WO'ODILl'S - Memorial University of...

JUST RECflVED & FOR SALE --nv-- 1 u.u.HENNESSV A orle() Jnms nnd 2lb Jugs, Curt}ed Beef, in '1lb'und 2lb Tins, Lunch Tongue\ very chenp Lime Juice in pint bottles. 'l'ablc nlt in 1, 2, nnd 7 n, bogs. ]Jurnnm's Deef, Iron nod Wine. N:hool Exercise Books-3c. up. Pens, No te Pnpcr, Envelopes Also, IL \argeStock of CROCKERYWARE including Dedr(\om Seta, Glass nnd Stone Jugs, Tenpots, Mugs. Oupe . nnd Sauccri', nnd Plates. .: American a nd Xn$tlish Scy th es, lfnndle11, H11y Rakes, : Hny Prongs, Hammen.. Hnnd Snwe Axes, ad fall line or oUler ... rii· cles of Hardwnrc . 1$. The bnlanco of our CHEESE offered 12 c. per lb. Full lines of Grocer ies, Dry Goods, Lentherware, &c. Pritn--<rf JAJw n• tltt Lot oat. J. J:. HENNESSY: · WHEN.,- The Hou•wife Purchases \ M. J. n .i HIU'bor Grnce. : L. S. BltOWNiNG:, Gen. Agent for N6d. .. Seasonable and Reasonable RUIJS AID BiGULATIQNS , Ju- Opened: FoR TUR PURroe• oP tSTI> .:• ·· PF.cr Tff£ " PosT 0f'FJCR Acr. 18!ll,' APPRovED nY Hrs m.: GovF.RNOn Cou:-."ClL. MAY 8RD, 1804. WO'ODILl'S GIRIAB BAKING POWDIR Summer Prints, Pongee Cottons, (in plain shndes), Art Muslins, Crcpons, New Dress Tweeds, Summer Serges, &c., · &c. Aud the following Job Lots nt Hnlf-Pricc_,!- Ladies' W nterproofs. Boys' nnd Girls' So.ilor Hnts, "lt. sh"ll be lhe duty or omcan in tho " Poet Offict" Department. to dctnin any " leLter or packet containing or " bearinJt' any flctilioua stamp " (t haL is to say any fac-ermile or imita· " tion or or nny slnmp .. ror dcnot ln, & rate of poetogc or this "Colony, or of any atamp for denoting "" J"fttc orpc.tage or United KinJt· bns n. really good BAKING POWDER, that will save ber Time, Trouble, Expense. It is free from Ammonia, A lum nnd other ·; tionnble Ingredients of some highly - lauded compounds. TRY A FIYE-CENT .. WOODILL'S Worm Lozenges should be in every household. Choice Cnbbnge, Delicious Pineapples. . Pocoa.nuts, Oranges. And a stock of Provisions & Groceries. Quniity-T he BEST. Prices-The LOWEST. .,, ..... _ ....... ... ------ ·· New Combination 'Tempest,Mntch- Box;· Cig4r Cutter and Wind Gunrd, 25o. , Match-Boxes to contnin full size Wood or Wnx llntcbet, Crom15c. to 50c. l)ipes, shape and color of a cigar 15e. The Howler gives n most peculiar noise, 25c. Dog Whistles. all sizes, 3c. to 15c. Th o' London Policemnn's'Whlatle, 25c. : Dnrkie's Patent Ink Bottles, in new abapef and sizc'!t. . .from 45c. up. Little 1dker Key 1<1ngs, loo. Engle Automatic Pocket Penhold- er, 15e. · · Automatic Ind ellible Pencil!!, 25c. Pocket Pencil , all styles, from oo. enc h. Pockets Pcnholc.lers, nllstyles from 3c. enc h. sizes, Rhnpee lind styles in J>urses and Pocket Books, from l Oc. each Pntent Cuff Holders, 25c. per p:ur. . J.evet CoU-nr and Cuff BUttons. . ' Bulldog' Letter Clip, the beet oo. holclfast. clip in the worlcl . Rubber·Printing Outfits, from 30c. Key Rinl¥!, nll..sl.floa.And prices. ,_ s-:E-:-GARL:AND, ]77 East& 296 West Water St ., T .. JOHN'S, N6d. POST OFFICE NOTICE 1 ntil further notice, .Mails for NOTRE DAME BAY will he despntehed every FRIDAY 1y t rnin nnd · .. Lance, closing at 1 't. John's on Fridays at a.m. J. 0. FRASER, P. Jf .G. General Post Office, } July 17, 1894. Lndies' Mantles, Flnnnellettes. T " dom, or w any of Her Majeely 'a Col- •• on ice, or CJf any foreign country), or ===============::=;========-===='+= •" purp6rting to be prepAitl ltitb any ' 1 atlmp wbaeh h111 been pro- Street, Valencia nnd Oruges, Pound Cnkfl, Ct\ke Jloor, Tinned Fruits n.nd Meata. A Full Stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, &0t .. CHA8. . fpuwcnr . CC' ,, l IUI;%11 1111!1 C•t"r fell( I, "t " 1:\ orp ol laiC \!.:r.c •ben a ere W:fr:\r J •nd ""' t utdl1 .,r.'lll hYit;: PetBoale.2 FOR · -A Usefbl Present - .. TO AT.&CI, English DONKEYS, 14 to 19 h ands high, and SHETLAND PONIES, 9 to 10 hands high . · ROBERTSON & CO., Exporters. W Surrey, Englnnd. Estab. Mother, ••••r ,., ot DIN*hter GO '1'0 . J. :CASEY'S ' .ANDBUY A WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Tb Ne SeiDl lactile Co. , JOHN CASEY, Gentrnl Ag ent, Wnt..er St., Harbor Grace. u •ioualy uaed &o Jli'C"P.Y tho poatagoon " any other Jeu•r 01' p.acket.; and ., any leUfr or poetal p&oko&. ao detained " may be retrimed to &bo sender, or " otherwlee di.epoeed of ln auc:h manner " •• may bo aulhoriaed by tho 1'..-L· " Ocoenl." Tbo rollQwlng altenliona ha\"O bcttn In Article 18 of tho Detailed Rc-gu- JAtlona of tho Univeraal Poelftl Union, pamgrapb 4, elauae x: , " au rtclo " ("on the froo&" are &o bo omit.&ed. 7 : .la addi&iou i.e to bo made lo thia which, aa CCaQlple&ed• en\"elopt" 1 futeniu1 The front ia reeen ·ed for tlu!t ., poa&age atamJ•, tor inclicaliona rclaL-. •• iuc &o tl1e poa&alurvico aud foe the ad " drtu ot tbo Tho acudtr '' baa tho OpUOD or lodicaling Lbucon " bia name, profttaioa and .Wdreu, by " meaaa of a alamp,autottraph-tLaiPJ!,Or "a.nY c tbe.rtypocrapbical proceu. Bo- quiaitiona to -librarica mal '• moreover, bear Lhe printed l<'aend, • DuUe:t.in on " commando do Ubrai rie," (" RrquW. '' ti op or onl<' r to Library ... ) A .n ew SCr\'ico (or tho inauran co or bet."·cttn lhia Corony and Greai Britain anu Ct>rtaia of the principal countrit'l or EurnJK', b11 bCM"n appro,·ed of by Hia Excellency the Go"ernor in Councit; aud wiJI come into force on Lho Ju July, 181){. aubjtd to tho following f C'c s nntl condi tione: ' To M"eure com!)d"•"on UJ> to £12 ltr. lhc l'cO II 10 ('Cn t.t. u •• £M •l " 15 " h •• £91 .. .. :a) •• u H .fit u u 2lj u h '4.f80U U M)•l lt " 'ill be eompuleorv for tho senders or rattcla c:oataining coin, jewellery, or &OJ article or 1oJd Or ailver, to ioeure the contents for aL le11t. parL of their value. .Any nninaured ptarecl found in thO United Kifl8dom to contain auch nrtiole11 wlU be compulsorily :retci•tered, the tldt.lrruco charged wuh a reo or 8J. atg. The .. me rule will be cn- tor ced iu thia Colony. J. 0. FRASER, PceLmastcr General. P os r OFFICE, &. John's, N.F., 28th May, 1894 PROFESStONAL CARD. -o- w. E. JONEB,.A.B. ,M.D., · 93 WATER STREET, HARBOR GRACE. OFFICE HOURS : 8 to 10 A.ll.; llo 8 r.ll. ; 7 to 8 r.u. •• , E •·• u.;) •• •• fiEiit<Y / Foa \ l ALL •. t'All\ilie 9 •• BOWEL ) IJH y ····.]ROUBLES/ H N::.. .. :t·/' ··:(J ' t I' - •· T'J" I . nre its ndvoet\ tes nnd friends, nnd jus t ly 1 so, WI they note tlle constant CJU'e of t. beir intercst41, stendy incrense in l\888t8 nnd -aarplus, the small expense : ratio, and tbe...prompi every lawful claim.- - ' :total Receipts In ) . saa,594 ; 337.98 .. 7 Facts worth 1-0ldcst Active Life Compn.ny in Am.ericn.-- . 1848-51 YEARS-1894: A Combination of Advan1;&ges, . The Company is PURELY .MUTUAJ., in ite orgn.niza- tion and control; its contrnctB nre CMried nt ihc.llowost practical cost fWd with Assets of . $186,770,680.14, . nnd n. clenr snrplns by the Compn.ny'tt voluntn.rrly-nssnmed n.nd extrn-high stnndnrd of sblvenoy &f •. $17,952,608.91 . I behind thc91, they nrc nbsolutely certain of fulfillment. E. J. JOHN J. IIUBPHY, . Local Agent.. . \ :A. JOHNSON, General Agent, Halifax. N.S L . QEf:ER. I For the next 60 days we ofter our took of DRY nud FANCY GOODS nt n. reduction of This ifl nn excellent chnnco to secure what you See ur dow for Double-with Dress SLuff nt 20c, wort.h 86c. ; tmw Hate at just half-price ; FJnnnelette nt nll prices and wonderful vnlue; Ladies' ·Rub- ber Cloaks, new style, only t1.60; Room. Paper ftom 4 to 70o., and everything else nt exceedingly 'low prices. American nod Canndinn money taken at full Y nl ue. M. J. JONES, 98 Street .:PATERSON &

Transcript of WO'ODILl'S - Memorial University of...

Page 1: WO'ODILl'S - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940821.pdf · Mr. J~~o F.S~ ~ ~ 1 known to the citizens of Apple Me., and.


u.u.HENNESSV A orle() Jnms il\11~ nnd 2lb Jugs, Curt}ed Beef, in '1lb'und 2lb Tins, Hup~ior Lunch Tongue\ very chenp Lime Juice in pint bottles. 'l'ablc nlt in 1, 2, ~ nnd 7 n, bogs. ]Jurnnm's Deef, Iron nod Wine. N:hool Exercise Books-3c. up. ~lutes, Pens, Note Pnpcr, Envelopes

Also, IL \argeStock of

CROCKERYWARE including Dedr(\om Seta, Glass nnd

Stone Jugs, Tenpots, Mugs. Oupe . nnd Sauccri', nnd Plates. .:

American and Xn$tlish Scythes, ~cytho lfnndle11, H11y Rakes, : Hny Prongs, Hammen.. Hnnd Snwe

Axes, ad fall line or oUler ... rii· cles of Hardwnrc .

1$. The bnlanco of our CHEESE offered n~ 12 c. per lb.

Full lines of Groceries, Dry Goods, Lentherware, &c.

Pritn--<rf JAJw n• tltt Lotoat. J . J:. HENNESSY: ·

WHEN.,-The Hou•wife Purchases


M. J . L~ KENNEDY,1Ag~nt n.i HIU'bor Grnce. : L. S. BltOWNiNG:, Gen. Agent for N6d. ..

Seasonable and Reasonable RUIJS AID BiGULATIQNS , Ju- Opened:

FoR TUR PURroe• oP <'AllJlf&~o tSTI> .:•·· PF.cr Tff£ " PosT 0f'FJCR Acr. 18!ll,' APPRovED nY Hrs ExciLL~c'Y m.: GovF.RNOn r~ Cou:-."ClL. o~ MAY 8RD, 1804. WO'ODILl'S


Summer Prints, Del~ines, Pongee Cottons, Sn.tc~ns (in plain shndes), Art Muslins, Crcpons, New Dress Tweeds, Summer Serges, &c.,· &c.

Aud the following Job Lots nt Hnlf-Pricc_,!-Ladies' W nterproofs. Boys' nnd Girls' So.ilor Hnts,

"lt. sh"ll be lhe duty or omcan in tho " Poet Offict" Department. to dctnin any " leLter or ~Lnl packet containing or " bearinJt' any flctilioua J.K~~t•ge stamp " (thaL is to say any fac-ermile or imita· " tion or l't'p~tation or nny slnmp .. ror dcnotln, & rate of poetogc or this "Colony, or of any atamp for denoting "" J"fttc orpc.tage or t.b~ United KinJt·

sb~ bns n. really good BAKING POWDER, that will save ber Time, Trouble, Expense. It is free from Ammonia, Alum nnd other Obje~

·; tionnble Ingredients of some highly - lauded compounds.


WOODILL'S Worm Lozenges should be in every household.

Choice ~ew Cnbbnge, Delicious Pineapples.

. Pocoa.nuts, Oranges. And a l~arge stock of

Provisions & Groceries. Quniity-The BEST.

Prices-The LOWEST.

