Memorial University of...

' VOLUME XXJX. (TWO .DOLLAUS P.ER l 'EAB.) HAR!30R GRACE, NFLD., SATURDAY, lUNE 16, 1888. ' I (SINGLE COPI K8 TWO CENTS.] ) I c:: 0 ··-z '-) -AND- Fur (Wholl·ala!o nuJ t\e lail) ut 'fllulll'i!.,.N'll :Ut:Jieal lJall, ':luri.Jm· Oauce . .. The Su.bsor1bers woulu rcspcclfully cnll thc nttc11tioa of thc :\lcrchnuts of Kcwfouudluu<l to their stock ot IS II . NET '1, IN fur tl .c Rl': \11011 uf 1 888. ---() --- !\ow o:t hnn<l , mncl c up spec ially !01· the p11 ·ticulnr rc·gard to Lh c it· n·quin:llll'ltt ·, Seines for Cod, Herring, and · Cilplin. ·Shepard G-o1d. 1\li:edn-1 'f.,j" ·r .. ine p rnclu ;•·,. tlloli'.l'' t.!.Y t8(; ille J'O :fllib.'(;,lO_,;l·LIIur witia tl1ogn·nt 8keuyt/, l't!I Jitired ' · to wit/ ,,t""J r<JtJ'jl' f(/f ''.Jt!· Tr w..e. ·,t" .." .. .,.. "' ' ""'IA· ·I in n aau\ nner ai' JirODC•I U:J !'Md:J fo,. aut e; WILl. II \l:IJLK t.:,.UIL\' 1 A.S!) (Ju OOOU FISlii.SO. COD-TRAPS c.ol :u1y ,.i;cu Ot' .. to oaJ r•t at sn ort nuli ct>. !ll . lli:t."" fur intlll *'• l iale ::illin:.: fi,.la, Ll.u snrp.a S.' iCS ltliJ oth er kim!, rwci is tlao w wr e. SH E ET-N ET·T IN G lnr· nt:tkiu:: or tPJ "'irin:: &iu011, Tr-•p8, or Uill Nt:uo, cnn IJo IIIIPI'IicJ, iu any 11 izc mc&la nncl t,_· u w, at once rn :c1 pL uf COTTON w .. c.ll\ fnmiii• C •Lt.m T. \.!l :teo or \VutTK of 11 Knpori or quality, to order. W, it" ft)r p•icc11 llt'f\"C n a•lca in:;. . \Vd llu• au•l m :t nuf .tc turen :l ui t wlt!ug i11 the Uuitec l Slttlc!l. ) t i11 our elf u rt le;1ru tit a c Jlli•:c mcut:s of Lit e uuJ 1 ,.uJucc the gvotlll Lest 11tlnpwu t.o tlu•ir w" <!Jiil\ our OWII 1\1111 "re t.ho onlr lll llll llfnctua-enl of the S lti'J111rt/ Oo lJ Medal TroiflU "'hich .reCtJi VN.:-:'ff! l. i, jll ut •IID(Il J wl.u :: n •\·e itaclndia. 0 tl10 In - t .. rn>t t.lou .. l WI! a ·cce t,·cJ dae on ly Uvh .l lvt · snpea· iuri ty nt m tnnfl\utur>:as fru111 the n aw annlcri .. l, oua· Clllltom ers cu n roly on tlae quulity ol 011r gn rc.!A, he illilltii 'Cli o f lut1UJ8t }JOIISibl e ]' r ices. U. 1 o till nctlon1 ley wiro "t. 11la.., a ·L notico t UIU will t.laom c;trcful "ttPntion. l 8 l 2. ... $35U,(\UC. Mills llt Coston, C11utvo 1\ IIJ HuJJ a ua. , AMERICAN riE.T & TWINE CO •• 43 Coremercial Street, BOSTON, Mass L U S.A,. l\Ya \' . now amytlain:; ubnnt. a,au oft.lae cuaoauie· 'o lla"au.. Oa · yot is my clu ue's ortt-mla•J reply. .in OCCIIJ'it'U with uJ l11!ed to luJt·. . ! h11 vo yon been to ': at;lil>la ,·oico of .Miu 'iJ I JCIII laina Ja .c uol1111 n1f! r Cla .. uo i<A WUIHiot ·rt.'l! lu lac glow VII ht:r fut.'tt r .. ,l u j · ........... . ........ · ............... -I Legislative·eounci1. -o- Pure. 'J1ais powcl cr.novcr '\·nr irtl. A mnr\'cl of pnt- ity, streul.!lh anal wlwll·IIOilltnesa ocono· mi cn l th1111 ti1C oa ·,l iu uy ldaoda ntul cnnnnt lac aolt.l iu compt! liun•r "ith thu mnhitnclu of lo>r l e.t l. sl1ort \1 ·ciglot. 11luua or phol!plut•c Sulr/ ""( Y i11 ttull-ltOY.\L J'uWIIt:l: (;o, lUG \\'11ll-11t .. :-\ Y. ,Jft u:l I y 'fuuuo.u, April 26.. ( Co11tin11td.) Eill for the PromoUon of AgricGlta4t. lloc . M in moving Uae ins;r of tloll l>ill aaicl it r.. pcale a certaia'lieotiun or 16 Vic. Cl ip. 40, whtch provil.lad lot ,._. graut- ia(g or a llouue of eix dollare All aero lor la11•l by llCillcre, or tel lien ; t Ito buuue not to be pnid t.o auy ponou,fur a quauatity exc .. ctliug five, iu&lt'ad of eis, 1\ctl!l, l\ll J•ro•iJt!tl i11 tit& Act. Jnateacl of aix, this bill 1 ro· vitlu tleat t•lvo dullara per acre be· gnuatecl. In nthiilion to tlaBt, whicla is tllo chiuf ahemtiota, anttt() proviaio"" ate coutninucl iu tho bill to &ina· vliry the IIIOUO or latocle 81lr\'cyllcl, ao as to fncilitnte lho oiJtainaucnL bt the , bouutv by ahol!c wloo hi\Yc earucJ it. l'ltcto ia • a leo ;. provilliOII(Iruviclin" fa>r n bonus for the uf half au nero, wloicli W ,I'S uot cuutnincd in tlto pru· •ious IRw. llo bc¥bred to tuovc tllnL tlto Lill l>o tOJil.l 4 Ct:COlld lintu. > fhc bill wna lht!ll read n accpaul lime ; to be COUHIIilh:U lO·WOrrow. The lluu!JO luov au- jJuruet.l• f'PIDAT, April 27. Tl1o ll ou•e met nt. hnlf.pnsl C!lur o'cl od: ·1 ho ncJJress lo: wiug rdcreuco to the. rem!lval of a tiec tiuu or tho liuu 011 tbo well ' ·. Co11st was rcntl " thit d limo atatl pM14; ·tl . . II •J tt. <.:oa.ostAt. ua"''\!d tho .Jiouso ill lO Cllllllllitlcu or tho whole upon the Ulll f ur t he l' rotnoti.:n of "'briculturo; hoo. Alr .. . in tl tl.l cl .. The li1al section. hnvin:! . beoln ncloptecl, . (:. T lh .:wt.I.L nskcl.l wh ether .it Wllf tho . auaeu11o n th:\l the cosl or lhe survey of l,.u,ta F A I. R f clenrt!l.l. nucl lo r\\ l.ich the llotwly tnMyhu clnime!cl, a. l.all uo ucfrnycl.l hy l hc atppllca nt for il, or ll .v, !la c t; uv.:rn tnC'IJt. \\' loilc twrlve duii : HI!I pH ncrtf' is ,\ gene tOll II to the clcnrer flu,u, lloe for Su n ·ty OJ.: it, If lJoru A F.\:\CY F'AIIt -..ill he loriJ in Xofelnh r fur lll f or Jiqniolnlin!.! II 81111\ IJ tl e!J l t.lue 011 Clonr clo nmltho Sunrllly ::;;!l,c •r:!. Th u full:>" ill): L uliu:ilo,. •·c .: harcu ·· f T;oLI<'S Attrlwill :.:laolly n u.-avc nntl any CQU- triloutiun's •hich auay IJu Se nt 10 llu•a.u ·- , \h- <1 I Al'f>, I E1.1 . t•1 r Mra Uulllt:l:rrruo. Me a ::;n.t• ttt:N 11.\WI{ll>S. ' · llar hor (;rllrc. Feb ,17 l1i111. 111. 1y n:ty C<m&icl.-1'11\ily ru•luce ia. lluu . Cut.o:>I.\L Stca:t:T Aa:Y ,.,. j,J, hu uncllr \iall , na 1111ll rr 4!) th \'i canrin, tl1c IIJI - Ii cnnt ( ur the bo uuty would llavc 10 l.teu r tlae COliS !J C !!Ur n-y. ll uu. (; . T. HtXflH.L thou:;:lot there alaouiJ-, ia, lh:\l case, bE: au1aou limit lo the ch:\r;;:ra, uallcrwieo , it umy. w:a ko u tWriuus Jiffcrcucu to thiS applieaan for thu buuuly. I 1' · •·II y WI-'II. \VI l itt lo, ill 1111011' r cit, Melli .. i1•. Yutt cnu lie goo.l GU A 'D llll: m-e I, C!•II'L V• u·r It n•ldt'\1. AN 'lmll iJ ( UIIMWC•rt•, ( Kllll,in:;. li on. (.'vt.O:O.IAL St:Cllf:TAllY- or courao .101 ill· or eXCl 'SSive WO IIIl.l l.tu 1\ to( 1dcrcucc t..t lhu liu\'cruutcul; hy whona alae eu"r- n·yor \I'OUitl be apvoiutcli aut.! caturUitsutcluu_. \\OUI J bu actlnc.:J. 1 Tllf·ll lor• ,.. , tmw, nmJ,J,.u't.prt:ttcla ia. nul to FIRE :A:ND - LIFE the that lao Ill '. li d-' Ass ·· I lou. v. T. Ht:!\1>1\ LL-:l'hrN is nnother poins which uot liPf'.?l\r to be ,·cry clo4rly ddiucu . l'hu butautl ill to l>e grnuh :ll for laud rently for cultavuliuu. A 1111\11 '""1 eiuavly clt:ar \he l"ud to th 11 extent ur removing thu atuuav11 autl etouee from iL, clnim the bouuty, aud after rcct·iviu.: it, let the lnli'J rt•aiJII tD ita tlta\ CUOOlLion. llu 'lho sho uld uoc. lH# ' ntil 1\ CtO}' UCIUn Jiy in tho t:tUilllli, • ' " tlaHt. ·utl lll:tll n n lauho uf yourM, "41 J:fild Mi >U. Cllalllllott r ittteanqelt!!l JdaUKtOIJC . OF LOK DON. fru111 ll•f' Hecl uf tltf' llllltailaull. M i11>1 1 :lu111•ltM thl 1ouL llafl touc or tlaf' 'I'"'"' ioau ; alae Onto ort;u of .;c, iuaony, lho ud ... r t-111.1 r' · "' ·utc·J 1111 iliiJ_..,.l iucut.. lixllJ la t; lt unglary l.lue t•ycH VII J\tiK3 lna u 11lw nu ... wt Ht•al tl.c•y awiu 'cry t•ll .tia!ly, ' Hy w!11tt 1l •l yu•t pa "-1111118 \0 iultnia e of ,,,.. f uUU b.J iNI J vhtJIIlVIIC I.Jit lat:r lit Ill ut the l.x>k. • ' flat>y 111e tcltttP.Il to liM. Mttclttme uc i11 am tulimult! fril't\11 of nay 111utlaea ·, Luly Clanudus.' A ull tlmt Wa>l uil 11he cou- ill'llet'mlt:d tc SKy, fur ..&ac tlllll rt llaer lacnllllnU h.- 0 ...,n langlainJ:: u111l iu Fn:ncla witlJ M CartJline. 'fl ats Mi1111 n.arlii: uR recci"ecl 118 graciou11ly, gi dug 119 uil tlats Kllllltl faienclly · .. ot iug c. tl ae ulu te11clter land gi ,.,.n 011ly In Mi lllt Clr"utllll!. Two ('h'ltsxnt, kinu hl'ut kU maid .. on wore tlary, uot•·eay young. l\li1111 A uut-llb to h•, · iu; d tlairtj -li\ ·r. We v. ·cae tlaeta· tltnC. Ull•l were with nice tLiugw in tlreir o\\ 11 pntlur. J lditl I \\ 'Col.t gh ·6 you the mode nf me ut Ill l'dau<ll ; amJ I- will. It. W tt!l 11 Jmt.e• cshablial.ameut., the teru111 ( cJr Jt'raACe, l111t. :.lady we1'6 nothing like so high ua. :\I itU< b\ ·nt.ou'11. 1\t chua-ge at 11 tl .ird bit: lac r, nm.l MjSM Fcntuu's we lt 11tl tlu ee mouth•' hofiuuy iu the yr11r ; thoMI who nmaained t.Le buJ to Le l'"iJ fot-ext111. 'fiJo do a mitorioa were "Jmciopll nud uirr. u K IIIKII, stpl\t'llle, cle1111 l,e.l L ti ing gi t>rr Lo pn)1il. No Fn : nch school fur uiiLI'a "ex C>&n he O\'ercrowJeJ, foa· tlaPy nre \antler the close it,llllf'c tion of t.lae anu to do 10 Wi)•alJ invol•e of li- ceuxe to «eE'p one. .A. lura<', airy rvo11a i. 'l nlw wny11 "Jllll· t, •nd ' Clllletl tho ; if u P"l'il ia aick ('-'r 111') i• reru on :J stclulqtlllly nur11eu an" ttllllll'cl, uml 1111 no uutyLll4: iulif "''"Y lie oo · cu1'iou ta y tb011e in hOilllla. . Cl:uag 1 cl•ng I clamg I wet.t. , t.leo ga· ed !Jell in ruorniug, wukiog uil oitt. of' our tllcc•put .. ix 1 prMo,icing, .. the till Mia. J )lmet(lne l•ntyel'l to tJa,. English l'"l'ila, Pro .. ld ... DUI ; C.rolino re.d tlactu to Brf'nob. wbo wero Ruw•n Cdholia. For breakf'at&. tb.,.. wu u mnob \Jreacl and llut&er q . we to •t, ud ·a amall a.... Jn of aooc1 rich milk ror e.ob. &om, or U.S. pt Ia .a.c. &ea in wlalolt llae1 were •' llLHtJ to a Oa S.nd .. J moruiap Lhe ln.Ufaat .,.. • L ... at : a,.tita a aailat aud oul'e; a l*i•aaaia of rull. We 1tw ._ bot. ,.,, ..,.., ..... u of. b•U• laob oo6 U. •• Mvet a-& In ..-a ... IIIIN mllt ......... .... ............ pi&J'Icl U1J aiM, 11iea ·---*'iea lUI '••l'e. (10 ESTABLISHED A.D. :i.821. Suo.scmsr.o CA l'ITAr •.. .. ..•. .t:!,OOO,OOO stg. t:l'- wAa_o ot· . ... . ... ... .... .. .. . ... 2,750.000 " ANNUAL UI'WAllDS OF 350,0(10 •• The''O U AHOJAN " lac ing n firlltclu ss Eut;liKh lmolll nllcc Compnny, ofl.. ns nil tlaO. 'it lll••:iL ur:. irn i,J o to in Rtli'CI "S, ,·iz. unuoulatccl !l tuLilily, fu,·o r· uhlc Tv1ms uuJ p•· •u"l' t s, ttlt:lllt'n t lo rlat ims fot· l o11•. Th o r .nJ en,it;nccl la·t ,. i.•: l.tecu aoppointNl A gcohl r .... N e wroiiiiHllunJ i€ W<'IIIIICU to is- llllU P olicies ngttiusl b<ts lry Firli'. J :lMES S SL. Julan s. JOSEPH OIJDDEN, Sui.J-A ge nt lh. Gruee PHCENIX Fire ASSurance Company. 1 o DO:-.'". L0:\111 . \fiD Sf HEEl' & (; 11 . \fiiN tJ CHOSS E Ii'i . 178:?. lnud would hnvo been l.trought to a doci thr \t "·ould aunko i &. ul p.- rn u\ uuut. valtMG&Q lb. c•Juntry A a hu wa.dt'ratuou. thtt bouuLf bat bku paid herctofuru for lllnu whW:h wu tbc" lo rew.1i11 60. IJuu. <.:ot.1JNI.\ L lla11t. if aueh 11 co11tltliou as thnl 11u:;::elllt!J lly tlw hou. tlt aao1 11a "'oro iuac rtcd in thu l>ill it 'II' Oithl rruvl' Claounrrn&llit.J,{ auJ upcnuo a.&:ainat thu ill· uuccaueaot to ch·nr c .. lttvnte tlau lnaou, whicto ill the !Jtime Ol jt!Ct of tiJO IDUISUre. '11au UoUnty tO be WOUftJ 110-<Jonbt, in llo\l<lt Cn!ICII Cu rm 1\ cua us hh :t:lblu portion or tho l01!4111 o[ 1\UlJSiSlt•IICU Of lite pt:n!OII cleariU$: tho lilltll wlti lu iu ct ... it, n1 11l iL would be unwiat! lu in. pose npou him n·atractiunll '' IJicl. woulrl clcht at intcaotion of tho bill. T he lnml IJUCe Olt'arc•l bt!COuaca iucrenecd iu \n luc ant! e\ · en ir Clll - livated l.ty tho l"" tic I "bo it, it woultl doub tll'U btt rwnilcd of by wLo IYOUill eucccl'd thl!a:a lie quite "PlHlCi.tte<l tho fuaco of ti.Cl Jaou' j;Cr. II .;III II IJ'II TCIUCII kt, 1111<! i( tbt-ru w, ·r.: uaurc ca.;!c au t'i-t 011 tb t! part of Uau pt·nvlts l•• l' ta tl llak on a lae culah· 11ti on of t ho aoal ; antl I( th t:i a I C<'t: l1 8 lOtti' ut <!lllet thnutl.t)' lltl' at J• ftl t-llt, lite IIUliJ.oa h.n ur Lii \IOU!d be a wltu COU IJ-4! . ll un. · ot: coniideaetl H: ot the poiut rnin.l L.y t,ou. Mr. Ht-udc · ll "11 w1 llt,,nt. :11. .1e uu jec1 •I., u hllJ1: .tu Et curc a.ot abc Ln' 'f'fl U 'T I :t:s k 1 '011!::. nlsu the cuhinuiu u. ul t ht! I1111J: 01he rw i1c tltu .J orH 't•h \\ 111 . U r1 xeudnle, Esq. Lin '' ill f11i l oC its iuleud.el.lcfh·cr. '1 be Lonuay llri!, low lln\lill. 1 •:•iu sotno Clllll'l!l, pny J•CI'JIIC to a ml'l7 clrtot 'ft. .: 11un .• Jnmu lti;:g. the latud·:wJ hnve it so. \\ hieh wouiJ l 1e uf ,·c ry J oho' Clul'lOII, 1 Esq . little u se IC wntdl thtt pruwotio ll or ll,:(liccahul\. t •: Coopu. l '=*tl), M.l:.. becAuse a·:co iC ni !O\H'J tu rrruaiu t"" . tj "or,:ll Arthur Fllllt:r,l f. ' q. Ytllrt ,,;,cu ltilole i wuuld to its ptl tl itou Ch ttr l t!8 ' 1 •;. UQodhnrt, lisq. \\ ilcl ucsa "' ul.l b,-cullat! "ilh Lataah•ootl. M. IUa ocJo flnwfdoe, Bill}. .ll u th ote \dtQ CSI W Ct to n-ceivu tltie lib - tilr,Joltu Lub uoek, IS:ut ., l\1 P_, F. lUi eanl l.t uuuty, to gave proof of ' hnrl cR !'hom!\! Lucas, their fnH h Ly u cro1• In tbu laual J o;..•l· ' Lcluau ol.tlnlnlu;.: h . • • l'hc ll ou. l!:tlwin B. L'ortmnu. .ll on,.(.'OLOII'IAL S\!cni1TA IIf - Th!l auu-..Ctiona Vtltlley bq uot.lcr the sctoracJ clnllr,ll \\Ouhl aet:ntlo mtt-t, to Wtn . J :nee Tlaolllll 011, Eeq. :1 I h., Jl<llllt lJJ laou llr, . uo:s. tJ 1ll.;t;'\'Oil ocl l. 'l lley t-tovit:c (I) The Uuvctb(Jr·i•·COIIIJ• ,J• JJ_UJulll'ttJ..u, £sq ur i ehnll llt'puiut In eACh dec- U. ,\IACIJo.I'. \LrJ,t . . tornl iu li!U c'olut!Y net all IUrYl'yuN F II AI'\Cit; u. r &CI'tla .c .r. . . ior the p llt ln Cc-8 of all ill Aca; lht! II RilleS ur lUCi a 1:11g of tit a, •• e pe aec t.a llh•"' IJc ·puLii•lat'd it• the I:111/C1l (l'u zt llo tt !eill ·)' 11 llllltr\:I'OU!ll\IICI wen iLiry Pa'Opt nutl tle\YII '"Vt'rl ia• culou1 J!:, ·.,ry ruhlitiun ttJ u I urge slcu Cu p i ttl I ; nncl ths pc110u tlt-&ia ou 11 olltRiuinl! th t lt•ltiiUI fur cltul- l' '"uanptitntlo ntad 'with wla,ch cldi 111a 111g .-l\lt6 hllltl Ly lia!t ae u( t, 11 , I' u!w, 1 y 8 yeeu we t, .no auaJ tLu A'i.t•aluall lllbku, an "I'J'hc.atton au to ACkl wlOcl '(,) I ouo or thu .llrf8\ 1 t>,. IJ!JtOlnleJ U ll tU t.ltll .Aut UC' , 10 ' • , t.J th11 ()ru•u tAntl•' ofllctt, flet lhil! I 1 («) Thu 1'ho ;m}.at:lt'n ee of of the 11111111: . o:c ulfulou anJ rt'ehlenoe .-,1 & 0 "I' a ; llHE lX FJltE OJi ' (b) 11.iu ehuaaion, llouudl\lit: uutl f aoay bO fron1 llau fl\c' tluu alue'o itt tint ltuul to Lo cleaaeJ fvr clllllftlltOII, "'"l..tli.lhn.c:ut -uow o•er Ut. 'NDICED Y"liAI.a (c-) 'fbo titltt auU thereto, ahd (J) 'J ba" the 1"'11.11tUtl in aatierl\etiou of ror I.e•• lbtt •l'vlicaul iull:!lada INII#f .fi· lc co clllu••·· ,,, ., • hA\' " uceodod cc•utiaaue to t'ttl&n·attt '"" ••'-' l•hd. Thi• •••••"' luaurane\'1 Lo .. b1 11{»11 l.ia:htn· .. Uru :o be tTrelaoll I• am''" ..., tiro b1 the Cotppauy 'IJOU e¥411} llu c.'leatcu •hull1 lor tl.• J·•••IK>Pe nr 6\.tJoia•it•l( dacrlvtiCMa uf l'rQrrtJ, ou the fur orabh1 •• ·• 'lt •• "I'J· IiCJ.IIt fvr u ".-at ...... ,. ttr&llt4, ' . aabd nrah..a dacl•t"tlnu tlalfl It• •t .. r ,_., W. & 0 Ct .L, fi It: h.tea.tibu to cahfttw.- tl1• laMln•• oe ... rt•• St.Jo it. A ••tal ci Jtlulll)'llt caanh•tt MtUit· r.,..., ..... u:[uflutl,'aiiJ t:ot ol l:h .• l'l'-' 'itd \,\. t. )•

Transcript of Memorial University of...


