactionfrom an enquiry that endsin the arrest of a suspect.

One such enquiry lastweek produced thissatisfactory result.

Some readers will beaware that I made severalappeals over the wintermonths to householders inthe north western cornerof town to be vigilant, asthere appeared to be aperson, or persons,committing burglaries inthe area on a regular basis.

Detectives working onthe case had a primesuspect and had beenworking for many monthsputting together theevidence required to catchthe offender. Finally, onFriday afternoon,detectives executed asearch warrant at a localaddress and arrested a45-year-old Levin man.

A search of the suspect'shome revealed a largecache of property, believedto have been stolen fromhomes close to where helived, including a largescreen television andhousehold electrical itemssuch as computers, foodand confectionary.

The man appeared incourt on Friday chargedwith three offences andwas remanded in custodyto appear in the LevinDistrict Court this week.Police are opposing bail asmore charges are likely.

Police staff will nowhave many days of workahead of them to findowners for all the items.Anyone who has been thevictim of a burglary in thearea will be contacted bypolice staff in due course.

While the allegedoffender may be incustody, please don'tbecome complacent withhome security. Thisalleged offender is just oneof many people out there,many of whom areopportunists, likely to takeadvantage of lax securityaround the home, such as awindow left open orunlocked. A simple andeasy precaution is to keepall doors and windows,including garages andsheds, locked.

Remember to also lockaway children's toys,bicycles and scooters, andany loose gardenimplements that could beused by offenders to gainentry into your home.

NATIONAL ORAL HEALTH DAYSmile - it’s National OralHealth Day today.

A great opportunity tocelebrate our beautifulsmiles in our community,and a timely reminder with

Christmas ahead, foreveryone to check they aretaking good care of theirteeth and gums. A healthymouth is important foroverall health and

wellbeing.■ Call theChild andAdolescent Oral HealthService on 0800 TALKTEETH(0800 825 583), or (06)350-9619with any queries.

4 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

Police seek witnesses to crashPolice are calling forwitnesses to the fatalcrash that happened onState Highway 1, at thesouthern entrance toLevin, on Monday atabout 5pm.

The accident involved aRed 1991 DaihatsuCharade driven by EllenDeam Davey, 41, of

Palmerston North, whodied at the scene. The twopassengers in the vehicleremain in PalmerstonNorth Hospital in a stablecondition. Investigationsinto the cause of the crashare continuing.

Police would like tohear from anyone who sawthe 1991 Daihatsu Charade

travelling northbound onState Highway 1 atapproximately 5pm orprior to this.

Anyone who attendedthe scene and was notspoken to by police at thetime are asked to makecontact with SeniorConstable Finn or phone(06) 366-0500.



EACH year hundreds of people cruise the district fascinated by the huge effort somehome owners go to at Christmas, decorating their homes in a brilliant display oflights that bring a huge smile from young and old alike.Judy and Roland Timpson of Lancaster Street really take up the Christmas theme,will you? Register your house on the Christmas Lights Trail now. The trail thrillshundreds of children and adults every year so if you are decorating your home withChristmas lights, let us know where you are. Email your address [email protected] (subject Christmas lights). The complete list will be printed inthe Horowhenua Chronicle in December.So get working, get the lights up and let us know where you are.

Page 5: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

www.focalpointcinema.co.nz14-16 Salisbury Street, Levin. Ph 366 0330

Movie and a meal for only $35!!Applies to any movie after 5pm.

SENIORS MORNINGS & BRING BABY TOO*free morning tea with ticket purchase

Mon - 10.10am Pride (M),10.20am Hip Hop-eration (PG),10.30am The Dead Lands (R16)

Tues - 10.10am Pride (M),10.20am Hip Hop-eration (PG),10.30am The Dead Lands (R16)

Bring Baby TooWed - 10.10am Pride (M)

Please note censors rating


Phone: 06 871 5418


Phone: 06 366 0330



First Screening: 12.01am – tickets on sale now(rating tbc) 125mins Adventure/Sci-fi

Katniss Everdeen is in District 13 after sheshatters the games forever. Under the leadershipof President Coin and the advice of her trusted

friends, Katniss spreads her wings as she fights tosave Peeta and a nation moved by her courage.

THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU(M) 103mins Comedy/Drama

(Contains sex scenes, offensive language & drug use)

When their father passes away, four grown siblingsare forced to return to their childhood home and

live under the same roof together for a week, alongwith their over-sharing mother and an assortment

of spouses, exes and might-have-beens.

Fri 3.30pm 5.50pm, Sat 3.30pm 8.20pm,

Sun 3.30pm 8.20pm, Mon 3.30pm 8.20pm,

Tues 3.30pm 8.20pm, Wed 3.30pm 8.10pm


TOMBSTONES(R16) 114 mins Crime/Drama/Mystery

(Contains violence, sexual violence & offensive language)

Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired bya drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and

murdered his wife. Starring Liam Neeson.

Fri 6pm, Sat 5.50pm, Sun 5.50pm, Mon 5.50pm,

Tues 5.50pm, Wed 5.50pm

PLANES: FIRE & RESCUE(G) 84 mins Animation/Adventure/Comedy

When Dusty learns that his engine is damaged andhe may never race again, he joins a forest fire and

rescue unit to be trained as a firefighter. Snow.

Sat 10.20am

HIP HOP-ERATION(PG) 93 mins NZ Documentary/Family/Music

(Contains offensive language)

You’re never too old to go on the journey of alifetime! A wonderfully warm and energetic Kiwiadventure. Hip Hop-eration follows a troupe of

courageous, yet cheeky, Waiheke senior citizenson an extraordinary quest to perform at the World

Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas.

Fri 10.20am 12.50pm, Sat 12.50pm,

Sun 10.20am, Mon 10.20am 12.50pm,

Tues 10.20am 12.50pm, Wed 10.20am

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can of food donation***


TURTLES(M) 101 mins Action/Adventure/Comedy

(Contains medium level violence)

Wed 6pm – Cans can be exchanged for tickets Now

www.focalpointcinema.co.nz14-16 Salisbury Street, Levin, Ph 366 0330

Your Boutique Cinema and Cafe experience

INTERSTELLAR(M) 169mins Adventure/Mystery/Sci-fi

(Contains offensive language)

A group of explorers make use of a newly discovered wormholeto surpass the limitations on human space travel and conquer

the vast distances involved in an interstellar voyage.

Fri 1pm 4.30pm 8pm, Sat 1pm 4.30pm 8pm, Sun 10.30am

2pm 6.20pm, Mon 1pm 4.30pm 8pm, Tues 1pm 4.30pm 8pm

Wed 10.30am 2pm 8.20pm

THE DEAD LANDS(R16) 107mins Action/NZ/Te Reo Maori (English sub-titles)

(Contains graphic violence)

After his tribe is slaughtered through an act of treachery, Hongi,

a Maori chieftain’s teenage son, must avenge his father’s

murder in order to bring peace and honor to the souls of

his loved ones.

Fri 10.30am 3.20pm 8.30pm, Sat 10.30am 3.20pm 8.30pm,

Sun 12.50pm 3.20pm 8.30pm, Mon 10.30am 3.20pm 8.30pm,

Tues 10.30am 3.20pm 8.30pm, Wed 12.50pm 3.20pm 8.30pm


PRIDE(M) 120 mins Comedy/Drama/History

(Contains offensive language, sexual references & drug use)

U.K. gay activists work to help miners during their lengthystrike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer

of 1984. “Like BILLY ELLIOT and THE FULL MONTY,PRIDE will make you cheer!”

Fri 10.10am 12.40pm 8.10pm, Sat 10.10am 12.40pm 6pm,

Sun 10.10am 12.40pm 6pm, Mon 10.10am 12.40pm 6pm,

Tues 10.10am 12.40pm 6pm,

Wed (Bring baby Too - 10.10am) 12.40pm 6pm

D J FOR A DAYLVN051114pjfguestdj

MOREFM breakfasthost Dave Key waskicked out of hisseat again lastFriday, not that heminded. This time itwas 13-year-oldLevin Intermediatestudent NikitaLiverton who wasthe McDonaldsguest DJ. While onair she told Daveand the breakfastaudience about herlove of horses andall baby animals.Nikita is in Room 5and enjoys literacy,cooking andscience. Herfavourite song is AllAbout That Bass byMeghan Trainor.


Manawatu College Senior Prize Giving: ManawatuCollege Hall, 1pm. Guest speaker: Mr Robin Hapi.Parents, caregivers and friends of the Collegewelcome to attend.Foxton Tourist & Development Association (FTDA) After5pmish: Get a firsthand look behind the scenes atthe The Dutch Oven, 5pm-ish onwards, DutchOven, Main Street, Foxton. $5 entry, BYO, fingerfood and raffle.TOMORROW

Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement protest rally:Stand up against pressure from the big corporatelobbies in pharma, mining, tobacco, Hollywood,Fonterra and fight back against a Governmentagreement that could let foreign investors chal-lenge NZ laws, make medicines more expensive,and much more. 11am, Te Takere, 10 Bath St,Levin.

Tuesday November 11Armistice Day Observance,10.58am. Levin Cenotaph, Cambridge St. THURSDAYNOVEMBER 13Waitarere Beach Fishing Club meeting:Prospective members welcome. Scout Hall,Waitarere Beach Domain, 7pm.FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14

Levin Folk Music Club Night: Guest performance byRuahine Rangers, 7.30pm, Horowhenua ScottishSociety Hall, cnr Bartholomew Rd and MiddlesexSt, Levin. Entry $8 (members $5), children $3.WEDNESDAY NOV 19 - THURSDAY NOV 20

Free family/whanau carer’s course: Are you caring fora young person/adult with a disability? Would youlike some clarity within the disability sector? To beeligible you must be caring for someone with adisability in an unpaid role, excluding ‘familyfunded care’. Levin RSA Community Club, 32Bristol St, Levin, 9.30am – 2.30pm. Free morningtea, and lunch provided. Reimbursement formileage (if more than 30km travelling), childcarereimbursement available. To register contact TinaLincoln at [email protected] or ph 0508 726-769/022 651-3287.FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21

Parkinson’s NZ Kapiti/Horowhenua: Joint client andcarer group, 10.30am, St Marys Church, cnrCambridge/Manchester Streets, Levin. ContactLynnn McLachlan for more info (06) 362-6487.SATURDAY NOV 22 - TUESDAY NOV 25

Horowhenua Young Artist Exhibition: A rare oppor-tunity to see NCEA entries from HorowhenuaCollege art students. Vote for the People’s ChoiceAward. Horowhenua Art Society, 119 Bath St,Levin, 10am – 4pm. Contact: Sarah Morton, 027479 1848. More information atwww.horowhenuaarts.com.EACH MONDAY

Meditation Monday Drop in Class: Suitable all levels,including beginners. Thompson House, 4 KentStreet, Levin 6.30 – 8pm. No need to book.Suggested donation $12 or affordable contri-bution. See www.meditateinpalmerstonnorth.orgfor class times.Horowhenua Art Society Drawing Class: HorowhenuaArt Society, 119 Bath St, Levin, 10.10am -12.30pm. Info at www.horowhenuaarts.com.SECOND MONDAY OF MONTH

Levin Arthritis Support Group: Welcomes all peoplesuffering from any of the many forms of arthritis,and carers, 1.30pm Hudson Room, Levin Cosmo-politan Club, Oxford Street, Levin. Info callYvonne on 368-5068.Horowhenua Philatelic Society: Welcomes anyoneinterested in Stamp Collecting. Red Cross Rooms,

Queen St, Levin, 7.30pm. Contact Michael368-5085.EACH TUESDAY

Justice of The Peace service desk at Te Takere: Freeservice every Tuesday 11.30am - 1.30pm.Horowhenua Art Society Drawing Class: HorowhenuaArt Society, 119 Bath St, Levin, 12.30pm - 2.30pmor 6pm - 8.30pm. Info atwww.horowhenuaarts.com.SECOND TUESDAY OF MONTH

The Fresh Water Anglers Club: Guest speakers,regular organised trips and much more. 7.30pm,Thompson House, Kent St. Info contact JohnDavenport 363-6050.THIRD TUESDAY OF MONTH

Foxton Probus Club: Foxton RSA, Easton St, starting10am. For fellowship, friendship and fun. Infocontact Dave Hardmen 363-8020.EACH TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY

7th Day Adventist Church Op Shop: Prices arenegotiable. Open 9am-1pm, 50-52 CambridgeStreet, Levin. Enquiries 368 5877.EACH WEDNESDAY

STOP SMOKING free programme: Te Takere, 10 BathSt, Levin, 5.30pm-6.30pm. To register, call Peteron 022 614 6703.THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MONTH

Probus Club of Levin (mixed membership): Cosmopoli-tan Club Levin, at 9.45am. Visitors and newmembers always welcome.The Horowhenua Sugarcraft Guild: Visitors $5 for theevening. 7pm, Thompson House, 4 Kent St, Levin.Info phone Sue 367-9124 or Doreen, 368-3379,evenings please.EACH THURSDAY

Horowhenua Art Society Life Drawing Class: Horo-whenua Art Society, 119 Bath St, Levin, 7pm -9pm. $60 for six week courses. Info atwww.horowhenuaarts.comTHIRD FRIDAY OF MONTH

Horowhenua Greypower: Levin Senior Citizens Hall,1.30pm, cnr Cambridge/Manchester St, Levin.FIRST, THIRD AND FIFTH SATURDAY

Sing Out Community Choir: Savage Club, ParkerAvenue, Levin (at Liverpool St, end of Parker Ave),2pm. No auditions. $5 waged/$3 Gold Card.Contact 022 187 7002.SECOND SATURDAY OF MONTH

Horowhenua Savage Club night: From 7.30pm,Savage Club Hall, 28 Parker Ave, Levin.Admission $3. Info phone Grahame Robertson368-0059.THIRD SATURDAY OF MONTH

Ohau Market: 9am - 1pm, Muhunoa West Rd, justoff SH1, 4kms south of Levin. Info contact BevHamilton ph 368-6986.FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAY MONTH

St John’s historic Parish Church: Ohau. 11am. Allmost welcome.SECOND SUNDAY OF MONTH

Levin Variety Country Music Club: Levin RSA, 1pm.$3 entry includes afternoon tea. Phone Win 0274742-603.THIRD SUNDAY OF MONTH

Opportunity Knocks Music Club: Savage Club Hall,Parker Ave, 1pm to 4.30pm. $3 admission.