.,, ..... _ ....... ~ ... ------·· New Combination 'Tempest,Mntch­

Box;· Cig4r Cutter and Wind Gunrd, 25o. ,

Match-Boxes to contnin full size Wood or Wnx llntcbet, Crom15c. to 50c.

l)ipes, shape and color of a cigar 15e. The Howler Whis~le, gives n most

peculiar noise, 25c. Dog Whistles. all sizes, 3c. to 15c. Tho' London Policemnn's'Whlatle,

25c. : Dnrkie's Patent Ink Bottles, in new

abapef and sizc'!t. . .from 45c. up. Little 1dker Key 1<1ngs, loo. Engle Automatic Pocket Penhold­

er, 15e. · · Automatic Indellible Pencil!!, 25c. Pocket Pencil , all styles, from oo.

ench. Pockets Pcnholc.lers, nllstyles from

3c. ench. ~ow sizes, Rhnpee lind styles in

J>urses and Pocket Books, from l Oc. each

~ew. Pntent Cuff Holders, 25c. per p:ur. .

J.evet CoU-nr and Cuff BUttons. . ' Bulldog' Letter Clip, the beet oo.

holclfast. clip in the worlcl. Rubber·Printing Outfits, from 30c. Key Rinl¥!, nll..sl.floa.And prices. ,_s-:E-:-GARL:AND, ~ ]77 East& 296 West Water St.,

T .. JOHN'S, N6d.

POST OFFICE NOTICE 1 ntil further notice, .Mails for

NOTRE DAME BAY will he despntehed every FRIDAY 1y trnin nnd · .. Lance, closing at 1 't. John's on Fridays at a.m.

J . 0. FRASER, P.Jf.G. General Post Office, }

July 17, 1894.

Lndies' Mantles, Flnnnellettes.

T " dom, or w any of Her Majeely'a Col-•• on ice, or CJf any foreign country), or ===============::=;========-===='+= •" purp6rting to be prepAitl ltitb any ' 1 poeta~e atlmp wbaeh h111 been pro-


Valencia nnd Oruges, Pound Cnkfl, Ct\ke Jloor, Tinned Fruits n.nd Meata.

A Full Stock of GENERAL GROCERIES, &0t ..

CHA8. ,8UTLE~, • .

fpuwcnr.CC' ,, l IUI;%11 1111!1 C•t"r fell( I, "t" 1:\ orp ol laiC \!.:r.c ·~· •ben a ere W:fr:\r J

..,~~ •nd ""' ~ ~ tutdl1 .,r.'lll hYit;:

PetBoale.2 Sc.~~c.urSLO)

FOR· - A Usefbl Present -

.. TO


English DONKEYS, 14 to 19 hands high, and

SHETLAND PONIES, 9 to 10 hands high. ·

ROBERTSON & CO., Exporters. W Surrey, Englnnd.


Wife ~ Mother, ••••r,., ot DIN*hter

GO '1'0 . J. :CASEY'S



Tb Ne SeiDl lactile Co., JOHN CASEY, Gentrnl Agent,

Wnt..er St., Harbor Grace.

u •ioualy uaed &o Jli'C"P.Y tho poatagoon " any other Jeu•r 01' ~ p.acket.; and ., any leUfr or poetal p&oko&. ao detained " may be retrimed to &bo sender, or " otherwlee di.epoeed of ln auc:h manner " •• may bo aulhoriaed by tho 1'..-L· " maat~ Ocoenl."

Tbo rollQwlng altenliona ha\"O bcttn q~a~c In Article 18 of tho Detailed Rc-gu­JAtlona of tho Univeraal Poelftl Union, pamgrapb 4, elauae x: , ~o wo~ " au rtclo " ("on the

froo&" are &o bo omit.&ed. Panpa~ 7 : .la addi&iou i.e to bo made lo thia pu•n~, which, aa CCaQlple&ed•

"'np~. en\"elopt"1 futeniu1 o~ The front ia reeen ·ed for tlu!t

., poa&age atamJ•, tor inclicaliona rclaL-. •• iuc &o tl1e poa&alurvico aud foe the ad " drtu ot tbo reci~ent. Tho acudtr '' baa tho OpUOD or lodicaling Lbucon " bia name, profttaioa and .Wdreu, by " meaaa of a alamp,autottraph-tLaiPJ!,Or "a.nY ctbe.rtypocrapbical proceu. Bo­quiaitiona to -librarica mal'• moreover, bear Lhe printed l<'aend, • DuUe:t.in on " commando do Ubrairie," (" RrquW. '' tiop or onl<'r to Library ... )

A .new SCr\'ico (or tho inauranco or pArcc~ bet."·cttn lhia Corony and Greai Britain anu Ct>rtaia of the principal countrit'l or EurnJK', b11 bCM"n appro,·ed of by Hia Excellency the Go"ernor in Councit; aud wiJI come into force on Lho Ju July, 181){. aubjtd to tho following fC'cs nntl conditione: ' To M"eure com!)dn·

"•"on UJ> to £12 ltr. lhc l'cO II 10 ('Cn t.t. u •• £M •l " 15 " h •• £91 .. .. :a) •• u H .fit u u 2lj u h '4.f80U U M)•l

lt " 'ill be eompuleorv for tho senders or rattcla c:oataining coin, jewellery, or &OJ article or 1oJd Or ailver, to ioeure the contents for aL le11t. parL of their value. .Any nninaured ptarecl found in thO United Kifl8dom to contain auch nrtiole11 wlU be compulsorily :retci•tered, the tldt.lrruco ~ing charged wuh a reo or 8J. atg. The .. me rule will be cn­torced iu thia Colony.

J. 0. FRASER, PceLmastcr General.

GE~ERAL Posr OFFICE, & . John's, N.F., 28th May, 1894



OFFICE HOURS : 8 to 10 A.ll.; llo 8 r.ll. ;

7 to 8 r .u.

• •• , ~ ..., E •·• u.;) •• •• • • fiEiit<Y / Foa \

l ALL •. t'All\ilie 9

•• BOWEL ) IJH y tli;~ ····.]ROUBLES/

~A H N::.. .. :t·/' #,~

··:(J ~ i-:~·R ' t I ' - •· T'J" • I • • ~.;,.a,_. ##~

. Its~embers nre its ndvoet\tes nnd friends, nnd just ly 1

so, WI they note tlle constant CJU'e of t.beir intercst41, th~ stendy incrense in l\888t8 nnd -aarplus, the small expense : ratio, and tbe...prompi paym~f every lawful claim.- -

• ' :total Receipts In ~893-) .

saa,594;337.98 ..

7 Facts worth 1-0ldcst Active Life Compn.ny in Am.ericn.--

.1848-51 YEARS-1894:

A Combination of Advan1;&ges, JIIIIPIIIG~u· ,... A~~~-tMro"D

. The Company is PURELY .MUTUAJ., in ite orgn.niza-

tion and control; its contrnctB nre CMried nt ihc.llowost practical cost fWd with Assets of

. $186,770,680.14, . nnd n. clenr snrplns by the Compn.ny'tt voluntn.rrly-nssnmed n.nd extrn-high stnndnrd of sblvenoy &f •.

$17,952,608.91 . I

behind thc91, they nrc nbsolutely certain of fulfillment.

E. J. SHELDON,Special~ent JOHN J. IIUBPHY,. Local Agent.. . \

• :A. JOHNSON, General Agent, Halifax. N.S L •



For the next 60 days we ofter our took of DRY nud ~ FANCY GOODS nt n. reduction of

This ifl nn excellent chnnco to secure what you ~not. See o·ur ~i'n­dow for Double-with Dress SLuff nt 20c, wort.h 86c. ; tmw Hate at just half-price ; FJnnnelette nt nll prices and wonderful vnlue ; Ladies' ·Rub­ber Cloaks, new style, only t1.60; Room. Paper ftom 4 to 70o., and everything else nt exceedingly 'low prices. American nod Canndinn money taken at full Ynlue.

M. J. JONES, 98 W~ter Street


Page 2: WO'ODILl'S - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940821.pdf · Mr. J~~o F.S~ ~ ~ 1 known to the citizens of Apple Me., and.

Mr. J~~o F.S~ ~ ~ 1 known to the citizens of Apple­

Me., and. neighborhood. He : " Eight years ago Iwastakea

• sick, and suffered as DO one but a ' dyspeptic can. I then began tat· .. iug August Flower. At thet time I was a great sufferer. Every·

• thing I nle distressed me so that I 'had to .throw it up. Then in a

" few moments that bonid distress " would come on nod I would have




" to eat and sul'er "again. Itooka "little of your med· "icine, and felt much "better, and after '' taking a little more

Feeling. "August Plower my '' Dyspepsia ctila

"peared, nod siuee- that time~ "bn\'e Rever)lad the first sip cflt. "I cau ~t anything without the " least fear of distreSs. l wish all .. that are nmicted with that terrible • • disease or the troub1es caused by .. it would try August Flower, as I ":un s:ttisfied there is no mediciDe .. equal to it." . •

mw. .......... ~ •I IFCW or..r.., A4N .._ • .a.-.-••• ,......,. '"' .,.. _..,. ., . ....,, . _,_.., 0114 u ....._. &lo ,._.,._ ....... ,..., THROAT AND LUNG

DISEA'SES. n .,.,.. 1M....,..,...,.._

-t~U, _,.,. 1M--- cle­,...,.. ...... .---•I u. ......... .-JUUe..,...._ • ~ qpdU. ..... v'­~ ..... __,,0,..



Eleventh Biennial Seuloa.

The eleveotb bitDDial aeaaioD ol th• Di008&D Synod, wbioh hu been ci. la.)'fdowiog&o the~ otUaeBiabop lD EDalaud, waa opeDed b)' _Jlia Lord­ablp ou the 19th U.'-,at. the Brit.ilb HaU. l'bcre weze ~t tbjgi'iree olOl'l)'· meo and IRJ lay d &el. After Hia Lordahip bad op.od e Synod b7 8IDoan DAT. ~ baw been admitted to the prayer, the appolotmeot. ot oftloen ol The aeaoad -~ ol t.bo aiaod .... ' ~ 'lbe ~!J· OarliD~r ~-8JDod waa ~ oooe J)I'C)Oiedecl with u belcl)'n~)' aftiioDooD M 8.80, the eel lb8 omoe ol DGID&l in 1892. and Cullon: lleY. H. Dunfi!_W, anioal ~ Pftlldlnc. The ohiell&ema ol darfq 1888 the Ooll~e ,.. olo.ed ~; Hoo. G. T. BeDclell, La,j ID&eliit. io the prooeedlop were the oa M. l8. lo 1894 C.be College _waa re­dfloze&ary; Mr. B. Ooob, "l'ieUazw; ......WlOD of repon 0o 8uadaY ODeQod uDder t.be pmeot Principal. Bev. Dr • .Pilot. and H. J. S&abb, ~ 8olaoala aDd a Jay l'8p9d til Uae .uJi;. Jley. 0. ICDapp, B.A. 'lbe accotanta •udiLcu. Tho Biabop _then delbezid OOIIUDIUee ol &be enaudft, ooaoeml• e1low t.ML 1M to&al naeiptl were M.· bia openiag Addretl. Hla Lordabipaald &.be PI'ODOiod UDIOD wi&b . ObDICb lu 98f.OO, aDd the expenditure 86.282.80, Lbat. Qll a.,oo&. ot ~ abHDot, 0auaa.- A DOdoe of ~ ~ lea-a .... h"oe ol 1761.71. Tbo Jte: be waa oo).ble to &h~ bJi caatomary the accuracy ol the SaDdaJ 8ohool z. pod ~ atat.iat.ical retai'DI wu trd&.&en addreaa upoo &he 110dt of Ute P9l' wu b&odod iD M \be n= uen prtiiDteci. In IOIDe cuea t.be ze. CJuu'Ob &.brooabciat. &he diooeM. JJo ail&iol', and t.be _qaea&loD 1rl11 be &aralwerelDoomJ)!ete, but. t.be poeral ~ ooJ7 &o &beref'oro make a few with ~bl 'l'be re~ ~ ~ u ob&aiaed from tho varioaa UbHnaLioa~ upoa tho work. A.l~ &.be aoioo 1rUb the Obiuah in Omada ~. wu u fOUoWI .:--chort'b mem· iD&erul tbaaa uaual bad ·~ arDoe PYI ao bia&odoal oaLIIDe ot U.• _... bai; 67~; ol~r 68 ~ liOODiod lay 'be Jilt. Syood met, vis., tbree 1~ mea&. hiD t.be. Wbmlpe, oonfereaoe Ia ~ 187; ohDI'ODea, 181 ; eobool on accoaot. of the fire ot 1882. DuriM ADP8to.188;0. &o &he oeMralB'O:! ohapell, 110 ; eoboola ODder cborcb ~~ puiod bia own abue or won~ a& TOIODto m ~ber,l• ~212; ~. 66; acre~ IJ oomr riaed tho record ot tbeyeu 18$8. wi&h &be oommapiol&l0111 wblOll-.ed of 966 ; bUrial Doooda, 281 ; That. l8oold bad alread7 apPeared Ia be&nen &be O.Dadi&D Cbarala iii the ..moe., lf,W: week day Lbe Milaloo Field forJilDe, tho acooaD& Oburcb iD &hU I)JooeM. It. aiiO pYe Mrd-. 8.188; pobllo catcbiaiop, 689; being taken fKm bia own aooualle&.Yr 1D ex&ea.o tiM Solemn DIOiara&&oa &Del IMiblloalllha&loa ol Holy OoiDIDUDioo, to Lhe S. P. G. io Loodoo. H1t Locd- Bull ~ OoaltltaUoa ot Gelieral SJIIIQCI i,90&; Jdft&e, 4:.fX11 ; oommnoi001 •hip tlaco read a long utract., ia which 11 de&ermlned a& t.beir ~ mei&iug ~ "'#J8 .i commuoioant.l, 9,767 ; Lbo 1'*18 euataiDod bJ the Cburch,aad at.TotaotoalrMdJNieried &o. Coming baptiiiDI,s,l68; ooofirmed, 8,164; mar­Lbe iojary &o her wort. OWU. &o &be &q t.be ao&ual ooDdl&loo olnla&lone be- ria1rll. 600; obui'Ob:, 1,781; buriale, gftat tire, were detailed, and Lhe •• tWMD the Diooeee and t.be Oeaeral 1,181 ; BIIDday eob , 166 ; &eachen, tfbich hac.l been, and were being.! takOD SJDOCI, lt. ...nod &hat., alt.boa«h an 86S ; 10bola ... 10,002. The repod a1ao &o remec.ly Lhem. Oat. ol the £O.f9Ua ioYi&a&io• wu ilmecl &o &bil Dlooeee inolUdecl mach information oo oLher which the Cuud opeood by, lhe 8. P. G. &o a0 &o &be BJDOCI at. Torooto, wbl~ chmab ma&&en. rea1iaed &o aid lhe Cburcb io ita cfit. wu DO& ftlueecl, bat. wbloh t.be Dlooe~e Dr. Skelton next preaent.ed &he report ~. £901, lla, lld bad been aet. apart. wu auable t.o aooep&.Je& DO meoLioo ol the 0. E. T. S., wbicb wu received by requcet. !or Cathedral reetora&lor., WM ~DaM ol DlooiM in &he prooeod- ~.&Del held over for fortbu diacoe­•.tDe guinea h4ina gino to the CbOIOb lap at. Toroa&o, nor wu Ia. Dallle io- lioa. eblp, £807,10..~ oa, lor temporary relief, olQdod io t.be Ooal&i&adoa, but. t.be Kr. A. John Harvey prt'leDCed the ..... hJI"<'<JUNt; and tbt. remaioCier, £4.283.- ~ wu ILJlod "OeDeml BJDOCI, or port ol the OleiiJ &ai.eotatioo Fond. IU.. 4d had been anilable for Ollorcb • • ol the Ouaroh ol ~aDd in l&a&alecl &hat. oaaoooaot.oftbe ftre,and ~roper&1 in atoeral .£2.000 ot t.bil bad the Domlnioll ol OaMda aad 01 d~>le- the ~ueohnere alreel oo t1ae oom­hcfo ll''en to the oew SJood Hall, Ia ~~ ~ from 'beol41111 ucllalt.y." maz:t;. Ute OOIDmiUee bad DOUbouJbt. .:oune of ereo&ion. The utrac& tboa 1bil helD« 10 ,. Ylew wen ~le ia k bJe to~ t.be .claime ol &be leal&. a:Oaoane length wic.h the Blabop'a nprd to the ~~a.-& polillaD : Bithu 8DMI&I Puad apao &he pubHc for fear biennal vili'-UoO of the Deanery ol &be Cburob hscla dab' to MDCl delep&ea or ... ~aate .... or e•eu !allure, '!uocepdoo &y aDd 'the voyap ol the &o the out. GeDeal BYDOd, It i~ 80 de- wblob I~ &he whole queatlon. Lllnoek io 1898, io which the ~ beoauee ol the ·tnYit.aUcm Ye& &be eabe&antlal•ana olt9,480 atoocl rit'l of PJaoeoa.ia Bay, Fortune B&f, a.fernct &o. or i&. wu at. ~t. qui&e to t.bilr credit. wblob wu iaYa&.ed. Lhe aoatbero portion of the S&laite outlide &he 100p1 ol GeDaal BJ.nod, Tbey bad, beeide, a emaUer aum in Uelle Jale were •iai&.ed. Durioa' ioqmueb u DO retereooe wu made at

