Horring Nuts. - Memorial University of...

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Transcript of Horring Nuts. - Memorial University of...

\..:• . ·.

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' VOLUME .. XXI. (

(TWO :JOT.LAB.'f PEn YEAR. ) HA-RBOR GRACE, NlfLD,;F!UDAY, DECE:\1}3ER 12, 1890. LSINGLE COPIES TWO CE~T .... ] l ' 'l l ' .. ;• · -.11 . J • . " !'l' I


. -AcciD£NT.-A ~noa• accide'o' b.:~fen ,~n- 1 For Sale'bu Public Auction ham Orowo-:-J . , bra~o OD lhe moomtog .

PC> Fl.. S A.L ':.!~ ' -AT Tllt:--

ttaio j'llte rday, bJ ~lob ugly iojariu wer e oa TH:.liiSO.LT nl'x t, tho 1 ~''' in• t. at 11 o'olook, received. J alt. aher tbir. traio leh Hroad (;ov(t (if not prtviuwdg di.·~td "' by (>riDOtt Snk) tba~

~~!~oo.r::~~<.~::~o~·y·h~:~r~~~~~: ~~a~t::~ · owr['·•Lt N G H 0 USE FANCY & To·y BAZAAR,

hctcria Street :

Bro•o wu oomloa down from the ~op of ooe of .[. L; - · the freij.!bt oare ; be l(loko to t•o mea who were oo the platform &'\d tbeo bit bold brolte'frorn tbe I roo roda •blob form the ladder to the roof or tht1 car Bia boo~ wu oaagbt io ooa of tbe et.epa aod taro from hie foot. He fell from tbe onr. etruolr a part of the brldae aod was daabed into the brook He •••carried do•o tbe brook, but oalli:bt a amall buab aod dretr bicuulf partly ubore lie wu tutferiog greatly aod ••• loa eem!Jcooacloua atata. After be ·lay io thtt position for 11 few mioutu oo the ioy baok, che atteotioo or a JOoog lad pueiog "" attracted, who buteoed to tbe Statloo, aod aave laformatloo of t be 1\C• oident. Tbe · etatloo-muter wlth other au1at. aooe, ooonyed tile lojored mao · IO tbt atatloo, eud t elearapbed word t4 Conductor Spoooe at T ilton. AI 1000 .. polllble arter tbe urival of tbt tr11o hera tbe looomotln aoo a oar were dttpatobed to Hroad Cnve, Uro .. o wat t11keo frqm tbo 1tatioo aod tbeooe to hie home Dr. Allto wu waltioll for tbe arrival of tbe tralo, aod the ooJortuoatt mao wu prompt lJ atte nd.:d to . Tbe fojurlee are. •• uodar•taotl. a oom ·

~ouod fracture or the tbi~rh ·booe. aod ecme in­arlee to the rib1, b11ldu tbe body beloa brui•od. be dlataooe of tbt fo~ll i• about 16 feet-frnm

•b• oar to the brldae aod from the bridlle to tho water below Ill• NOo&pe may well be coca ide red a - mlraonlooa oat, tbe ourreot of the brook beloa at ti111ee po•erltal eaoo~h to aweep a mao oat loto tbe pood, e11peoially a p.eraoo lo aoob a daud aod crippled eta to u • a• Browo He wu oot mlued from bit poet uotll &be tralo arrived at Tiltoo1 altboalfh It t• uld

(io two teoemeot.e). with Sho;laud Gardena. •itu· ate oo Haney Street. oppoiite head of Cocbraue Street. beloo~rioll tit Mr .• Jamea Wall.

Each tenemeuL will be sold ~eparatel v . J. J . M URPHY,

Auctionrtr Harbor Graoe, l:lth December, 1890 -2i.


SALE OF WORK. The·ladle~ of the Methnri i11t Sowioll Circle io­

tAod to loold -tbelr SAL~ l>r WORK (D:V. ) oo TUESDAY out, iu 1l1e Central School HonM, Carbooear Road, Sale to oommeooe at :) o'olook lo the afternoon ' '

· Reald11 a variety of Fauoy and U~erul Attlolet l'thibited for Sale. there will be. ~mpLioa fl· frttllorueot table pro•idod.

In eaoh depan111ent , Good Value will be jllt'ID to the partie• for tbtir cuooey l&id out at the Salt.

H.ubor Graoe, Deo. 12 l b!lO.

Horring Nuts. WE HAY£ .AN


SEL.UN ·-·oFf . W ITHOUT ~



in 8\'f'ry department.

A Finu Selection or 'nn,:c B x,•.J. ('h~o:no , Sado llaod l' .intt•rl_ .-\ IPio,: r.q.h. l' r iYo t•· &c .

A Stl lf\lll,, t c.f I.OC.\L \" li: •.r...;,.r l i:~ rhorl ;racu nuO {-ar l>on t :• r lrnru lP r,.,.:~ u: • \urJ-4,

1'-ckllt;ll! ~'b t l nrd. r ... ... ti t'c l.l~ 1111 t!Hil\' ( 'urri~ Rill! Hnob. F• ncy ll11•kl' l t< !\ rod lltllol': 111 !), j,.,: Gr.·e.u>l', r; .1 11 , S•l v<r, nnd (.;rN·•~ (. •• ,,.,~

l ;n.,-.ea, !'bllp, ~nPt~!:um. Jln !m:~ \\' or.l·mal..iug. T eool 1 ::il'oof, &a ,\: c

A. & A BIt l: ;\ I.E E::i.

T i lE


&hat two cueo uw blcu fall off bat did aot u y E_.~ HEAVY ",.ET &D!,Lhio~r about It A !.Ia w ... ,

fhe lateec report It tbal the wouud.:~d mao Ia dolog u •ell a• oao be er.:peoted uoder tbe

M.n'l three qu~ BooM. • .haisd.JD&&!e hom II 1.1\t or Good Yar n at. M centl per lb No 1 Oil Grain a._t b 60 per pair. I Lot or 011Uco at 4 cents per tard

\\' hnt more R••itBble ,.. t•I I'Milll! llift tn '"r" l t'> ~aeo t friunrlo •bao n 1 i,"urc of y .. nr~,.t r. y·lu r fami ly, Or II VI eW Of 8 0 UH! J"ll I nf )' loUr llull' l' \\' 0

h"ve put up Rpt•ciully t•J ~ uit the ,J, m:u.d \ 'ltl"'l

of the 1•rinci1 '\I l'a r t • nl t o'~" nud nt ul'i~tbho r­Oif ploc~s !'h .. y ur,- llr. t~L I' .t Ia .-nd .uu ~~ ~ le11

uud 8 1%l'~ . r. un I Kl. ' · •' h:\d r r.l:n I:) Cl•lllil t'IICh and up,.•ardll Uoo t lvrl/.lt n lJA .. nt fo h'IHJC: !~od them An iu t cro·~ti na? lvc.d •·i(! " t i:A! 11 til r('u.iod t lt.•lfl 0 1 P•· ··nc·~ in r .. rra X -H- I .

lu •tvd. - •• lar.:u ~-~ilrlnJt•nt .;1 FoHI<'j' l'arda - II OU.:i · p'llUII!J, lt·0ry l 'lu.t, tlU,IIII p~kc!l

ciroumllaocu ·

-Piao'a Core for Cooeumptlon and Pion'• Remed7 for Caurrb ara 1old by W H 'lbnmo­IOD tl Co

W• ha't'e 1014 \VISTA11.' 8 lhLSAW OF WILD CHERRY for maoy ;ean Nothin11 we have eold bu ever aiveo 10oll ~erfeot ull1faotioo fo r OODI(bJ aod oolda. and lo advanced OAAI!I of co n• anmpc.loo it bu abowo remarkable elfio,oy

P S BROW~ 1i CO, Fajl River.~~~~~

By Telegraph. --o-

·, JiutPAX. Deo. 10 -The e~plo•loo of tl-e ~azioe of the Canadian Goverou•eo t lte&•uer Nn~:jidd wreaked tbe forecutle aud l.illeJ four men. •

Parnell hiUI arriud io Uoblio for the purr o•e of reorllaoizioll tbe :-latlooal L~&l/'.18. p,.rn·•ll I• the lZUeat of tbe Lord Mayor. UJth partl<ll will appeal to Ireland .

The auru of ooe mlllino poooda lo cold baa be eo t blpped for S e• Yorlt from L 'lndoo.

Steamer. nport bad ••ather aoro11 the Atlaotlo Tbe Freoob IAi!tlatore l1 etlll loore111ioi

dotlet. D10. 11 -It !1 reported that a barq ot ooru •

maoded br the Arabtl~ke J obo qf Auttrla bae t.eeo Iota o•~r CIPII ~oro.

