uei4· PHCENIX tt~t~. - Memorial University of...

.. New . Ad : v;ertisements. -- ....... ' ·' "- · _ .,.., .....,l ..... THOf4PSON'S - I ' MEDICAL t rl t t ESTABLISJDID 18M, WHJLESALE AND RETAIL. Th1• S.1hscribcr l1M adl.l«< to hi• lur:e ftnd \'ftrio.J l)tnck, n fo wof the new- cat Mcdiei nCI 1nd Sun. driCll, M fo llo1•1: O rel'n'a . Flo wer, U ur man , yrnp \V' :.rnf'r' M S:t fco Cn r ('. ' Ctl'ter'll f-itt le L iver P ill11 nf Wol ol 'ch e rry, \\ 11 L 1qowl Extl'llct, fl&UCi inll, Mot he r 0Mr!ll\' Wo rm Ext.ormina&.or. Lil' hh;' s E<ttr ., ct of P urlr'a Shft \•int; S ti ch . E011nt 1'l (for tilli ng teeth,) lkn7.rne (fo r c1011Min"' J'lltflOSC! ) j\t11t t.son 's F11mily ' l. i1ue J uiCI', Lemon Syrup, R 11pborry !:\y1 n p, l>r. \Vila on'• Bitl'llu J o unson's A n ooly ne Liniruent Trt ml\r Inolif'n (for costh ·nC'!III) ;u!•tli':"tf'd Sn:;rnr (for worms) GnnrJ 11 !l o ur Oyr, Trico pb cr ous T oot h P owde r, Eno's .1!'1 niL &It 1\[nru} 's M B. :ef, lt "t>n and \-.'in,.. 1:-i orthrnp. l- l .ymnn'!l Y c;<'t..1loll' do ci u Quinine \V ine K ollw .:; 'H r hth ma H c:ncdy olo , D,.rr) Eli xir, l! op Ri tt c f'3 D r. W rd k.-1 81\t1>11! H nllown"'" ('orn ('uo c c .. l11 };: l'lltinc:'• l niii'C t N c rtlr1'01' ,It l. yrnun 's Eonnlsion A yt l 's S:or.ltp tl ill.t. .P utuor'll Jo <.:h11 •r y Pl'c tor"l l' ir·rcu'" c: ,,ldolll MeJ ic.< l Diac<H'CI'}' ol o l' coo 1:11 ti \1' p,.IJ., ts clo !"' '"'" luj o•c totl \\' ,.wrplo of .\ proM tlo s, ... n,:" Insurance Notices. , ...... _ ___ _ PHCENIX .... Fire Assur.ance Company. ' -- I L'QNOON. •• . ' r, ESTABLl STfED· J.N 1782. __ .,. TRUSTEES .t DlnECII!ORS. Joeepll \\' m. Uueadalo, .Eaq. JlrietO'fl' 'flle li on. J:1mes J oh'n Claltoa. Eiq. · Oct.Avias 1::. Coopc, EsQ.• M.P. uoorae Arthnr FulleT, "li::aq. Obarleta E. Goodban. F.-q, M. Rbodo tlllwlr.ina, Esq. loub)lock, l.l:lrt. , F.R.S. ThomM Lucu, £aq. Charlu lbjznll.)•. l::lt J. l' be li on. f :dwin n. l' o rtmnn. - Thulley Roben £ iq Wm. Etq. UON. DIR):O'J'Oit: J 1111S ,J. llt.OOllfi,EW, uq. WtLI . IA\1 C. J oi" l F IIASCIS fl. liecrctari(1. T hr of this Oflleo nr" " nu .me rous and wc nlthy l'rn· pnol!uJ 1n Add1tinn to " laree C.-pit.rol : 1\nd t ho pr omnt it udo And.liberaJ- hy with which cl•ima b.-vo alwny1 bean 1\T? wcll - kn owo nn J ac koowl rdJtell. l11 c 1m?ortanco o f the tranaaotioo1 of :bo ' PHffiXTX FIRE OFFTCE msy bo C!ati mnted fr om t he fnc t t h:>L Gi aco it s rsl,.blit hmtnt- now oYer Qsr. ll c::on£n \' F. Ahll -the in of l lnuu fur Lo....,a havo uceeded FOCITTtr>O STEII I. I SO. l nsumncd lll!:>llltL Lou by Fire a mi l.ightnin:; arc dJcl.'tt'd by tho opon <'•c ry d .. •cription of l'ropcr ty 1 ou th e ce rrn R. ,JI\ol ; W. & G HE . ' LH:r L, St . J IIIIli'S, A gr11 11 jur Nrrrf ounrilonf GENERAL AssurauseCautpanJ FIRE . AND LIFJ1j. "". F.STAB LiS in :n An 1 83 7 C'oII•J·On nol :-..nnp j S tt-o•cl ml\ n ', T co·l hil ' !! p, ,w,J rrs 11 .... i)ofi. ·J cP. : R nl.l>er T nloin;: ror Fe<'tl<•o 11j 10 3 r ..o:--ooll, EC D ,.,.inngc Tnbi nr:. .-\ . n·r',. tl alr Y ignr, n "' 11 um .\ llrn'H II oi1 · Ht'fl l l'll cr. (;hi l.l', Tru"-'Wl! ToU!1 1 <!P, )ti nllrJ 's Liuionont Ca1loolic • .tp, l<' uller'a Korth \V d:.:lrt'• lJ nlt•nutnt co l \\"ino Hur.luc k Jlloool Oi tte..- K.-;,1..-r'll l.io t'r Oil 11n•l :\(,.Jt. K..... -nco ol Rt•rncc, A lien's Lung J ut iRc cn'" Oo d J ud!ll>n 'a Gold f nk Capital: £1,000, 000 Stg l oaurllntu effected on almoot nil kind; of pr ororty 1n :.lewl ou udlaoli lo weat pvMablu rat n. J. A U(;U '1 !;S C LIFT, Sot .I C' ITOII. ST. J OIIII 'S Aytn: fo•r Nm:fo,. rt<Jiud E . .U. C1t.mto of C• \'r nno .\ 1g. Pt•ppermiut Ginger - ....:...-+ i ------------ Sllb·A!JCIII {llf' /Jarbor Gran SR\ ' OI Y nnJ Mooro'o Food QUEEN Li mP .Juice, C..nucd Oy11rors, · l>MiCClltr• l c()C("'""" F oo- l \ V,,....Jill's O.ok ing P owder fN r1 Y nrk , lrir., llt ll•h, \Vn tet<IIWNI (im Sauco J.)ricd I> tl Thyruo in hn tlle•, DJinJ :Yin P,ickMtnn,..'s \Y CrvAt. '\l ll· •th &. C. • Ra L P..ate, \Vax Tape 1' o10th Ur n n r,_iut: F. T. C.omh• _ U i111n o el1'11 Limo J nicr Bntl Glyccri r.lo. 'T'uilot A fltttc P owl lor Cllno utr ut.t J Ly11, &entct.l Soopa P .. inu- in ll h T ins Urulll'r, :'\il'flnf\ 1 B.1th Pit)(! lJclsL E nsli"t. Cotlfll ni9h -l f\" 1 Tiru nn•l Yo•lloiW 0111: 4Ulinwood St.niu, Wfl nuL S c.ain,• )la hogl\ ny do. Rdo.f'wOO'i tl o. - .ALID- A choice IW'loction nf . .. F.HI<'UMES. IIAIK-aod C LO'fJig.') &" l'reacriptfontl eompoanded a uu with J'Ure rlruga. . . W. H. THOMPSON. I FIRE & LJFE 1 l Ass'tlmnceC'mpa.ny . 01! '' i.pNnn'N: I()''. '' 1 :-1 t '1 t " l f. 1·. E3TABL1.8B.KD 1:821 C AI'lTAtr-£2 ,000: 0 00 ---- lN. U RAN C F. BUILf 11\G LIVEil.POOL, • I '. .I , ·. ·- L I • r • SA1:U·BJJAY, 1 1887. n l l I •·4 ' L ' !_. 1 I ' t •' ..... : l t t• --, -A PoltT1IATT or B'rRO!f.-Admirera or Lord Byron will be aaya Lifo: to learn a oow .or Lbo (l3U b .. . at F1ume, Ia · flun11arr. lit WM b7 Natalo Sc;.biuoni, io 1817, when tbo poet w:w vititiog Venice, ho bc- iag tbeo io bit 29th He il repreaeot- od u · eittinjr 'a trriall ootfeo table tmokiosr. woaring a h,t.. aild draped n •olumiaon• ' eloalr, t.b'e pleture beiujt om\aentl, cbaraclerietie: ! itt dotr it bnido IUro. - Tbe ria· tu.re ia tl;e flY ol Alr. Pltll pr .Por sq !ftso. - Tho LJoa 8«. •ayt a ladJ or tbat ciLJwu polaoaed bJ aracnic tn a peculiar mao ncr. nccn' Nlia atorm abe wu expos. ed, while out ridiog . auJ ' tbo antenic from t"o II birdt on ber boooot- .-u rineed down tO lftr race, CIIJti D!f eTUpt 1 0nl a:Jcb &I would naturally reooh from araaDie. A phyaiciao WM a11mmoned 11nd the lady ;. now out or danger. SbQ 1111 lonJ,'t! l in adorn ing bonnete wiilo atoffed birds. t\ few 1loni l• r let C\ na lnl)lht be b leued to tbe of feat hered I -1'1111 GE.nlfA'f t\4\ ' Y.-The Ot'rman Nny L.iat for 1887, wbicb hu nude Ita lpJ)Oilr:IUCC, pi.Ctll tile IIUUll..., r of Y'eflt('ll (ucluti•o of toljledo bonts, of wllicb t l.o; re aru about 150 ) at 1 00, llg:tinat !l8 l111t J'Ur cla uiR od u f ollowt :- 13 lron clada, 14 ar moured l'l:l!ela, 9 cnJ!ae r fri ga tes, 8 cruhtcr cor.-c trea, 6 6 avieea, 11 aehool 1hipa, aao.l for purpo• lull N••y Llat lnclodea officore of al' nsah, araiDat -164- IML y ear. b ·o vice-adwir1l1, O,n- r ear-1\ d' mirale, S I full capraioa, 62 captalua of corretttl, 1 ('7 eapr"in-llc utenaoll. 117 lioutenaniA. 114 6!1 aea cadela. and 31 cade)L Gtri'OAny bu at pre· ae11tl6 nuela oo foreign or eruialos ""lee. lltr frora the Ri,.; uei4·" hecloupoucl ud 1-.a tblll)llaL J• &he rtOOnJ,a u&ereclla atriiCI;iooa to Oro •r.ptr.tee, ;.o.cs b)r· Bllloll, ,edtlllf diM it, baJ beer ropretooted to Hie llajea&y &bat &be iaiiiOCl- 1 -te OM fe pU.loiou to &jae, 'h .. hh aod monla of -MajenJ'I to Ne.,(ou_odlaod,' uul a.brion. dircotiog tbe redacllon of t he onib.r of liceoaed bouaee to auob be ahtolotely' necueary lor Oreir •CilOmmodatioa ud up- piJ, and roehicLing tho grantlojr of lice-. to tbo owoere uf ooe lbbiaa aballop u, ' The prol'!ction of tbo aacred pe_noa of tbe WM oot oeglect.o,d io t.hOM, tlaJI, /or we find. lor LhU a Ftn7• 1 IIUid mcrchaoL wu ll11t<l bJ 1,M Ylfll&raJe , £60 for tbe -and lb.U tbe Sarropt.e red11ood &be uaou' to .£20. (TO COlmlllD&D) Mistrea-t WhJ, Dtlla.wbatlo tbo world " huo yoa de De ?' Dolt.-• &II are, m•'am. the muter laid tbe pe ... ltulua. IIOd 1 'POL tbe pail to catob h.' · h I bat yoar offepriag, madam?' uked-a · judge of a woman ou tbe wlto-ataad. wbo wu 'balding a bo1 by tbe baod. No jcdae; tbilla my oldea' eoo,' eho iaDOCIIIllJ repUed. I WDI cured byrtaing Minard'a .Uqh•ea• of a vorJ ae r1o ua c:uo of ebrooio r betlma- t!am 11tter trytog All vll.or .--...U.. for , twn yeaf;I.-Goorgo ' fiogleJ, .Albert Co., N.D. -- For C r1110p1 and lo tbe Stomach.- Tako a toaapoooful of Pen, Datil' l'.t•- Ki ller l11 bot. 11reetuad 'll l ltr, nary Ulf ho ur till rel ieved, bt.U!e Ute ')omaoh ud bowola, freely 111 Ute meaa&l.&e t.iao. b 11enr fails. Dronellitie-Uol- anoatod will letmin· at11 in co11aumptloo, 1\D J\lmoat aeter fail- log cnre for tbi1 oomplaiD' ia foaod lu Al- len'• Luog U11lt1m, wbiol) oao be b&d of ally Druggiat, price one dollar per bottle. G iven up by Doctora. 'la it pouibly that Mr. GodfreJ i.e op · IDd 111 worlc, and cur ed bJ 110 1imple a remodr?' 1 1 IIUUnl JUU it i1 true tb•t he la eDtll"'l• ly cured, auol witb notbiog but Hop Lc1'11 : nnd ooly to"'- daye aJ.tO hie doctor pvo him up 1111d ho muat •, ' Woll-a-c4y! .That ia rcmar ble llwUl go tb!J day get aomo for my r Goot-p -I kaow boP' are good. -&h l'bll. ---- A. Maybeo., Mercbaot, \Yarkwortb, writes I hno aol ol eome handrtc:ll of bottlet of Dr. Thomu' &lectric Oil. ftad it il prooou11oed by t he publiO 'ODO Of the b'Mt modlcioee lltoJ bue e\'er u..ed ;' it baa doae woadel'll in beating Uld releario1 paiu, eore t.hf'OU &c, il wortbJ of tho oooli- deacll. Thoro ArO euu or cootnmrUoo 10 fu advaooed tbal Bickle'• A11b-Couampti"o will not earo, but . ooae eo bad that it' will 11ot giyo relief. For coagba. ooldt ud all of tbo lllllf!tlllld pbnL, I' ia a 1peci6o which hal ontr )Mea kpown to fail. It promot.ea a free and tu1 upec- 1 tbereb1 remotiog tbo pblepl, 11114 11"1!1 tbo deceued partll a chllllce to beal. . F. U. McC&rt.h1, C bemltt., , writee: 1 1 Ia YO bee11 dlepeoaiojf and hiog Northrop & L11010'e Emollioo , Liter oi111ad llJpopbaeplaitM of Lime ud Sod11 for lbo put two Jt&l'l, ud oo1111ldec that thoro i11 ao preparatio11 of tlto 111mo ki11d I• tbo marltt&. b II YOrJ pa1al- 1 able, i' bu 110 equal .' .

Transcript of uei4· PHCENIX tt~t~. - Memorial University of...

.. New .Ad:v;ertisements.

--....... ' · ' "-· _ .,.., .....,l ..... -~--THOf4PSON'S - I '

MEDICAL • tt~t~. • ~~ t rl t t



Th1• S.1hscribcr l1M ~•in adl.l«< to hi• lur:e ftnd \'ftrio.J l)tnck, n fowof the new­cat lto~din~ Paten ~ Mcdiei nCI 1nd Sun. driCll, M follo1•1:

O rel'n'a . An~rnat Flo wer, Rl!!Chot~s Uurman , yrnp \V' :.rnf'r'M S:tfco C n r ('. ' Ctl'ter'll f-it t le Liver P ill11 \~i·l·u,'s ~1ls.~m nf Wolol 'cherry, \\ ~·otlr 11 L 1qowl l£111 ~ Extl'llct, fl&UCiinll, M other 0Mr!ll\' W orm Ext.ormina&.or. Lil'hh;'s E<ttr., c t of llca~, p..,,~·a ~l tp, Purlr'a Shft\•int; S tich . Wlu~o E011nt1'l (for tilling teeth ,) lkn7.rne (fo r c1011Min"' J'lltflOSC! ) j\t11tt.son's F11mily s;rin~,;cs. ' l.i1ue Frni~ J uiCI', Lemon Syrup, R 11pborry !:\y1 n p, l>r. \Vilaon '• Ht~~·bine Bitl'llu J ounson's A nooly ne Liniruent Trtml\r Inolif'n (for costh ·nC'!III) ~no's ;u!•tli':"tf'd Sn:;rnr (for worms) GnnrJ 11 !lour Oyr, Tricopbcrous 1\:abe~rf T ooth Powder, Eno's .1!'1 niL &It 1\[nru} 's l<~lu1d M 1~csis B.:ef, lt"t>n and \-.'in,.. 1:-i orthrnp .l- l .ymnn'!l Y c;<'t..1loll' Di~co\·rry

do ciu Quinine \V ine K ollw.:; 'H rhthma Hc:ncdy

olo l'.tt~trrlr ~nu(f. , D,.rr) ·~ E lixir, l!op Ri ttc f'3 D r. W rdk.-1 ·~ Yine~ or 81\t1>11! H nllown"'" ('orn ('uo c J'utrnnn·~ c .. l11 ~-~'<t r;:ctn~ };: l'lltinc:'• l niii'Ct Po>wo l~r N c rtlr1'01' ,It l.yrnu n's Eonnlsion A yt l 's S :or.ltp t l ill.t. .P utuor'll E:n u l~ifln

Jo <.:h11•ry Pl'ctor"l l'ir·rcu'" c:,,ldolll MeJic.<l Diac<H'CI'}'

olo l' coo 1:11 ti \1' p,.IJ.,ts clo !"' '"'" l uj o•c totl

\\',.wrploof ~nr•in:: .\ proM tlo s, ... n,:" Ito:.-~

Insurance Notices. ,......_ ___ _ PHCENIX ....

Fire Assur.ance Company. ' -- I

t0~ 8ARTI 81'R~T .t 'OUAltl~G ORO~' L'QNOON. • ••

. ' ~...,.. .~ r, •


Joeepll \\' m. Uueadalo, .Eaq. JlrietO'fl' llo~ill. ~-'flle lion. J:1mes RU~g. J oh'n Claltoa. Eiq. · Oct.Avias 1::. Coopc, EsQ .• M.P. uoorae Arthnr FulleT, "li::aq. Obarleta E. Goodban. F.-q, M. Rbodo tlllwlr.ina, Esq. ~!rJohn loub)lock, l.l:lrt. , ~.P., F.R.S. Charlc~ ThomM Lucu, £aq. Charlu lbjznll.)•. l::ltJ. l'be lion. f:dwin n. l'ortmnn.

- Thulley Roben ~mitb, £ iq Wm. J~tmee Tho1n~nn, Etq.

UON. DIR):O'J'Oit: J 1111S ,J. llt.OOllfi,EW, uq.

WtLI. IA\1 C. ~IACDOSALI>,) Joi" l F IIASCIS fl. ~1.\COOSALD,) liecrctari(1.