1bana, brindaa t.be ,bole amount. up to

vial&atlon li~1: ooaftma&ioaa were b t.be ToroDto mMtl• $0 the Dlocae. ~000. 'l'bei reqairecl a &ota1 or t85,· • r a t.o&al ofz,I72caDdldata,and t.wel•e 'l'he qommlt&ee t.berio~, io ~· 000 to e&r!1 out. C.be whole acbeme, ubui'Ob~ aDd 1B sra·~-- ftte OOD- uiWiimoaal,y iQ faYOr of UDioo 1rlt.ll thenfore ft5,000 remained to be col· 4f'er&t.od. Alter read.. &be exLac& Ota•da, adriled &he 8.Y.DOd &o DOmlaa&e lealod. The aommitt.ee looked maioJ1 Hie Lordahip ata&N t.bat. Iince Ju& be npneeo&aUftll &o ftlk OeDelal 8,lDO!!I fCII' thil iDcreue &o fuudl from ·~ .,~dtealed them liz dea00111 bad been aDd bJ' a reeola&ioa &o aDDIJ tar .ams.- IOW'Ciel, IUcb u t.bo 8.. P. 0. X. aDd t.be ordained and &1M ~lila had oome &o le&Yiac t.be Buoailt. OoaunU&ee 8. P. G .. &Del to the increue of ~ &he diOCC!IO, ba' ••• IbM .. ._ ~ lD&erftl &o ~ the .- eubeod~oae. Tbey I'IIDIDclod the left. the diooe.e aDd two bad died-!fl.. JaaR dleoailloa .._.... eleru 01 Lbe S,raocl'• reeolat.ion relative Rev. John ~ aDd WWiam BoW t aarilablllty ol priD~ &o oolleo&loae, ADd aokoowlodaod Lbe -blwbom tbe Bltbop ~ iD &oaclhr bUiU .... IDAIIJ i "-ncteoaM pfta or t.be Biiiaop aDd inJaod J&Ddabl., wrma. Jfe bad a~~o· ~ • • L .R. 'l'u&C!1 aoc1 the bequeata of LO Do&e t.be dea&la of &WO Dloa .. mJa. Ill ucl allo . Alexaadir, ar. Orowdy, aDd Mill sfonuifi-Be\'1. B. '8alt&li anc1 JOb .. ol l.'urmiopam, ~h of whom bad. bow- •'-' e ..-l&&IIW ol ••· ~. Fib YUJ •e•erel1 orit.icilod ever, retired from ac&iYe work. Com- BIDOd PlDaaoe Oom Stee'a mpan &he npad u the matt. unu.Uaf'ac&ory ing to the preeeot. work o1 obnroll wu n.d ADd noelYed. Tlie ~ re- Obe ye& Pl'fiiDtec1 ADd accaaod the Lhero were three oteru a&. preeeu&. oD .ooeUnenda &ha& loalal JlaaDae OO.mlt.- oommiUee ot ;;;u.;;. and alolbful· 'he Labrador ooaat--&11 ol whom bad tee1 be ~led JD Mob ~ Ia Dell at. a Ume1rb8DTbe Church wu volooteerecl their aervicee-ReYI. W~ aoanecdaa wl&h oiD&al PiaaDoe \JOID- u~._ the withdrawal oC grant lor home, Corrie, and P. CoUey; they bad adu.e iD 8&. John ; &bat. \b111 local the S. P. G. rreei Yed a •UJ iot.treallng leUer from oommiUeee aboald ooUtd and aooouot. The report wu ooly recei vec.l. Ur. Currie which Hb I.Ocdabip reid. for anme railed, &Del &Ita& Ul endaYor The remaiodu of aitLi.og wu oocu-

Agra a1o, io the ~I time lmown to tho aoleolll\8 a1 t.be Uiauio period, tho Coonoclicot. Biwer VaJJey, anc.l pcrba_pe, tho wboJe eu~ portion of what. il DOW \bo .Ncmh American Coolloeot.. wa1 iobat.ILed by a ttipotic "peel" of two aoc1 !~looted npLilN.

At. PorUand, io &he famOUI tirown­etooe quarriea, aoora ot tnck1 ot Lheee creature. bne been fouod ADd Lhere are probably buodrecll ot &hem Jell in &bat reuwbble ledge that wW beUDIU&bed by t.be ~uta of the future. At ftnt tbeae t.ncb were aUribatecl &o a aipn· Lio epecla of.ertioot bfrdl,. bot a Well knoWn wri&er oo ceolcv ~need Lbem the traeb ot uuriane. 'l'ba& they were ampbibloue all wrl&eu agree ; u to their bulk and height. t.bere il ·eomo diff'ereoce or opinion. Some of tho t.racb are twenty inchN lzom heel to l.oe aud almoat. aa bro.d, olearly prov· loa t.ba&. t.be animal or reptlle waa uo dwarftab member of the •enebrate.. Thn, too, they are from three to five feet apart.. which iJ proof poaitin that. t.he cr.&ure waa not. leaa t.bao twelve feet. ~b ; that b, providing he wu a biped, u evtrytbing ~odleak'l.

-There occurred at. Piller'• Iai&Dd, oo t.be night. ohbe llt.h lnal, a deatruo­Li'!e fire, by which the buaioeae pre­IDIHI ol t.be .NOUI Dame~ Co.­OOUIIatlng or=· dweWog, and two •toree-w~te 1 deeboyod by fire. l'be Ia. 11 eatimat,ed at. LwenL~ &bou· ~ dollars, The fire bad ill o~ io t.tie fl.b atore, where tome rioda were atored, and wq the work ot ao iocendi· ~· A mao n•med George Rainea of &oc.ly Cove Ialaod, il undu ~t, cbaljed with tbe crime. It appean &.hat. be coofeued to llr. &roog, a re­pneeotative of the Tradin~ Co., and to Oooetable Biabop1 at the time or arc,.at that. be did the aead, aod furthf'r thai ~e did it by brnking a pane or


lD the atore wloc.low, anti throwing a llghtej .mat~b !n amonpt. the rioc.la. A. llagtallerlal anquiry waa beJel and Baiota committed lor trial. H~ atl­miu.ed that. he had no apleeo a~rainat Ur. Strong 01' Lbe 'fr&c.ling Oo .. aod aaitl tbe deed \VU IUUflted to him by aootbu mao oamec.l Snow, who .-.. in· debLed &.o Strong. A warrant wq i11uec.l for 8oo1t'1 arreat. 'l'ho wind wae bigb at. the lime or the fire, and carried the 8anken down on the Minin~ Co.'s Pra· mi~, alto aett.ing fire to the woodt wbacb f~rtunately wa~ quickly acen and uLiDJOubed. Fora ume tbe undenomi­naUonal acboolhop.e etootl in great danger, and no do\\b,, notwitbatanding the atrenuoua eft'orta put forth toaave it would be conaumec.l but for the timely change of tho wiod, a moat fortunate chance for the iobabit.ana. or t.bd Lbriviog little aeUloment, for had the acbdolbouae, which ia built. on a heiJht ovedooldar the villa~re, taken lire ftaoken would be driven io aU direO: tloae, oaualng~ ably the deatruclion ol t.be whole , and poaibly worae -&be 1011 oC e. ·

RHEU1UTI8X CUuD IN .A. DA.Y.-&utb A merieao llbeumatio Cure for Bbeuma­tiem and N~ia, radically CUJ'fl io 1 to 8 daya. lL removN at ooee Lbe eauee and the diaeue immediately diaappean. Tho fine. doaegreaUy beneflta. 75 centa. Sold by W. H. Thompson & Co.-Ja 6.

Re!errlnt to the Cathedral rea&ora&laa, 1houlcl be 1IUid8 to W. u'- Lbe local ~din~ lo OODild!rinc Lbe qnNtioo ot di­the Biabop apoke oC work alread)" .... coo&rlba&ioae lo40c.ta pa:IDdlridaal. Yl ubemUIIGD Of Notie Dame Bay. in the choir aDd tra~ll u a peat. 'lbe repon fanber noommeadl &bat. -Evening Herald. uliafac&ion. bat. renUDded the SyDOCI &be oeu&nl OOIDIDIUee in a. JobD'1 ~-,-m.a--t"""l'l'CBDi--a-PIL--. t.ha& lt. bad really been dooe allaad aboald udat. looa1 oommiUoel -'"iLbout. t.be aid of t.be church lo New- by depatat.lou or o&benriae, ;;I SYIIPI'OMa-Moia&.are; intenae i&cbiog foo..odlaDd, t.be mooey co~Din2 from t.be ._. .. that. each JO.IGD abould be and eLi~; DlOI&. at. nJght; wone by general lund railed t.brouihoot &he diiiCiod io&o dWOC.. and ooUeotoa eora&oblol. H allowed to ooo&ioue "·orld, and t.he ineurance moaey. Be DrOYidod wUh U.te ol Dalllta, aa &he tamorelonn which oRen bleed and ul· Llaoaght the Ume bad oomo for IOIDe bee&melbodotnaobl•eYeryoue. Tb1l oerate, beoominc•~Q"aore. Swu11a'a atepe to be takeo ooaoenalaa the D&Ye. me&bod bu PIOftd eaaOellt'ul io Lama· !?!!tlfDT ·~ &be hobin_g and bleed­The ~eot. portiou.wu DO&. fiUecl for liDe. 1'1o1a loU.. ftoeiyod from ftri. -.. beala alceraUon, aad in moat. cuee Divine Service, and iadoed be teared it. 001 elap there ·~ &o be a 1&roo1 remove. the wmon. At druafe&l or would Dot be nearly largo euoucb. Be ree~~oa iii faYOr ol • Central Puod, and by 4iJor GO cent... Dr. Swayne ct wq well aware that to r.t.ore the oa•e ~ ......,_. ot &be o1eaY to be voted &a, Ph elpbia. · . wu a ooal.ly uoclenaldoc, and not. wit.bln t.bentmm. Io YaOaD& mt.i001 the ,.. their power at. ~ ba& uoleaa.tb~ ~ OODiiden Lhai ~ ahou.ld be re­eoverea in &.be Wall ~ beloreLbe qalred from LIM peOple &o zaiae a dnn

DEA.FlmJS OOKPLETELY CURED. AnT ~ euft'eriog from Deafnea. N011e1 iD the Head, &c., may learn of a P!'f'• limple lre&Lment.. which ie prov­~~ Yery auooeaaful io compleLely cur­wJ cue. ot allldode. Full ~icnlara iDalad~ JD&Dy unaolictt.ed teati: moaiall and newapaper preu notieea­will be aeot poet Cree on applieaLion. 'lbe 171tem 11 wiLbouC. doubt, the moe& ~eoeaalul eftl' brought. before tb~b-1io. Addreee, Aural S~aliaL, Aib y ~op, 89, Victona Street, \ ~t.-

&er, Loudon. s. \V, '""'-..