9aruell le •lpoloa lo Jrel1od. He bad ao eo· th!Wutlo reoeptloo at }tiollelOD. AloUarthy i1 p,.pariaa a maolfee~. P.rotll ttoda a 1peaial 4ele~ratloa to A~erioa.

l'be Houe of ~omcuoo1 adjouroe till Dreem· ber i~od. D1~. 12.-Ioe obetruota Davlgation t<l Cape

Breton pore.; many veuel11 overdue. Tee Bank of E n1land rate• are anobaogetl ;

b bold• 3~.000,000 pounde ln gol'd. Tbe Antl ·P•rnelllt.ea manifeeto -bu b een

lleuei 1 h i1 tlgned bJ 47 merubf'rl who pledge ~be~aelrea t<? re~~io inqep.endent of ~oali•~ P.•rti~.

Williar:q O'Brien 'aile {rqm N.e'IY York t.o· IQOrrow.

'J'be qerro•n BarliaaJent ha, paued t\ Lilt rortifying Heligolaoq.

Swit~erl-.nd agre,a tQ aqnenqer pnliticll l Rll'e~qer, t<l ~r&n!Je,

XAB.RU.GES At Tr!ohy Church, a.m., . OD tb• \!!Jt~ ultn by t he

Rev F H AIQJOD. Mr Jouatbao Boplrloe, to 11ha LoJI•• Yr•oc~. of Bubor Graoe.

At St. Luke'• Ohapal, ! noar Plooljard 1 hl~nd , by ~b• n.~. J . Aotle. l obo ~Oft, tq Ohar loue Ort,.o. both ot hioer Pln~bard'a hlaud

At tiL Jobq•a, nu lbe 6\la joe~. by tlje &, .. _ A. 0 Uortoo, Jolla B. lSqllloa, \o H•r1 Dlllou, :otb ul tb11t oity. ,

7 ..... -•••• ~,. Rellla-VNOttf.r. Wr• taeb ......... .:' ..... ' w OMrd, 0. 'fbotQiola,

n~ 'w lell, .I .... D 0 l,epaclre 1 1 later•

ft't'J..:. .. .,..• .. •' .......... ror LlverJIOOI-~-~ ...... ,. ... , w .. ~. oldld aud

for th& rough augfl o(. • btt 1...1 .. ,, I and T..abra· d or, a t a 30Rt of n oL O\'Cr SiJt~y centa for a

40-Fathoni N~t, abo\"e tb l' orJin.1ry net.a, I

The aharp competi t ion uruoni net makete compete-to 11u ·e co11t - 1 he omiuinn of aome ot the :ood tbinia in good ware~ which we hope t<l avoid.


D ec. 12. 1800.6m.

Statutorv Notice. f 11 tlt4 matl41' of tlte f.' ifiU of - C'.ITD£RIS B

THoli £V, late of H arbor Grael, deruue.J.

P U MU ANT to the •· Trustee• A ct, 1878," notice ie hereby gi,cu, .bat •11 pert')na

olaimin t<l be credit.ora of, or who bav"' any chti ro or demaod upon or ~~.tl'ectiog tbe Eatate or Auet.a o£ O.UIUtBI N£ Tnolt&Y, lat.e of Har. hor {J rao11 •foreuid, dece~tat>d, who died at .!bat pl&De. and -of whose Will probate wu granted to Joq!f PATERsox, the ueoutor named In the a.ald W ill , 11 rf' req uhed t<l.eend to tbe uitl eXBOtltor or to the auhaorlber un or b efore the 3ht.day of December next, 1890, duly attMt.ed p,.rticulal'a nf their olaim"; and notice ie hereby given t hat afte r the aaid Sht day of December n er.: t the t'4ld exeoat<lr will prOOMd to dlttriLnte the aueta of •aid deceaaNi •mongat the parli<'K en titled ther~:~to1 bnina regarci only to t he dllimt of wblpb be then ehall bava baq QOtiue ; ancf tba •aid IX • eoutor CQrthtr gi,ea thotioe t hat. he •lll not U. liable for ~be ••eete of mt! uepew4 10 di•~ tributed or any par.; tber8<",f to eny Pl'r•on or pen1ooa of whote olaims be ahall not have had notioe at tbs t.ime of the diattibutior). of t.he ••it! aeeet.e or pa• t thereof u the Ollte m•y b~- . •

Dated at St. J ohn'11, this lOth day of November, A . D. 1890.

D. M. BRO WNING, ~olic i tor Tor &~tid Exeout.or.

Vnion Ba,nk of N~d. NOTICE !8 HEREBY G IVEN TIIAT ~ f 1Jivhtla~~d of Six pttr eeat, oo the pall!-up Capital tltook of thlt l oatltotloo, bu beeo lie­olared for thel!alf year ending, 8o~ecuber JJOth, ~890, p~r•ble a& Itt Hanlrlna llouee, le tbia oltr. qp 'od alter 'fUESDA Y. 9 th lo•t.o' 1'raoafar bCJolta oloM fro10 Ra •hh to tbo 9th, both d•1• loolueln 81 order of the Boord


St Joho·e, Deo ' 1890-1\9 Monagn-:

Wo~n·• Split Batte, ''78 centt per pair. Black Cobour g at 12~ centa per ynd Lot ot Ohildren·a Boota' a1ld Sho .. , 1e ceata I Oolored Wioaey at. 6 cent.a per yard

per pair · ' Boot Lncea . .22 ceata the grosa Ken'• l:iar4 Hate, 86 *ta eaoh. White Flannel 14 cents per yard llcU't' Oaya. 9 oentll ..ah lltloleekln, .23 ceota per y ard Lot of Dr ... Gooca at 8. ceata per yu4 Other thioge too numeroua to mention at Lot of ToweJe a\ GO ~tel per dozen corresponding low prices

'1'H W• · .. vv--.. :a:~ .. OLE STC>C~ ,. mtat go na soon as possible.

'W' Bilti"cmiltiienole ·ilihl~: - &mt»wer, 0 BOOKI1YG , at abot:e pricc11.

DAVI8 & CO~lPANY. Nov. 27. Water Strut, H arbor Grace.

AMERI~N NBT· & TWINE C~., 84 Commercial Street, BOSTON, M<tse:a




SHEP.AR:D GOLD ~IEDAL TvVINEt; of wblcb W1l are the exoluah·e map.ufaoturera.

Highest awards at lloston, 1869 ; Philadelphia. erics Exhibition, 1883.

~ ~find .for Jllu1trated CateiOft!Jit.

1876 ; London Fish

01\C~ 28.2m.


4o ~PP!~~a~~u~~;eet, lffl~U~IE,T.\~ IJ[SJD~Eil & StUU¥fOR · H 4-L:tF AX, N, ff~ lfMl UP.L01'01llR A!W tllPORTE!l OF


-.\ l-'t-

Frua'\' 1~.1 • 1\:ttl T •l)• .• ut .. ,t,:e ( .. r i·t ~I C.' IIti for ol.l ono! \'' un~:

S ilO \\' - !tOO \I op<'n on l'·tt~ . l·y t"·xt l7 J>•J n't lor11rt ou r ~l · •·Cl~l l \"- ' loi.! J.', cc\H

Local \' i~w Clll l@\lllll8 l 'arJ. '1 iJ, y uuly uce,l to be aeeu


.ANNGA.L )[EETlN U uf th"' Stockhol.l.:ra iu the

iL\fifiUB G!LHE IU \K flSIII\U fO., (l.l)I!T£1) ) 1

will b.o he I at thl• 1 Jlli ··· •. r tl ,, Co1"'"" ' '• Xo 1-1. \\' ~t • c ' • •~·t l l ••t.or l ;r,c.• atll •n1,0U

\\' I•.D:'\ 1:: · lJ _\ Y, t l: e I I '• .. t .lu111.1t\' l~!l l 1'.\ I'HI<'K F' -\ IW ELL, J U H:'\ P.\! E I{ ·o~.

II11rbor Gnic~. Uec 2, 18!10- f;a; tlr

Xmas Cards. 'l'HE"' · y·o 'CJ>'r>l,' f>·· r_ • • L- ~ \ I D • • ":-)

h 1\ \'l' n : " · cflen<'d up a full line of .X:\l.\ :-\ ' .\ l ~ D~, includin~ Howd C'ard-:, Tvor~ .

TYoryand Plu!"lt. Ir:mcl- Pain tccl. ('ch tloid , Cln·omn L'anl~. Opals, Opalines, & c.,-nll of llC\vcst • le~ign.

~>ACI\.ETS-irom 3 c~11t-. upwards.­P nces per dozen nt who lcsulc ra t e.