T hr en~l:(!ment.s of this Oflleo nr" ~ul\r­t.n~~l b~· " nu.merous and wcnlthy l'rn· pnol!uJ 1n Add1tinn to " laree in•e~ted C.-pit.rol : 1\nd tho promnt it udo And .liberaJ­hy with which cl•ima b.-vo alwny1 bean m~t. 1\T? wcll-knowo nnJ ackoowlrdJtell.

l11c 1m?ortanco of the tranaaotioo1 of :bo '

PHffiXTX FIRE OFFTCE msy bo C!atimnted from the fnct th:>L Giaco it s rsl,.blithmtnt-now oYer Qsr. ll c::on£n \'F.Ahll -the p~>ymen~ in ~~:~c i.ractlon of l lnuu fur Lo....,a havo uceeded FOCITTtr>O ~III.LIOSS STEIII. ISO.

l nsumncd lll!:>llltL Lou by Fire ami l.ightnin:; arc dJcl.'tt'd by tho Cowp~~ny opon <'•c ry d .. •c ription of l'ropcrty 1 ou the mo~t f:l~or:>blu cerrnR.

,JI\ol ;

W . & G HE. ' LH:r L, St. J IIIIli'S,

A gr1111 jur N rrrfounrilonf

GENERAL AssurauseCautpanJ FIRE .AND LIFJ1j.

"". Bibs lf•)o. citlh lrrnt.c<'L ioill~.) F.STAB LiSin: n An 1 83 7 Po•ll ow~ C'o•II•J·On nol :-..nnp j • S tt-o•clml\n', T co·l hil ' !! p ,,w,Jrrs 11 ~: .... i)ofi.·JcP. : R nl.l>er T nloin;: ror Fe<'tl<•o11j 10 3 C' \ ~:-iO~ ~TitEI-:T, r..o:--ooll, EC D ,.,.inngc Tnbinr:. .-\ .n·r',. tl al r Y ignr , n "' 11 um .\ llrn'H II oi1· Ht'fl ll'll cr. (;hil.l', Tru"-'Wl! Aolult'~ ToU!11 <!P, )tinllrJ 's Liuionon t C'oi• t• r t'~ Ca1loolic • .tp, l<'uller'a Korth \V d:.:lrt'• lJ nlt•nut•ntcol \\"ino Hur.luck Jlloool Oitte..-K.-;,1..-r'll l~•H I l.io t'r Oil 11n•l :\(,.Jt. K.....-nco ol Rt•rncc, A lien's Lung !Ml~:lnl J ut iRccn'" Oo d P~ti nt , J ud!ll>n'a Gold f nk

Capital: £1,000,000 Stg l oaurllntu effected on almoot nil kind;

of prororty 1n :.lewlou udlaoli ~~~ lo weat pvMablu ratn.

J . AU(;U '1 !;S CLIFT, Sot. I C' ITOII. ST. J OIIII 'S

Aytn: fo•r Nm:fo,. rt<Jiud E . .U. TIIU~tPSON.

C1t.mto of ~lll~;nt»ci.1, C• \'rnno Lo~en;rs .\ n~r. 1g. Pt•ppermiut 1Az:~>n;t{'ll, Ginger Lozeu~C4 - ....:...-+i------------

Sllb·A!JCIII {llf' /Jarbor Gran

SR\' OI Y nnJ Mooro'o Food QUEEN Li mP .Juice, C..nucd Oy11rors, ·

l>MiCClltr• l c()C("'""" ~tl\vo·a Foo-l Insur~nce C"'m-n~ny \ V,,....Jill's O.oking P owd er fN r1 &~ Y nrk, lrir., llt ll•h, \Vntet<IIWNI (im Sauco lloir~l.::$n\·Or)·, J.)ricd ' ·~1"1 I> tl Thyruo '\Tinf~tlt' in hntlle•, DJinJ :Yin ~ P,ickMtnn,..'s \Y f\t1hin~ CrvAt.'\l ll·•th &. C. • Ra L P..ate, \Vax Tape 1'o10th 6ru~hMI, Shl\'<'in~t Urn 1h~'"• n r,_iut: Comb~. F. T. C.omh• _ U i111noel1'11 Limo J nicr Bntl Glyccri

r.lo. 'T'uilot Vio~r, Coaw~ti'}uo A lsl:t~o~d'a fltttc P owllor Cllno•utrut.tJ Ly11, &entct.l Soopa ~rixf'll P .. inu- in ll h T ins Urulll'r, :'\il'flnf\1 B.1th Pit)(!

lJclsL E nsli"t. Cotlfll ni9h -l f\"1 Tiru J~rtl nn•l Yo•lloiW O~e, 0111: ~lAin.

4Ulinwood St.niu, Wfl nuL S c.ain,• )lahogl\ny do. Rdo.f'wOO'i tlo.

- .ALID-

A choice IW'loction nf ftRIAR.l'IPEJ:l.~ AM ­JJE~ . .. F.HI<'UMES. IIAIK-aod

C LO'fJig.') BltUSIIES~

&" l'reacriptfontl care{~llf eompoanded auu with J'Ure rlruga. . .


FIRE & LJFE • 1 l

Ass'tlmnceC'mpa.ny. 01!'' i.pNnn'N: I()''. ' '

1 :-1 t'1 t " l f.

. ~ 1·. E3TABL1.8B.KD 1:821

CAI'lTAtr-£2,000: 0 00 ~terling. ----


• I

'. .I • , ·. ~ ~ ·- L • I

• r • ~B~~< ~}lACE; NE~<?~~,Np~ SA1:U·BJJAY, ".urtr~Y J~9, 11887. n • l • l I •·4 ' L ' !_. 1 I ' t • ' ..... : l t t• --,

-A PoltT1IATT or B'rRO!f.-Admirera or Lord Byron will be pl~ueci. aaya Lifo: to learn ~hat a oow ~rtralt .or Lbo (l3U b ... ~~~ q~ter.ed at F1ume, Ia · flun11arr. lit WM punt~d b7 Natalo Sc;.biuoni, io 1817, when tbo poet w:w vititiog Venice, ho bc­iag tbeo io bit 29th .r~, He il repreaeot­od u · eittinjr ~foro 'a trriall ootfeo table tmokiosr. woaring a bi~rh h,t.. aild draped I~ n •olumiaon•' eloalr, t.b'e pleture ~t•net~~lly. beiujt om\aentl, cbaraclerietie: ! Hldavonr~ itt dotr it a~ding bnido IUro. - Tbe ria· tu.re ia tl;e pro~ flY ol Alr. Pltll Metco~tloll.

-sr~oui.~R C"s~: pr . Po rsq!ftso.- Tho LJoa 8«. •ayt a yoaa~ ladJ or tba t ciLJwu polaoaed bJ aracnic tn a peculiar mao ncr. Da rin~t" nccn' Nlia atorm abe wu expos. ed, while out ridiog. auJ ' tbo antenic from t"o II ttl~ birdt on ber boooot- .-u rineed down tO lftr race, CIIJtiD!f eTUpt10nl a:Jcb &I would naturally reooh from araaDie. A phyaiciao WM a11mmoned 11nd the lady ;. now out or danger. SbQ 1111 lonJ,'t!l ~lie•u in adorning bonnete wiilo atoffed birds. t\ few 1loni l• r let C\na lnl)lht be bleued to tbe ~t~lutioa of feathered «n~:aterw.


-1'1111 GE.nlfA'f t\4\' Y.-The Ot'rman Nny L.iat for 1887, wbicb hu joa~ nude Ita lpJ)Oilr:IUCC, pi•.Ctll tile IIUUll..., r of Y'eflt('ll (ucluti•o of toljledo bonts, of wllicb t l.o; re a ru about 150) at 100, llg:tinat !l8 l111t J'Ur re~r. clau i Rod u followt :- 13 lronclada, 14 armoured l'l:l!ela, 9 cnJ!aer frigates, 8 cruhtcr cor.-ctrea, 6 oruitc~. ~ ~tnnboots. 6 avieea, 11 aehool 1hipa, aao.l ~I n•el~ for olho~ purpo• lull N••y Llat lnclodea 6~ officore of al' nsah, araiDat -164- IML year. cofl)pritin~r b·o vice-adwir1l1, O,n­rear-1\d'mirale, S I fu ll capraioa, 62 captalua of corre tt t l, 1('7 eapr"in-llcutenaoll. 117 lioutenaniA. 114 tub. Jiea~nao~. 6!1 aea cadela. and 31 cade)L Gtri'OAny bu at pre· ae11tl6 nuela oo foreign or eruialos ""lee.

lltr frora the Ri,.; uei4·" hecloupoucl ud 1-.a tblll)llaL

J• &he ~errJlud rtOOnJ,a ~ u&ereclla atriiCI;iooa to Oro •r.ptr.tee, ;.o.cs b)r· Goter~~or Bllloll, ,edtlllf diM • it, baJ beer ropretooted to Hie llajea&y &bat &be iaiiiOCl-1 -te OM tof· llqllo~ fe pU.loiou to &jae,

' h .. hh aod monla of H~ -MajenJ'I Ab~; re.oTll~ to Ne.,(ou_odlaod,' uul a.brion. dircotiog tbe redacllon of t he onib.r of liceoaed bouaee to auob ~QiaJ be ahtolotely' necueary lor Oreir •CilOmmodatioa ud up­piJ, and roehicLing tho grantlojr of lice-. to tbo owoere uf • ooe lbbiaa aballop u , leu~.· '

The prol'!ction of tbo aacred pe_noa of tbe Cona~lllo WM oot oeglect.o,d io t.hOM, tlaJI, /or we find. lor ionu~, LhU a Ftn7•1 IIUid mcrchaoL wu ll11t<l bJ 1,M Ylfll&raJe, £60 for uea11ltio~r tbe Poll~ -and lb.U tbe Sarropt.e red11ood &be uaou' to .£20.

(TO 8£ COlmlllD&D)

Mistrea-t WhJ, Dtlla.wbatlo tbo world" huo yoa de De ?' Dolt.-• &II are, m•'am. the muter laid tbe pe ... ltulua. IIOd 1

'POL tbe pail to catob h.' ~

· h I bat yoar offepriag, madam?' uked-a · judge of a woman ou tbe wlto-ataad. wbo wu 'balding a bo1 by tbe baod. • No jcdae; tbilla my oldea' eoo,' eho iaDOCIIIllJ repUed.

I WDI cured byrtaing Minard'a .Uqh•ea• of a vorJ aer1oua c:uo of ebrooio rbetlma­t!am 11tter trytog All vll.or .--...U.. for,twn yeaf;I.-Goorgo 'fiogleJ, .Albert Co., N.D. --For Cr1110p1 and ..Pai~ l o tbe Stomach.-Tako a toaapoooful of Pen, Datil' l'.t•­Killer l11 bot. 11reetuad 'lll ltr, nary Ulf hour till relieved, bt.U!e Ute ')omaoh ud bowola, freely 111 Ute meaa&l.&e t.iao. b 11enr fails.

Dronellitie-Uol- anoatod will letmin· at11 in co11aumptloo, 1\D J\lmoat aeter fail­log cnre for tbi1 oomplaiD' ia foaod lu Al­len'• Luog U11lt1m, wbiol) oao be b&d of ally Druggiat, price one dollar per bottle.

G iven up by Doctora. ' l a it pouibly that Mr. GodfreJ i.e op ·IDd

111 worlc, and cured bJ 110 1imple a remodr?' 1 1 IIUUnl JUU it i1 true tb•t he la eDtll"'l•

ly cured, auol witb notbiog but Hop 8i~­Lc1'11 : nnd ooly to"'-daye aJ.tO hie doctor pvo him up 1111d ~aid ho muat di~·· •,

' Woll-a-c4y! .That ia rcmar ble llwUl go tb!J day au~ get aomo for my r Goot-p -I kaow boP' are good.-&h l'bll. ----

A. Maybeo., Mercbaot, \Yarkwortb, writes I hno aolol eome handrtc:ll of bottlet of Dr. Thomu' &lectric Oil. ftad it il prooou11oed by the publiO 'ODO Of the b'Mt modlcioee lltoJ bue e\'er u..ed ;' it baa doae woadel'll in beating Uld releario1 paiu, eore t.hf'OU &c, ~d il wortbJ of tho ar~t oooli­deacll.

Thoro ArO euu or cootnmrUoo 10 fu advaooed t bal Bickle'• A11b-Couampti"o will not earo, but .ooae eo bad that it' will 11ot giyo relief. For coagba. ooldt ud all alfeclioo~ of tbo tb.roa~ lllllf!tlllld pbnL, I' ia a 1peci6o which hal ontr )Mea kpown to fail. It promot.ea a free and tu1 upec-1 ~ratioo, tbereb1 remotiog tbo pblepl, 11114 11"1!1 tbo deceued partll a chllllce to beal.

-~ . M~. F. U. McC&rt.h1, C bemltt., Plllt"!~ ,

writee: 1 1 Ia YO bee11 dlepeoaiojf and j~b­hiog Northrop & L11010'e Emollioo of.~ , Liter oi111ad llJpopbaeplaitM of Lime ud Sod11 for lbo put two Jt&l'l, ud oo1111ldec that thoro i11 a o beL~r preparatio11 of tlto 111mo ki11d I• tbo marltt&. b II YOrJ pa1al- 1 able, i' bu 110 equal.' .

·THE llA.RBOR GRACE ... ,_,_.

....:nwthnqtlter allnbece,. at Prio~ id. ward Wad II 10metbloR aa&oundlor -'l'bere"'" exported the paaUea10a 91 ,('00 ~ moetl7 to Europe, whlcb IDYOIYed tbe kUiie~W of 3~.000.000 lobe~,._

Aooorclinlf lo a Genoao ,...,....pber the ..,.,..... bel. ht of l:orope mar be eetlmaled

. at 974 r11L. ~witaerl11nd aJiowa the gre&tu& me&~~ h<:lcllt. Yil: 6,62, fee& aod the Ne­therland& the liNt.. 3 1. , 1ntel'llltdlate ..,.

· 8PAlo aod Portopl, ll.298; Au.atrla. 1,6!18; ltalJ, Ul96; Franoe, 1,29ll; Britiab·lalaodt, 714; Gemaariy, 701 ; Ru•h~.MS 1 Uaomart, ll6-thtet fii(III'M belor rhea, of OOCirtl, approaiaalc~Jt.

Profll80r Poacet, a' 11 meotiog of a medi­"oal eoclet7 Ia Lrooe, Fraoee, a~rrated ao extremel7 ln&e~tinll cue lo wbi'lb pieoea

......._ol boa• wert t.Lkeo from a kicl aoll rrafted oo lo the tibia or lea booe of a bo7, •bo ~ 10 aull"ered f.rom Lbe d•th of Lbe boue M to Dtclllitato the rdiiiOYal of a oooaider­able portion or iL. 'Ibo wound io tbo lea haaled, aoct Lbe bo7 baa oow a flraa aod tolld tibia,


ID TfWt;y Ohuro!a ~ Jloolll-'ho B1Uld.recl x..4a lla4e llapp;y.

A ehorl time .,a &be DaU1 Sn of SL Jobo, N.B., pabhahed tbe followlo~ pu­ticola,. of Lbe Nenbo,.' Holiday Diooer, wblcb .,.. puiAiteo of with mach aueto b7 onr two boodred !ada:-

• lt't a cold da.J.' n 4oaa a froteo flO~ Tbe' boJI t"ahtood

about the Clulotte lk"lll eottaDOtlo 'J'rio. it)' Ch11rob 10bool rooon, at ooon yMterdaJ, did oo~l &ddre11 each oU!er io l'ickwleklu pbra11 wbe11 U.e7 dileDIIed Lbt tampera­t<lre. Tbere waa froet oo m.ao1 ao e7elid, aod manr a pair of boola bobbed aenou.tl7 apioal eac'h other. and maar a pair of pur· pie batidt dodged biLber aod thltber bo­&weea (IDtpiO DOll &Dd purple ll&rl, each eeemillg to reqoiM attention at ooe aod Lbe eame &lme. Bat tbe7 were oewebo71 (About a buodrtd io aumber) l\lld ~<~me of lbem:;­eummor and winter, bad epeot mllcb of U.eir Jiu.le Jiyee ia Lbe opea air, re;ardl• or the atmoepberic cbaorea. For the moro­iog paper ie aa iodiepe-blo a& th.e "'-k· fut table aa Lbo coll"ee, aod wbeo the ltAI il I fabled w bo cao do without Lbo enaior oowe ? A.b. tho oewaborl Hia dowotioo to bla calling II but ball apvreoi'lted I Uo aw.mblee Lbroogb &br aoowdrlftt, or OYer Lbo icr aidewalu.or pelted br llie 11Dpltr­iog rain, a rough abod Mercury, who, (1f be il a~ ••••boT) ilneYer a momeal lata in b11 arri nl at our doo,._ Dot wb7 were all tbdle uewabo,. ratbertd aboo' the Cb:u-lotle atteat oJotraoce to Triuity cburob aobool room? Rew.Caooo Brigttoelt aod &be meJDbera of Ilia coogregalioo, aailted br kind beaned frieoda io all oaru of tbeci&J, b.,t proviJed a bolida7 d(ooer for tbeee little boya, aod tbeee lltlla bo,. reepooded io pcraoo, aDd were road,r &o diaeo11 Lba Yiloda I 'l'bo oeweborel Tber were- all d~ io their boat. Aod ther weN all aa cleao aod freab aa -p aod wa~r could make Lbem, Somo wore oea&ltftttiog gtr· mout., such aa aro cued onlr on epcoial oecaaiou ; aome wore coati aod boott aod ball tbat were-. world too big; botwba.t of that? wdo't it ela.ow that tbll,)' bad frieoda who were iAteleeted ill &heir appeeraoce aod comfon? Aod boya, a word ia your v.n. Wbeo you hue gro•a older,yoo will ltoow bet ter tbao 7011 do aow Lbe worth ol u tead­ful fricad U ao7 befriend yo:a atrin earneatlr to mako r ooraell wortbJ of their frieodabip. Yon would hardlr belino tbat Jobo Seare aod Joba V. Ellia aod maar otbore who are today &IDODf Lbo moot hon­ored reaideott of 5&. Joba, were oace oowa­bo,., bl&t aucb ia a fact

'I'M bodJ of r.o.,J lddeelar,tl u .. Ia Lord &tllbarr'a -. Tba Pri- Mlo'*r .,., rim tllonl7 .t&ft Lonl Iddllll•'- ... -.11• lU aoct willie &be doo&oN • .,. kri•r to rallf 111m. Ua It ,..u, a1J..-d b1 tlla d..ah of lilt fOI'IIIIf JDlallter, Mr. llaa• oen, Lord Sallebllrr'• print~ MGNtarf· .. ,. : ' 'Tha mOIDIDl Lurd Jddeeleip -· lode tile uttroom be ~a~~t dowo opoo a olltir. lwae Ia tile au& I'OOID. Bearier J'ODOI 1 W .. t iDto lilt Uleroom Ud llf"d him to &he tofa. Docto,. were lo lnamedl­ate atleoduoe aod rtnaedlee •crt applied. belt ba Dtftr tpok._ He died &weot,Jmlo· 11tet aftw Ita .,.. kke11 Ill.' Hla 100, tile

. tfoo. Heorr ~ord Nort~t~ . ... eea& fo.-, "bill did ool reaob bil fUller 11atil teo miD IIlii af&er all •aa oYer. . He lefl la&er for tbe PJDII, Ia Ex~ter, the fiUIIIIJ teal, &o &ell bil naoLber of ber. bu.tbud'e deaLb. The bod! or Lord 1ddeel•lfb baa beeo rt• moYed &o Lbe f1UDII7 re.ideoce Ia St. JamM Plaee. 'l'bert will be DO loqoea&, Lbe doo­tora c:ertif)'ing U.:al deatb roeulled from failure of Lbe bMr&'e aotioa.

