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Chapter 14 The Reformation and Religious Wars

Mr. Hill Five Theses

What religion and denomination are you?

John Tetzel Reading: Indulgences

Section 1 The Early Reformation

Growing Dissatisfaction with the Church-Regular people devoted to church life

-pilgrimages -tithed-funded projects

Early Criticism and Poor Church Actions1. Poor performance during the Black Plague2. Babylonian Captivity

-papal residence in Avignon, France not Rome3. Great Schism- 3 Popes

4. Papal obsession with patronage of arts and projects5. Greedy/Tax hungry institution6. Questionable Church Practices

a. Veneration of the Saints-permits license of merchants to sell fake bones of Saints

b. Heavy focus on 7 sacraments

-Baptism- wash away original sin

-Confirmation- Anointed with oil

-Reconciliation/Penance- confession, forgiveness, penance

-Eucharist- consummating the body and blood of Christ

-Anointing of the Sick- Last Rites

-Marriage- cannot be dissolved

-Holy Orders- vows clergy take

Anti-Clericism- Opposition to the clergy GROWS1. Clerical Immorality

-Drunkards -Gambling-Not celibate -Extravagant dress -20% have concubines

2. Clerical Ignorance-literally illiterate priests-Mumbled Mass in Latin -Like song you know but don’t know

3. Clerical Pluralism, Absenteeism, Nepotism, and Simony-Pluralism- held many clerical offices-Absenteeism- rarely present and neglected religious responsibilities, collected pay-Neopotism- relatives get church appointments-Simony- purchase of church offices

4. Immunity to Civic Life-clergy did not pay taxes on extremely large estates-did not have to defend city

5. Rise in Piety-emphasis on the individual’s relationship with God

-middle man not needed.

Renaissance Humanism opens critics up:Italian Humanists

-secularism and individualism-encourages criticism of moral decline in church

Christian Humanists-Called for church reform-Criticized Catholic translation of Bible as others translate into their vernacular.

Humanism encourages personal relationship with God+Reformers translate Bible in local vernacular+Printing press prints multiple copies of Bible in local vernacular-Christianity differentiates and becomes much more individualized

Early Early Calls For Reform

-John Wycliffe-Lollards-Questioned extravagant wealth of church-Questioned indulgences

- Live like Jesus, humble and poor -Bible sole authority


“I must request you, brother, to show still farther, from reason or Scripture, that there is no identification of the bread with the body of Christ... For I am no means pleased with the spurious writings which the moderns use, to prove an accident without a subject, because the church so teaches. Such evidence should satisfy no one”

Jan Hus-Follower of Wycliffe

-Very Critical of Clergy Behavior-Bible over church- Burned at the stake with Wycliffe’s


Desiderius Erasmus: Praise of Folly -criticized corruption of church -clergy are hypocrites

Martin Luther

German professor and priest-centerpiece of Reformation-Educated in Law, but became MonkLARGE CONSCIOUS AND ANXIETY ABOUT

SIN- Prayed, fasted, penanced

Couldn’t ease mind about sin and salvation


New Doctrine: Faith and Salvation- Fervent study of St. Paul’s Letters in Bible- Salvation is a GIFT from God- Salvation can only be achieved by Faith Alone not Works- Faith is revealed by Scripture not church practices

New Church Policy on Salvation: Indulgences- Pope Leo X Fundraiser- Approved selling of indulgences to fund St. Peter’s Basilica construction

Salvation: Original Way- People confess sins to priest- Priest assigns penance: Fasting or Prayer

Indulgence Way- Pay money for parchment signed by church to shorten purgatory and forgive sin- Much easier, faster, and church makes money.

Indulgence Ring Leaders-Albert of Mainz

-Debt from buying Bishoprics -Granted permission to sell indulgences and collect a share-Hires John Tetzel to sell

-John Tetzel-charismatic salesman-“As soon as coin in coffer rings, a soul from purgatory springs”

-John Tetzel Sale’s Pitch

Luther Responds to Indulgences-Extremely critical of indulgences

-Undermines Penance-Contradicts Gospel-Detracts from charity

-“Posts” his 95 Theses -concerns of the church that need to be discussed

-Address to the Christian Nobility- secular leaders should reform the church if it will not

-On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church- Luther attacked the teachings of the sacraments

-Liberty of a Christian Man- Grace is the gift of God and can’t be earned-One is saved by Faith alone- Bible is the source of Faith

Luther Debates John Eck-Eck: Catholic Theologian Superstar-Luther: -DIRECTLY OPPOSING POPE

-denies infallibility of Pope-Church was wrong to execute Jan Hus

Papal Response by Pope Leo X-Sends Letter

-banning Luther’s books- 2 months to recant his message

-Luther publicly burns letter-symbolizing his rejection of Papal authority

-Luther is Ex-Communicated from the church.

