MUNN Co., - Memorial University of...

Grand. and Cuba .SuAar. Currants and " J. E. WALKER Razsin.s. Biscuits, anil a lar_ge Stock of and tor ... , CENERAL CROCERIES ..c:::;:::::::- .frilUe Beef at Earthenware Oats Leather and Leatkerware. , , , Turoipa, Potatoes, Cabbage, .. Choice Hams. Cheap. Choice Mutton and Lamb, :Preah Egge, .Fowl. E. F. TAYLOR, Oonw- ancl Water Pr.h Babbiu and p._rtridp. & COM' PAN.Y 1. E. WALKER, Op. Boot and Shoe Boston Kerosene Oil-116 and 160 test .. · . FLOUR-all Grades. Best Barbados Molasses. Pitch Oakum, Nails, Anthracite Ceal. ' PORK: BEEF. . ·. Tea, : · Rice, Butter, &c· MUNN & Co., Harbor Grace POST omcE TO T.BE TRADE. N1CHOLAS HARRIS, Genen&l Blacbmitll, •• All kinda of io b,» Uouxecut.ecl wUb neam-, cJeepatcb al¥1 "' moderalo pri«"L ' Horae.hoeiac epectall1 aUeodld &o. Sl'B.B.Et W., JUuoa Ouca "

Transcript of MUNN Co., - Memorial University of...

Page 1: MUNN Co., - Memorial University of · l ~ Head Ofllce: 19 WJDDIU"U Sb~t..: Tb~ bueine88 of the PH

Grand. and Cuba .SuAar. Currants and " J. E. WALKER Razsin.s. Biscuits, anil a lar_ge Stock of ~b:£::-~~e! and tor a~ ... , '~ CENERAL CROCERIES • ..c:::;:::::::-.frilUe .Fre~ Beef at Jo~et Earthenware Oats Leather and Leatkerware.

~~~ , , , Turoipa, Potatoes, Cabbage, .. Choice Hams. .d..l~ SelliT~-A Cheap. Choice Mutton and Lamb,

:Preah Egge, .Fowl. E. F. TAYLOR, Oonw- V~toria ancl Water 8tr~u. Pr.h Babbiu and p._rtridp.

a.on•"··~fk:aeverngesor ~UNN & COM'PAN.Y 1. E. WALKER,

Op. Boot and Shoe F~ Boston Kerosene Oil-116 and 160 test •..

· . FLOUR-all Grades. Best Barbados Molasses.

Pitch Oakum, Nails, Anthracite Ceal. ' BRE~ PORK: BEEF. . ·.

Tea, : Su~J · Rice, Butter, &c·

MUNN & Co., Harbor Grace


N1CHOLAS HARRIS, Genen&l Blacbmitll, FC~t'ri6. ••

All kinda of io b,» Uouxecut.ecl wUb neam-, cJeepatcb al¥1 "'

moderalo pri«"L ' Horae.hoeiac epectall1 aUeodld &o.

B~VEY Sl'B.B.Et W., JUuoa Ouca "

Page 2: MUNN Co., - Memorial University of · l ~ Head Ofllce: 19 WJDDIU"U Sb~t..: Tb~ bueine88 of the PH

Catarrh in the Bead Ia a dangero\11 dia-.. n may lead cU~tJy to oonaumplioo. O.Lar(b it oauaed by impure blood, and lbe &rue wa1 to etm~IL Ia by purlfJIIIf the blood. Uood'a s.-.parU.Ja CUJft oa&urb Le­aUJO i~ remo•ea &be e&Uae ot IL bJ' purifying Lbo blood. TbOIJUDdll.ftiUfz: tba& Lbe7 ba•o been cu~ b7 Hooch Sacaap&rtlla.

Booo•a l'lw ate purel,y •caetable and do uot. purge, pain or &riP. .All drugia&. 260.

BBEUMATI8M; ,. .. , and Nan .. u , ol~ too, ate greatly reJI•Yed IUid ~n ea&irel7 cared b7 the ue al P-4UI-Xu,. J.D-lYJ il, 2.So; ror New~ Boule.

~ ,_, ~ fOif worth·

leu IIMCIIciMa ~ 11uJ L\.ott • of • )


.. wDI flO" ol lnelllaalble yaJue,

u It II al..-t certain to cure

at once that -. and rupln«

For l&le bJ Meaen. T. M'Murdo & Co., &. 1ohn'a.