~fie Jtanbarb -&liD- •



BI.nwaau we pabllah from tho 8~ John'• rt- a let&or o•er tho liJnature of "Ob11robmao1" together with &be ~~~·· able, ooncl~~ai•e reply thereto.

Now, we , do Dot tor oae mom eat lmqine that the maJoritr or ihtelliJeut Oborcbmeoare,oing ~aahacrlbe to their would·be cbampion'a narrow, •enomoua utteranoea ill repnl to tbe l{oaourable Roben Thorb11m IUld the ·raat of bit being a Pre~byterian. Wby; "In the name or oommoAaeue, ehould the letter circu1111tanoe be dragged into the coa.id· eradon or the matter at all t What in· tereatcan that Cac~ -poea"blf ban Cor the senora! public t AU r.bat ther will oare to U'oublo Lhemwl~• aboat II tbo'queation wbeLbor or not a . mao, be be Mr. Thor ­bum, Mr. H ar•ey, Mr. GrieYe, or any one elee, it fitted for tho work which he may be delegated to perform. With hia particular religioaa •iewa they han no ooooem wbateflr, nor will tboy want &o either; tbeae they will lN"fl 14 hill bwn OOII.IOienco and bi.J God. '

Railroading uoder tbo .,- il tbe lateel 'lbe flrtt lnlo p&~~ed t.broogb Lbo Severo tuoocl · ooe moroia, a boll' two weell:, aan. The tunoel il four milee aod624 yard• lnog. Tho paaeeogere &oolt ou& their wat.ebee when tho looomoti"ft weot in on the Moo· moothehire aide, aod wbeo the mio emerged oo Lbo Glonr.eatenbire eide .jutt eiabl mino&ea aod for&J·nloe eeeooda bad paa~N.

EOROPUN WAa PltlrAIUT10NS.-Tbe de· aeo latel7 pobl iabed bJ tbe Jmmoal Officid oo tbo orgaoizattoo of tbe Freoch forta aod fortr-e, aDd diYidio~ U.em iuto groupe coneapooding with tho diatricta of tba nri · 0111 corp• d'ant~it, ia couidered ia diplo­matio quartera u aootber eYideooe tbat war may oot be eo retoota u &be ~·reocb tbam­eelne pror- to beline. 'l'be decree it a bigblyomportao~ dooumeot, aod corioeitrle espreaaocl aa to wba~ the Go1maoa will Lbiolt of it.

M.a. GOSCBDf "' LtVERPOOt..-Mr. Gea­cheo, Ia ao addreee &o tbe eleetora of tbe Exobao~re diwiaion of Liwerpool, oo the l Otl.t iDat, malnttiood be it ~till a Liberal, but Lbat bo rallied lo tho aopport of Lbo GoY­nomeot nodcr Lbe iolloenoe or deep coo­Yiclioo -that it waa Lbo doi.J of tba men of IYery putr to aoi~ aod face lbe common daogor wbicb ia meaac:iog tba io~grit1 of Lbe Uoited Kingdoru. •· I am," be .. ,.., "aa aodoWI aa &DJ man for tho w~lfaro o f tlie J.- people, ilu~ I repodtt•..e U.e 1dea Lbat popular gDYeromeot ie DO~ COGJpe~ot to awotaio ita lawL"

Doriog U.a war, William Koapp "deeerted from U.e let Uoitdo ca•alry and wu oower caplllred. Ia due lima be aeUlod wilb bit famiiJ atGroYetowo, lad., wbere it reoentlr occurred &o bim to aeo if bo ooulda'~ gel tome back P'J aomebow or otber. He wt'Ote to Wubinjl"too, giwiug the circum­atancu of bit de~~rtioo, and wu loformod LhN be could !(et oo bact pop uotil tbo lain& or deaore.lon was remoYed. lie' ac­cordloi!IJ d~ided l.o go to Cbiugo and aorreoder bimaelf, believing th&t bo eoul<l be releued without much trouble. ow in~t to tbo lcogtb of dono wbieb bu clap<~ed aiooe bia deeertion. Uo ia oow io tho coootr Jail awaitioi tbo ~lion of tbo war deparUllOOI. •

- R OSSIA's FrsASCIAL ~unoE:<s.-A St. Pet~rebur~eh despMcb aaye : Tbo lJrlflfJtl for tbo put year bu juJL been publubod. It abon a deficit or t 5.2:!"l.G6.?, tbe extra Upo!ndituru amounted to £t.OOO,u00 aod, tbe e1penditnre for nilwar aod harbor tnalting to £G,9!6,SIS. Tbo Mioiater ol fina.nca ettributea the cont inued commercial cri1i1 to tbe unnoidable reduction of pub­he aod prln&e incomu reaolling from de­pr-oo.. lie cooaidera it iocxpedleul to •~e tbe proeeot tuea or to lev7 oew ooea, a& tbere are reeourcea awl\ilable anllJ. cieot to cower deficit I le proposes to raiao .£6.071.42~ paid for extra oxpcodituru by mtani(Jof a I oao.

Allloag tbe bor• tbore .,.. ooe, we•n call him J erry, aod be wu tbe lioleet of tbelll all. Hllliltla coat aod troDIIt"l were made wbeo be wu atilt emaller aod t.bey were nrr lbio. Tbo abarp cold cbillod ud benombed bim, eod wboo tbe :loor waa thrown opeu bia coat oollar aparlded with fro&eo teara. Bot be bad oot eec.aped tbe allenlioo or tho t iod hearl4d pofioeman wbo wu atalioned outaide, for be abouted to the llrgcr bo,., • mallo war for t.be liule 'uo,' and tha larger boya kuow YO'tJ well who wu meaot. aod tber helped tho little

J ellow to the front and led him op tbe otepa, bot M &clll &citl&old a t icl:cl I Did

'l'b• Qatto •aa deepl7 a1Jeoted b7 Lbe .... or Lbe Earl'• dea&h aod lmmedlalelr Mot a tete.rr&m npreaeiq ber eymp&LbJ with the widow aod famiiJ . Mr. Gladetooe wbo alwar• bigblJ u&eewed Lord Iddu­leigb, waa much aft'ected, aod M,,.. Glad­etooe 80Dt 't be followiag &eleJlT&III: • Wa ar• 10rel7 griend b7 the •••• of a.e death of ooe 10 emioeo&, reepeoted aud belaYed· We IDIJ.Il tellrft a more particular uprea­ion of our feelloge uot.il la&er.'

loan inll"iew, thil eYeoiog, Dr. Longe· too eaid : • I waa tom mooed lo Downiotr etreet aboot S.16p.m. Oo arrino~r 1 found Lord S.lltbury ~ond aoweralrentleweo Ia a room with tbe ~rl of Jddeeltlgb. Tbc Earl waa dylor oo a eofa. He waa In a eemloo~ioo•cooditionaod n~Yel7 pale. Uia eree were cloeed, 11nd hit palao· waa ~ean:ely pen:ept ible aod bia bean wu etill· 'fho pallor waa that of deeth. I epplied reetoratina dlreotiJ but the7 were wltboot effi!Ct. I caooot "7 preoilely wbeo be died. If be wu not dead wbeo I arriYed be put· ed awayeoon af~r wiU.oo& aatroggle. The Earl waa older phpicall7 Lbao bo wu Ia , .. ,.. l o bit cooditioo Lbe oold jooroer from E1eteryoaterdaywuyer7 loJadloillDI. Wit!:oot a poll mortem enmloatloo 1 can­not •Y poaltinly, but [ tbiok Lbe ~­ed suffered from fattr de,enora.tloo. He mlgbt bear mucb fati~r~~e aod ucltemeot witboot ill- roeult. 'fbere waa ootbinc liD· oaol\l io bit eoddto collap11. h bJ oo IDtaDI foiJOwt Lbat the EarJ Waa Jaborillg uDder excitement •

PUSS TllilltrrU. Tbo Mon~iltg Plul, ID &D mlolo OD the

death of Lord Iddeeleigb, .. ,. :-" h It dl!!lcolt to aYOid Lbe ooocloaioo Lbat eucb a aoYera blow ma7 lo lOIN derree affect Lord Saliabory'e Go~ornmeol. Lord Id­deelelgh waa noo of tha moet t logle-mloded ao.J booorable gootlemeu tba' onr pn tbeir llfo't labor w the public eenioe."

Tbe Daily NN1 UJI :-" h Ia oot Ia bumao oatore to altogetber Ignore tbe die· lr-inR cireamataooea wbicb io all bomao probabllitr huteoed Lord Idduleigb'e doath, and th011 wbo are reepooeible for tll ;a harrylog a troo aod loyal colleague ma7 be left lo the Judgment of thtir owu CODICiODOIL11

that mako anr difference 7 Not a bit: Mr. (froa tAtr Triltil1 &cord.) llaoin11ton pueod biro forward, aod be was For a long while tbert han been ramo are ooe of tbo fjrtt to bo aeatod at tbo ban- 11iloat to Lbc effect tbat, outwitbatandioa quell Ab,goodpeopleyou'vomadealriend. tbe Local Option Billie lo fon:e lo tbla Tbl\t boy will rem~mber the cveot of r e•· commuoitJ, tbe aale of ardcot epirlll waa terdoy 1111 lbo lut bour of bit lifo I Aod carried oo &o ao locredlble nlenl.. That then all tbo bora preued for•ard aod wero tbeae rumora were uot groundl111 .,., foUr adm_iuod, two by 1wo, uutil tbe aoven lona dcmooatn&ed 011 lltonda7, Lbo Srd Ina~. tt1blca werol filled by t.icte~ boldore. aod whoa ohargee were p,.fen-td eod eu.ttaloed atilt a couaiderablu oumber witbou~ tick.ota before tbe Coon aploat two peraooe tor lingered Without tbe door, bot room wu the illicit aale of epiritnooe llqoo,._ Tbe made for U.em, • for,' uid a ROOd ladr&o uldeooe apl111& the dtfeodaote wu moet tbe Sun reporter, • we oan110t lat aoyooo cooclnaln ; In flO\, tbe ahara- were oot go away aorrowful' Ood bo thanked for denied by Lbem, aod tbe7 wert floOI.I 20 holiday. t.bat aoft.eo meo"a hoarta and re- dollara eao~1 &me ban looked upon thla miod them of aeRiccted dutiee! And the as a nry li,!ht paoltbmeol for eocb aa of­women? IIIJ fneod, their bearll are altMya fence, aod oot d all oa.loolated &o baye a acft aod tbey oenr neglect tbelr dutiee l de&erreol effeo~ oo peraooe diapoeed &o eo-

Aoooog tbo geo\lomeo preeeot wero Jl.o• . Ne In Lbl1 oefariooa tta111o lle tbia aa It Me•ra Armllrong, Ue•obor and Kaymoud, mar; it ie not oar loleotioo at preeeot &o Mayor Sturdee,J obo Saar., Cbiof Martbol l. llrfle tbe atmoet riror of Lbe law aa &be Ju MoNiohol, A. II. Haoinrtoo, Geor~ro oniJ mtau b7 wblcb thie deplorable eta&e A. Keodell , H. W. NorLbrup, J . V. Elli•. or aft'aire mar be remedied! bot we Lbiok aod ot.ber promioeol citizeoa. Tho lad11a! are Juatiaed io appealior to tbe better

-fMl'RO\'!Jecn IN FlSIII:fO Stncu.-Mr. tbe name of thoao wbo uaieted at tbe eo- judameot aod rood oommoa Mlllf, with Cbu. R. Hart lett of Hoetoo bu filed an ap· terta'nmen~ would 611 a oolumn, and were wbiob 10me of Lboee are eodnwod, wbo, plication for a patent lor an impro~ement all U.eir kiodly doeda to be obrooioled tbe onertbeleu, think It a lipt matter &o y{o­ID flabioa te1aee. Tbe lnnotioo relate• to eotire ataft' of the Swt would bne to de- la&e the Local Option Law. Y11, we ClaQ·

pnrse Miuee, aod tbe improwtmeot clairued Yote tbemaeiYea to tbe work. Af&er tbe oot readll7 briar oDR~If lo bellen tbal ie a method for bolclior up tbe !ower ~rt do1ology bad been au or tbe ladtea plaoed tb011 peraooe, boldior a "tpeotablt place or tbe euioe wbilc Lbo Mine ia beiog drop- befo re eaoh of ~be boya a pia~. aod auob a ia tbe commualt7, are 10 loot lo all Mlf· ed into the water, aod oatil it II readJ for plate I There wlere groet •hoee of rou& tor- roapeot, aa to wiUio~elt aod penU&ea&.J1 'rio­p urling. A fnrtber impronmeot ia claim Iter aod whac a quaotitr of nretabloal Ia~ tbt law, b7 telllllf lbu wlllcb il brla• ed fur a moU.od for drawing &o~Jtelher aod Maar a mao would huo been turfei&ed at forblddeo to be eold, If U..7 daly oooaider­poraiog t.be eo de of tbe eeioe. Ueretofono the algbt..of auob abuoolaoce, but tbe bore od the eYil OOIIIICIUIDOII of lllelr ao&looa. t.beeodeof the eeioee bne11ot been gather were deligbted, aod gueacbeer thatmighl Tbere are 10me popular aod •llaho ed togetbervr ported, and i~ ia found lliat bne be~n beard allt.be ••1 dowu lo Roed'e Do&lou preYelaat with rtprd to LooaJ Op­!bellth are YOfJ apt &o-pe at tbo OJten- Poiut. Aod Lbeo &her wtrt aer•ed willt tloo, Tbe legel1t1 of themeaaore il do~ab&­tng Lboa left al U.C!to eoda. 1~ ia clal~ coffee and rolla,.andgreetelicee ofpluro pud- ed, or, at leu&, h le Dot beld Ia r11peot aa tbat t.blt ioveption onroomea tbia derec~- j


aod fruit and pound oalte, aud when It ebould be b7 all rlgbl-lbioklor aod or­F'u!Utg G~(4.. were dooe {lbere were about 200 der- lo'rior aitilooL 'L'bat tbe maaa11re U. a

the !o all) tbero wu eoonab left to le~ and coutitolloaal oat ao oop,.jodlc-A Vote& YROJC nu: Su.-Tbf Cape A"" half u ma.or more. Tbe OOJI were ed peraoo., wbo loeu tba matter equarel7

Ad_Mrlilu pobliahea the copy of a letter of aoimatlou, bul they b..ba•ed yery lo tbe faoe, c.o bau aoy doobt. I& wu wn~n 0~, 1786, by Capt, Heory Pbelpe del\erou.tiJ; did tbi!IDIIY• boocr. Wbeo made b7 Lboee wb011 epeolal dut7 I' Ia to of Gloucester, wbife on &be wreck of Ute dinner waa over, brief aod appropriate make or rtpea} tbe Ia••- tbe oaae mar hie •e.el \Vbeo -.II bope of beilllt...UI..· add~were made &o t.be bore br M.-eral b-lo order &o promote tbe peace · aod cnt!d bad ~o abaodooed, be wrote tbat ~-(" rentlemen preeeo,. Tbeae remaru l'roeperlt7 of tbe laud. It palled Lbe Leai•· letter to bia wife. delo·ribiOJt their perilout were replete wiLb aood ad•ice, moab or la.tare like all o&ber la•a, wltb ooe uo.p. eituatioo, aud, liUIIDJlit op io a t•ioe·OOY· whicb it it bojled wlll be remembered. lloo, aod U.at wae, h r.malotd wiLb tbe ered bottle, cq' It forth opoo tbe watere. J . Canoo Urigatooke tpoke. (Cbeera) people to pal ll Into opera&loo. Now, We caooot lmagioo the fecho~or t.bat fa- Mr. G. At. Arm~troortpolte. (Choera) wbeo tilt paopleaYall of Lbla law, aod make thor, ae on tbn lloeling wr , amid Lbe Jobo V. Ellie' {ao old ooweboJ) •rote. il tbe law of a oo•m11olt,J or dla&rio&, ll Ia, &Dif')' blllowe, be r:•ned tboeo rewelllloee (Loo.J obae,..) we aobmi&, aa nUd aod aa lll4rtd aa aa7 to bia e.6 oDee o Lbelr far olf 010e 1 that Jobo Stare (tbe olcleet oew1bo7 Ia St., other bamao law Utat oao be made. u ro:z home be.,.. nn~<r to M'ltptn, aod 'aa be Jobo'a) apoh (frerueodooa cbeerL) popttU,-Dd." Bot eomema7M7, 711,itle -led op aod 'OIIIi forth ttpoo Lbl ooean Three cbeere aod a tJaer were p.-ed for legell7 rlaha bCI'morallrwroor. Wall, we Lbal fra.il DII!IIIDpr, frel;bted witb tho 11d the ladieL would aakaocb,lfLbt7 woaJd ba" Lblllqoor !!tory or lblpwrock, aoll"eriog aod cteatb, DO "!'brae obaera were ainn for Lbt Rn. tralllo ao oorat.rioted' Woold t~~., ... .,. h doob4 • prerer • eo& with it, for lu aafe Caoou Bri111tooke. 10ld at all boo,.? Woald tbe7 bnelliOid Yoyap onr lbe mlfbt7 deep. A atnore 'fbrae cbeen wert gino for tbe Queen. to the bo7of teo or twaiYI ,_ wlLb '-tpDD• ower-rou., Pro'riduaco pldad h It waa Tbto God acaYo lbe Queen wu aun~to Itt? Ob. 110. Tbe moe& reek!- would picked Ill' b7 a ao.t4n bouod Y-1 aod Thea Lbe bo,. filed out 4f tbo room ecareeltiDDCidott nclt a ~lor. Nay, bro"alll ~lo ' tletim1 aod ri"~~' to a~ rend- Aalbe7 palled lbe door each oae waa all woald proooaooe U nab& aad JDI&&o re-•ot~Mr. who froru Ita octoJOott learoed llie l'reaeoted wit.b a larp puctl oflruit,' oats aula& the tale of laloldcalilorllqan,._ Verr lad faw of bel" buebaod. aod ooofeot.looerr. · · well, •• oao ...-c1 a etap lllrlber, aocl

---- Tbe7 all weal awa7 l.app.J. wlt.b eq~~al rlrft' ud jGMioe pTOttoaooe tbal Dtl'ftTircii!A .lltD C10or.- lo a repon .14 ~ .. lf eoofl!l7 bat a rlai' to rMri« tile llqaor

