5 things I learned from our user UX design

UX Design for non-tech savvy users East Ventures Hives | 5 August 2015 ~ Arnold Saputra 5

Transcript of 5 things I learned from our user UX design

UX Design for non-tech savvy usersEast Ventures Hives | 5 August 2015

~ Arnold Saputra


It’s so easy for designer to be trapped by “don’t reinvent the wheel”

Have a deep understanding about the users.

Know they’re backgrounds and habits

Use feature phone, doesn’t have CC, rare use internet & busy

Know their environment when using your product

Outdoor = more challanges

Unstable networkLow battery Low visibility under sunlight

Global consensus meet with user knowledges

Make user realize there’s a feature that’ll help them

This has been presentation by Arnold Saputra. Made exclusively for

tech talk at East Ventures. Jakarta, 5th August 2015
