4 First Date Do's And Don'ts

4 First Date Do's And Don'ts Your first date with someone can make you feel stressed and nervous. Remember, you will never get a second chance to make a first impression, so try to make it a good one. Sometimes it is difficult to figure out what you did on a date that left either a good or not-so-good impression. The following suggestions will offer some beneficial guidelines on what you should or shouldn't do on a first date so you have a better chance at leaving a good impression. Whether or not you ever see this person again is irrelevant, since you should aspire to be remembered as someone that's nice to be around, friendly, and a good soul. THINGS YOU SHOULD DO ON A FIRST DATE: 1. Offer Compliments And Pleasantries No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone appreciates a pleasant and likeable person. Do not forget to compliment your date on their appearance such as clothes, hairstyle, or new shoes. This is very important, as it shows that you took notice of their efforts to look nice and you appreciate them. A little flattery goes a long way, especially on a first date.


Your first date with someone can make you feel stressed and nervous. Remember, you will never get a second chance to make a first impression, so try to make it a good one. The following suggestions will offer some beneficial guidelines on what you should or shouldn't do on a first date so you have a better chance at leaving a good impression.

Transcript of 4 First Date Do's And Don'ts

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 4 First Date Do's And Don'ts Your first date with someone can make you feel stressed and nervous. Remember, you will never get a second chance to make a first impression, so try to make it a good one. Sometimes it is difficult to figure out what you did on a date that left either a good or not-so-good impression.

The following suggestions will offer some beneficial guidelines on what you should or shouldn't do on a first date so you have a better chance at leaving a good impression. Whether or not you ever see this person again is irrelevant, since you should aspire to be remembered as someone that's nice to be around, friendly, and a good soul. THINGS YOU SHOULD DO ON A FIRST DATE: 1. Offer Compliments And Pleasantries No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone appreciates a pleasant and likeable person. Do not forget to compliment your date on their appearance such as clothes, hairstyle, or new shoes. This is very important, as it shows that you took notice of their efforts to look nice and you appreciate them. A little flattery goes a long way, especially on a first date.

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2. Always Make Eye Contact

According to the experts, keeping your eyes fixated on your date will likely lead to a second date. On the other hand, not making eye contact or paying attention leads them to believe you are disinterested and uncaring. Therefore, making eye contact is crucial if you really like this person. Also, make sure you listen and pay attention to them while they speak.

3. Be Open-Minded And Laugh When Your Date Makes A Joke Whether or not you think your date is actually funny is beside the point. It shows you have good manners and you are a respectful, refined human being when you laugh at someone's joke. Although a little chuckle or giggle may suffice, be sure to give them some kind of reaction (a nice one) to show you are grateful for their efforts. 4. Call And Confirm Your Date Giving your date a brief call to verify your upcoming date will allow both of you to feel more relaxed and at ease. It prevents any unclear communications or mishaps from occurring. In addition to establishing trust, it also proves how much you anticipate and look forward to a good time and getting to know someone new.

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There is no excuse for being late on a first date. If you are late, it had better be because it was a matter of life or death. Being late conveys the idea that you do not respect your date's valuable time and you are unreliable. Punctuality is an admirable and responsible quality.

2. Shut Off Your Cell Phone There is nothing more rude, inconsiderate, and just plain disrespectful than talking or texting on your phone during a date - especially a first date. It shows you could care less about the date, and just how little respect you have for people in general. If you know there is a chance you will be getting a very important call during your date, let them know so they will be prepared and not think you are trying to avoid them. They will likely understand if they know beforehand. 3. Respect Your Date's Personal Space Do not overstep your boundary by getting too physically close when you talk to your date. This will likely irritate them and make them feel smothered. Back off and show some consideration for their personal space.

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4. Do Not Let The Conversation Get Too Racy Since this is your first date, try to keep your dialogue on the clean side. It's fine to flirt and have a good time, but going overboard with the spicy talk may scare them away. Your date may not feel comfortable or be ready for that kind of intimate conversation yet since they barely know you. Article Source: 4 First Date Do's And Don'ts Do you often feel like you do not understand your man? Or are you single and have not been able to find Mr Right? Are you doing everything right on your first date with a hot guy? If you have such questions, and more, you've come to the right place. Visit UrbaneWomen to find out if you are doing everything right, from how to apply the correct makeup for that hot date tonight to advices on how to improve your relationship with your man.