& be FrtiiC!It AcadiiDf of Medicioe De. Dont.- TB:K LAD LOaD IDDBIISLECJB. tnflc ltltu a ficllt to~ 1&. Tbe rip& bell -...ct Lbat tho YapOr of Jiqold w aod __ . to cal a mao'• b.utd off oarrlM a rfrb' &o tarpoetioe' wo.Jcfd'-aiYt the tll>riooae tit· Jill Lut BOCil'-Oauao of DMUl- 'J.'ri. ou' bla bead •·" And llwe It& u qaota "" wlllcb "'ltok\ Dp &be_ tbroet Ia croop baa. to Ule Dooaue4 llt&t.oemu. fi'OID u eebowtodpd au&Mrit,J-Yi&bw and .dfpbtMN. Ra d-nbed tbe ~ _ Ma&&II••-H• •11 : -·• '.&'lte prioclpla of of '""'-"' M folloW& Tab a table- Loll)()l, JaL u.-Dr. Mortimer Gru- p~ ..... to IDA lo be Lba oal7 .re •r-fol_. of &D~otloe aad liquid t* · ~lila, Lord (ddMitlab' • pbyaiciao, baa lao- aod certain reoMC11 lOt tbe 1Yill of foloftl. l_•a& ~· tnto a ho pea OT clip, and Ml ed b llttl bleb , Lord Jddeeltl b peii'Uae, Tblot opioioo baa bettt.U.ill(lben· lire lo &be Otlawre, ~altla• c.re to ha- a a

0 n " •r•: I ed aad oooll--' b7 lhe bwd labor of •o-

" •Y for IIIIIDJ , .. ,. paal aufered witb ooanllao ,_.. •• )II'Jfft pao a our ll .. a aafepard agalnat d'eotfona. wbicb wblle oot plaeiog Ilia life th• ,, .. ,,,., I• lite T-pe- ....... tile eptW 'of lite.._ A 6-. rttlo- lo lmlllOdlate peril, renclered ll••-pr~ 811ala ft"idiDoe " WI II lnefalabl._ aacl 001 ~~ an..., ..ttar Lbe room dart. of Itt eaddeo tarmluuoo oel7 coo poiiiiW._ eleerlJellowe &be aonl aaduq of prolai· TN .... , , ......... , M- to cu:pen- He died or eyaoope • .Tbt IDIIaacltol,..,." bllioo. nee rt1W ; Ute olloaltiq ud rudaatopt ; althoctfll ttanlior to IIIOM wand bJ•. baa lllow &be ,._ dad Mila fatodoaU.C dto .,.... fall!e htto • ~~-- aad -- Dot be.. aofor-a bJ bia 1-tdlatl llqao,. In &blot _..., " ,.uiJ of fto.. liD Wille tile .... wl&ll pleMart. 'l'bl frftada aod il hM beaD ID&iolpaled bJ IIJa la&lar a Jepl aad ..a) law l IDCf ..Wa• ...,........._ 10011 ..._... detaottod macUeaJ acuaduL' It .. 10011 ol~ ...awe of _.. ,..,. ...... ...-.-.... ............ wbioll, wnld ald Dr abft--~~~~ tallo.. .-.. ....... , • a,._, ..., 11e .... ao •· 1111 I.AI'I' orr1cuL UYJn. 'I'M ootr .....-.., ... -... Min......... .. lito_., &htM • Ja-r..-. u.-....., for ................... _ _, da,. dto pedlllt aedrel7 ...._. 't-.11 Foaelp AlUra, Ia au ia..,..,._, liMd : law. _,ow thea dta& __.. ... ..._ ,.. ,...., lllil .... ad ........ 111 iD •MJ Ia. 1 Lonfldd .... icb, a .. OID,D& before lea'riaf eoncl, &be ""-'-..... JK11 ODiyJ .. ,..._ ..ctlto....,ldorleftrJwltenetwald \twt ~oreip 0 .... epolleto-"'1 ... 1, Mlln foal»"' -. a. ""'-' .., fa tile ~~eer•t.-... •*' qafliiar oao.. He • .,........ 1M .._of...._.J.t ... law. Wlto ... woald

" ,._, ... , nau-. lo Cbarlaeto- !tope tU& oil.- aepatallo. -'d Ito& be,.. ~ Ia .... • ......,._ ....._ for lite ...,. ....._. ••r. ,.,..._,.,lila -.chUd, -'- u~. deallle7, &be nplonr, ... rtWIII'd I& tlald8 f -.,...,? ...., 6e ...,_ - ,W.. o.w • 1-r· wadi., te .. Ida abolt& lite r..Dia a., Ill· 'nil •• _..,I,..- of ... tla4 llraultt _..., ... IIIIMIJ ,.,.._, .....- -. jpldadell. .lMd lddetel"-k .... •• to before die <'.otart llerf, ud DO cloeba U... ....._ ....... .a. ~futa" ....0, .U 'ilellr .... laraad .... ._.._., appolat- (110$ ........ wl~.._...,.,. Ia,.... __........._ .... llell•ely to .. lajltred ·_.for lilt iD tbe ........ Lorcr JeW.- hit Jedl-1. llill a - ...., ., ... lie ....... - WP._._... ........ , ................... 'i:':!i.~ ............. ,

. _..... ..... it ........ "' .. -·~...... for .. e. .. .............. . •.::J~~=n;.:~·~_ ... _ .. .., aa.l ...... ,.,.... - .... pod . ! ... ~.. .. ........ ~ to .,. ~ ·~ ...... fouclll ........... ., ...... .

Bot--wUJ not t.lte queeUon bore forci· bly obtrude lt•lf-Did itetrike"Oh'ln:h· mao• chat be ehowed bit .,,.ko­and hie partialitr in ac:'Yooa~iog the 11111ding or two or bit own CO· I"f'ligion illll on &be mi.aioo adYooated by him 1 Soruo partiea mig ht peradvontare be tempted to raiae tho objoction-Wh7 ch~ two Oburcbtoen d.JOilrdelegatoe 1 Wb7 tgnore the other two largo religioue bodiee wh, number reapeoti•ely76,000 encl ,8,000 1 B ut enough of thill

Oborohmen'a altaok oo the Boo. Mr. Thorburn Ia a moot gratui&oua, wholly unoelled for one. Mr. 'fborbum, at tho aaorifioe or m uch pei"IIOaal oomlort, and at the lou oi much Yaluable t ime •pared (not without aorio11a inoon•oni· enD!) from hia oaerucu, nry pfllliog buata- eogesemonta, onder&oolr, by !(»Cia!~ urgen~ roqueet., tbo public work 1D whtch be 1.1 now eogagtd ; and, it aoemt to ua, be il d-tYing of at l~a~t Cair b'eatment from the bandt of tboee who may no~ perhape -eye to eye with b im on .•II thlog., nor approYe an toto of lbe pohcy follcftted by bla adalilliltrlo· &ion. Tbeae oowardly &ttaou on pri•ate cbaract.ltr are alwa7• to be eternly repre­hended aad condemned.

ObnrobiiWI'I iuultiog alluaion to tbe Preabyterian bocl7, " r.be deno111iaatioo" which. he anaeringly ... rta, "num­bert aboot one thonaaod men, women and abildren"- ia too oonlemplible Cor extended nolioe. We abomio•te the draging into Lhe public preaa of tbeae paltry religlooe referancee aod compari· IODL Surely, •• bno bad in timee paa& far tOO much O( tbil k ind o{ Wt lliog i aDd h II ardently to be hopetl that it will be a long ti111a beforeeucl.t {O<)Jiab utteran.lel M ,b_ will again find a ..-dy plaoe io &be p~_oftbil colon!. Thee~il• wroughL br wntlar or thl.l deeonption oa.n . no~ be 111i17 Mtimatad-;-tbe eff'ect tbo1

· produoe il alway• bad, entirely bad. It would be an idle &bouab rl-nt dream, that of pictari~ to ouneh·ee that all politloal diB'eren~ baaod purelr on re. ligiou1 KfOaode bue wholly died out. The 4t~me may be wanting ; buL, depend upoa it, the oinde111 atill amoulder. .Rub woald be be, and culpable .. rub, t hat would,wiLbout lfOod a ad tu1licient rauoD, at.tampt to rake t.ocether ~he -uored embert, aad apin oauao them to be etlr­red in&o balefnl aoti•ity. Tnly, then, if •• be wiN aod prudent roco, we eball, aa peraooe nallr 10lioi&oua for the ooAtinoocl peaoe end well·beiag or our oommon oountry,obaene a iad enrciae the otmoet oa.ution in dMiing with tbie critloal matter, end wr will aodoa•or 14 &Yoid eYeD tha tembJaooe of ADJthiug 'bat. ml&b~ parobanoe l..l to there opeo· inJ or tbe old woand-rememberina wbat we bne aulrcred in the paaL, and determiDiag for the tiaae &o oomo lo 11M our Caoee reaolotely l.(e.ioet an7 pureon, no matter who he be,tbat will be 10 m•d u LO Yentore oo the dangeroue~rround U. the public pl'DII. When, howonr, aocb ia attempted, we ebould a ll feel i t lo be our 10lomo, our bounden duty to

.,1trooaly oondemn end ettrnl7 dilooun· · taaanoe 'bo fooiWt, ill-adtiaed action, adopting t.l1e pungent worda of the berd .....J• Ouraecl be ha that mo~• my bonae I"

We hue gi•ao ~bil matter a liUia prtmioonce,ln order morely to ampbaeiee oar deteetation or ~be p&ltry objection• rai.teclegaioat one or tho, beat or oar mer· c.ntile men end moe& bollOI'ed aad ra· ipeeted ol our oiU..U., who manfull) ubeJecl bia adop&ecl OOIIII"J'a c.ll at a moe& oritioal jauoture idpa.b:!Joblio life, aod who, thouah eocorq 1rilb abo barruaiog oaraa, utf porpluida, and rra•e rteponaibUilill lncidant to the mauaement ot one oC Ute largeat me~ oaatile 6nna of &.be coloaf, yet, a"Did them all, rroelr aod UDJ"ldgiORiy d&­-.,oted Dluob of bill' nluable Ume to the performanoe of the important pablio WO\'It whlob he bad uadertakeo..to do­&bU .wu, lhe .,.,. ODit'Ocll, •e.,. reapoa. aible, aocl """' clelioate tult or lleJpina &o pide the ,hip ot ata&o tbrooah oae ol the moet diaturbed, moet dopreeted, end moe' unfortunate epooha which it h11 been the pain.rut lot of tbla aolooy ~ eno.xact.ltr fO&' ma11yy•re. For all tbla, Premlert'bO&'bo.rn Ia, ••ltlbmit, eaUtled to &lae belt. &henb ot ~e cbroaah· od &lie eaU.. OODDtiJ •• belieft &lle'll• llaa &bam,too • .U.S •Ma ..... .._ jelt.ecl &ct YIDOaiOtll a*ob ·Cl'Oia cHaoc.. .... ..... Pftiaclioell .ma.n. Lbil ~ alloeld, we &lllak, be a oa.fortlac OM ; 1' abould •I'OI'd • aoltJil-. ror &he ufall',

••rr cllalaoooarable "-'-' wlllo• lae llu la&eiJ t'IOII* •' &be ...._ ol .. Cborehmaa." Tltt ~·· &rlaalt· aD&. npiJ ~ &boa cl-..ut&bfe JaU.er ot u.1a writer ... r.u, ......,._ , .... ,. beliH., fur&hw, ~t I& will .... &lae appro.-.1 ot all rfct.WWU~af.,....., be ... raUpaa ........ u.., ... ,. ~ ........ ., ..... ···~· ...................................

b ........ &IIi -- parpo. ol·


I oar people of .U lhad• ot oplniOD t.o di.ooool.elwloe u macjl u lo thoro Ilea the prao&loe too wldelfp,.nlell~ ot llorl· bat Unoaah Uae ool111DI\I ol the ...­ennoomocl abafta at the abaracter ot mOD oC IWiclUac -m~~ ua boldU., prom In·

· ent poehioa. in publio u well u in pd· Yate llfe. I...R ue hope that we · bueo - aod beard the laM or wriiinp ao narrow, 10 bi,oted, 10 ruerile, ao.& ao duageroua u Lb6ae indolged in bf " CbarobmiUl". Tbeae caonu'- it II oer. WD, re.ult in anything e:xoep' b.arua to ooratl•• aod injury to our ob~racter ill Lbe •timation or all rigb~lhillkU., men u welf within our borden u beyood them. •

-,.-Auotber etrong reuon why we would

atemlr - detoreeate abe d irecting or 10 much atten~ion lo IUld the wuting of 10 •pace upooaucb triYial aubjeote u &bote aniaaadYerted on abon, ia ~11ee of l.be unpl-nt fac~ that qaeetioa. of the gra•eet import now oocfroat the

·Go,.emroent and people of thit ootlntry -quoetlooe wbiob "infect the ury life­Liood of uur ontarprill!,'~ aoi coaoem our eontin11ed commercial aDd hadu&Lrial tx• istence u a proepl'roua aolooy, ia a way and to en o:uent, we btJie•e,oot yet full7 realited. Io •iew of all tbteo ••ry gra~e, ai.gni6cao' cireumataaoea. it-~~~~ to tl"t all auob cbildiab cou.tidoratioa. u the afore&oiAg ehould be kept eerup11IOWII7 io the back8'"ound. 4'bey are tlttarlf unworthy the attention of all reae()aabla men; unworthy of the adYaoced ago io which we live; uaworLh7 of tho pro­gr\laein, enlijlbtaned nat.ioo to which we claim to helong.

Y oe; we repe11t, lbeae q11oetiona are in~ daed moet momentoue on•--«> momont.­oua aa Lo ~ff'c..rd m•tter for aerioaa •P· prebeneion for tbe falure of the ataple trade of thit cuuntry. Wo tbink,in tbue apaking, we are not acting tho part of an alarmillt. W e conceive we know wheraof we affirm, How paltry end ctotamptiblo appear all mere pett7 iuuee whea pl~ aide b7 tide with the larger onee now prllllling for t[IO«<y eolutioo I But to be more explicit:

Aa our readen are paiofullr aw•re, tho eta"' of tho ataple trade of thil oni­on rat tbe p~nt time ill in anything but a aatiafactorr, promising oondition. Nor appareatly are tho proepeot.J tho bri.bl.elt imaginable,

Tbe prica ao• obtaining for our ataplo producta-oile aa wt-11 aa lieh­are 10 low •• &o rt~eult in aotbing but 1011 to tboee engaged in 11e011riog them. Tbe produoe oC the lt'al ia, aa wo hue before tbown , COI&IparativeJ1 valuolect~~, wbiJet ~l.tat of tho ood ia not muob better. W e are credibl7 illlormed that Scotch ood-6ab il now eollinc in lrleb porta at aix eblllinge 'per qnintal........an article that it oqoal io qu~tlitf to our MadeiM Bank The principal reuon of the loa rgc ebriak­age in Yalua of tbit product ill be­r.auae of t ho koe.n French cllllpetition. Formerl1 tbit 6ah 11101l&o 6od a r.ad7 mar· ket in nortbem Spaniab (>Orle, whcnco i~ baa latel7 been driYen b7 the bo11nty fed French art.icl-i.n tba~ retP'C' be. ing 10metbi'1 lilte our N e wfoundlao.J a ad Labr~dor. Litenllt driYon out, ~~ay killed o•t, lly French competition I

All thi1, u wo aaid, afrorde groond Cor aoriotll apprehention for tho continued proeperoue exietenee of our ataple trade; and, aa "t'e ha•e be( ore often n=markocl, no e!'ort ehould be lett untried to t-f!'IICL and apply a n.:aed7 lo the eYil, IC tbia be not dont-, we d.read to thin k of the iaue.

\Vben oae conaiden r.nd rdleote upon all theae unpl-ot facta, bow amall ~PJI"U' the dltcuMion of aa.all quee,iona aff'ecting tho nligioua opin­ion or belief ot any mao I If btr. T, be a Preabytarian, Mr. H . a nd Mr. G., 'Ept.oopaliane, wl.tat'e the odda 1 It doee not conoem tbe publie to tho ex­tent or a brue farthing. They will l11ugh at tho public exhibi\.ion made of auab trivial aJI"aln, and wonder at the importaAoe which tome people attach to the meet triftiog neac.-eYenta wbicb are not worth wattlog a moment'• tboogh~ 11pou.

We can'lot •conclude withnat once again ufiiolt the impurtaoce or the Bcoit Act and the impept.ive, abaolutd7 in­dillpenaable neceaaity tbet ex uta for ita rll06iving the approYal or Her MAjeety. Jn order to aecure tbil J eoideretum. we mutt continue t o JII"DDII lor it. Tie only thua tbeae objeeta are OYer at"tned. "Penillteot.-determination" mutt ba our watch-word.

. Wa hid foll7 intended laat woek to

ba•e oa.lled pol.tlio attention to a grioY• aoce then and now exill~iog in conaec­Uon with one oflha oroea.elreet.J o( thit town ; but the pl'DII of other maltar pre­YeD ted 111 f rom doing 10. Downer, we altall perfonu the dut7 to.cfa7,

oooteot., u doee alao the pat:llo &uk. iD~ Uaa opn atna&, end Lbe aooumula &ioll ot ioe oamplainecl olla lhe cli.aple­able reaall. • No$ anl1 ill &bll en &DilO)'&IIOII t.o eftr1 {~...-.er who pa.- ap aDd

. down Ooobrane &reel.; ~' on I- atepe be at onoe taltell lo ~>~*~• aud bap opea, tho aidtMtraloa, th~ reault mayereloac be aeoa ill bruke11 carriaa- &.Del .wp., u well u per IIepa lnjurtcllimbe.

Thera ia' one cluJ ot oar oiti18111 wbom tbil dilorecli&abLt aad cJa.Dcef'OC'I a&ALe ol atraira •peolally e6ecca. Tbat II tbalarge ~ wbo e•ery Ball· clay · morning ancl "111i.ng attend ijl. Paul'• Obarob, and oa lbt'ir homeward joorner hue to alide down &l:e •*-P icy decliYity-oo$ wiLboat moab claJtcec' to limb, 01' percbaooe enn Jile. Tb4l wonder ia lbat Lbeae ba'I'O aubmlUecl ~ the indignity 10 10118 aa they ba•e, and ba Ye *IT oc.ntan' to do not.l.ina more tltan to utter deep oomplaiot..

Oae woold think Lbal it oaabt to be eufBcieo~ lo I!M'rel.f call the atte~tion dl tbe proper au&boritlea to tbill public llaiaaooe to hue it proD1pUf l"f'modied. We hope, Lhoaab, thac the mal tar will 11ot end here, but Utu with &be o~ina epring 101110 farther atapa mey be taken to eff'ect • -permanent core. Ntarly eYerr other ot0111•roacl of the town baa a well -built ee.ww; aod it ia, we re­apeotfullr eubmi&, high time that the aamo aocommodation ahould be protided for the reeidente on Ooebnno etree~.

In addition t.o Lhe water-retee a ta.x; ae maor or our re11dora are aware, h-. been lately le.-il!() on onale, wbicb, we uDdontand, yielda to tbe Water Com· paoy an annual re•enue of 11200. It ill true that the uaeaament on property ia conaeq'be6tly now eomewhat lower t han bere&ofore, bot not, we 10'\m, to the n ­teot of tho amount raiaod by ~be impoai· tion of the laat.-named tax. Under anr circumat.ancee, uen if eucb were tho caaa, it ill, we cooeeive, a peuny.wiee­and -a-pouncl-foolilb policy to permit to exiat aay lonaer eucb ao unpleuant and daogerou atata oC aJrairt aa t.hat we now oomplaiu o(.