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 5

Page 6: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Selling nowReevedon Retirement VillageLocation, location, location! There is no need for a car when you liveat Reevedon Retirement Village - it’s just a short walk into the mainshopping centre.At Reevedon you’ll enjoy an independent lifestyle, a vibrant communityand an easy to maintain villa so you can focus on really enjoying yourretirement! Plus, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that help ison hand if you need it.

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Coast CoachlinesComing Events & Tours

Coming Events & Tours

Cross Hills Garden Country Fair KimboltonSaturday 15th November. Stalls - Music -Food - Gardens depart 7.30 Paraparaumu,Otaki Levin. Over 140 high quality giftstalls, grab a delicious lunch and coffeeand stroll through our 18 acre gardenbursting with flowering rhododendrons andazaleas. Cross Hills Garden Plant Centrewill also be open. Lots to keep the childrenentertained in the children’s playgroundand our Camellia maze. Great family dayout! This is the biggest Garden CountryFair in New Zealand Cost from Wellington$80, Plimmerton $70, Paraparaumu Beach,Waikanae $60, Otaki, Levin, Foxton $50.

Toast Martinborough, Sunday 16th Nov. Wine& Food Festival Celebration of outstandingwines, fabulous food and great music setwithin a charming village atmosphere.Depart 9am return 6.30pm Levin Otaki $65Waikanae, Paraparaumu Wellington $40 forcoach. Arrange your own ticket at TicketekWe are taking booking now.

Marton Market Day Saturday 22 November,9:00am–3:00pm. Marton Market day is onagain, the street comes to life with stalls,entertainment, and bargains galore. Someof the finest arts and crafts, produceand food of the region to be enjoyedon the day. Depart: 8am ParaparaumuBeach, 8.15am Waikanae 8.30am Otaki8.45am Levin, 9.15am Foxton Arrive10am Marton Depart 2:00pm to Foxton(afternoon Tea) Arrive 4:30pm ParaparaumuBeach. Cost of Trip includes Coach &afternoon Tea Paraparaumu Beach,Waikanae $50, Otaki, Levin, Foxton $40.

Christmas Wellington Trip, Wednesday10 Dec 2014. Dowse Museum, Cable CarLookout, Shelly Bay,( Lunch Chocolate FishCafé)1 Hour for Lunch then Scenic CoastalDrive around the Bays to Wellington, NorthCity Porirua, Palmers Garden CentrePlimmerton (Afternoon tea) Depart: 7:45amLevin, Otaki Depart : 8:30am Waikanae,Depart : 8:45am Paraparaumu Beach,Depart : 9:00am Paraparaumu Arrive:10:00am Lower Hutt (Dowse MuseumMorning Tea) Cost of Trip includes Coach& afternoon tea, Levin Otaki $65, WaikanaeParaparaumu $45 Lunch & morningafternoon tea at own expense

Wings over Wairarapa, Masterton 17thJanuary 2015. Take the Family & Havea Picnic Day. Experience 100 years ofAviation at Wings Over Wairarapa in 2015.2015’s 9th air show will showcase someof the world’s rarest vintage aircraft fromWWI and WWII, alongside stunning displaysof contemporary aircraft and the future ofaviation. Wings Over Wairarapa rivals anyshow for display content and reputation,and is now a significant event on theAustralasian aviation events calendar.Depart: 7:00am Levin, 7:15am Otaki, 7:30amWaikanae, 7:45am Paraparaumu Beach,Arrive 10:00am Masterton, Depart 4:00pmMasterton, Cost per person includes, Coach& Entry Levin, Otaki $90, Paraparaumu $85.

Martinborough Fair Sat - Feb 7th - March 7th2015. Coaches From Wellington - Kapiti -Levin - Palmerston. Make up your owngroup or just bring yourself. A trip to theMartinborough Fair. This fantastic dayout offers 450 market stalls, crafts, food,music and entertainment. Levin, Otaki$65, Waikanae, Paraparaumu Beach $35,Wellington, Plimmerton, Upper Hutt $35.Cost includes Coach, afternoon tea.


Looking to 2015By JESSWARDSocial Sector Trial Administrator

Our Project Manager has been out andabout meeting with local organisationsand agencies over the past month, to getfeedback on potential activities in theHorowhenua for early interventionyouth alcohol and drug (AoD)programmes.

One idea was workforce development,alongside activities that engage whanauand youth leadership development. Weare now exploring opportunities tosupport the implementation of activitiesin 2015 that will add value to thecollective community’s great work inthis area.

Last month, I mentioned that ShirleneTaylor (Youth Coordinator at Life to theMax) was stepping down from theWellington Regional Youth WorkerTrust.

This role needs a replacement toensure that Horowhenua is representedand Shirlene is still looking for a youthworker to take on the role. If you wouldlike more information about theWellington Regional Youth Worker Trustor to find out more about what the roleinvolves, please contact Shirlene on (06)368-8005 or [email protected]

The Activating Youth Fund (AYF) isstill available and open to youths agedbetween 12 to 18 within the Horowhenuadistrict. The fund aims to helpindividuals in their chosen sport oractivity where young people and theirfamilies are facing financial barriers toaccess those activities. Assistance isprovided in a variety of ways, includingsports equipment, such as sneakers orsport fees, and fees to pay for schoolcamps or cultural activities.Applications are assessed for eligibilityat the end of each month.

If you would like to apply for fundingand get an application, or have questionsregarding eligibility, call into Life to theMax or email [email protected]


Community spirit alive and wellwith NATHANGUYOtaki MP

As MP for Otaki I get to attendmany local events and I'malways blown away by howmany people help others in ourcommunity. On Saturday nightit was timely recognition forour local fire brigade services,with the HorowhenuaVolunteer Rural Fire Honoursand the Foxton BrigadesAnnual Awards being held.

These volunteers turn outday and night and help keepour community safe.

Tendertips asparagus packhouse, between Levin andFoxton on SH1, held an

excellentfundrais-ing eventthattrans-formed thepackhouseinto a cafeand artgallery. Alldoor sales

proceeds and 10 per cent of theart sold is being donated to theArohanui Hospice, which helpfund cancer nurses inHorowhenua. Thanks toeveryone who contributed tothe success of this event.

The Keep WaikanaeBeautiful Group has recently

presented both the Friends ofthe Waikanae River and theWaimea Lagoon and WaikanaeBeach Restoration Group withcertificates of appreciation.These groups have beenrewarded for the hard workthey both do for conservationrestoration.

Protecting and enhancingthe river, lagoon and sanddunes means we can all enjoythese special areas. Thanks tothese groups and others likeFriends of the Otaki River fortheir tireless voluntary workthat they are so passionateabout.

The Kapiti CollegeKOSCARS awards were

recently held at the college,which provides an opportunityfor our promising youngfilmmakers to receiverecognition for their efforts.I’m told the calibre ofperformances was of a veryhigh quality and I would like tocongratulate all of the studentswho won awards.Congratulations to the KapitiGospel Choir, made up of about40 members, which received arunner-up arts award at theWellington CommunityAirport Awards. Well done.

There is so much happeningin our region that makes mevery proud. Well doneeveryone.

6 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014


Time for cleanupAnnette Haley is proud of her garden andspends many happy hours keeping it lookingnice. She is also a keen member of Keep LevinBeautiful, which is urging people, not only inLevin but throughout the district, to helpmake the area look its best.

During the week the group has beenpromoting ‘pride in your community’, askingpeople to have a tidy-up around their owngarden and frontage, and offer to helpneighbours with their cleanup.

Ms Haley is a firm believer that if thestreets look good it has a flow-on effect. “Itshows people we have pride in where welive,” she said.

It does not have to take long to do acleanup, she said. “The best part is, a cleanand proud town generally has happy peopleand that is a good thing.”

So be happy and be proud to live inHorowhenua.

Page 7: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14


Simply email a photo of your “favourite pet” along with your name, address and phonenumber to [email protected] and we will contact you for creditcard payment detailsor you can pop into our office at 13 Bristol Street,Levin, with your photo and make payment bycash, cheque or eftpos.Entries close 4:30pm on Friday 31st October, 2014.All pet photos will be published in the Horowhenua Chronicle on 7th November, 2014.Readers will be asked to vote for their “favourite pet” via a printed entry form which will bepublished on 7th November in the Horowhenua Chronicle.The results will be published in the Horowhenua Chronicle 21st November, 2014.Employees of NZME and Pet Idol sponsors are ineligible to enter.Em

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Simply email a photo of your “favourite pet” along with your name, address and phonenumber to [email protected] and we will contact you for creditcard paymentdetails or you can pop into our office at 13 Bristol Street,Levin, with your photo and makepayment by cash, cheque or eftpos.Entries close 4:30pm on Friday 14th November 2014.All pet photos will be published in the Horowhenua Chronicle on 21st November 2014.Readers will be asked to vote for their “favourite pet” via a printed entry form which will bepublished on 21st November 2014 in the Horowhenua Chronicle.The results will be published in the Horowhenua Chronicle 3rd December 2014.Employees of NZME and Pet Idol sponsors are ineligible to enter.

EntreesSoup of the Day Our Chefs daily flavour

Shrimp Cocktail Served with a tangy seafood sauce

Mushroom & Bacon Vol au Vent

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MainsRoast Pork Served with apple sauce and gravy

Baked Ham Served with roasted vegtable and mustard sauce

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with lashings of mint and rosemary jus

DessertsChristmas Pudding Served with brandy custard

Ice-cream Sundae Choice of chocolate, strawberry

or caramel topping

Pavlova Served with wildberry sauce and ice-cream

2 Course $25.902 Course $25.90

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LevinPh: 368 9157



HOROWHENUA College students shone at the Manawatu SecondarySchool Sports Awards that recognises top sporting achievements inthe region. From left: Brydie Hodge (golf), Xsavier Taiaroa (inlinehockey), Te Nawe Whiti (taekwon do), Renee Bacon (canoe polo andathletics) and Morgan Searle (taekwon do).

Acknowledging much hard workwith GRANTCONGDONPrincipal

Our Year 11 to 13 students areabout to embark on their NCEAexams. What a student has learntover a year of study in a subject istested in a three-hour exam. Theresult they get is an indication ofwhat they have learnt as well as areflection of the attitude they haveshown towards learning.

All students are looking forsuccess – to be successful in theirlearning and to gain aqualification. When you look atstudents who are successful, theyhave one thing in common – theywork hard. This is a choice theyhave made, they have chosen towork hard because they know

there is noeasy road tosuccess.

Awillingnessto workhard willset astudent up

to succeed, and when a studentsucceeds in one aspect of theirlives it often flows over into otherthings they do.

Recently the ManawatuSecondary School Sports Awardsrecognised the top sportingachievements of secondarystudents from our region.

This was a finals evening,meaning students had to reach acertain level of sporting

achievement to be included in theevent.