Established 1863 ·PAlm CILIHY COMPOUID. LONDON :

1. M'ORGA.TE STREET,· - E. 0.



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' Ayer's pn-pnrnlious art' too o! . ~11 known to ueetl auv <'OIHIIII"Il- o: d:atlon from me; lmt 1 ft·t·l •·utu. cJ ).-JJed to slat<>, for the ht'uc•lit uf g1 cltbcrs, that six yeart~ a~o. I lost o1 Jtearly half of my hair, a uti \\ hat o; wns left turnrd ptn-. A 1 t<·r 0 • using Ayer's Hair Yigor t•n •wl g1 months, my hnir b<>ltltn t o grow oj ~in, nnd with the unturnl color o.

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A¥ER'S HAIR VIGOR f. l'UP.Utlto BY oi

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All ktou-.orRepalrlnc done nl 11h ort not I.-e aDd at moderate prlcoea.

Veblcles llullt In lateat alr tc.>a null In nr-t· claa ftolab. •

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Rtgular and Casual Custom~~ oaD rely on having their require· mea&a ~aLiafactorily nLtcndetl to. ~ Premilt'I-Lwo tloors west of Tdc

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IIrC0JD UD :nnme (18trl.) I FiM Premiumau ....... _ ............ ~,OOO Wu Prem.lu.m. ••.••••••..••••..•••...• 19'1 ,000

winter &hey would be a~l&. He waa !117 amount. u &be Ooaal&loa of a of81'11· 1leutd at the reealt ottbe lADLeD 8elf- JD&D l:!efDI aPDOiDt.ed, bot. reoonameodl l>enial Fund, and would lite &o 1ee i& &11M the wbcile 1ab- be !amber dil­repea&.ed. Be beUeYid U woald ,-&be CUlled. Tbe SyDOd t.bea ww lato peOple t.brouKboat. &be dioceee to lake OOIDIDU&ee apoa &be Buouli•e Com­he 6elie•ed ih11 did take, a ~ iu! ad&&ee'1 repor&. wblob wu floell1 t.ereat iD Ko&bu Obarcb. With ~ ~. 'l"'lia OooaDlod &he remaiDder to the qoeetlon of the DDiOD of the ~~~&&.lac, aocl &he S'.)'DOd then adJoam· Church io Newfoundland with the ed.

ll Its llillory and Recoru Jere Written fhere Wooli • laar

Larle Voloet In~ .................................... ta,ooo Accumulated .Punda. •••••••••. .£8,421,000

The Underaigncc.l are emdowered to et'ect. inauraocc. on All kioda of Pro­~ iD lfewf~od.IAnd at. current Rata of .Plemidma. •

• .1be aboYe C'4mpany it well-known lor t.1 liberality and prompLot'A in aeWing

loaee. · • Ptwpect.oeeel .~onna ot appUeatioo f. for l".lie &Dd we Inaurance, . and al· •. othu information can be ob~ed at t. the ofllce ol.

A. 0. HA. YW ARD. jl ST.JoiiJI'a,

Agent lor N.P.LD. W. H. THOKPSOlf,

itub-Apat. for RarbcJr elaee

.-BLANK FORMS of every des­cription printed a~ the STANDARD Office-neat and cheap.-.

united church iD ~aada be bellnod Io oar ~ 1•~ we eboald i~ wu aLlU open &o the cliurch here to ba•e meaUODed iD the op'i addrela te.nd rep_!fleol.a&ivea to join that. p_eM ~be l&a&ed Lbllllt were c.wo oaDCII· union. They would remember that. -da&el -'Lilw ordloalloo. Bad t.beae owing to &hepoa&ponemeat.ol&beBJDOCI 'wo heeD ordiloed oaTriDitySooclaJ­Jqt year no deJeiatiw ooald be 18M to the DI1IA1 term~ere woUld oow be the l"bat. General Syoocl M TodiD&o, AD laoreale ~ oae lu t.be namber of owiogto tho lac&. that. the oame ollfew- !lllll• compared with &he lime of laat roundlaod had drop~ out. iD &be ooo- 8JDOd. eLiLoLioo ; hot. tbJI, 1M bad beta .. unci Tm:aD DAY. I•J the A.rcbbllbop of &pen .. Laacl, The Synod met. u uaoal a&8.80 p.· m.,

JIOIItreal. P. Q. wu never int.eoded to ezolacle Ne• &Dd aRU 'be 01*'1!11 a oommi&.Lee ,.1 Coondland ; i& ,., a cue of" out. ot appointed &o &;k;&be teaoben of Suo· aitbt.. out. ot mind," bot.,, oaJ.y Deeded uy8obooa. iDeo ooaeal&a&loo aoc1 an- A Marvelous Meda·clna the Ch.urob to .try her dealre to.... o&lWr &o OODiider t.be ILipead. or &.be able h• IOjoln. He bad to ADDOCIDOe eJer~J,. Dr. fllo&in&rodacled U.e quN· a few ~ io the Dlooe.e; be bad t.loa ot the ereo&loD ol a See BOaae <'ftMfl a Dew d~ io PlaoeoU&BaJ, ~~ &bat. tho BucuLive be iDIUuct! aod bad appointed Bev. J. Bewlt.t.. od to take the ma&&er io band immodi· Rural Dean; tho Rev. H. Job111011 be a&ely. Mr. J. W. Withen dtdred &ba& had appointed Rural Deauoltbe Y~CaDt. a oomad&.Lee be appolotecl to~ to poet. lD Tdnlty &y; and u a &okeD ot the IYDod. n ,., a mau. which hil reprd and &DIInoia&loa ol &he ~ aboald be dealt. with at. oaoe, ADd be ~~ratloa otBer:·lL Bo&woad, hla oom· austb~ &be 8JDOCI ahoald bo~ m , be bad de&ermloed to re•be t.be lo oouae ol erec&loa. U

e or ~robdeuoa lu bil paaoa. the oomm Uee oould do~ duri111 Be hoped it. would &be lit&loc oC ~e ~:».taod, I& mlcb' t.beD

more t.owaida com.,.., or be nrerna to tho BzeouLiYe. After a IPU, ... ,~ouaod eJIIoJ~ olourlaiLiw- brief diloullioa Dr. ~ ooaourred

A.' &he coaclaaiGD al &bo addreaa and mo•od for a oommiUee, OODiiaLil'll report of t.be EUoOLi•e OomiDIUee or: t.be Lord Biabop. &.be Aftbcleaooli

w~~ aud accept.od. Tbia .W be dia Bev. Dr. Pilot.. Bh-- W. V. Wbl&ew•r: ca--.. to-olahUQdarenme ,Wappeu Be•. A. 0. F. Wood BGD. A. W. Ha~ ~01~-~~lhtl!thocUeoa.loa. Tbeo~- n~, Kr.J. W. wlu..n, Koa. W. B. ng ..c&e-. on ol Bo11 Oommailloo Gneve, &Del Kr. J. Oa&eltl~. TbJI ••• held at &.be pro-Oa&hedral lD t.be wu cUrW. JMpan ol OiiuDdl of mominf.• when tho Lcld Blabop wu Qoeeo'l ~ WM )lftleD&ed and

Whenever Given a Fair 'Lri•l Hood's Proves Ita Merit.

';he foUo'"lt:r Jetter b from .... ,. J • .ltldde cb:auu6, AKhtt~ a.cd nneyor, No. lU Sllaw Atn-et. llootr'C:1l, Cauda: 'C. L Uood &Co., Lowell, llua.: "OeuUmten: -I hn:re beeD taltllla Roocra

-:&nlparllb for ebcn:t als IDODtJaa aad aa 1114 t!l :sc-:7 W3Ut b:a cJoco 1110 a IIW"-1 of aoocL L&Allaflaf ..................... ....


~t..: ~ebn~ tbo .. ie'-nt. Prieaa.l ahowa t.ba& d.noi the~ to Uae BJDOd :CS J S. ~ Botwood, A. 0. P. Wood, ot l.l,li.&I&Dd .... )aaq hoeD ord&ioed Hoocl"e Pille eare ltYw m.. C1C181t1paUoa.

a • ompecm.. pd81&1, Ulcl &wo, dteooue, and four l.IWouaeu.)umdloe,llctbNdaeba,lncttaauoo.

It Stands far Above all Other Medicines.

Ifthe history of Paine'~ Ce1ery Compound was written, nntl nlJ its wonderful nnd nlmoat miraculous cures given in detail, in would m~ke, a number of large volumes. P!Une e Celery Compound bns a h1.atory, tho~h unwritten, thRt wdl never fade from the minds ~nd hearts of those who have used lt.

Men and woman who suffered for long years from nervousness aleepl~, dyepepein, rheumatism: neuralgta and headaches, hnve ~een cured permanently nod their hv!"' , made happy and bright. PnJDe s Celery Com pound has been the friend of legislators, bankers the clergy lawyers, merchnnte' farmera andfthe ordinary lnborer~ Our beat and noblest women have and it ; the wives of farmers and artisans know ita life-saving vir­tues. No other medicine in the world has such a homes re.Putation for boneet work and cert.nJD, such corea. To-day our beat physicians prescrlble and recommended it. and say th9 know of nothing else as good. Truly " Paine's Celery Compound Makes People \Vell.'

, U.._lad.ek willaan- Mfttra,..

el c..._ &ro.clkrls. All II.., or dllocuc ~mulioa dnn.tora....,_

THUS ... \fjOU S/tYE aheavydoclcrsb .• ,: ll lou of Wlge; . much dtscomfort.



Traced and sh ndeu ~l:\1~. Berlin 'Vool, Color Boxc.~, l 'r:tr ••ll ' Ink Bottles and Stnncls. ·

A. & A. BRU~LEE~.

J. W. KENNEDY. Boot and Shoe- Maker.

WATER ST., HARBOR t;JL\1'1·:. (opp:>site the ~lip.)

ltveJTdeecrtp\lon or LEATHERWARF~ made nml ret r.1n tl.

IL Hand .. ewed Work of nil ktnd· ., 1>0CfaJ&y.

W. J. RUSSELL, . House, Sign & General Painter VooeJinn Blioda made, refitted :uul r. ·

no,·atcd. Gl'llioir.~ and inJido WCirk nr nt ly d··n• · Lettering and SiJtn P11intiu~ n I!Jll'l' i .::.1 ·

BatiJfaction guaranteed. Reeideoce-~OTORJA. ST.,HARBOR GIL\l'E.

Page 3: WO'ODILl'S - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940821.pdf · Mr. J~~o F.S~ ~ ~ 1 known to the citizens of Apple Me., and.



I F she does, see that the wash is made Easy and Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terrors of wa&b-day.

Experience will convince her that it PA \'s to usc this soap.





Cod, Trap and Herring Net~, All of the Very Best Quality and Mo.de of Our .

Shepard · Gold. - Medal - TWINES of which we are the only manufacturers. llir Orders by letter or wire

. · promptly and sntisfact.orily executed. .

Highest ~twards at Botfton. 1869; Ph i1adelphin, 1876 London Fisheries Exhibition, ' 1888.

Send for Illustrated Catalogue.



Sick Headache. Constipation, W eak Stomach, Impaired Digestion,

Disordered - Liver. -:- and -:- Female - Ailments. THE SALE IS NOW SIX MILLION BOXES YEARLY.



THOIIAS BEECHAJII, St. Helens, Lancashire. Sold by all Druggis~ and Patent--Medicine Dealers, everywhere.

C. KNOWLINC, St. John's, Agentfor Newfoundlo.nd.


Holloway's l?illsand 0intmerllt -----·----------~----------------~-------------------THE PILLS

P urify the Blood, correct all Disorders of tho L!VER, STOMACH, KIDNEY~ AND BOWELS. .

They invigomte nnd restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, anu are invnlunble in nil Complaints incidental to Females of nll ages . For

children and the aged they are pri~eless.

THE OINTMENT I s nn infa llible remedy for Dnd L egs, Had Brenst.s, Olu Wounds, Sores nntl Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of


Glnndulnr Sl\•ellinge, nod nll Skin Disenses it has no rival ; nod for contrac(e<l and stiff joints it nets like a charm.

Haouraet.urcd ontr, at Tnoau.s HoLJ.oWAY'tl E ftabl hlhment, 'iS, NEW OXFOltO STJlEF:r {late 633. OXFORJl STREl'; l'), J.mroON.

Anti or o 10ld eL lL lJd., 2L lid •• 4L Ckl~i. UL 22a., 11od 33L each Box or l'o&., aod mar bo had of 4 11 Medici n o v entlora LhrOUJ bOU&. Ute World. •

1la- Purcbnsrra should look to the Label on the Hoxea nn•ll'ot.a. U the adclr<'S8tll No. 538, Oxford Street, London. tbe_y nre stmrious.

--··--========~~==============~===== = - .

SkiBner's Marble Works Duckworth Street, St. John's.

Monuments, Headstones, n.nd nil other work in his line executed in first-clnss style, of good mn.terinl, n.t low price

nnd with nll ~ssible despatch. te.Outport orders given prompt nttention. Prices, catalogues, &:c.,

mailed on npplication.



