What You Should Know About Instagram and Snapchat

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Here are a few things you need to know about Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat.

Transcript of What You Should Know About Instagram and Snapchat


2. Social networking platforms like Facebook created (and is still creating) a lot of stir amongst the young and old; but there are many more such sites that are going beyond this. Image: thepositive.com 3. The two most important sites that parents need to keep themselves abreast with are: Instagram and Snapchat. Image: 4. It is the responsibility of the parents, whether they have an account or not, to know few important things about this social networking site. Image: telegraph.co.uk 5. Here are a few things that you should know. 6. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY.INSTAGRAM Image: 7. Children are flocking to the Internet in huge numbers in order to access the plethora of information it holds. Children are flocking to the Internet in huge numbers in order to access the plethora of information it holds. The world as we know it is evolving at a titanic rate, with the digital age having reached its zenith. It is a platform that lets users snap, edit, and share photos and 15-second videos either publicly or with a network of followers. Its popularity lies in the fact that it unites the most popular features of social media sites: sharing, seeing, and commenting on photos Image: dailytelegraph.co.au 8. Children are flocking to the Internet in huge numbers in order to access the plethora of information it holds. Children are flocking to the Internet in huge numbers in order to access the plethora of information it holds. The world as we know it is evolving at a titanic rate, with the digital age having reached its zenith. . Instagram also lets you apply fun filters and effects to your photos, making them look high-quality and artistic. So one may ask how parents can exercise supervision on the same. Image: dailytelegraph.co.au 9. 1. EXPLORE THE DIGITAL TEEN SCENE. Teens are on the lookout for Likes.: Similar to Facebook, teens may measure the success of their photos even their self-worth by the number of likes or comments they receive. Posting a photo or video can be problematic if teens post it to validate their popularity. Image: thelaptopprogram.com 10. 2. KNOW YOUR PARENTAL CONTROL OPTIONS. Public photos are the default: Photos and videos shared on Instagram are public unless privacy settings are adjusted. Hashtags and location info can make photos even more visible to communities beyond a teens followers if his or her account is public. Image: internetsafety.org 11. 3. SET A DIGITAL LIMIT. Private messaging is now an option. Instagram Direct allows users to send private messages to up to 15 mutual friends. These pics dont show up on their public feeds. Although theres nothing wrong with group chat, kids may be more likely to share inappropriate stuff with their inner circles. Also, strangers can send private messages to users. Image: karmakiss.net 12. 3. SET A DIGITAL LIMIT. Mature content can slip in. The terms of service specify that users should be at least 13 years old and shouldnt post partially nude or sexually suggestive photos but they dont address violence, swear words, or drugs. Image: karmakiss.net 13. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY. 7. If your child lives in the U.S. and has their mobile phone in their Facebook account, all they have to do is text otp to 32665 and they will receive a one-time password that is good for 20 minutes. This is the safest way for them to log in to Facebook from a public computer. Image: sunstarsandspirit.co.uk 14. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY. Parents should keep themselves aware of the privacy settings and I turn share the same with their kids. Instagram gives users two options: private or public. Either way, bios are visible to all and can be where predators start looking for underage victims. Couple that with geospotting, and your child is all but a blinking target for cyberstalkers. Image:myaspergers.com 15. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY.SNAPCHAT. 16. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY. It is a messaging app that lets users put a time limit on the pictures and videos they send before they disappear. Most teens use it for: sending goofy or embarrassing photos to one another. Image:babble.com 17. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY.Many schools have yet to block it, which is one reason why teens like it so much. Image:babble.com 18. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY. 11. Finally, parents must always remind their children that Facebook is a public and open forum, hence they should use it cautiously and refrain from divulging too many details about their private lives. Image:babble.com 19. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY. Its a myth that Snapchats go away forever: Data is data. Whenever an image is sent, it never truly goes away. (For example, the person on the receiving end can take a screenshot of the image before it disappears.) Snapchats can even be recovered. Image:babble.com 20. 4. ADVISE YOUR CHILD ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVACY. It can make sexting seem OK. The seemingly risk-free messaging might encourage users to share pictures containing inappropriate content. Image:babble.com 21. Many kids draw little distinction between real life and online life. Whatever theyre doing, they should understand that many of these web pages can be viewed by anyone with access to the Internet. Parents should be aware of all the online activities that their children do so that it is easy for them to remain protected in this age of numerous digital threats. 22. Download App: Parent Download App: Child 23. Visit: http://www.yourekavach.com/ Connect: THANK YOU