MUsic Tea.Ching. Tbe undeni«ned, (who baa had

a lODI mulcal training under Prof. FlJDD, and who took honors In the- . ory~f lluaic at recen& examination Of Bisher BclacatiOD)1 begs t.o &D· noaqoe \bU the is prer>&red to Mlcb mutio, and will give

LESSONS residence •

• UP-

A ................ - ......... i,7~1ooo ~. &JnnJALr.o...VI'W"III OJ' liCIU,OOO Stc.

'l'be GVAB.DIAib'eing • fi klu ~ t.alaaoe Oompe.ny, «'ffm &I t.bcie .. ,....._ mOIL deeirable to in· ~ .tL.lUiiloabt.ed a~billty, faror­able a.- uacl prompt eeLdemenL to .......... .

E~ed haTing bu n ap­~ ror Newfoundland are to J.ue l'ollclea againaL 1011

'f. • II. WTh"TER, St. John'•· C. & E. GODDEN,

Sub-AgenUI Harbor Grace Nftd.,

. TBE -

QUEE·N Insurance· Co~ toRt iu the Great Cooflagrl\tion

the sum

. $641,000 and' the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. paid out to 898 of its pl\trons_, whoee policies were in':ol~·ed in the .fire, exactly a sun~lat amount, vi5.1

$541,000 JOHN C.ORMACK.

Agent, St. John'~.

A. T. DRYSDALE ~ Agent, Harl,or Grnce.

I ,

Page 3: MUNN Co., - Memorial University of · l ~ Head Ofllce: 19 WJDDIU"U Sb~t..: Tb~ bueine88 of the PH


. ,



Head Ofllce: 19 WJDDIU"U Sb~t..:

Tb~ bueine88 of the PH<ENII it one of the largwt in the world-the annual premiurn income e1ceediog 0•• MILLJOJr POUNDS STDLl.lfG.

lnl'Urancea apinst lou by Fnuc are efrected by Ult.lODI..-bBtbed Company on all deeeriplioos of property in NewloaDCllad OD &btJnbet r .... orablo terma. .

ClaillU' aettled PROMPTLY and LIBERALLY.



Many people go to the ci~y or town dye-house • ·hen they han g.loda to be dyed.

Tbii means a loee of time ani much unnecwary ex~nso. Ninety nine out of every one hundred women can do their own dyeing u home wilh Diamond Dyea, at &It expense of ten Qr twenty centa (OY whaL tbe profeuional dyer will oh•rae tllern •1.50 to •2.00. Home dyeing meana a saving of time and much annoyance, ae the profes· eional dyer often putt the work aside (or " weelc or len dayi:

.All difficoltiee are avoided by using Diamond Dyes in your home. The plain4in.c\iona for each color make ~too:l reeulta absolutely cer­tain. ,.here ie a et.aDding guarantee that Diamond Dy• will color more goode, package for package, than any other dy" in tbe world, aDd will alwaya give the bee~ md atrongeat. colors.

When buying dyee,avold all iml,­lation p&cbge dyee that. 7oar dealer may ol{er you; take JJQ.17 &he "Diamond,, anclyou will "flOWn• ecJ wi\h IIUOCeN.

Send lor oar Diamond Drel)tolt Book, free to md add,.., Welle eft Rlohafdeon Co., Montreal.

ntr•r .. 'ttU.Ibw. Yoo m&J' alftJI lmow wheo rour

Uw• fa OU~ of elder, Or wbeDJOQ are trW fa ealled hlliOUt, b)' aD7 &be foJ. lowq Qmptpr~~e : No lD lhe aide and btlfk, dlaioete, doll hflldache a bad la4t• in tbe mou\h in \he momlnr, eal· low, oolon!d COirlplexlon, )'eUowieh lin~ in lhe eyu., coeh•enea or dlarrbcea, of Ill my dnk co!Qft Jow ep.lrh, and diamal ron~bodipP. 1l u acltnowledced by all Phyliclane end olben, wbo tiue lee!)

chelr action, tbaL Dr. Mone'e Indian Root Pillt are a puree& cure for all blli· ouaaft'ecliOUI. Dr. Moae'eiDd.._., Boo& l'illt are ee>ld by all medJaloe dealtra.