' I ~ • •


) I c:: : ~ 0 ··-z .~

'-) -AND-

Fur S~tlo (Wholl·ala!o nuJ t\e lail) ut 'fllulll'i!.,.N'll :Ut:Jieal lJall, ':luri.Jm· Oauce . .. The Su.bsor1bers

woulu rcspcclfully cnll thc nttc11tioa of thc :\lcrchnuts of Kcwfouudluu<l to their stock ot

t~ IS II .NET '1, IN fur tl.c Rl':\11011 uf 1888.

---() ---!\ow o:t hnn<l, mnclc up specially !01· the

p11·ticulnr rc·gard to Lh c it· n·quin:llll'ltt ·,

Seines for Cod, Herring, and· Cilplin.

·Shepard G-o1d. 1\li:edn-1 T~e.· 'f.,j" ·r .. ine prnclu ;•·,. tlloli'.l'' t.!.Yt8(;ille J'O:fllib.'(;,lO_,;l·LIIur witia tl1ogn·nt 8keuyt/, l 't!IJitired '

· to wit/,,t""J r<JtJ'jl' f(/f ''.Jt!· Trw..e. ·,t" .. " .. .,.. "'' ""'IA··I in n aau\nner ai'JirODC•I U:J {ul~rmeu; ur~ !'Md:J fo,. aute; WILl.

II \l:IJLK t.:,.UIL\'1 A.S!) (Ju OOOU FISlii.SO.

COD-TRAPS c.ol :u 1y ,.i;cu Ot' .. rylr·,n~ulc to oaJr•t at snort nulict>.

!ll. lli:t."" rc~tJy fur intlll*'• liale ,Jt:J in·~y. ~'· •r ::illin:.: fi,.la, Ll.u C.J~toll ne~ ""'i ' • c:~lionuLiy snrp.aS.'iCS ltliJ othe r kim!, rwci is tlao

~tt•-"' J•rulitnbl~ w wre.

S H E E T-N E T·T IN G lnr· nt:tkiu:: or tPJ"'irin:: &iu011, Tr-•p8, or U il l Nt:uo, cnn IJo IIIIPI'IicJ, iu any 11izc mc&la nncl t,_· uw, at once 11~10aa rn:c1pL uf ur~ler.\

COTTON Llr~ES w .. c.ll\ fnmiii• C •Lt.m Lin e:~, T .\.!l:teo or \VutTK of 11 Knporior quality, to order.

W, it" ft)r p•icc11 llt'f\"C na•lca in:;. . \Vd ~t1·e llu• au•l l~tr·:::e1L m:tnuf.tcturen:l ui li~lt twlt!ug i11 the Uuitecl Slttlc!l.

) t i11 our elfurt ~o le;1ru tit a c Jlli•:c mcut:s of Lite tililacnu~u, uuJ 1,.uJucc the gvotlll Lest 11tlnpwu t.o tlu•ir ••ant~t. •

w" <!Jiil\ our OWII Yl:l'~ 1\1111 "re t.ho onlr lll llll llfnctua-enl of the Slti'J111rt/ OolJ Medal TroiflU "'hich h~tl!l .reCtJiVN.:-:'ff! l.i,jllut •IID(Il J wl.u::n •\·ea· cx leil ri~cJ, itaclndia.0 tl10 ~mlou In­t .. rn>tt.lou .. l .Io'llbc~"<laa_I,ILl~ WI! a·ccet,·cJ dae only Uvh.l Alt:t.lulawllrcl~ lvt· snpea· iurity nt Twine~~ "II~ •

lluin~ m tnnfl\utur>:as fru111 the naw annlcri .. l, ou a· Clllltomers cun roly on tlae quulity ol 011r gn rc.!A, ~1111 he illilltii'Cli o f lut1UJ8t }JOIISible ]'r ices.

U.1o till nctlon1 ley wiro "t. 11la..,a·L notico tUIU will ~i \·o t.laom c;trc ful "ttPntion. ~I'ABLISH~D . .. l 8 l 2. C~Pll'A L ... $35U,(\UC.

Mills llt Coston, C11utvo 1\IIJ HuJJa ua. ,

AMERICAN riE.T & TWINE CO •• 43 Coremercial Street, BOSTON, Mass L U S.A,.

•l\Ya \' .

now amytlain:; ubnnt. a,au oft.lae cuaoauie· 'o lla"au.. Oa· yot

is my l .u~inAAI ~o clu ue's ortt-mla•J reply.

' ~it .in OCCIIJ'it'U with uJ l11!ed to luJt·.

. ! h11 vo yon been to ' :at;lil>la ,·oico of .Miu

'iJ I JCIII t: .iro~ laina Ja .c uol1111n1f! r ~~jl\ll Cla .. uoi<A WUIHiot·rt.'l! lu ~n•·.~ lac glow VII h t:r fut.'tt r .. ,l u ~·


· Adv~_ ........... !:t_ls~~~~ ......... · ............... -I Legislative·eounci1. -o-

Absolute~y Pure. 'J1ais powclcr. novcr '\·nrirtl. A mnr\'cl of pnt­

ity, streul.!lh anal wlwll·IIOilltnesa -~Jure ocono· micnl th1111 ti1C oa·,l iuuy ldaoda ntul cnnnnt lac aolt.l iu compt!liun•r "ith thu mnhitnclu of lo>r l sl1ort \1·ciglot. 11luua or phol!plut•c powol~rs. Sulr/ ""(Y i11 c·ttull-ltOY.\L ll,\1\ 1 ~0 J'uWIIt:l: (;o, lUG \\'11ll-11t .. :-\ Y. ,Jft u:l I y

'fuuuo.u, April 26.. ( Co11tin11td.)

Eill for the PromoUon of AgricGlta4t. lloc. M Mo~uoK. in moving Uae 10oo~ ~1ul·

ins;r of tloll l>ill aaicl it r .. pcale a certaia'lieotiun or 16 Vic. Clip. 40, whtch provil.lad lot ,._. graut­ia(g or a llouue of eix dollare All aero lor la11•l cl~nrqd by llCillcre, or iutcudiu~: tel lien ; t Ito buuue not to be pnid t.o auy ponou,fur a quauatity exc .. ctliug five, iu&lt'ad of eis, 1\ctl!l, l\ll J•ro•iJt!tl i11 tit& lu~ Act. Jnateacl of aix, this bill 1 ro· vitlu tleat t•lvo dullara per acre be· gnuatecl. In nthiilion to tlaBt, whicla is tllo chiuf ahemtiota, anttt() proviaio"" ate coutninucl iu tho bill to &ina· vliry the IIIOUO or tla~l8 latocle 81lr\'cyllcl, ao as to fncili tnte lho oiJtainaucnL bt the, bouutv by ahol!c wloo hi\Yc earucJ it. l'ltcto ia• a leo ;. provilliOII(Iruviclin" fa>r n bonus for the clu~rin,~: uf half au nero, wloicli W,I'S uot cuutnincd in tlto pru· •ious IRw. llo bc¥bred to tuovc tllnL tlto Lill l>o tOJil.l 4 Ct:COlld lintu. >

fhc bill wna lht!ll read n accpaul lime ; to be COUHIIilh:U lO·WOrrow. The lluu!JO luov au­jJuruet.l •

f'PIDAT, April 27. Tl1o ll ou•e met nt. hnlf.pnsl C!lur o'clod: ·1 ho ncJJress lo:wiug rdcreuco to the. rem!lval

of a tiectiuu or tho tclc~,;fll~h liuu 011 tbo well' ·. Co11st was rcntl " thit d limo atatl pM14;·tl . .

II •Jtt. <.:oa.ostAt. ~t:Cla:T.\11\' ua"' '\!d tho .Jiouso ill lO Cllllllllitlcu or tho whole upon the Ulll fur the l'rotnoti.:n of "'briculturo; hoo. Alr ... ~yauo in tl tl.l • . .

The li1al section. hnvin:! .beoln ncloptecl, . llot~. (:. T lh.:wt.I.L nskcl.l whether .it Wllf tho . auaeu11on th:\l the cosl or lhe survey of l,.u,ta

F A I. R f clenrt!l.l. nucl lor\\ l.ich the llotwly tnMyhu clnime!cl, a.l.all uo ucfrnycl.l hy lhc atppllcant for il, or ll.v , !lac t;uv.:rntnC'IJt. \\' loilc twrlve duii:HI!I pH ncrtf' is ,\ gene tOll II cuco~~rngcancnL to the clcnrer O~i!.f' flu,u, lloe chnr.s.:~s for Sun·ty OJ.: it, If lJoru ~) A F.\:\CY F'AIIt -..ill he loriJ in Xofelnh r

lii'X~, fur lll f ~llorpu&c or Jiqniolnlin!.! II 81111\IJ tle!J l t.lue 011 Cl•rill~ Clonr clo nmltho Sunrllly ::;;!l,c•r:!.

Thu full:>" ill): L uliu:ilo,.•·c .:harcu ··f ll~e T;oLI<'S Attrlwill :.:laolly n u.-avc nntl nc:k uo -..· lc:-cJ~c any CQU­triloutiun's •hich auay IJu Sent 10 l lu•a.u ·-,\h-<1 I Al'f>, I ~las E1.1.t•1 r Mra Uulllt:l:rrruo. .\1~ lla:~cuc~ •

Mea ::;n.t•ttt:N 11.\WI{ll>S. ' · llarhor (;rllrc. Feb l~. l tii18 ,17

l1i111. 111.1y n:ty C<m&icl.-1'11\ily ru•luce ia. • lluu. Cut.o:>I.\L Stca:t:TAa:Y ,.,.j,J, hu thoal~:bt

uncllr tlli~ \iall , na 1111llrr 4!)th \'icanrin, tl1c IIJI­Iicnnt ( ur the bouuty would llavc 10 l.teur tlae COliS !JC !!Urn-y.

lluu. (;. T . HtXflH.L thou:;:lot there alaouiJ-, ia, lh:\l case, bE: au1aou limit lo the ch:\r;;:ra, uallcrwieo, it umy. w:ako u tWriuus Jiffcrcucu to thiS applieaan for thu buuuly.

I 1' · •·II y WI-'II. \VI l itt lo,ill 1111011' r • A • fa~J cit, Melli .. i1•. Yutt cnu lie goo.l GU A 'D

llll: m-e I, C!•II'L V• u·r It n•ldt'\1. ~:o·x AN 'lmll iJ ( l~kc,' · l UIIMWC•rt•, ( Kllll,in:;.

lion. (.'vt.O:O.IAL St:Cllf:TAllY-or courao .101 ill· 8~UCI) or eXCl'SSive cloar~c WOIIIl.l l.tu 1\ 111~1\Ct to( 1dcrcucc t..t lhu liu\'cruutcul; hy whona alae eu"r- • n·yor \I'OUitl be apvoiutcli aut.! caturUitsutcluu_. \\OUIJ bu actlnc.:J.

1 Tllf·ll lor• ,.., tmw, nmJ,J, .u' t.prt:ttcla ia. nul to FIRE :A:ND -LIFE the w:.o:e~laoo that lao IUO~ Ill ' . lid-' Ass·· ur~'nce Com,~ny I lou. v. T. Ht:!\1>1\LL-:l'hrN is nnother poins

which tlo~s uot liPf'.?l\r to be ,·c ry clo4rly ddiucu . l'hu butautl ill to l>e grnuh:ll for laud ch~aruclnut.l rently for cultavuliuu. A 1111\11 '""1 eiuavly clt:ar \he l"ud to th11 extent ur removing thu atuuav11 autl etouee from iL, clnim the bouuty, aud after rcct·iviu.: it, let the lnli'J rt•aiJII tD ita tlta\ CUOOlLion. llu lhuuJ;ll~ 'lho l>o~rus should uoc. lH# ' ntil 1\ CtO}' i~ UCIUnJiy in tho t:tUilllli, beOII·~·

• ' " tlaHt. ·utl• lll:tll n n lauho uf yourM, "41 J:fild Mi>U. Cllalllllott r ittteanqelt!!l Mr~ JdaUKtOIJC • . OF LOK DON. fru111 ll•f' Hecl uf tltf' llllltailaull.

M i11>1 1:lu111•ltM thl 1ouL lik~ llafl touc or tlaf' 'I'"'"' ioau ; alae Onto ~>a\ ort;u of .;c, iuaony, lho ud ... r t-111.1 r'·"' ·utc·J 1111 iliiJ_..,.l iucut.. ~lac lixllJ lat;a· ltunglary l.lue t•ycH VII J\tiK3 J ulaut~Lutto I~· lna u 11lw nu ... wtHt•al ~ tl.c•y awiu 'cry t•ll.tia!ly, ' Hy w!11tt ai~lat 1l•l yu•t pa"-1111118 \0 iultnia e of ,,,.. f uUU b.J iNI J vhtJIIlVIIC I.Jit lat:r lit Ill ut the l.x>k.

• 'flat>y 111e uu~ tcltttP.Il to liM. Mttclttme uc :\l, ·lli~c i11 am tulimult! fril't\11 of nay 111utlaea·, Luly Clanudus.' A ull tlmt Wa>l uil 11he cou­ill'llet'mlt:d tc SKy, fur ..&ac tlllllrtllaer lacnllllnU h.-0...,n langlainJ:: u111l claattiu~ iu Fn:ncla witlJ M IIUetuoit>e!lt~ CartJline. •

'flats Mi1111 n.arlii:uR recci"ecl 118 graciou11ly, gi dug 119 uil tlats Kllllltl fa ienclly s·· .. otiug tin~ c. tlae ulu te11clter land gi ,.,.n 011ly In Mi lllt Clr"utllll!. Two ('h'ltsxnt, kinu hl'ut kU maid .. on l nllrea~ wore tlary, uot•·eay young. l\li1111 A uut-llb confet'~l to h•,·iu; J»t&~c d tlairtj-li\·r. We v.·cae tlaeta· vi>~itoaa tltnC. t•\'t:llita~, Ull•l were rt:l:)ttl~tl with nice tLiugw in tlreir o\\ 11

pntlur. J lditl I \\'Col.t gh·6 you the mode nf ll'l!K~·

meut Ill tlJs~ l'dau<ll ; amJ I- will. It. Wtt!l 11 Jmt.e• cshablial.ameut., the teru111 h~la ( cJr Jt'raACe, l111t. :.lady we1'6 nothing like so high ua. :\I itU< b\·nt.ou'11. 1\t i~ ~·o~at.ou's . chua-ge w>~s at Lou ~ 11 tl.ird bit: lac r, nm.l 11~ MjSM • Fcntuu's we lt11tl tlu ee mouth•' hofiuuy iu the yr11r ; thoMI who nmaained tbrou~h t.Le Lohcln~ll buJ to Le l'"iJ fot-ext111.

'fiJo do a mitorioa were "Jmciopll nud uirr. u KIIIKII, stpl\t'llle, , l~aoroogltly cle1111 l,e.l Ltiing gi ,·t>rr Lo ~>ucla pn)1il. No Fn:nch school fur uiiLI'a "ex C>&n he O\'ercrowJeJ, foa· tlaPy nre \antler the close it,llllf'ction of t.lae ~o,·ea·naueut. ; anu to do 10 Wi)•alJ invol•e lost~ of th~ li­ceuxe to «eE'p one. .A. lura<', airy rvo11a i.'l nlw wny11 ~eL "Jllll·t, •nd 'Clllletl tho inflr::.n~try ; if u P"l'il ia aick ~oho ('-'r 111') i• ins~tatly reruon:J the~, stclulqtlllly nur11eu an" ttllllll'cl, uml 1111

no t~cconnt wb•t.4lvt~r uutyLll4: iulif "''"Y lie oo · cu1'iou ta y tb011e in hOilllla. .

Cl:uag 1 cl•ng I clamg I wet.t. ,t.leo ga·ed !Jell in tht~ ruorniug, wukiog uil oitt. of' our tllcc•put .. ix1 Drt~aeing, prMo,icing, l~nS~nodtJil'liY•lt .. oocupi~ the till t~ight. Mia. J )lmet(lne rt~td l•ntyel'l to tJa,. English l'"l'ila, ~ttl Pro .. ld ... DUI ; Jrt.d~muieelle C.rolino re.d tlactu to tb~t Brf'nob. wbo wero Ruw•n Cdholia. For breakf'at&. tb.,.. wu u mnob \Jreacl and llut&er q . we liM&~ to •t, ud·a amall a....Jn of aooc1 rich milk ror e.ob. &om, or ~·• Eta~· U.S. pt Ia .a.c. &ea in peef~ wlalolt llae1 were •' llLHtJ to a Oa S.nd .. J moruiap Lhe ln.Ufaat .,.. • L ... at : a,.tita aaailat aud oul'e; a l*i•aaaia .,..._a-..~ of rull. We 1tw ._ bot. ,.,, ..,.., ,-.~ ..... u 1~ of. b•U• laob oo6 • U. •• Mvet a-& In ..-a ... IIIIN ~l•o·ahir.IIIMc mllt ......... .... ·~ ............ pi&J'Icl U1J aiM, ~ 11iea ·---*'iea lUI '••l'e. (10 • 0Q!J1111~-..·l


Suo.scmsr.o CA l'ITAr •.. .. •..•. .t:!,OOO,OOO stg. l~.oTAL lsn~STED t:l'-

wAa_o ot· . ... .... . .. .... .. .. . ... 2,750.000 " ANNUAL ISCOlJt~ UI'WAllDS OF 350,0(10 ••

The''O U AHOJAN " lacing n firlltcluss Eut;liKh lmolll nllcc Compnny, ofl .. ns nil tlaO.'it 1\U\·nntu~er lll••:iL ur:.irni,Jo to inRtli'CI"S, ,·iz. unuoulatccl !ltu Lilily, fu,·o r·uhlc Tv1ms uuJ p•·•u"l't s , ttlt:lllt'n t lo rlat ims fo t· lo11•.

Tho r.nJen,it;nccl la·t ,.i.•: l.tecu aoppointNl A gcohl r .... Ne wroiiiiHllunJ i€ W<'IIIIICU to is­llllU P olicies ngttius l b<ts lry Firli'.

J :lMES S WI~TF.R, SL. Julan s.

JOSEPH OIJDDEN, Sui.J-Agent lh. Gruee

PHCENIX Fire ASSurance Company.

1 o .· DO:-.'". L0:\111.\fiD S f HEEl' & (;11 .\fiiNtJ C HOSS

E TAI3LI~YEO Ii'i . 178:?.

lnud would hnvo been l.trought to a doci • thr\t "·ould aunko i&. ul p.-rnu\uuut. valtMG&Q lb. c•Juntry A a hu wa.dt'ratuou. thtt bouuLf bat bku paid herctofuru for clt!llrill'~ lllnu whW:h wu tbc" ~tllc wed lo rew.1i11 60.

IJuu. <.:ot.1JNI.\ L ~t:cn•:nuY thou~ht lla11t. if aueh 11 co11tltliou as thnl 11u:;::elllt!J lly tlw hou. ~-:en· tlt•aao111a "'oro iuacrtcd in thu l>ill it 'II'Oithl rruvl' rl\al~t:r Claounrrn&llit.J,{ auJ upcnuo a.&:ainat thu ill· uuccaueaot to ch·nr ~ouu c .. lttvnte tlau lnaou, whicto ill the !Jtime Ol•jt!Ct of tiJO IDUISUre. '11au UoUnty lJtO!JOI~J tO be ~flllltetJ WOUftJ 110-<Jonbt, in llo\l<lt Cn!ICII Cu rm 1\ cuaushh:t:lblu portion or tho l01!4111 o[ 1\UlJSiSlt•IICU Of lite pt:n!OII cleariU$: tho lilltll wlti lu '' ".S.:"!:~J iu ct ... nrin~ot it, n111l iL would be unwiat! lu in. pose npou him n·atractiunll '' IJicl. woulrl clchtat lh~ intcaotion of tho bill. T he lnml IJUCe Olt'arc•l bt!COuaca iucrenecd iu \nluc ant! e\·en ir uo~ Clll ­livated l.ty tho l"" tic I "bo at~clnian"t.l it, it woultl doubtll'U btt rwnilcd of by ~lhura wLo IYOUill eucccl'd thl!a:a lie quite "PlHlCi.tte<l tho fuaco of ti.Cl Jaou ' j;Cr.II .;III II IJ 'II TCIUCII kt, 1111<! i( tbt-ru w, ·r.: uaurc ca.;!caut'i-t 011 tbt! part of Uau pt·nvlts l•• l' tatlllak on alae culah·11tion of tho aoal ; antl I( th t:i a IC<'t: l18 lOtti' ut <!lllet thnutl.t)' lltl' at J•ftlt-llt, lite IIUliJ.oa h.n ur Lii \IOU!d be a wltu COU IJ-4!.

llun. · ~1. ~:O>"l ot: coniideaetl H:ot the poiut rnin.l L.y t,ou. Mr. Ht-udc·ll "11 w1 llt,,nt. :11..1e uu • jec1 •I., u hllJ1: .tu Et curc a.ot o~oly abc ch!nlin~. Ln'

'f'flU 'T I :t:s k 1>111~;0 1'011!::. nlsu the cuhinuiuu. ul tht! I1111J : 01herwi1c tltu .JorH't•h \\ 111 . Ur1 xeudnle, Esq . Lin '' ill f11i l oC its iuleud.el.lcfh·cr. '1 be Lonuay llri!,low lln\lill. 1•:•1· ani~M iu sotno Clllll'l!l, pny J•CI'JIIC to a ml'l7 clrtot 'ft..: 11un . • Jnmu lti;:g. the latud·:wJ hnve it so. \\ hieh wouiJ l1e uf ,·cry J oho' Clul'lOII, 1 Esq. little use I C wntdl thtt pruwotioll or ll,:(liccahul\. ()ut~\'iua t•: Coopu. l'=*tl), M.l:.. becAuse a·:co l t~.ull, iC ni!O\H'J tu rrruaiu t"". tj "or,:ll Arthur Fllllt:r,l f.' q. Ytllrt ,,;,cultilole i wuuld rclur-~t to its ptlt l itou Chttrlt!8' 1•;. UQodhnrt, lisq. \\ ilclucsa "'ul.l b,-cullat! ovc.:r~; ro~rta "ilh Lataah•ootl. M. IUaocJo flnwfdoe, Bill}. .ll u thoo~bt thote •\dtQ CSIWCt to n-ceivu tltie lib-tilr,Joltu Lubuoek, IS:ut. , l\1 P _, F. lUi eanl l.tuuuty, ah~ultl oil,,:cd to gave proof of

'hnrlcR !'hom!\! Lucas, ~91}. their ~oot.l fnHh Ly pat tia·~ u cro1• In tbu laual ~h'nrlea ~fn.cuny, Jo;..•l· ' Lcluau ol.tlnlnlu;.: h . • • l'hc ll ou. l!:tlwin B. L'ortmnu. .llon,.(.'OLOII'IAL S\!cni1TAIIf - Th!l auu-..Ctiona Vtltlley lto~~:rt ~tnith , bq uot.lcr the sctoracJ clnllr,ll \\Ouhl aet:ntlo mtt-t, to Wtn. J :nee Tlaolllll 011, Eeq. :1 ~:r(':lt.ext~nt, I h., Jl<llllt r~oi•c•l lJJ laou llr, n~ll·

. uo:s. tJ 1ll.;t;'\'Oil ~ ocl l. 'l lley t-tovit:c (I) The Uuvctb(Jr·i•·COIIIJ• • • ~o1b1 ,J • JJ_UJulll'ttJ..u, £sq ur i ehnll llt'puiut q~tt~hhistl ~ll~lful In eACh dec-~ tli.'IA ~I U. ,\IACIJo.I'.\LrJ,t . . tornl J1•ltic~ iu li!U c'olut!Y l~ net all IUrYl'yuN F II AI'\Cit; u. ~IACJ)();I; I\LO, r Join~ &CI'tla:·.c.r. . . ior the p ll t ln Cc-8 of all ill Aca; lht! II RilleS ur lUCia

'flat~ 1:11g l~tllll.lllll of tit a, OJhct~ ••e ~unrt~n·· peaec t.a llh•"' IJc ·puLii•lat'd it• the I:111/C1l (l'uzt llo tt!eill ·)' 11 llllltr\:I'OU!ll\IICI weniLiry Pa'Opt i~hll·y . nutl tle\YII '"Vt'rl ia• tL~ culou1 (~) J!:,·.,ry ruhlitiun ttJ u I urge in~~ slcu Cu pi ttl I ; nncl ths pc110u tlt-&ia ou11 t~f olltRiuinl! tht lt•ltiiUI fur cltul­l''"uanptitntlo ntad li\~r.&lity 'with wla,ch cldi111a 111g .-l\lt6 hllltl pruyu)~d Ly tl,~ lia!t ae .t~un u( t,11 , I' u!w,1y8 yeeu wet, .no \Yt::l·k~uwu auaJ tLu A'i.t•aluall lllbku, an "I'J'hc.atton au w.utau~ to ACkl wlOcl '(,) I ~ ouo or thu .llrf8\

1t>,. IJ!JtOlnleJ UlltU t.ltll .Aut UC' ,

10 • ~ ' • , t.J th11 ()ru•u tAntl•' ofllctt, flet lhil! I 1 («) Thu

1'ho ;m}.at:lt' nee of ~he trdn~c~JOI\,!1, of the 11111111:. o:culfulou anJ rt'ehlenoe .-,1 & 0 "I'VIIc.uaa ; llHE lX FJltE OJi lt:Jv li~ ' (b) 11.iu ehuaaion, llouudl\lit:uutl t(~:.c:a lpciuu f

aoay bO ollllu~•teJ fron1 llau fl\c' tluu alue'o itt tint ltuul prol~•.d to Lo c leaaeJ fvr clllllftlltOII, "'"l..tli.lhn.c:ut-uow o•er 0~£ Ut.'NDICED Y"liAI.a -· (c-) 'fbo titltt auU cl~tuo thereto, ahd (J) 'J ba" the 1"'11.11tUtl in aatierl\etiou of Ull\lr~a ror I.e•• lbtt •l'vlicaul iull:!lada INII#f .fi·lc co clllu••·· ,,,., • hA\' " uceodod (ot!trr~u MJLLtu~l:l t5'n:m.t~u . cc•utiaaue to t'ttl&n·attt '"" ••'-' l•hd. Thi• •••••"'

luaurane\'1 "~"iun Lo .. b1 ~ito 11{»11 l.ia:htn· .. h<~w Uru iot~·naiun :o be tTrelaoll I• am''" ..., tiro eaecll~d b1 the Cotppauy 'IJOU e¥411} llu c.'leatcu •hull1 lor tl.• J·•••IK>Pe nr 6\.tJoia•it•l( dacrlvtiCMa uf l'rQrrtJ, ou the au~t furorabh1 ••·• L~Ja.ul. 'lt •• "I'J·IiCJ.IIt fvr u ".-at ...... ,. • ttr&llt4, ' . aabd nrah..a dacl•t"tlnu tlalfl It• •t .. r ,_.,

W. & 0 fi~'J) Ct .L, fi It: h.tea.tibu to cahfttw.- tl1• laMln•• oe ... rt•• St.Jo ~li, it. A ••tal ciJtlulll)'llt caanh•tt MtUit·r.,..., .....