Problem-Luther’s ideas are spreading across Germany-Resonating with the people

“9 out of 10 shout Luther”“The other tenth shout death to the court of Rome”

Luther as the German Hercules

Diet of Worms-Pressured by the Pope, called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V-Assembly of nobility, clergy, and Luther in Worms

-Is Luther going to be another Jan Huss???-Luther is commanded to recall his message

“Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason. I do not accept the authority of Popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other. My conscience is captive to the word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me, Amen!”

-Luther is immediately banned from the Holy Roman Empire-Finds favor with German Nobility-Hides in castle of Frederick the Elector of Saxony-Continues to work and inspire further Protestant thought

-Translates Bible, Hymns into German Vernacular (Not in Latin)

Another Key Reformer: Ulrich Zwingli- Reformer in Switzerland

- Attacked indulgences- Criticized Mass

- should go in order of Bible-Similar ideas to Luther

DIFFERENT FROM LUTHER - Colloquy of Marburg -Communion is symbolic

-Complete disagreement with Luther - 1st major dispute among Protestants

-Called for social reform, unlike Luther who condemns German Peasants War

-Dies in battle leading Protestant troops against Swiss Catholics.

-Luther and Zwingli represent a new group emerging the Protestants

Protestants-called for a break with Rome concerning 4 things.

1. SalvationCatholic view: Faith and Good Works -Traditions and SacramentsProtestant View: Sola Fide and Sola Gratia (only from Divine Grace) -Faith Alone -Scripture alone achieves Faith

2. Religious AuthorityCatholic View: Bible, Pope, Clergy, and TeachingsProtestant View Sola Scriptura: Bible Alone -Not written in the Bible, it has no ground - 2 Sacraments: Baptism and Eucharist (mentioned specifically in Bible)

Consubstanation instead of Transubstantion3. Church

Catholics: Specific Institutions -Hierarchy of clergyProtestants: Church is spiritual priesthood of all believers -Not fixed at any place Solus Christus: Christ is mediator between God and man

4. Christian LifeCatholics: Religious life supersedes secular lifeProtestants: Secular and Religious life is mixed Example: Honor God by doing well in your job no matter what it is. Soli Deo Gloria: Glory to only God, not saints, pope, etc.

Why did early reformers fail but Luther’s message succeed?

1. Ideas attracted the Educated/Humanist-Stressed individual faith and reading the Bible for self-Less dependent on Clergy and Elaborate Ceremonies

2. Printing Press-Spread Luther’s ideas quickly and thoroughly throughout Germany

3. Wrote in German-Teachings, Hymns, and Bible were translated in German

4. Appealed to and worked with local authorities-Luther encouraged obedience to Noble leaders-Encouraged authorities to confiscate Papal Lands and Monasteries

5. Socially conservative and non-threatening to Nobles-Condemned German Peasants Revolt of 1525 -peasants revolted in Germany against worsening economic conditions. - 12 Articles: End Serfdom End Suppressive Feudal Practices -Violent revolt -Luther: No mercy to be show to rebels

Radical Views of the Protestant Reformation

Anabaptists-Denied the concept of infant baptism-Adult Baptism: who are fully aware of decision-Separate Church and State-Do Away with Tithing and Military Service-STRONGLY OPPOSED BY LUTHERANS AND CATHOLICS

-rebaptism became capital offense

Anabaptist Utopia: Munster-Polygamy

-Founder John of Leyden- 16 wives-All books except Bible were burned-Some Anabaptists murder Catholics and Lutherans-Tragedy at Munster

-Protestant and Catholic Army crushed city-Executed the leaders

Antitrinitarians/ Unitarians-denied the validity of the Trinity-Literally hunted down by Lutherans and Catholics for beliefs

Others: Baptists, Quakers, Congregationalists-pacifists -rejected state run churches

*Most of these groups were banished, beat, burnt, and/or drowned for their beliefs*

Protestants and Marriage-Strongly Advocated For it

-avoids sin of lust-partnership remedies flaws of humans-clergy permitted to marry

-pastors wife: model protestant -Luther’s wife: Katharina von Bora

-permitted divorce and re-marriage-Hate prostitution

-Catholics called Luther’s wife a whore for marrying Luther -previously a nun-Protestants referred to Pope as “whore of Babylon” Jezebel