It was a great pleasure to watchour students from HorowhenuaCollege take the stage and for theaudience to hear of their sportingachievements. Again, the onecommon thing between all of thesestudents is they have all workedhard for their success.Congratulations to:- Renee Bacon – canoe polo andathletics.- Brydie Hodge – golf.- Xsavier Taiaroa – inline hockey.- Morgan Searle – taekwon do.- Te Nawe Whiti – Taekwon do.- Canoe polo senior girls team.As well as recognising theirachievements, Brydie Hodge,Xsavier Taiaroa, Morgan Searle

and Te Nawe Whiti were namedthe top performers for their sportin the Manawatu region. This is afantastic achievement.

Congratulations to all ourstudents on their success, and welldone for putting in the hard workto achieve it.


LEVIN’S Swazi Apparel was shut onFriday, as staff had the day off to celebratethe company’s 20th year in business. TheSwazi Apparel brand has captured therespect of outdoor enthusiasts worldwideover the years. It’s motto ‘The World’sMost Durable Apparel’ is proving true ashunters, explorers and rescue workerstest it on a daily basis in some of the mostsevere conditions. However, Friday wasall about celebrating the Swazi family, thepeople behind the brand and thecommitment to remain a true New Zealandcompany.


Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 7

Page 8: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

8 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

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Page 9: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14



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current owners for weekend accommodation. Several potential

building sites exist on the property. With a Government Valuation of

$281,000, this property will sell.

Simply enjoy it as it is or develop it to suit your requirements.COAST TO COAST LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008.

A fundraiser for the Japanese languagestudents of

Waiopehu College, Levin9 Horowhenua gardens

(3 never before open to the public)

Glimpse Beyond the gate- Garden Meander

Adults $20.00Sunday 23 November 2014

10am-4pmPlease contact the school office

for information and bookingsPh 06 3688303 or www.waiopehu.ac.nz

Garden trail to take students a long way


WAIOPEHU College students, from left, Jared Brown, Leah Praat and Tessa Paulin are hoping their garden trail fundraiser thismonth will boost funds for their Japanese exchange trip next year.


A garden trail fundraiser to help a class ofWaiopehu College students travel to theLand of the Rising Sun is attractinginterest from people from as far asTaranaki and Wellington.

Nine Horowhenua properties will opentheir gates for the ‘Glimpse Beyond theGate – Garden Meander’ to help 13Japanese language students raise anestimated $58,500 in total, for a 19-dayexchange visit to Japan in March nextyear.

The Year 10 students have been busypromoting the November 23 event, withposters, flyers and emails to garden clubsand other organisations in and outside thedistrict.

The students will be collecting ticketsat the gates and helping serverefreshments at two of the properties.

Student Leah Praat has visited all ninegardens with mum Gaelene, a teacher atthe college and the main driver behind thefundraiser. “The gardens are reallybeautiful,” said Leah. “I’ve seen somereally cool ideas that I would never havethought of being in a garden.”

Mrs Praat said it wasn’t easy selectingthe final nine properties.

“There were so many people offeringand so many amazing gardens to choosefrom,” she said. “We have very generoushosts who are keen to share their love ofgardening and support our students to getto Japan.”

Levin Garden Club members helpedMrs Praat whittle down the selection,ensuring a wide variety of gardeningstyles and innovation, including smallurban and large rural gardens, nativebush, formal and cottage styles, and a self-sustaining organic garden.

Three of the properties have neverbeen part of a tour before.

Pauline Leary is opening up her smallurban garden in Levin and hoping it willinspire anyone looking to downsize.

“You don’t need a huge space. I have a

garden that I love looking at, is full ofcolour, and also functional where I cangrow a few veges and have barbecues.”

■ Glimpse Beyond the Gate – Garden MeanderSunday November 23, 10am – 4pm

Tickets $20 from Waiopehu College, ph (06)368-8303 or visit www.waiopehu.ac.nz

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 9

Page 10: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

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SERVICE DIRECTORYSERVICE DIRECTORY10 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

SupremeLockupsstoragesolutionsWish you had an extra garage or shed forthe boat, caravan or just extra storagespace but don’t want to go to the expenseor hassle of building?

This is the perfect solution!■ Supreme Lockups has over 100 safe,dry and secure units ranging in size fromsmall to large lockups, as well as 20/40ftshipping containers from only $15 a week— it’s really good value!■ Security is paramount, the site issurrounded by a high security fence, thereare four security cameras and each lockupis individually alarmed, it doesn’t getbetter than that.■ Access seven days a week is by swipecard that automatically lets you into thesite and turns only your alarm off.■ The premises are modern with a fullyconcreted driveway that makes for cleanand easy access during bad weather.■ Units can be hired weekly, monthly oryearly with the best prices in town at verycompetitive rates starting from just $15 aweek, that’s a small investment for yourvaluable goods.

To make inquiries phone Michael, (06)368-8076 or call in and have aninspection. Michael can be found rightnext door at Supreme Antennas Ltd, 8Power Street, Levin.

Supreme Lockups, the supremesolution to all your storage needs in theHorowhenua/Manawatu.

Page 11: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Visit & Experience ParliamentTake a free tour with a professional guide who will showyou the historic buildings, stunning art collection and talkyou through the parliamentary process.

Parliament tours run daily,private and art focused tours for groupsare run on request and need to be booked in advance.For bookings and tour information:P: 04 817 9503 E: [email protected]• www.parliament.nz

Have you ever wanted to walk through thecorridors of power – well now is your chance.Free guided tours of the Parliament buildings areheld every day (except for Christmas Day, BoxingDay, New Year’s Day, the 2nd of January,Waitangi Day and Good Friday), perfect if you’replanning a day in Wellington during these schoolholidays.

The tour covers three main buildings - thearchitecturally unique “Beehive” building, ParliamentHouse where members of Parliament debate laws,and the historical Parliamentary Library.

Tours are offered by experienced and friendlyguides who are able to share insight intothe traditions and functions of Parliament.Throughout the tour you have the opportunity toask questions and learn how the New Zealandparliamentary process operates.

Afterwards you can buy from a range ofexclusive to Parliament gifts and postcards fromthe Parliament Shop and have your mail speciallypost-marked “Parliament”, a lasting memento ofyour time in these famous buildings.

Parliament tours run daily, private and art focused tours for groupsare run on request and need to be booked in advance.For bookings and tour information:P: 04 817 9503 • E: [email protected] • www.parliament.nz


Here are some ideas to help you...

Levin club swimmers excel


MEMBERS of the Levin Swimming Club who competed at the annual Paul Kent Memorial Spring Carnival held last month at Levin AquaticCentre.


October was another big monthfor Levin Swimming Clubmembers, with the club hostingthe annual Paul Kent MemorialSpring Carnival.

The carnival, held at theLevin Aquatic Centre, saw 31 ofthe club’s swimmers competingplus a total of 90 swimmersrepresenting clubs fromWellington, Palmerston North,Feilding and Wanganui.

Levin Club spokeswoman

Lesley Parkin said localswimmers ranged in age from 7to 16 years, and achieved 69personal best times out of a totalof 120 individual swims.

Club member GeorgiaKerins, 14, made two division IIage group qualifying times.

Mrs Parkin said they also sawa good effort from the newerswimmers Tuawhio Porima, 10,Keisha Jones, 9, Talia Sievers, 7,Natalia Kingi, 12, and KatieDean, 12.

Six club members headed

south the following week onOctober 19 to Wellington, tocompete in the Long CourseSwim Zone meet at the RegionalAquatic Centre.

Jimi Aungiers, 14, swam a200m individual medley divisionII qualifying time and CaitlinHuria, 13, gained a 50mBackstroke National Age Group(NAG) time.

The next day a team of 13swimmers travelled toDannevirke for the local club’sspring meet. Caitlin Huria put

another NAG time on the board,this time in the 100mbackstroke.

Mrs Parkin said a specialmention should go to HayleyDuggan, 12, and Hana Kerins, 9,for their efforts and personalbest times in the pool.

The club’s success is againdue to the support from localbusinesses and organisations,said Mrs Parkin, and the greatco-operation from the LevinAquatic Centre staff in hosting asuccessful spring carnival.

BOWLS RESULTSCentral Bowling Club:Central Bowling Club'sTuesdayMonthly Triples wasplayed in fine but windyconditions with 24 teamstaking part.In 1st place was R. Stewart, P.Bovey and B. Court with 4 winsand 26 ends, 2nd was D.Walker, A. Malone and D.Madden with 4 wins and 25ends, 3rd was R. Cotter, B.Coe and R. Evans (a first yearbowler) with 4 wins and 24ends, in 4th place was G.Wylie, J. Mears and B.Richardson with 4 wins and 23ends.RSA Bowls Club:TheMonday triples this weekbecame a tough ask, withbowlers combating strongwinds and only the top bowlerssurviving to win through to theprizes, sponsored by the Bankof New Zealand.1. LorraineWillers, RayLovejoy, Carol Seal – 4 wins,20 ends, 42 points.2. Heather Pratt, ShirleyViggars, Scotty Nicholas – 4wins, 19 ends, 39 points.3. Gary Burns, JohnGraumans, Barry Richardson– 3 wins, 20 ends, 48 points.The club will be very busy thismonth so please be aware ofteams on the board andsupport your sponsors. Clubsupport teams for November13, Levin Ladies:A. Keith Cameron, John Gray,JeanMcAleese.B. Billy McAleese, JohnBlackwell, Heather Corbett.

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 11

Page 12: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14



It’s fun for EVERYONE - families,school groups, work groups, socialclubs, community groups, corporatechallengers, or a reward for you bestcustomers.

Be captivated by this unique part ofNew Zealand, the Otaki Gorge is onlystories throw fromWellingtonor Palmerston North.

Rafting,Night Rafting,Abseiling,RockClimbing,TeamBuilding,HighRopes,DayWalks, SchoolAdventures.

Phone Pete or Simone -Ph: 04 209 1595Mobile: 027 241 0199Email: [email protected]

All adventures are half day activities and take around3 hours to complete, after an initial briefing at ourriverside base, where there are toilet and changingfacilities, your adventure begins.

All adventures are within 10 minutes drive.Water activities finish right on our doorstep!

At the conclusion of your adventure enjoy our riverbase, with amenities like the swimming pool (summeronly) and barbeque facilities, and amazing river views.


DESIGN YOUROWN ADVENTURE!Come and have an adventurewith Captivate Adventures.It’s sure to be an experienceworth remembering. Bookingsnot always necessary.

Heresome i

to help



SUMMER IS ON IT’S WAYSUMMER IS ON IT’S WAYWhy not visit Kapiti Island over the summer months?Why not visit Kapiti Island over the summer months?

• Whanau/Family Deals • Kaumatua/Senior Citizen specials • Student specialsWe have something for everyone

0800 527 484www.kapititours.co.nz | [email protected]| KapitiToursLtd


Ngati Toa Kapiti ToursNgati Toa Kapiti Tours has been providing a transportand tourism experience to the iconic Kapiti Islandsince 1995.

Our boat Te Aihe is a safe and reliable vessel thatcomfortably provides a scenic trip across the KapitiIsland Marine Reserve to Kapiti Island.

Stepping foot on the island is like stepping back intime. You can breathe in the fresh sea air and hear thesounds of the native birds that thrive in abundance.

Our experienced guides provide a historical overviewthe Maori occupation of the island, the trade hub itonce was and also the flora and fauna that we now see.

The following native birds can be found on Kapiti Island

Kiwi,Weka, Kokako, Tieke, Hihi, Takahe, Kereru,Kakariki, Piwakawaka, Tui & Korimako

Nau mai, Haere mai

For your peaceful break in Feildingvisit our self-contained two bedroomcottage.View our website to see more

details, and to make a booking.Bob and Jenny your hosts

look forward to welcoming you.

Fo ful br k in Feildin


Ph: (06) 323 1182 • Mob: 021 331 449Email: [email protected]

153 Halcombe Road, RD5, Feilding

Quality accommodation at it’s BestWe offer: Airport Transfers, Carparks

Luggage Storage, Tours,BBQ facilities, Concierge, Room Service

Moon Gate Villa

Golf course within 3 km | Free wi-fi in all Rooms

462 Kerikeri Road, Free Phone 0800 00 3500Email [email protected]


18Waiotoi Road, Ngunguru,Whangarei

Phone: 09 434 3124Mobile: 021 141 2818Email: [email protected]

Bed & BreakfastHosts: Dennis & Janis Langman


MOON GATE VILLAInspired by the shape of Cupid’sbow and located in the heart ofthe Bay of Islands, Moon Gateoffers three delightful suites,set within 1.5 acres of secludedgardens, waterfalls and reflectivepools. Explore Kerikeri Villageand the historic Stone Storebasin. Close to local restaurants,wineries and craft shops. A shortdrive to Paihia, Waitangi and thenorthern bays and beaches.Features solar heated pool, on-demand movies, free Wi-Fi, fullbuffet and cooked breakfasts,private dining on request.