.\ Fine .\ ssortmcnt of


STLYEit &c .. YCry ,.:nital>lc for

Xmas and New Year Presents. :-.: .B - Outport L•rcle u CHl'fu lly oou ~Jromptly

Attt! udcd to 1

. . , ~· ~E NJPLO ~ & CO.,

.ld. Jl ul<l' .')/ro ol .'\1 ./u/,11 " ( w !'" rlt . 1/t111r ·, ( ,', udj; Hr•u· ~· t ·,. , )

ll:lcij .... 4coorpmnd>~tJ.oq for ferrQ&OI!Ilt •nil -ur-

Trenelent l}JallitJrl. MB. bl B t h A Q i I nfor t• t d 'frar~llore t." ~n~J frQm N ewftJ~Jmll.&od wlll r e. CO C an'-' U ncy m a 10 n Wan e •lway• be ... eluo~ed. Granites. u~· Ootl7 /.LL WOJ.lt{. ueo~ied uoder ?Orao>o'l •up<'r- ROBERT BAILE Y, Valuable Property flor Sale f lt lbq. . forutal'ly of I! u hol' Umct>, ~dWf&)ll l\ llluwr,

OU rPOH 1 OltDEitSgivea prompt l'ttoutloo. (~on o! dttl l11t1, (.;,'lit. llt;xt.Y B.\ rU:\ ) ,~flo ' - 1)~-.IC~S~ furnlthed llyl~tLe' or other~ iu . ltJfl. N u~ fuu utJI.utd '• h111n. nltc"n y .. 11 , ... 11gu

fhe Subeorlh~r offert for IIlli, by prllfa~ O~M EN 1' TOOLS a ad ~laat~r ~·rlt for eale ~tm{ Wfi A 11111, ltMr•l' r1 0111 t.mr ) ~;,.,a .. .,0

ut oootract, tbe followiug Frl>tlhold Propertiee1 N w II' l\ "

WAa.TED MEN. loo&l or lrat:ellloll '0 ••II vi.s.- . •I • snk & an7 "n- ·uck· worth St 6·\""ltlOYIVI.nl.f t .. !l;lK tOn •. l l-~bw zo, "":~cfl.ll 11 mJ aaaranteed NORIIRT tiTOOit ~u '5I ., • 1

'' lllrt .on w• o t Jan.- u y ro ijalarJ or oommlllloo, paid ~e11klJ Outlh ''" 'rilE DWELLINQ--B:O'O'SE ... St. John's. cei \·e<l hy "' 8!*'1al at~otloo rlna to btt~rlouere • W'ollttra .., "' , . · .. - • P. 0 : Rt x •u. . . D. ll. liROW~lNl), ~olicitM, ae .. r fall to a.t. "'ood •n~1.- we11 .. ' W"tl•- two t.eDelllft\8) wUia q"~ ·Bo~~ 'D4 Ga•· Oot 8 1830 St J 1 • "". 1 Jl .• me at booe for'a;,u:alar• t · 7· • ' ~ c.~; ~~''! ~if'f'"'- a!-; ~ X9,ad ·~ • · ' ·

0 111 11• L' e "" '

11111 uuu, • q• 'J&A.1Uit · UUILDING LOT - - ::::c:: -. -. sa• N;)v, 18, ltu.-H eralu, l m,l in ... wllok,

~r.;\q • ..;..·" ""••••! · Nu~;t '!~• ~~~ ;;;;;;l ~ ..., . #:t 'M'N'! !'Jo! PH OTQGRAPH~r~&, ~ll't TYPES Po:l'/ sa.1e. In Atij--of ffie .. ~ew _(fctt~e~rQI~ ~ .. .-~~~ · .. ~·.. P.arso~~· Pfiotogaph Roo.l!ls. An thnt \'llluable

A CH I - - T . 'l1WQ·. 'fR~ItMB.N.1\~ . All kiDf• of Photo~Mp"-. natrf>.a. &o., caa WATERSIDE PROPERTY . r stmas 'i'Ae ...._ oa W'a~ ;~' ~~ et ~ ~ talrta 1• .~ ttrte ·aod ai low pti4Ma. . aitl1t'te o n the Bellch at llarbor Grace,

IV · 1 8WtM. • ~ ... ~,t.~;~ Plota .... oaJ be 41ou-' ' ' ~ anc\ known 6.11 Thotney'li ~:~tate oonalst· I. ... f fl.a ., n_,.,.... J llr ......... L , .... _ -A&.o- -~ ., a - .JII M JOOCJ a ltfJ.' ~ anJ lm· ing o f Dwell in" D o St ' Sh • IIU o """ 4111,.,- ~·~·r• • _ .. ,.., UIIMJ CU.!Z Sk b •• ·. ported work. Do oot NDcllQAI Ptoharot •••1 OI:Bc.. Wharf •A te'4 uo•e,. lliore, H op,

Cllrlaa.ail •••~ ha tb~ Aolll••u1 ll.ll. ~· .. ~ to be , • ...._ed_.... pat DtiHI' Int. , "• ... , o, we ng. ouae, • Coatrfbtilleaa • .t'la•r ql Mou"f , UNfal -Ar· W Qia~ v .• .,, of All ct .. rtpdoae reoel•• Shop, Stnble and Ytud on the nortb~u\ &Ioiii. wtlf be 111&atfuH1 reOtirtd •J the tollo•• -~ U.. r.U4 • wkaola ia 1.UU. ' ,5~~ "rlfol attiDtloa. 1 aide of Road leading to BeBOh. r •c lelllel who hat<• ollarre ot Lflw l'1b111 1 • 'tltw• for lilt. Por tar1ber partloulnra ru>.RlY to MN. Jon •Hoa.,r, I Mref•uoPOWPBUT, . lor P'nloulan app1J &o • .lrtoflJ oppoaltf &bt oiBtt of )bllrl. · · . HENRY THOM,.Y ....... f.UUL, t AhN MADG& .,,..,, n. J, OBBElf, Jot,a MilO II Och NA ' 'v H TuouPS' olll I

.... II • ' .... a.... 11.-tl, IDW Al&D l!&USONY. . ..., ' 1 n. .. N, . , iraa1





\ . - - Fo!' CRAMPS~ COLIC, an4

all Bowel Troubles, use PEltRY DAVIS'

' I

M-KIIlEII bot:tlntcn::tlly and extentall.r.

insralmn1UI!.IL&At 110\·cnat pa~n.


~MULSION: (IF Coo Lwm 0 1!. .c HtrJ :r f..rMEIJI,S!IJA.'

I.ncree.!!ee Wolght, Stre'C~eDIJ LUD8'8 Q.lld Nervoa.

Prico SO:. and $1.0~ P,er Do: tie. c::m #JkMff Qfi + R ifi'

Minister!: ~d Publ!c Speakers Ull S PENCER'S

Chloramine Pa.stUles r.,~ Ci'ATlnr and Stronctboninr tbll Toloe. C..:rll ll~n'l'"l~ ·a a ·ul Soreneu ot Throat.

Pnec 25e per bottle. S:.:np::1 frc11 0::1 appUeatlo11 l o Dranlata.

E:l1 ¥d '* H


'PALs}fO-TAR SOAP I • Jnd!•~:•c•~'bl11 fo:- !!111 i!atb, ToUet or

.\crrer)', ~o~ clea.u!cs tho EC!\lp or BltJo. TilE S£ST BABY'S ~GAP KNOW/f. e

P r! c o 2 0.::. 6 u pggs

' p .;:s!c!D..,I strocrJy :CCOmmtntl.

Wyeth's Malt ·Extract, (Li~;uid)

'!'o r~tlant~ •u~erlnr ( r oT:\ ne:-TOUJ •sb~f' t:.,., .o)l·•·''r"' 'O t ! •~ Al'l!Ot l~o, tO &IIIH J.ll• •~·---·-·" \· . .:uablo 'fu:.l~·

4 0 Conte per bottle .

.l'ho n-.o1: sa:llf;tclory B!.OOD PtnUI'IEllltl

Channir.g's Sar.saparilla, I : !1 t. Cr:l.!ld B:i:: .t'.Li:'1I nESTOJUlB.

"tt'' ll Mt~a tho ... orrt f<•r.n c! !kin diHue; wU1 OU:V }L~Jl!t .t ' W: " .. ! C-rO ~:1 ! : llh•w:a..

Lu::-.o.:> U vttlu :., $1.00.


LUNG BALSAM For C0~5L.l1Pl'IO!\,

Coc.,:h•. t:rKio~tod Col:i!i ll~oncuiU.., Althma a LJ "" <i.>< .. ue4 o..! tho .. uq;&.

In tl:roo •!:c~ bo::~cp :!~c. ~ 0~ &:ld Sl.OO.


. Proprietors or Gene~::..! A~ents 1:;) l·'-'t l tO!t!" \.JV! UK t"'rt.' t...AI.

l'l'oprietary or Pharmaceutical Mtrlit in.,, Toiltt A1 ticltu anti P~rfumeq.


CONSUMPTION which cnn bo cured by a timP-ly resort to this stand· nnl preparation, ns has been pt'O\>·cd by the hundreds of testimonials rec~ived by the proprietors. It is acknowl­edged by many prominent physicians to be the most l'Clinble preparation ever in· trodnccd for the relief and cure of nll Lung complaints, nnd is offered to the iublic, snncHoned by the experience of ov·cr forty years. When \'Csorted to in season it sel­lom fails to effect a speedy tul'e in the most ·severe rases of Coughs, Bronchitis, C roup, Whooping Cough, 1 nfl~;~mzn, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, ~ains or Sor&­ness in tlit' Chest and Side, Liver Compla~t, Ble~g at the Lungs, &c. Wiatara l3alsnm doeo not dry ,up a .Jough, and J~ave the cause behind, as is the case with

1 most rcparatiotllt but l' ,. loosens and clean aei the ' luugs, ana allays 'ir~ ·. ·. t)1 u& ~~·moving the ~t.UIN : of ... ~ tho complaint. \ u:m, roM~~\ I ' . .&MeoMtll~:,~-...