Lot ut hope that we baye but to di­r&Ct altenUon to tbil matter in order &o han it epeedily rtmediNf, aDd &hWI a grievaooe ud a daoger to the public be reiDO"fed.

TUI public lelet,ramalately huu been very diaquieting. Tho general opinion aeeme LO be that the war-new., tbough ver7 omiooua looking, ia not 7 e1 ao aori·· ooe aa wo•ld aeem from the ru.IBed ap­pearencu of tho eurfaoe or the political stream. Thoee boa~ qualified &o judge expreu the belief Lbat.,aa ia beliend, war moat ere long oome, i ' will not ea.uo anti! tho winter moutbJ ~re paat. Tbe public cleepat.cbels will give our readen IOmc idea or the altu~tion of afl'e.in.

Tbe following Ia reference to tbe epeocb dt-liwered at O..rlio, a ehort lime ago, b7 Prince Biamtrc:k, IDIJ be or eomo iotereet to our reader.. Said lliamarcl.:

" In three , .. ,. we migbt be ooufrooted with altered cireomataacu. To be eure it II almoat ioapoeaible to calculete the poeitloo of a1Jaira Mvto yeare beoce boa lo 'hat per­tad tbecllicit ocr of tbt arCDJ wouhl beeecur­ed and a COct.l romiae would be poaeible. Jo tbe Ceo tre part7 a Dumber of beterogtoer­o~a political clemeott •re beoomio11 a oiled. But will the union lut? Je itt cootiooaoee oatil tbe out electiooe certain 7 At tbe time wbeo 10 ft>&DJ riabtt aod priYileree were gran~d to U11 R.icbata,r b7 tbe coo etltutioo there wu oo idea .. tbat tber would leaJ to auch tniaerable diaputee aa ban oow ariauo.' Io epeakioa of the l111porlal army tbe Cbaocellor • id be bad oo ioteotioo to delr&el from tho uabtt of IOYereigoa of tbe federel atatea aa tlte btada of their reepeo­ti•e a1 miu, oor, be CObtluoed, would the Uonromoot cootut the rlfb&- or tbe Hooae' to crltlc:iee tbe bill dorioa 'be debate ou tbe ~tt, proYided tbe Gonromeo&'e pro-

were oow aocepted. Keferrioi to the Qoeecioo of tbo workior cl-, be declar­ed that tbe Gonrumen& did oot wiab &o clrer It Into tbe [>retllot ditcuaaloo. lie waa aure that if called upoo b7 tbe Emperor tbe workioameo of Germaa7 would be I'MdJ N all tlmee to come forward lo de­feooe of U.e fatberlaad. Ia ooocludlor be apia a~~ortd Lbe Hooee that be woold oot abaodoo a bait-'1 hrtaclth of the bill, aod moa~ loaiet upoo Lbe full 100pe of tbe meaaare. 'l'ho Relcbatalf theo adjo11roed.


Poril, Jaa. U - Priooe BIICD&IOk'upeecb bu created a deep lmpreaioo. The ron· oral opioloo it tba& It doee oot Ioera&~~ tbe protpeota of peace. Tbe Matira •1• : • 'l'be aocoool opeued io 1870 will aeur be eet.­tled aa I cog aa tbe Gerrnao dalf lloata oyor Aletz aod Struborg. • Tbt TttaJU laJI; • Prince l:lltmarclt'e apeecb Ia tbe lteicbataa will produce a eioaulu r-wlor eft'ecl ia Eorope· Jo reference to Ilia declaration tbat Germany baa oo loteotioD of 111&1011· iog Frauoe, Fraace caD declare Lba& eba DO

loo~r~r dreame ofattaoll: io4 Germ&oJ.' All tbe neolo1 pape,. lo Pam Ia lbtir iotor­pntalioo ot tbe epeeob ooacor io atuibat. lor pacific loteotluu.t to Gel'lll&ll.J.


V"on~ta, JOA. 12-It Ia le&Ned froca MIDI· olliclal 10arcee Lbat Prl001 Blamerek '~tpaecb ia &be 'Rticllltap Jlltet"dar lllt'l&l wiLb liYtlt RCOfDIIloo ID Go•en•eot elrclee. aa ll II LbODifht that be M tryiDi to lfl"tc• AD ntl.tJI(4 conli41c betwHa Lbe c.bloell of 8&. Pete,.. bofi aod Vieooe.

Any peclealrlan, wboae lluainiM led him lo paaa up Cochrane Sheet dnria1 •y the Jut week or tan day1, muat. hue done .., wJLb a feeling o! eurpriae and an11oyaooe. The whole roaclwar waa en imm- abaet oC ~tlua7 ioe, oauaed by tba onrilow ol the w.alM in the draina, wbiob, belDJoboted, formed Inn.r.t.L I!C8TITVTa.-A _meotlnj( or at leoat.ll, owing ~ &be .. ., ..... /roel, a ,.ntlem~intatllted in the (oromu&iOD perloot alaoler, aa amooth .. It .,.. al t.lle tot Lbe Imperial In. tr.cborou &.Del ~ adca&e ... bel in a~ Jametla pa).ip,

l'bil wbollr dlacrodi&able ooodldoo or Londoo, on the 12r.b Jan. The l»rinoe a!'airt ia oooaaiooed by ~he want cf a ol. W.1l11 proaided. Explaining the ob­pt'Optr dram ~ Cllll'J oft the nrplu j- Of the meKing, be M1cl the ,eoenJ water &..alDJ from &be .....&deDoaa abat.- feel ina ot the people of the~ CaYW-tinlf OQ u.. abo•• ILrea&. Nearl, .,..,. eel &be r·mr of eo.»e • pcool ol willter tho draina beoome oltobd, ucl lora an loyally t.o Lbe ea OD &be ill aodditioo &o tho laooD•onloooa Uaoe ocaaiODof &be jabil• olbelr Nip. The oeouloaed t.o the· oooapuatl ol u... Imperial Ionltat.e .a.a &be ~ lllllm· &011111, ocmidarable upeaee bu beta oria1 tha& aould be lftOted. 'thJa woalcl 111&ailed Ia. ~ &be ioe aDtl ~ fonD a prio&iclal m ... or oommu~ Lbe dnine. • • ~ "u»aolooia He rDOOIDIDIIIdecl U.

·-'hi Nnro011LUrD &.w.w.u ud 1':.2;

...._.lal8111'-111a•Jiotot• ardole ia a tale •••'- .r .a. Jl~. Btl& we a.u. alta&• .a. toW •ntlap o1 a.e liM, fJoaa pi'IU .... ud rooda t~­dari. 1M ,.ar, reeelaacl LbA haadaoaa of fon7....,.._ .. oaaacldollan. nil­all baa OOftiD 1M wllol• of the = :al!- IMiacllatr ....,.. ol

upenu, rollJar Jtoak, ~ utd lmJIIO..-& of roadway, etc~.,-"- dollcl• balrlf ool7 &wo luaaclrtel clollsra. TbiJ ecu priellllf neola, ., maa be -bared, bu beta ......S lo a ,.ar of ..,..a dapreaJioll ol &nda, oaaaed bJ a lalfare of Uta 1M! erial. aod eae ba wr.lolt Lbata wM a Mriou rteloedola Ia tile IUDI¥ of tbo workloa o1 .... O.tar to Lbe ~'' ot moaer 110C aearl7 tb• DICiaJ aumber abarecl lo tllo IDIIUIIIl' uoua1ooa. Tbe- C.DM mlaba be upoctod. lo J .... a Lbe aooda' ttalla. Aod 71t lo lpltt of bad tlm11, Lbll alton u.e of ...u .. ,.cse .u. •• leoa~> be'QIIl 8&. Jobo'e aod Harbor Grace, bat bad a rtYIOIIe of ,.7,000, baiolf 01117 all«l of &be aanalnge o 1~ companti~tly proe perooe 7ear-b7 ""'D or elatt& boodred dollan. It IJ eridea' Lbat bad" •• eojored oar aYe...,. C:eJrM o( ptoeperitr, Lbe re• eaoe of IBN woald blon eldtlblled a mark td ad....O. oa Lbat of tile prtYIODI year Tbe DDIIIber of puMilflrt tArried traa aJ moe& thei&IDela bel• yaara..

" Tbl!ll facta epeat •ol~a•• for tbo ex cellaot IIIUIIIfiiDIDC ot the liM ~der U. able Soperlo&eodeo'- ¥r. Sarillo. Ue baa lrtpl &be roedwar .. a rom., etook ra adml ... ble coadltloo i 110& a alllllle ac cldeo& of UJ tled bu OOOGI"rtd ; the traioe were lltftr btblod time; aod n er7 attc.ta tioo llao beta paid 14 tbe oomfort of tilt paa ato,e,. aod tbe aooommodatioo of tbe buai 0- ctmmouit7, 'fbi IUOCC!II of ill work iof II larrelr doe &o bll rigilaoca and care fo aod Julllc:iou.t meoagemeoL There ie little doubt tbat the can-tot Jaor, on wl.tich,. It baa entered, will tbow ao improYed cou dttioo of renooe. M tbt earuln11• now CO"flr the wbole of the worltlo~e expeoaea the eobtld7 will be nallable tor tloe pay· meat of loternt oo Ute boode, aod wo uo­dtrataDd the bood boldore wi.l ere lon11 re- ' cain four per oeot oo their iuYeetmoat from all eoorcee.

•• From aootber poiol or •i•• tbia atal4 of malten Ia Yery aratlf)'illlf. Jt Yiodicatee &be jadpeot of thoae wbo. lo the lace of mac~ ~pc~aitloo, adYooaied tbe boilding of tb11 hne, aod abowe tbat areilwu policy It tbat wblclt will promote the protperity of tbe ooaotry. llere, u io all otbercoon­Ui•, h Ia oow pto"ed tbat ,.ii••J• create aa ner illc:reaafog traMc.,.ud while open­loa up !.loa coootry, will, wbeo properl1 m&Dafed, peJ a tair dl'rideod, aod ~:in. an lmptiDI to tJoade, wbllt tl~• • publio are im­m•UtiJ beoetlted lo7 euob a n p1d aockom­forllblt mt&DI OJ lr&Ytllit~lapd of g~~eral co~~tmoalcatioo. Eno the mO.t ..aguiuo edYocatet Of railwayt DOW eee thtir bopu ncetdtd, for cot oae of them Ytotnred lo aotlcl~te tba&, lo eocb a ehorl t iwe, tbe renoae would eqaal the working expeneee, a.od lone the eobt1d7 uotoached. Oc. tbo otber band our frieJ;~da wbo eo ttreouoiUIJ oppoaed the latroductloo of rail••!• 11od predicwd their failure, d•mooetntior • bat thia ooa to Uarbor Grace • would ne.-e r oaro eooorb to pa.J for ·,,.... for tbo wbeela' mu.tl oow admit tbat the7 were mlatakeo lo their c.leulatiooe, aod tbaL a railway policr, c.nied oat witb due rea-rd to our meaoe., le that wbicb ia oow cal!.od for lo the preeeut cooditioo of tba coootrr. Further- the faott before ua fullr jualifJ the Go•eromeot in buildioilhe Plac:enlia Braocb Jioe, from the conatructioo of whicb lmponoot beoetlta will llow 'J'Ita aoccrM of our ftret nperlmtllt ia railway bwWiog, will aodoubttdiJ lead lo a lfr&dual nten­llioo Of tbe eyate111, till lt'tf.J hopqrt&Dteeal of population will be embraced wltbio tho oetwotk wbicb will lu tiwe ·cour our •ligbl little ialaod.'

Tho following table waa ~ntly pub­liaberl by &be Ttl~am. I~ cumJI&I"CII the preaeot ratio of pricea with whw.r. they were ten ylllra·ago (in 1871) :-'

1877. I SM. Sap. E&. Floar, ,.-brl-40/ to 41~ %!>/to tiJG.i Elll\l'a rao.... ~ -T.JC to to/. SJ/ tla.-t,. .Fioar .. -1"1/1 21/ No. T • o Flour .. -t1JI 'lll/ w ... l'urll • -MJC •ot Mo'-, per ,.t_ .. , .. -1/11 1/i 8'"", per cwt --·--'*1 to !IIJ 16/ to 17/ llutler, pet" a .. ·----1/lo Jfl ltd to I f 8upr, pet" "'"' ·-·-·--49/ to tr.J' 40/lo l>Of c .... ....t.,., wt ---1'" ,,,. J[-. 00, ..... pL-1/J . 1/ !MIL, P«lol.d--,----7/1 ;/

... __ ................ (TO THIIDITOIL Or llll ll.HIIAII!t.)

D&AII SIR-. Slooe reoeiYinr tbe aooompenring letter, nr. opportoo1t,J occorred te laJit before the Uri11ade till Jut neoiolf. h ~in11tbe flrt ' ocoaaiou on wl.ticb tbe &ilf"((e bu been t loe re.elpitot of monetary recoaoitlon of itt eer­Yicee, a uoaoimoue Yo le or tbaute wu paa­ed to Mr. Robiuaon for ble muoillceot gill.

t'leaao oblil(o bJ riYIDif publlcitr in cloo oolumoe or yoor eetitnable journal to tbia aod tbe eooJoted copy of Mr. li.'e l~tter.

1 am air, youra rtaPIIC~full(, JOIJ N l'OOTI::.

Copt. C. V. F. B. Carbotlear, Ju. iS, 1887.

reon.1 ~. oa 1su, 1sto. Ita. Jolllf toot"a,

C.JII c. Y. li" B~ I Dau 81a.-J'cmiah •• to tbanll: lbe Fire~

Brlttadt ~ )'Ot for U..lr n luabluvd taer­,.110 Hnicee o• MoocJ.coy etch\ wL I t ocloe$ foor dollan u a YtrJ •-D -lfibuUoo to tbv f•Dd. ol tloe ""'*'" oacl,_aia, dear 11lr,

Yova, .,.., triii,I. (Uiped,) J . ALZ.X. ROBINSON.

(TO me IDO'OI 0, TBI IT.AtotiAIUll Du• ~•a..-

WIII 1011 pi- lo 70ar out 1tne flod rooa for Lbe IDHrtlo• of &be followlor "Ollh11ary" of dear Mellie Forae7, wboee death yoa aoeoaDOid lut waelt bo' ooe ? (h Ia &akea fro• ... c-...m. o--. of Ju7. JS, 1887, ud calla &o band laa~ mall.) Btto clola« .JOD wlll rreatlr obli&e othan olllll retatf.,.. "well 11, . roo ... tnllf,

JOtiN GOODISON. Beuta Coote• .. Jaa. tt, 1887.

MELBOURNE RO&ItE FORSEY. The nb~ of lllll aodoe· .U bora io

&be rill ... ot Mtlbnne, P . Q., A ..... IS, 187~ 87 ... dtalra of Mnral frieada 1M ..,.. 8-.d after 1M plaoa of 1111 blrtl!. Be ftl a Mal&b7, ~ olllld ap lo ~a tiaM of beiar ....... .., _... , • .,.. Ia lite eit,J oflleatrMI lo tM wlater of 1181 Ha ..,...,.a lo ... au..p 11ta fenr Laa 1•"• If ft NtiMIIlbol' aript, &be iiMa cl nob ao Uaa\l&at.e wlliola, be aaicl,

aU.Uoll of &be W&Jar Oompa117 waa _,.,w be NRfordecl .. a OIIIWe from oallecl t.o &b1a -'"• oahuaoe, &be rate- rilola the Jmowleclaa ot Bqlucl'a OOIIl· pay~r~ ill &be ...,..,0\'boocl pNMD&iq a ....,. alld indaatrJ woal4 be atiDclecl. po!UtiOD praJblc cUt atepa he aakeo ~ 81 ,_Uecl upon ua'-aDOD beUat foaDcl obnat.e b • aooa u poaalble. Title, I~ to aappon the i.nWt~t.e. aocl pn4iotecl waa "'JIIO'luUJ 1upcl, ooolcl be euily ., it woald be a JutlAf,blllei' lo U..la cloae b7 &lae OOIIDinedQQ ol a ...U. ,aw· .-1 fa~.q,. JftMiraU... A naolatioD or. "1'11 a ......., CO&' ftP daa&, ti•OilJII .., • ..-cl &bat &aa. lmparial Illl&ltaee ...... _..., .................. ,. 1r01lld " • ltdq ~ ol ... ap to U.. ,.-& ...._ Ulenllf ..W., Qta ... , jahllee, aM cllnoliq U... U..

...u,~"·...,... , ...... ~tar l't• ~lo_WI~dtatla ... eouaof ,.... dnaloped ~'- alatal ~. n. ..... took ....... ofallaa6ilu•·

• ......... to appiJ a .....a1 to ... p1f1p1e ol &lie ~ .. domlnfoM ... II lie .,....... ........ fll. '1'11• Yater ~ &o .... ,... to .-ppon ... Pl* I&Ul ooD&iau t.o ......,.. tMir _.. ..... alaalltaa.. - -,

......... , •• ~· .... •lilalt oi .....

.-... • a ..._...llaahaal~,.. p1011011.aecl ol Uide _..., ...... lie aald • kDcJ of~ .... Dileo ~ Ia .u..., ............... dtq ~ 1'0•· 'I'M ............. ~ ... , ............ _.,18 ... Rid' ....... _,.,., II 1 ... ........ a-""~ ... eWI6 ...... .. ~ .... ... ........ =:-~ .......... .....


•ned. Ia n-mber, 1886, Dr. Howard. 1au OIWI&IIbly aaaluta!Hd a fonmoel pl­d~ of the facolt7 of •MdlciDe, la McGill la the oammDDilJ, aDd oocupiee a elmllar ooll~ aod Dr. Roddick bald a oouulla· poel&loo ID lhe old eetabUabed 111'11 ol Balae tioD, aod proDODDood · u,a cl'- to be Jobuoa A Co., ae doea lb. ThorbGru ha ._,~Mibll. or 'wblte oell blood. B.•e· lh-' or Walter Grla" !& Co. Wt lball dlee "lire pre10rlbed, bot 1nlhooa bope of aow oDly brielly refer to tbe aaalotrOa JIV:IDaDelllrellef, tbe pr-l atate of pelho· poel&looe of lhe COCD•oa b\Jbway robber. loa\cal howled,. tJfordt., 110 illfoi"'II&Uoa wbo mat.ca a Jlyiaa by ooolly luaocltloa fttudlag lhe DfiiiD or aod uue remedy dowD lua Yic:tlm aod 1i8iog bls poohta, for tbe disorder. Ia Ootober laet, lhe ud Jba',:,~ protolne or lhe p ..... lhe dl'\)ply made Ita appe~ accompaoleJ literary a, wbo pi lee lat. yiJa MOO&· b)" cbrooio dianba~&, uDder wblc:b be repld· &lolt'bJ alaoderlllf maD Ia the oolumu ol JJ failed ID liMb aDd appe&Jto liuti\ the tod a Dewtpaper UYtr aD -Uiqltd 11&1111. wboaa -e. JaDD&rJ 8, 1887. • be dare DOt auac:lt opeoly aDd ltoDorabrJ

DuriDa.hil lll~• be ... mad to ripeD for I o•er bll owa liaoatore. We b&n a oer-

. By Telegraph. ---Lolalolr, .JaL 17.-llomora or Fraooo-Germao war pow aorelrequeot. Ftaooe II dMpatoblar IUODire·ioforoemOllla or all arma-ta_O.naao Froatler. _ SUAXa•u. Jao. H.-CIIio- RUD·"-' baa beoa uok la oolllalou. Ooo hoDdred 10ldiora, aod oae bodred maodariaoa wore drowoecl. • '

Lo•ooM, Jan. H.-Ooeobea al a moollag lut eft!Wig deDiecl thal Soparati•t.a hue tho yerdlc:l of A me rica or the whole ci Yilia­ed wotld al tbelr beet. • We wJll ool,' be eald, ' lake ady(ea Of thoet wbO IDIJ' be boellle to thia ooaolry : we will oot uk Jritb Amoricwaa JM, the~ 10lo&loo of llao probleaa.'