''~'rtti./~:,.}1' u:[uflutl,'aiiJ t:ot ol l:h .• lt•~\.lt' l'l'-' 'itd t\~ua; \,\. t. )•

THE .H.AltBOR GRACE ~,l,ANDARD, JUN'E 16~ 1888.

\n ariN Iron: tb• fact that a 1arP portion of the Jaud that •oald be n1...,...S aall~ &be bill woald be cl.-nd iu lbe Fall lleaMD ; Uld to. hep Ute a,•-non oleariar it. witftoa& the" booaa. uutil the foliRwinl apring wool<!, in 'maaJ oastt1. eat•il a hardabip. Rnd to aome nteot. hamper the object. "'bich tbe~ill bu in 'tiew, bJ i111poeior,a rutrio· tioo upon the clelltiaiC of the land. Acain, if a IDil" l•no~ ~ached' tlw "POint of bl\'ln~t cleared tfle Jaod, m•J ueed tl•e bonua to eaabte· hlw to procure aced to crop i~ Tbe main objeo' of tbe booua ia to enoourap •aad faoilitato the cnl· tlntiou of tbe eoil u a woana of eupport. for thoee who ma7 'be thua urged to eutl,ark. iu aud eoule opoa it.. Were it auppoaablcl tbat adnn­cage ruigh' be tahn of tbo proriatonl of tbe bill. aimply to elut•laud. with the oltject of obtaiuiog tbe bonua, aa1l uot with the view of beUering &b.apoaltiou aod menna of thoao undertAking It, r~ia •oald be ao uuwiae t>Xpeudlture of the pub­lic moni'J . 'J.11e atimulua •ITordorl by this bill i• " liberal one, a ud it would oo ho1.olitio to euact cotditi"ns wl.ich miKht lru11trate th6 end which it ace'-• to promote. A a ~ttewp~ w"' m11de Jut fal l to p1ovide labor for V'"<~ple a t J>ilcJo io ~ho way of cltmriug laud, and by giYins: those em· ployed io the work the nUlouut of booue )let

ocru pro\'ided lJy tho A~:ri~:altaral Act of !RaG, '4'hieh "aa larger io a10ouot than that oow pro· posed, but it waa fouud ti.Kt tho wagta ao euued wore no& 11ufficieut to support tbem ; hence he thought the re need be littlo apprfhenaion th:lt the bonus grauttd under tills bill will be nbuaed in the Ulnuucr BUI(geated, uor tlln~ nny ooo will appiJ for, or receif~ it, ~:x04:ptlbote who ha\'&1111 hooeaL iuteotioa to cultinttt thtt laud aa well aa clear tL Jf it be found that. tb.e generosity of Ute Legislature bo abuaed, the bill 11111 hertt· ~~iter .be amended.

(f"o be COIIlillttttf.)

clieeuo which oat abort lalt me ft.ll upon blm• phJiiol'ollJ and Ia ohanocer die ideal of • ba' a. Klag aod a Kaiauo allCMild be. lie wu a apleatU.I tJpe of pb,.loal maabood of U.. '.hutoaio l:Jpe­tall neu awoal(t& tallmon. bloe •J•d. aod fair­l•airecJ, · w!lb U•e mi•n of a .olclier. He wa• one who coold impreu Wmaelf b.J hla mere preaea.ce upon bi• poople, aud tbe reoord of bla life Roet to pro.e tbaL tho haward OoN of tlto mao wu u 1011ad u bia rxt.o lor wu atriltlog. .

Ia the Neue Palace, built. b7 Frederick tfle Great, alter the oloee of Uae Sevea Yean' W a r, waa boro ou the l)StiJ ol Oetober, tij! l, Froderick William of l'ru..ia. NiLe Je&rl alter hie birth, l''red"trick William IV •• bil obildleu uocle, U· Ct'Uded Ule throno of rruaia, and the yoat" l'liuce became tbort~fore the uatural heir to the tbronP. lie wu broaahL up at O.belsbu~, the place wbinh baa alwa,-. beeo the oearu~ to bia !leart. Ill• motbtr. tho Empre .. Auguatn, the puril or OoeLhe and the friend uf UnmbolcJL, bnd "o sroall ahara io directlug tbe rduCDtioo and fix: }ng the character of the rDJal boy. Ue wu nO! ouly traiued iu wiud lore, but, in aecordr~nec with the fomiiJ tracJitiou, be "'"' thorouJ:bly

eel frOID tbe JODDR eriaett, aad he waa a good etadeaH' Lbe Careel lll~eb &bc»ol. lli1 ruiliwry ~aoatloa 11M ....... dlllried oa •• l'ol8dam, azul he w a' leur. tlie wtth of bel,lg •hie to wolk bard. Ia 1881 be married tbe J•riacda Victoria of Aqalteubora, aud a Mil and heir hu been bora to bl~n. IJe Ia ulllqrtooaleiJ deformed; Ule llnpra of ltla left. baad beluaatuuttd. Ue i• &. aoldler before ell ..... aud It was raruored that be bad broltea witll Ilia father a ad 1110tber oo quo a· tiooa of pll~lle polloy :-ht &bla eeen\1 mere run.or. IJo bat nner blk.~ anr ., • .., prontinrnc par& io public a fain. A_!ld ! hl~ ado1•tioo of Priuce Oil· watck'a worda, " We llraudeubur~ta f.-r God aud we fear aolhiog et.e," u bia oul7 rocorc:hsd pnblic at&temout. • I. •

lfow be will aucceod iu the nr7 rupon1iblo poaittob wblola be bu aow uaum\td tbtt cowiut; yuan will tell. • • ' -.. -


:Big vorlUJ· K~darato Vo:raros. traioed in a bnudicraft.-carpentr}-and became A KODIUTE tiegrte of aucceai, we arc also a book Lioder. Ilia tutor ""' BroeaL Car· tiua, tbe hiator1ao of Greece: nod froul hie bauds (IIPasod t.o say, Jet con tinned t.o attend the be paaaed iuto tho Finat Reaimeulof FootGuardll, opel·ationa of that. por L~on of our "hl\rdy sationed at l,OtlcJaru. Jle ttU C)IUpt'IJ.:u to do toiJera" engH.ged- in ~~~0 prosecution of the tho whole <Uuy of au ort.lioary lieut.enaot, aod be D~&oking ioduat.ry. Those wLo lul\'e lac.dy re­had to carry out a co~rae of aturly in the art of turneJ fro~t that ~ehery had, many of them, \Ur, b•11idea, that woal German ottlccna wnuhl fair ,,vorage •l&t.chett,, ~·ery few of t~em, h ow­hnvo thou~:I.J t enou~ll of itaelf Frorl'l tho Fool e\·er, b1ul whAt ~n .lie regan.lod WI fira~ ct1488 Gouda htt wu aeut u a atudeo& to Dono, •nd ones. 'l'IJe volu'~ol>f tLe " voyage" "l' 1.o the apeetJily Ullde biUltrlf popular lOA dill.rict·Wbere

11,... ..... ,...t. tillle it a ......:.t cJea} abort of &hat. of

the naa.e .. rru•i&' wu hated. • ..._. 6"""" Jo t8bl be w~nt to l!:utclaud to atteud the Opt'D• laa~ Jet&r. We Cil~ot. 1111, tUO\lgh, that tltia

ioar or tho ftnat. l nternatiooal Exltlbitiou. aud dllr- should be COIUiidered "-miafurLune. . Fur, iDi thal a4ort TWI. be lcaroet.l aometbiug or We "l'~k Lo 6XJIOriencoJ &nking lll•Uotera on tho ~wer Of a free pt'Oplo-aud fell in IOYO •itb the suloject_ ~nd they wilJ ~11 yon thut the " voy•

~ i~-~~.r~. Priueuaa ltoyal. After he lufL Uonn, he again lll(e'' t.u~&t. .lwl\ya 11ay11 tuft ~l, th•t. alwnya tlUf .I&UIUH U eutered the UliJitaryterYICe, and i tudiecJ the lrL

of war aL t•ol.adam and Hrealnu. leaves the biggest. m~&rgiu lo lJoth suppliers, -ANo- Iu l~:!·ho •iaitecJ ~t. Puterebur1 , and helcl hia commatnderK, und crew, is not tho lou l~&rge,

. ~G_o_N_c_·~E-'/'~T_"._.ON B-!_:_:__'l!!!!!!.!:!!.f!!!; .. "'" owu io that coort, iu a IUlloner not 6atteriul( hut tho ruodorato one. h is Lhe opinion of ::iATU HVA Y, J .u~ ~ Hi, 1~. to tbu lluaainu idea that Pruuia wu a mt:ro •p· thoeo wu•1 ttre the w011t qttH.tifioo 1.0 11p&tk au-

~~--- ---~--- peucJage of tbe Curdom. lu 1866 be ,·iaitt:d, thoritut.i,·ely iu regard tu tl..e matter, t.hut tho

The Late Emperor Frederi.Ck ~apoll!ou UI. at l'aria. 11yatem o n whi.:l1 t.ho Bank H11hery ia cun!&l • lo 1 ~. tb11 urszotintions huing beon com· 011 iu Durin, in Fortu.1o 11.ud in Orand R111k

pleterl, the C rown Priuee of l'ruuia muril!d thtt i.'l t •. v fut· t.ho Lest 0116, PI!OIIIO "I' ther~: who YESTERDAY morning the ~le ill OU,Ilht tho P.riuceu ltoyal o r Great Britain. llllll the rouug

moumlul intollic;onco dulL Frctle riclr, Kin~ of c:onvl11 ut:l!au life in lll!rliu . '1 ho Cro • n L'riucu L:now-peol'le of experiencu-do not "go in" l'rnllSill und Empe t·or of Oennuuy, \VJI.S lyin; ltad a,ccu IIIUCI.J imp1e81t:d with lhl! sull.tautinl ro .. lli~ ofO)I\I;~. ~ut. we ll Klllislie,l j( a It' the point of death; thut constant te la· proarcrity or Gr~nt Utha.hl on hialirsl vi11it. Tltts 5·uory vessi:l a~c11rtJ 1,!»00 to 2,000 t}nint.u.l~.

iflflu~:uco or Priuco Alhert and hit further eX· Arul eve n I~ ~Uitll Lhalo will l'"Y ILUUif of ~r&J'lti:: IUCl!Sugcs wero ueiug SCII~ to Q•rt:~n pctieuco of Eu~la ltt l Cl)llllrmed hia Lillllml vi~"· s . tlu:m . ViciOtill in regard to the &r<rio u.-ucRS u l his aucJ uuulo hiUI 1\ atro11 .. er noh·ocKto thnlJ O\"t•r of 1 1 · f

.1· · 1 6 • 1 k l · " Un!l l!OOr rfl!ln ~ uccrumg rom th«:> Jr.otlcr-.conutttou; I Jut u~ o c oc on liC l•tcnous cuuatitntiou11l mclh.Jdll.. \\'hou, lJct•Hlt:ll l~G~ · · de culch iJ lhl\t th11 ti11h will, in tho lihtt tJ\"eum:; he was in u COQI~ to:o;c·. Tlta l nntl 18tH. his fKther, th~n Kiu:; or f'ruMia, .rc-

the wh'>lc. Cou rL lnu.l a sscmlllecl ut. tiiiJ l'oll · ve.._d his pulicy, ou•l cndura.:J thu pr111ci1•le of l'l uct>, lou t•rup••rly 10JIIit; next, th~t ic. will Lo uce. tuo L~>~tJ:~t· of t he llritiah Huu:sc rc,.ctiou, it ie11ret1y well -known that th11 Crnwu wull CMN fur, w•·lllrumlluJ, ullll, hotter tlmn of Uouuuons huu infonneu tha t uoJy tha t l'rinc:c. nutf l.iil wiro were almo<~t aluuu ·iu ''"" atll, woll Ju,,tl,•. T !IU cll"c:c~ uf ull tlli:i ill thut

1 I I court p:~rty tu oppo&in~ hia f:~ther"11 nc· io n. " _t;rPnt 11111Liun of Ll•tl cutc h will lnru •llll t .len: W:\ll 00 wpa t lu'. th ~: J!;..,l'cnH' ·~ ouiJ Iu 18'" l1e s.~w ·~ar fur tlte ,·,-t ,,·,u.: 1· ,, th~ '' 1 'I I · \\' 1 -•

II .. · _, . I 1rt " " •• ~ w urclusnt.nlt t.t , nut .. 111 t>lra, or ~·· uu ics, 1"11 Y; lut\t JClitc fl'hua!luuy) uflernouu S.:l.t .. a• i••·llolllteiu cn111ruoi.:h, 1\nll succecolc:•l • •I- 1 1 J ( L E ) I 1 · f 1 "' ,... out i:1t00 frl'lJIIOIILiy lu1: c•~>IO WhP.n llu \ '1).)"1\).:H 10 I e ' llll>ei"(U' llll wnttcn u h:w .trcw~tl utin\hly iu ptcveutin~o: a acriuui« tlcRollucl. bdu~

· ' u k l' II 1 · · 1 1 i:1 u"cr ltll'""· Thu !!rntiryiurr c·m~t·nuoucu i4 worull W .ui9UI41"C •. • ro m rt l 1111 t t cou l cr~u.ted by truuiJlu butwucu the l'r u~:oi:m L!l'ner.dtl. .. ~ o ·r pl11iuly be seen lh!l t the cnJ wus no t f•r ott", lu HS!:6 ht: toro k t lt e lidd aR "~t.tllt.trnl uf rhvi· tlutL llll' li11lr rf'ali~•'Sn ;;u•,. J n,t1r~;;11 l•riCt·. 'that tho Emlll!l 01 ·~ ,·,·e<~ry .life , wcukonet..' li·l 110 11 , with Uunernl lllu.oeuthal ltl4 hilS chief or 'l'llllrC ill )'l!t. IIIII tllor n•h'llllt.ll~ll l't!:ill lt iuj; )Uuch lry Lho lrc~t''Y s ulfuriu:;:; 1111 )tad fur aratrT. lie C!llllll Lack hom thnt IUIIIIJtl\i.:n the from .hu IIIO<Itm ttu ll'Y•t.g~ which to tlu. .. cn·iu~

I iJol or I he Pru~illrt aoltlitsr; '""' · Whllt WNI lllltfU, uf hl•·•~t.iuu . lt i~ tlt i.c,. \ i:t., I !rat i~ lca..J>i to IIIOnt J :l pnst !10 uruvuly UIIJc rgou r , wu.s 110\111 IIU l•n·' A~ rrl·~ · · tltM c.oJtll'oi~ I IC:I!' · ·f olti··" rll 118 ·····II ·I

1. 1 I u.... ~u .. ~ " ~- ·~ I'YrtlltiOJ l'Collnlii.V, fur,.iL 1.. l111l IIIHIIJ",d to• ='"I'" IIUO\It to c ose. \V heu I li!ICIOIO tho lUll Ill· R8 W IJ D. Tlhl a.:rcnL Ullt\lci or ::iKlltt\\1\ hM. iu fKct. t:o

II . 1 · . 1 .• 1 J · .t JIOAO lh.,t, "l ... u . tho c:>t tch i1 tv..> J,. r••r!, I~ t c 1g~nce tl'lt tt tuu c: OS!:' n us rcccrvcu uot.~n CJ\IIt:d lt i~ r ictory, beCo'\11111! ht~ tl io~cu\·,.r.,d the ,... luter iu tho duy, it WoLS u ot IJC;u·,l wiLl.• tl•o \l"t:nk 11pot iu til{, enemy's Jiuu altuut thu (1\mo ull 1-couomy \\ il! 1111 1'111 \:~tlll'tl, nwl thu CO>it of thu m ournful aurprisu with which it wo uJ,J othe r- •· Tr .. e c.f Ssu""•" thru"' thtt (;unrols upuu it. l!ollllouc l' Ollt:Wqnuntly luru uut f~tr wvre tu11n wiso h1t1·e Lecn. The 01 c luuc ho ly o\·1m t uro kt: tl.e Auatri:111R. hu~:a, t nnlt'ol thcir 11u•'<. it ous.:lu. to. crauLetl tlcep and wiJesprcuJ r E!grut. Thu o.u•l c:•~JIIIrcJ thec:l!utruortlteirpositiuu. \Vhcn, (\Vu1uuy :Add ltot'f'1 p~t ontlwticallv,thnttln-J,.to Jj:lfiJIOrOrSCCIIItUllliiiO:tt U !ICISOIIIII fricllll. &ll tho IIUU \U.B 11iu ldn~. the rnthcr met thu S t iR t'Xl"'II'O of tlltl VUJ114Jl<( Mt t .IO atfurU •IIICIIllOIICtl

' "" ror ..... r SlliJ, • . TIJUU Lllllt thO 'A" II Ql\ltftCily" ... I ..... ~ I.R \ I I I I Ll "t . Much II)'W)Jillhy had Lt!Cil 0\'0koJ fol' uim in 11 lcaucr. n r ·· p rl . ..:-~ • vu car I " I l;'"" ttlt ll'rl y' llltiC.I II · 1 1 1. f '- 1 t..,Jow t he 111 t' rK!J" 11f utlr~<r luc.llitit-s . TltiH 1:s

11 ctrc es-ay1upatty uoro o Luo onwo stru0· A auontiJ Ia tor lliamnrck "JUt arJmirnlJiy u;oi~tutl o glc which fot· ruany months Ito ~uJ llcen ~u IJy tho Cro wu l'riuc:u io urina.:iuiC lo 11n uurl ·tl•u 1' ~ircnmHhtll~ wurth nul irlg-it id wull Jo JteroiCillly Wl\2ing wit.h the fPII Jise~lliO that w~us c"••fl ic:t b.:tw<:tsn tht: Crowu anJ tho !', ~nr in~ of OXLl'IIHi,·e imiru t ittn .) J e(ying the Lest mcdicul 11k.illtbP. woriJ couhl -pt.:JL~tpa lhu ~;n::tteat a~:nic..~ ho cuuiJ r.,udcsr Tiro r& ttlt uf nil thi:~ it~ tltatt, witl• mo.J,.mte alford. l$ut it i:~nll Du'V .• " lifc'd uuth to IJia C:\tLer aull hie couut ry. Cl\tCitet~ o f tit~!., 111nuy of tltu JlttOplo uf thu fitfu l fevo r Le !llcep!l well." \Yh11u thu l'r:\llco-l'rutllicau lfllr broke out, tho nLO\'C nauuc:J J•lnet'll. ure a111ddu~ 1110111'Yr

"'I f E • l. l 1 I. I COWipaud or tbo ::iouth·Uertmlna wu ~:ivtsll Ill lhts lllltl atro y~r t.y ytmr utltlin).! LO Lolli the ir .L to atuLc o 1111>et"Ot"ll u'tt lu l.tte Y coulJ Crowu l'riuce, nuolthts utrect IIi• 1•er~oual iuOu · · ~

' · - '- '- • • .1 1 .1 -1 "pl11.11t a.uJ cruft. \Vu lllll.V num~wn hort~ th-t : ..., seen uy lue te.11grams rcc~tveu •ere uut y . uocu ov.:r the 11ultliura lm•l in brin~tiuK about tit<r· Jt would havo uec u notiet!U t. on the 7th mun uuity wi.Jilo h cauuot bts 1uonuruJ mu"t uot wo huuJ of ol•n person up Lo Lhe \VUHtwnrJ of ltUit mouth II.IIOt!Jer uusce11:1 ),ud ba·oken iu IJo for~;ottcn. Hu aoou becamo tlt•ir Unser who l11.11t yuu.r Luught a \'e:~Hel which coat bitu th" EmtlC~rll U.~rc.ut. Th11.t. 011 lho llt!J he Frit%-t.heir battle lcacJor-iu wi.Jose worJa, gea- £!)00. Hiat who),, catch ot fi11b tltllt. Hellsou W llS llltid t \Jo alo wly gllining at.reng~u, lUilt lure, JlrtffUUCil. there WIUI victory, "nd who W.&l 1Jid 110~ og;:r(lg.t,e IUO~ ~hHD 10()(}