Ono E:coLJIB CC8TOa-Eng\md can bol\lt of more quaint o01toma and ceremonies tliat ba'fe been banded duwn from century to cea· tury than my othfll' olvlllled na· tion. The aoandlng oUbe ma,or'l hom at lUpon i1 one oC the moat. ancient e~• in tbe kingdom. n formef'llnibnounced, the IJI the watch, but it hae now into the formality 9r three .-lvPll at 9 o'clock erery evenln i'be mayor'• reaidence by hie Glal born blower and three more at the mar\et orou.

yer's " .

' 'Cherry ~ ·Pectoral ~ more than other medl· But then It curea =c than other medlcloee.

l£oet of the c:ht!lp c:ough mcclicloc:e morclr palliAte ; they a6ord loeal !1-E;d tem~

tuy rdlef. Aycr'e Cherry l'c:ctoral does DOl patch II? Of

. palliate. It cures.

AsthiDII, Brooch¢a, Ctollp. Whooping Cough,~ evvry other eousll. wlU, when 01

rc:medlc:e fAil, yield ~


Cherry Pectoral -n 1:u a l":C:oni o! ~0 :yoarn of CUJ'Cll..

Gcnd ~ tho "Curobook" -&o.!.

An 1M 11..._......., 0/ ~-UM ~ 8yslem ot UIIJ body.

lllervq U1UII l'nln1 tllo tmaln 10 enrr ""' ot the bodr~~a-1 ~.ell ~n:ry orpa.

llle,_ a.n llko lro-;cW aotMIAia 1111& bard lllaSttn..

Nerves .,.., r ... t lly lbfoll!ood aDI$ arc tbttt!Gn • IUib It In c~,u:tt:r.

Ill.,._ w!Q bo l•cslt r.nJ Ub:::lUJtc\l U UM blood b tllln.t•lo IUlJ l:iotl<lrt.

••~ w!U l lll\'lY bu s lron; anJ ·~ U UM bloo.l II rico:., I'N IU•Il ~ lc;DtO\d.

lllervn Gn4 IIJ'Uil f~ml Ia HOOd's 8&Nca~ r!Ua ~t.MII m:::ct-1 r1~4. rtd bii)Od.

• .,., .. do lhdr m>f:C ~llr and well,­lhe br:IJo b u:.ckntM. theta are DO

Dtllral&'c lXCnJ. IIPV<'Il" &ll<l dl&• lloo. MII;'OOII, Wbw 70U 1411:0 ...

Sarsaparilla tli~ lll.o TrM Blood Puriller. AU dmpl~ IL l'rtr•--~1 .-If ~ o. r. Jlo>d • o... "-'ell. Ma.u.

Hood-& Pills==~~

fl»\ DAN 0 '\ u ..... . GINT~DI F'INO





811 quq . f'ur UP ffanl(lll £&.'1 2 5 $

? The "D. I L"

Menthol Plaster ~~~~ -~=--....... l>&vtS~~""" .

Will be~ wtu.. -· ......... eMile, aRer yeu !....a In a

Whito S&wing lacllino PINCH TENSION,

TEN8Uil INDICATOR --AUTOIIATIO TERSION RELEASER, l'h2 m~t C0111pklo and uadbl dC'Ika cwa

added 1o uy aewluc ~Uebh•e.

rho WHITE ts Dcmly uii HaDdMaely Bant,

Ot Flo• Flcbb alld Perfect Adjua.r.toat. Sews ALL Sewt.b!o Artlclts,

'\nd 't'tl'lt '-"n'O IUid plc:\:0 )'UU 11p ID ll:c IQ." \;nit of JO"Jr c:xpcd:>cJoos.

A CTtVJ: DCALUS \'IAt:TCl) In 1m~ ,.led tcmtoty. ~tenDS. Addta..,


JOHN CASEY, Harbor Gra« Agcnl for Nlld. (north.)