====~= -·":!--~----· ...... ~. -· --· "'"" 'W'W t .. ._ . • II t

All hera-for Joyloaly abe bolda A yellow packet in her baod,

Wboee aooleot, faded aoript proolaii'CI Her title fo tbll apreadloli I&Dd.

Olcl !etten I Oa tbe tremblllla pap . ..· Oro~; ooawarea unheeded ttara,

Tbue a11 bar ' ltle deed•, btr Ianda Sprtad t~rouah 1ba real me of b7aooe 1••n.

I ... e

Put Yourself' in His

·I .. ... - J

. . /' .. ---· __ --:'!'_ • .,. r. ... lm:"'_'t __ t - - ... · - .. ' :..I t -,... -~ ta .. e • .,sc tsa 4 ·~-"\·t~-::a~¥1LO ~ ~~..t::t t t'*i3\*I"Jf9iftJt».¥#tft'J•~J· .,·*4• •w. 440 .• • ...., , ., . . .

t ~._:...,_____ __ .... _;...,z.,.. .. . . ... .. ~ . . , .. ,. .




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~ .iiTNRNlliU~E\r~~: :: ·Jm,ac'bN•: ,.,0---'•• Pllie~•lllcoDflj~~bllllmCitlaWI'I~;..ci!+lrf!o(\C.lllo·lo hh

Oar~:~;I~I:I01CW>'MCUII~. IlJl114D• . 1 , ,;

,I;OilUoiTUI)/11' tf:l'Jlr-... ~ 1

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~-,.--- •. . ! . . . • Coplll• " ' E.-.tndi or CorreipoliJ!'nce bol\YI'Oll the

Se.:rer.ry of St,.re and tbe tlnvernor of N e•douudl .. ud 'uJllbe rdcoot chsnf{U In the C'on\lhtJtlou of tba1 culony . Orclered to be printed, :!6t h ~"Y' 1~.

(To lie CORII)tn~d )

' ' : -;:-Never fear to . b1) nB. 'tlie ~ubliruest mo tive to the amll!h:at quty 1\'?J the. ruo•t in fi nite oom(.ort to tue swalle~ot .lrou41e.

--· :....According toR deap~t.cb from A11atralia1 •8il' s.unnel lirilfi'th, .PrimP Minister ol Quee'nfJlantl, ~ half deolartd ·herself in f~tvor of ,th'e 'eita6liatiment' ol ·an · A t'latralittn nation', governl!4'by au ~~itr:~,,~_n: 'Pttrliaruent, wi t h .II t.h.e po.w!ra DQW ~~ll~·fM~ by Lho P11tlia ­ment of. Great-Bcit.&in.. ... , ·

•"ttlr-tstr ·Jhl~~ .. ~aoooef.o!a .: i,u · ' pre pawl tl•• ~J)f lhOOQV-DtiOP . ~t.!J&,Q .Eowlaod •. fin .. ik the Jloheci.&ta~ io;reler.eoct to tbe .Bebrio4

··~~a31oo&. b,prD~I a. ll)ixe9' com!Diuloo to eoqulre lolo ,tJaa Qu.MliQD• for. ~.wo year;, re~ a'olatiooa .~ be .eolor~61 Ul, tbe 'tneaoli!De, ao4 to OIM of.a,faiJIU'O to r alit(& "PQO the report ol tbe commilotiQD &);.a& tb~·· bq~e mtttor be 10 bmlt~ ud to. an .lcpparti41so,eroP~eo L for arbitratiQQ.

I • f

'• . ,. •• •• •. a'

0. c. RIDlUftPI ,. ao,,

- ·---···-rroRT Fl ERN ~suran:ce ' ,Company •


·,. ' \ ,.• ---,-- I \

K -, TAG LIS I Lli, D 1S36. 1 1.• ' r '• • C

r.fr:;h,~,; -\';lr I' L:-. U. ( ldSi')' : f i ro I' r<~:.U.Il!m6 . .. .. .......... ......... £007,000 I;ifil p ,.,,.!\lilit:'ltJ.. ... ..... .. .. . ....... 197.000 [ntol'9:sl ....... ,. ....... .. .... ..... .... . .. . 148,000 4l.cr:umulat.elU' Fu~1WI .... ......... ... £3,421,0()0

I I : , - ··- •

' ,,Clt!-t JIPJI~n•i;,: .. L·ol i:~ , . .,,Jlf)'ver!!•l to offect. in~ ! .. nrttao.;ftll •lll •ti l k.ind, ,,I i ~ • c l'':•ly iu New• ' t)UH•'IhrnJ :.1. \!llt tL'Ill H ;nl·"-•>l !'rcmiurn. :· .Thu ~IIO\' t· l),,,,, P·"'·' .il> "''II k u .. wn for ita ih~:mliLy '*'' 1· ···1 " t•t:h "''in '"" t l1u:_: J,,,,ws.

Pn.Jcii'J'~-:: tu -. .. .;, ~·u: u, , u1 .-\ l'i 'l ic:ltion lor ~'ire IHl\1 L ift- l u~. \l r KII JI· , "'" ' <1 ll vd ,<:r ln• lurlll~~oLiou \!1\U l•t: ..,~hln t nt:d ,n t l.t• a;f);ce ot

A. U. 11:\Y\\' ARD, ~1'. J ou:-<'s,

~.! yenl lor X .. wt cnmd!anlL \V. II. TIIO~IP~ON,

Huh .l<J<Jirl fvr /lat"/;or Urau.,

STEV~ART MUNN & Co., Shipping a nd Commission

Merchants, 22 St. J ohn Street, Montreal.

Specipl attnulion ginm l n lhc s,1!e c{ FU!h 1\nd lt'tdU I,.Jils . • A lao, to lUO buyit. ~ olliJ lhipping of Flour

and P mvi8ions ~u.l ' :oucral Prouuce, ~ tj,.,.,,, Atl.irPtl'l- ~lu .. n , . 11'1\lreal.


nr ater Street, rzerH· 17ctorirt Street. HARDOR GRACE, NFLD.

Work in the c.li!Tt!reut braocllcs of tho trade cxecutt'd 'v lt h rlt>11pacch.

l!:Rtint!\te~rnislwrl ou npplicfltion. V eoeliau Bliocla rolitte ll <\nd runovr>.tcd .

· J ~ A ~ 'V £-I I "r ~ 1 [ \. N , Custom Ta iloring.

WUl guarantee l"lt, \Vorlcmn.nshltl and Style . Gh·c nH n call .

Ou~port Orders reco1ve prompt at.tention. · Comer J'ictoria art.! Water Strtet1.


~ortnabo'a Eu:c n w - C t:Jt ,\TI\'E Lh:l ts nuu l oeolcs

'('o;i[Q.\uLui) f For tl.e Hl'lid nnn Ce~u,; or \ u:\'<JL'S IJ1 UI L I I\'. l :wcm~.;no~ . ltm : t:li .\TISll ' LEErLE SS ~:SS. ::)1-.Xl: Al. \\ EAK ES$ aud all ~ ervnus Utscnscd ~tr.bh~llo!ll l~i ·L Co~­'ULT ATIU S ASD C.\ T.\1.\II:I."t; FHEI-: A. ~ Oitll;\N ~1 E. -1 (~U t-:t;S ST. 1· •.• l'ultOI\to, u~n.

N. U -Tb!'l'e A pplil\oces nr.c lnrgely imitated but oo\· er <:q ualicd.

s .•p331y:!iw

N ewfou 11d land. ----

TO MARINERS. No. 3, 1890.

Offer Wadham Island. I.A titude .. .. .. ·IO" :J.'i ' :l:l" :>.: o r lh; L onjlituutJ ... 5~" 4.'>' 12~ \\' esc.

In pl~o of tho .J.th Ord~r Fix<td \\'bite Light he retofo re oxh1bited Rtt t his Stctioo, t he re baa bean IDit11lled n .Jth OrJcr Uioplrio ltovolviD2 Ll~tht of si x: ald~a. gi1•iog wbito !1.ubea ovory 30 nooooda

No. -!, 1890, Port-au-Basque.

A Udl Buoy hu been moo,red ia 1 fatboma water to duuoto t be p oliti co of the \\' eatoro 0Rid win HoelL

Veeeele ooiorint? the llMbor io the cour11e of the ship'• run ebould keep tho Uuoy o u t ile J.:lort

• • ·OII!'U.I-'Weoouldor)l~~~RO'S Ll~DlE~T . ,h, b11t.iD •the marke.aod Qheedully recommend

hsod , '

~o. 6, 1snn . ' ..... .... ,.

"' ' ' iJ • .• lL llAllRIS. l\1 D • 11 ,. Bt~llevoe Hoapltal

. ., ' , ... .