•- .• · 1 · , · atill ouo of ti.Jemaelvea. II iauid that one boauli- Dnt uevea Ll1elea he ))JliU fur hit~ out lit, ttu·1 .on tu&~ u.t e wu.s n mu 1011ra m his &t\luy. u ' l'l 11• 1 . '- ful cveniug tbo }'rio~. allrl\e~ll by tbo ~:uor~y of left only " lnatanc~ uf £ 100 011 It~ schooner

l&t l8 tltrcug wns tucrc:.L:Jiog; l ul\t ou the a •penk11r iu n littll' uroup of auldiona, J'oinell it, • • 18 t •· . l . 1 lked 1 .I " unlittnitlllted. . · t 1 ue urovo out lliJu wu · tt s 10rt. u111 · sat llowu nwoog tbtt rcat, aud aakod what they ,

tnnce. Tl1at oo~1e 19th it. wtUO attid Vircho•v wore talking aiJout. A yunn.: lt'r;eaut w118 T!JingR, howe\'el", it must uo said, .are eomo-flliled Lo tli1.4:ovor 'Y~Liug of. a ~ncurous QO.· pointed 00~ as tho epe,.ker. •ull hi oxpl•ioell ~ wllnt dilf~rout from lhi~S in Pluooutin. H ere, t.uro io hi• tln-<Y.a • tlult. da.y he wu.s UP.t· .• Well, of COUnlll we wore talltiog al!Out our Yic- whe\"0 tlut catch or fillh for lhe ltl.1t two Y611nl 'l'bA.t.Jm. tho ~ Lis puhso \fiUI firmer tones, and I wu ~x1JI11iuing to thek youog Wall oxc"ption~lly la~.rgo, we know of ontt in· thnn it Wll8 fO?-tWo' IIIOUt!JB, llnt.l t.Jtat there 111011 how four yMre aa.:o if we had ~~~~ you lO IJ ... IIC6 of tWO 6 dtJfY 1'~61K whose respe.:th·o

I . 16ad oa we altoulcJ hue tuade ~rt work of tho!kl J11 r.o. avcrag~ 2,300 quint11t11 01tch 81!1\SUn. wus tl genet·• ll!lJli'OV<'n.IOot in his "'Oudition; oouf-- Pruaaiaosl" • ... _ . I. I 1)1 I d ')7 I. . • • 1 u ) f(ut yet·, notwithtl~nJiu~ this, uoth those .. u. .. uo wru:, on t 10 ,..~t 1 nu ~ tu, 11teuu1 y .U waa tho llanriaua aoll "urtem~r11era uo· -iulproviog j tlu2t on tho 28th Dr. M~~oclceuzie de r Uoser r'rit& who first rr tbll G.snnau arruiea. ontfL liN llOW hCil vii}' iu doLt.-t.o lillY uothiurr b~~od inserted another caUJulu. in ILia throut, l\fter rho ahort flurott OvhL at.llicetre. loolttrl up- of thP de te1·ioration of tho \'esst~ls ()C(:ttllion.,j ttnd that f1is alrttn;;tb WLS increasing. Thnt ou Paris. 'l'beu f~ u.a for t lut firat tune that by la~.pso uf t iwe 11ttd the tscoump•uyin:;' wear ou Jur.o 2ntl lae ho.J sone to Po~llm lty with thtt ligbtl of Pari• thiuinl{ before tbeto tbe ·aud t.ear.' Now, wbHt hll.!l llecn ·.he C&llde of

.1 ,_ 1 1. r 6uutb Gl!rutaos raiaed the about, " llultb to all this 1 Wily ahv.uld Platconti& in tlae t\bove stu:.~ruer, anu tuu~ IO Wll.& nouo lue W01"116 IUr Willil\rn, Getltll\0 Kaiaer li.Jilt u to Le r· t.1 a t i(l T'- • •· c.'· · f t•· 3 ·• 1 rea peeL pre~nut . a reoor l uilfureut from t!Jac. ' r · ua .. ~u ue wormug 0 ue l"u 1e Tho lif.s of tho Crowu Prioce, aiuce he laid lulu driven O"Ut in lhe prtrk at &rlin with Lho dowo 1;11 leadioJ: u.JI' up to the t.ime of tbe ap. of the three 111~ referred to 1 'rhe t'CI&JJOn ~pre.; ~d IJM'Dt • good Jual voara'lce of tbo dlaeue wbioll ended hia brilliant. ia not far t.o 118Uk. It mu~ be admitted i' ia of time io t.Le castle-il'n.lttn; atld that. at G cartter, wu aueY4Uilful. Hia matri..d life wu bee,&uae of ·t~ extra•-rnt ay.t.em in Yogue ~m. he dcowe in open carriage wiLb t.lle Em· cxceptiooaJiy llappy, aad Ida bappio .. wu large. t.bore, a ayat.~:ru wbiob muee it. very ex ~ aocll>r • .M1&Ckeozie to Lhe ruarllle pal.. ly bount.l up Ia ltia wife a~ad oblldrea. Jo a paper pensh·e to piX'aoeule Lhe Banking voyage

JIIOe &o riai' the CWnru Priuoe, remaioing II.U upon tb.s Genoao Crowa PriDce, llerr Guorge from tbat place whb a f•ir margin of flrOii~ L -.._- •L- « '- • •- IJl' d Vao Buuaen aaitJ of hi .. : either Lo nebooner ow.uen or au..,,Jiera or D&en . .. onr. .&AAt. OD ..,. "'~0 U&St;. ue auuorl' (roru •· lie truata tbe pe<'ple. He peraisJe in be lin- ra heMacbe"tl&le to OJ.Ijlte..ivti b81lt ; tllat in ioi in UaeiJ' r ight.-wiudedoeu. h ia bia ftrru be· Now, in •iew of the aforegoing "trikiug We al&.mooo &be bOIM.L&cLe, llnU ue litsf tlJU the QuauimitJ\()f tbe nation DO~ only conaidentrlOIUI, ,. ir,uureaaou"ule to think t.baL

.lirote &o Borostedt wiJ.h c.he Emvreu 11utl Dr. produced U.e Gonaan Yi~&Ories, bu~ tha~ to I' 11 k4#ji.A-rllOJ'' oar:-'.Ill il-Q1'ftJU1' etJOnomy-llaekenzie j 'bat. on hia IO~Urn be 1pen' tome duo thiS IUMeal of lhOM who labored to brio" are t.ho d•iden&ta arf'llr at Jeutaa 'be &nk· tjrne in, JJ~~rk. That on the 9th he w..&a •bout tbe creatloo of a WJited e111plr~. llis es· log indnatry ia ooooen.ed t Or t.IJat. that -•-·''1 · · Tl l 13 h ·w -·• aeutlallr broad •I••• Ia Nlliloua aod political abonl~ IJe tbe motto' of all o~tr B.nken t _, 1 lWIJNVIDg. ten ou t. te t. < cu· wattera will Maud biru ia "'OOd ·•-tl ia tho tim•• F b I ·1· -··1-y L~c.) ..... ••·e •- tl ' · · tell • - - urt er: • &b,. Jlretump,ion am irnu.iooal - .-.. -n•o '!" •-r tug IU t.gence that are approacblhKo'' • · &.hd th" .EDIJJeJOr'• cout.litiou wiUI a{;1liu •l)\rru- .Aud uow the IDaa who had bteo 10 lona lo ono that we are oatcbing too wuoh Gala ~&nt! iug; Ue~&t. t.lte Cruwu .P• ince bad been &llhT· tftinlbl &o Jill c.bla place of 0Yertonl of the Ger· at too bigh a 00111& t Would it. niX I..,Y ua anolt~ 10 , .. t.~. 'l'hes epd ..waa uos; f•r ruaua hu had the baod of ~lb laid upoa ~hn. lleLlA!r were we (1) t.o out down evef're• uft Vriday'• teltogra:u Lroualat the wol · lu1tead ofateeriorlbe ship ohtate ooward, ho di· onrriog curpen.tte8; (2) t.o ~U»b ,1~ ftah; and· e~nclwly ..... ref~rl'N 1.o ut opesuina or rected ill oouract buUor amOIUa.,. The life Lbat (3) t.o oare it' beuer, and thus make it" uaore tbiia •rtioJe •.n,., Rml'eror Wll8 d'ing. n., ruigbt. hue dooo for GeriDIUJ what I& may now marlretaLle art.icle1 Were tlaia done, would 1 '·~• h' 1 1 , 1 a.. .a _ take oeaturlltl of padualgrowth to rlo, haa ju" uot. the claauoea tor liJOf'Ol&ro6t.aLio l"eelliu~ion •n.t.'- II aallt. ., 1 'aC UC:• 1GaL8ru.y, facJ"d OD&. h IDIJ be thA& the li"IDtift tuaCfaJue £_

' '" -• _. .a •· b • 1 · · " .. ue all Lbe "-tter f ' "u ... ., . ......... wu MJa t ure a.a nttUM excate wbiob hu beeu onat.d to pNMne GtrmeDJ'• m .. ru au JJerlw.. Aluoh 10rrow it lei& i:.a Lon· oa&ward at~~lfllt ud wbiob ia d~Jiul "er .Apira.- Ia lt. poeaible tor any ahore orew '""' ; II• '•re Jl1ius half---'; tlseA it 80&Gal -..,ut Itt llritadU., CMal ...... 'e In·-. wu t.o laaadle PfOI-'1 P eoonlJOU vofip, eta· s......n.l •uqmin,; Cf'UW&fa .aurrucand!ld Lhe ~ ••o•p to baye paillcl down Uaeer frill ....... , &bd ponion of i& ~ .... lo t;be ; ""''""101\ ctf &Jte (i.ti'WIUI •ml~, upte~~~ u well ; bta&, 1tr0n1 • fe ... _..... ... too INIOn t 1• it aot Nt1aeaW. t.o llliak &here-, · ••. tn~....: IJ-=•'-• u rl' wu atrolaC a.d..,... ... rfPI. rn. aafortiiD• fore tba&, laki- ODe ._, wit.b another, a Jilt( lhptr a,. •• _,, .1-IIW .-._ c• ......... at• &If&& MllrM 80 .Oft A i1at lo a,., for It: eftftft f ._ I

•111 ..., au ..W...ut ooaduleaGo ou Aload.tJ. JJtR., 1,,.. ~ . .,. - qa u&al \'01 ... will fOllliM more &laao a

· . . 1bt la&t te.~ttrllr'ol..,. be -:=-~~~ qD&acal one 1 Wbell .... aDd ftakea A,,...,,..... tli ...,.,_,olho ..,e,lamntecl bJial.toDi'\fl ... ofP...e.s tl '"tteelppd •1' wilh too tDaolt .._..,it tlaere Jf~ Wll& taaw. • .._...,, Ia(~ a& &h Ue wM bora Ia lfNII, ..t li .......,... ....,. IG 1M •*• 1 ,. lr\Moa .. t 0...

.,...... ... ,, w ....... , ..... ellor\.-. .. , .. m,1~ot .... u._ ........ ...,. ttftlt•cd•..,.• t..._ ..... ..._,&ecl ~I ~ .,..,...._. • -~ .. --~- ~of lat.latla•.,.~qo~~t•1J Dr 10•4 •' ~'II lfo•-tbe eilltGII (to ...,., a •.,ca•.c ~~ cua .._ ·~ llidl' lfl• fctll. peCtr. ,,_._.,... ......_.. . .,_.....,. laoliWJ ~f11itJM io ._ ., &o at•• &1M

cake" &o tlle man wlio report& ~e IJlcceat. quaotlt.1 or 61Jb- wit.bouc. any .,_rd eilher w qtlalily or wba& n 001&8 to catch the VOfl&f•

'The r.oL ahot:ld D~ be loat.lligh~ of, Utat all thll 6•h hu t.o go to the ume -with tbtt to-bto expeot"MM efl'ec:c. that. the .uig catch of iuferior qualit.y bl'NJra clown the ruarkot.a, anil, u tho fith bu all Lo go Corw•rd, tht>y eelt.lom or ne,·er get a chaoee l.o reco\·er. ---Tbe few afo1-eaoing· obaervl\tinnll will, we llo1Je, oomateotl c.hemaelvea to t.he thoughtful conaiderat.ion of t.he t.bougbt(ul re.tler. It docs oot a•nely talce much .of a l'rophet Lo ptoediofthJtt, aooner or Ltc,er, Lefore, it. may lit-, tho htpae of many more years; we aball ba\'e t.o adopt. t.he plan of acti'ln l"er.J l1rieOy and iu1pea-footly out.linoo ~bol'e. . We 'ctiu euily im11.gine thu sonte, llt!rhaps m any, amongt~t ur will be) tempted to say-" t.he sooner better for all int.et81la concerned."

One othc:r reruuk in this coonecLion lJeforo wo close :

Some or our &ukin~ Companies here lul\'8 seen wiao Lo adopt wh~~ot we. f~l inolinc~l to regat-d ua the ~nsible, fur.seeing tnetbocl of mttking t bn Cttpta~ila uf their achoouera ah1nt'· holden, t.o" grttttter ot lf'-1'1 oxt.ent as tho cnsa m ay bo. Thill j~ good, \'ery good, 80 .lS it g~. Dnt does not ttOmotltin!( yet remnin to be done in orJor lo adti to the prolltulllcnc~~R ot tho ,a&Uo\'O struggling indtY'tl;y-l.o m11L:e it lucrative in the Lro.dttMt lleDRe or the term­to plaets it. on tt more aul•taotiKI fuoliug than it lllll8L U6 confeaaocl it. now rest.a on- foun· r.lation th~t& will no~ bo aetiously BKppcd or untlurmincd by one or two lmJ \'Oyagf\111 1s it n ot the c-.tae that, "8 tho fiabPry ia nt present. cund~•cted , much loss annually occurs LO ownon1 by r~uaon of thn dcturiomti, n of ,l.hs \'tli~S~I, loss of \'Klnnltlo geur, together with tho thonsHml Rn<l one othet· expe nses cons:,untly ntt<•ncling thtl ouLfi~ nnJ muintcn· 1111~ of tho cruh. 1 Otn LhiR \Jo olt \' itt.ted, if pot in whul~ ttt. l~nst in 11.1rt 1 We Lcliovo it c:m lO u ~rcn~ ex·~u~. ll~w 'l l\lo1'tlly l•y hawiu~ t ho cruw inLert!Stetl in ll.o \"OY"S'-'• lht'refmo in tho wholt~ expem•o uttetuhmL there· on. 'l'l111t i.", lty gi ' ·in<; the m n 1<h:1re in tho ..!lip, 1\11·1 c.hns 1u:1kt: tuoo1 li~thlo fut thei r prc ­)'Orti .. n of cos c. ol ou t lit, wrru· on• l t ear uf vcllllel, with tlu.l other iuci,lcntui:S iullepnrul,lu from tho co111Jttct uf , 'hu ,·uy .. :,:••. J I l hKt were t.lunf' , •lopon. l IIJIOil it, th•u·ft wonhl lo1 one tl:ing uu lt!~t.'l Wrllilt' twJ f'Xlm \",•g•ulcr, moro c~:vnon•.r, auul g re;tle r PXerliun'l lu 1cmk•· the Vt>uL•t ru " xnc~-lil'"Yi"~ ouo lo ••II in­l.tll u.-cts .:OilCuruotllhorcin. ld the n.' no t n!uc h. 1111)' CVI'ry llet."tcl fur this 1 h i t. uut 11 lacl Lh~&t lhC · tl:d lf'r~·, tU it Ut IlL IH'I'Nt'hl l:lll"ric.J 011 , J ,>cl4 no l lua vo u1•en n frt ir 111a rc;in o f pro lil Ill

IIIIJI)'h~rs 11.1111 OW\H'I"ll 1 \Vho1t nt.IY W O l'X­p.-ct, the u, wit on tho ti t1i~ loa• I tlt' t"''"n cumo,, "" co11uu iL wit: sooner o r J.,tur1 Is uoL thi:~ tho Clllll lll J11 CXJ't." l'ieiiCtl uf OUI' li:thllf"i !'ll in u JJ Lhuir lt~·;.uche>~ 1 Som e J CllrK v~r·y gn'Or l, M HIIt•

yunr~& " uudt.lliuc;,'' lllllll•t yca1"l! vr. ry I1,Hl 1-llntl vi~ IJCUda I U ut•s it 1111L loehu1'u 1114, l ht:u. t•l Ju 111l we Can tu t•luc.t lim H oukiu:; in<la t:~­

Lry un lllf 11a fu ""' ' 1111•0 u 1\lumll\ tiun "" JIO!I.S i­I,:P ; &> that wht•n Lito " lc.111 ye.u-,.," t:ouw, wt• 11hall Lo allltt l.o ho ld 0111· llllcl l•ll'll(:''• ttl~tl 1101 drift on tho l ~u !!huiP, un I tltu ·uuw it1•lu:H•·y l,u.;vu•u IHIJI('le~~>tly wrl•Ckt•tl1 Thfl t: llu!"IIIOtiiC e.xpen110 o f keul'i"~ \'ll'-"Ci o~ in o rJ o;r, uuJ fit. Ill~~~ II)IIJII ~1 111 il111k11, i'l lltl\V Ru )at·g ,.., tJ.liL nnlt;:IJ:f i~ l.u rcJuccd t.ot" cunKido·rulolt: l' Xtcn t, tho Cuiiii<K)HI!IICO will ltu tl.uL p•l•IJ'Iu will hu tlu~rrc,l tmrn tl tl1irJ ~·iu l, ultcl" two s a cCO.'iS• ivo ycul"ll o l lmJ lnc lr. ·

----··~-·----(•·ou Till-: ll.liiOOII Clt.\ Ct: S r.\!'iO,lltO ]

Tl•o· Annual ~l~!etioJC of tho C"rhoneu Dis· tricL will Ul! hdJ iu t llo ll<!thllt.: iet lJhu rcb, llnr· IJ.>r <: rnco, on Tu<!BJ:oy ucltL, J!>th i ~ost .. cu•n · ru .. ncin~o~ Kl 3 p 111. lily rllprc!ltm t.>th·,·ll arc t il· q~tuJ to hu iu ntltwrlr\UCu 0 11 Thur11(h1y, nt!) 4[) u.rn , \'l'lt~:u liu:w cial bu3iue~~:~ will ~ th~ orolo.:t uf the tlay.

Tb" following aervicll& iu coouuc~ion with thu U iatrict will btl laeiJ :

ll r\fbor Gractt, TueaoiKY, Juno lO~b . 7 30 p 10. -Pruch iu~.: 1.11 llr. J~&IJI:'t t\luore, caotli•lat11 .

Wttdneikl•y. 7.:W n.w.-Prc~~ochiu;: by Mr Jobu Lcwio~. o .udidnte.

WuJne&JI\y, 7 :Jl) p m. - Colpnrta;.:o. Ml'eti us: to bll acJrlrusst~t.l IJy the Rt~\"8. \\'. JJ . llro"''""t:· J . Pinuock aod J . llill. A collt:etiou will IJo taktsu UlJ iu aid of the Colportn~eo wurk.

Carbouear, Tlld8da.T, lOth, 7 :JO-Puhlic IIIOCt· iull aud twllcctinn AJdre1111ea will be ddiv .. rod bJ tbe Ru•a. J. Wila~>n. ll . Luia, \\'. Ko•ulall.

\Vet.Jne...Jay. ~Llt, 7.Stl p .m.-Preachiug aer-Yior. Alr Juho Lowla. •

&utb ::iit.lo-lt.Y. A. lloAu.alaud, G. PJIIUJSIW!Ii:£ STOUT,

Fioo11rial &1.Ttlary.

By Telegraph, - u--

IIALti',\X, Juue 14.-Uc!l):illm ~os rrauiC· ed favon~biJ to the Catbolicw. .

The booraes of Paris, ViuooL an ~·raukfort •were weakeuod br lhe aocouut of tho Emptsror'a critical oouditioa.

A German ltelmer witb e1neo huadred pll­grl~t~a for Mecca from-Sio!(Kpore h" boeo loa" ,

Four tenement boU~~e~ lo ~ow York were late­ly burot ; ten livea were loa&.

'J'be t•ruabyt•riao AlltlllbiJ mot. at U~lifu Jut oi..:hl ..

There ia a or.lia in the Spaniab' miuiatrJ owiag to the I'Uii(Datlou of Geul!ra~mpoa. ·

.Jol(l 16. -Tile Emptl'QJ" Yr•deriolt IAIIJI•If a& tbe polo& of deatb ~uata!U t111ler:rama are be· lnr aeo& to Queaa Victoria. Al alx o'clock the Et~~perol' •• lu a ccm•tato" ooodltlou. •1 be wbole oourt huuaetObled a& &he palace. Smhb. ICIIIdor of tbe llotllct of Oommons, abltell to IJae u, .... tlaal &here wu uo hGpe tbat. the .as.,_ror would r&liJ, . y.._.., afleruoou be wrote a fe• farowell worda to ltladl&rck.

'l'ht lllDDeaola ·lood oarrled away iwo 111lllloa lop. and Oflrftoftd a .millioa aorn of laM. Tbe walcr Ia tell f lafcber thaD 1JM enr "!!: .. ...,..,. .......... trealJ bJtiM S. ·~ .,_ d t.rrtd llU -~tla Ja ...

BIP£ROR. JuN.: 16-'l'be Emperor .. ,....,._ died yu.

terday at cl~:.nn o'clock . ... ltaleue. •zeiteiUtnt prnAilt io Uerlla. Maoh Nrrow Ia ezpreeseri in London. FI•Kt are O,:iu1 atbaJf .... t. Guneral monruing. Crowda aurrouoded tlatt rnideuee u: the G crwau ambuaador up~DC '1DIJ1atbv. ParlianeenL will pua an addre• of coatlolence on Alon~ay. • , · Arabi report. that Staoley ,.. wound.d in :\

figbL with tbe a~att•"• llalf bla eecon bad de. &-erttd. (ri(lpoo 'l 'ib hAd failed to aeod prou•l•-ed aiel. • '

'fbe oew Canad~a paia, Loodoa, na aabscri. bed tb•ee ~ru .. ner, aotma& tbree· Jlfr ·cent.

Local and other ~tems.

-Our LAbrAt.lor fte111t, witb a oouple uf u :;. houa,)lne all aailed fur the oou~ : ·

-- I• - Tbe dry-Jooda sbopa aDd p ro• ilion Plnrcd

of to•rr• will oommenco to oloae at 6 o'c:lod: sharp ou Alouday ocxt-t~o bu•J aoaaoo Ldu'S O\'tsr.

-A nt•· a teamer tlio MotiWa; owoorl Ly Ho•h . er~ Scott / I:Aq., of l''oS(o. was on SatnrJ11y '"•t .l~u r.chctl fro111 thl\t place. lie ttillaail iu h~r 1u ::it. Johu's wbere ai.Je ia to lie Gtted·wiw ..en •iuc.

---- · ... rr.rrSO~AL -Tbe ·H~v. Mr. Rotwq_~ • . R(:liiiCOpAI

Comruill>lry. llrHI Hun I O~tan of• A•11lon, arnr t• l in town lau cvctaing, after" ahnr• ·•t.iL to Sp11 u. lt\nl'a Bay. Ue will Jlrt.ach at :)r. l'11ul'• C1Ju1ch to ·Ulorrow, buth IOor.!lilli and cYeuiu~.

A SAO ACCJOENT ia reporter) from C~reenero11o\ by wbirh c.u ::iotturJ•y 111'' foru wen, Jt\111"'1

lto;:ere, Joauph Bullun, ~liu Uulloo aiHI .1.,8. Jlo~ent, jr., wno J row ucd not far from thlll pl11c.: . Th,•y ltad, it 11!61111, beeo to f,.ir Jslauol tn " am•ll bolll, diaoi.Jnrue~l n lo"d of lob4tere, nu.l were rl'lUroiu~: to Ut!er Jalaut.l, when "lilt in 11 mile of that placu o. l•t.•:n-1 nm broke flllin l{ tltu boat. The uiJo vo n:unerl four tuon weru dro wned t•Lt•le t htt lihh, Hicl.11rJ ltn~t'tll, t.lroYe u!to:~ with thu hull. Hn~o:ena an•l llulloo w~:ro I.Jotb llllltt i~:J uud leave~ larc:u f;unili~:a.

