Portafolio La Vega City

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Portafolio La Vega City

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La Vega or Concepción de La Vega is the third largestcity and municipality of the Dominican Republic . I t i slocated at name. This city is known as the heart of theDominican Republic for its geographical position and itslarge agricultural production methods throughout the

pro ince with the same name !"ro ince de La Vega!.


Christopher Columbus built a small fort near present#day La Vega$ in%&'&. It was intended to guard the route to the interior gold deposits of the Cibao alley. ( )panish settlement known as Concepción de la Vegagradually grew up around the fort$ and after %*+,$ when gold wasfound in -uantity there$ Concepción became the rst gold boomtown in

the continent. /y %*%+ it was one of the largest and most important0uropean cities in the hemisphere. The town was destroyed and buriedby an earth-uake on December 1$ %*21$ and the sur i ors relocated tothe present site on the banks of the Cam3 Ri er . The site of the ruinedtown remained largely in farmland until a small portion of the originalcity was purchased by the Dominican go ernment in the mid#%'4+sand renamed as 5ational "ark of Concepción de La Vega.

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Located in the center of the country$ in the eastern part of theCibao#)outh northern region of the Dominican Republic region.Concepcion de La Vega is located in the north central Cibao region%1+ kilometers northwest of the city of )anto Domingo. It isamong the Central and Cordillera )eptentrional$ '+ meters abo esea le el. It limits the north with the pro inces of )antiago$0spaillat$ )alcedo$ Duarte$ south of (6ua and )an 7os8 de 9coa$east )anche6 Ramire6 and :onse;or 5ouel and west with )an

7uan and (6ua. It is mountainous$ e<cept at its northern end whereit forms part of the alley of the Royal Vega =>una?. The southernarea is part of the central mountains$ with altitudes as high/andera =1$@,+? and Loma Redonda =1$1'*?.

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)traddles the main road of the country$ the Duarte Aighway$placing their communities among the best reported in thecountry by land.

:ain regions with ery speci c characteristics can be

distinguishedB The mountainous region$ located in the center of the

Central Cordillera$ which co ers about two#thirds of thepro ince.

The lower region$ corresponding to the western portion of the Valle del Cibao$ relati ely at.

b u t e r y f a m o u s b r e w e r y c a l l e d C e r e c e r G a V e g a n a k n o w n f o r i t s p i l s e n e r # s t y le

b e l o w % , J C d u r i n g e a c h m o n t h $ e < c e p t i n s u m m e r $ w h e n t h e m o n t h l y a e r age

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O F F I C I A L L A N G U A G E : ) p a n i s h

POPULATION: 1@*.2', =1+%1?

"roud to be egan$ the inhabitants of the educated$ 9lympic andcarni ales-ue city of La Vega$ areintegrated into acti ities that put thename of his people$ nationally andinternationally high$ placing this alleyas one of the main cultural centers of the region and the country.

Touted as the city of rsts

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FAMOUS PEOPLE (writer, singer, a t!r !r i !n"


=/orn @+ 7une %'+'$ La Vega K % 5o ember 1++%$ )antoDomingo? was a politician$ historian$ short story writer$essayist$ educator$ and the rst democratically electedpresident of the Dominican Republic for a brief time in %'2@."re iously$ he had been the leader of the Dominicanopposition in e<ile to the dictatorial regime of Rafael Tru illofor o er 1* years. To this day he is remembered as an honestpolitician M%NM1NM@N and regarded as one of the most prominentwriters in Dominican literature.M&NM*NM2N Ae founded both the


S&!rt st!ries:

Camino Real

Cuentos escritos antes del e<ilio

Cuentos escritos en el e<ilio

:Os cuentos escritos en el e<ilio

N!'e s:

La ma;osa

0l oro y la pa6


Aostos$ el sembrador

Cuba$ la isla fascinante

7udas Iscariote$ el calumniado

(puntes sobre el arte de escribir cuentos

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=/orn December %&$ %',&? is a /antamweight bo<er fromthe Dominican Republic. Ae is the current /( =)uper?/antamweight champion. Ae has won two sil er medals atthe "an (merican Pames and a gold medal at the Central


=/orn 7une %4$ %',@ in Concepción de la Vega?$ commonlyknown as Larissa del :ar Qiallo$ is a Dominican beautypageant titleholder who represented her country at the :iss

ni erse 1++& pageant.