'tt tt 't'•.._ •I ,., , , • f . f J , ••

,. t' -:'f ~ :·· ... ,· ' '•':ot ' .... ,. ~ · ~ -••u•u&·-r • , H . • • It •r\ • I •bur' J

~ ,.,)1~4 & 1\A.# IJ t It t f fll.. t• •t • a tt J htJ~ 1r ,t ,., , • , 1·

' I I

G-rand Bank, Fortune Bay. Latitude ... .. .4i" 0 ~ort h t Approximate Loo~itudo ... .')5° 4:l 30" \\' est~ •

The Li~:ht i n the Be11con on the Urenk water at tbl1 plr>.oo ... ill. oa 11nJ nft11r th" ht Oeoember next, be exhibltl.' tl 118 a F ir ed R<'ti. inetead of a

·fixed Whit6 L iqht u originally inatnllod, lly order,

GEO. W . . MEWS, . Stc'y Board of Worb.

Board of Worb Office. ~t. Jobu'a, l · 2-Ub Oct , H!90. ~ ~ll,lm




\ ;

I . .

' • ..... . . , ,I • • " •

HARBVR·GRACE STANDAJl.D, DECEMBER 12,1890: " .. . .. • . . t . ;. . • ~ p ' • ... • "# ... • .. ··.

!§arbor §taubatb

.. ~-: ~ 1 . ~ ... -.. • • • • \ • :\ ·, • ·: •• •" •• • • \ ~ • • .... • •

tboriLiea will be ·in a ~iLion to know where ,_.rd 10· WOtrRtPhal~~· ..e; a.-· '! lot~Th• (IODduotfJakttla.lhil Yfc:i~J ~ -:S•o .~OCID~~\Y~ '".eo!"f to lu•n' t~e . the fttuh. lies, and who to puniab for fnaud.• 1... Mt. O.tJ&ra I~ le &hf ID.lft-, now btl!liC u•ed ~ tbe WOOtl-oat!Or8 'J..ll_e le. pertJoUIAte of an *Oeidn& .. t:ei..ted wkl\ 1a&Al Tlae In~1tector Cor tbe Labrador bu no m~D, .. :.,.a.- tlr .Penell II •Ia-& Arob• ah~acb appaaeat 1 ~· G~~Daot be ~~· I-04~Dae~uteo-. w~b ~ned ~· Greeo'a H>~r• d u · d b d SUt if ' ~ \o blebop Weleb .SWik-.. . l'be JMOPI• ~ .1~.._.. eno~ll .&c» -arrut ..-..at all ll•• rloltJ '~J. o.n '#ndarlul;·wMn it~~'~~ •• ~.

ou t, one m~o SOC • we wan . wUt:be luUaed. of OllQI'M, &o r•pood to bla: • • • .. · Rovm ot..,_e. !lbuYe pJaoe. •••t l1119 .tbe -ANO-


--~"1:-R o 'A'Y.'trn:'~;~u-i'tt"i·:t~9o~---- s u1 ve our hernuR trade we muet not atop. appMl Jot aoppoft of tfiefr ntr~..,. dem••da.. -lltDOC!lOif.-Bf•ppoiM•tD&-of tile Pr.. wopde the pre&111 ereolo,a aa4 aoold,..tallt fell there. 'fhe inlliriJual brudina ia nece.aar1,'• wbln be aow dt!Oia,.. •tmeelf Iii fa•ew of; bat .terJ uf ·New!ouadlaact, tile Jr.,. \\-. fltabam, oo ble .a~e,oebe au .Dklng a· terrlblt,' trouud hi


for a Cure.

and this will ba~ to Collow in a abor~ tiw,; tbeJ will t!o~bt bla .•bJI!ti dlec;~~ u U,milt ~. Jobo'a,·exohaoJC• -~ .tbe Jt.y, E. McNab, \b• tblab. Tbe poor . .feltow.walked._d brawled sbo!'e herring must be called abore berrjng, be moraliJ ha .&btl.r OW! m'Uada. te OUtJ oa&.'!ll of Harbor Gt11Ce, an tkw..tb I• Nr. Grabam to witllin a few yiarde ~ hla bome. wbeo blt • lAbrador lAbrador and no miarepre.enta . plaaa . . ~,e..,itilat d•J:•oda apoo &he htak ,_. hu b(e, app(,l6aed' to_... I.".- tbe Eltiet for Mr • • ~for help wel'6 'tteard. bat. alu! too late to . -· 11 'ed u H ' • b bee r 1t plelhemeely-. The pnt lftJ-rhJ of Mr Par- MoSab'' lodootWD.-bfdb la to lab,pa .. ja,&M • . Yr&b~· life; be expired &he following moroiog :·

OuR con tempo ary, the Colonist, is, we uo· lice, daucin&.. atten ·on to a mtttter of much importance tO'--a-l.iranch of the staple trade­thttt is the gro:~~ c~rel cs~neM a'ld the fraudn .. lent prnr.tices which altta I tar t~o often ob t r.iu in Mnncctlon with the culir.g and thfl ptlCkinl: of herring. This is a auujeot which hRs before rPCei\'ed treatment at our hatnt.IA ; it i~ ont> which ..:onccrns ~he LRuraclor herrin~

tton .a ow · · oneaLy. u t e L po aoy, . oaO'e obltf Jleateoanta h .. •. while ehowlo~ their re•byterlfo 'Cbarob ~' 7.80 o'ol~k ' oa ~ at .4 clock, \leceaed w~ 40 , .. ,. of a,ce •. <: atnd to th& end our b"rnng J~&eken "'Ul be eorrow aod their loyalty. •eted eobiJ ln deolar· nan ina De:rt. 'lltae pabllo will be oordlallJ w• a'ad I . . •ea a wife. aod MYeo cbll.dreu to mo.Ol'll ~he gninera by acting accordingly, and ~~e log agalo•~11ttr Parnell Tbelraotl" ralaee them oomed. • · · &belr aall Joee. ·-- . . ,_/ herring ~rat.le will becomf' • great inlluatrf. lo lbe aporeolatlon or rijrbtwlod~ 'peopf• tHI'J• --- -Lon, OIU b, 1H&R Cf\BW.-Tbe ach9(\'ber

' •.btre 'fbe maolfHtO wOI aot prd~l1 -·~keD -1'bt O~fD1110nltJ •••dallj raan& to bear of f>AylU. -b'ltojltDJf ·,C) Heure'.' Waterman =& Co ..

~ARNELL'.8 MANIFESTO. tbf Irleb ' ltom~ {lui•. ~~iie. aa· )tr.·~l~et~• lhe fahpre of a ll.rp lrm lo \be labary aa~ Twlllloaate~ wbfoh :Jer' Mt . .Jo~a:t OD Thoreday •.

v t 1 acle t o a n extent which, we fear, is noL ndequaLo• ly nor fi t tangly realized by those of ou1· people cng&ged in it, Tiley Ul llY t.lt~pend upon i ~ th9.t, if the ahus11 coruplainc:d of be n 1t sooll nunted, noLiung but the worst conHe· quenc,.s c.m result to tlce1n. T lte n-.nw and repu ta tion of 011~ i n~IUIJ!l ralt le. JJ~~.brad~r lwr rin" will ~e ure tne,·ably rnmt-d ; till& ll ltl ~>niticPn t fish will ue dri\'en OUt Of the ma~ket' hy n much inferior article.

Tt j., ,dt hin the recollection of tho reader th .tt ~bor~o.ly nf:N tbe ttbrogation of the la1st sc.;siou o: tho Lejlislntu re an Inspector waa oppointl'rl by the Go,·ernment, wboo~e speci1l cl u t \' it w .JS to \' iBi t the Lllbrtidt~r coast, Wt1Lcl1 rht> pncldn(l of herring at the (!liferent stations 1 bore~ and endeavor, it .,aaaible, to put a stop to a~ any mte ·Rome of the rt>pre· h l'ns iule, ,·cry i njuriona practicNJ which had fur n •.t18 been going on there nncbeoked­wi lltout lPtor hioldratncll or even remonstrance. \\"lmt thc:se were, the reader ia fully aware. 0nP thin" is certain, viz., they were suoh as should n7>t. be tolera:ed in any country­m uch leu in one like this whose aoleo uepend· enco>, it may be £aid , ·rests entirely on the fis) l' r ic~~. And if t he repntation of t beee be d11uH ::t-ol by an_1· such pernicious practicl!l as 11 ... ,. :,.,, •. thl' cons .. qnenu s to all concerneJ wi !l ;u lin \ t~llti ue H8riOD8 indeed j the WrOng· t!oi11" wi ll n•os t o~:~sn redl) h1ioa ita own JA \\aiJ~ \ \ 'onltlllutt t ho,e of our· tiel:armtlo at wJtu,•' ,J,,or tho l>Ltme C>t ll be lnid wouiJ learn th., · . ..;,on ~ If no t, it will be tanaht them \ .~ l.lt tt•r I' X.Jlerienao when perbto!J8 the d ttm.l" ..! hotil been irrerm·di~blv done I