-Tm: C om xo llutu"tA r -Aa is well - lcno .. u. nt n 111\'c•in~o~ of d.o u urc.wtt lu houy, ho·lol . : :-t Juhn"a tllt 1he 4th inat , 11 resc•lrlliou w"II Jt~>a~t'• l "'

fnvor uf clo·inr.: their '""l'cct ivo lou•in\"111 t • r~. nt itted o n I hu tOth .J nu,.. tho nnui•~nll ry ul rite ~u.,eu"a ::iuc•:rll$iou lu tho Thruuo-thc r lt)!rn· crcd nf tmllu lm,·in:: IJo~l!r, eo prt-'161101: o u•the ;! I 11

or :.lrty liS 10 pn·clndt: IWIDY IUeiTjbt'tll· .. r rho: lhhlf from j oiniu:: iu 1l1c \o'f'll'url\tiou n( t hts 4••••·n ·~ b~rrh• l11y &I I haL it will l•e uOi ir.,.rlt l .r~t \\' , .r. nctrlo~y uext ~> i ll ~t: OU8\'I \"eol at tiae C11pit.,l n~ .1

~\'IIU I I\ J huJ iol.ty \\'~: r co~r u that ir i~ tit .: inlenr ion of lhl' cir i ~~·. i

of Jl ,.r:.o, ( : rnc" 10 " '"' ' ulJ•e rYil •he rl.,y A, '

ltuhJ IIJ' i t iii I•) lltl hupeol thn tbu Wl.'olthcr utJY bu V.:ry l'r upi' i.JllS

-SIIIt' :' t:'\C C .\SI:.\ LTtt.:l -fn IO ·•l~y·,. 1'~1'"' '"' h:\Vu tu rt"purt tlacs uccnrr,wcc uf 1 "'" ' b'l ' l• :o~ III:Sn.,lcnt. !'he lir .. t i~ t h~tt 'A·hio:h udrll In,• l fAI · hur (;r.,ce st:l•ouoer / 'ha.··i.r. IJ,:Iou~i"!ol lu ( ·,.,,,. \\'ilh:uu llurt uf rhi11 p ine.:. She wns 1\llll "''

:.l uh•Ja.v ui.:ht iu l"riull y lhy. in 11 CO' I' n ,..., h • la n•l"• Eyo. T it<' sci•••OIIt."r lr fr (;r.: .. u'll IJ,,,,,, fu r 1hit1 l' l.~cu in t he 11fltJIItOr111 of t ltnl " "Y· An.l 111 10 u\:l11ck itt lht: ~ti):hL l'hu lll't'llt MhurfO a l rhu place ll:toucol :obuv,•. ' l'he w~11lltrr .,. .. "'='" •••I ·r;•

- a•• thick llo.ot i' "'"" nnp•11\.1iblu tu s~o ""I''""~ llheA.J ur t he ""'"'"llt:r ::ihc hlltl 011 I1•1:Uol 1\

q •11111 ti1y ,,f herr111;: IL\ rcl111111•l fiabiuu r.:<ttr. l'hu ve""c:l b.,.::\ a no ll I u ral wr~;ck, anrl Wllf 11o!J \ ·~l·t. lluu nrul c re w tuok plla-.ll(e in 1\ lt1111ker til Sr. .) ol lt u'tC •vh..-ru llto•y nrriveol on 'l'hu,•ll\f, The / '/m: ·•i.r """S n flu,. Ctl\11, of ~) •o m•. l(rul .w;os rc­huilr in Trinity lhy 11 couple of re"ra "~~'' .

Tltu l t'C\JarJ to."' itt t lt11L ,., ~I r. J"m"ll B11irrfa h~uk i n;: ~ch :.onur, Smm11 l ll'uiiAt'tn . "hich n '"" "".Y~ 11:0:0 IVol tl ludL iu u.c..,li .. u Ttckle, whilu rt• lUI IIi I' a.: l{) lltst~r~· .. UoOieut with " fare ur tbh fro111. rho (;rHnd Unnk. ::ihu wu of fifty tu"u1, auJ wna lusu·,,.l IIIII! yoar fur £ :16;),

'II .. , St~uwtl IVu·..-n•l wM ou her way from tl•a l_hukr~ t \1 llo~~tt'a Conten t , "!ilh "!"~d triv nf h~h ln tlt11rluusc fol( q n Monday night tltc l lntr lt '"' B.tcalics<~ nn•l beca rnc" tut..1l wreolt Thl' crett arri\"cJ ·~ u~art'11 Cuu1ent ou the fullowiug d•Y

- A short iteu1 apr.o•rcd in tbe.te eohamua on \\'cJuesrlny •· lth teltJ>I'Ol to the rt•OJWUill~ or (.;hrisL Church, Quidi .\ ' iJi. ~tthlch litdlt edifi re hu la tt."ly l.t'en 11Jorous:hl7 repaired atad reoon•· ed. Auont aix ruoutl .. , ago tll• ··J•I'ftteoL ~'J· lkador ·~aa pl.u-erl in cb:u·ge, aod '1rith Jaod11ult~ zeal Ito rll!turmined to 1111\W ao e!ort to ltar11 lbll bui lumJl rqoatred aud oLberwiaca pal iu or.t .. r. 11., 111 oncd evmmer'Cild ao'leitin~r OODtribution4, :~_ud hi8 t<ffuna in thia re•pect. \uaeUJer with tiro ll~er11l os•itst1111C11 of 1uany fri~ude, both her\' RU•I rlllllfhllrl!, w~:ru aocb u to warraut hi4 UIHh:r· IAkin~t thl" cuut~miJiate•l work. Tho result or tl1111 l.ltsiut: '""~ Chria~ Cburcb wu ro opeurd lllsl ~uull:~yby · lley CowmiiiUJ Ootwood.-11. 1>. •

Tbo U.y-lteader rererred to aboYe is .Mr \V lt ~tirliu~t , who wp for maay tean au rocri to <.'burch worker io tbe pariah uf U~rbor Grac11

-Tbe Annual Meetlua of tbe Carbonotar Oi•· trict or tho .Mutbodi•' Cftarcb will bt heiJ iu tho llrlrbor Gmcu U~tthudlst Cbmob next. week, to opeu oo l'ucmlay a& three o'oloot p.m.

Arter \lie IJiltriot lleetiDI· clOMa,tbe miui1tcre will pr6o.eJ to St Jubu"'a to tloe CoDferenee A1· aewbly which t.akea pl~oe Ia the Uollt>ge U1tll oo the foaluwluar \Vt.'doeaclaJ.

Ou 'Juoraday neuior uut., a' 8 o·olock. ao ontertaio111ea& will be fCIYea ia Noad ~treel &hob!, couaiatiug of moalo aud. nrlolll ueroi\t:a At l(rtat. pniaa hau beea takea to .. te th~ .,a­ttrtaiaaueut au iatereetJuiC oae, .,, la hoped tbll a ~tooJ aodieuee wlh be p,_& oo t•e OCOMiou. Admi•lon, leD eenla. .

'l'be AllulaWra will be po.lded ellb bowea, u follon:- . ·

!leY G. P. ~torr-TH Partoap • • Re• Jolu• Ooodiloa-.Jolaa U.alatOr. ltn J. PloCilllk-.J ..... Paraou Kewt W. ii.Kncs.Jlud U UUI-11 • .1. \Vdtl llewJI ...... U41&rJoH Llwii-.J l'~&iJIIt:U Hew ~. ·ts; P illl W. Oorcloe . Heft .UWia.d A"-A..,.....-4alt•Viddoc~ a.,~ "llaUittn-.....,....__ . ....... ~e;t~-~ . an & 1 lor-.1~~ •••.l w l: • Ber \Y lllro~raw PUtt. ur J. ltOorw-Litn .faii&-c•

- 'llle at.eamer l'fNer. which latel1 tank at TwillioJ.rate. .. tloat.t oo 'l'bDMaJ. '.l'be diyer ,o~ tbo IKb etopped. The ehlp, '' ia tbua~tht. will iu ~be oocane c.f a few data MaYO fol' New Bay, wb~ the will take iu a f~lgb& of lumber. --

Ilia Exc.llncy tbe Goy~rnor hi Council. haa l~«n pleatea to ~ppoaut &lr. I . AuatOy; of Pau­NII'a l\arbor. &o be~ member uf lhe 'l'willlu~ate ~t.,tbodi" Hoard of .&location, ju ' tbc place or Mr laao Moore&. claceued ; Mr. 11 J.s. Speuc~. Jlarhor Grace, to be au laapector of J»ackl~d Fidll, and Yeara .Chaa W. Ware, of . Uoberl'a Anu, l 'bouaaa Uowe. aDd GltOr'JlO llaiDOII, or liuosc IJay, w be Sar"e1ora Qf Luwber.-Gau tt.:.

-LATtST Fnoll Til£ LADitAoon CO.\ ST.-The 11te•uMr Pu~ollwr, wblcb took Mc•ra. Uartlett'e •lc"l"ra to t'he cou& retarnclllo St. J obu'a Jea­tcnlay from S1Dok1 'l'icltle. She rt•porte tbat ~here it uo& ·mach f01t fu.i,Je from U.ttl• lu Jnuia n lfatbor. Outaid•, however, tbere ia a comsio lerable gaaotity Nortb or Src;ok1 t here it a b~avy j 1111 wllicb it DOt broken ap. A te le­~o:ram frum 'lilt Coye con•eya the lurtber in­tt'llh:eucu th::u. thu eteam~r ~pard arrivetl there on thu roturu t'rip a~ 9 o'clock on Thurad,y. :-ihe peuot rakd throug b mit~:~a of ice to Fiab Cat I ~:Ano ia wher& ehe ute~ with o ptrfect j11na, hloltiu,~r it u\terly im~u.oaible to proceed The ic:11 ia off th ti ahore from ln~tlee UJ> to ~~ eud Tbero ia a j·u11 a t l!:..atew Uorse lalauJa

--Tn£ SIIAitf' Fasw..:u\'-1 ho A(lpearance or a J:OOII q uautitJ of fiab oo tho 6aloiug s:rounda of thia atul a•lj oceut ,tuea:itica &n~:ura .--ell for the ftnoccu ot the ah·lrll fiahc:ry in tbia dirc:cliou IJurin.: thu wecL:, aontl aia,rua of liah ;1ro &Jlpatcnt, '""' our fioherweu iuclinu to tltu opiuiuu 1hat thrrc: ir~" probabili ry of a fair voy11ge. Wo trust 1lutt tl.ll proa~r.ta u.ay coutinuc ~:ood.

lJ ,. to doltc: there ia uo ai~n of the pr9enco or Cl\plin iiiiii,Y of I he UCil(hboriUJC ri11De8 wlot'rtl thiil t, .. it mostly J•Ull in au appentlluca. Onco tbe c~plin atrikee iu tbe codfiahurJ will bu entered (Ill , thO tia"eriiiC:D &t }lrCll~hL DOt !Jeiug lolJiu (O J ,, no••oh owil•:.c to thu want of hRit.

C .. J,f lll han' lilaolc thcil' ."VJII!&rauce nt ~t. .Juhro ~- Th'erc ltal COIIIt'qllt' lttly been :\ ~ood t-h:u of lhh aluug the coast 111 tltat neil(l• llor~ooool 111ncu 'uunl"y At l'orlu.:a l coYe a·~oo. l many li . h ",. , o 1nkrn " 'it It j tllj,!t! tll, Ollll 10311 brin~o:iu ll n •lo •tlll a 1:0u•l IJ :~If CJIIIotl:JI, IHI•I Otht'r bolltll coot t .. ,t t ..,.,u ty to hor ty li"'' c: •eft. At uthcr puint~ ;,. t lo., nt:is.:h\Jorlonuol. IUl'U out '"Crt: t·q ·t:ol ly IIUC·

c• t<Jfa l. <.:L~rrin a.c IIC" i' .!lao C·•Htt:>~ frum tilll J,.rl::e, uiT Cape Stt"'" auol Sm:tll l'uiuc. The Ci~h . erlllt' ll nfl tool.: lo;OutJ f~tro:l, IUIIII! "it!J tht• j orl(l'r1 .. th.- " willo hcrrilo~:· tonir, A t l'urb11y. n r, . .., ol lly• " .:". ft ll a\' ,• tl\~,:0 11f fo f Y fi~h II 111~11 Wl\8 t:Okt'll .'t l llutcrcu•·,, thu tell'" 18 1\re 11l~u L:O(io l. F •um l' lac.-n llll "" lcn rn t luol t lou C<llcf, ut Cn!JO Shure :o• •I l.tllltl lhrri•wny "V• r•.:n l •ll.'nly ' l ''iut.ds a '"" ' .H llo!yruo.J a si.: n i11 uotic. a hle; n t II orh•Jr ~laon to:u tpaiui..:Aio~ w~o c tnk,•n in :1 @duo In '"""Y places 1"' 1>" q uantic ic:t of li&h nrl' o u I ' u lurll •uu, ttud frutll tl1111 f,ICt, 1\11•1 otlol!r illllll: l\ · 1 un, , olol lisloc rtut•ll alllo!ll l a j;'luJ Ru nuou·r·ll c.Lt c !•.

~·ruuo Tr iuity rtutl lnrtht-r 110 11 h I foe 81 we uoool • rqulrl lonA ' '""'' rec~i\'cd . c"f'!lu 11118 ln•t:ly ,,,,. (,, i t& ltf' IICittn ii CO t lort c in i:'"'J lJ'IRIIIilit•d­"" ''l tll·llllltlol 011 the .i• n in ~t. t\l:utl' bnn kcr s :u c I ~ · tll• l! t l o··~ J.,tc: hull wct·k <:Al •ltn. lllllh•tmll\nCc """' toeloo•>hlll! •111 thtl lJo4n kll ,.if IS ,j i:,h l h•IJur ~ ... t l:•llrolVo:utlln• 11 0!'1•1 On \\' colo~t·&· tn y onOrtolllt: I ' I'" I\ I ~~ · 'I' II Cuvt', l'uoco iJ co~e. ,:-.. Ul UJ II II ·~ \ .vo· . 1111ol L•1111< Cu•·o: louol from tl11 cc ' " lin• (j , , U11t' ""'" 111 S:tl111 un Ct~ \' tl. hx!l 11 q tl<t. ... 1, "" lluo>k Mn rl ltn r r rl nrc J oit•t! \\el l.

r ...... llo ooiiYielll a ud Ftl.:'• l hu 8111111! fav o r:ob lt· ;~ l'"' t ··u•ur~. A: ll•u funu.•r l' tin! l' '"'•fl•·Cioo ,,f • fall !i-ho:ry " ' Crts hr~t llup•u \'iu::; "'·hale nt :h,• lo t . r 1•ll\cu t l.ey wurc: h<· I'C t l><:tlu r. 'f• ·•l•~ ''" I U•·• ·I"Y 11\'t:rR ~o:o: ol tllll 10 1".-lvc qcls. U11•• .,,A, '"'" sccotrl'.l thircy qt :s , but uo.fu• t uo.:lld)' 1 .• • It t•! urul;., ..... , a lo:'" ''t I'"'' uf it W:l~ lost.

n... l t'J•urt vf the ti gl,.,, y nt ' "" \\' t! ltl \\ nrol . l t~uu ,:l o t uy tloo "''"'""'tr Cu f, 1r, i11 co t lou c!Tccl 1'111 tl.crc ia ).!OOJ 11ro~pcct 11( :1 '"' ' shoru li.-.i • .,.y " " lloc II•IIS.:l'O " " ' ' Cluu 11 ocl li ll l' o f CU:\ZII; cnoot· w,.rol o f lho fufiUCr p0i111 it ie lc&lt (:<l'ur:d rly Sp•ok.,u u f. The! lir11t. !area d tll., "' o: .. tc ru hou.J: · tu:,: "<:lwonc:rrt uf th:H a.!ctiou I}Avt~ Hut p:\o•·.,d 1111

lar.:., :u w.u antit"if)3 ttool-uot t:'fOII "" !!O'lJ :ld

hst y.,:u to " co>rro:apou.liu~o: ll:\lo. Tlo~:~ lc .. t hne oooly "'''•Ul t lneo h,tuolr.,tJ, ntul 1ho others ruu~e from tlu\l 61(uru do•u to 1~0 qrla

f .e t 118 l~pe lliat th IIIli !ljll\lio ua DOW ueiu~ rai,t:<J WI\] I.Je auo~u•l:lt ly j thltili.:d.

A II the bnnkera belob~ein loll YO roturucol frotu thu fi•hllry-th remlliu«itr o r the!l which had uot arri•cs~p to \\' edoead11y !."vu - inc., eorue into por\. L't~u t he aboVe •lay M.-u,._ Juhu ~rcboonl'r .tltma ,J. Tul, Capt. Hearer, arrivtd with 150 q l la. Another o f lleara. Jubn Muoo & Co.'a fleet, tho ,"iffiau, C apt. lludlon , put iuto Hay- de-Verd_, oo Wccluc.daf wiala SOU qtla. Tilo lla auM (;race Bank l"lahiusr "Co.'a Fl9i"9 Arrow, Ca1•t. K~"r· uc:y, atri•ed bere yHterttay moruiug, witla the fine fue or (00 C)IU.0 aecured UD lWO b~it i UK' 6f htra ing. -

MlliU'II Jillanl Uroa. & Co. 'a two ban\..ers hne • all') returned-the IY. K ll/lgtr1, co IJeart'a Coo·

lt:ut. •ith :lOO qtle., afcir two weeki fiahint.:; and ''"' Liz:t~ to St. Joba'a, wicb IW qtla. Tllu Jat­rcr acut)()oer l' there for A little needed r e · p11ila.

Uarbopear bna had one urinl ainc:e \V erlnea· d~~or-Meura. P~~t~ney Urotber'a eolloooer Oriu11, Cavt D~.U. witb ~ qtla.

Tire ecbooau GNIHr C..ll'rtlalfd. Capt. U4 lnud, arr~•ed at .st. Joba1a on Wedouday Jut witll GOO q tla. . 1u ecltoooer wat at Carbouear ye•· tcruay, I~ cowpay with olher bauke~. aud leh Uoat place thi. woraia~rla qaeu of bait.

'l'bo arriwala at other place• aru 111 followa: Al Lkue•• \he echoouer Jttbilu, Cc&pt. \\'m.

Mulc:aby, with 7oo qlt. csah Ct&DJrh~ oa three ba~it : iu~1· C,pc )ltdoaby report. Qah pleuty about Ullll bnDdred taiiH frOID the laad. lle naed t.U b ia bait and ralt.

At. Jl'erauuae tbe JlikoJo aad TAd!/ KttJu. the former wltb m,.tbe latt..r witb 200 q :.ioiilt. Ju addiu~o to tit ... tlaere bare arriwed at All)tille 1i10 IIChOODir J'r--. Capt, \YfJiiaiD J)riacoll,

. witll GbO qalnt.ala. At. Uartwr BuleU tbo (Jract C'artu. Qept,. Heddi•, belon,Pu~r w JIIDOI Uaiad, l'Aq:, •1"- tqMI to 710 q-.!otali. 'l'h• JlaiJ lla, Cape. WUU..... wua 60U qoin&ala. A• Witleaa ua1 11 ... ~ Is t... ·r.-.;·. •••· Ute GlatU~ Ca~uo A;{J m willa .U0 IJilialala. '.l'wo otb~•• of ~ ._.. •• beabia of •• Jaqtt cl~ llate ·=~ f,ed, ou ~IJ ..U p lbe otLtr well

·n. l,tW nr LUI c.~ ou;tt_ ou~~

. \

TH~ HAlWOR Ul~A..CE STANDARD, JUNE 16. 1888. .... .· .. "'

!tuo. G. J. A. l'uoxrsolf, &LA~, B.D , Ph. 'D

h ia witJa n'o little plcature tb .. '{e oote to-da1 the• furllutr IIICc:esl Of Ol'r )'OUIII( l0WIIa1Uif11 lbe lte\·d 0. J. Alni\!J 'l'bowpeou. A• mao1 of our rtauera will doubtle• rcwember, Mr. Thou1paoo, ah~r apeudi11g aueral yuara at the 11. G. (haw­mal' &boot, l<ft howe iu SeJ1t. 1879 io ord11r to (lfOitCUIO bia atudit:a lu IOID" or t he Caaatlia.u iu­atltutiona of learuiug.

At the oluae of oue nuion'a raitltful work a~ the Truro Moclel School, lte llPcaan• tho wiuuer or tlte Loroe Silnr M.:tllll. 'J'bencc he p~cd· ell to Aloutrcnl, :sod, having rcct'ivud about t wch·i! n•ontba o f prh•ato In trucrion, nuttricula ted in &!!Jt. '81 iuto Alo(iiii ,Uui•c~raity, whtre lu: graclu­ated Uacbelur of Arta iu ll&J ·~.with a fi t•t ·olua diplnn.a. •

In O ctober ho entered rally upon ltia tloeologi­cal atudieaat th• t·~bytoriaD Collejre. Mo11t~al, a11d. althousrb much of hia timo waa' takeu up with eclitoriRI dutlct lo oonnectiob witb thu Col­J .. ge Joutnal, be gnaduat\!d silver tnl'dalial in April ' 87, hninsc obtftiued · U..roD~o:bou& bi4 course UtiiiiY honor•, kholaraJ.ipa, aod lltiUa.

Siuce the complt:tion of prof~aaional onr· rloultuo, Mr. 'J ltompaon hu detoted bia tim11 to fiOC:t J1111UIIIIIe lltudil!l in COIILCCtion with the Uuivt'nitit'l o f MicLiSlaD ond llliuoiL Tlu~e ruoo the 11.1.:0 he pM~d loia final uamiuntioua for Bacltclor of lJi•ihit)' , n~ch he rt'ceivNi from the :>eullt~ ol thu f>recrbyt(•ttnn Coll~ge, Mootrul

ln April ho IJII81erl IJ•c u amiuatious and Cul­fill ecl .all the' requirCIIIt'Uitl fur ~f111ter of Arta by ;\lc(iill Uoi1'e1ai1y. aurlllua dcgr••o • u coufefrcd upou hian by tllu t;orvorntion of hi" Alw11 M11to:r at th11 ~uuual contoc:Aiiuu, aix Wl·elta ~oogo. Jn May hu C\trlliO 011 b ill liual JUtJiera Cor the clegrt'e uf Uoctor of l'ltiiosophy, 1\n«ithilllalel\t lto1n0r he lou n·c~ntly reccivo:d I ro an the Faculty or lllinuis U111v ~raity, al ler 'csrct.iul! ~UIIlinatiOIII in tho devnrt iiiUIIIS or Mdt~vhyt_ies 1\tn.l <.:bri•tiau Apolo­s;et ica. 'llte s uloj .. c t o f his crndu:~ t i ttJ: thuia was : " MoJcru Culture in ill rcll\tiou to Cltria· tiaui1y 1 •

h oa ucedlesa to S/ly tltnt we t:ons.:rntu!:llc mott hel\rtily our c:!cscrvi"ll fcil!hd l •H the snc:ceaaful iu uu ol 11o diac iu;,:nishcJ n couose of atucly. We a re COII!IIr,.i llt'•l t o Sit)' tloRt " c fo·d t·ruucl of our }'(;lint: nnJ l:t!~ulctl ll 11 r llor (;racb u; nud "-C , .,..,.