)he represented her home pro ince La Vega and winning:iss Dominican Republic ni erse 1++& pageant. )he wascrowned by :iss ni erse 1++@$ (melia Vega who is from thesame country. Aer mother$ Pisselle )canlon Prullón$

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9ctober %'$ %'4*$ Concepcion de la Vega$ DominicanRepublic? is a Dominican architect$ actor and singer. Aisacting career began in 1++@ and he recei ed criticalacclaim for his role in the teleno ela Destilando (mor$ as/ritish man 7ames 9S/rian. "roducer 5icandro DGa6Pon6Ole6.

FAMOUS HOLI*AY OR CELE$RATION (+n!wn t!t&at it) !n )"

The Carni al of La Vega has become a tradition notonly for residents of this pro ince but for allDominicans because this is isited e ery weekend$Qebruary$ thousands of people$ including from othercountries.

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The rst fully documented carni al in the (mericas took place in LaVega in Qebruary of %*1+$ when the )paniards dressed up in a re#enactment of the triumph of the Christians o er the :oors. Today$ thecity of La Vega =relocated a few miles away from the original site afteran earth-uake in %*21? has the reputation of ha ing the most colorfuland li ely carni al in the entire Dominican Republic often this isattributed to the arri al of Cuban artists beginning in %,'4$ refugeesfrom the Ci il and )panish#(merican wars.

Veganos celebrate carni al e ery )unday afternoonthroughout the entire month of QebruaryU a well#organi6edaFair that is coordinated by the nión Del Carni alVeganos.

Carni al Veganos attracts many tourists$ both regional andinternational. (t the turn of the 1+th century$ the most popularcarni al character in La Vega was a snake$ but for the past %++years it s been the erce Diablo Co uelo$ literally the WLimping

De ilX some say the characters got their name because they usedto pretend they were too lame to catch anyone$ while others say itis in imitation of the pain and torture that the de il causes people.

The Diablos Co uelos are costumed in brilliantly colored$fantastically decorated satin and taFeta$ and their masks are trueworks of artB huge papier mach8 creations of snarling medie alde il faces$ complete with huge ears$ goat#like beards and openmouths with long sharp teeth which$ in the past$ were real cows

teeth$ but more recently are made of resin.

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In the past couple of years there has been a isible in uence fromscience# ction mo ies re ected in the masks. hile you are watchingthe Diablos Co uelos dance their way up and around the city s-uare$beware the snap and crack of their e igasY "edro (ntonio Valde6tells a ery credible story of the origins of the popular carni alcharacter Roba la Pallina in his book Aistoria Del Carni al Vegano$saying that it originated in La Vega$ whereas most folklorists say thecharacter originated in )an Cristobal.

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Ae says that in %,11$ during the early Aaitian 9ccupation of the

country$ a woman in La Vega complained to Po ernor "lOcido Le/run that a soldier had stolen one of her hens. The go ernorordered the thief caught$ co ered with honey and chicken feathers$and beaten with a stick as he was paraded through the streets of La Vega to the rhythm of beating drums. Today s carni al characterRoba la Pallina is a man dressed as a woman$ with e<aggeratedlylarge breasts and buttocks$ and usually carrying a large purse andtattered umbrella.

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The typical music in the Vega is the


R E L I G I O N T h e 9 Z c i a l R e l i g i o n i n l a V e g a i s t h e C a t h o l i c

F A M O U S L A N * M A R , S L A V E G A V I E # A

V e g a V i e a $ w h i c h w a s d e s t r o y e d b y a i o l e n t e a r t h - u a k e $ l e a i n g u p e r y l i t tle

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. ( c c o r d i n g t o d a t a w i t h i n i t s t r e a s u r e s L a V e g a V i e a s h a s t h e Q o r t a l e 6 a l a C o nc

p a t r o n s a i n t o f t h e D o m i n i c a n R e p u b l i c .

e c u l t o f t h e V i r g e n d e L a s : e r c e d e s i s t h e l a r g e s t c u l t u r a l e < p r e s s i o n t h a t o r ig

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C A T E * R A L * E L A I N M A C U L A * A C O N C E P C I - N

E L S A L T O * E # I M E N O A

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