.,riginol. of their .countr)', ~ad most certain- ! 1•igh est i .1 i l.-1 history, it is by no ly !' p:unful mgm6ennce, only ex- means likely Umt tho Canadian

THE MONTREAL OF TO.DAY. plnmable and pardonable M nn people will consent ton chnn~e that


net- of temr?rary. mnt~nes:q· • cnn IJring them but little 'tf nn7. . The l>ohtacnl 111tuntaon u.\ Cunnda ~ood,,nnd mny bo fraught with peral ~e, to say the ienst, Jlee uhnr. For 1n \'lew of tho critical !•Osition of m~ny years tho baLtle of party their big neighbor. C. C. C. .strtfe hns raged nround three ~ints.

· [Tb Tn£ EUITon • P 1:11r. sr.\~o.m~· First, the Tariff'. Secondly,a Reci-Ot::AR StR- . procitv Trent.y \Yith the States.

-DELr.E Ist.-.: CoAL Mt:ou:.-The St. John'a Herald is aho authority for the pleAsing ~mcnL tbd "from iofor­fl_latiou glcToed or tbc mining oper•· ltona nL Di>Ilo Jalc it. would look afl if nnother importAnt mining ceuLre woult.l be o.cl.letl t.o t.hoso already helpiog 10 much to nfford employment to onr peo­ple. Altho preaenL there are aboUt 80 men employed, nnd nrrangementa nro bejng mntlC? to Jay down a tnnnray · from the ptt mouth to the water aido nnc.J to t mlc.J a wharf wbero ahipa can load. 'l'he oompAny who aro working tb.c mine arc anitl to bo clQICiy allietl Wlth, on branch of tho \yhitnc_y ayndi· Cillo, tunniog the coal minca in Cape Breton nnd Lbey nrc int.eft'ltcd in the tariff fight. in the United StaLes, hoping to aecuro Lhe atlmi.aaion or iron oro freo or duLy. Ir they aucoef'<l Lhey wiU puah oremtiona \'igoroualy, and olaim Lba~ with tho dopo.it at. preaenL diaCO\'ored they Cl\n mioo 250 tooa per d•y a~adlly, for five ycara, whilo t ho chupnt'U or water CAmago •• againa~ mil way, will lilao tell in their f•vor. · In ndtlic.ion to thia, lhc oro is very ri6h, M pn c~:nL of iron being cxtruted from iL. We bopo circumalJ\ncra will ruult 10 thott those iutcreatetl may rucoL the fulles~ succcu in Lhcir operations.''

Tho earlier symptoms or dyapcpaill, heortbnrn nod occaaiOliRf headAche~, sht111hl raot. ba ncgloct.cd. l Tnke Hood's S:uaaparilln to bo cured. --No~ Ollb oomplalnL has ever hecn m!We by those oainsc Ayer'a .&rupo.~ ilia necordlng Lo dircctiooll. FurLher­morc, we hn\'o ~·el th leArn nf a onso _in whioh IL b:ta failed to afforu bencli t.. So aay hunclrc.l's or druggiata all 0\'0r the country. llua curccJ otbcn, wiU cure you.

\''hen the ayetcm is all nan down, and no hopo or obtaining nouriahmcnt. by tho ordinaey rood supply, then take •''MiJier's Emulaloo, lho ~At flesh nod blood mak~r, •• lh~ kind· tha~ cures" colds, coughs, brontfhitia and nll di"ensea or throne. nod luQga. Every botLie WI\~ mntcc.J. No oily taste liko othera. Io Lig boltlca, 5()c, auc.J tl.OO aL dn1ggials.

The Pill ror the People­' Uurilh, St.n., OnL., Jl\11. 13, 1800.

W. H. CO)ISTOOK, Drockvillo, Ont. DRAR Sm,- l l a\'e been 11elling your

Dr. Morae's Imlian Roo~ Pilla for tho put. elgh' )'CI\ra 1 Lht~)' Aro t.ho only Pill for tho people: After ha,·iog uaed them ODC<'1 Lhoy always come back for moro .

Youratmly~ · • J!'>o. llcLlwt.

A G.t&Dcl Poature Of Uood'll Saraapnrllla i.e thnL whilo i~ puriUra tho blood nnd sends iL couraing through li•O ' 'Cine full o( richnt>u and health, it. nlso imparts new lifo and \'igor to e\"l'ty (unction of tho boJy. Heooo the exprcasioo ao oflcn beard : " Hqod's 8f.raaparillll mllde & new per· 100 of Ule." It 0\'t'rCOin<'l th11L ttrcd feeling so corun\on now.

Boon's Pt1.1.s nrc purely ""l:clable, perfectly hnrmlcaa, nlwnya reliable And beneficial,

~A\'E Youn Do<.'Ton's Du.1 .. - Whcn Dtt. WJSTAn'e Bu.a.\ lt o~· \\'1 L1> C m ;n.nv will cuue coughs, colds, bleeding at. t e lungs, anti nrrtst. tho Cell destroyer, oo sumption, it. doca moro thnn 111oat J•llysfciana oan tlo. Tho uao or" einglc boUle wJU aa&isfy the incredulous tlillt they nce<llook no furLbcr for the re­quired aid,

0 . C. RrcnAnos .~ Co. GenUemcn,- For yc&ra I hllVIl been

troubled •hb scrofulous sores upon my face. I hA\'O spcn~ bunclrecla of dollara trying lo cffco~ n cure without any rt'a~l~. 1 am happy t.o uy ono bottlo of MINARD'S LlNlMENT entirely ourcd mo nnd l c11 n hcaa tilv recommend it. to nll aa tho beet medicine in t.hc WOrJc.J. Ro~ALO Lcl~NES.

Dnrlid d, Ont.

The world 100\'C~, !l:li(l old Gnli- A~ .. «!z. )Mtly. tho Frrmchise Bill. leo, in a _whis per to his friend \\ ntlc the Rtformors, or Liberals when on his wny from the room in ns U1~y call thomseh·es now, gen­which ignorance enshrined in ornlly agreed thnt the Tariff was priestly gnrb hnd forced him to too high, thov were nnd nre di­say tho contrnry. Wh,nt he said, vided on the "question of Protec· in a whis per, can no" be proclaim· tion. Some would hnvo simply a ed on the house-top, nnd will be Revenue Tariff, while others wore assented to by the most pessimis- in fnvor ?f i.ncidentnl protection. tic of the present nge. At nll Both _part1cs nre nnd were in fnvor evcuts,things move in Cnnndn, nnd of n. Trcnly with the States, but dif­especinlly in her Metropolis, ltlon- lered greatly ns to what they would trent. A visit here nfter tho nb- on the sido of Canndn, concede t~ sunce of n few years gives one the that countrv. The Conservnthrcs impression thnt he is in nlmost n drew tho fine at discrimination new.city. t\~t only,hns the ~rowth ngninst Britain. Tho T4ibcrals been vory ratnd, ns IS 11een m areo. wero willing \Q do so i f sufficient of new ground occupied, but the conces! lon could b11 obtained in improvement in tJ•o buildings, this way from the States. They streets, stores, is perfectly hewild- nrgued that, n.CJ Britain doc~ not nc­ering to one w~.o, knowing the cord Cnntula any privileges beyond town tn·enty or even len yenra ngo whnt. she gives to foreigners in her now tries to identify old lnndmarks marketl', Cnnndn wns perfectly and plnces of familiar resort. justified in treating the mother Brick Lns replaced woo41 and stone country' as if sl1e wns n forci~tn brick nn<J th~ ~~it~de ot t.he build- power. 'fhc Rcformtrr-s nttnoked ings hns oonatant.ly tnoronsed, so tho Ic'ranohiso .Aot iu ''ct·y IJitter that the same nrcn of ground ni>w terms on the grolfnd of it-s expense gives twice or thrice tho living ac- and cumbersome chart.cter. Now comm.: 1ntion of ten years ngo. tho Go\•ernment hns of its own no­Montreal is enid to be the most cord reduced the tnriff ns far ns is fiOlidly buil~ciLy in Arnoricn, nnd at nll pruoticnble, nnd tho most cn­thls. n'tny bi taken- tQ tnP4Jl more th~s!~stjc r()forn)()r wotll<l nat <lnro than that it hfts tho most substnn- go farther, ns the accounts barely tinl granite blocks on the continent. bnlnnce for the time- of operntion. While' it hns.! not the feverish ' nn- The reductions were mndo mai nly rest nncl dFiv~ ofl~llW York Qr Ch.i- iq fnvar of tho fnrmer, nnd thnt cngo,yet Montreai bas a saftlclency clnss hns been generally secured oC push and enterprli;e _to nLilize for the Government to a grentcr the great advantages that have extent than c\•er before. The gen­fpllon to tho lot of the dwellers ernl collapse of the hou~o of cnrds tl)erft. • ~ta JlfQIIP~rH~ is of the that represented t11~ commeroinl well-enrnod, well-appreciated, and prasporn1 of the 8tatesl the si'ht ,veil-kept sort, o.nd tbe cool-hended, of two·thlrds of her bnnks closma hara·hnn<le<l, And well-informed their dooys; hlllf her rnil ronds tn men ~hat cophol J~desUnlea \now the han~s of rec.,ivers j tho spec­too w.,ll 'he value of the dolltlrs bolo of sa,·age mobs burnin~ l•ro­they have won to tnke the risks of perLy nnd stoning men to acnth ; wilct-cnt lpeeula\ion. The enor- were uot encour~gJnJ fAr tho l)ros~ mous b~o"lng oapJtqJ of l t onfroal pecta of the }lt\l't.y Ulnt, aaeme< in­hat been Acuumqlatod Ly the clinod: nt. one time, to link the frugal bo.blta and gopat.Qpt 111\YinfB commercinl f c>rtunes of C:mn.da of the people of the whole of t.ho l'ith tho States . 1'ho distinct enun. province of Quebec; nnd as ~he ciation of the docLrino thnt tho peopl~ nre working on their own Stntes will make no Rcciproci~.Y. ntoppy, h~rilly·e!'rned it \s true, Tre~t1. wlt.h Any on~ hns obillt)a there is more ot oa~fu)l')ttss_ and lhe ·6t'do• of the roost onthusinsUc conservntlve lJlOd~a -or buairijJ1A- o.d\1ocate for ~eciproolty. Tfie than where, M in roost cities,'the most difficult tnsk at present be­working capit.al-is made up largely fore the R(lformers is to explain of foreign capital lent or mvoated. away t~cir former \\t~rnnces on The J!4qali•h htndpr hflll ~ill 'l'ith.in thoae pmnt&, It will talco them all the last year sought mainly the the time between thi11 and tho np­Uoited Stntes as 11 place for im1ost- proncbing election to make tlle meot. How fur the enso with people QJ Cnnadn believe that thev which Americans obtained tho use said one thing nnd meant nnoth~rt of English capital is responsible for The Ont:nio ol~otjans bnve niso tho J'Qokl,wnosa with which they been a gJIIevou~ · disappointment plunged into dobt, nnd the conse- for those who thought to excite qoent collnpsc to a ~reat extent of the more ultra Protestants n~ninst their credit, is a mco cnlculntion the present Premier, on the grour.d for financiers. At all eYents, the thnt be chungotl his religious y\gwa bnnking capitnl of Canndo. iq hor i"n faYor of fthrnq.n CaUlolio 'l'heol­own-the honea\ aavinga of' her ogy. The h otestnnt Protective fragal nod industrious people. It Association , which hns as its hnttlc· is quite true that t.he major . pnrt cry, ct down with Cntholic domina­hu been the product of the French tion," and for its weapon tho pled~o Canadian element. These people not to vote for n Romnn CqtholHl hnve inherited the fncult.y for SR\f· under nny cirPllll\"tnnce, Wl\i ao iniJ poliS6asecl b,v their ano~tors in f\ercely attnc1ced by the ProtestanL Fronce, nntl while tho English cl ergy, pnrlioularly the Presby. Canndinn lvill, if h e sells o. horse, torirtus, who hav~ perhnpa tllo or some other P.roduct of the fnrm, ~rpntost influence in Ontario, tho.t geoemlly Invest the proceeds in they were routed, horse. foot , and some improvement on the fnrm or artilll'ry. Tho position· taken by home, the Canadian of French c:t- Priuci pnl Grant nntl the vnst mq.­traction \villllkely ,,)ace the money jority of the Protestants wl\9- tbat, in the bank. One 1s struck at once while it mi~ht bo n ecessary and by tho wrN Englisl,, ~ contrnsted right to restrain nny Church seek­with Americau, tone of mnnncrs ing specinl privileges, nnd that, prc\'alent in 'ltlootreal-the ab~ence whilo th oy di~qppro,rod of the posi­of that wild rush ' seen ever[ when~ tion tnken by ~ome of tho bishops TuE I nnEPRESSJDLE SliAJ.t. BnY.-Now in the States. Tho quie , ensy nnd \vould resi!'t their nction, stili is tbo aeuon when the ubiquitoua emRll mnnners of all clnsses-tbe low, it wns not nt all in nccorclnnce boy filla himacir wiLh gt>een plums aml soft voices of the Indies and their with th o spirit of the n i!O to pro· grccnt>r npplca, nnll bolts half·ripo

ol1cniu, secxla nnd all. His ,·oracity somewhat formal bearing-all tell scribe a mnn on ncoount of his re- almosL im·ario.bly lcllc.ls to Cramps, y ou at once thnt here the Bri~ish ligious boliefj and that, ns the Dianhre.l, or Dyacntcry

1 nntl t.ho Cnrmly

style of <lolna thioas is considered ROman Catholics were good nnd hearthstone resounds wath his lameolll· the correct form. loyal oitizcns any nttomtlt to tie- Uons. If his parent a nro pruden~ people

E\·ery one ROoms to wish to hear privc them of their lcgittmnte in· they will lu\ \"C n bolllc ol 1•.: nY DAvts' news from Nowfoundlnnd, o.nd ono iluonce in the country wns trellson, r.\lli Kn,um ready for such eummor soon ftnds thnt the Canadian pub- not only ngninst the State, but emergencies, nnd n spoonfull of· this lio have followed tho course of . ngninst Protcstnntism itsCrf. 1'he f~~~;r.c~Aiirlgb~~l ~~~f~~~~ l~~~:l~~~ events in "Ye Ancient Colony " consequence \VI\S that, while On- O_nly 200. por botLic, new largo size. with an intelligent interestunlook- tnrio hns shown in a most unmis- ·-·-cd for. · The eff'act to the mind of takable mnnner thnt sho is resti\'c, H <.u.ow.h·'s 0•~1-m:~'T A~o Ptu .s nro the writer docs not apponr to ha,·o nnd thnt she will not much longer tho beat., chenpeet., nod tho most. popu beon by noy means bnd. In fact tolcrnto the burden of sepnrnto lllr rcmcdica at nllse.aaous, nnll under one hcal'fl on all aides commenda- schools, yet that 11 1> nttcmJ•t look- all circumstances they mny be uacd

KNOWLEDGE Brings oomfnrt and lmprv.em• t ancl

leuda to pw-acmal enjoymon• wh~ ric;htly uaod. The m.ny, who Un bet.. lCl' thau others aud enjuyJifemoro, tritb J\lU e~peuclituN", by more prompt.l7 • ad:tpt.ing the world'a be.t product. t.oj tho Dt'l'tl. of phyaiaJ beiDc, wm attea~ the vnluo to hoolt.h of the pare Uqui la:snti\·o plinciple. cmbr:ac.l Ia the N:mccly, Syrup of Figs.