Local and other ltems. ----------------------~-------Tbt Harbor Grace Minttr'el itorape

iDLendaho11Jy to gi,.e another entertain· ment.

-Mutlf& l>ru.nu.-·.l'boreday" publle da.patoh anoooDoea the tot.al wreek near BaUfn:. of the eobooaett Ciarlu Graia11, oomcnaodtd bJ Capl. Coleridge, beloogiDg to Nowfou.odlaod, wbo"•lla waUrJ pan. . -

-W& ban, rec:elnd from a frieod a l'llp· ploa from a la&e Britieb paper aitlog Arob­doacoo Fanar'e tian oo the pro~·of 'l'tmpenlooe ID America. h ah.all rooeifC our auoot.ioo io an early luue. Meu­wbllo wo tbaok our friooJ for .bil "kind a ....

'i lrea.-eu. He told pereou from time to lime taha amoDDl of reapec:l for lhe pbyei,.l \hal the doctora 0\lold do notblaa for bim, ruJiao wlao boldl7 iofliota a bodily lojDry. and tba~ be could IJO~ge& bauer. He woold Ag&loe' tbia ol- of eooooclrel a lPG may often Mil: hie fatber to read tbe Bible and •u-fDIIJ dofood bl-lf, bul wbo._cao to pray with bi., aDd woDid 111il did bien reapect tbe rulllao of tbe "P~ duoia of

.......... aood. He •id one ay tbe nil apirit WM IYIQ tbe element ol brqte couraao. wbo jlOOe, tbac- tbo good apiril w" willa blm, u- tbe pea dipped In tbe gall dlltllled tbat hie Iiiii were fotsiYen, thal be did nol frum the worel al hucnan .,-lone, aod b ... fear to die. When told be woold 1000 be log launched thia foul mlaaile at tbe reputa·· io heaven, be joyfully rtmarll:ed, " I will tio11 of ao uoau.aveouoa ylctim reUree with· au annty Rorke aod Charlio." referring ~ in bia incogoito to watob &be e!Jeota of bia two relatina wbo died 10111e lime before. c:owatdlJ aod belllab ck•ice? Jlo deeired to be put in a "alee collin," to Sooh ie tho ocoupatioo iodolp1 Ia by

LoHDO!f, Jao. H.-Tbe Marobloo.., of Qoeeoab11ry bae obtalocd a docree of di· 101'00 from tbo M&rqoit 00 ue grooada of adoltery.

H.u.trAX, Jao. 22-Botb Canadian Parties areac&l"l1 preparlaa for tho political oam-pai.JIL . • •

.tUpea1 ie tho 'batUe cry or No ... Sc:otiL lbur.u, Jao. i-l. -Tho [.oodoo Timu,

Sl4•d4rd aod lJGilf Ntu:l report tha' Fraoc:fl ia matlag elabotllU preparation• to do­apalob lUong reiDforcomeDU. to tbo Gormao froatitr, aDd rornora of war arc bec:omlog more freqoeoL Tba Nttrl alatoa tbat there ia oatreme daoger of war. Genuuy will uk Fraooe the tDe&niog of tbo.. nsiliWJ mo•emeota on the frontier.

-Oua nRST IHDitu:cr llin. will lie re • oelnd bore per 8 S . ./lt11Dfoudl4t1d, wblcb boat will lone UaHfu for St. J obo'a oo Tuesday ant. Iu all probal.tilitJlht mail for the Bay will be reoelnd on the follow· ior 1-'riday, or at lateel oo Saturday. 'fbe rotum mail will lean hen1 bJ t.\lo eoeoiog hlouday"o UalD.


hue ftowera proc11red from &Jootreal to "Cb:nohm-o" of the TiiiiU, let ua bope lay upou aod rouDtl about ~icn, and •id be for tbe oredi& of the "good old <1urcl of woold like oo 'a floral trlbuu the word&, E•glattt!'' tbat abo oucnbera few aucb witblo "At ~n." lie au!Jered aroatly Su"day ber bordcra, who CAD oalJ •iew moo aod ni~bt aod MoodaJ morulae. bot without a tJ1ioaa throuab tbe oanow and dia~rud murmur. bia pat!eoce. meeko-. lf*IP of medium of a j•"odioed-•!Uoo, incapable of trutb. ready and parfec& Ull&l, 111re aod lltia~r anytbiag pod outlide the IIIDita of certain hope, beiolt lrDif woode.rful. <IDa& alioale deoomluation.

(From tile St: Job'• 'x-u.u of SalurdGJ.)

" Oolonlal Defeooe" Deleptee.

A part of the French· preu dennunco Boulanger u dangerous to the Hepnbhc. The RadicaL! eupport Boulanger. Tbo downfall of the Goblet Cabinet Ia icnmioeot.

before hie death lie uked that bia bank tni(;ht be opened, aDd b~ money abated be· tween hie aittcra, tbeo tbe lut•d farewell being t&k.eo. he weot f~m eartb u aeutly

•> u a beautiful aommer morolog tUM tho place of night. Ria wiab" wu earned oot iu the matter of biac:Mkot, which wu 6oitb· ed Ia ro.ewood aad richly a:ouated. Tbe flural decoratioua were beautiful and c:oetly. iaclod~nc a wreath. witb the worda, •· At Reat." fro m Trinity Cbun:b Sunday School. a.oo\bor yroatb froin the Suoda1 School nud IJCOplo ol Swcot.aburg, a crt',. from :.'llr. and Mra. M,I'Ckiaoon. a c roaa from .hlra. (; iller& Durigbt, 101110 c:u& ftowera from llis.a ltorke, of Montreal. and a crowo. tbe ~:ift ol hie fatbtr aod moth\' r. Four little boya, eb~o by biaaaelf, wore pall ·bearera, nod two hymoa he aolect.ed wero •unl( at l Lo fun~..,l aomoo, conducted by JioY.

'fbo Bril.iab •~mer Ntpaul colliJed with • l a C blooeelnaport . aod ooo huodred aol-

(ra 11111DITDR or Tnarr. J OB:N nnn:s. diera-aod ooe buodrtd o.aadarloa . wore Dua 8111,- drowued.

h il pretty well uodeutood that New- An alanuior luoreuo Ia amall pos: Ia re-fouodlaod ia to be ropreoeated la.Y tw dele 11ata at the cooforeoce to be bi&d lo [.co. ported io Nf'w York. doo, iu refereDco to ·• Colonial defeaoe" aad lt ia uoderatood tbat New Zoalaod will olber aubject.a, aod tha• the RonorabiM aoou tho Konadoo lalaoda Robert "J horburo and A. W. Uar•eJ ban 'fba ateamer Cranbrool;., from l!:oglaod, beeo oboaoo to repruoot ua.. t'bree q:~ea- steel 11\don. for Pbiladolpbl&, bu beoo lou tiona naturally ariae out of tbie-flr.t, IWd thirty peraout drowned.

ed II. dl ThAI aohoootra J~ aod ArtAur Starey ebould •• be repreaeol a t • aeooo y, drifted aUIOD" tbo rocka at laaao·a llarbor. bow maoy delej!&la ebould be nut, and .. thirdly, wbo ahould be tbe delegate or de· Tho J~ got Ia to Harbor alighcly damaged, legatee? but tbo Storey wu wreaked. Both •e~~aels

E.,0 ..,. loyal Newfoundlander will uy were laden willa berrioga from Nowfouod-., laod.

YES to tho 6rat question i aooaible 11180 JAN. 25.-The United St.atea bu adopted

-The oo~rt&iomectal•oo by tho Harbor Grace .Mloetrel 'l'roopo ·at Carboaoar oo tbe ... ooiog of Tuoaday woa aot 10 11'1111 attcoded ae oould be daeired. Too eoter· t.aiomeot itaell wu a aoc:ot•; but llouctal­IJ It wu oot, Tbo latter fas:t may perllapo io a largo meuuro be. attribiUod to tbo alate of tbo weather, which wu nry atormy aod boiateroua. llowner. better luck nut time, The JOUlb(ul performora muit com­fort tbemaoh-ea with tbtl reOectioo tbat they. u oo prniout oc:euloDa, did their parte well.

To£ GooD Taru.M Jl:Nr£RT.lllfllKl'IT in Donnelly Hall on Mooday evening lu~ Nat a pleating affalr~oe credilable to tlJe Ipdgo, and a 6uncial suoceaa. No~witb~L.&nding tlJc unwwardo- or the woatlJer, it waa wtll patroDir.ec.l by all duses, who hue onc:o more oiJereu a gracifying proof that they do lako aomo littlo interoat io tho TemJ>'lrance Clloeo io general 4nd in t IJe wolfttrc of O oiJon Dllwn Lodge in particular. Tho procwc.liog• c:onaist~d of •oloa, . a duet, cborusea, readings, and rccitationa, aiJ of which, with aCilrc:oly an ,sroeption, ..-oro well rendcrod, in~roa~og and ioatroc· tivo. One of the mD~J,Ia,c:tivo menabera of tbe Lodge, Dr. Johnson filled the chair.

Metara. Ker, Scally &od Morric:ll:. • Wbo ph>d:ed u.ai Sorer 1' ealcl U.a prd.aor A a bo Pu-t througb lb• gudou ; . lh• loUow..-rn nl aaawued, · Tho Wut~r,' A acl tbe ganlea•r bold ble poAe ..

will doobtleaa ana wet ONE 10 the aec:ond i EdmDoda' Bill by a yote of 16 14 ooe. f bo and tboro will be eo me di•eraity or opiuioo u Rill proYidea that tbe Pro1idcnt a ball i•uo tq "the anawer to the lut. 1 ahould uytbat Sir William v . .1VI•it.way u IM riglll man, a proclamatioa deoylog Can11dian fl1b vea­

aale ,and prodoota aueh priYilc~ros aa .ro • ao~ be would,w!Lboot doubt, be the popular deoied Americ:ao •euola aod flabermen io

fuoritAI. but tho IMl mao whom oor ia· Uomioioo porta. Tho Billlea.-ea tba Prcsi­Tho "Mon:ury'a" :S.ply ~ " Church- competeot rolera would tbiok of aoodiog. deDt 00 choice. 'fbo diac:uaaion wu "io-

D1&n" of the •• Timoa.'' IJowe•er, if it bu beeo decided to 1011d leotlJ anti.Brltitb. -- 1 two dele~:atea, remonatraoce woold be of Queeaa'·n .. Aoatrali• bu b • b

th 1 • f • .._1 1 "' "• -. eco ewrp. 1 For aome time pMt e co umoe o our littco anll, though e.-eo our reo .. e•ru era contemporary tho Tiuau hue boeo occupied might bo upeo10d to recoil from the n- • fe&tfal cyc:looe. 'f•oot1 iochra of min with crit ic:i1m1 of tho Go'l'eromcot, wbic!l venae of aoodiog two meJJ to do ooe mao'e f~ll io a few boura. Some put.a of Uriabaoe dtll'eroct but httlo from tbe ordioary atvlo work, upeclally at a time wbeo 4lle Colooy are tweotJ fee& aoder waccr.

h ~ • b' f Sir J oeopb Wbltwortb, engineer ia dead. of ao oppoeitioo journal. t o uuty of w teh, h~ It') about beggiog . or mooe1 to paJ iU J i• toppolled to be to poblilh not hio11 in aup · currtnt trpouu. Hut ,r hro deleaa~ are "'11• 26.-Ureeoo it p~paring for war

b ,.o tie r araooala are buay oight aod d .. y . 1 vrt or tbo GoYerotDent, t4 wi1 bold f m t4 be not, it ia beyond ditpuU tha& tbe Tbo roYolutlouiata are busy at Madrid. public viow anythiog that mAy l1ue boeu !I on A. W . llar•oy 1hould be ooe of them. Zorilla hu obtained a foor ht:ndrcd tbou· well dono. '"'" b1 accidc"t. aod ~renerally to Ue hu ability, d ignity, wealth, Ia a pro-diacredil cbe Admioiatratioo, wblc:b it ia t~e mioeot merchaut and ao eq.:~ally pro01lnoat aaod dollar loao W llolp tho rising~ c~pec:i.al aim of tbo wntert for aucb a joor· mewber of the Church of l!:ogland, tbo Tho report of tho llelfMt riot.a commie· nal to aceompliah. Web"'"' Mid wruere. loading Pruu&tanl body of the Colony. h aioD upreuea tbo hope tbat all cl:u!ea tire for·~ iaa well koowo fact tbat the oomiaal •• aolf·e• i<leot tbat tbo lion. A. W. llar•ey ubamed of the recent doinge. 4Dd will eo-

deuor to t.ermioau u • .; feuds. e•litor or tho 7 imtl ll&a !itt!& more to do ohould be one or our dele~r•t.e•. it ie equal-With iUI ettitori.al depa• tmeot than tbe mere ly apilarent I bat the lloo. Hobert Tbor· . Tbere ia ~rteal jubilation io the fiaheries mt'chauic:o.l ~~~t~uin~t up of the type. and a buru ahould uot be. llo b.u noaa or tbe rlittrict& of tbo Uaite<l S~t~t o•or tho

Senator'• retaliatioD btll. f rcah hanoi at 1be bello•• ia e11ily r,•cog · ~uali6 c:ationa &Jc:tibed to the former. 1 nirt'd. We 1:tne oot hitbert.n tbou~tht tt !'ieitber ability. di11uily, uor weahh. lle ia ·no war rumoura oreaud "p\nto on the ,.,thin our pro .. inc:o to gi•e aay spe-cial al· ba1 a junior part4er of a foreiaa firm. and Vienna bourae. 1-'uretgn corro•pond<~nt~ toution t<> cbe wrftio~ ·~lerrotl to ao I on~ Ao unpopu lar member of a denomiualirn 14 lito Loodon papera c:ootndict tbo wAr u they were krpl wit bib the' bOund• o.f .. brcb aumbera about one llaouoaud moo, oawa. · ordt..ar-f deeeoc:y, wbich failed to be tbe women and c:baldreo. \\ ben be eotered AbyMioiaoeatlaoked M&~~o'fab. but were eMC io a remarkable detroo lo Saturday'a politlee, a year ago, be had the reputation rcpulaed. 111~uo ol the Truou. Tbia journal b11 ro· of l-e111g t.oueet, but bia redloM maoa~re· JAN 27--GOIOheo Wll defOA~• I yeater-1 ~&cedly of h10 Anoouuce<t itaelf u the ruent of public fonda abowa tbat be Lad day ia nc:hango rliatric:t. l.i•~rpool ,by Ne•­'''~·o aad c:rponeol of tho <.:burch or LUll· beeo c:aro'ul. eimply bec:aune be oe•er bad illt. Tho Gla et !Diane woo elcv~u aeats, I"'"'· but for tbe credit of that largo aod uther people'• money to budlo. Hit career majority rtoouut l.o·day. intlutoti• l body of Cluietiant we hope cbia ae PreUlier b11 been but a coutinual ubi . 1' h., ParUameot roo eta lO·d~ty. Churc:bill ftnnouncemrot bM no bettor outbnrat than buion of ioc:ompet.ency. of rec:kleauua. makca a ataiOmool bofor... tbc debate ou the frirnd .\Jack buuaelf, aod 101110 of thoat 1\od of c:orruptiou unparalleled ia tbo bit · addrO.. begioa. •-ritel'll wLo bue lately Jiqraced 1111 lory of tbit (;olony. He bec:acue P remier. Auotria adda lan1trom million meo army. <""lumn~ by 1\n &tlAC.k upon tho Premier in by tradioll upon aeclariaa agitalioo creat.ed· Tbe acboooer CAark1 Orallam ia a toea! •Itt moot tnauhiug and di~raceful te rou by bia toola,aod be rcmaioe auch by tba opeo •reck oear Ualifu. Cap~in Coleridge of •hat ,.0 ban corer aoen uecd towarda a pun:baee of opponeat.a Ha became tbe Newfooodlaod, and 1\11 banda were loat . t•ublio man In ltto p<- of the Colony, a repreacqtati ... of Triaity by atealth, aod he LoNDON. Jaa. 22.- A IICmi·panic hu oe · portioo of which haa betln ooted for it.a .contlaJiet w be eo byloroe. after the hre-cb cnrred io lbo London atoc:ll: mArket io co n· undoe licenee in tbia rewpec:l. but bu now. o( e•ery promiao •oluut.uily made to bla aequence of the receol unfavorable upccl .._ ~ io tbo column~ of &tDrday·a -c:orntituoaca. Would each a mao worthily or th e politi~t ailuation. r,,.,. by • •riw o<'or t.lte aillnatnre or rbprveeot thit colony? 1 ~w oot, and be ' lt ia reported here to-day l hat a million •· Cburdlmno." "lnie writer lntrodoC(!I & lhOIIld oot be permitted w di"'T&c:O it. mea .will be addud W tho Anetrlao army J•eeal&ioa oa t.loe e erit.a of ao•eral geoU&-. Woul<}. be I'•• oew ideu to bla coliMeue. immediately. meo ea ddeta~ ftom tbil" country to tho Mr. ll.el"''ey, add wei):bt to tboao be alrtldJ Tbroo tboD.IIlld Albloiaoa atlac:lted lba propoeed Coufelftnee io London doriag Lbo bad, .or inc:roate the dia'olty or that £eDtM· !Jiilitf1ry depot at Mltro .. ilc yeaterdaJ aod c:ommc l'oar,.,. Col••ial Lkfcttot, and t.akea Inn·? He wo61d tara bia coll•goe·a willlft were repuii!Od by Turkuh troope. OOCI!IIion to eulo~riao tho lloo. A. W . Har· "'orda Into noaiM!oiO, aod co•~r with ridl · :fbo Zrit .. ng urgea Gorwa.ny w do bar •ey io dM Mlk!willllaadatofy atn.io.-"1/t cale (be moat diani&ed coDduel of Mr. liar- bee~ to allay tb41 war acare wblob la at pre-/wu obil.il1• Jig~ll¥ awl tetOltlr. ;. a prv.WU•t "'{· eoat a IanDin& tl•e commcn:ial world. • ~ • Nd att rqeai!J pt'0-"'«1 -.lin- of f it Ia tboal!ht oeco~~&ry w Nod lwo Tbe Sooate at Waabio~too ia now tDN· tM CA•r<A of E•gf4trd-IM kadi11g Pro~a11t del~ga~• ar,"d if tltue dt.kgatu ..u be up- ed eameaUy d~~euuing tho eaiatiDK &abery body tif lAo C:olu•¥·" ' l'llit cba · ble porta• of 1M pruent go«nrJMitt theo Walter dtfficaltJ with CatWIL lu tho ooarao of a ., Cbt~rc*mao" th~o ~rooeede to ca.ra Mr:.· Baioe (}tine, Eeq .• It tbe m&J) . . He la 10 tioleot .ant.i· Britlab apeeeb by Senawr In· Tho b by b11 ( oda e:rbau t.c tlr& · 1 111 1 oa!Lb d" fl d gala, lbo latUr 111erted that tho preaent

~ 'I'lrE MEETI!\0 of tbo Harbor Grace llraoc:hof tboSt. Jobo'a and Now.rouodiAtJd Auxili~ry Diblo Sooiety 'II'U uoablc to be beld on 'l"hnradac eveniog laet owing to the ioc:lemeocy or t be 'll'eatber. h will therefore ~ko place jn tho Oritiah Uall ol tbie town oo Mondl\y ntniug oen, wbeD we bopo a luge numbor or ou r oiti&cos ,. ill attend, aud thue ahow by tbcir ptL'I~oc:o tho aym. pathJ tbey •oual bne with the object wbic:b th11 u~t fu l Society hu io Tiow-that i1 tbo free aod cheap eircalatit?D of Lbo lloly Sc:ripturea, withoot ooU or comment. Tba work douo by lbo Soc:ioLy in thie blnnd baa been. a Yery good one -it b." euppl iod our poor peoplo,11t leu tbao con pnoe, wich thouaeodl ul c:opiea or t be OIJ IIJd Now Testamen ts.