11a rc tu ptcu ir. t for him. if 11r·a rc:•l . a poai t ion ,,f oliRiiuct iou sonsc duy iu the Ptcsuyceoilln t'l.u1cb uf C:uoud11,

\\' c~u l ·j••i n nn item nhich nppcnreuio 11Je hlou · t n•al Uu::rllt: of I he .J l h iuet.,-

" Thu Q o.rlt•rly Olllllllllllliun ou•r\'ito.' ln enunN"rioro '' it iJ t ;;,l\-·ila l'r··-.l.ytur i" u (; laun·h . '":t" c•rHl ttru:.l yftl(· lr rJuy loy rlou " "'"''· ltu•·ol, fir e utyth "h·• t•"'"'''"~ l ' " '' l,,,r.,:.• C"'•thtfrt!~•t.luu. fr nua I l'rth•r t'·· ~Y 'J' '"u f,uu­•l r,••l " ' ''J ~ix•y· ~tii ..... na1 '('r" ., .. rru••k ,,f tht' rc•nu utt.1fntt Tl.c 11~•·· 1. <0 •• 1 A. 1'lo""'·'"''" · )1. .\ .. II U., wllu w., l•r..•,.,t•lt l " I 1l1u lit•l \'ir,•, l' r•···du.J'I l i u llh• c•rtou i t ~ •n ••X ,.,.p, . .,t ,Ji ... •··•uret' frntu .\ -.: 1~ 1 .-·. d v . ; tth••\' l••tt in .. au .,., lu.:i•t an•l •·IT· co h-e "'""'" '' tloc J uty ,.,J lh'uctltcs ul 11 it ru t).a iur: ( •• r t:laria&. "

Dr. Tlwlllpilon hna rPcc:ully coanplc:t_yol t. :a IW• n ty ~1! \'Ciolh ye" r. T hrulh:htHtt hid lOIII? 1111•1 In'"' v cr- u1 ~e I.e l uuuollt·i~u l l' t' hUUt:h tu 1\IIOtt •l lu .y~t•• u .aric I!} •uua!flic o• xcrci~··. Rue! he ""leta •qouu tl .. • 11CII\'1! dulled oo f oi fe "i th 1111 c•xcd lctrt ('()Uo,tt l•tr i••u . \\' c .lcnr tl tha t loll hr111 bc·c n •·llwac · col 1.1r J uly 1\11.1 ,\ u~usl to IICCIII•Y iau puttltlll rrul loi 111 iu \\' o•Mtrrh Cotu·tUI\ hl ny a~llu uc..l llllt eUC· Ct·B<! lollow loio lnbour6!

- l .'lto n l'wtl lrolll · .. ucla•. Jl' rPr•::h Sl orr, l.riuJ:R t l•u iucc•lticcucc uf" l'"i u inl Ro.:ci•f,•ut which ""1'1•\.'III'J in t hnt nl'i_ l I.Ju'tlu.r.d ~omu t iluu lasa ruvnth- 1\ _,.,, .• "" 1111111 u:11uc-l Fi r:tpat ric;k. "~eel •c•vc uh•t u } 1'1118, " '"' rlco" uud l•y a :nr~,to 111'111 l ' ' " l ''n~ to out: ~iol .: r•f hi" uo:u . llu "'"' laia lJru: h..r WCIU Ill lilt' cJ.ifly Wnto:r fOr t"-0 fsOUI'8.

SILK H IIUIO~S ! l'lso~o of (illr l11.t \' r..-aolrra "hn • ·nulol like to

""''" lUI l'l o•[!1\lll. l.U.I!C 1 :1\c:.n~:•· ur I' Xlr:l fi ue Al\­wrio•rl ltrh ;,,.IIB (loy m~t l ), iu diiTc:rulll '' irhh""'"' all thu la r u~t f:tsluouowle ~luulr11; ad:optud fo r llonm·t Stri n:.: ~'. ;\::ck.,.cll r, l:;~ :u·fe. Trinotuiu~ fo r IIM18 " " 'I drt'&• t·ll. Buw8, F rm oy wurlc &o., CUIII

:,:l'l "" '"ll u tddl• i 6~ J.i~ h11rJ,:niu . o "' i u~: to tho rc · CO:IIt fhilurc of IIJIII Illl wlwlt'8111c H.ii.Juou MtlUtt• 11cturin~ l'o., Lty rcnu inJ.: o uly 26 ccu ta {lltawv•).

to the aollir eea we :.:he hl'l.,w, Aa n.·•J~Cilll u.Jicr, th ia ho uao will ~:i\·o tlo11ble

the &IDOUUt or nny otlter 6rau in Alnerica if you will acnd tho on•~• and P. 0 MIJrt:u of teo 11tu:ly n•u riecJ l11uica when orduriujl and rue ution thll ua•uo o r th ia P•l'er. N 0 pieces leas tltllll oue yard in lon~:th. Saciaf11ctiou ia JZUnranteud, or •noney cl•ec • fuiiJ re fuucJed, . 'l'hrct: packagu for 60 ccotl. Acldre .. ll,

l.mmoN HtuUoN AOtNCV, J FI\SU' CITY',~ J . On the eoruulnt: of th11 l:ltll Juuo. al lbo t.tetbOliW

P .. riiOnn&:o, ti t . J obn'a. t..r lho Ue\', 0 . J. lit•uol, llr. ti•un•ol t;l'ur.Jrr a, of llrixU.w, Engl.utl, Lo )tu.;. l111ry Nu. cwortby, uf,IU•L chy. .

DEATHS On 'l'hor1J-11ay lu i, or dlt•hllot'rhlo pual1ale. Waller.

oldt'IL 11011 of Au•lrow anol 'bolhe f~tr~~<m• &tfll'l 6 J'IMlfl. At HIIU Dio,:u, u .• ur •• ruiA, on I he lllb lnal. Ell~;\ beth,

cloo l.its luYt!d · ni!., uf W. 'f . \\ bltowal:, lalo of ~t . l uhe'a N t'.

Al 61, J ol.w'a, nn Thurst1•11111t, Cella ll., agod 2G ya.rt, da1111h1ur C'f W. U. ~l uriii<Ju, l::J<t}.

11 l Ht . J ubo·• · ou the l21h loo•t.ut, , fl! r aJcmg nnd palufllllllu~u. Allee, lhO IJtotuVO'II "ife of 1\to l•le 0 •1'1, u .... rgn timhb. auJ ~~~n.,:h••ruf tbo IAtO l::tlwllrd Dwyer, In tlu• &11 h yu.r of • ICO

A l l'oriiiiiU, on llarcll 6th, nr clh·h•l.,rla. Bnbert J H'O ft~c.J 10 )'enl"'l; on li111Th 13th William ~u, A):eolll •~n; ou (l•rfh l.)lh, lllcban.l. ap;cd 16 yiltlfl ; oo AJarch i llrli , J uliu 6 ., 43od 18 )'Oil I'll, 110~ uf J tWIN )Iavin. •

On }larch 21st, of dlphterla, AOJ:UaU Speucer, aged 10 yu u . · • •

Ou lhrch 271h, qf dl,11hlbarla, Hua011rah WhhorUI lll,tt'fl. J'C:.rll.

Oo Al•rll 7tb, of diJihlh~·· SDIDUtl Tbcrrohlll, agod 16 mulll h• . •'

Ou April 18th, of lllphtheri•, llaraarot lflll&er, aged 11 mooolna. • •

On A prll 27th, c.f dlpbtberlla, ~ter Aoouly, aged l8 munlbe. • •

0 "'- April 27th, of dll'tboria, Wm. 1". lla1o, •IN lG wont~.

On tho aamo da&e, o( dl!>lllberla, AlicePiircb.ue, age41 a ,.,..,., -Oo Af•ylltb, of dlpbtberia, Edward TboraUU, apcl

10 )'UI\rl. Un tile aame date. of dlpblberl•?i!o' }nil lac from I be

Baitk• Aa.ron BltrneU (vi '1'1tOIDY .lpa 81 :rnra. 1 Oo May l&lll, ul dl!llatbtria, A l'Gboaa,• apd ' yt~~rl.

O.a JuDe lUI, ol clJ&ohlberla, Wm. E. darlQft, apd 10 ,...,.. . Ou Ja .. 10da, ol clJ~ 1.._. UlcluDaa, apll ,...,.. .

. . _New ~~~~-sem~nts. . . A.dveriisemen!B. ·1- ~d'!ertise~ents.

Jill A N ~ B D WAll kinds of . POST OPFIOE NOTIOBl · · · ·1, - , ~. ·~~!rafJ~~c S~ni~~~v~ o ·N AND ArrER UO~DAX -NEXT, tbe

A Good Kousehold l Servant ~VISITING CA.BDS can • tbo lfth Ulal&llt, • •

wbo 0111 do Cooki•A'· • be print~a nc{ltly and in good style Malls ,for Ferryland DISIJ1ct Apply a' tbia Ollice. . • • nt tlie Stnndnrd Office Will be deepatcbed 'l'ri-WMidJ, uatU lb& 81"

Janel~ • • • l >ecetubl'r, to c:loeoat 9 o'clock. o: Uae ~aora•inll" · .Plum and Fancy Qards cnn be hnd o r Ato~ DAy, w ~D~ EtWA Y and FRJDA Y

DENTAL No-:r:. -J~E. Aho-Memomndum Sheets Note Aft6r Jat Jaoaary. 188D, lJajla •ill be dc-~· 1 . ~ Lett d B'll H .1- d' , •(>lltobbu wed .. l)' GDUJ the 1M Al•J follo"'ln1 .

- er an 1 t-aw:., ap every


J. o. FHASI!;Il, Dr. OtJRNS, of St. J~~·., hatlog' decided to dcscr:i ption of l>ri!ltiug. . l'OIIIIIUIUI' Cie~1eroL

olJ~r the puhllo of Coocepuou &1 the beueftla "Send us j 0 a t rinl order. St JobD a. May8,2.-. , or rrequeot \'int.s froru • qulllifiod deotitt. ltaa seour~·J the ualatance otC .• W. Mvm. l>.n.s. ' Ve arc prepared to do good work • NEW YORK ;;,~ot=~~~~~~ Uoruor Gr.acu t~lwut t la~ lSlh July, at reasonable rntC3. . DQMESTIC FASHION .CO.'S

Dr. At uut bu l'tcentlygradaated at the PIJila-dellJbiaOuotal College,MdcoaaM.whb tbe lateat SALE Q F WO• RK • ·1 PERl~ECTFITTING • imprOYOtllenta. • p p tt

All worlt will be lpa,ranteed, ud Dr. Boroa ~ -- - . ape r a ern S will hold. t.unaetr \'(apouaible. TilE LA 0 I ES of the l\lethodiat con.:re~t~!iou ~Pricea mo<terale· of thi.-towu hue arra11~t:rl to hold o SAio _ ~c.. John'a office--329 \Vater Street, Eut of of ·~al(in the coauitlll fall iu aid ol t ho debt ou rruE· LAOEL attached to each p~:~£t:rn fliwca

M~auL Ayre & SooL • the CLurch provurty. uplicft direcuona for cutting aud pnuiug !\lay :JO. lf. Coutri~utiona iu mon.,y or _stoo.da will be tbauk· tOjOltstlaer, ao that eteo tboM ' onaccuatowed tu

N~WfO'uND'tAND ..


.--. On nncl oflc!' :\1:0NDA Y nc~xt, Juno 18th,

TruinR will Lo ruu ua follows,, (:1Uallluy exet:pl c.J )-

Lenye St J ohn's at 10 am., o.rrive at Ho.r­bor Grace at 3 SO p m .

Leave Harbor Grace at. 12 2 0 p m , arrive nt. £t Jobn'a nt. 15 30 p m.

Sl. John's, Juno lt. l~lcn

·:Not1.ce ! ~o--

Tue AN:-IOA~ MEE'l'l~o OF TilE

Carbo near Water Company will l.u ltt·l·l in t iro Lilt•tluy Ju .. titttl tl in tid,. tuw u at 3 u'dudc 'p.111., uu MO~ DAY, Lilt' 2nd July u C'xt.

JA:\iE:3 P. GUY,

Cnth nwar, J, .n,;.13, 1RR8 ~·ectetw·y.

Union Bank of Newfoundland . NOTI<;I·: 1~ J~l~tu;uv c:1n;~ th11l n Di,·i­

•lt-tlol ~o~ f ::iillt. J~ct 'i:,•u t upoulltt' Jlltitl ttp c .. vi­tll! fllock uf t h{;. leo-_t i. utiun. luos l•erll do·c :aru•llur c h .. hatlf y~ar en !jr•i: ,\l:ly :J l ~t. 1 &~. ro au l " l ion us o( S:l W p~:r 1\hllrc, .paynnlc nt i~.>~ H.ouk iu~t II ousu in t l. i~ ci•y. Clllllltrl uft"r \\',·d~>c~lny, l:Jtlt 11111t.

Truualt·r l lu:>kri cloecu frum' tht' !hh to tlau I j Lh, !Joth d K)II iuct u~h·.l!. .

Uy order or tltc llul\rrl • 1 A~l'l~ liULUl £ , Mo•.a;:cr.

::>t. ,J.,hn'~t, J nue '9 :Ji •

FARMfNG LANDS FOR SALE . l!:ftrn the ·A~:r ic:i lln rnl Bunna o r '['"olve l>ol­

lnra 1111 :.crt:, auJ 1oLko G ltowo '{or yuureulf auu fawily. ·

- : F()R S..\L!!; , -· -

In lots to Suit Purchasers, A Qoaotity of 'bAND. aituatod botweeu Ln•ly Laku 11nu ~bip'a Head. 1\od beloo~;iug w lbo B4tate or tiJu lute u. T. M OOUI:, J•:tlq.

Applicatlo~a loft ot this Office will be attoudcd to . JuutGtf


I llEREUY <aYE NOTICE tl•11t l will no t be accountable for any d.:bta coutract-ed by

the Le~ateea, or a o1 otber peraooa, agaluat tbe l!Ata~ of the late G~.O-~GE BROWN, ·•ilhout a writtea order from mnelf.

ALI!:Xft~U.l!:R CLIFT. •., Euculor.

llnrbor GrAce, JP,~e 2,18881m

.N()'J.~lCE I J -.. ---

I IIF.lti!:BY. GIV& . .NO l'JCE tbat. J will not be accountable for any dobta contracted hy

Mra Ga>ono& '1'. IJnQWN of Harbor ':irace, against t he Estate of 'ber lat~t huabaod, CaJ>t. li!OliO& 'I' llllO\VS,


llnrbor Grace. Juao !; 1881Jlm uyatn



Plrpici.q{'l, ~fi.,iJtti'l, , .Jlilliollariu, AlartO!Jfn nf Jo'actoriu, Worf,-1Anp1, J'faittali1>111, Nur«~ ;,,

JJ"'pi(a/1.-111 Jtol'l , eh T!JbOdy' ( otr!Jft~ro ICM ~a~ uiu giQtlf (I a triaL ,




PA.~S 1!11. TJJt STOAlAOll. SU)UlEit AND UOW &L. C01U•t.AIN'f~, IWUK

'l'UllOA'~· Aq. I . .ArMliD UTIQAUT.

' &UblllCCI IW PJWVU ll' TIJ. IRIIfr JPRCnVI .UCD BIIT Llitlllft 01 Ulml Uf ICIMO\'UCO


WI..\, &S\ftLL&U I.ACI!i, 1 OO'l'll· .\O.IU' ...

Btllt..~ts, FB0$'1' lUT.£$. Ao • A .o u ,., ... 1!!/1 .• t(,ll!f. ~ .. Jla1fJII't o( .~ .....

MaJ29.'.'•. · ~

fully reOtltved from Gny oft heat frat~od.a lay tbe foJ· tbe uae of l'• lleroa uanno& fail to meet with auc-lowiDf: m~rubers or lbe com.mitco: • ceaa. llero ia wberu our Patteruaare &rue labo; -Mra II . J \VIItta _ ' M!ae Bcmiatn 11niog aida, rendering all pereone oapabteor pro-Mro J ~ladoloJCit M!n 1..:\ura }'.,tera ducialoi( tho moaL aatjafactory rt!lulta. They re-t,ln I> fayl,o~ M!aa A racy , pre~t the raahiooa-or· td day aa well u tboao !\Ira {A \\ l!t!tnAn M!as A~o:nv_a l ~raolll tb&~ will obtniu during tho ontlllllg kiiiOn; nul! Aln ~IIJ.!ello l h)'IOr M!aa l_hrr~·t l III~Oue .. nn ~leutcut or ccouomy, PO thougla\fol peraon -'lr• l.:ap' Sl.evnnaou Altas .Supltta Uuta can fml to npprecinte thcir valuu. Not aJono dl\ .l\1~ J omea Wa~ron · • · tbcy llfTurd the tno=t halaioooble deaigna llt o lbriJor Oracu fl:b. 2!, 1888tl .. , trilling cost, but alao clt"arly apeciry t.ho cxnc~


FANCY & AT Tlllt

TOY BAZAAR .• Yiclorio Street :

Grate Ornaments, (~l!:WJ:..Sf DESIGN:>) ~

Tbe Grocinn Shield, tbo Lor.r::.o Shiold Tbe Golden Star Shirld, Four-i'old Screens, White Willow, Silk Gran, Spar and Vic-

toria Grass Sbavioga. SaLin Apr ooa, Cilver and Gold Shavings, Oree~n, Silver and Gold Le9.vos, &c

~l ny IIi. · A . l: ~\ . BH.U N LEES,

CAND. Aa che M. ulbcrs of t he Cburch of EnuiRnd iu

St"'uirtnl's Bny. nrc nboullo urccl a ~ c w Church, cc,ut ril..utioaul nr.: hort:uy soliciled 1111J " i ll lie moat olo,.uldul ·y received lly U.:v. T. It. Nurac, f 'Auir­mwt •·f Cummittr~; ~~. Jncull (i oa.~e 11ncl Mr J11u1cl! llutcl,inJ!a, Clum.f, . li'un/t,,; l\lr J . F. Sueppard, 1'rta:<urtr ;· ~lr Aarn1hn111 llrtrrutt, SiculUry.

::ipn~oiro a o la U~ty, 1-'ub l!:l, I~

IIUOUIJtS of IOit~rinlanJ triuuuinR requir cd,tho.:re• I.Jy preveutinJC an uo•~~:ccaury " '11\l"' of gooJa.

lArge Catalo~uu to aelecl from, 1\l · • Mra E. 1' A lt$UNS,

O pposite l\lesara Jolm M uuu & Co't, lJaruor lirnco, April 14, '88.

~'or Sale. A FEW CWTd.

Ti.moihy :E3:A "Y. Apply ut t Li!t Olfict>.

H ttrbor 0 mcc, April Gtf.




BAR'l'LE.lT'~ II uu SHOJ•: UHI'!.SSI~U


~IE.WART MUNN &. ~0 . ,_ : r.. .. UliP GLOSS STAltCJI.

Shippmg and Comnusslon con~ FLOUR. Merchants, ·

22 St. John Street Montreal. / ..:fLASS lllGH BOWL.!:) aud l'RE. · • U ~l!:ltvt-; !>JSIIES.

Spccinl atloutioit gh·cn to tLe 811!e ol F~L GL~:)S :>ALVElt:) nuc.l Cheese l'L.\ TES, uutl l:fi>!h Vi iH.

AX.LE GR.EASE A IJto, to tho l.mying uno I Rl.ipping of Flour auJ PtO\'it~ions ua.J \30IIf't'lll p," .Juce. ~TF.RPRlSE' ~ICI' L

( 4r'Cullle AthlrPss-~1111111, M ontreul. I~· s~'IUtfl'll~Ni; '-'~~~~~: PI.ATJW .

Golder's Patent Victoria Anchor and Oil Buoy.


Ow~ers of B_anking Schooners SAVJ£ YI)UR



wbich ia of yr«~t atlca111oge, b! aeodi9g omober or site.

!>th-'l'bia A ncbor up to livo honrlrerl wei2ht co11 be lltoroughlg rtpaimJ by auy onliuarv 'blacl;­~millt, wucreaa the common aocbor ielota/lq u~~e­~&t when onco'brnklw.

l Och - Tbe S tock or tho "VIO'l'OIUA AN-

HOLD • YOUR · GROUND C llOR'' ia leas t han out.-Aa{j na lou11 ' ' the n od; • : · o r the common anchor. and if UCI;6cl.,cJ in a /mrrJ

RY usaNo can be throwa 01'er trillcoNt •loa. and i~ will bu

GOLDER'S VICTORIA PATENT ~u:.~it;·:~:,~~·~~~~-~ 1\o a.uchor w~· "'•Y i•

9 N.U.-The VJO'J'UltlA ANCIIOR iathe onl1 A..N"~C>R.. •.ncbor of tbo for !Jt"tlt~•·•yorllllt •hure

-- -- Anlt/i .. g J>Oif'tr cowbiuod wub lt!JAlNtM aud utult1tn For W~y P · ia tbe dtmam.l -: __ _ ,..

tat-The •VlC'fOtti'A'A':'IlCMOlt" ia 1w l ~:a- The aubteriurr btU to h;forD) lt'ltomltr and pecially .-dapled for any particular but n:t.ry ci0/1$ yaclal Olrlltrl, tbJl&. hulufl n11de aanu•v' o.r .. nta witll u( n~~ela, from the- fln:at Eaaltr~ to the lJory. the 1 t:rl'f' N ora /roM Foru•Jry St. J1 b'• J:.a~l. for

~nd- Jt aopneede• all oU•era, at h baa 1oore tbe maoof~clnre o! J,Ja An~loor (• ht'le h eau ~e IIJ>tlli~tg poftr' abaa auy other twe&ltJ per ceu&.. aeeo. and tuformat.t~JII olft"U~t·d) I• 11ow I UAII ~o beuh,. receaYe ordera whaeb euay Le lo•••rdtd to

!lTd-It canaot be fu•l!d b1 cablea oYer 1~ or lOuiKV'II'B 4: Co., 11.wbor Grace, · trtpl b7 h1 owu. , • lll~aDdl•n4. '

ttb-h .tuw Ia ~oe-fonrth the roob\ on dtek "' nil • • oal1 projeo&roe about. a /fiJl frow t he ,. ... , .. aide whn atowed. •

6tb-lt. cao be fet 10 Sloe/: tntd H., .. from 1\le nil" bJ "'•••ta of a Tumbler. l\o coc/:..biUi1111, /,iU.~ 01' lrfl• OD M a~ry.

· Gth-Jt ca11aol JK*ibty fc••l the fore fool or

Further iolorn1atloll tao- \.e ot&allltd 011 'rl U· calioo to ,

F. W. GCJ.DER, ], t'(fltor, L o~ t# ur tJ A A 7. f o. S. ~ Ali~o.'o,

Oltt/ t(•i, .t~l f!} tiN 6'tlo A:ttol o~ocl lJiJit'tiCJ Jtwp.rt'tl• OJ drt lallAt~l

priftk tllo bow "hil'' bc1il'ar ieeartd, I '{tla-h is ••r to cal ltad)'aA aod "'*' .4ddrf.--t.

..,,. otbtr aito1•or. •

J- tlilr•lit', 11;. lU •• \\', t. UJ II', 1·. Q.. J. u Net a.

8th - 'll1e Fluke cao be ifnktn ~at ad nplttcctl t ih • few lllhuatca. Hpete f luba cao be enr•a,livd • • Jl&:,U

.l .• ll' - Clue


I '


TH~ HA.RB0R ClRACE STANDARD, dlJ~E ~to.· 1888 • . ' , I

• . • ,(\ /. . I


The· First Sign , pc 1:tllfe1 tw.lth. "'~ l!.l llio tum& of

·~t-.;1" ~\\'c":lll tUJd .~~~n·eu~~t~t•,<;~, or Ia a ~~'"'""or C<'ll01'111 \r("'triJ~c,tai uut.IJ.o;.,. ot

• .... \ p)l\'ll!l~ . .. ltuUidflll~c..t.UIIl~..c o! .\ yt'r'.t

~ous~ ~~embly .-8Ylf0111IS OJ' .aGOBBDDlGS.

( CJ>Htilu1td.)

·'IQ~riU:\o 'l'ltL. lJn!II:&Q! lull l<~ mo .. & ~a'c.:cth·u CUI' 1){1 h~ to!)o s::1J elrtu;;:b to lho l'IIC~'<'hk'll '-rwew. Jli'Vwetln;; tho c\l:;t.,.Uou nu.t sc"slH.II!;~tlvt.~ ~·r f,,.,.l. J N~tor­l,t:; tho 11Cr\'UU1 furt•t .. l\1 l~wlr t nnn:tl l'•"lllhluu, :•thl fur l'llrir~·hlJ, c.:ur:c.:ulu;;, .lllltl \ ltu.llzlll~ th.: uiUI.t.l.