· 1~ cxcollouce ia duo to lt. preaeoting in l.lao f•1nu Dloab aeceptab'_. and pleu. t uL to the t.uto, therefreahiDgand tnl7 bcnc licird propertioa of a perfd Jax. ati\'o; ofJ'eetnl\lly ciORnanl the -.ptem, ui~~llillg Cll~ll .. heatlnche! an4 fevora nnd pu:1nl\notatly curius conallpation. It hu gi\·(m IIAtial'actiou to mDlioua and mo~ \\'ith tho appnmd of tb9 Dleclbl profc~:un, bccuae ''act. Oil the Kid­lUll a, Lh·cr aud Bo"·o!a wilhonb weak­ouaug them"'"' it ia pcnoctly free from 8\'ery ohjcctiQa:\blo subttnuco.

Syrt:p of 1-'iga ia for aale by all drq­giata in ? iio. bottles. bub lb Ia IIWIU· fnctnn ·d hy tho Clillfnnaia Fi1 Syrup 'Oo. only, '"hoscmamo ia printed on eTery packn~c. alrso the nRme, Spup of Fig a, aud lxling well informed. JOG wDl out accc1•t ""Y au}.Litut. U allancL

f:1H<ENIX - .. -



ESTABLISJ:JJ£1>. - ··I~ 17 2.

roa1 be mlmA\Cd rrom tbe raenbaUiaeell• utabllabmeac.-aow oYer 0 11 • IIVJrD•ao YUa-4be pe.ymftte lA aaUataeUGD of lbe elalme tor LOeees ban uceedecl J'OUBI'K&N ULI.IONII BIMilac. ' ,.. Juaraaoee q&~Ul Loae b7 Plre aocl

Llcb&DIDC are eCJec&ed b7 Lhe Oo1DJI&D7 DJ)OD nu;rclllirtpUoa orPrOperlf, oa Lh• tuoa~ 1norable terma.

W . G. RENDELL. StJohn's. Agent for Newfoundland .


Fire and Life Assurance Co'y .


80D8C1UllED QAPJTAL. ...... . .£2,000,000 Stg. ror.u.llcvJI8um Fmrne UP-

WA.RDI OP . ..... .. ,_ . ........ 2,760 Stg . Anu.u. bcoXE UPW'DS Ol' 850 l3tg

The GUARDIAN being & firaWila~ Engliab Insurance Company, ofl'era all tboeo advant.Agca moat deaiftble Loin· lllll'erl, m., unaoobted a&ability, favor­able Lerma and prompt aeWement to claima !or lou.

Tho Undersigned having been ap­jx>intcd Agent.a for Newfotiodl&od are prcp~:i to i~~aue Pollcica apinat losa lJy Ftrc. .

T. & M. WIN'I'E&.St. J'ohn·s. JOSEPH GODD.l!a'4, Sub-Atrent.

Harbor Orau, N .F.

$ol.U,ooo and tho · with aafet.y and..with tho certAinty of

tions of the action of the j11dicinry ing to depri"o i\ man of \,osition or doing good. Etf.lptions, rnahca, nod nll of Newfoundland; in somo inslan- power because of his re igion will dracrip~ions or akin disel•ses, sorra, QUEEN INSURANCE CO ccs wishes that the Judges of Cnn- bo s uccessful. In effect this TO· ulccntaona nntl bums nro presently I "d· t to 398 r . . ncla would in nll cnsea r end the lie\'cs the Government from any benefit«! aml uiLimntt'ly curcxl by ; pru 0\l O Ita patronP. lnw ns strictly na have tho Judges peril on account of Sir J ohn's the· thea~ healing, soothing, 1u11l purifyi~ I whoee policies were involveci of Terra Nova. The fact thnt a ology. mcxlu:aments. Tho Otntment. rubb 1 in the fire exnctly o. similo.t

f li . upon tho alxlvmon checks all tcndoor.y 1 • ' numbor of tho members i a cor- A~ or thore5t, the fnct thnt tames, to irritation in tho bowola, 1\nc.J 11verts o.mount, VlZ., tnin H oose havo been convicted of while dull, are not in nny sense clinrrlur a and other disonlera or tho in· $

54. l oa~ ..

bribery and corruption doos no~ bnd in Cunndn, nncl thnt empl oy - l«!lltin~s frequenUy prevailing through \J . seem to tho averngo ~1\nnclinn to mont is notimpos:!i ble to secure py the aummer ami r~uit. senso.na. Heal. ' • ben fnct of very g rent tmportnnce, nny one, nnd wngcs nro but little lumpe, blotch~•· ptmplu, tn~lammh­or very derogatory to the colony 1 . 11 h 1 tiont1 or tho akin, musctllft r patns, ncu· The fact thnt these men did intJult ower tbnn l S genera y t e en ?• I ra lgio afrceti~oel and cnlnrged gln~ds

d t t the Go' Crnor nnd nod t.hnt the trntlo of th o co~ntrv 18 can be eO'eotne y ovcrcomo by usang an ry o coerce t ' . • • Hollow&)·'a remt:tliea acconling to tho . a ttack tho Courts, and endeavor to henltht und but \'c ry httlc loss inauuctiona nccompanyiog 0 very destroy the ftnancinl instiLutions \ban last year's, which wns tho packel..

JOHN CORMACK. Agent, St. John's.

A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent, Harbor Grace.

Page 4: WO'ODILl'S - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940821.pdf · Mr. J~~o F.S~ ~ ~ 1 known to the citizens of Apple Me., and.

n,gMO"V!O.-H. A Morrissey is now livm~ over h1s store, and will in tu~ure tie iu & poaition to attAtllt\ ·ad ealts at any how for tile convenience or his customera and public generally


THERE AND HERE. the diatrlbaUon of clothina la made capi&a pant atlerwards. The sag--- •r moat caretally and judlcloualy, aeiUoD,.. made.io Use Deputation

ToE ~bster Industry in C~J,nacla, and Uuit there II no rear or eocoar- ihi\~ahould make a statement,

~ ~~c~l::Si!~o~ ::N~3~0:~~3~e:: ::\b~ \Y01i~~ 'iu:= :f!ltote1: ~o~.h;;! ~:urd':!:~~·w~~L

contem~rariu is, th_,n, DOL Ill de- fell4eot to me fromKooUeallhree co ~and upNIIed the will-


-The Daniab brig&. Caroline Elisa­be&b, Cap,, Genaen, ia read7 to uillor LabradQr. Sho goee to ~pe Harriaon to load a fteb cargo !or Jlt'lll'l. John llaon &Co.


By Telegraph. -o-

Auo. 20.--Rain hns injured tl1e ·Enf.lish crops.

1here is_po~to blight inlrelan.t The KafHnt defeated the Boer~ i 1

5?ut1l •African Republic. S:wng<' k1lled forJners, women nncl chi ld reo,

The wholo time of the Brili :<l Pnl'linment was devotetl to Go,·ern mont IJU~iness.

PoTATo·Br.IOHT, yest.erday's pul>­lic despatch snys, has made ita D('" pearance in Ireland. This it IS anything but pleasing to hear. lL means much more especially to

1 the majority uf the ~orer ~pie or the Emerald Isle, of whose fOOd

, supply the potato forlll8 SC? large a pan.

tention. · Reluma j ast received at conceive how any mao. wlUi• heart the Go'Nroineo~ woald lay beCore Lhe Fisheries Department show that would utter a di.IIIU'Mlna word re· Hie Exoellency the Gofemor, ask­Lbe enormous number or one hun· garding such welf maiqidioaUtu- ~him &o flod out, on hie arrival ·Ired and sixty million young lob- lions." • in BDalaod, whu aasittance ~he s&.ers have thiseeaaon been hatch- Dr. Harvey further ays: "I en- Home Governmeot would be pre­ed out at the Departmental eatab- tirely ~ with all · t.b~ )b. Me- ~to- lrive, and to cablft 1he re­liuunents in Nova Scotia alone. Lea aysln hla uoellenllei&er. I ial&1W bli -.uiriea on' at once. The remark ofoae of oa•Damlaloa may mention, too, tba& Dr. Grea· H:::!4 S. l'Hta aad D. lloriaoa

servod-=-tba'- via., the Caaldiao barrel a of olo&hinl{f' the relief of in ' 01 the Government to auiat exptsrta, at the head of whom Ia t.he widows and drea of ihOH t.he movemeol u far CUI p018ible. ¥i. Wilmot, 8uperintenden~ of who periaheclln Useaohooner Bott. After thanking the members or the tish CuUure, have been ainialar- I have aent the banel8 &0 Jlr. B.S. Qovmunent for Uae kind interest ly successful io the artificial propa- Ilona, of Harbor~ who wUI = had eriDoed in tb .. under­gation ot'lobstftfl. Au~ if Olil~be take care &o have1b...-tatljudl- q, 'lbe Depu&&Uon .wl&ttdte"': true or ~•hat has been done by oloUily diatrlbmed---tbemol\ .. i .

-There a~ on our third page a verr iotereii'fnl-:oont.ribatioo to &.be 8T.urDARD'I colaon• from the pen of ooe well and favorably lmown to many of l&a readen-llr. 0. C. Carlrle.

-We pabliab elaewhere &he interet&· iog proOeediop ot lhe Oral. &bree clara ol &be Srnod of Lhe Qlurch of RnpeDd ·io E at. 81.. John'a lew eome lbort ·Lim pul.. The ~olaalon will appear ia uiaue. .

English nntl Gcrmnn l,:tnhr have taken up tho Ccincsc lonn.

'Vellman landed nt Trompe, ~or way.

Aco. 21.-The firi~ish Uovcrn ment has ordered the seizure " all war-veaseltt ancl torpe<lo·c:ltrh era in Glasgow nod Newcnstle fur Ohina and Jnpau.

A B1o DBVJOJT.-Molbome, Aus·' 'tralia, is cridQnU.r not at present

.. in a vm flQuril.hiog oonditioo. financially: The Bad..set. _state­men~ ~6ted to the ~ative

t.hem in the a can needy. Let ua hope weh&ve heard I roa '1'1U • .,_ CJUC8 RAJm.uo.J muoh lees be the Jut of ncb &Uaab OD the La- AD MULiii ANNOS. 1 service brador mlasion. Oar ~PI• here · ~ · Ne..tound who bow well the oon4l~..Gt. ... ,_e· Wr&eea ,.,. ._the Nleloea,lll tbo&.bmDODwelcomO- Olllollit "'•'!!!anob.-•lbe eria Su it, and f4M!larateful to Ua ~ blllia a&lfol .~B.-., wu Ule not. It will be ers, ea~y-~8irDonal ~..,_liD~teOII'elboai& hMD obee"e that the.artifiolal whose no,ble ilft will do muoh to atar...-e dJpi&adea d Olamh ADd

Dildo on a emaJJ scale, and for MY· it more eftlcieot, e IOOCI, \be DOble, the • ~'~--..u- '1"Wu the ooaeectaUOP

I . -BuaaiDO .urD LA.Pon.E Eucnox.­

Oo •taalay· aftemooa. a Gu.Ue Ez­~ ~ lllued, oon&aioiog a

-IIINIIIIMIIIOGJII- from H.ia Ezcellenoy tbe ..,... authorialogl.bu t.he br.eleo·

Uoa· tor the aboie dla&dc& be held­!MMDinqioa Sep&. 1, polUor Sep&. 11.

There are further impro\·cmrnh in the United States commercia l litumtion . ..

Starvation threntens .:outh l>a kota. : : ...... , _, ·

Mercer) o·x-Premier of Quebec i ~ d~ng. I I 'I ' ;


The Budget of Indin pnssed the -Two Mu DaowJ~ED.-A piece of Commons. The revenue ~urpl u3

ad news wu brought. l-7 K .. n. R. is 60 lackhs of rUJJees.