Tas exoitemep~ cruted in OreaL Britain by Ptlrnell'a I• !.II ncapade ~~~ been intenle in the extreme. The facta aurrounding Lhia are well known to tbe int.elrigent re~&der ; late tf\legraphio deapaLohe11 told all Ahont. it. lL La by no rueans improbaule that the re•ml~ QlllY be the dieintegration of the Home .Hut~ P111ty Time alone will toll. So extremely orilioal haa the queatlon now bPcome, that. we deem iL advisable to devote a acod deal of our epaoe in th\B iuue to aome very intereating matter con· tained in papert to band bJ Lbe foreign mail receiveunere yeat.erday. J!io e.pology ia need· ed, therefore, lor trithht>lding till next W8'1k

eortA editorial mattur prepttred for to -d11y'• iuue. QuoLinl( from an uohtt nge, the follow · ing will atf1.1rd the reader a few f11ot.• in rt'gard w Parnell'a oelebrat.ed manifealo, via ,-

~ . \\·,. _, ;:tee with o• 1 rcvnteD'.por~y thtttlbe ap

1.,>:n tm• nt uf llw T.,.l ,rotol ->r H errinu I nspector, h,, , i n ~,:!<~ he lmd. 11 pnl..:ti cdl kn •wi .. J go of the lou -m»~'-- wltR ,, 11tt·p 111 ' t !. t> ril{ht direotiou ;

,' lt ll ol •t lrl U 1 ... t.J 1\lutli!r ,Jf Tl'!t l tlt tb'\t1 Ul· ' 111 •• 1,,. ,i, o~ !t.,,,J " urk unJ '' lliUCh bettet·

:1, 1 ,ti l. , l' ' 'k b ot!! Itt . , I the f i'• U/c, dlPrO iH v..t ' '" ' u , ,.,1ll it ,.J 1.> l • .., J vnH kt .>ru .all tho . . I I I I J " J J,, 1•· J,., lur I ·••to \\ t IJt ' c o • & •. II

\ ,t tlvt: ... I ' ' "'" Olf t he oe,)f•t:r ry /hPrb aro Jospw­t ·H <, :' t ",•,J n ... lt , t10J It j,_ tlllr!t•rAtOOd KOll\0

, 1.•· , • ·t.. > ir.A\JfCt th•· ... !rrin~.. thRt IHtl I"' '{t I ,,, .•) ,, I.J r,lllol. l}ut l hPn.l is t·• ' Y ll'"'" n t•• ~ .. :w'v thott tl11•y do not, 11.44 not "i!lo - r .llldn· ~ t ho lttw, Utere i11 11till a ht.rge n•t ''·'Ill' . 1 t.t>11: u~ gvin,.1 out of t.ll i• country ,~ l, i, j, ·. .... not t ceo il!Pn l.y nny fl'inlar l'i.:k!<··l u,!t i r. ~ 1wct1.1r . W ithin thfl J.llllt rnon tlt II lurge wlttptn en ~ of uarriu~;t left St. ,J ohto'>~ fur CttnHdu, liu,nde•lu foiiG ~.II :-'No. j LHloraJor H trrir.l!', pt<cked fur MoRRI ... - ; ::\'e " found l~tnd I~•1:~ction.' h will be obRt:ne.J tlatL no indi \·itlual inApectOr'll name w11a attacheti to t he packtil(&, the reason for which ia obvious. An iuapeottt; · woulu not leL them pass if tht>y 'VArO not ~vhat tbf'y were rPpresPntJi to be, heoc& 110108 ~ployee of the firm which abippeJ them chef t.lJ the inspection nccetl•atry. Tbifl ruttn au igbt lc~w ns mu.:h nbont hetrin;r liS any RIIZetted m ~ spector, bu~ being an employee of 11. flrnl on , which ho is dt-pending fHr ll )i\·ing, be baa l-o do u he ie told. Tho impl i61lion from t he InLet is tha~; a regulH inspector rutcnded to t be pnckin"' of t bt'IIO fis:t, and liO they wjll ~ rPcei \·ed in the Cllnat.lhm marke ts; and Jl t hese herrin~ Khoul-i not; hereaft.e: turn ont up to t ho lltllndard nil N ewfoundland in•pec· tOrR will have to ~boulder the blame, And the wholu hMring t t'l\t.le of the country wilt 111.10er accordingly. If ttn in11pecwr's uame ~.U forged on these labels, the herring export\ni firms might get into trouble later on, but this 1s a\•oided l>y t be !mbstitution of tho words, • ~ e \' found lund I nspcotion,' against the use of which there is no law at preaeut. Thl.a }tr&ctice baa been going on for ye~trs, and no person seelllll to have taken e~Pplion to i t . l::lhoro herr'ing have frpquently been packet! u No. 1 L«ltrador, and aa such bav" been ac· cepted by the Canadum and .A.mer~cnn m8J'J,. uta ; not that some well packed abore hening are not as good es Labraclor,butt.bla fraudulent substitution of one clau of aoooa Cot .4J)Other will onlv lend to the injury of onr buame" reputation, aqd consequently a dAipreciac.ioq.. in thP price ot t.be ataplo export. Moet ot these herring shipped la t.P are cuant on the ebore, and u en tboee t11ken on the Labrador a~ packsd after the lnepeotor .General leaves 't.he oout ; be doet not 1M them in the bArr .. le. the i~al in1peotora do . not see ~hem, ben,-:e : tbtty are .out away to market without be~ examiruMI {If IW1. of ~be regular ufficiala wboae duty i' it'&o I.90k J(C.r them!' · w

This alate of aft'•in, M our oontemporuf eetaibly .. ~ moat be 1 e~ at once, ud the way to Jo it ia to .0 {rata~ tbe Ia., ~b•' not ' one banel of bentac can hi ,.Dt oaa• of tbe country 1titboat llubac '-• ~•loualt brandtil wiLb lobe llapM d. &'"JGlarif ,..... ted m.pector at lnt, to be afterward• •uaA.rJ· -eel (if poaalble) bf t.be wpeotor a....l. j '*a barrel be ~b• found no& to be tap kt ........,.. ,.-rep,._* bJ · dM .baaad, , ... M·