SATunon, April 23. A~ hall· pllat tbreh•.:tonlr. the llouae mel pur.·

aaaut to adjoutnmeut. · • •

aod AlfiUted that 1 ..... tr. srl1en fw a ,Jmlkd period u llu ~en dooe I D. Aaatiilla. F~m bit UJ•erluuo ol tbie couot1r1, he ditl . ool bctllen LhM tbe,. ;r~rw ab7 laice {~ of laod oauaido or the dlatrlcl..of Plaoltialia aultahle for lbectp­ra~alur except fn oDcs or '•• plaoea aod OcJUtNder· ed i~ moet unw.iae tbM ara,au lboald be 1 ai••p ror t.beee io a wa1 tba• •nald adml' of mouopoiJ. He wuppoated the prioeiple-, d lb~t Uill and .•u deafroaa of ballnl( the IDtllllN releared '<I a So· leo& ,Vouuuittee wit.,. ........ detail• could, Ia" thonl(ht, be bca~ coutitlentci.' -

Failing Health. · 'f<•:1 \'I'~N :I'!'U lilY lll'llllh u••:::m (O f:aj!.

J ,,·:11 lrvullh .. l witrl a <ll~tn·,·lu;c ~CCI;.~, . ;:-;i:ltL Swt•:oh•, \\',•:tkuu. •. nu•l !\ct'IIOU··· ,_ • .,.~. I trl....t l'nri•lll1 1''111\'tllc.:~ prc.:..crw ... l , ,, dlll'.·rc.:uL l•h\':<id:m~. u&ll h.·o·:unu ~u ,\\:t•:ak thnL I cutt)cl lluL J:'O np lll:til'.i wlth­~ut~ tut•t.Ut·~ tu r•·~t. Aly l rlt•lltli "'-"!'ulll· 111•·11•1•-.1 ~~~· $\1 try Ay~r'" Sar.sniJ:trlll:t, ,1'\'hlr.IJ -lclict.niiiJ J ntlliiU\\' :1.., hcnlthl' t\lhl l'•tHu.: n~ :,.,.,.r,-),tn~, .1::. L. Wllfl;~w~, P.,lc3:a.utld:t, 311111,1_.

I ii:II'C 11:<('•1 A wr'.a S:u'l-.,11:1ri;tl; wv f :1111llr. fur :Xrv(vt:c, unc,l ~"U.\'' • l t It (, • =•lo>•·n f:~it ltrull~·. tfmt It will thuruv;;)tly ,. . .,uflrnlu t hli t.•rrlhlc dl~t·:o-c. I lui\ u ~l.u j•l"<'ll•·rll""' iL u~ a tuuh·, 111 we• II n .. :lll~&lh·r­(llll'o, :111J llllbt Jt!ly I hut I hutu$-<th· ltcllc.:\u, n \r) IJu 1 hu h.·.•t hlouc.l llJI'tlkluu ,.,., r $'"llltW'IUu•l, .. l.- \\'. }o'. 1-'uwlur, 1>. D. S. , ,)1. 1>., til'wU\'IIIc, 'fcun.

Dyspepliia Cured. Tt \\'oultl i10 h:no••IJJiu r01· 1110 It) .(},._

l'•·rilJa \\hat 1 >'lllicn·cJ !~111 hulllfl·~ tlun •ml ll ••:tJachu -ll~ lu j Jru Jilllu .1 '"" ... '1111 l c i.. !u·~ .\ \'ur·~ s, r:-ap:orill:\. 1 wa .. llll•h r l h\1 ··~rc ot \ ;u'illll~ "'"' •kl:lll'l 1111•1 tril·•l 1, l,'"rc.::ot tn:tny l.huls ,;r lltl·.,lit:i •.t~"' · IJ11 L lltl \'Cr ulol :ti114'U IIIUro,l l h:tU lc'IIIIIOI'IIr\' 1'..:• Jlcr. A t l< r l :,tklu~ .\yc•t'l S.IJ'•.'IJI~I')II it r •. r n •hur~ th11c. IIJY l11:;uJuchc tl !i~I'IJS!"f"•). llll<l tu' stutn:11•h J lt!r furlllc<,llls Jut lc~ 111o :·u Jwl"f•·•·t!y. 'J'tr< :ty 111,1' lu•nll h i ~ c •II:J• l' lt'lclv rcstorcJ. -llary llarl..:y, Sprh·:;­l)c.:hl, ~l:c.~.

1 hu,·c hccn ~:ttl~· pr nf' fitt·•.l hy 1hc f•rumpL u•c .. r A ycr'i ~:II"':JJI:Jrilla, I~ t••nci :mJ lu ,·h:or:tlc.i I he , _..,, em. "';..'11 btc:~ ttiu m:tiuil o r tho t.l i~···· :llhl :t•• lwilarh·u or.::c11•. :mJ rit:tlll:t'11 lhc lllu•111. It I•, witl111ut t.loJJitt, t ho IUCISI rcliaJ•Ic l,luuJ purilic•r yi:td(,.eo\'f'rc<I. - Ii. p. :Joluaup, ~ .. H hutlc oxc.1 Uroo~yJil, !\. \ .

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, \'nJ;>:>.red l>y Or. J . C. J.r~r k/JR., f .Q\I'Cit, >J.a..

l'l'leoo • I ; d.£ boWe•, N.

·QUEEN Insurance c,m:p~ny. C.A PIT AL-~ 2, 000:000 Sterling.





DUHIDJ~(;S, l:>'l'HEJ,i;T,

TWENTY -KJ~Til A~YIJ~L ltEPOit'l'.

fh E He ports nn<l A cconnl11 ft.t· lito .Y''III'

l RSG, proHcntell t.o Lito S lrnrchult!P r'fo ''' lite A 11111111 I lleP.~iug, on 'fl.tu nuiiiJ' 5th ?cltty, l 88i, showed in th!J

lo'IRE llt!A NCTT, TltRt. the Premiums fer ISRG, ttflC!r dt:clnc·

tin~ H u-insut')lOC(!S , umounlc•tl Lu tGOI,G49. flllll tit A Loll!ie S to £:1:i3,4 9-l ; 01' v8. 7 [, )>CI' oout.

IN THE LIFE Bf{ANCil Thnt Now Pulicie::~ lt nd Leon is.'lllf'U for

£2!i8,990, y iciJi ttg in prrmiur11 £9,915. nrul · ~hut.t.ho Wtal tle lL preutit.ttll iucomo wuA .£ 8 2,1.' 374. T hut. tho I'"YIIIcllttl lo roltt!~· .lto lt.lers wrre £:l3,i l, n11c.l that tho l..if~ lund WILS

iocreuseu h £:!0,003. The n .. l:lllCO Crf'Jit oi Profit nr.d L oS!!,

;lfLCI' Htltliog £23, 00 t.o tire Firo .Funcl , wn~J Hltown to :11nonnt to £134,196 10.:~ 4u, u11u was dis •OOltlld of I'" l~llow&.:-;£27',005 ts 0 F()r"i)ividend and Bonua

16,JOl.J:L..Q_Added...,WReaervo Fund, and po,~ !3 4Carrled !orwBrd

THft~ FUNDS W ore el.o'll'n thea't•Jlftor to atrwd 1111 follmvs :-C"t''~"l P~titl np .,. , .. ........... ~ .£ ll:S0,1 •~9 Jleo~erv"a . ........... . ,. ... ... ... ... 441J,48!J l·irp AccuUiuiRtion Fuuu ... ... ... . b~I,UIG Aunnity l'nnrl .. . ... ... .. .. ... ~ . . 2.f. 2ll;! 'tUfA~ J."P~l)::i 1~ IJ.\~~L . • , .... ~1.~9G,1Jti4!.

JOH.N CORMACK, Gt llcrul Afic11tfur "'fld


Mr. 1, A !:SoNs preteuled a peUtloo from Ute io-; ltllbittultl of l''ht ltock w~Ut rcceiV~Srt aud ret~cl, oa the aubject or lho tlottrnctiou of Doga.

Ordered that uad pulitiou do li~ upon thft t11blo . Ou t~ or<h:r' lleiuiC callt~d Cor thu tllircl readiul(

of the bill to provitle for thu Utaua~:cmeut of the Municipal 11IT-aira of tllo ' towo of tit. Jolou'a aud for other purpoae!,

Tile .bot~ ...Attorney Ueoer11lmoved that tbo aaid l>iU be ~ommit~d tO 1\ COilHUitteo Of the 11o !Jole House ; aud the lloase rreollied itllt!rt' luto 11 com-mittee or tbA whole accordiuKIY Mr. Godtleu iu tllo chair "" .

'Ute (;bairman · reported from tile committee tbat tht-y had cooaidt:red the Lill to thc.:tn rrier­red. and had mado aome atuuudtueuta :herem wl.jch thl'y hac.l Jir~ct~:J bim to rl!porl to th11 House .-,,cl be b11ndt:d the 11111cndmcuu. tu at thu ,<;lerk'r tallle. Aml tbe ar11cutlruuutc. hn~·fug been reud tltrou~ han& urere upon tlt t: 'qoealio~tb.:inr: put

. thereon s~:rc~to by thu llouw . Oderqd that tloo !.>ill llo now read .n third timu IICCurdill{tly. Or.dc.:r.ed tl•tlL the eai.J lJill do IJnliS n11c.l bu ~:u­titltd "J\11 1\..Ct to pro~ide fo r tltu rnnttll!(uu.c ut or the )Iuui.cipnJ ~t.fiulra or tl~ towu or ~~. John's null for other s•urposc11" Or.dur.-d llc11t t ho loott Attorn.ey Ge11c1111 n11d ~lr. ~ott do tnko thu lJtll to the Lcgislatill.: (;oun.c,il auu llcai rt.t tltdr .:ou­currCIICII.

A hl1!1!8:1go from the L<'l!i.alati .. o Con11cil. The Acti1111 Mnatcr in C luuoct'ry to the · u·~is­

lntivo (;ouucil Lrou:;ll t down the !olluwiug writ­leu IIICIIS3~t't!.

Mr. ::it't::AI\t:r:,-Thc l.e~i.tlnti•e Couocil nc . qmtiut ~Ito ll ous.: of A11Se111lJly, in reJtiY to tlu.:ir ... cs~tngc of the lGth in<~t., they COIICUr in the f•d­llress to llis l•:xccllcucy tit ~:~ (iovcrunr ou l11" suloj~ct of l t:UIO Vills.: the Unri" sectiuu uf the tch:­J:tii(Jh liuc to C..:lif'U Hny, null ul cr~:ctiu~: the ~:11111: lJctll'l'l'U thuL pJiut uuu S; l 'oiut, :::il. G.:c. • ~c·, Uay.

.<.:ouncil :!7dt April, l tl83.

K I> Sm:.\ , l'r~:~tJtul.

.Mr. Sc•t:AI\t::lr.-Thc lc;:i~h11ive Cottut:il nc '1'1Ui lll t:l\' llcoll~ll Of ,\&$1'111hiJ tfr:lt they hH\'r J>allet.l tf,t: htll at.tu~ ttp, t'ltlille.t, " All ,\CI iu t lhtl protuotiuu ol A~o:rtcul t ur.:,'' with nu ""'""''" Ult!ll1 1 10 whtch tlot'y rctlliC.11 tbc CUIICUI rt:otcu ul 11lo House of AMuruuly· ,

Cocrncil t:luuub .. r, 1~111 A!Jdl, l ~'i~

E ll . ~II.•. \, l'tt:dtJcu~

Aucl tltco th., .\1.-saPns:er with•lu.•w. Thc: I\Uteu•lwo:hll4 \¥1'tc thl'U 1c11d tt fit"SL 1111•l

Stcout.l time ; a~o•l. ou tuutiou, "''"""' I. Urolcr~.,l, th:tt IS IIIO:II!fn;.:e ~ o<elll tu tut: l.•·:.:ia.

'"""" C..:uuucil IIC•(Ittsiutiul( tlll'rn thut 1hi1 lluu~ CUIIt:ll r iu tloll Sll i•t Rlllt'llollllclllrl. ,

ur.Jcreol, tl.llL Mr lluutl 111111 ~lr llrac.lllhii\V tlu t11kc tht: ruc1141t:.:u to tl.c t:uuudl. '

Tl•t'll the lluusu uolj·•urucll Ulttil ~loud~y Ill· XI, nl :.1 ~ o'clock.

Mcl\0.\\" Aplil 31l. The llou-1e opohcd nt lonlt-p•t,L ~~ u\: ... ck. lllr. (;Uilll~:~ prcdtlllt .. ol po:ti .iotut frr tu ,\brti~o

II nil, uwl fnHu \'f . Thowl•t!UII, .uul nlltcrll, ul liKruuttr lirl\CU. pr11yiu;: thnt t:l'c:ty dd~:uu "'' t:t I 1Yliii)'•Ot1C 1111d Cll jJalo(o: of rt'll> l!to): 1111ol writiul.!. Lc cutttlo:J lo vnte. ll o: rc.:rellc:•l dont t.hili (" li . tiuu is lll t:ll., llh:J Ill so lntu '' pctiutl uf the llt:lld iuu tluH 110 ttctiou call lll' t11k c11 u u it

fllt•&arll. J\lorris, l'nnsoltd, nuJ llrnc.ldlmw snp· portcll the !JO! tll iou.

Mr IIIIAIJ:iiiA\1' prcseutt'c.lpelltiQIIB from Borult' u ,.y null Fh:ur de: a Lys, rcv• ellc:lltiuK tltc l'Villl nt­te:ulling thu sale of liquor awJ prttyiu~ for l'ro-hibi tioll . f

M r PM:SO!"S preeeutc•l n pt:titio11 from Joh11 Howley, ,lohu W Furau, J,.uoel \\' hcder, 1111tl Othcn! prl\Jilt;i fur II 81111111 IIUIII Of IHOIItlY I ll he l'lt · 1Je11Jcu iu ro:pairiu~: the rolltl lellc.lill~ to \\o' illiatu.s' Pound llojt.

Mr U~t.\IJSIIAW.prtsente•ln petition from llou · 11lc.l Bro'l' ll aud otltut8 of Boultu llny, rli11rrict uf ~L Bttrbc, prnyito~:r for n l't•rty ou ~t. l'nul'11 lhy. 11lao ouu £ro111the tllhllLitautd or llouuu flny pr11y· iu~ thnt \\'tll iat!l Kauubc ttppoiu tetJ fcrryuu111.

1\lr llo~o prcsu11tccl a (Jeti tiu~o from Wtl li<cm \\'llitu rtruJ otlot:rt o f J~,.ey lii\J I.Jor 011 tlrt~ auli­j rct or l'rol.ibition, aldU ouc from Bliubt:Lh ltollu auc.l others of tlu1 811UJil place ou tbu ume aahj .. c~

Mr IIJtti. DSII,\IV prt:lk:llted a pt!liriou from the ltc v. 1''. U. l.>ar!Jy aurd otuc·n r.f (;rl\wi~.J• t:uvu ou the eul•juct of a awnll allocalio11 for • ro11d.

Mr Uoso prcacu•ed 1\ pt~tition from tho H.-v. A <;, W ac.thOtiiC, C..:hrtitiiiiiU or tlru Nt~w llllrllor J.:tluc11tiu11 bonrc.J, the ltcv. li. II Utc~hop, the Hev.'\V. A. lJayllt'l autl tile Hov. Juhu lluwitt, aucrubc·ra ur tlu• ~cllool Uoard of Fortn11e llay rurd Uuriu IJI'lt}i"l: tur:L the 65th acctiou of thu B.tu-CIIt iouAl Act Lo amuuclecl, At preseu\ it io1 iru poaaible, owinu to the , Sulnll aalariee which U:l'e ~:iv~:u. to procure the aervicea of ccrtiOcated kaclocu.

lll\rbor ftrnco 1\1 ~ Lt~lessuc:ren 1.1\d much plel\auro io eap-porCiu~ tbia petition.

A. T. l>IlY~Dr\ LF..

Fl~E AND LJ!i~}J. J:ST4BLlBHED A .-D. 1887.

lion A 'TTOUNII.T G£Nt:IIAL-For en8penainn of ltuld . • Uvun utotion of the! loou ~Uurney Grn ­erlll, &ecou.letl by tbo Ltou Ro.:ei ~tr litmer11l

flr~toiUtJ,-'fb.ll tbu Hull'l or tbu llt•Ukl lJo IIUI·

peutl.-!f aa reKarda all billa uow ptwuiu~o: before tilt: llonlt',

The Uouae I hen rceolved Into a .committee of the . whole ou tho Hc:gidlrallou of U~:e!U Hilt. Mr ~lfel\ lu tl111 chair. •

'fh ,: COlli Witted tOle 11nd reported the bill whlcb waa theu re:u.l a tllir•l tiute null paue.t ••ttl ord•r.

HEAl> · OFJ:c~fCE: t!ll to be takeo to the ~gislatiu CoU•tdl bJ a p.\ ~NON I:I'TREI!!T, I.O!'fQoN, E.O t.rpqtation ~;on•ietlttJC. of tau boa Attunusy O"u-10:1

Capital: I;:J:.OOO,OOO Stg. Jtllu•"''i'OI Af~W<J ull ui,Poat. •If ~ir•clA or

J'"'t"'tt1 ju ~"•·(uuu~pil ~~ lowea~ lJOeailiiR

""~ , J, A UOU&TU9. OLJrr. • Sqt.fC1TU,., ~. J uqJ(•,

~ye"l tt~r ':!t'clflfw~JinfW, :K. li. THOAtPSON,

g,b 'AV'"' ,,,. Ht~,·/JQr Om,.,,

er•l nd ~Jr Gm:u". · COIM.miue~t ou Slleer Raieinll' Uill ·11•-. llouo U•eu r~euiYod ltlutlf into Co~nml'·

·~ or tb" Wbolo Oil tbit UiU ; Ur \\' ·~u iu lito cltaar. ,

Ur Scm-r-'l'ltb IIIII i• an aratDdment of tbe ~oc of 1~7P Dow lu force 'l'ha& aor. ecraDted 11-oeaeea orer tla~e ,..ue lraota of laud to 110raoua ,., ..... p rauhaar p"rpoe.a i twd farther araiited tl&le '" r .. ll•pla I!J tb... ~· tJro•lded tba• 6QO •h•p wore ke1•la~~ ~ for tn .-.~~~eea-th·e Jun. A f•nll•r bota•tJt:tf .-.uo .... "'"•• at the ••d"Qf u.a• usqe. 'l'lut 841--.ata Ia the

1 ,., of boa11 do ao& IPfW'I", bo• eter, &o ha•e

t llleittd ataJ ono to IItke iadran~ of &fail& "' ; _..,. ,.._ t115et proriiiOM 111 thfc ' ,,., e,... to rwd•• •be • .,.,._, of tb•q •JJI llftM& btl hl't

f to ~Ml. affd MtiODI, to siN a r.o-..a. a& the elld ar' . eaehJ""·

'n_ ..,.... Jlr IJOJrn ohJo!otttl to &he trrUtfaJ In fee t.f ~-.-uc:. Jarp Ja• of &Ud u ,..mea., for. tw ~!It DJlJ

Ur Mom:t" aalcl lhat he cioiacurred io I be IUJl geaaion of tlto'bon tDembiSr tbal thla lflll ahould bu referred to .. &I~\ Comw(uee. u· .. Olr )I) not. only olt~cla.d to laqe !Jftllta of laod paqln~t in fee aod to the 'been~ tor~ MVeral ut~en~y 111ft!~U11rda frotn lhia roeupre, bo\ ooullidero•l that a mau wlto kevt 6rt1 alte~tp wa. 'aa dei!OtYin~ of encouriiJ!eUltlut 1\1 wetl •• tbu wan wbo YF" two huudrod, null alao Lhat th" qoauthy of laud lll'lUiteJ tO ll Jicent~e OOVhl to be ttl(l\la,etl AO•

cordio~t to tlru uatober of tbePp tullintalned. .Mr SCnn aait1 t ha& he ..,., fully couviucet.l of

tho wll!rloru or rc:fer{inl( tho maunre to a Sol~t~ct Commilteo atul rr ljJOiell thaL fur that pnrjJtHe thiS prcaen~ COIIHUittecs ritltj aud rt'port lie hacl uo ubjt:clioo to ll11Vlt tho m.-tter tt:ft"rret) to a 1oclcct cotumtttte, and If he would be loaviujt towtt to-mnrrc:: w bd would be clntl if tho !ton metuber Mr. Buud would ~ke c~atge of the Uill iu hia ltbSCitCC.

air UIIAOSIIAW Rlli'Ud with lbe rem.u)~e of tho hun lllt'tnlJcr, Mr Bcud, 1ltU die peoaat. elloultl be pr t v .. llted from cutting titub"r on thct laud 111111 thl')' would te4'er·"' Utarler the pro•itioul of this llill. Xo tluubt th.- tiwber woultl ~c uu~ Luth for reuci11g "'·d for ftrinv uuleu a rua rictiat; ClriiiBO Willi iueertl'd iD tbe DIIIAIIII't!,

Mr. MACKA\'-,\s tile lion meruber M1'. Scotl fur "hunt he loacl the hhcht"lt rej(nrd lii OUicl uot be her~: when the Btll came up ".IC"iu. h" •ocld s11y 110w t lont the hill•l not m~t hio1 appru1·nl lor il 111n.1., pruv!dion f•tr tbe w..,.lzhy 100111 auol left tiro: 1-·oor tllnll where ho wae If thuy .. xp~:ct · ~cl to scu nny iwl'rovement in ab~ep rl\iaiu~o~ they III IIAL t: iYI! UIICUlllllitl'mtlnt to tftu flOOr IWIII nruf not 111n I he noOIItS)' hllo dlffurent clllmu .. la. Ill' ! cli <' vutl th .t onr a~ricaltt""'l ~1•abilittt::1 Wl'ft' • " ' 111 t he uncct io·• of c.ttlu r•hliDI:' l o atoy !:~IIIli

JC " " ' but l·e ;hl &.he cnnnUJ ••• c 'P-'hll' ul I\ Wtl:ll llU'ItbiSf jjf >lhkl'• If th" llifl Willi rdct h.'lf fn 1\ t...JI'CI cdttfntitll'e IIIIIIU illtjltO\'U•. •ui,rl• t"'Jc 1111\Ue iu It" l'ro:at·ut form

T:.c cotulllillo:t" roc eucl ''-'k.,.l 111 l &f'e rb" ~ill rc.:lcc red tn " "'lact COir cultt«~.

The.: ll uusu rhc.m ru;thed it110lf iuto CI'IUlntillct or Llo() •YhOlt! 011 I he J. ·~ .• lilt i"lllllt:ty Uill.