1; A888moly a abort time ago, showed that the past year's deficU tolalled the large amount or ·£665,000 (18,825,000.) Tho recommendation nnturaUy Wl\8 maae that further economies in the P!lblic service must be macle.

oClobotera waa olabilitale tho million aad NDdor ~ lbe _.....,lo boaor

eral years pas" by: means of Mr. Our contemJ>Orary the ~ re- v. Dr. llaotoaald &be be-NielMn's inestimable floaUng incu- marks in a ahon editorial note : loYecl ~ of Harbor Grace. The bators,on an exten~ive scale, in some "Our Newfoundland correspondent 10111e llaDdi wiiqae iJl 'be bJa&ory or or the great Bays of the Island. To sap o.C the Labrador brailoh of the flo&oa. . ·

.boWH &Soil\'• banlttf'Cb&dee P . .Haro, The Government continues tc at.8.1..1obn'•C2n8a~"rdaf.moroiogfrom close mines .il) .Centrnl Amcdcnn &be Pleruiah C.p. Sbe repc)rta t.wo· Stntes, and ogrees to form con(rd meo, named Wm. D..vw·and Jobn Do·

MoaE Er.ECTIOM PETITioNs.-The nfl'ord !lome slight idea or the large Deep ,Sea million, 'haUf ever there Tbe aoOd priat. aeven hiiPHll from Province of OniArio does not evi- oxtent.of the work carried ou dur- wa.tta work of meroy aod beoevo- bil deU ~~ •mida& bear&Celt. re­

' dently tako a back seat ia the mat- ing these years, it may "be ~~d leoce tba~ wbioh Ia coJMiuoted G) fi:""~ ~ ~Jhelr klthaclla&ber. ter of election protelb . . Up to a that over one thousand mdhoo Dr. Qreufell deae"• .the name. ~ ~:::. wl~ ~ :::

.. r-cent elate no ·fe'Wer thnn twenty· ·lobster ov~ weN· hatched-,''fLUd set Between twenty and twenty-five wbenla &b~ ma1 fil&iw woahip / four or these bad in aU 'been ei'Ker· !'t liberty tp· the waten surround- thousand fis!aermen and members &heiiOOII~ However,too&benoelae.

ed at the .Court of .Appeals. ... The mg our ~hores. What aclda•&o the of their familiu resort to the shore be 18 ulled, and &he -.cUazewell moat. protests nt present stand-againast. ~igntll im por&ance of the eoterpriee. ev:fc HUOn · and are, in eJreot, be epoka. Libe.rals, 11 ; against Con~"ativ.e1 1~.the fact lhat a large proportion on de of th~1~p-o}ld~calbv ~~e' w~== :n:,e:_ \: .:t:.M~.P i :1!:

ran, drowned. Tbe e&P.taio euppoees eration. ' l.be7tnuat bav& overloailed l.beii <lory, Ciyil .wnr in Peru continues. ~ l.be aea eUiking her, ebe &Ued wiLb ~ wat.er and eaok. Sbe bu, however n fe rtlported that Mr. Molt is the been reeovered, buL oo lraco oHhe miM· Goodridge candidatto for Butf!c•o, uuu log men could be fouod. f . Mr. Cbae. Emeraon, B.L., tho \\'hitcwn)

-- canclidale. -CAillJOJQA& RmA1TA.-To-morrow -Tho Presu~· terinn Snnda'y Schoo

(Wedneedayh i.e lobo day for Lhe hold· picnic willllo hthl on 'l'hurallny nr:.r iog of 'he uarbonear Bcgau.a. 1'be at. tho front grounds of Hon. W. J. s

.lllON WiJl ooaaiat of dory, amateur, Donnelly. 9 · DJmiNt Patrons of Industry 2 • of the lobster eggs, Uius prese"ed ex:f!:nc tb • ...y .... ., wa a.&;;.. ot h"- 11 •-~-''a · ' - ' ' db h• to l'fi ld h • T"e-·-n~-... ,.. ... _. - ... ~~ ~_.,..-~.;..~ .. againJt P.P.A. ~ an roug " 1 e, won ave m1 on. " •v _v u. -., u.... IIIIJ _ ...,1 _ .n---

~ . been. destroyed in the Joblter ter qualUied tbao Dr. Haney to PIL lalookilll t.okcm.r. &he n&ro-1 UP TO Tim Tnnr:!!.-Britiah COl- fuctories had they not been apeak of the CODd1tloP and.ri61 of ..,.Of&bldeeo1eu.,inm&Dympeoa.

trad•l1len. fiabermen conk'lll. Tho -BoAu DoAnn.-Tho inaugural meN OommlUee hufiDdoavored to make Lhe ing or the new Harbor Gmce Hn ... ~d:O eo.iorable ono, and a gencr~&l Board wae bold yeatcrtlay e,·cni us:. M r b 1 wifl be ~ed io tho town. Mark Walsh w~ choeoQ aa Ch11irmau, The n.cea will tako place at Foree~ and Mr. R. Scully as lnapertur. Pood, SalolOD Cove Road. Should &o- -BA~JtERS.-'l'hero wcrc 12 L:u1\a-1'11 morrow prove anfa•orable, lbe event . in Carbonear this' mornin~-all in Ju will como oft' on Oiet. floed•y following. bait, aupplit'81 ci('. Tho trade oorrir1

umbia, where so many Newfound- 1natched ·awa1, and utilised io \he Newfoundland lihenDeo, and liafteUoaa bM bella Ilia Loalibip'a , Ianden bave now foul)d a home, i-, ~h-, floating men baton. Of 'he the lac~ \ha' .he mentiODI . fully ~ Ia ~ ~hlialklal beJC.Dd it is .p1~n: .de~ennined not to ·be Jarge value and importance of lbe ahows-4h" • ·medical mialion li1 WCIIII. We 818 ~ lorih hla rare one w~it behind lts American or modem IQieoee u applied to the each a locali~ mu.R be • blelliq." ~llqiJr =~:':!f.=: other compeers i~ the important Above valuable branoh of New- . 1 FJ~edfDdi .. God'apw,. hil.b· business of ~nlmon:caoning. It is roundland's incom~rable flaher- ~' HT. JOHN'S VOLUNTEER BRI- ~t.bea, JaU beei ~aoed eveq

· said that there nre at the present iBa, little surely needs be said. It G~fJB." Gfmallllllllddren• ap &tlo newlr time in the one province of Van- i9 a atitf'action to know ijlat it bas . • . . - . ~ted BilboD. ju& &binetdl y.-

.. couver alone no fewer than fort.y of long since commendecliteelf k» ~he · : Not veri~ • 1th.,. wu form.- '~ bJ &be Oluicli. N'* mucb ,nat. the valuable factoriee making good 1enee or. our ~ple, who so eel in the Jletiopolll...a brav• liWe bia &lie ~ HeD lloct .be ,carne ready for the season's pack; that ,·ery many ot theJD,.liave snob a com~:Jcu:Om~ of ftrioal of ~ua. ··ulaezleodYeD~ooenbu

.• furthermore the pr.,p•raUons are dup interest in all braaoheeof the t.he .1 DM CitiJeol, njolal!J ~:faaa~ :C:b:=~~ being made on a SC4le to handle stnple.industry. &lo.perpttua I . ~rowili,.lnUieabouhafPY appeQi lodMJe . .....,,.-.., beautiful' coo-easily ~ut. firteen . thonsan4.tlns . •• tion. !rnlth.&o;i_el!1..-.~.-~ teDte,balla_OIJfUDiue. ~all raiaecl

No priae li:e~ haa yet. been publitbed. on by t.ht'le Vt'la.t•Ja is no menu ract11 · ' . . , · . io Carbon ear b~aine,a, .•.nd the town is -THB GEI'JDUL C9NFDUO& OP THE feeling tho bepefit that baa been dc-­

METHODlST Csu~H mee~~on, rived from these \'etaeJs puUin& in Ont.., on t.he Glb Sop&.embu"'aest: Tbe there. The custom of making thnL Newfoundl~d Conference hu put. the place a port of call ahould Lie cncour· diat.inguisbed booor upon l.be Circui~ of aged by tho Carbonear cilisens in every HarbOr Grace of eleouog t.wo delegala poea!ble way.

· for each of ~e . .caWl,ries, thua af- ,!Twill lle loteresUog allo to ob· woriby. a »ro~ie -.oci.UOII file banc1 ot &be Biabop-be.idee

. of ·the Province-in aU for about 'Yhich ~e nejp~g DOmioiOti ao one 't ~ ~~- loCk. To lOok apoo ' l.bilacene fordini tins auflleiept for the 'Thole serve here &hat tb•~ im~oe U...1rill··--lill abe,iMaDcf &o &be aplrl&ual ·wan&a oC hil

· ·ai&-bundred thou.sand oaaea-: It is nU&chee to acimWlc. inveetlDUOil &ondl • .-- ~~O!cJf PJouilrefadelld. . !, thus evlden~ that the bu.sineea is rmd improvement of her fliheriee crael,caq,JiaJ:C ~decl 8111 be ohbe OUbedral wu a

one n1iniaLerial and ooe lay, to anend -'Ibe ecbr. Snowflake, Capt. Harris t.lurL Cooferenoe-in &he penona or the arriYed on Saoday, SO day• from Liver ReY. Wm. Swaao aad Mr. JobD Trap- poe)), whb eo&le, to llt'tln. John Munr nell, wbo lef' brlhia momiDra train, 4l Co. Tbia ia her eC<"oncJ trip lu.·rc this in company wil.b ReY. Jamea "None, of >ear, abe hadnl( l&kcn a lond of oil Cazboaear, lor &. Joba'e, where. lbey acrou lo England in lbe spring . toz~ to meeUbe o&bv delf>Ptf't; and Oo Lbo 11~ A ague' when nuont h:~lf· l•Ye by &he S. 8. Conan tor ~iC.Z, puap, ooe of Lbe crew oametl Thomas aDd I~ Lbeoc4t bi &.raio to ~doo. . Taylor, wu on t.hejibboom "iLh anotllrr

'' · truly a very large 'one. 'Tis inter- may be estimated. from the large of 00111'18, it tie ~-~per =~:lo~owkr.~we:;.:: L-:: .. •eating to know that mnny of our annual total expenditure in this Uou, (which 1Qt doub' DO& 1~ wUJ), Jlei'HDI ia aU their paodear. Par

people are finding lucrntive ern- clirection, which amounts to nearly and be not m&cJe. a tax upon. Uie &W&J Ia HeDoappioc &bem, abiJllogin " ploym~t therein. four hundred thousand dollara. already hea'rily owerburdeoecl_pn- ~ doalolation, itie emblem of redemp-~ /-'l . [n Jlsh breeding alone 'tis close on eral uvenu. Of &he Colonr (whioh ..,. Barel ariel raat, It fl nearipaool4-~ PLEAS]NG 1-The fact has time one hundred thousand dollars we tJ'Uit.itma_y Dot.) UUle IaUer ~oo. t!:~!:"l:~~~~ 1• ancl again been noted or tho law- yearly t Newfoundland naturally especially be htA oarefal re~ to, lim4~ear. A wortlir piJe to &tie '•' abiding; .. peacef'ul disposition of cnnnot afford such a Jarge amount, there will, we venture to think, be Jlriag 0oc1 1 A moaumeot. to l.be ~

our t~ It has just again been but she does what she can-and no complaioi heard "going up, Bia~p 1 A l)d~ oJI'ering from &be emp . nfretth-in n manner she will do yet more by and by. from any of Ule . ontpc?rte-Uley1 ~ple of N"ewfou~ aubet&Dt.iallJ that will generally .commend it- Reyond a peradventure the ex pen· each and all of them, will be glaa Aided b7 Oanada ADd elaewbere I self. T.AeSupl'emeCeurtonSoutb.- diture thus incurred wih be amply indeed &o know thal1he citbeuof ~alte a aumber ot prieete ot &be em Circuit-boo. Hr. Justice Little. ·rotur.ded. the fortunate Ketro~lis have yet Daooeae !rom afar came to Iowa &bJa

. presiding-bna · fOl' tr short1 .&hue • ano~er bleedn1 to thank Provid- :!!~ ~~~= . .s;r: past been in session at several · LABBADOB MISSION. ence for-au "iutUutioo" within bapPJ mal&. DOt. Bil .Lordabip feell-place' •n lhe 8. W:·. portion of · --- ita borders ha'ff• ~ laudable an lUI~ DOble baod ofprlee&a the Island. It met 6rst. at Fetry- Re'v. Dr. Harvey, the well-knowft aim before it. Thioehappily favor· ..... able, wor&h7 mea. land. ··Here there•m·no·btllineas Newfoundland correspondent of ecl,place and people I 'Til ~ &u&eolha~• ldofteD or an~ kind for adJudication-a· 1he Montreal l1astiU, writes to that .. uoeribOecl bere belOw lil Lb1a laDcl ol circumstance, CUI tbeJofige rightly journal as follows. He says: "I On SAturday forenoon lut, a De· uile-~edbJduto1Pft8H1-t.pa&h said, which spoke "Well•for tlie Jaw- hne been glanniog through the pl!tatioo from Ule ~-ade'a Com- ~f~~~wi: ~a';':· a'1!~ abiding cbnracter ·nr the communi· diec'\SBion going on in your inlttee . dolllilting_~f.ICiurs. Ooter- abap'• teet. oar . wnat.b of fiowen ty. It "Was BOmethiog toWable to columas regarding the Labrador brldie, KoCowan.-Kidd, BobeliloDt to Cleek &be ln&al da7. We trua& &be state that no criminal caaee' bacl mieeion. I know nothing about W oo41muoo-w;-ited upcin theMem- Bit bop may aeo manJ, mauy happJ re­b.-n Uefonl th'.COurt at the Above the condition of the fishermen on beri of the Government, and were tUJ'DI of Lbe joroua diy amoopl. ua. . ~ace tbr Cally aeven years I The the Canadian rurt.iun of Labrador, received by BonorableelbeMeNrl. • •• I

j un also auembled at St. Mary's. ·but I may ven ure to say that r do Pifti, JCoriloJi,t iDd Jlorine. The to ~e t!'8a~ ~C:U::;,:. Here, ~«u':'eame ~leasing cohdi- know. a great 'deal about the state Deputation w~ introduced 'by the vey hll.ber a CUJO of ~ flab. She