-* THEY ,,., th1 R1m1JJ that tht I bount~u• h111d of natur• hlaf

~r0rldld /Of all diiiUII ll'llli>A from II/PURE BLOOD. ""\'

••••• Morse'S ... •-" _..; ,. •• n •• on--. aua.u:a.._

lliDICUIIti"'OS, trn:"

P ·u co ..... nn-. • ....... •• 4. &&e.. Ek. 1 s ,. IAU If ALL HAUU


Page 4: MUNN Co., - Memorial University of · l ~ Head Ofllce: 19 WJDDIU"U Sb~t..: Tb~ bueine88 of the PH

-There lately fell POIOtlall1 &o 1'111&, d St. John'•· oDe .. u aDd fa•oorably ~nown. in tb~ oommunily-oamely, 1he. Walab, rell~ ot 1be late llobetl W~lab, ~ .• oae of lbo old"' hwabl· tan If o1 (hr, &ow~ 'I'Jle ladr d~ had ~hed ~e ltsh mue · •• ~.." ro:noyal il}' dea " rempipe.IQ.' bNid provoked rnoob IIOI'IOWofot r.ep t. lip. W&J4b le.•ea bebfQd ' ber tb111 10111-P~omat arid ltoben. Tbeln\ aocl~uaeUai=S..C... wb.l tilt 'PI W... .... barrla -t::iD:bb &own. Tbue are tbre41, lin. John llorpby, wife ~ lhe proprietor or tbe Gt.oibo Lumber KIU.; -Ilia Linlo Walf]l, of&. ~n't,Jifla A. Wal.eb, a nqn ll~ .. OCIDL. a..: V!~~. '$1l(Af. Al&er Jile't ft~~Jl fere1 &lJebJd Jadr•ltpJII well, - ·

- -=-= -Loou Jlum'la, ..... nr. J.ehr will

Yiai1 Harbor Grace oo Lbo taL prox., .-Del wiU ftmtt.ln for a (ow '

Hr. WiUb Davia returned hom hla trip &o &he Northward on Tuetday.

rror. BOle, optfoian, baa been 10 ~ &be paa~ two weeki. Be leh

by to-daJ'• t.raio, aocl will relbm Ol'l Monday.

wt Allltn ~·ble, eldea~ eon tJf 11r. Joh'p 8\ratbJo, li db~p•cm·a }~oJ1 Jlall tnm J,be Tar W~l. +Uan liM tieen a-y to~ tbe paJt J.en yq.l'l, the ~poet o( wbloh time he wu to Jon ToWDe­Pnd. Jlo come. dowo w aee lbe old ho•mo aod old facea, and wW 1Lay 1ba wlot.e.r. .

- Tho Uagie R.liet hod up 10 r• terday ~&od tbe' h&DdeOme

olllln.o9: rlj'IOA publilbed by UliD lu1

fmte &boot llr. \Va&w porchulDI &be .. ~lf.ooL," ~1 IDoorito&-

IQCiJ purdbNO~-· titia' ilfeD ;JRAde. ~per\ ,.,... & lbe _60wn. we &ooldUct U.aaoh wu

oorrecL, bu&.f' DO f .........

r.:~.fOR·-c.~~t. F. Cole'1 .... ·-~ &o leuo or tho ol &he 8u of wbicb be ,.,

muter. 8be Joe& al Unlmalt :p.:: ~L~ llociTb &epumbn, in as-to or W&UUo e CftW ODiy Neaped with lbeU u,.. Her catc:b or 610 eu teldaa wu ftiCIUd, aDd lbe en• were brou~b~ to Victoria by the ToPfka. Tho &n Z.boee wu 81 aoa., aDd .. ,. ineurtd And er ca&c~~ fer tbe teeeoD ft4 SlO ~ld

for lbe .-.oo. Ill

-The Nowalanle tkom Shoal Harbo &ha& oo Frfda1 1M& ' amall eclloon r owotd by Nehemiah King, while C: her ... .t &o &. John't wa. lue~ oft' Ran dom, wi&b bpo OUJO. Tbe crow etC;l •

~--... Sb• ·~aa a 1• owing to t:~ ~i1 ..'!_ b&~ •~ otr from the m--, lloDd IOOD AUed whb • 1 SHe~ • boul 60 qulDlale of &.h .:l~

qa&alhf ollumber, e&c. po ~.all of wbJch wul011.. , --Mt . . U. D. lltid.,~.•oo or the popu)ar Oaauaoaor ol &he .n • .t B. W. Rait•ar wlt011 boel&h bu f« 10me Ume JlUt beeD lD a YJr1 aiLioll .ooodhioo, bae 1a&eb' reoo..- 10me•ba1 Clom the UJ. D- which "ODe Uawpn promlae or \ eoc11J. la& AI 1000 u he luum. cleollj noowered &o wamuu 1~, be In·

&o Ia•• lor .Lot A.Dpl01, QUf. where be wfU epeDd ihe Wintrr

Hie~ many friood. an hopeCul-4hai oDder the inri~tJor t.empnMon or ~' IIU'den ol Eden, lie wl.ll be _.,t.or.'\1 &o roll bullb. .•

end lion. ArtbLI, judgte of •a­loud in their

Orr>har,la Pn.yer," aU (JiriM!art:feiL thankfulotu w the

Family JJ erald " for the bomta or tbe

aL 10 triOiog ~be "Family

full year and the "ate HCurcd for One aeeme Uule or DOlb·

ooe loob a~ tbe n loo the .u ........ .,.,. &ell for 1~.

