The Art of Delegation Part 1 Melissa Meetze

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Transcript of The Art of Delegation Part 1 Melissa Meetze

The Art of Delegation Part 1Based on Manager Tools Podcast: The Art of DelegationBY: MELISSA MEETZESEPTEMBER 30, 2015BA499 - TOLBERT

What is Delegation?

Transferring work that is currently your responsibility to a subordinate Used to make an organization grow There are right and wrong ways to delegate

Be Realistic With Your “Box”

Leave time for things like using the restroom, texting, lunch etc. Work on things that are the most important rather than the ones you

find the most “fun” If box isn’t full then you can be replaced so you need to ask for more

work If responsibilities stay the same, you’ll figure out how to manage them

and it will feel like less responsibility Don’t hire more people, get more productive

Why Delegation?

Only so much can fit into your box before it becomes overwhelming

Which Balls to Delegate? 3 Options:

Delegate a big ball……. GOOD or BAD?

Delegate the big orange ball…….. GOOD or BAD?

Delegate one or more of the small balls……. GOOD or BAD?

How to Delegate?

Step 1: State your desire for help. Subordinates will respond better if you ask them for

help rather than telling them. Remember to ask nicely

How to Delegate?

Step 2: Tell them why you’re asking THEM. Help the subordinate understand why you chose them. Don’t try to suck up to them just explain yourself.

Step 3: Ask for Specific Acceptance Most likely the subordinate will agree at this point If not….. LISTEN to their objections Why at this time?

How to Delegate?

Step 4: Describe the task/project in detail. Be sure to address the subordinate’s concerns

Step 5: Deadline and Quality Standards. Standards must be discussed to prevent you from

revising what the subordinate turns into you

How to Delegate?

Step 6: Nail down reporting standards. No need to chase someone down to make sure work is


Step 7: Ask for Skill/Resource Needs. Be a resource to your direct if they need it. With good briefing, they shouldn’t need you.


Don’t be afraid to delegate. A recent report from the Conference Board said that 78% of

subordinates feel that many of the tasks their bosses are doing would be more efficient if done by someone at their level.

Any Questions?