DUN FARMIN B&BWelcoming and affordable, withineasy reach of all the attractions ofthe Tutukaka. Coast Spacious andwarmly furnished, the guest quartershave been designed for comfort andrestful convenience, with tea andcoffee facilities, Freeview TV and

wireless internet. 100m from theinviting waters of Ngunguru estuary.Features include easy access tobeach and holiday activities; walkalong the waterfront to local store,food & coffee; off-street parking.Free continental breakfast.


Tranquil rural setting located5 minutes from Feilding andManfield Park. Cosy 2 bedroomcottage with everything for yourcomfort: 1 bedroom with queensize bed, the other with 2 twinbeds; SKY TV, broadband, sunnydeck with barbeque, guest parking.Continental breakfast included.Fielding (winner of New Zealand’smost beautiful town award for14 years), has many cafes, shopsand popular Farmers’ market onFridays. Plenty of parking for carsand trailers. Weekly rates availableon request.

Going on a family holiday isalways lots of fun and a greatway to unwind and enjoy eachother’s company. To help makeit enriching, enjoyable andexciting make sure you arewell organized for it. The familythat fails to plan for summertravel can end up frazzled,frustrated and longing forthe quiet comfort of home.

This year, get ready! Whetherits car trips, plane travel orclose-to-home day trips planahead and look forwardto a great time together.

A smooth, stress-free vacationbegins well before the trip.On these pages are a greatvariety of accommodationand activity ideas for youto explore this Summer!

12 Horowhenua Chronicle

Come and visit the honey bees.Taste the delicious honey they make.

Indulge in the beauty products in gifts.Learn about how important honey bees are.

66 Arataki Road, Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay

T. 06 877 7300 www.aratakihoneyhb.co.nz


Be a Bee!Learn about honey making, dress up as a beekeeper, see throughthe eyes of a bee. Whether visiting as an individual or a family,or as part of a group, there’s plenty to explore, lots to do andentry is free.For school groups this is a great way to introduce the importanceof bees to our valuable land-based industries and environment.Group tours will find something for everyone at Arataki.Honey is our focus and at our Visitor Centre we have tendistinct and delicious flavours to try. From candles to crayonsbeeswax is useful and versatile and you can find out all aboutit at our Visitor Centre. Other bee products include propolis,pollen and royal jelly, all key ingredients in our health and beautyproducts.We are suppliers of: Apicare Body Products, Madeline RichieSkin Care Range, Comvita Health Care, Parrs Body Products,Tui Balms, Busy Bees, Heavensent Sauces & Dressings

Discover more about honey, meet thebees that make it, taste test andfind your favourite, purchase gifts andsouvenirs, all at our interactive,modern Arataki Honey Visitor Centre.

Arataki Honey Visitor Centre66 Arataki Road, Havelock North.Open 7 Days from 9am to 5pm.


Our resort's emphasis is placed on families and

we endeavor to provide a safe environment.

Our resort is only 2 minutes walk from golden

sandy beach.

Enjoy a relaxing holiday at waimarama’s

golden sandy surf patrolled beach. Popular for

swimming, surfing, boating, fishing and diving

ACCOMMODATION• Family camp located in the township on the main road

• 1 block back from Waimarama Beach and 800mm from the boat ramp

• Tent and caravan sites, powered and non-powered

• Small communal kitchen, 2 fridge/freezers, microwave and gas hobs

• Separate male/female showers, access facility shower, toilets

• Laundry with coin operated washing machine and dryer

• Covered barbecue area with barbecues, tables and sink units

• No pets

With the Kaitaiai Golf Course as ourvirtual backyard, Ahipara Sands issituated on the famous Ninety MileBeach and offers it all to the adventuroustraveler and holiday maker.

Just 20 steps onto the beach - greatfishing is right outside. Experiencegolf, fishing, quad biking, beach walksand much, much more - and we evenwelcome your pets a holiday with us too.

Meals available. 2 Apartments. Cleanand comfortable, units are in nativetimbers and offer everything you wouldneed for a totally relaxing break - away.

Come stay and play at Ahipara Sandsfor an unforgettable experience. Youcan contact us directly by email on:[email protected]


Lovely clean units. Only 2 minuteswalk to golf clubhouse.


Surfing • Kite Surfing • FishingHorse Riding & More More..

40 Kaka Street Ahipara, KaitaiaPH: Cheryl or Dirk on 09 409 4605

Mobile: 027 351 5150

e areideas

p you...



Lovingly restored, right in the heart of Auckland.Good old fashioned hospitality.

The Goodbye Pork Pie house an inner City Haven,where we will take special care of youe will take special care of y

7 Parliament Street Auckland CBDPhone: 0800 155 463

Email: braemar@aucklandbedandbreakfast.comwww.aucklandbedandbreakfast.com

Go in the draw to


at Mokai Gravity Canyon in Taihape.

Complete this coupon and bring into theHorowhenua Chronicle

before 5pm on Wednesday 19th November.Name:…………………………....... Phone:…………………………


closed only on Christmas DayWe are open 364 days of the yearWe are open 364 days of the year


to 4pm

FREEPHONE 0800 802 864FREEPHONE 0800 802 864www.gravitycanyon.co.nzwww.gravitycanyon.co.nz332 Mokai Road, Taihape332 Mokai Road, Taihape




HISTORAL GRANDVIEW OFFERS• Guest Lounge & Kitchen• Viewing Deck-BBQ Area• Sauna • Guest Computer• FREE Wireless Internet.

360 High Street DunedinHost: Steve Scott. Ph: 03 474 9472

Email: [email protected]


Waimarama Seaside Resort30 Harper Rd, Waimarama,

Hawkes BayPhone (06) 874 6813

Fax: (06) 874 6816Email: [email protected]

Web: www.escapetowaimaramabeach.co.nzCash, cheque, Eftpos

x20 x28 !XNoPets ✓ Access


Powered sitesNon-PowerChildren 5-12 yearsUnder 5s

$20$171/2 PriceFree

Elegant Braemar on ParliamentStreet is unique, the only Victoriantownhouse in the Auckland CBDstill a family home. The AucklandCBD location means cinemas,theatres, cafés, restaurants and

beautiful parks are just a shortwalk away. Close to AucklandUniversity and Vector Arena.Full breakfast,Wireless broadband,Sky TV, Parking, Pets onsite.

Qualmark Enviro Silver.


Grandview is one of Dunedin's oldest listed

mansions, dating back to the 1850s. Open

to guests for a lovely B&B experience with

amazing views and the charm of Dunedin's

heritage. Just a short stroll to the city centre,

cafes, restaurants and bars - this makes

Grandview a convenient location for guests.

We have bedrooms to suit all budgets, plus

kitchen and laundry facilities, sauna and

internet access available. Steve & Irene look

forward to you staying with us at Grandview.

Our home is your home when you stay with

us we respect your privacy however if you

wish we are very happy to spend time with

you and will endevour to make your stay with

us enjoyable and comfortable and hope that

you will leave us as friends.


Friday, November 7, 2014 13

Page 13: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14



It’s fun for EVERYONE - families,school groups, work groups, socialclubs, community groups, corporatechallengers, or a reward for you bestcustomers.

Be captivated by this unique part ofNew Zealand, the Otaki Gorge is onlystories throw fromWellingtonor Palmerston North.

Rafting,Night Rafting,Abseiling,RockClimbing,TeamBuilding,HighRopes,DayWalks, SchoolAdventures.

Phone Pete or Simone -Ph: 04 209 1595Mobile: 027 241 0199Email: [email protected]

All adventures are half day activities and take around3 hours to complete, after an initial briefing at ourriverside base, where there are toilet and changingfacilities, your adventure begins.

All adventures are within 10 minutes drive.Water activities finish right on our doorstep!

At the conclusion of your adventure enjoy our riverbase, with amenities like the swimming pool (summeronly) and barbeque facilities, and amazing river views.


DESIGN YOUROWN ADVENTURE!Come and have an adventurewith Captivate Adventures.It’s sure to be an experienceworth remembering. Bookingsnot always necessary.

Heresome i

to help



SUMMER IS ON IT’S WAYSUMMER IS ON IT’S WAYWhy not visit Kapiti Island over the summer months?Why not visit Kapiti Island over the summer months?

• Whanau/Family Deals • Kaumatua/Senior Citizen specials • Student specialsWe have something for everyone

0800 527 484www.kapititours.co.nz | [email protected]| KapitiToursLtd


Ngati Toa Kapiti ToursNgati Toa Kapiti Tours has been providing a transportand tourism experience to the iconic Kapiti Islandsince 1995.

Our boat Te Aihe is a safe and reliable vessel thatcomfortably provides a scenic trip across the KapitiIsland Marine Reserve to Kapiti Island.

Stepping foot on the island is like stepping back intime. You can breathe in the fresh sea air and hear thesounds of the native birds that thrive in abundance.

Our experienced guides provide a historical overviewthe Maori occupation of the island, the trade hub itonce was and also the flora and fauna that we now see.

The following native birds can be found on Kapiti Island

Kiwi,Weka, Kokako, Tieke, Hihi, Takahe, Kereru,Kakariki, Piwakawaka, Tui & Korimako

Nau mai, Haere mai

For your peaceful break in Feildingvisit our self-contained two bedroomcottage.View our website to see more

details, and to make a booking.Bob and Jenny your hosts

look forward to welcoming you.

Fo ful br k in Feildin


Ph: (06) 323 1182 • Mob: 021 331 449Email: [email protected]

153 Halcombe Road, RD5, Feilding

Quality accommodation at it’s BestWe offer: Airport Transfers, Carparks

Luggage Storage, Tours,BBQ facilities, Concierge, Room Service

Moon Gate Villa

Golf course within 3 km | Free wi-fi in all Rooms

462 Kerikeri Road, Free Phone 0800 00 3500Email [email protected]


18Waiotoi Road, Ngunguru,Whangarei

Phone: 09 434 3124Mobile: 021 141 2818Email: [email protected]

Bed & BreakfastHosts: Dennis & Janis Langman


MOON GATE VILLAInspired by the shape of Cupid’sbow and located in the heart ofthe Bay of Islands, Moon Gateoffers three delightful suites,set within 1.5 acres of secludedgardens, waterfalls and reflectivepools. Explore Kerikeri Villageand the historic Stone Storebasin. Close to local restaurants,wineries and craft shops. A shortdrive to Paihia, Waitangi and thenorthern bays and beaches.Features solar heated pool, on-demand movies, free Wi-Fi, fullbuffet and cooked breakfasts,private dining on request.

DUN FARMIN B&BWelcoming and affordable, withineasy reach of all the attractions ofthe Tutukaka. Coast Spacious andwarmly furnished, the guest quartershave been designed for comfort andrestful convenience, with tea andcoffee facilities, Freeview TV and

wireless internet. 100m from theinviting waters of Ngunguru estuary.Features include easy access tobeach and holiday activities; walkalong the waterfront to local store,food & coffee; off-street parking.Free continental breakfast.


Tranquil rural setting located5 minutes from Feilding andManfield Park. Cosy 2 bedroomcottage with everything for yourcomfort: 1 bedroom with queensize bed, the other with 2 twinbeds; SKY TV, broadband, sunnydeck with barbeque, guest parking.Continental breakfast included.Fielding (winner of New Zealand’smost beautiful town award for14 years), has many cafes, shopsand popular Farmers’ market onFridays. Plenty of parking for carsand trailers. Weekly rates availableon request.

Going on a family holiday isalways lots of fun and a greatway to unwind and enjoy eachother’s company. To help makeit enriching, enjoyable andexciting make sure you arewell organized for it. The familythat fails to plan for summertravel can end up frazzled,frustrated and longing forthe quiet comfort of home.

This year, get ready! Whetherits car trips, plane travel orclose-to-home day trips planahead and look forwardto a great time together.

A smooth, stress-free vacationbegins well before the trip.On these pages are a greatvariety of accommodationand activity ideas for youto explore this Summer!

12 Horowhenua Chronicle

Come and visit the honey bees.Taste the delicious honey they make.

Indulge in the beauty products in gifts.Learn about how important honey bees are.

66 Arataki Road, Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay

T. 06 877 7300 www.aratakihoneyhb.co.nz


Be a Bee!Learn about honey making, dress up as a beekeeper, see throughthe eyes of a bee. Whether visiting as an individual or a family,or as part of a group, there’s plenty to explore, lots to do andentry is free.For school groups this is a great way to introduce the importanceof bees to our valuable land-based industries and environment.Group tours will find something for everyone at Arataki.Honey is our focus and at our Visitor Centre we have tendistinct and delicious flavours to try. From candles to crayonsbeeswax is useful and versatile and you can find out all aboutit at our Visitor Centre. Other bee products include propolis,pollen and royal jelly, all key ingredients in our health and beautyproducts.We are suppliers of: Apicare Body Products, Madeline RichieSkin Care Range, Comvita Health Care, Parrs Body Products,Tui Balms, Busy Bees, Heavensent Sauces & Dressings

Discover more about honey, meet thebees that make it, taste test andfind your favourite, purchase gifts andsouvenirs, all at our interactive,modern Arataki Honey Visitor Centre.