Ia order to uadeut&od ol81rly tiJt fOrpoee and pr.>babla e!eole of AS~: l'aroell'• maolf .. to , Jlle oeceuery to keap lo .miod tbt faa& tb.at tbe lrleb leader bu oner bald biQJ•elf to be reaponeibl11 to tbt lriab ml'mbera, or at molt oolr reeponel·· ble in a aiOODdery UDU I bf bu al•afl app .. led directly to tba Jrleb peopAI •nd tbe lrbQ m•'» · bere art re~pooelbla ratbtr to blm. He aomloat· ed tbt Irl1h oaadltlatea' aod \be people alway• eupported ble oomloMI. Mr l'aroell hu often beeo called tbe lrieb dlotator. Tbl• be wu to hi• part1 lo &bill ijoaM, ralber thao to tbt part)' lo the ooqotrr, wblQ!:I, ~Jo••"" from tbe bealonln~r of hi• area& e.oooeee 11 a perlla~eotary leader, trueted bim lmpllaltlr, o•r· IIIIRdlf. Corloue u It ma1 teaQl, Mr: Parnell owed bl• ltriDIIth awoo~ tbe lrlah people a. pan ~ bJJ oooMrr•· tiem lo polltlea wh.. •~:~•ble4 ~hJ •tlole body of tba bl~ther Jrleb NQI .. Iullpt. .. ••II _.. tbe great Dllljority of ~· betur tdoRat~d ~rle4 clerClJo to oomm•od blt l11deublp tot~ pt RI».t and aopport him lo prlyate •• well u lo public, u they unn ooald baYe done l1ad altber Mr. U Brieo or W.r. Oilloo. wbo are etronsr Llblralt. or ~~r~ Onht1 .bo I• a 11-dloll , or perbap1. Cn111· Olllllitt, b.,ao at the bll•4 ol tP.• j?frly. &~r. l'ar· nell aod tbl arQ~I)jebopJ 1)1re aJ,rar• ff,U ,e'f.e ~ eye oo all dlaouted qqeftjqn, qf JIQjlpy. fYaq .. boycottiojl, tho vl•n Of OaDlpliun ~4 qfllqn~IIE\• 1iou of tbe land, while A{.,..,. O'Brieo aod IJarJu bue alway• beec oppoeed by tbt bl~eL er olerl(y. ~1r, J)e,•itt, a Romao C•tbolla, I• to -dt~y more popular D.a.U~Oll $he people nf Scotland. thao amona the v-opl, PI Jre i•P.d, while Mr. IJ"' ' nell. a ProteF~II, I• III)PH_Ift Rill)' }n J.rel~nd. .\J r. Parnell. lo hi• IQ•oi{ealQ, 4" th~rt~/orf ~.P· peoled etr•i~ ht to &be prrjudiQ~ P( 1#11' lrilh pgople. anti in maklosr bla app"l h• ~'4 nq~ wo4iftod it oue Iota in order tn retain the goo4 will of ~aljah aud Scotti1b llome ltulere, u be 1r o:Jid b1ve .doe.1 hAti be beeo a lea•ter. enn lo 1be Feoae tbat MT 911Jlf.' i•. of aay olau of Urhlah Hume Ruler~. Jo fut, v 'fP re•tl Mr. Punell'a mlbifelto ariabt. lta 'jurpou i• to .4Jy}~e irruoO"· bly . if pnuihle tbe rilh HotDe l'lol,ts •n.~ ~he Bri.t;•.b HolDe Ralera. Tba Hrltl•b Hom• llu(.,, buP, II J. 1.fle, OODIIDttd tO Jiome Jlule, DOt b1nq1e tllq ~UiflofPd tbe qu11tloo tborouah· ly, but b8niu~• ~~~ ijeij..e, J~ •.u aeceanrJ to 1 he polltloal p,..ee Q1 G''~ 8JiltJD R1.•.r l.raland 1b•t tbe latter tbGAI4 bl dJeQ ~.ow• Jhl• rnd becauee they h•d e,. fa[~ jg Hr. '-Jitqflqp,, ft.4pJit1 aod abi\1~7 to OODIWUO' llriQ ltiJ•I•_FJoR U •o~i4 ~Tfe the' ptal'll9ft wit boa' eod~lttrl~i ~' UoiG~ · 'fll • IJlOR oaatloae aod more lotelll,eot am0111 the f.P~~rl},. tbt l•cltrt, • IG f~t., ••re. afraid that )fT. lfll4l~•• would PJrbapr srranl tuo D:luo\o; · JFJ .Rriftt ~ 4j,lde tbe Eof• Jilh lJODIO ~{ul rrl, &e m-kJ rJ .fl!I!Jbll for rlir.ialon to ooo~r o er dttallr 11f tij' P~R'#8J!· lu;~ 1110re ••peo ly ~ makt It •!lour lo -lJ;,, I riN,l p.e.oplo t t Mr. (Jiactetoae'e Hoco• ltlllt aohem.e ,pp.1 JIH111t1Tt laadtqlllll and uneatle· rAtliOry, •n4' WI/- IJI• owo le•dtnblp 1- ol lbe HrJt lli!RIJihf 1q lb ... S.rJ~ o•n•e. 1\tr. Paroai,J ,,,. dlvulja4 •lltt ~~~ .cf•.ola;.f~ !~P r~e propnula rnade io coolldea .. &9 bfw ~ tfiw~19~1 M Mr. f,;J-detonP. Ae repr,..lllld ~ r .. ~ .9 ·191 ·IY~~ ecbeme 11 10 coDetrvatl¥4 ~tt ~' ~. , P.iJ?· bably ~8l&b the Llbf'r•l•.•nd 1urprf .. ~Jt:O lli.t Coourntb.u if ~o\ Lbt' 'J.'orie11, whe11 tbtf but b1d tldlt so tkfllJ>I..tliMf~ cbe mo·ler11~ioo of itt propoul1. }Sr. (flui&.o.ol'l fpderatlo>n oomea mach nearer to tbe rtl•lioo ~•Hn l}le Cana· 4i.to pro•iocet and tbe Oomfoloo &IJ•II thtJ Rllb• Uair~ State• to tht Uoloa. h II ••'• ~.., that if tG4t Brhl1b Jtadloal• Are uo• dl11atlelted witb It beoauw of it• oooaern&llm lt will abao· ltttaly atreoatbell )lr Gladatooa'a loftQe~ee ebrouwbon~ tbe lrttfif "'I: h 1eem1 oertalo tll.M Mr. P•ruell dtllbert$tl7 nsCattp,ts.•oted Mr. GladAwoe'• propoeala roakiJi!l •h•m •PP•If !l~f· rower libfR lbPy aotDall;r were, lo erdtr ~~~.- 1}, u•iuM aroOAf prejaitl_otr of the lri11J ptopl• "ll\lnl& Mr and tilt ifi!JIIIb LlbaraJ1 ~lr l'•ro.U J• lfQ&b, booar ~od loyaltJ ~ t!Je lr!Jh eteHJ• VI p~lloter .. u. \VIII the Jrl•b paoplt btl tc9 tf1 ,~U aud areattr autonomy or aeYtrA"'P~. ~~ f Hfgre liberal laod m1110tt, ba& ID·dtt fll~rt. 'o' #t~•j' crill they deolart fpr Mr Utr.Uaout't po, T~· t~v.• RTOpo•l• both u lO Home lhle AD til, Jaod qii,I.UDII wbtob oaa bt reallad almoe& aa once '1 ' ~9.~1 paa be pndlo&.rd, b~t to·d•J til. Ji~aatloa J.P~. r•rr bopefal 11ie lrlab ecol.ul..,IOI bate p.p~l ~~~to e:rpeotlaa abaa Mr P•ra .. l'e maoiftiic» ioJif-J.~ M111f WIJ fll•• WilD ftOODcf ICW ,JJalpa~'J!~:· 'fP.9~ poloa.-&tat aU. I of • re;t'3, a, ... able renlatloee ~! bl~lfl/-1. P ~­Ua •eak pol•c. , • ..,1& '-• ,. ~ft Jrleh ,..,.,., ..,, ,....cS, N It

WJJ•b w11 efWRtl7 ......, ftWUa IN· r1, ~~ J more ,...._. ,.,. lila ..... II iJ; Puo;Jj~ .. .,. (If 111.,..11 _,.u, '' II .-or .... die ll ... "r.t.lfll!l ,..., •Iff eoppett ••••II•• '" ~I II ODOI•pi•Kr, ..... ~ Mt ol .. lflll plalo11 1bowa Ia AM..,.._lJp W~'a .... ua1 ....., .,. ........ ,.., ......... ~~trot ~ '" lrlala ptOplt ... , ~ .......... ~.,. ~--~- '!ooeerwiMI"' ... Mt Datltt. a w-., ....,...,,~~ ................. ...

b.; fra'1Jed lh aoywbett bat lo l,..la-4 ·Ttiat ' ballloeM oorlbward.. '(be oredltor8 are I retaroed to Port )ut Saoday moroiog. Sba tit· M~ r,araill _w~ really O~P,oeed co .. , Gla4e~o~11 1 bla I• oo• of RI8DJ loataooa to ebor tba' th• pultn'oed a y'e~ roaah ,....,., aod 00 &tar. couerntiYII oo'Qf.e IMI!ore'Rr Ulac!ltOJie pro~·· maob abu .. d • IDerobaota• taue their 01rD dUll· d•J oleb' tbe .. belo~r QDIUDallJ blab. made a . I

ed' a!iilllit bla retaluloi tlie le&der8blp d._ ~ ouiUM to oonnod with. aod that tbt oaacrr of'-D olean breaob o•ir ll~dfJk, 'waHl for •••J tbe Mtm probablt io \oiew of 'tbto tlO\ t6a& &be Eotr· · tbuurhtluely r•i•ed aplo•t tba111 It u aodeNn- mao fro111 the wbe61 a foQt. out. of olf'whlob lleb etatelmto aW &U' •&tbrlef' ware per1eotl1. ed aa lH• lrijodlolou.. Aboae tbe oredh aye~ were lulled oo d.alt,. • forN of tb•,.. •aa opeo aod fraok whb IIi~: a6:a ttial .,.~DOW• .... may. {t •• aD ••lltb" afeoca tbe eupplltr eaob tbd tbe b81de of \•o auki .of oil ·whlob loJ tb~lr pl•f.' -~eo~ b•:aow aeDOQOOl't, be IUP• ., .. u .. tba eupplled, and If .. ., It O&D be &O' did DO& 'brtak .JPOte. w,re alOft ln •.• E·~;f t!ort p,ort.td \hem aod I bear p•riJ for a •6ole )'81r and · rid of, oooa •Ill bare mort oaute t.n be th•ak· wu mede t() rf'ICae tbe llliD ·Who wu waahed ktpt atleoc; eftD lo bit own IJ,.gteaaota ·It rt• ful th•o tba form8'1.-Col011W, o~erboard: but whboat'.t4oot~~e. tba,~or ftllo• rualoe to be aeen whether Mt' Paraoll ll reallJ Tb"' 8rco m .. .,, Ia the abo•• helD It we bulo" bee ) t 1 "".:.lila 1 b d the aoorowoed.kiQa of Ireland who baa tbe riab& aoderata11d, Alture Wacermaa 6 Co, of 'l:•lf· the,;.. 'fb: J:.O: U:.,-;~)!la s'!t.o~ . !;hl&l~ diYioa to do wron~r ,ltboot forftltiaJ reepe •&, llo~rate Untate He lf'uee· a w1fe •aDd'.teo oblldreo to loflueooe or po•'l . ·• -- mOGrD their lad 1011 '- ' ·

LoCal :~n~ other Items~ . t •••• _.., '" .. , •••• , 'l")"""' ,,.~~

-Tbt 8 8 Pe~~~t.WJ- arri•e4 at lh .Jobo'1 from ' SaUlt flar1ior Jlll"dal ~otol111 · ---P&RIOifAt.-Joh'sa Mo~tll, 11,. ot the _a,qs· of ~Jlioe ·~o~q~c!_o·~·, "..R' S_a JobA'I, .irt~~ Jo tO_!D Jfl~ · "' .. • •. . ". !-~ f . • ~,...._ I . .. .