. tion of was in lnrge pall to of matters among our flahermen ru~ted Ch&lrman,·irho in a few willlikelyleaTe here 00 t'riclay. . I

• • be recorded. Beyond · dne ot ·two who spencl the summer on the neat, happy pbruei ex~laioed the 1 •. •

small civil cry~ea, tbere was no Atlant1o cout or 'I4orador; and I energetic' manner in wh1ch the pro- -Tbe Coroer S&one· of the new &. criminal' l>nnium• or dny kind to affirm that U ever there was a jecUiad been &&ken up bythe young John'• Muoaio Temple·wiU be Jaid.on come up for adjudication. It is mission of m~y, of trnfl benevol- men of the cU1, and broagM to Us 'lbunda7_ &r.L by &he Dllt.rid Grand matter·•r ~ratulntion t.O know \hat ence, t.hat wliicll~is oooduo&.ed by preteot plea11og sucoeuCUl stage. llu&er, Sir W. V. Whi&eway. Tbe oo­at Placentia likewise, U WRs the Dr. Grenfell, under the auspioee or He dilated eloquenUy upon tlle oaaioa will be a diat.iocuflbed one. It judge's 'Ple&iing £ask to congratu- lhe Deep Sea M.iaaion of England, signal beneftta that would accrue il n• Jet. known if Lodp Harbor late the people tl\tue 'on tlie a~- <Jesenes ,tha' name. From 20,000 from the ·~lrlt or inde~odence- Glaoe Will so to St.. John'• to attend t.b& nnce·oflJiitne aod ' 'M .. well good to 25,000 fishermen manY' of them the self-rillaoce-Ule improved cemDODJ. ~ ftsheri• and t>~eaelng prbspect.a of accompanied by their Wives and physique-whiCh t.he establiahmeot -Kr. W. ScoUy (eoa of Kr. R. Scally, fair cro~. Nor wns there a condi- children, spend nearly four months of such a Force could not fail k» of 1hia town), len oa 8Murda7 lut., en tion of ifralra much leu pleuing on that dreary shore, exposed to im~rt :-to say nothing of . " ita route for Balt.lmore, Kd., where be k» be l~d &o th.e credit of Burin constant perils from storm and ice ; " value in preaeniog order, and will enter one of the Medical CoUegH ~~d G~!d.,~thank-fi ~oughi it most living in turC-b11ilt bu. ta onshore or "keeping a Poeetble enemy at bay, ~eu::'edio;:r ~:.o;:;::~#e'":J.':- /::. ue owneu, •• e ormer p ace one in the holds of em all vessel• that " in time of need, until alaiatance ScoUr e-lery aaoceeelo bil new eLar~ indictment -wu disposed ·of. At fish fnr north all the season. They " could arrive from Halifu." oat., and Lrult. lha' io due ~ewe ehall

· the latte't, bo9fever, there was no have to encounter hordships or all , All this most usuredly s~ks eee him a full fledged .H. D. criminal business, o.nly a few civil kinds. Among such a multitude, loudly for itself-it nee:ts no liin­cuea. Such a pleumg, commend- cases of sickness of accidents of ner's brush Le'- then, no rude

1 able reoord u the above, it is be- sore suff~ring amld the most dr~ary rasJ?ing ouiport .voice be heara )'ODd all que.stion matter. of gen.u- eurroundingtt, must frequently·oc- 'danng to utter a single word of 1ne satiafact1on for the JOUmahst cur. Many of them are very poor envious disapproval or comptaint. to ~ able to record. It reflects and minrably provided wUh cloth- The brilliantly unique idea is all

1• credttably ~m the good obaroctcr ing. For long yeors they have the Capital's own. · ,. -... • and reputation of the people of the been neglected. I have heard tales The Deputation were cordially

oldest Colony of t.he Realm. of their sufferings from eye-wit- received . Hon. Mr. Morine assur­nessea that make the heart ache. ed them that the matter was even Help is at length brought to them then receiving the attention or the and kind-hearted, benevolent l'Gr· Government, who would be only sons are sending them Did. Dr. too pleased to do even"tbing in ita Grenfell's report of lut year ebows power to encourage Uie formation how much it is needed. It is of such a Corps. The British Gov­deeply to be regret&.ed that any ernment migbt be looked upon u ahould be found capable or throw- willing to supply arms, accoutre­log cold water on auch disioterelted men&e and ammuuiUon ; and the benevolent el'ort.e to alleviate auf· Newru'undland Government would feriog. Let us hope it. ia done probably be able to see· ita way lgn~>r.antly orthoogbtlesaly. From clear to provide the first uniforms poathn knowledge I can say &hat for the Corps, with possibly a per

REoA'rl'A.-The collectors Cor the fund were on the rounds yesterday, and tlje response met with :waa so JOOcl \hat the RegatiA this season 1s BIIU[ed. The Committee is doing all in 1t.s poweJ.to moke . the·~d«'y's spott a~cce~~ful. Wedoesd~ the 29Lh inst., i.a. the day inten for the holding of the Regatta; .but it is not def\n1tely decided on. The Committee is com~d of main!Y Fire Brigade m.e.,~rs. lrlr. F. Martin (engineev &a chairman, Mr. N. Payne, Sec. or Com. The Bri­gade deserves the praise and hearty co-operation or our citizens in again starting along the · old and pqpular regatta; and there is every Ji'elihood or this years being saiisfactorily and succe88fully car­ried out.

hob a MiR atl.bll teaeon of&be y• INman. '11le veeael took 1\ lurch Rnu il td ~ enj0_1ed, u c.nada will be aeen Ta7ldr wu (brown into tho llln. The in bloom., We wiah Lhese gentlemen a 'veeael ,..., bovo "round and e\·rrylhing Wf1 pleuan' &rip and • ure return. ~iblf to I&Ye the ,moo waa dune, bu~

· · he lADle and :Waa dro,woecl. He wns -N&w APPODmoiL'ClB.-A number of about. 20 TO&n or age, and joint>~! the

Lbno wu .r.corcled io laiL iMue. Tbe ecboooer io. J.iferpoQI. followbar have al8o receo&ly beeo mado: -FIIox TH8 &raAlTB.-lit'Sirs. l'll\Cr· Bia &Oell8DQJ l.be Govemor iJl Ooun- 100 & Foat.u•a IChr. Bpringbml, Capl. oil, bad been pleued to appoinL Mesua. A. Noel, arrived thia moruiug from 'l'bOIIWIIIitobeU, aDd Nichola• O>DitDt, I' Iowen OoYe. She bu on bonnincnrly to be memben of l.be St.. Jobo'a Mani· a load of aeal oil in caab and acnl 11kins, clDal. ~'in place ot Mea~~~. T. J. ,.ad a lot of btmber f.rom Mr. S. Sprncc Ec1eal aDd ll W. "'BenneU. superseded; of 'ha& place. The SprinAbird lrft Letl llarcb, J. P. to be Stipendiary Plower'a.COve.reetertlay wcck, nnd J:<ll lllalilrate •' Old Ferlican, in place of caa~ in Lbe breeze Jnat Wetlnrsunr Wm. 'CbrlaLlau,.Fiq., retired; Dr. Wil· and 'l'bunday. Capt. Noel s11ys th" 1iaQa BclpD1 J. P,. to be St.ipeodi.azy bNHe Wll very heavy, and the schr. .lla~ a& 81.. .Hary·~~ io. prior nceJY8chome damages. The lishrry is J&JDN u,.m.,., Eaq., rewea; G ~ecllo be bad RbouL Flower's Con', Garland, (Qaplio Cove), to be Ina tor &0.-tbo 'tll'Oll& Cor many ycnrs. There ot Welcb&a aDd M ... uree wi~b jn wu no aigo of herring up to the time Uoa eZtendios from Northcm Bay to Lbe aohooner lef~. She "·illlcn,·c ngnin Grate'• Oove, bo&.b inclueive; Meaan. abou~ Friday for Flower's Cove. ' J~ Jlarcb Stephen Cramm, Lei<i --KarCh aod \ViUbm ~opkiDll, to be ad· -To£ LATE Mu .. D. T. ScA~J .. \s .-JL di&ionAl momben of th-s Olcl PerlicAo Ia our aorrowful task to-dny lo rcconl to Daoid'11 Ccwo Bend Doar.l ; Ml'lUsr.t. Lhe sudden death, at SL. John's on :'un· JN. Walth, (WeaLern Con~). l'homu day aflemoon, of this ratimnble gl•uJil!· Keough (of 1'ho..), P~Ltriok Keough, (nf m•o. Mr. Scanlan in the aft£·rnoun Jaa.), Andrew '1'rlicey, anti Am.ln.w t.ook a ebQrl walk, returning horne nuuut Keough, er., to be tho RoacJ Doartl 5 o'clock, and ~mpla iuing. of fccl ir~l( for . Plato Cove, Donavieta Bay ; unwell. Some tame thcrrnlt t•r he l:u .r Mr. Niobolaa Short, to be a mcmbu or down on a sofiL in his sill in!! r•~<HII • the lbnt.'• Harbor RoAd DoarJ, in place where bo wae found cold in dt•a•rh.­of John S~ort;·remo•ed ; Muara.-George To his aged respected molhcr ht•n' :111 Cbrle&iao, Jr,,J01epb Morrie, (of J"mea), alike unite in tencJering their hc•:arCJ• lr William Jenkioe, WilliAm D. Oriah, Jr., ·asmpathy. 'fhe gcnllemur. l"'•:•"~~ ·· l Samuel Huaaey, Jt~ho Green, John lfOI· waa 10 bia 58th year. His lif,4lu~u.ry kin~, G80r)te Pleec., (Cuokhohl'• Cove}, wae a very 8\'entful onc- .too n.I\IC~l t~r and Jaco~ Dooling, (Trouly), to be the- a short notice auch as tills. ~nthrc 11 Road Board for 1'rioitr (towu) \Vt>e~; now to .. , that Mr. Scnnlnn n t :til ti!111ll Mean. Frederick WbHc>, \\'illi"m bore the reputation of lll' iHI! upn ~,;ll t Temple,~ Piercey, Samuel New- and sturdy. To know him intimntt•ly hook, John Piercey, and Boajamiu War- wee to like and admire him nil .the ren, to be tho Bo&d Board for Norman'• moze. Well mRy it bo 11niu c•f him tha.~ Cove, (Chapel Arm), Trinity B.1y; )Jr. "att.er lifO's fitful fC\'t'r he slcc·p:s 1n ·ll. George Guppy, (Sbap Cove!, to llo an -- -addi1.ional member of the Trini&y (town) BORN. Nortb, .Road Board; Mean. W&llillm On Tuesalay, the ith inst., the wiic Emberloy, William Day ot (John), or James Kitchen, of 1\ BOll. John Moore, Albert. George aod MtLrtin Moore, t.o be a Boad Board, with juris· XARRIED dicUon ex&eadiog from Dildo to Olc.l At Reformed Epiacopnl Church ~~ 1~ Shop, (bo&b . iooluai Ye), Trinity Bay i Harbor Aulluat l Gth Ly Hl·'·. C. r · Meun. Moaee Panoa., Wm. B. Elford, llabba~ Willinm Alr:mmh-r l'·•w•··l WiJJiam PolleU, Obarlea Newhook, and (aon or 'Henry Powell , C~ta~ l i n:I J t.• BobPrt ~!~JJI, to, b~ t.bo Bo.ad Boant )lary Hcllyier. (Widow) ot :\L W ll:ar· or New aaruor, Trintly Bay ; Meaan. bor

Bllaa Jerritt., William Cbialeu, Cbarlca :::::::· ==a:==/' =~=====---Jerril&, aod ~nder Drover, ,to ~ Lho .• , · DIED. Boed Board for Will~ Bay, . Trinl~y ,; A~ South. Sido on July ~i'th, .l:uu. Ba.J; Heaan. Joaepb ~ercey, ~WiiU. "Wife or ThomRa 'Shcppnnl.(of ~nth '· Pef.ioey, and Abealom March, ~ be ad- aged 41 yeRra, leaving n hnsl1:uul nn.t diLt~-&1. mem~en or the Green a ·Bar- rour·ebUdren lo 1110 11rn thra I• ~~ ­t.or; Trinl&y &.y~po.c.t hnl; Meten. •American papcll plcnac copy. Beory Pieicey, Al&Ul;lew French, John AL Perry'• Gove, ~m:cption ll '.''· G~"HQ, (of Wm.), Moect Pierce)., to•be July o20Lh, 1894, Mary Ann, d:llt).:htc r • 1 l.be Rolad h'rd lor.&illy ~ve, Triolt.y Stephen and Mary n cnrdon, ll).: l'd :: •

!t'Y t Mean. Ebeneaer Barril, J&unca yean.- BoeLon pl\pera please copy. _ uooawiD, William Bow, Jr., William 1 A~ Carboncar, on Fritluy lnt~ c , 1. : Ia Ave'ly, Aurlab Bparke, aod Abraham iud Mary relict of the lntt.· ~t r. Buft.on, to be l.be Road Boai'\J for Rua- ' Tho~aa . Fu'rtong, nged 8:' yrnn!. Tl11· ael • Cove, Trioh7 Bay; Mr. Joeeph P. deceaeed wns born in C~trbou l'u r :11 ·I WiUlame, (Ba7 Bul.!a), to be a member Jived there throughout hl•r lift•, nn.l " · ' ~ of Lhe Roman Calbolio .Bo.rd or &Juca- well koo\\·n anll rrapcctcd. ~he 1··".' ' • Uoo fur Day Bulle. I a large circlo or friends nllll 111''111 '111 I·

SeoreLary'e Office, Aug., 14, '94. ancea to mourn her loaa.