Arataki Honey Visitor Centre66 Arataki Road, Havelock North.Open 7 Days from 9am to 5pm.


Our resort's emphasis is placed on families and

we endeavor to provide a safe environment.

Our resort is only 2 minutes walk from golden

sandy beach.

Enjoy a relaxing holiday at waimarama’s

golden sandy surf patrolled beach. Popular for

swimming, surfing, boating, fishing and diving

ACCOMMODATION• Family camp located in the township on the main road

• 1 block back from Waimarama Beach and 800mm from the boat ramp

• Tent and caravan sites, powered and non-powered

• Small communal kitchen, 2 fridge/freezers, microwave and gas hobs

• Separate male/female showers, access facility shower, toilets

• Laundry with coin operated washing machine and dryer

• Covered barbecue area with barbecues, tables and sink units

• No pets

With the Kaitaiai Golf Course as ourvirtual backyard, Ahipara Sands issituated on the famous Ninety MileBeach and offers it all to the adventuroustraveler and holiday maker.

Just 20 steps onto the beach - greatfishing is right outside. Experiencegolf, fishing, quad biking, beach walksand much, much more - and we evenwelcome your pets a holiday with us too.

Meals available. 2 Apartments. Cleanand comfortable, units are in nativetimbers and offer everything you wouldneed for a totally relaxing break - away.

Come stay and play at Ahipara Sandsfor an unforgettable experience. Youcan contact us directly by email on:[email protected]


Lovely clean units. Only 2 minuteswalk to golf clubhouse.


Surfing • Kite Surfing • FishingHorse Riding & More More..

40 Kaka Street Ahipara, KaitaiaPH: Cheryl or Dirk on 09 409 4605

Mobile: 027 351 5150

e areideas

p you...



Lovingly restored, right in the heart of Auckland.Good old fashioned hospitality.

The Goodbye Pork Pie house an inner City Haven,where we will take special care of youe will take special care of y

7 Parliament Street Auckland CBDPhone: 0800 155 463

Email: braemar@aucklandbedandbreakfast.comwww.aucklandbedandbreakfast.com

Go in the draw to


at Mokai Gravity Canyon in Taihape.

Complete this coupon and bring into theHorowhenua Chronicle

before 5pm on Wednesday 19th November.Name:…………………………....... Phone:…………………………


closed only on Christmas DayWe are open 364 days of the yearWe are open 364 days of the year


to 4pm

FREEPHONE 0800 802 864FREEPHONE 0800 802 864www.gravitycanyon.co.nzwww.gravitycanyon.co.nz332 Mokai Road, Taihape332 Mokai Road, Taihape




HISTORAL GRANDVIEW OFFERS• Guest Lounge & Kitchen• Viewing Deck-BBQ Area• Sauna • Guest Computer• FREE Wireless Internet.

360 High Street DunedinHost: Steve Scott. Ph: 03 474 9472

Email: [email protected]


Waimarama Seaside Resort30 Harper Rd, Waimarama,

Hawkes BayPhone (06) 874 6813

Fax: (06) 874 6816Email: [email protected]

Web: www.escapetowaimaramabeach.co.nzCash, cheque, Eftpos

x20 x28 !XNoPets ✓ Access


Powered sitesNon-PowerChildren 5-12 yearsUnder 5s

$20$171/2 PriceFree

Elegant Braemar on ParliamentStreet is unique, the only Victoriantownhouse in the Auckland CBDstill a family home. The AucklandCBD location means cinemas,theatres, cafés, restaurants and

beautiful parks are just a shortwalk away. Close to AucklandUniversity and Vector Arena.Full breakfast,Wireless broadband,Sky TV, Parking, Pets onsite.

Qualmark Enviro Silver.


Grandview is one of Dunedin's oldest listed

mansions, dating back to the 1850s. Open

to guests for a lovely B&B experience with

amazing views and the charm of Dunedin's

heritage. Just a short stroll to the city centre,

cafes, restaurants and bars - this makes

Grandview a convenient location for guests.

We have bedrooms to suit all budgets, plus

kitchen and laundry facilities, sauna and

internet access available. Steve & Irene look

forward to you staying with us at Grandview.

Our home is your home when you stay with

us we respect your privacy however if you

wish we are very happy to spend time with

you and will endevour to make your stay with

us enjoyable and comfortable and hope that

you will leave us as friends.


Friday, November 7, 2014 13

Page 14: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

14 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014


Murray & MargritLocal people, local knowledge, local passion

LEVINProperty Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Office 06 366 0661027 455 7706Margrit SearleOffice 06 366 0662027 490 4773Murray Doreen

Just waiting for you


$179,000WEB ID LU39936LEVIN32 Featherston StreetFantastic brick 2 bedroom home on 625m2 section ison the sunny side of the street. There is a spaciouslounge with log burner and separate kitchen anddining area. The property is well maintained andpresented, with wonderful gardens which you will beproud of. There is a single garage. This property wouldbe a delight to own.Call now to view.

VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 12.00 - 12.30pm

[email protected] 06 366 0661Mobile 027 455 7706Margrit Searle

[email protected] 06 367 3556Office 06 366 0662Mobile 027 490 4773Murray Doreen




Standout Townhouse


$230,000WEB ID LU39995LEVIN61C Winchester StreetThis is a modern, warm, well built home on an easycare 309m2 section close to town. The house is a goodsize at 126m2, offering two bedrooms, a wet floorshower and excellent chattels throughout. It wouldmake a great retirement home.

VIEW Saturday 8 Nov 12.00 - 12.30pm

[email protected] 06 366 0661Mobile 027 455 7706Margrit Searle

[email protected] 06 367 3556Office 06 366 0662Mobile 027 490 4773Murray Doreen




Affordable on Argyle Ave


$240,000WEB ID LU40027LEVIN23 Argyle AvenueThis three bedroom home on two levels is awaiting thatfamily who wish to live in a popular location, enjoyingprivacy and space. To move in for Christmas is apossibility.Comprising kitchen/dining, separate informal loungewith wood burner, family bathroom plus ensuite,formal lounge opening out to sheltered backyard, plusa very restful, warm conservatory .There is ample storage throughout, plus an internalgarage with workshop space. All this on a 802m2nicely planted section.

VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 2.00 - 2.30pm

[email protected] 06 367 3556Office 06 366 0662Mobile 027 490 4773Murray Doreen

[email protected] 06 366 0661Mobile 027 455 7706Margrit Searle




Calling all holiday makers


$230,000WEB ID LU40032WAITARERE BEACH75 Kahukura AvenueThis three bedroom home is awaiting that family thatwish for a property where they can just kickback, nofuss, no drama.Comprising of Open plan living, with a wood burner atthe centre of the room. This area is light, warm and hastranquil views through the large windows. Electriccooking and water, a bonus is a bore.Spacious storage areas under the dwelling, barbecuearea, great size carport. Easy access to rear of theproperty should you have guests with caravans andcampers.

View By Appointment

[email protected] 06 366 0661Mobile 027 455 7706Margrit Searle

[email protected] 06 367 3556Office 06 366 0662Mobile 027 490 4773Murray Doreen



Page 15: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 15


LEVINProperty Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 06 366 [email protected] Bristol Street

First home opportunity


$169,000WEB ID LU38626LEVIN19 Green AvenueTidy three bedroom home, elevated for all day sun.Separate dining and lounge, the chippie in the kitchenis on wetback and there is insulation in the ceiling andan HRV system. This is a great home to start on theproperty ladder, it is close to schools, has a singlegarage and is vacant and ready for a new owner.Rental appraisal $240.00 to $250.00 per week.

VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 12.15 - 12.45pm

[email protected] 06 368 9400Office 06 366 0663Mobile 021 617 482Debby Turner




A little beauty


$95,000WEB ID LU39347LEVIN13C Hereford StreetHere is a one bedroom unit in a sunny street with oneparking space at the front and a small low maintenancerear yard.This easy care unit would be perfect for a professionalor investment buyer.It is priced to sell with a motivated vendor, so don'tmiss this opportunity.Call to view before it is sold.

VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 2.30 - 3.00pm

[email protected] 06 368 3372Office 06 366 0881Mobile 021 675 721Michael Utting



Bank says Sell! You do the sums!


AUCTIONWEB ID LU39855LEVIN135 Liverpool Street•Combined rental income of $370.00 per week•Sold sign wanted•Calling all investors or D.I.Yers•Great investment opportunity•3 bedroom house with double garage•Plus separate self contained flat•Property needs cosmetic work and some maintenance•Both tenants want to stay on•You do the sums

VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 1.00 - 1.30pm

AUCTION (unless sold prior) 1.00pm, Tue 25thNovember, 2014 1 Bristol Street, Levin

[email protected] 06 368 9400Office 06 366 0663Mobile 021 617 482Debby Turner




Page 16: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

16 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014


LEVINProperty Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 06 366 [email protected] Bristol Street

4 Bedrooms!

OPEN HOME$260,000 WEB ID LU35407LEVIN4 Dudley StreetGreat location, walk to school. Viewing isrecommended for all families.Fantastic modern kitchen with newappliances, open plan dining and lounge,fully insulated, HRV system and heat pumpfor the winter months. Infinity hot waterand an updated bathroom. The house hasbeen re-wiredVIEW Sunday 9 Nov 3.15 - 3.45pmDebby Turner 021 617 482




Classic 1950's

OPEN HOME$219,000 WEB ID LU38892LEVIN14 Kawiu RoadA solid 1950's weatherboard house in agreat location!This property offers 3 bedrooms plus a 4throom off the garage, an ideal teenagerspad! Kitchen with dishwasher and separatedining room catching all day sun, separatelounge with inbuilt fire, 2 toilets andfenced.VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 1.45 - 2.15pmDebby Turner 021 617 482




How's this for starters?

OPEN HOMEBRING US AN OFFER WEB ID LU36541LEVIN49 Green AvenueThis low maintenance tidy home is surplusto vendor's requirements. Situated in aquiet and peaceful cul-de-sac, this propertyfeatures three bedrooms, open plankitchen and spacious lounge with a heatpump.There is a separate bathroom and toiletand a carport and good garden shed.VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 12.15 - 12.45pmDebby Turner 021 617 482



Don't go past this home

OPEN HOMEOFFERS OVER $230,000 WEB ID LU38324LEVIN46 Parker AvenueColourful, comfortable, solid andexceptionally sunny. This Three bedroomhome has a large farm-style kitchen,separate dining-room (or extra bedroom)and the lounge has lovely plaster ceilings.There is a stand-alone office/studio withpower, telephone and internet access.VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 3.30 - 4.00pm

Clive Williams 027 240 9265




Hop 'n scoot to town

$149,000 WEB ID LU40011LEVIN24 Trafalgar StreetLocated close to the Post Shop,supermarkets and Aquatic Centre thishome could be turned into very desirableresidence. There is a spacious living areawhich leads out on to a sunny deck. Thehouse features two bedrooms and anoffice which be turned back into abedroom, plus a wet floor shower.View By AppointmentClive Williams 027 240 9265




Huge garaging

OPEN HOME$448,000 WEB ID LL39009LEVIN43 Waitarere Beach RoadHere is a very unique lifestyle property thatlends itself to a multitude of uses. Thespacious four bedroom home has twobathrooms, conservatory, 2 offices anddouble internal garage. Across thedriveway, another double garage withinternal access to a FOUR car garage!Approx. 2 acres of land.VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 1.00 - 1.30pmMary Dacombe-Bird 029 573 5161




You can add value here

OPEN HOME$168,000 WEB ID LU38769LEVIN71 Meadowvale DriveSitting on a sunny corner section, thishome is conveniently placed for a quickcommute to either Palmerston North orWellington. The lounge features a woodburner, and there is a heat transfer systemand an HRV. The sunny kitchen and diningroom have new vinyl flooring.VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 2.30 - 3.00pm

Mary Dacombe-Bird 029 573 5161




A breath of fresh air

OPEN HOME$219,000 WEB ID LU39842LEVIN139A Winchester StreetYou would never guess from the road -tucked away and hidden from view is thissimply gorgeous, as new, spacious twobedroom home with secure, easy-caregrounds. A bachelorette, bachelor orprofessional couple will relish living in thislovely home. An amazing pad to comehome to after a busy week.VIEW 8 & 9 Nov 1.00 - 1.30pmMargrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773



Motivated Vendors

OPEN HOME$459,000 +GST IF ANY WEB ID LL32751LEVIN17 Hokio Sand Road$459,000 +GST if anyOn outskirts of town this 3.8947ha's offertile soil is awaiting that family that wishfor the good life, enough land to be selfsufficient. Outbuildings consist of doublegaraging with adjoining utility room, 3 bayshed, double hayshed, tack room, small pigpen, henhousesVIEW Saturday 8 Nov 3.00 - 3.30pmMargrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




A winner on Winchester

OPEN HOME$219,000 WEB ID LU39754LEVIN39 Winchester StreetThe vendors here have set their sights on aproperty at the beach, so are very keen tomove on.Comprising of three bedrooms, bathroomwith showerbox and separate toilet Theindoor/outdoor flow is quite magic with arestful lounge opening out to north-facingdecking.VIEW Saturday 8 Nov 2.00 - 2.30pmMargrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




Eden's finest

NEW LISTING$459,000 WEB ID LU39928LEVIN4 Eden StreetThis is one of Levin's finest homes. Setamongst the tranquil setting of mature,established native trees which have beenunder planted with exotic flowering plants,an absolute delight to the eye, but easycare.This home is set on 1453m2 section on 2titles.View By AppointmentMurray 027 490 4773 Margrit 027 455 7706




A New Year Treat

NEW LISTING$220,000 WEB ID LU39728LEVIN40 Kent StreetWe are very proud to bring to the marketthis 1920's two or three bedroom home.For those who desire the old world charm,you must be quick to view, this home issimply gorgeous. Much has beenredecorated but there is still room for youto put your own stamp on.The kitchen is the hub of the home.

Margrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




Family pleaser

$245,000 WEB ID LU38430LEVIN62 Parker AvenueThis property has space for all, whetheryou are a family, or would like to have yourbusiness at home, or wish toaccommodate extended family. There areso many options here.The location is tops, close to preschool,primary and College, doctors, dentists andsports venues.View By AppointmentMargrit 027 455 7706 Murray 027 490 4773




Bright and sunny

PRICE REDUCED$279,000 WEB ID LU37647LEVIN3/93 Weraroa RoadThis gorgeous three bedroom home issituated close to town and attracts all daysun. Situated on a low maintenanceeasy-care section, there is a lovely viewfrom the kitchen/dining area through tothe lounge. Quiet and inviting, this really issomething special. The single garage hasinternal accessView By AppointmentMichael Utting 021 675 721




Too good to miss

$140,000 WEB ID LU34930SHANNON80 Grey StreetWow wow wow.The current owner has totally upgradedthis home to a high standard inside andout. This three bedroom home is sittingpretty - alarmed and stylish. The interiorhas been completely redecorated in aneutral decor. Need I say more?Come and view for yourself.View By AppointmentMichael Utting 021 675 721




Churchill Street classic

OPEN HOME$229,000 WEB ID LU38501LEVIN16A Churchill StreetWith views of the Tararuas, coming hometo this character 3 bedroom property (withlarge garaging and plenty of storage) is justthe tonic after a hard days' work. Wellpresented throughout and with delightfulRimu and timber finishings, this homeflows effortlessly from the kitchen to thedining.VIEW Sunday 9 Nov 1.00 - 1.30pmMichael Utting 021 675 721




Page 17: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

P: (06) 367 0820 PGG Wrightson Real Estate Ltd

Real Estate Agent—REAA 2008

Sunday 9 Nov


1.45-2.15pm 184 Tiro Tiro Road PBN

2.30-3.00pm 89 Queen Street PBN

2.45-3.15pm 17a Martin Harvey Street $199,000


1.00-1.30pm 531 Kawiu Road $379,000

1.00-1.30pm 32 East Road, Shannon $258,000

1.00-2.00pm 12 Tui Glen Drive $395,000

2.00-2.30pm 92 Rua Avenue,Waitarere Beach $198,000

Cnr Oxford & Queen Streets, LevinContact: (06) 367 9333

OPEN HOMES9th November 2014

12.30-1.00 9a Manchester Street, Levin

Tidy l/maint. 2 brm unit sunny living gge $139,000

1.00-1.30 16a Manchester St, Levin

L/maint sunny 2 brm unit + conservatory $199,000

1.00-1.30 1 Hadfield Street, Levin

Brick, 3 brm, new makeover $225,000

1.00-1.30 29 Bledisloe Street, Levin

2 Brm, sep lounge, dble gge + c/port $145,000

1.15-1.45 198 Bartholomew Road, Levin

4 Brms, garage & carport, 2x decks $285,000

1.30-2.00 3 Tainui Street, Levin

Executive class 4brms big living ensuite $428,000

1.30-2.00 9 Guy Avenue, Levin

L/main new kitchn all new décor 3brms gge $147,000

1.30-2.00 53 Strathmore Avenue, Levin

3 Brm, o/plan, fully fenced 805m² section $139,000

2.00-2.30 183 Bartholomew Rd, Levin

3 Brm brick, 2 single garages, location $289,000

2.15-2.45 11 Weraroa Road, Levin

Super tidy 2brm oyo new kitchn mod bathrm $164,000

2.15-2.45 24 Trafalgar Street, Levin

3 Brm, o/plan, close to town $149,000

2.45-3.15 638 Queen Street, Levin

Affordable 3brm family living $149,000

3.00-3.30 14 Elizabeth Street, Levin

Tidy 3brms mod kitchen gge + c/port decks $238,000

3.45-4.15 14a Baden Street, Levin

Tidy 3brms mod ktchn & bthrm conservatory $205,000

Shannon12.00-12.30 19 Stafford Street, Shannon

3 Brm, o/plan living, rural outlook $169,000

12.30-1.00 36 Whittaker Street, Shannon

3 Brm, o/plan living, 971m² section $169,000

Rural12.00-12.45 326 Heatherlea East Road, Levin

1890’s 4 Bedroom home on a 5904m² section $365,000

1.00-2.00 68 Sorensons Road, Levin

Large family home, huge garage, 4.4 acres $499,000

2.30-3.30 99 Te Whanga Road, Levin

Modern home (2006) on 15575m² section $589,000

OPEN HOMESOpen Home Times: Saturday, 8th November 2014

Levin61C Winchester Street $230,000 12:00pm 12:30pm

139A Winchester Street $219,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

28 Highbury Drive $315,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

39 Winchester Street $219,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

17 Hokio Sand Road $459,000 +GST if any 3:00pm 3:30pm

89 Weraroa Road $189,000 4:00pm 4:30pm

Shannon28 and 30 Julyan Street $180,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

27 Nathan Terrace $230,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

Open Home Times: Sunday, 9th November 2014

Levin7 Rata Street $139,000 11:00am 11:30am

32 Featherston Street $179,000 12:00pm 12:30pm

19 Green Avenue $169,000 12:15pm 12:45pm

49 Green Avenue $159,000 12:15pm 12:45pm

139A Winchester Street $219,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

135 Liverpool Street Auction 1:00pm 1:30pm

16A Churchill Street $229,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

43 Waitarere Beach Road $448,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

17 Charles Street $230,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

14 Kawiu Road $219,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

34 Princes Street Enquiries Over $225,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

145 Fairfield Road* $445,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

15a Stuart Street Enquiries Over $295,000 2:30pm 3:00pm

13C Hereford Street $95,000 2:30pm 3:00pm

71 Meadowvale Drive $168,000 2:30pm 3:00pm

4 Dudley Street $260,000 3:15pm 3:45pm

54 Waihou Road Enquiries Over $495,000 3:15pm 3:45pm

46 Parker Avenue Offers over $230,000 3:30pm 4:00pm

Ohau19 Grande View Terrace $498,500 11:00am 11:30am

Waitarere Beach590 Waitarere Beach Road $212,000 12:15pm 12:45pm

18 Hydrabad Drive $265,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

Foxton7 Victoria Street $245,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

6 Mark Perreau Place $225,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

27A Norbiton Road $280,000 2:30pm 3:00pm

16 Coley Street $125,000 3:15pm 3:45pm

19 Whyte Street $70,000 4:00pm 4:30pm

Foxton Beach5 Huia Street $199,000 1:00pm 1:30pm

13 Hall Place $179,000 1:15pm 1:45pm

1/35 Marine Parade $329,000 1:45pm 2:15pm

7 Chrystall Street $259,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

5 Cousins Avenue Enquiries over $320,000 2:30pm 3:00pm

33 Palmer Road $459,000 3:15pm 3:45pm

1 Cousins Avenue $349,000 4:00pm 4:30pm

Himatangi Beach7 Hunia Terrace $375,000 1:15pm 1:45pm

46 Himatangi Street $195,000 2:00pm 2:30pm

OPEN HOMESSunday 9th November

LEVIN$349,000 2 Byrd Street 11.00-11.45pm

Corner Crackle, desireable NE

$219,000 17b Kent Street 12.00-12.40pm

Location plus 4 bedrooms

$220,000 4 Hobson Street 12.00-12.40pm

Endless possibilities

$149,000 15 Essex Street 1.00-1.30pm

Close to town & bowling green

$137,000 1 Norrie Street 1.00-1.40pm

Great Starter

$179,000 4 Elizabeth Street 1.00-1.40pm

A touch of charm

$220,000 39 Sussex Street 1.00-1.45pm

Large opportunity plus

$305,000 28 Highbury Drive 1.30-2.00pm

Price Reduction

$160,000 17 Shamrock Street 2.00-2.30pm

3 bedroom stunner

$225,000 95a Weraroa Road 2.00-2.40pm

Location Location

$299,000 1 Dee Street 2.00-2.40pm

The WOW factor

$254,000 8c Sussex Street 2.00-2.45pm

Quite 3 bdrm 7yo brick home

SHANNONAUCTION 28 East Road 12.00-12.45pm

Estate sale, brick home country touch

RURAL/LIFESTYLE$296,000 9 JervoisTerrace 12.00-12.45pm

Private paradise in Ohau village

AUCTION 23 Ryland Park 1.00-1.45pm

Brand new stunning property with x-factor

PBN 1087 Queen Street 1.00-2.00pm

Newly built, GJ Gardener home – 4 bdrm

$395,000 47 Martins Road 1.00-2.00pm

New to the market

$587,000 25 Western Rise 2.00-2.45pm

Brick home, triple garaging, land & location

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 17

Exciting racing insidecars competitionBy PETER FRANKLIN


KIERAN Payne and Stu Elston 3NZp on their wayto a hard-fought win in the second heat of theRay Tarrant Memorial Sidecars Trophy.

A top field of sidecars competed inSaturday’s Ray Tarrant Memorialat Palmerston North’s RobertsonHolden International Speedway.

The 11 outfits competed inthree heats each to decide overallpoints and the top placings.

Once again 1NZp PaulHumphrey and Ben Franklin wereon form, as was father and soncombination Simon and AustinWindelborn riding 58p, the twocombinations each taking out theopening heats, with theWindelborns repeating their winin the second heat.

Kieran Payne and Stu Elston,3NZp, won their second roundrace, ahead of another father-sonduo, 6p Derek and MathewRamsay, with 1NZp having to be contentwith third.

The Windelborns held a one-point leadover Payne and Elston, with Humphreyand Franklin another point back as theyall faced off in the final round.

Final placings were still up in the airas the outfits lined up, Humphrey andFranklin led until the 6p Ramsay bike lost

its third wheel, causing a restart.The Windelborns benefited with a

much better performance on the secondattempt.

Sandwiched between the nationalchampions 1NZp and 3NZp, theWindelborns kept second place, whichwas enough to collect the Ray TarrantMemorial trophy by a point.


Levin Sale reportBy David Howarth - EldersA small yarding in all class of stock but pricesstill very firm.Calves F/H bulls $220Calves Freis up to $80Calves F/H Heifers $180Fat Lambs $90 to $125.00Fat Hoggets $110 to $130Yrlg steers $650 - $900Yrlg Heifers $615 - $720Wnr F/H Heifers $475Next Tuesday there will be 80 yrlg steers, 80 yrlgheifers.