~I r ~luur: t:i iu '"" ulo:1it, ' l\1 r . . \1 ACK .n ·- .'l1till loill l•'"f'04 P-' lo ameud ti, ..

l.· •bl1t' t Ac.t leO .. un "'" StMUIU u .... k. l'··u ,., ' J

IIJ\11 ~ nc: lo:IVI'II I lot: t"Cirnrt:cllllllll u£ fl,. ft~•.r rt't;U I ·

tiou111 lo tit ,· Ex .. cu• i v~. 61111 for Llu•t r"""o" """ 1Jee11 iu~tf.:u· h·.,; ' ltv tbie !Jill rt•s:u ·,.tiouo~ nr,. ~t• ut ,· ltt tu bu """O't:·l hy t ltd l ... l.( il'll\tcrrl' it•clf Ill! kucw tlt,l nt,U)' lt"rt lllt'lllberll lo•Vt:Jilllt! (.,itlo iu tlo~ ..tlk ,cy uf act:~ r..~ul•llluc: '"" cu111luct ol our ti ... h.,riu.o, lout loo: h"J·~tiJ• cuulliiiCd tht'lll Llu1 c. iu t .i i inollat C·· 11t!~ , l~jll11;•• iY <l iutt"rfurc~uc• tuny lnve n 11.'\l•ttnry .Oj ·C.:rj'tiUII, lu IS.i.'i on:,, lU iJub'"uox,.ct ol l· •l>~~ • ttrd wo:rc IIIICk.-·1 iu tlu. cuu"''1; uu .Y them.1 ar" !101th'() or tltercnlt ·Htl~ l"'ukc:ol '"""'"lly. 11111l he \IIIIi uf o~·i :o i• ort tlo,. · 11cie thsi'"'Y i• c"l"''•w . r.r J,.f)(.t t'XI""'"i•ou rua•l I.J, it' llll'"iUIC t!Ut:lo ro•>~lric · 0 ·d ttp >II the fl•III'U fttiiHI'

~~~·•u I" "JIU~c· l th., c.atclo or,•, •U.ito:r" Ill 'Y b . lll'f · Jlt:IU ol J1•f nl1110"1 I ll,ifllfdi,tild wriuoJ • II .- .Jitl uu t 1111tio·!'•,. tc 11o t the~''" uuudll\11cl lillht•ry wil t'Vcr to•llt:b 8IICh•l11r .u J'IOf'OIIi·lll!l 1111 tft/\t Of till' Du111111iuit : Lnt lot: ltW 1111 r,.ui•II•WIIV 0111 CoiC t~lcuut.l 11111 amu1111l l•t I.}({OUJ or too' O'JII lttoX•:~ -' Vt•llr. '(1t'l I!IIUI iull:4 of I It i.e hill 4tll at I'll !1.1 flU

11i ;uplc att·l 110 11lti111:t"11t '"'I rh.'lr ob<urv .. n ' c: ia ,.., uouch for tlil! iut .. rcll~· nf both tho: ~ll .. ra 111111 putchiUicra .,f lui"'"" tbJtt he re arc• I n·• •lillie '''Y i11 Cllrrylu!l their ltroYieiOt•e1iuto 'tfect1ve opcr" tion lle thou11hl tltat tflntliiuc: ia llcl!alucJ for lhc.: l'rnt .. c •l"" ,f th" liotiu!ry than il' uotcu11!ni11u.l i~trft,. two eectious of thi11 hi.l Th11 tirr t Jl•Crr•u• tircu tbu n•nllutu•u •'~" uf lobatel'll which ~l ll• ll bu pur . mitteol to 0., t.:a~l::h' a&. t1111 1111ol 1\ hft l( lnchr11: 111ul tbu 1-l'<>llt•l aectiun utablieltl!ll a clou rim., btH•et:" th l! :I tat nf Au::u•t nml tit a llld~ or Uu ­ce~t~ber uuriniC winch fill!! ahnll uut b" tnkclll nr 1111: """ both thea., •~ctiona a ru e11furcc•l bv· Jll'llalties. Ue •lit! uot t'llt'IICI ~Icc clu8<) timu r.;r a further pt'riJd for lhu ro.•aou th11L tunity pullr IJIC.:II llllllllllo(U to lllttkll a t.lll.tllatloli~iou to 1\IICDII!Y l jvulihunc.J by Cll\uhiul( IIII•J l!cllitol: lali310t14 fur lnc.\l C<llldllllll'li•lll clt~rinlt thu lllOc.tha of {'\:bruary ''"'' MRrch, au•l he ahout.l be uuwilliul.! to llu ­vrivc tl-.etn .of tlrlll IUWI atlf'nUilll(l!. ::i•tiUu pt!O. VIII thitok tltat we lhonlrJ Uut pt:ntrit llpllurllillll' lobatera to bo t•keu. \\'i:h thc:ir ouiuiuu lte can­not COIICttr. l1.1r t!Ju rt~aJOII lloat thl' I IIIIWIIiiiJ: ti111 e Ul~lldt OVOt IlliCit ll IOIIJ: Jleriud thrtt thu !Jro ... ltiLitiou o( tltcs caiC:ltiu~e ur l'Jlltlfll iu~ lo i1SU:ra would make the iraclu•try too hu .. rtloua ofovroau­cutioll. In tl•o U111tt:d &ntea auJ Ua11adl\ Lite only teatric:Uons upon loltetar fl:~hiusc are tltc~o limitation of the eiu ~low •hioh tbo lio~h "h"ll 11ut. oo tak11u aut! tho eM&,u& of the close

• lime. · After • lillie diecuuion, particip&letl in bJ

Aleur .. BrJUith""'• ~hea, W•teou, l'tSiere. ~loriue aud Muri'l•.r. tlao lllCOUd lkedOill or tbu bill t.laeJJ l'II .. Ud,

'l'ho cornu1ittee roee, reporh:d tbe bi 1 wlliclt wae rea•l • tlairtl Ll01e ud Jtalled. .

~ · AtJrlreu on the eubjeot-olthe appoiutmeut of a Llnycl'a tutYqnr. • • ) lr. ScoTT •ld tbat hll'mAin ol•j t~et 1" :novinl! I he 11dclrc:u' waa to "ivo elfrct to a pe~ition prc­eeuted here durina lbtopf!Mnl ..,..iou fruro m11ny persona ettptr~ ha tire bauk ftaberJ, ' I Ltu ltateruenta nuide fla tbt& petitloo Irati bcfln ably coullruaed b7 aD Jaqn ft .. •llea~a ' in U.e Upp~:r llouae. ' •.h1 waa atlqu.&tonabiJ a hi,( I~ atul,l'.riry on tire auhjtoo\ lntcf hal vabliciJ atar,:l in ltl!l J•l.rce iu lbe Couacll tlaa' blaDJ of •~l• •au& lo tbe &ltb.,. al-..oh a clt•raotflr aeuut to jnatlfJ -.a to rhkfn,f tltelr line an thorn To britaac aa.o.t an lmprof'luiert'lu thia ••Iter anti tn rh•• 10m• ~~eurit7 to tboee who to to ~·•• ft•III"J f' hu bett11 V'Jrad tha& the aJcpohrtrueu' of a l.l:rci done1cw •IRI•Id·be mede. 'l'horo ma7 be llo81thrs In obtaa•l•• aacla a au"OJur, aacll' b Ht9ell bJ' ...If, .. , euch .._ appoiol· rueD& fa abeolut.lf' neeieltl'1 all lltat ''" nate1n or' enn'~J II01W '- furM " 'do& IDJioieoUj pro .. teGt the li~ of o•r IWael'llln.

'J'be reeolatkJM "ria oarrfed aad ••• lloa10 weot Into ~110 of .tbe w1rc.le thereupoo. Air. CattJI• tiN er.alr. • · Mr 8cun IHYW 11 .. •doplloa of• &be naolu-tlo•• bJI .. 00•11111.... ,

'loa ll.e Pima *"d tlaa1 Ia rnptet to th'* ....-er lllfrf ~ to bit ..,.e IIIMe~Nleptloa Ill CO ..,. .,... lite d•d.- of • LloJd'' aarfeJor and Ida .......... to tf•o Uoftrn.,..t. 'llte •P· roJlahlln&'Jf-...aiiii'YtJOr ~olld "''' J.'o1d-.

end DO' bJ the Go.oremeat.aDd &be adv&Dtae• of lo~'filll naaet. aane7ed ~ .aoch a aan~~,~or b lbd tbeJ~MJ obtalu a cl&allcalloa; l>u& moe' of o~ar' 'fHMia beiu« built m.e11 for 6oiber1 por• P.::-' woald ao~ be fh fQr. aach cla.tai!Jcation. fbe appolntmeal of a -LIO)d1e eutve1or hero woald b_. ueeful io cona~ctl~n wuh th docb and would enable 'feUelt tt) obtain a otrtlftoete llere for which they•now ba.o tc) aco eltewhere. To lecure tb• unicee of aucb a eurvnor It w'>old be oece .. ry to provade ror ltitD ~. •lary of ·~ 000 or a:uoo. anrl hlt conaidered ''·• the diffteull1 Ju the ••1 of hie lal•rJ aoitrh~ be ovor­-:wo by appoiutiDg hito etlrY8!0f of local abip· p111g and~ the local oota. •

Afaer tome reluarkt by Meura All\rch aad Ul'lldilh" ~. tbt IJo~ tlt~u adjuuroed tillltHuur· ro• 'al ba.f-pu' 8 o'clock. -., (TU 81 COtmlWEit )

A leltt r from P. 0 . ~harp leas, l>rll l.'~tl•t. Ml\f­ion, Ulcio, in l!ftitla~t or• 1,). Tbuuau' .Bclectric Oil 'llJB : 0c11e 111110 Wl\1 cared of thro.t of I:' Je•l"'• e• aorlin~t ' witb one bottle. We bne a Ut1111ber of caeee of rbeUIIIati&~n lha&. hut~ been curetf when other remediet. hue failed. We coue'der it tbl! beat medicine told. ___ ..

Alluu'e Lun~t fillllllm Ia the a:teat. morlt:rn rutllt:IIJ'Tbr (;ontthc, Co.~lc.ll!, Cuusuu•l•liun Atllh · 11111. (;roap lllt•l UrouchiliA.' It ia rccmu•ut:ullcc.l lty Phyricil\1111 ""urywht:te, \ylJo aru acqu~tiutell with ita .:r-=at tlsduln.-sa.

f'nrrc•l tonpue ancl imvttro brenth "ro;t•o con­corni•n· r.. or hiliottdllell3 tclllt:llietl by ~ urtlrrup & Lymsu 'a Ve~tetablu Discot>er,- and I) y•puptic Cure. llearLhurtt, wltich huufea tho dysprpric nfttr mt~nle nnrlall tho jlef!JII!Xill.c.t 11n•l ch!ln,~otefnl 11yatema of Utl\bllaltctl illrf i~:ao~tioll, nr~ tli1po:aactl by tloil a•tlutnry curructiYe: tunio aud cclcbratct.l Llood vuritier.

Tl1ere 11ro 10 ronny cunglt DIP.clicinea in the "'" ' kt:L tionl it ia anuto·:intc& lltlficult to tell • lli.:h to bny ; !Jut H we h aol n cnn.:h n cuH or "'"Y HI. fcOI ' Cinl or lice thrunl 1111tl 1 1111~8 WI! wuultl lry Bicl.le 's Aut i·Cuu·U upti•l! ~Jtii Jt ·n,u, o who> llltYt!•l it lfoi uk il iot f:tr 1\ht!ft>l , ( 1\ll utftur pro: · I' trftlio .. ~t rl'Cottum.,udt•l lor such .:u~t~pl .dnac~. l'ne l:ttlt: fulk11 liku iL a_. it it,..., pl.:n&.lttt ~ eyrnp

1/,lJ .u:.r!J· .• f'j/1,., - {;ltDnLt!i of tt•mperal ure nrut ••R' lrt'<J'Il'lltly IIJII'cl ltCfiOtt1 who nrc 11111111 t'Mc fnl ol thdr h .. nlth. ntul 1•11rticttl11r iu tl.d r cli~·ri l'lc~ CtJrrc.-tivu, I''" if \' ill~"'"' 1.!1'111 lc n1•· ,.rl, l)L 1:'111,. 11rl' the hl'dt t t'lllc•ly fur r II rtc•fec• i y,. "ct iou of thu ch:.:c11:v · ora.:• Ill Thoy Rr.,:uu11•111 the Ai1111'1 itu. streu~o:t '•tlll Lhol 11turunch. curr,•c!l loil :ou ••at·oea. lllt•l e•rry utf 1111 rh~t i11 ll toXi•ut• rruw •Itt ry•turu llullowAy'd l'illt! ur•• COIIIjJIIIc.:ol of r11111 bothurut, IIIIUIIXO•I with l11l.1et htottc•r. a111l 1111 tlwt a :c·•uur "tu t·u·:uliovly wdlnJ•1••ccJ fur th~ }'ottu,:.' tldtCII It',. •n·l n~o:ud. Aol Uoia prict'lccl~ IIICd 01110 Ita, ~ltiUc•oJ f"IIIU itt t ltu pael , Au llil: il rott•eu v : it 111 rh 1 futu r11 by iter •Ut) VIItinJJ 11n•l ill· ~ iJC•IIRII IIt: 'J •tUftti.:f, 1111J lht: illllJilUibiJity ol ito~ Juw.; ltanu.

Why Me:1 Driu

T '"' worul.:rrotl IPt:ll"ri~L l '"" llot~ol. our. .. r 11111 k, .. f. "Tb,·ru nt\1 ti•·u rcMOihl why rnen ·lriuk! U " '" wiutl; H fricuol; locc•tHe tlat•y art• lr) ; u r Ill lc•1111 Lh uy 1111y [~<, loyu 1111•1 hy,•; or ,,~- o h~r rclldtJII why," ·n,., ln·t it pt:rl"'l''~ th,• 'UU.L C•llliiiiOII rt' 11 4 011 . ,J .IIllt:d J'~trtrm IIIICll It e nol · .,,1 nu otrt icl.: •· \\' i I tl•t: C·• ui:tlf lltau •l ·iuo; '! · hut &I Ito: f11ile•l to • ••rt ·•ur Lhc q rery 1vu wW .. x t ore·& ·• •I· oi lr·cJ u:•iuiun: lh .tt. >t 11li l the cuUtill)( =11r111 lc11rn.a to p rtl,. lullu~. 1<4t:i .• l r11wily ti<'d IIIHH'" •II 0 lu:ra, •fi ll ' lou lu.<tll uut tu 11h11~u hi.c uwu ·or_•l\n illtu lu ~lhc't lotl!l 11 \\' rit .. r i11 the .lhrl;c11/ .f:r 1111\ le IIOIIIIJ jJf:IC:IiC 1l rtltllllrka lljiOII tloi.c dllh·

jrut. 111111 ofT,•ru I " riuot•ly I iu t which prultiLitiuu "tlt•uca:cll \Vcrul•l •lo wt:lll n "'''"·

llu II•J~: .. A- luu:.: lid thl· illlperrcctiOII! or hn· Ul"uity ft:11111i11 1111 Ht tctf t o ,i111 l!>trrOUII'Iin:.:t! nut! clmc.litio·,.,, eo IOII)f l'l' il 1111 •! ru isery .. ill c•>llliuu••. •u•l Ult'U llt!t!k rc:lu.:.: i11 atrouc: otr:uk. lucr.,ndc '"" 111111 o r hlltlll\11 ltllppilldll-1 loy wh ,c .. vur lllt!l\1.8 IJU s iu:e. lca'lcll tht: Lur•lettll nutl 1\lltc hur"ro the 1vuo:s ur """'kiud. ' "'""" """ll•·r. clr.:~.·nllc: '""' p aiu loy 1\ l .o:tl~r p!oysical auol nmr11l ctlu.::ll iuu. IIU I .)'UU will ltn\'U l'luckucl out til" r~ll"l uf thnt •fire! IIIUIIIIIIIr"-iutt!lllfl!riiiiCo:!,


Amou;c tloa \ll' orr~t tnorhio: conrlitioua reaultinl! .frolll ~~~tl IIIU ur nl cuholic llt'}'ltJftl, ll8 wc:IJ :08

~r11111 illlprOjJC'r fou•l 1\lld Cll~tUIIIS Of l'lll ing, nru llltl IIIIIUitlOII u l. tlau IIOIU:IC!t, UOII't:lll, llv.:r, kill · u.,fslnaut Lrllill .

It lll:t~tcra ~OL it witH part or the ltn•ly in­a UUII!IlltOII llll¥180 lit loO\f So: \ C'fU it IIIIIY bt:, "'hi!• tht:r tt takt!& • h~t furru of l!ll:llric iuli.uu~t~ntiun . in dyej>tlplil\, or aa iu lorunultitia, Cltl•rrh , hity­fu•ur, J•ue ur\IO"ia, rlteu111atiarn, or 1\1 iu cc>tUtllllll c'!'' 1\lltl lortti_a.:a, .Juhusutt 'll A11udynu Li11i tuetct wall ~ou.qu.~:r tt, relicvo tho p11i11 ""'I pro''" 10 you thi\L It 111 wc.Jeu• l au auoclyno or mi;:llty 1•0 Ko:r, ancl 1111llku all otlJertl, it ia for inturuLtl na wc:JI ••• t:XIurual UIU. ·

J\ gocd B:tvtiat tl t:t~con to ld us unt lo1111: 1i11oc tb11t " he ltl\•l ltuown John1ou's l ,i11iouu11t fut a'xty yc.:nra, 1111•1 h11c.J Uttetl it in lti11 family (r,r uver eixtyJenra" J. ::i. J ohu,un & (;u, llueiOII ~laaa, w.ll ae~ud auy Ul'IStto n11 iustrttotivu p11111· 1Jhlut frol•, tullinu "" llbout tl•ia nlu •blu houat­hrrlc.l t81tlt!Ciy, aoul hO,.. tO lliiU it llCUIIOIItiCttlly On11 r.-u;.ouuuful p~upo:rly uat~d ia wurtll a wbolu boule !""'' ae eou~e pcoplu ~:w i'

NOlt1,_gEltN .Assura.nce C~a.ny

--FOR,- · pwjre and x.1re.

Capita.l,-£3,000,000 Stg.

BillE P:tEMIU.MS ... . : ...... , •.. ,,£f0S,001 LJFK do ....... ~. .. .. .... t5r,ooo INTEflES'r ...................... . :. ... llO,OUO

HEAD OFFICES : ~ J.o!IDOH-1 Moorgate titree' ~ ABIIlDIU-S • Kiu' ekeet.

rna11ranCfa eft'ected on P~pe• t' in New· fnundi••Hl .. ~ oarrenl .lL&~ "r. PretuhtJU.

Paoeraoroaa-:PCII'Na of Appliou~oo lor l'lre lind Lire lbllol'an:e, nud 111J otb•r Jn· ol'llldloa cap~ o)bi~inetl at I be ClfBcv ot

A. 0. UAYW.\RD, ST. Jou1'1,

~rn# for lt'•l~d:o.d, r

· .THOIIPSON'S . lYiedlcal Ball.

. '


WHOLESALE &.{RET.A.I.(.,. · --Thl\ ~·•"ec;riher L•" •gJ.iu..WJI!d to t.i11 ler;:ft'

KOd Yllrl&oJ l:it.ock~ It few of ~~· beWN~ )t!Jidin;: Paten~ Medic:iu• aod a.a.m.., M follow11 . Grttea\'e Auguat ,F'Iu.wt!•, Wal'llfor'a S.(e 011r11:

' t.ime Fruit. Juice. Dufrchee'a O~rbau Syrup Brao'a ,frnit. S11h, llullc)WIIr.'a COrn Cure ' C.u·w .. 's Liver 'piJia; · ''• R.l'flltm o( Wilci 'OI!erry,'t< Liqaaic.lltttlt·.Ex'r•o~, Hnzeliue Mothor Gt'l\\l'11

1 \Vurm Ext~-rsuiutttur, Liehis;'• Extr1tot of Me~&t, Dntinn~,;e 'fulli u,.,, P .. nr'a t:So.p, Pc-Jr'll Slau,·iu~ S1ick11.


Wlaito EnAmel (for filling lecllr,) J.ldnziuo ' (fut· cleuallting p11t'II08t:a


M a ttsou'ti F11mily Syriuc;Mt. Lon 11m 5j·r"J'• lwpt.orry ~y'• '"~'• I >t·. Wilout~tllf. Htli'IJiuu JJittcnr, · J ohll:ullt's Au<>tlyue Liniment, Tumnr Itultt:n ( lor coati,cu~·, Erco'11 Mt~· li~ttlU Su;.:llt' (Inc· worr1u•), Uunr.l'tt H ti r ely.-, 1 'riC•I:IhCI'OUS 'l'c .. ber: y 'l'uutlt Powclur, . .. ltu·tny'as Flni•l f\l~gneai,\1 l:•wf, lrou 1111u \Vinf'>, Kortlu·op& r .. yrutll11

1f v e-~etahlu D iiiCOVt'ry, tlo 1lo Q 11iuinr1 .~\"itlt',

Kello::g's At~Liunn llctucdy tlo C.ttunl, Snuff.

o.,n:y·li E lixir, Hup Bitter" Ot·. Wnlkou'zs Viue:;•r UiLturs P otllllull'rl Guru F.xtraulOI' 1\ cnLin~',. lnlll'c t l'uwrlcr ~ •·tiii'OI• .~ l.yru:ttt'zs E•uttlt~i or Ayu•·':f ::i:u;il:tp:u ilia. 1'ntttt11 1

1f ~<:urul"iun Jo . Cltn• I r Pt't:lU1'141

P io•rcc'll c;,,ltlt•ll ~I t..tlicH I L>it~C'II' t:l'y du P•t•.,:uti\l• Pullets tl•l !-laou.l I uji'CLtrl'.l

W u lc·l'j'I'Uof N 11 rl4i n; A l'rous tlo ::ipu11gt: U.o;.os tl• Bi 11 ilut· clt ilJ t f•u lt'IJtl r iu~. )

l•'• lluw-.' (;,.u pu11111l ::i,rtn1,

titcc•ol ' '""'" T ct•Lhiug p,,..,,,Jcr• Hal,lo~r T~t 1 oiJ•~ lur l•'r·ecl••r'Jt A y<·r'" lluit Yt;;•ll', B11y Hunt A llc·1t'11 ll.air Hc•t turur, Cltil.t'8 Tt'llllllt':'l Atln lt',c Tru ... .,.:, , Ali ·tnr.I'H l.irain.,•rat Uai\ ~• L

114 L'urilulic ·':S.>ap, l•'u llvr'11 E 11 tit

W ri:.,:ltL'n U raJ,•ruwlltt•tl Win~ !j,tr·ol.tck lil••ml Bi lt••r,. K··;ol .,r't~ ( M_I l.ivt•r Uil :\tiel Mlllt.. ~~"'"1111Cot ul ;:)pr'llt:\!, Alllllt 011 l.tllt!l 11l.l·a lll J ttti:Suu'H tJ,, ol Pnr rat , J utiJtuu'~ Uulrl I tck l!ttl'U lt: of .\liiJ,:IIIl>-ia , (.:,.,_,lllle J.OZt-11;.-i

Pt' l'lttll' lltint J,,z.,lll.!t'", Gin~o:r Lozcro0 .. .a ;:;, , uav uu•l i\looa·u'• lt',IOtl Linw .Juicr·, C:n lllll"'l 0\'lllt:ltll, l>d>'icca••··l l'ucunuut, N ""' t:'ll J:c'uoJ Wu<.>dala'" iu:.: Puwllrr Y•ll'k"ltiltl l: l'li~lt , \V,II'Co•lllt•r'llloi n· S.crtl'fl IJdc•l :).tl or·y, 1), icc! .:).~~ ... IJ. iecl 'f~tymu Yira .. ;;n r in loottl,.,., Urircl l\l iu t, Pi~:k:ttuuu'll \\'a11hi IIJ.: t:rp1' u I l'uuth Bru"'"'"• ::il~~tl'iu~ a .... l11•11, w .. ,.,,111l'11 Li111o J uiC4• ""'' <Jiy.:rl'inc u •• tlt & C:.n .. Htt L P:~'4tfl, Wrtx l'~>jlcl'll Catllt·c•ll l n ttt.,l Lyr, Scc•lllt•cll::ioHI~ .lli:r.t•tl Pniut:~-iu l lh Tin~t

-At.Su-Ultl.\ l:,l-IPE~,A ll B~:ltS,PIW FUM .~ I~Y,

l1 11ir '"''i Ulul ltt:.~J BH lJtiiJ 1<:~. &' l're .. crvtiuns C;trerully cowpouotlcj ftud

"i.ll (•Uru clallJ;&. •

W. H. 'I'JlO}It,SO:\. ...

Why Pay H.igher? --u !1~~--

U~T Ali..S A'f

32 cts. Per. Pound. · · .-a 0.4&. per 01moe,a 2l oa., ~ oz. •nd lU 01 .-ckeua.