Jo addition to the Repor~_prepared by tho Sec:re14r1 or tho Soc:iecy, t~!ldre .. ea will be d. li•orod by ltYOral apeak~re. •\ nurnbcr of approprillto bym~a wi!l 114 reo~ued by a cboir led by a ma•c:al umfu1110ot. Alw­Jl&lbtr, a_..Yery enjoyable and lt11trDctiT11 moeuoa may be anticipated.

-WtATIIER NoTEs-Oo tbla d4y l 886 tho thermometer, at 9 a.m., wlaa 10 dogreea be­low zero, aod at 2 p m. i' wu 6 derreea be· low u ro. Tbie d11y tbo wiod ie from E .N.K to ::-1 .~ aad N., blo•iogauong. witb hea~ anow and drift. Tbe aaeroiJ at 1 p.m., 2!l.G~; thermometer 20. l'bia ia oar Brat anow-llorm, aud bu ooa:e lo · accordance with former pt edictioo. made not by t.110 planete but by c:londe. aky • and be.rometer, aad al40 tbo Ncwfoondlaod law or oppoafte weath.er. Tbo •ioda are PQJf· boond reoro oo the ooter or eaetem qoadrant, and we ruay u:pecl eome auoog ooea. Wo adbero to former opinion, tba& we ab"all hue tile c:oldoat weather lo tbo flrtt or February.­Tberefore lot tbe poor peopt. aecare plen· ty of wood fromtbo wooda ~. AVe agaio ufi'l the uaefuloeu of dalty newt frolll Bott'a Co• e. "fLere . abould• be a weather atatloo thete, aud aootber a t St. Uoor11e'a Day io a plaio auuplo wey. -W~ alao require new1oo woatber from the J'i~~tloo toauud Ua Rallwa1 in tWriAL Et~isg atill Yery atormy with aoow. Thndq, Jon. ~7 .­Com.

ru urn • . • 1 a DJ: 10 e aenl, ~pu ar,• y, llfDI 0 mem· lroublt .m"ll be mel by ltDielatioo or war. phiak of bla wrat~ In t.bca w " :-" 1/e 1ltu er of tbe Cllun:h. of E113taod, a prominent -, .,. 11 1 1 - of ~ j"ali~IUI~' tuer1btd to 1M ercbaot, llae ooly revreaoolal.he of the Tbrao new eua. of 1111all·pos: were re· TXIlNl:AL.- o another c:o amn appear• f~ ... 11Mr atn'iitg. d•gnU1 JtOr ftetltA, M haroh q1 Eaalaod people of tbe larj!Mt porlod at New Yorlt y"'terday, and It 11 theaonounceweotoftbemarriagowbic:htook U.b..z ajtu<ilw portiiU ofaf•rr.ig"lljir.,.,'' a~<d. 'bni'Cb dietriot, aod a member of tbo E:r-· DOW feared iba.l w epidemic ia peodiDg. plaeo on Wodooeday lut at tbe Cethedral j(ru<~.telt •ad moat unperdouallle alo of• ~ tin Committee or the Srood of t ho 'I'remoot Temple, Boatoa, wM crowded of St. J obo the 811pt.iat beureen tbe Rn. I ·-·' ~- .r •·- · · · 1··•-dak •A be•• SaUl Joooe. who ad.a~81 • A. \loJgate aad h.li• MoNab, uloco ol \V. a I, "G.N ""po~""ar mmt...-r "J Cl ucnonunatUin Church of l!;oglaod. He -oold be a worthy - .., - '""

rrAidl ,..w, aboul OIN tltocua~<d ~· ICOmtn repre nlati•e, 000 calculi~~ abed boaor ed lbe '.ao~lioal AJ(ianco aDd creaud F. Reooie Eaq. At 11 o'clock the aaeted nttddlildrm. WAoo lie 01tn"cd. pnill•.~ the Colooy, and to do credit to bim· greater eatholiaem tl.ao onr. edilloe wu crowded to Ita otaooat c:&P.!_City

~. •-d ·' '·-' • J.&K 28-Goaehco'a defoa~ at Ll•erpool by repreaoot.at.IYu of both ao:ree. l'bere ¥"' ago,...... a rcptllcttott oJ .....,,.? "'"'~d. aolf aod hia oolleagoe.. H1 bu boeo oe11- r 11 b i d bwt Au rcck.ku IMNOftrM4t of pablic ju111U, leeted, tbe Church people be rtpreaoota ia ctrtaio. h le ozrocted that MowbraJ wu " o c: o r preeeot aa tho Otlf&D wu n....v.d tiat u ~Mtd 6wt C4.nft~l •iwrpl~ btcattM buo beau otglec:tod l!J tho preeeot gonro- will roalga h11 aeat io Odord UoiYorailJ for under tbe coutrol of J . W. Witbera Etq k 111~ lttrd otltn- ptople'l _co Aa11d1t.H went, and ja tbe name of t he 70•000 Goeeh@. Preoieely a~ 11 o'olocll: tbe beida, luning We eparo our 1eadera tbe oa ttag perulll Cburc:bmeo of the leland yoo ought to do· Sir Cbrlea Topper bec:omer Mioitter of oo the arm or W. F. Reouio Eaq., wbo t~f rurther,qao~tloo, ~aough u . bf~n gino mand io clarion w oe• that be a hall repre- Fioaac:o for Oanada. acted •• fatber.g l.-er, oat.ered the cburcb tolrp tbe Ylle aorma of 11 hbelloua aeot thia ColorJ io J,..oodOII with the Ueo. Tbe British Parliament wu opened yea· followed by Mite Cbamberliio, '•fi• Edith au b•~:ot.od -..Ia or tho p W onld A.. w. Ha"ey. terday. Tho Qoooo'a epeech at.tod that tbe Warrea, aod two little flrla-lbe ~U-• Mt. Tborburo haYe atood before tho public Apart from bla riabt u a Cborc:bman. relauooa witb all tbo foreign powcra were llothwoll. The bride lookbcJ •ory proltJ to.d•JID a betlrr poaitloo bad be left tbo Mr. Grie.-o bR&J:riorclaim onr Mr. Thor- frlondiJ. Der Majoety doplor01 tho retire. io a perfectly fitting drod""of plain whi~ ._erable c:burth of bll fathera to join a. buro bec:a1a0 bia wealth ud peraooal io. menl of Prioc:o Ale:raoder, but will oot in. •Ilk, with a COUB tmia. <Ht.tlaf' ligbtiJ deoomioadoo of gTe&ter oalfteric:al force llueoce plaoed Mr. 'fhorburo -.ber.. be Ia. urfero with tbe election o t bia •nccec.or oo ber bead ,... a w,.._th ef OI"&Dio biOI· ..,h-. . b7 be 111ighl be. aa.pJM*d to beoellt llit Is the ouly aeotleman, aod man of abil. till ber &~~eo& itl required by the Berllo 101111 from wbioh drapo_d adl>o« Yell of

I II h ., ..._ b rf.lb • Treaty. She bo..- that l.Jurmab ia oom: UrDueli · fiat. lo her li~ao L"t -,carried> a po 111c:a 1 or ot. ·~~ • ".J w al " . t ity connected witt. tbe<jlr-al go•ernmeof; ,. ... .._ thla 'l'ilo eenbe aoault tbo Prealtytanao and tlae only thior that OIUl be aaid by Mr. plolOIJ pacified for tbll aoaeon. Commer-· bouquet or 6owora, com · r lilica aod bo.)f • thia pt-. by dtgradio.g . reforeact!' Grion'a bitl«AAft oppoDNl II. tba& he wae c:ial trealiee han been completed wlib wbl10 geraoiuma. )Jia Cbillrberlaln, who to~ t~olr!Of~IDOil. meo? felt ootauftl. !IDfortooate io connect! or bhaaolf witb Greece aod RoamaniL Tbe conditloo of acted M cbcef brldMmAid, ,;aa-..r,.yed Ia a eaMt to •lhfy bimco bil" pohlloal aod prlnte uc:'b a cootompUble lol oliO -called politi Jrelaod reqnireo aolllou at~n&loo; gra"o drt• of the •me mawri.J ... the bride'•, ...... fJ without ea:bncloa lo Ute ioouh a ciaoa. · • ,. orima. are fewer ; tbe relaUooe between tri!Jimed whb awan.dowo libe wore 1 be· liMy e1 ~iaoa wlao &ttoaab oo•erieally fi1)00;_ will doubtl- be cooftned opoa landlorda aod UD&Dta baYe been Mriooaly comiog lhtlo boo net and held a bouquet of -' lia tWe land. an -ad to oq other \be Coloolal deleptaa; aod tb- booora diaiGr~ bJ orpnbed aUempt.a to loci to hril!btly coloured flow ora. 'l'be other bridea' Ia ~el nal*'. eoel"J, poeltioo or In- Cloald Do~ poeaibly be beatowed UP'JD wor- llae teoeot. to combine ._aion tho fol811- maida a,piJ~oF~d. io cre&JII, trimined wltb ....,. • f · . · Jlsler- tllao &be Hon. A w. Haney aocf meat of tbtlr lepl obliptlooa. Reform of cardinal and, loltead of boooet.f, wore uoat

U w -.,ue a~ J .... ). Grine, Eaq:, wan. lkh .. GritYe, Jl\aq. ltpl prooedore it propoced to aoooro th• little ca(ll of tbe "Tem O'Sbanter" atylo. ._ M.f.. la&ber olMr Walter &i.H Urine I' oore lruiJ, OllOilCBIUlr. • PromP' aod oilloleo& admioiatratloo of tbe They all looked o:r-diogiJ e llarmior. Tlao of,, . .. ,.,._ __ ~derol &M .,....._ St:loba'a.lu. tlat, 1887• ortml .. llaw. Bills for Uieimpro•emeo•or 11room wu •opportod ,bJ hla brot.ller, tbo ~of Sootlaad. lf we do DOl fDrthtr .. . lbe loaal &QYenliMDta or Eoglaod aod Scot- u .... Rejtloald Hoygata. N-ra. Cbapmu, m~r. Waltwr Baine G. wM lilda· ~ s-r laad are pro•laed', to " follo"d b7 a Bill : Stick, St.irllnf, OoUier, Peelaad Miller ao&· ..u c few ,.... ep ao edh-• ot the The redo,tloo of lo~.i-1 renne aod on tho •me aubjec' for Ireland. Billa are ed ae uabem Tbe party &beo dro" to the 1101 .. arola. We ban 'oo& a -rd' io •J the tatlor of of reY ..... eta.mpa froc11 Prn- proaallld IG cbMfND priuu legaalatloa of reoideaoo of Mr. W. F . Roooie wbere a ..--y,. Orten fw•-..ontly join'-~ em•·- Kedlolll-, 110 doobt. w :t:'r tbo thret klalrdoea; few the obeap traolferof weddlaa ~ wM prepared. Tile . foJ • die C.arela of r.a,taod, IMI.& I& moe& be oellued &M ~-ra, .. w¥t ae e•· ~.. • rr. .. __.. -'~ .... -~ • d ·, w faefllt"- tbe lale of -·•t alto•. lo=afteroooo tbe be""• ooa~e lefl for ....w... Ia &Ilia _ _.... to .. , rellootioJ !ar the bGrdoo of botqe maaafacta,.,... meot.a; t4 refono ~h. &eoliob ulnreltlea, r •bare U..,. will IDjoy• o 8ooey-llrilld _. l.ba& ol u ............. !.baa If FAp.ei&!Jr ta die o.i., wtU. of--1 dllf_, aocl to IIDprpu lhe JMtboda of lufillf 100011 lD the II&Oiuloo of tbe ".Hera !tare." pree1er 'fborabana- ._ f*IJ .. ld ap to Prtw:tr ud Jlo«M,'• o.r..n. 8JrwJr. .. dtt tUb• lo Eoalaad ud Walee. ,..,.. ridicule 011 1111 ftODocll ol hll!'li· reducUoa of thirty-dE~ ~ douo l!u lAII 29,....Sir lat~~• Ferp,aoa, lo aoe~oro

belW.- W...., kl- ud ool· boeo adcSed w ~ aM illse ol tll, lor a q .. at.ioa ala~ th&l tJi. Bri&Wa Go•· lfr W. Baiee Grirte,ta aM repr.- bottlea -tallllac tla .. rteadioe, \Ureby ~-o& were ·oo'at•nlaa with tbo Oolted

of TtWtr Bay, ,.. • 00 .. _, airiDf ou-lllh - cadioiae lA the 76 &aatea qo-tern•u•oo-raloa aM Oeaedlu day -.oam •• ~ --'••••tha. GeM.... e.llerlaa. n. pra.eol Gonr.tmeol •o•ld

Weclo!IOtdeiiNtoiDiertato••••N Tile ~_,_,..for 'DnDeDWa and follow ·~e pollo.7 of their pred...Mora. • ·• --'" ....... • "-iil ol .a. U.- eoe.ae~a, IM .. o.Niail .9~-- 'l'he,'wUI Di&lotllo tbe rlabCa of Ca~wlab .. rce ,..a-. -...., C.,._ .._ 10 o..p ..a Jar uoeMea. •• • eteq dtllri.&G.actMi"* tbe DWtcl Stata. ,., -.. ~ ud HoL 111. tile ..... _,. el _, ...._ Ia A cl...,_ W .... rtoelfe4 ola paci4o lllrteJ .......... c.ao., ...... 01• -orid 'I'M ... ,...... ol ... l ..... Cff ......,..,., ..,.diM .,aterial I'ODDda for

, Word eom• of tbe death of lhe Uoc de Ltm1 bead or tha oldaat flmitJ· of F'Nnoll oobiht)'. !a biiiUitOttnl balleile bed nro pal.ntlop.ooe rep,..oliiDt oae ol bll aooea· tore bcnrlor, laa& Ia baad, lei ~e Vlrefo Mary, wbo •1' w bl ... · Coo~·•ooa,moo ooDeio l' aod the other abci•llllt a more re­moe. uc•r .. ooalag to I' oahu bt nttr· ad tilt ult, 1 S.ana ltil pepilrl dt Ia MaJ. .... Le,lll'

~~ • tlla6 .... .......S ta -· tbe boede1 trilt'iM....., ~ 11w 11ttt of a liilellti&lcmea\ of tile dlapato. _.. " ebotll &M lliili ...._ _. tbe tiok aa4 ........... Ia ntrJ to..- ..a Mfpltlflr ~·I" Iiiii ba4 corcllal coar._oe Ol•ea ap '1w Dooton.. .... • I• W. w ...... JMI\& ,.,..,_ Ia............... ~ ... bot· wltla a.(l-'7· 'I• h potlible thal Mr. GodfreJ Is ap ud

-·'· ... ~..!-~ ... • r.Jo--...-. .......... , 111e a.. ao...roiDflltlau ben de. atwork,aacleueclbr•ll•ple•re.ec~J?" "" .... -- : . ~~ r& .. i !lllt~a- ......... ,..., ............. ...u.-............ J... 81.&.-w-lliii .. ...,~GW- ,.:.IIOrk ot , ...... Oallleee ,,. ......... ~ ........... Hop Bit· ........... - _ ................ ,........ ""4- '"'''' ... - ............ , ....................... " ~·., .. r ... ,, r..ia· ~wtor CJiilnl~ ~ .-~, ~ ~ -.• aac1 1a1a •tDII •• ... .-;Her .-.=:.-: ..... o~.-• ..,.....eouon or._ • ..,...., ....... , • ..._....,lWift

~ .. ..., ,.., ~·~~~..w""-r:· .-t~:~. ;:=.-===,.:r:r~

\ ,.

-Tn t67U AKIIOAL lluoiT or Tal ST. Jolls's ATIU\!UOil bM liMa lstely pD~fleb­~. n. CommhlH were u&bled to tepor& that tboqh tbefoould ooa coocratDlata lbo memben oa the bealtbJ 6oaactal coDditloo of the loe&liatloo, they were yello a poll. tloo to aonoanoe tbe inltifylo& fad thal a diatlnct, tboaab all,bt, lmpronmuiJ4 per­l!eptible. Thl•· woDid be -n b7 a COlD· parlaoo of the follow log lauree :- ,

The rooelpta for 1886 wore ...... £548 4 0 .Espeo,~e~, 1885 ............... ... ... 637 18 9

Balaooe la our fator laet year... t6 10 0

Tbe rec:eipta, 1886, wtro .••••• . .£M1 11 0 l:dpeoeea for 1886 were ... ...... 629 19 4

---Number of aabac:ribera io 1886 .••••••.••.• 8:19 Numbo,. uf aubtoriben io 1885 ........... 305

Iocreut In 1886 ..................... . -. •••• 84 The Committee deplored tho I&Df!Uid io­

te~eat uhibhed by t be aeoeral public fo the eotertaiogacot.a wd other ioullectoal and aocial advaotagea which the Atbeo&laiD pro.-idtd, and a111ieipatod u a oooaoquooce a de6c:iL; aed. t hougb tbey oould ootc:brool· ole any marked lmpronmeot, they wore rel bal'l_lJ to be able to reoord that tbtll pro- · dlouooa ban aot beeo fully .-eri6ed by onota. The out.look for the oomlo~ year ie, bowenr. far from cboerfnl, aod oeo be rellend only bJ · tbal geoerooe aupporl wblcb tbe St. Jobn'a Atbeo111um baa a rlabt to expect from tbe 13t. Jobo'e people . . • • At tho aamo timo, ll ie due to tho publio to ac:koowledae thal tbo aw.odaoc:o at tbe leo· tore• aad eotertaiomeote durio~r tbo put year, tbouj!h not up to tbal ot former ycara, di.Jplayod ao impro.-emeol opon tbat Of tbe pfeCeding year, and eocourajlee the hope tltal tbo tepidity, of wbic:h former Com· miueee c:omplaloed, la dlaappelriDlf.