Rongotea Sale reportBy Darryl Harwood - NZ Farmers LifestockThe strong demand for cattle, driven by theshortage of cattle and rising schedules, resultedin cross bred heifers and steers riding on theback of better bred animals, achieving priceswell above what they would normally achieve inthe rostrum. Yearling heifers and boner cowsagain made a good showing and a good yardingof 2 year cattle again set the benchmark for theyounger stock.2 year steers 425 kg – 460 kgmade up to $1270($2.67 - $2.76) and 370 kgmade $770 ($2.08).2 year bulls 720 kgmade $2230 ($3.10), 433 kg– 455 kgmade up to $1340 ($2.64 - $3.10) and285 kg – 370 kgmade up to $850 ($2.30 -$2.53).2 year heifers 640 kgmade $1810 ($2.82), 480kg – 525 kgmade up to $1550 ($2.50 - $2.95)and 450 kg – 405 kgmade up to $920 ($1.83 -$2.31).Yearling steers 350 kg – 375 kgmade up to$950 ($2.28 - $2.53), 241 kg – 298 kgmade upto $770 ($2.55 - $2.96) and 205 kg – 214 kgmade up to $550 ($2.44 - $2.57).Yearling Friesian bulls 242 kg – 351 kgmade upto $880 ($2.50 - $2.64) and Jersey bulls 285 kgmade $690 ($2.42).Yearling heifers 282 kg – 322 kgmade up to$900 ($2.34 - $3.00), 227 kg – 248 kgmade upto $720 ($2.68 - $2.90) and .Autumn born heifers 189 kgmade $540 ($2.86).Weaner steers 110 kgmade $470 ($4.27).Cross breed weaner bulls 111 kg – 115 kgmadeup to $500 ($3.78 - $4.35) and lighter bulls 92 kg– 105 kgmade up to $505 ($3.50 - $4.81).Weaner heifers 105 kg – 122 kgmade up to$490 ($4.00 – 44.38) and 62 kg – 95 kgmade upto $400 ($3.47 - $5.00), depending on breeding.Boner cows 520 kg – 630 kgmade up to $1450($2.30 - $2.35), 455 kg – 505 kgmade up to$1075 ($1.85 - $2.20) and 370 kg – 410 kgmade up to $890 ($1.62 - $2.17).Ewes with lambs at foot made $58 - $75 allcounted and 2 tooth ewesmade $90 - $104.Hoggets made $90 - $130 and spring lambsmade $80 - $110.Weaner pigs made $60 - $85.Good Friesian bull calvesmade $140- $180 andsmaller calvesmade $100 - $130. Good whiteface bull calvesmade $180 - $250, mediums$150 – $170 and smaller calves $100 -$140.Good white face heifers made $160 - $180,mediums $140 - $150 and smaller calves $120 -$130. Beef cross bull calvesmade $190 - $210and heifer calvesmade $140 - $175. Friesianheifer calvesmade $100 – $150.

Page 18: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and cover a baking traywith baking paper.

2. To caramelise the onions: in a large fry pan, heat 2 tspolive oil over medium-high heat until hot. Add butter;melt. Add onions, thyme, and salt and pepper to taste.

3. Cook 5 to 8 minutes. Reduce heat to low, stir in honeyand balsamic vinegar. Cook another 15 minutes oruntil onions are caramelised, and liquid reduces – stiroccasionally. Remove pan from heat and let the onionscool slightly.

4. Place the wrap on the baking tray. Spread cream cheeseover the top of the wrap. Spread onions evenly overcream cheese. Brush the edges of the wrap with milk.

5. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until the edges of thewrap go golden brown and crispy.

6. Cut into sections, sprinkle with parsley, and serve.

Caramelised Onion Flatbread Recipe No. 94

Come in for demonstrations and tastingseach week Tuesday to Saturday.


1 Farrah PremiumWhite Wrap

2 tsp olive oil

1 Tbsp butter

2 red onions,thinly sliced

1 tsp dried thyme

1 Tbsp honey

1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

4 Tbsp cream cheese

Salt and pepper to taste

Chopped parsley

A little milk



Makes 1 flatbreadPrep time: 25 min Cook time: 15 min




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Lunch Specials!Lunch Specials!CHICKEN $6.90VEGETARIAN $5.90

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LEVIN(06) 368 0700 - 257-259 Oxford St.Cnr Durham & Oxford Sts, Levin • Ph: 368 9157




Monday to FridayMonday to Friday

Eating Out GuideEating Out Guide

18 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

Fireworks in the sky and on track


THE sparks flew as 67p Richard Hart slid wide in the superstocks.


RESULTSSuperstocksHeat One: 4p Chad Ace, 126p Asher Rees, 88p JackMiers, 58p Peter Bengston, 10p Peter Rees, 5p GarethEdwards – Fastest Lap: 89w – 18.2171Heat Two: 10p, 126p, 88p, 58p, 71p ShaneMellsop, 67pRichard Hart – Fastest Lap: 126p – 18.1386Heat Three: 67p, 88p, 58p, 126p, 57p Dave Tarrant, 5p –Fastest Lap: 58p – 18.3752SidecarsHeat One –Group One: 1NZp Paul Humphrey & BenFranklin, 21a GlenMurray & Ann Plummer, 6p DerekRamsay &MathewRamsayHeat One –Group Two: 58p SimonWindelborn & AustinWindelborn, 3NZp Kieran Payne & Stu Elston, 96pMarkWhye & Tony HislopHeat Two –Group One: 58p, 21a, 96pHeat Two –Group Two: 3nzp, 6p, 1NZpHeat Three – Group One: 26p Josh Lambert &MikeyO’Neill, 89pWayne Lett & Tony Carter, 19v Bryce Rose& Jason ReesHeat Three – Group Two: 1NZp, 58p, 3NZpStockcarsRace One: 126p Asher Rees, 94pWilliamHumphries,11p Peter Rees, 127p Ethan Rees, 772p Kyle Lampp,557p Darrel Wallace – Fastest Lap: 127p – 20.4307Race Two: 11p, 127p, 94p, 32p George Frear, 557p,772p – Fastest Lap: 11p – 19.7515Feature: 11p, 52p Josh Prentice, 32p, 501p Jay Knight,357p Aaron Iremonger, 4p Josh Parkes – Fastest Lap:78v – 19.3848MinisprintsRace One: 93p Karl McGill, 2NZp Jamie Larsen, 8pNathan Jefferies, 48p Christian Hermansen, 97p JordanMcLeod, 31p Brett Giles – Fastest Lap: 2NZp – 15.6664Race Two: 2NZp, 8p, 48p, 93p, 43p Trevor Stephenson,31p – Fastest Lap: 2NZp – 15.3602Feature: 2NZp, 48p, 93p, 31p, 8p, 41p Shane Dewar –Fastest Lap: 2NZp – 15.4085Youth MinistocksRace One: 31w Josh Patterson, 247p David Marshall,95w Jordan Russ, 5v Trazarn Ryland-Annabell, 15pLukeMiers, 48w Jordan Lum – Fastest Lap: 31w –24.3541Race Two: 46w Ethan Levien, 158p Stanley Lammas-Martin, 8p Jackson Booth, 48w, 31w, 247p – FastestLap: 31w – 21.2484Feature: 48w, 247p, 31w, 64wHaley Best, 46w, 15p –Fastest Lap: 247p – 20.9826

It was another action-packed night forspeedway fans on Saturday night.

Not only were there fireworks in thesky, there was plenty of fireworks on thetrack to keep fans entertained.

The Robertson Holden InternationalSpeedway saw another night of hardoutracing in all classes. A total of 19superstocks, including three fromWellington, took to the track for theopening heat.

Local 4p Chad Ace won the openingrace, but it was 126p Asher Rees who drovehis heart out to get a crowd-thrillingsecond place from grid 14, followed by 88pJack Miers, 58p Peter Bengston and 10pPeter Rees.

In the second heat, Ace suffered a flattyre, dropping him out of the points race.The race was on now, in the third and finalheat, between Asher Rees, on 36 points,Jack Miers and Peter Rees, on 34 pointseach, and Bengston clear ahead of the packon 32 points.

It was a cracker of final with 36p JamesMallia riding the wall on the opening lapand collecting a couple of cars as he gotback on to the track. Scott Miers, 8p, triedto turn the balance in Jack Miers’ favourby pushing Rees to the infield, but theyoungster quickly got back into the action.Peter Rees got tangled up with Scott a fewlaps later, causing them both to spin,which took Rees out of the title chase.

An epic battle developed between AsherRees and Jack Miers for second place,while 67p Richard Hart took an impressivewin.

A trip on to the grass cost Asher Rees asthe referee relegated him back two spotsfor failing to yield while forced on to thegrass, resulting in a shared first place withJack Miers on 52 points, with Bengston notfar behind in third on 49 points.

In the stockcars, Asher Rees, 126p, tookout the opening race, with dad 11p PeterRees winning the next two. The feature

was hard fought, with Peter Reesgradually finding a way past JoshPrentice in the 52p tank to take the topspot.

As usual the minisprint produced agood show for the crowd with 93p KarlMcGill putting up a spirited challengeagainst Jamie Larsen in the 2NZmachine who went on to take thechequered flag.

A great night’s racing was capped offwith a brilliant fireworks displaylighting the skies.

Page 19: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 19

FREEPHONE - LEVIN0800 GARAGE(0800 427 243) Call us about designing your next Building

SALES OFFICE AND DISPLAY20 - 30 COVENTRY STREET, LEVINPh: 06 366 0184, Fax: 06 368 1326Email: [email protected]: quinbuildings.co.nz

Page 20: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

20 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

Employment Vacancies

Cycle Mechanic/Electrical Technician

Cycle Mechanic/Electrical Technician

A position is available for a self-motivated, flexibleperson capable of doing cycle repairs, cyclebuilding, electric bike repairs and conversions.Assemble, repair and adapt specialist trikes.Backup when needed to repair mobility equipmentincluding electrical repair.An Electrical Certification would be an advantage.Must have full driving licence.This is a full time position but willing to offer theposition to two part-timers to job share.

Apply in writing enclosing CV to:Southend Cycles/Trikes NZ Ltd

117 Oxford Street, Levin

Sales Assistantrequired

Approx 35hrs p/wMust have own

transport & travelbetween store

locationsWill do Ministry of

Justice checksPlease email formore info/CV to

[email protected] closethe 11th November

Trades & Services

Buy & Sell





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5pm to 7.30pm weekdays 8am to 5.30pmweekends and public holidays

The clinic is a fee-paying service, so please note thatcharges will apply (Children aged under 6 are free)

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Phone 06 368 1402 for an appointment

Trade Services

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LANDSCAPE mainten-ance. Ring Mike 368-0630or 027-242-3773.

Trade ServicesPAINTER int/ext prof, forfree quote, phone 3670604/021 168 7671 today.PAINTING / wallpaperingint/ext, free quote. PhoneGraham 367 0371.


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Community EventsSAMARITANS of Horowhenua wish to thank all theorganisations who have given finance andassistance to their organisation. COGS, Eastern andCentral Community Trust, Helen Graham Trust,Horowhenua District Council, Ministry of SocialDevelopment, Page Trust, T G McCarthy Trust.

DIABETES: Got Diabetes? Get Educated - FREE.Healthy Living Diabetes Management course inLevin on Monday 17th, 24th November & Monday 1stDecember 5:30pm - 7:30pm. To register contact MHTDiabetes Trust (06) 357 5992 oremail [email protected]

Firewood8 m3 seasoned pine $400,free local delivery. Phone367 6396/027 652 4000.NOVEMBER special, pinemix 3.5m3 $200., 7m3 $350.Free del. Phone 367 5456.

For Sale



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Phone 368-8844

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★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★


• Vege plants,.40c ea

• Tomato plants,$1 & $2 ea

• Cucumber plants,including Apple,$2 & $4 ea

• Peppers, $2 ea

• Bougainvillea,Scarlet O’Hara,$8 & $15 ea


9am - 3pmThursdays to

SundaysLindsay Road

just north of Levinoff SH1.

Eftpos available!

Garage Sales


Saturday, 9am - 1pm.Assorted householditems, tools, clothes &other cool stuff.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Sunday, 9 Nov, 9am.Tools and all sorts forsale.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Sat, 9.30am - 1.00pm.Clothes, kitchen items,furniture, w/ware etc.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Saturday 8am. Variety ofitems, sausage sizzle.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Saturday 8th, (schoolend), signs out 7:30am.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Sat, 8 Nov, 8am - 12noon.All sorts.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Friday 4pm and Saturday8am.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏


Saturday 8am. Variety ofgoods.TO VISIT VISITED

❏ ❏

PetsMALTESE x Shidtzu. Abeautiful puppy for sale$400. Phone 06 368 8444

Plants & GardensSHRUBS, YesterdayToday Tomorrow, $10each. Phone 368 1162.

Stock Auctions



10.30 amCalves11.00 amPrime sheepStore lambsEwes11.30amWeanersYearlings2yr old cattleBullsCONTACT ELDERS:D Haworth(06) 368 2642mob 0274 504 133PGG WRIGHTSONCallum Stewart(06) 323 5440mob 027 280 2688

315 Oxford Street, Levin • Phone: (06) 368 1170Fax: (06) 368 1169 • Email: [email protected]

Open Saturday 9am-5pm; | Sunday 10am-4pm;Open Saturday 9am-5pm; | Sunday 10am-4pm;Monday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pmMonday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm

FREE DELIVERYFREE DELIVERY(conditions apply)(conditions apply)




Wanted to Buyor Exchange

BUYING now. LegacyAntiques, Shannon.Phone 362 7117.WANTED to buy, maskedlovebirds. Phone Russell(04) 298 3460 after 6pm.