'J'be bdpntloe Rapid, Capt. Dechene, ani ted In pon tbl1 morning from Hllr­leu, France, leaking badly, bu lng M.t ubore on tho .LabNdor c:out. The

left Barfteur September 10 ror io ballu~, and (ln tha 22, during a tbl~ (Of,

ChariN, In ~~· 'Thm wu a he" y time apd the n u cl

on ~he rocke. Shortly tho maLo and two

the vttael. The captala aDd four of the crew remained on boWel. and oo the eJenlng of ~be ~ lbe •~.-el Qo.ted oft'. The nml ~ foulld 10 be eeriouely damaaoo end m leald11J badly, buL Oapt. Dethtnt d"' aided &o l'QD tbe ruk or reaching ~QTih "doer. aod with the oonarnt t1 his lOur men ke at once aet u ll lbr this porL Tbey were eigM days on tbe paeaace up and during thai time the pGJDPI wore oo. .na~ntly at work. CaJI. Dechene remained nigbt and dly " Ule Jrb~l w~ile !Jlo rocn tool.: tbtir LDFDf a_l t~e P\,IIT'J-1· lfben the \cud ~ J)O[~ ~pe l'•~ep "" nmlr ur to ~· b'~llt-a apd lhe fllen 'IHJt a mOIL uhamted, and could nM Jan bold OClL much longer. Capt. Jlt<'bcne lleolo owner of tbo •euel • nd lie will au'lror conalderable 10111 11 tbm it uo IIIIUr&JICCI on bla ebJp. The R1pld U" fino YeeeeJ Of 8251.0111 nelt 11nd 'II'U On ber ll'nL •o:yage eince b~lng purchu~ by Capt. ~hone. She ia now m•~·rt<l aL foosb~ Dr01'. wbarl arKI• will ,;o oo tho JlliLrino rail~\!, (Qt cn minatiuO aod ~rtJJI.-~:~ f:t~ld: ~o,·. ~ ·

-~ "" oirN HJ'£ WII!U> f.'~,~. TJJAf or_ tfJJI ~.:>"Tile , oqt 1ern JIJc t·f White-y ,.,... plunged In I OrtOll' ac.l mou.mln« onr Oio ead e.ndlng, on M•m· day Jb\, otJu.. Blancllanl, a m ideot l'f Bani~ Point, Wettern Arm. A~m· pan led T.y hla 100, In a Oat-bottom host, he lfeDL dHr buDUng on one of tbt I'D&IIylakee .Jn LhaL region. rn •• rut wa1the boal cal)llled, bu~ Blt~nrh•~'~· oothlor clau.oted, Loo~ 1~e lad on ht• b!aoq 'wtb~ ' aii' '~C lfl4 wh!! h ~llfu "'f!l. 1-0 ~l!'e ebo:t m~ ally }la kt led for ure. and ~~c oeeCtect Ia reeclllnr a hallow watt r. • hrr• the lad eaally clambered on ehon·,lUI tal~\ b~ Cather bad become uht~u~ttJ, aDd DaO no' 1u1lloient etren~tb ht rr plo t'be lAnd, ft.ll back into drt'p wa1~; liD It 11nk beneath thl\ wa vte. Dlanrbaw lea..~ a familr fo almoa' ll~tituh' cw cumatanca who were depri ved uf thtlr ~ bread·~illDer by this eudd<'n 1·1· "· He .... the t>rotber or 'f)1olllu Ill•~ obatd, lbo fatM r 6( ' the " raL ' bAbi' wbloli ml~ St.. John'ain 1887, an•l ,.,. ooe ollbe-prloclpt.l men In ~bat aettk -*-lWakl..