-TaJ~r~·.Act~iw-.- : o.l~la~m•• s. drA•I~i niJh• •nil l~.o. ,.-l.o Jl.''• .. _po~ 'the ~·uriom•'1 ·KOQ•P 4re ~o 4ol)t,t perpl_eseci boy 'Pd wbt,. ~o obtain on,a~ir oat b7 f'ttlr mt4na,' _,b,.. PJ• (oc)ll 4n 011thou...- ... ri#ed etrlt laat nl~L­anu the oonLenta-thrce ~--•t.oltDI Moral bout~keepeta .-cur& JOUr beauu·ritca I

, ..

THB UTa CIALa ' . ' _....;.._ ' \ .. -THe L&OIILATOU - W • bu• r .. hed a bla&

.t~11t the oe:rt Nllfoo of tbe Lt,Wat'Jf• .wlll be 00'11YII'ed ~· aa eariJ dat• o'esf it'U, at &ht amount of boelaeu to be ~o_,..· .wlfl . &. ra&ber· tlilrJ and tedlone Streral a.ew mtuuNe are hi. ooutomplatloo aod It lriaooefderecl daefrablt &ba• • tbe poblla bqlfDMI aboalil b. oompltud 'e.arlr ao .. to al .. oai ,.pr ... ntatlr .. proper time &o. •· • aueod l4 tbalr printe dalrt. 'ne protr..,tecl a~~e~loo of I"' 1•r ahboaab anM"Otdabfe lo «~Piir HqDaDOI of tbe llallftJ' JetltlatJou, tf.. DOt OOJI., elcfered a dteJrable prtOtdeDt to MtabUeb, ..-i4 tbe GottraiJ)en&-h la a.llettd-tl ·.a.troae Df, '' taldu~r time bf tbe foNloot'" b7 harlo~r •A earlJ eellloo. We bare iao dopb~ tbfa OOJIIM will oom111eod ltNif to all latereeted.aad raoal,i the eodorutlt>D of tba pre• of &b• AhJ. Jf oQr loformatloo be oo"aot h woatd bt wltbl• tbt booade of probabllltJ to prororn• abe IAtrfela, tara eariJlD Mar aod th.,.br. rellare OIJr Iiiia, latort from tbelr poblfe dQtltl Ia ao~ ·dme to attend to Uaelr bQIID... lllllnl tbt ft•beriee.-1'imtl ----

- Vunu LotT.-·n.e Norweafaa barqq Ba~ild wu reoeaUJ Joe& a& CI•T Polo&, C64, roy, wltb pluelall to taJ, DO lota o, llf~. ltbt ••• coal lad_.o ~pd t:oqad apnee.

.bother 1tlll81 lod with a J.omJ ~,o wu tbe eeboooer IJ4rkor11 H/;1;6 wt.I111J left St. Jobo't for Borin. tibe dro11 flf)ID btr moorion oa Monday olglst, aod WtDl atboN oa l'ardytalaocS. 1 be parap yu Nrtd, bat &be tobooDer ))eoamlt • total wre.ok.

A third ,HMI. t~i tobooon WIUJJJm /Joo". Captalo Erpen ijaro11r1 frDt:a Ob~rlotttlj)trA, I?. E. I .. • Jtb • ea,a'o ol oatt, boaltd for Jfla~MP~ .. •aJ (paya a~'- IJIIO"'"' BarM~patpb) tottll; ,.re~Jred at 8 p m. 'PO ,rl4•7 lu& abopt hro IP4 • bllf mn_., ft~m l)abdt Jtol~*. ·n., ,...,, .. truck durloa a JD.09 etorns apd etioo.~r pie friiiJJ "'llt-oorth· •tJl ibortiJ altJr \be Ye"elrtrqoj 1he 811ed wltb wa._r. The ol~rbt p .. lotep~J1 cold. aod tba pre• ••r• ot?llll.ed to r~.~Jo f'D ~~­wreck uotU teo R oJootr tbe follow loll IJ)orDif!JI e:rpoaed to t~_e ee•, •hlo~ ••• ~o&loP.•)If ~r .. ~. loll our l~e ,.,.el, Wbeo lao!J,4 •~•1 ~,,. JJJ a '~'1 ''ba.oec,d '~t•: 'n• ,..,~1 IP.4 "41(9 •Ill b, a IRtal 19ft· . . ·

~= . Faou MA~ou fO ToaQn.-ll, Ra T. ~~~

TalmogA, 1J D.-1'bla etattl7 aod iornooalt ll l~at!atad rolotne of 860 ~. ealbruee a .. llf• of tbt Cbrlat. aod a hlatory of Pal•Uoe ita peopl• looJadloa tbe acatb~r'• IICIOOGD' ot bit j, aro•1 to. tbroorb, aod from t"• tloiJ t-aut.

Like aeariJ tflr7tl:iloa Ur. '~"tiPII• orfaf~atee tbla anlqtte tl&la ta.a.lll~ed worlct 1tlde Dl:aJia!f, aad lt bae required all &&e P'~•re'-of tb'e ~r: rl1bt I••• to pre,eo& tbr-e or tou oooaofe~(eL . p. tabtlebere froria ;.,ara,l7' .... Hoi' J•. aiid ·~; loll It to worthl-' •11'4 ....:. lrR:I•·•:.u· of n, crra" wor)~' ''lfirtfilt~'Ti· , .. ~ "': ·~ · n.. ;., ooa.P. ... ~·~·IY• ·r·d •v ~t· · ,4,J ''-"J!r:~r•'lt the ii ~oft ll(J o IIIII oqr tto.f'i.,;


blrtaa '­tbe bucnbl• IDaoaar ae b eotl!~o••••• I& ea. flab& b•11il of OQCJ. leooad. Ia •••~ abe Wrtet or &b• oh•'-"''* faftb ID llae Jo•• M1'&bl7 ert. &lop1 ao4 (u abe IDI4e& qf IDott blmbJe earr~ lo111 aud h• alorloaa de•elopcneDt aad proaNM ln tht ,.lratloo and rea .. era&foD of tbe wo~14, A Dlort appropriate *hit ooald oot be' foJJR4

No upen11 h~ ~~u •Pflr-4 Jly &he Plft)l!f~~.,, Ia lltaAtil11'lj_ IPit a4~1tf~re~ or niAt·~ luteteU to tr,: ll'lll wor • ' ' ~·t; 86\' b tated at &bt pjMt bhor tf l' f•••ar oa·m,crh bow areat·U ·mli11t ba, "protldid lt llroold 'add ao,tblull to tbe 1•lacr or loter"t of the boot. ·•

h Ia llluerrated whb more t baa foar tiaol)~ •uperb .tn~trtrilip 'of rhe · p'aoplt. pl•a•• ~o epeoery of tba 'Hol1 H-'od b1 ""~·olibtd .,tlf'M Ajponaet the .. 4rll aooijr•t• OQptu or at.,iJ N~ b®~nuS t1r 1bi 'fa'alolje ' pah\Jhl*' ' of tU ol~ m"tore • blob ll•u 10 Joni eorlohed tb, aalltr· let 1od cacb~rale of Europe bat oenr before publiebed In Ametloa "Ito a I'JQd panol'a._ of Jtru11lem. the 1arroaodlo1 ooQotr1, ~~ !bO ct?~ ?h~ ~et~ml1:J. ~,"~b,:\JI! ollo•4~ 'tplotq;, .. ,. ,,.~ Itt• 'h• lttiQ&J.' ··Qa ,. palote~l 1.. tbt btibMt af.JI• of lhboarapblo an; h ie ao u~ot rtprodaos&oa ef lbe faaaoua C10I!Jr1 ama of ~oolofl, tHrmaoJ, wblob ~If III••F •\00.000, aod ,ta jraaalr acllllf'~ .,. a., ,~11 ft~••t

pr~f.~o•';io~/~l.~JC 3.iol:l~\, ~ ;~·~~' J•,!'tl~ oft • ~9~~,. ..,, 4,n;;; tR4 -~' of ""~'IQJ ,,. 4mrfJ1lq~ .,. ADfC1~4 , .. ~, M at~ ,,_,,..,, Uttf eJ '"' prt'"' :1tt'"~'~v ,,::.r.\,~~= 1:"-:e':.o.. beautUal aDd tltualar .......... aod aa &lJt •rae Uaae to esp,.. bl~lf ,. fltwlr ~ ' '¥oroaal1 tb1• '"' M ftJJ Je ·~4 -t! I; ( . .. ...

! =::=~J!'U·~-la a~~.._ o1,. . "' ..... ,, Mr. ~- 1a llae