Stock Auctions


Start time 11:30amStore, Yearling, Weaners & Cows

NAIT Tags/Cards Compulsory

CALVES, PIGS & SHEEPStart time 11:00am

Darryl Harwood (06) 323 2399 or 0274 491174Richard Trembarth 0274 993 992Emmet MCConnell 0274 437 671

Office (06) 324 8135



A localclassifieds>> >>say it. sell it. buy it.

Clive hit the nail on the headwhen he recruited his hammer

hands from the Local Classifieds.

NON DELIVERYFor all non delivery and delivery issues of the

Horowhenua Chronicle

Please phone

0800 111 200Operating Hours

6am to 5pm Monday to Friday6am to 10am Saturdays and

Public Holidays

localclassifieds>> >>say it. sell it. buy it.

Sally gave herself an A+when she advertised her tuition

services in Local Classifieds

Page 21: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 21

DeathsGUERIN,Heather.(nee Cudby)Dearly loved sisterand sister-in-law ofAlison and Terry, Noeland Becs, Irene andKerry, Elaine and Bill,Colin and Helen, andall extended familyand will be sadlymissed by all.

MAGEE,Josephine Naomi (Josie).Of Levin. Peacefully atthe Masonic RestHome on Wednesday,November 5, 2014, aged86 years. Dearly lovedwife of the late Jim.Loved mother of Tom(dec), Michael, Shelly,Dennis and the lateLinda. LovedGrandma of all hergrand and greatgrandchildren.

A service for Josie willbe held at theMacDonnell Chapel,Masonic VillageQueen Street, Levin,on SaturdayNovember 8, at11:00am, followed by aprivate cremation.Special thanks to allthe staff of Masonic fortheir care given toJosie.

Harvey Bowler FuneralsLevin and Otaki FDANZ

Locally owned

GUERIN,Heather.(nee Cudby)Of Opiki. Suddenly ather home, onNovember 4, 2014, aged59 years. Devoted andloved wife of Mike,loved mother of Mattand Tracy, Johnnyand Joleene, andKathryn. Loving anddevoted Nana of Tom,Fraser, Louise, andCharlie. Much lovedAunty to all her niecesand nephews.

A service for Heatherwill be held atHarvey’s Chapel, 19Ballance Street,Shannon, TODAY,Friday November 7, at2:00pm, followed byprivate cremation atHorowhenuaCrematorium Levin.

Harvey Bowler FuneralsLevin and Otaki FDANZ

Locally owned

AcknowledgementsHORN,Roger.Elaine and familysincerely thankeveryone for theircaring messages andsupport for the loss ofRoger.We loved youyesterday, we love youstill and always will.

In MemoriamWATSON,Anne.

4~1~1937 - 6~11~2011Forever in our heartsMum/Nana.Love Barry, Jen,Jeremy, Cameron.



Horowhenua District CouncilPh. 06 366 0999 (24 hours) Fax. 06 366 0983Private Bag 4002, Levin 5540126 Oxford Street, Levin 5510Website [email protected]



Tuesday 11 November 2014

To mark Armistice Day, which thisyear falls on a Tuesday, HorowhenuaDistrict Council is to conduct a shortcommemorative service at the Levin


This service will commence at


After the observance of two minutessilence at 11.00am, the remainder of

the programme will follow.

The public are invited to attend andjoin with Council, the RSA and militaryrepresentatives in this commemorationand to lay wreaths and poppies where




Tuesday 11 November 2014

To mark the unveiling and rededicationof the Weraroa Peace Gate Memorial,

Horowhenua District Council is toconduct a short ceremony to be held atWeraroa Domain, Oxford Street, Levin.

This service will commence

at 11:45am.

The public are invited to attend andjoin with Council, the RSA and military

representatives in this rededicationceremony and to lay wreaths and

poppies where appropriate.

Public Notices


Men and Women - (was $400) $299Nine Holes - (was $200) $160Children 8 to 12 yrs (was $26) $20Children 13 to 17 yrs (was $107) $80Students 18 to 21 yrs (was $169) $130

Take advantage of this deal now!To join the club get a form from the office

or a member and simply return it to:Levin Golf Club, PO Box 215, Levin

or email to [email protected] 06 368 6189


$100 Grocery Winner”- Mark Ridley -

Athletic RugbyFootball Club

Levin Inc.AGMMonday

24th November7:00pm

Clubrooms, Playford ParkBartholomew Road, Levin

All Welcome

Nau mai, haere maiTAIAO


5:30pm tea, 6:00pm start

27th November3 Keepa Street, Levin


For Non-Profit Organisations

15,000 Papers Every Wednesday & Friday - Over 30,000 Readers

40 WORDS FOR $18.00 (GST incl)(Excludes AGM Notices, Raffle Results)


NAME: ___________________________________________

ADDRESS: ________________________________________


PHONE: __________________

CASH: $ __________________ EftPos: $ _______________

CHQ: $ __________________

CUSTOMER SIGNATURE: __________________________

Bring in to the Horowhenua Chronicle Office, 13 Bristol Street, Levin or postwith your cheque to PO Box 547, Levin. Ph (06) 368 5109 if you have any queries.

Property For SaleFOXTON 3 bdrm house,fenced yard, good garage,$135,000. Phone 363 5991.

KUKU - 3bdrm, large ggewith 3phase power,office/ws, c/port, fullyfenced, $235,000 phone021 875 475.

OPEN HOME15 Victoria Tce


1.00pm - 1.30pm9th November

027 314 46925 bdrm, 3 bth, 3 lvg

To Let3 bdrm tidy house, dblegge, f/fenced, n/smkr,bond. Phone 027 976 5543.

COSY 2 bdrm flat, 2 minsto p/office, h/pump, tidy,avail 23 Nov, $195p/w.Phone 027 666 2019.

SUNNY 3 bdrm house,d/wshr, log fire,nitestore, great indoor/outdoor flow, c/port &dble gge, $290p/w. Phone021 144 4892.

Wanted to Buyor Exchange


We buy any trucks,vans, utes n 4wd -

any make or model,dead or alive.

Min $200 up to $3,000(conditions apply)

Phone0800 717 273

Funeral Directors


LEVIN OTAKI SHANNONPhone: 06 368 2954


Here when you need us...

Ceramic Modern Urns and Teddy Bear Urns are nowavailable. If you require something special we can look atmany different options.

This week at Harvey Bowler:

0800 ICMARK ~ (06) 368-8108545 - 547 Queen Street East, Levin

197 Mill Road, Otakiwww.icmark.co.nz

Kathryn & Denis Mark

TO PLACE AN ADPh: 06 368 5109Fax: 06 368 2366


Notice of

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 13 November 2014,7.00pm

Council Chambers,Horowhenua District Council

126-148 Oxford Street,Levin

Please direct any enquiriesto Karen Corkill on

06 366 0999 [email protected]

★ ★ ★

Page 22: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

22 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

0800-356 1814329 Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North


Contact Anytime:Peter Nunn 027 388 3333

Gareth Cox 021 268 0517

Mark Davenport 027 244 5824


Daryl Thompson 027 778 7933

Page 23: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

SALES OFFICE20-30 Coventry StreetPO Box 1087, LEVIN0800 QUINS LEVIN

(0800 784 675)

SALES OFFICE - QUIN ROOFING20 - 30 Coventry Street

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Manufacturers and suppliers of colour, galvanised and zinc coated Long Run Roofing







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ARIESWith an extremely empoweringweek in front of you it’s time to starttaking your power back, makingyour own choices, especiallyfinancially.

TAURUSAs important as it is to keep yourmoney hat on, more urgent is aneed to ensure the communicationlines are open on the relationshipfront.

GEMINIIt is money and work matters thatare likely to have your attention thisweek, with a chance to get yourhead in the game and gain astrategic edge.

CANCERYou’ve reached some importantand potentially game changingdays on both the romantic andrelationship fronts, with everythingcoming together.

LEOAs life gets busy on the work front,see home and family matters not asa distraction, but a chance to makeyour home a welcome sanctuary.

VIRGOThere’s a chance to put yourincome, work and career optionson the same page, looking at whereyou’ve been and forward to whereyou’re going.

LIBRAOver the course of the week you’llhave everything you need to breakthrough glass ceilings, with a smarthead for money and 20/20


SCORPIOA new solar year is a chance for afresh start. However it’s not justany future you’re moving into, butthe one with your name written allover it.

SAGITTARIUSFrom Monday the wind down ofyour old solar year andpreparations for the start of yournew solar year begin in earnest,closing old doors first.

CAPRICORNIt’s when others push your buttonsthat you need to look less at whatthey did or didn’t do and more onwhere your reaction came from.

AQUARIUSYou’ve not only got a chance to getyour head in the gameprofessionally, but the experienceand support needed to startbringing things home.

PISCESYou’ve had a taste of how busythings can and will get, with a needto not only work smarter butembrace the spirit of adventurewhile you can.

Friday, November 7, 2014 Horowhenua Chronicle 23

Page 24: Horowhenua Chronicle 07-11-14

24 Horowhenua Chronicle Friday, November 7, 2014

317 Oxford Street | Levin | P 06 368 8559A/hrs Lloyd 021 191 9798E [email protected] | www.courtesyford.co.nz


2008 HONDA FIT 1300CC AUTO5 door, 88,000kmswas $12,875 Now$10,875Now$10,875

2008 FORD TERRITORY SY TX RWD 4.0LPetrol, Autowas $20,875 Now$17,875Now$17,875

2010 TOYOTA COROLLA GX SEDAN1800CC AUTO, NZ-newwas $13,875

2004 FORD FALCON XR6 TURBOAuto, 92,000kms, Bright Redwas $15,875 Now$12,875Now$12,875

2003 FORD MONDEO 2.5 ST V6 MANUALA very good examplewas $9,875 Now$8,875Now$8,875

2005 FORD FALCON BAII XR6 4.0L AUTOPower-steering in Shockwavewas $12,875



2007 HOLDEN COMMODORE VEOMEGA BRAND NEW 18”Alloys & Tyres, Rear spoiler, Good kmswas $17,875 Now$16,875Now$16,875

2007 NISSAN PRESAGE COACH 2.5L PETROLAuto, very good example,91,000kms was $14,875

2008 FORD MONDEO ZETECLiftback, 2.3L, Petrol, Auto,Leather interior was $14,875


2006 NISSAN TIIDA 5 DR HATCH1500cc, Auto, 85,000kms, Alloyswas $10,875

2007 MAZDA AXELA 5DR1500cc Auto, very tidywas $11,990

2005 TOYOTA CALDINA 2.0LZT, Auto, S/W, Good kms, Silverwas $12,875 Now$11,875Now$11,875

2005 MAZDA E2000 LWB VAN 2.0L5spd, Manual, NZ-new, 1 rear seatwas $13,990 Now$12,875Now$12,875

2003 FORD MONDEO 2.5 V6 GHIA SEDANAutowas $11,875


Now$10,875Now$10,875Now$11,875Now$11,875 Now$12,875Now$12,875 Now$9,875Now$9,875Now$12,875Now$12,875

336 Oxford Street | Levin | P 06 368 8379Winton 021 250 4748 | Barry 029 772 5064E [email protected] | www.courtesyford.co.nz

Courtesy Ford Levin



BRAND NEW Ford Ranger Wildtrack3.2L Diesel Turbo, 6 Stage Auto, 4x4 D/Cab. Leather, cruisecontrol, Metropolitan Grey.RRP $67,140 plus ORC


2010 Ford Ranger 4x2 D/CAB3.0L Diesel Turbo, 5 speed Manual, good kms,Canopy and Towbar


2012 Ford Ranger 4x4 D/CAB3.2L Diesel Turbo, 6 stage Auto, 21,000kms, Sportsbar andTonneau cover. 1 local owner


2007 Ford Ranger 4x4Xtra Cab Wellside with canopy, 3.0L Diesel Turbo, 5 speedManual, 98,000kms


2011 Nissan Navara 4x4 450 STX D/CABAuto, 1 owner, 87,000kms, nudge bar,window tints, hard lid


2008 Ford Ranger XLT 4x2 D/CabWellside, 3.0L Diesel Turbo, 5 speed manual,good kms, alloys


BRAND NEW Ford Ranger 4x2 XLNight Hawk II Edition. This is a very unique modelwith leather trim, 22” alloy wheels, 6 speed automatictransmission

BRAND NEW Ford Ranger4x4 XLT D/CAB AUTO3.2L Diesel Turbo, Available for immediate delivery

2014 Ford Ranger 4x4 D/CAB XLT3.2L Diesel Turbo, 6 speed Manual. Our companydemonstrator, fitted with Tuf Deck. Travelled 1,150kms

BRAND NEW Ford Ranger4x4 XLT D/CAB3.2L Turbo Diesel, 6 speed ManualRRP $59,540 plus ORC