"'fho proceoda from leoturea and enter · lalnmoote io 1886. were £8~ & . 8d .• but the oourae of 1886 p•o "£160 6o. 6d. or thia aom, tbeJ are iodebted to tho uteol of .U1 l Oa. Sd. to the procoeda or tbo lecture of Mr. Courtoey Keoay, M P., whoao faYor· able reception by tbo public of St John ·a, 111•1 induce othor pobhc: mao of like omio­euc:o and commanding abilitlu. to Yiait our aboree anti acquaint thotDJeh·cs with tbo •orkiog of our loatitutiona and ioduatrioa; and, t bou11b Mr. Keooy"a lec ture wu an one:tpoc:ted addition ~ onr fonda. we coo· aider that, in eoc:oriog thn diallnJIDilbed taleota ol t bll Hoo: Mr. Juatico I>inunt, D.C.L., to OJH!n tho c!ourao tbia IIIUOD, we hue laid tbo bull or. reJI.fouoded upec· t.atioo~or a poc:ooiary, u well u a litervy, aoc:c:e f cbe c:oune.

" 1> a or tbo pu& year, 164 yolumoa b11•o beeo added to tbo libl"&r1. wblcb oow coo· · taioe oYer 6,000 •olomea of 1t.aodard work a."

'l"ho committee io their repurt aut made pallia£: reference to tbo adnot.agea and mtpor~c:e of the daily t elegraphic mu­~o "Tbi1 eablegram ia compiled io llalifu, from tho day'• n owe from E.oropo, t he St•tu. aod Cauada, aod tf'IDimiuo<t to tbe • pub)ic ol tbia c:olooy through tl,o AU!aoenm. The e:rpeoee, &IDOaoliog w about .£200, bu horot4fore been boroe b1 aubac:riptioos frnm the Oonrumeot, tbe ComUlerc:i&l Society, tbe Atbeoeam and Lho Preu. In December Jut, tbo Atheoroum rec:ehed ,.. ootific:atioo from the Commercial Societl tbat, at tho end or tbo caneot qo.u­trr (feb. 4tb. 1887), they woold urnnoat4 tb.oil' aob~erivtion of ooo third to the tele· lf11pb f und. Ae tbo ~cooral fonds or tho Atl.tillllUID eoald not, hi tboir plieeo& coo· ditioo, IUilafO lbe burdeh of tb11 ioyaJuabiO booo to tbci country. bownor deairoaa wo cnay be to do 10, we were oompelled to notify tbe public or tllb terUlioatioo of tho dally pabli9 telegraphic meaaage after tho date abon menhoocd. It ie to bo boped, bowanr, tbat l be Commercial So­c:lecf. or 10me eimilarly inftoeotial and wealthy bodJ, will aeo their way to helping ue to continue a eyatem or daily foreil;o io· telligooc:o which hu worked 10 ll,dnola{)O· oual1, io the P.at.'

" l"bo committee teod~r tboir warweat thaoka to tbo J!OUtleroeo .. bo guo 01 tbo beoe6t of tbtif iotelleetoal Iabore u lee:· torera, Yi%. :-Rn. Mr. Macooil, M.A., T Mncdowell, E.q,B.B., Rn. l\lr. Dood,8.A. J . 0. FrMcr, J:Aq, aod S. Prow .. , Eeq.; alao to tho ladia. and gootlemeo wbo 10 kindly auitted a& tbo ootertalomoota aod auoual oooc:or&."

A fur the traoaactioo of 101110 other boai • noaa, lbe followiaa gentlemen wero elected to ~en·o for tho eoauiog yeu :

Prr1idt.11t :-Boo. Cbarlea Bowriog. Yiu.Prui.dOIII : -Boo. M. hloDroo, Ju.

l.Jaird. Eaq. Stcrtlaf; :-J. J . Flannery, Eaq~ D.L. Co111111ittee :-Joho McDougall, l;.eq., .M.

A. CartJ, Eaq~, B:L .. Hoo. J . l'itta. Ooo~go H. t:meraoo. ~qt, B.L.. A. J. W. MoNetly, Llq., Q.C., William Boyd, Eeq., J obn P1e. Etq ., Hon. Jawu S. Wioter, Jamee P. Furloa~;, uq.


AI Car)>ooear, oo tard lna1., tbe wUe ol Jam,. Rorb Eaq , of a dauJ!blor .

At Foao. vo t ba lSLb lroeL, tbe wife of l1 r. Otaroa .. t"hac-rald, of a daagbl4r.


Oo ll!e U1b lnol , al lbe Uatbedral Cllurcb o 8&1o11obn 1be Baptlat, St. J oba"o, br tbe Rig!. Rn. the Lord Blahop ol Newfouad laad. tba H ... Anobro .. Ue7pte 1o Jeaa Wlabut NacNa b.

Oo I be t~lb luel., at lbe B, 0. ,O.Ibadral. SL J obD't, bJ lbe Vwr ~te•d . A rebdeaooa Por­

. rlatlll , llr. V. R • .lodreoll of Ule Prorlaco of Lucca, J"'IJ, to Aaulaala1_ daugbt<r ol tbo late }'ellx )lcCartllr, Plaol4r, uerbouear .

At St. AaJ\rew'a Oburd>, 81. Jobit'a. oo tbo j5tb Inn • b7 LIM n .... " · llunr.· Ulleted 1<J tile a ..... w. o ......... Jobo DODJliU liUh!QOft, ol Duadee. lloollood, to llelea Oemmel. eldHI dau11b!.OJ' ol ilr. ALLoo ilaoo, of Gr!"'o~, ljoot­laad.

Ua tbe :&tb laat at tba Eplacopal re~ldeace & Jobn"o, ~ cha )ioat n .... Dr. Powu. oulated b71he n .... I'. J . Ootaoer.Jobn, eoo of 1bo lola Uoo. J ...... ~·oll, to MID.We, eld•ll daaab•u of lolr. Jobu Vlualoomt...

At tbe w .. 1eya11 i'areoaagt. St. Jobo'e. oo t~ , .tb iaac.., b7tbe Rev. llr. Vat.er, llr. J . J . Ola.y• too, Oblell!te-rd of U.. Atlaatlo tf04el,lo illae Aeella lol. Uhale, tcb d.ugbler ollolr. 0 . Oba!o, 8o•lh aide.



Regular Monthly Meeting of Locllre " Jt.,bor o ... , .. No 478, 1'. • A.M.. ll.S.1• will taU oiMe M aM MAIOIIIO IU&.I. oa TuD &8DA.Y au&, Snl F;biDU7, at lllllf•JIM' f e'olook P..•• •

tllf orid ..till R. W.IM ~, l>.L'f{GHT, ~

1New Advertisements. Advertisements. · ----~---------~--,~~

FOR SALE. Harbor Grace Stove Depot . I . 'l'UAT W.EW.,.KNOWN JUST RECEIVED

· f ~.~~l~&,;~~~.m c. L alocl ror We ·"1 KE.NNEDY

B.oeheater Parlor Lampe, oewftt dflli&u ~ . -At.IO- In Uracht and Eawoaloo LAMPS.

Bo:r.t.t, Net.t, Twine, LiDea ud ot.W ~0-.r.

For parilc:lllatrapply to TUOMAS H. ALCOCK.

JJarl>or (Jro~.

PUBLIC Notioo ia hereby given tba~ tho

Annual Revision or tho .

LISTS Of GRAND & Ptm'Y JURORS lor this District will t&ko place before the ondor11igned Stipendiary Magistrate nt t~e ~oJioe Office, Harbor Graoo, com. mencing on tho Firtt TUESDAY i~ Februar.v on al~rnat.e daya bo~weon tho boul'll of 11 and 3 o'c:loclc, until the Tenth day of February.

All peraot11 elaimiog exemption m uat apply before the aaid

'VeJ:tth day ot February. T. R.. BENNETT,

Stipendiary J.lagiurau. Police Office, Barhor Graco, ~

22od January, 1887. J

A aeoeral uaortmeot or .,&IIIJ7 aod Ball, Table aod-Bieh~ Llampt. • •

Jut' rec:ei ved bJ 0. L KRNNEDY.

Latest lmprond OombiD&Uoa. 0bi.1zme7a J uat rec:ei•ed by

0 . L. KENN"E.DV.

Duplex, Argaa.d. and a largo ,UIOrtmeot of Lamp Burners. · I

J uat recd•ed bJ • . J 0. L. KENNEDY.

Tubular Lantemo. Pa~t Plow Siena Jull reooind by

• C. L. KENNEDY. Faooy Drawer Polla &nd Baa.41M.

J utt rec:ohed bJ C. L . KENNEDY.

Xneliah &nd American Door Loella of nrloua deelgoa aod qwltlea.

J a at rtcoi Ted by 0. L. KENNEDY.

Fancy .Alarm Door Bella Jutt rec:eind by


A choice ... ortmeDl of Tollot &nd ot.her So apt

Juat recelted by · C. L. KENNEDY.

American Brooma, good qualilJaDdoLetp Jut~ recelnd by

C. L. KENNEDY Water Street, Ba.rbor Grace.



SYDNEY GOALS. Water Street. Hr Grace

A. RUTHERFORD. c A u T I 0 N· ! Janl4Si

LOST! On or about tho 4th December, 188G,

A PURSE, containing a largo Sum o£ Money in Notes.

Any person bo.ving round tho SAme, or any VC1110n giving informa.tioo which will lead ~o its rcco""ory, will recc.i vo n auitablo reward on llj>plication M tlJo STANDAllD 'Office. J~o.S

FOR HALE. At W c1t St. lllodest, :Strait4 of Bello blo,

POll' lu tllo oc:oupauC1 cr Mr Wm. F owlor,

A Fishing Room, cooeilling or • Uwclliog·UOUIO, Stott', Wb11rf aud Stago ; nlao. 2 ·Barge•. 1 Seioo­Boa~. S Tr&wl- Uonta, aod Fiehiog Gur.

For further p~~tticolara apply to


W. ll. C HIPMAN, llArbor Grace.


HAY[~(j beeo taken ill on tho 29th or N o.ember, a ad be log forbiddoo by

my mediclll atteadaal ~ 1110 my pea. I beg tho forbeaMIDC:Il of my paUoos by whom l tim en~t&Jied to Jmw up documeot.a or make plana. I trot& lo a 1bort t imo to meet all c:alle in this c:oonec:tioo.

G. W . R. DIERLIUY. Bay Roberts, J11n, 4, 1887.

JOHN SHARPE, 342 W ater Street, St John'• ·


Metm'll. Wilson. Matheson d.: Co., Gles· gow,',Ocneral M ercbantll.

Mea!'l. Hugh Barnett d.: Co., Glugow, J,iuena 1md Cllnvaa.

rtlessra. A. Be\·oridgc <1. Co., G1aagow, PioklN, Snuoos, &c.

r.t.-. Andrew Davidaon, Maoc:hflltcr, Tweeds, &c.

M essra, William Hartle tt & Soo, Rod· diwb, F ish F.Joolca, d.:c.

Mt!f3ra. Fof1tUIC>n & Co., l:.ondon, 'lbal, and Coffee.

~rw. Lewia Grave & Co., Londoo, Painta, Oils, c~.

0. k J. C. Pol~r, Darwt!n, P11ver hang­ings.·

.1 ohn M owatt d.: Sons, 0 ln~gow, WIJolo · aalo Grooore.


-AN - ALlliANAC-

YEAR BOOK OF NEWFOUNDLAND .. m be pubhlbod .uoder~ omcial aaootion early in JauuMy. 1887. aod thea may be obtaiood at all Uoolrs~.-a. Urdera for Outporta or for Adnrtieemco' apace w be addua~ho corrupoociin~e Ediwr. ·

•·· c. 1.1£ttn:.\li. 2Ttaluy.

Janl ·

Tu E Public lifO hereby C:autiontd from takins: tbo !ollowiojl Ordera on tho

Cb&irruao or tho Board or Worlr.a, at41eo on tbe oigbt or 2nd iuat., "' Fogo, as payment bu IM-co stopped by Mri. !loLLS, •iz. :-1 Special Road Order, No. 44.aigood

Abraham Anthony, favor .t::H Cull a ad otbera ..••.•.••... ••••.• •.• &10.00

1 SpeciAl Order, ~ o. 18, eigned Tboa. C. Uuder, fuor John Cull . .. . .• l5i20

l Spcc:ial Ordor, No. 25. 1igued 'l'b01. (). Doder, fnor Ueory Cull •••..• 15.2()

1 Special Ordor, No. 26,eigoed Tboa. C. Duder, favor Adam luudle . .• 12.00

1 Spceial Order. No. IS. dated No•. 11, aigoed Abraham Aotbooy, fll\'or Chrlatopbcr Cobb......... 4.00

;1 Special Order. No. S:!, No•. 12, algood Abraham ADihOD1, fa•or j 'William Cull......... . . ......... .... . .00

1 l\IGi a Line Order, No, 19. Oct. 19, aigocd Abn1bam ADlbooy, fuor Ueory Cull................ .......... G.OO

( U1 ortltr. ) , W, 11. STIRLlNG,

• Pro St~Tf.lary, Board of \forks omce.~ I

1 Gth Dec • 1886. J

D. M. JOHNSON, M.D.,C.M. Pbyaician, Surgeon & Accouohour.

lteaidenc:e end s~rgcry- comer l:larvtJ and Vic:tori& Sueot.a. lfourt-a to 10 Llll.,l! to 4 p.m., 7 tot pm


C. l •. KENNEDY, No. 145 \V' ATER STnE.ET, B AltTLE1.".f'S BLACKING. •



L um• GLoss b'TAncn. .conN FLOUR.






$200.00 Reward ! \\'iii he paid for tho de~c:tioo nnd cooric. tl:~o of aoy peraoo acllintr or deaHogloauy ooaua, co unterfeit orim1tatioo llor lllT· TEllS, ospeciallyBIUereor preparationaoa itb tbe word RororBoraiotbeirnameorc:ou neotod therewith,that.ls ioteoded to cnis­lelld and tbeat Ute poblie, or for aoy pN~I' 4lion put in eny forrn,pretend~ng ~ be the &3UIO u llo P' UtTURS. Tho geoufoe hGYe cluste r of Gu£EH Uor! (ooticet!Ua) prjoted_. •·. on tbe wbitAtlabcl. 110d areth11 fJurea t aud beat medici a" oo earth, e~~pecially for .Rhl oeya,LII'cr t1od NenoueU.-oaat'e 11~~ . of ell othctll.aad or all prol.4!:~dcd formu'lu or r l!colpta of Jlor BtTTI.CS publlal.ed I•-. papon ur for aale,u ~hoy arc rtauda "~ r ewtat\lee. WhoaYer deal ala any b.U th•~, goouioo will be pro100oted •.

HoP HCTTilii.S Mro. Co, · ~ • Rochc11tn, N1Y. ml!\

On~-Tilir~· ~~ Y ~ur Lll~ ill B~ll · · .o- . f

&-Prepare for the Cold Weather by orderlnsr your BEDDING from us. - !"":

• We have the larges~ and flnest Stock of.

. : ,.

ltiscollany. ~~:..;· ....... ·:.;o).;..' __ ,_, ... _ ... __ .... ..._ ____ _

nT ClfA11L&Il .tJ.OJ\J.t. irell -, 1" wlr~jte.l w~le

, .,.,., "'IUod 11'1 pooU.'"'•1 ,,.r, lln ,...,. ""' It"""'..,.,. apot

Wbt .. mortal. 'lftOp l!ll motel Son'" k"'o .... 1 ""'"*"' t.lell,

WI,_.., ,....., fn'orft toll onol palo, ~ Tbe w•rY O.Ktl tllav r .. t 1

Tba l.OOKI wt .. l •l•lotlltotln. wl>r..J'"' l(ow, .Aod • liibod for pltJ u h ....... om • No I'

Tell rn~. tl.<;u rt-lgLI; ll,..p, \Vh,~ "Hit••• nutncl in .. ~IllY•

k ...... ~ '""" -~ r ....... ,,.. ii'Oh s..rn., Lot..oo•l lot awo~·. w~ ... .... ,. ltoon ltlo.)' tlnol

Tht! IJI .. !rr wbkh I"' •111111, Wl,.roo ,.., ...,,. Mt..t llvH,

An.t tri..,.t•hlro ,,...,., •II.,. 1 'tll'io lnad w,,.fool mlliour In 1"''1"''"~1 tln.t 8l4•Jollod a wbllo, an<l ''il'lf'<l <•••bolwcr, ·Mu!'

\ .Atwt thNl. W•nl't!l t'IN>n,

1 bot •nh ""' " lo••t.l' t.~. 1),,., ""'~ w, .... u ... ""'I" A "'""I" In hlt;loo'o ~mbi'J'(<'0

'l'oU n"'• fu all 1 hy ' "'drul 1 ti•~L th•tG unt ~u ...onto 1pot

\VI~re n•~rat.: .. m' n l... lll~jlot lln•l a too1•1JY l<>t? Jltliind • clou<l ab" rntiOu orlot .. trew I" WM , :Au.t a vo!ce "'~"'·but Nd1 NllpooclaJ •.Nu!'

Ttll mo. m1 eerretaoul, Vh, IC'II me. llut,. •••I f'•hb,

l a thoro ~-ling 11""-.,. Pmrn ""r'""• ~'" and deooab >

lath.ro no bapp.)'•p<>t 1\ hrre morlolo No)' be hl .. t.

Wh....., grl~f ""'Y 11•• 1 " baln), A utl wMrin,_a a. f"'OIt7

Foilh llope • n<l t.o ..... l"'•lhMns tnmnrtal~rhen, w ..... t ll ... lr brlillll wfo ..... , .... J au.twuool, • ¥ ....

lu bonoo l'

boa•hold woald etch dltt nd dl.toidor ha ... boleY~ PI' m"*ed to-refp.

1 Und• telldt • qreal dill!,· •ld Herbert, "nd ,Pot noYdll olll,-; 1 reocnftlllfadod Moo· la!lllo'a tM'Iyl w ber, and ebo' telle mo lhe It deli!lltte•l wllh \hem.'

Tho book cicrtallllJiay oo tho table, bot 'llheD lltS. TnmDa poked it op aha taw thal the IeatH wera uti®&. Howe,et·, abe refraioed froro poiDtiDj! thil 'OUt W bor IOD, who wu drawit'IC her •tteal.ioa to " piece or delic:ato tmbroiderretrotdlod In a fra1no.

•You aee.' he amUtoj;tiJ o~rved, at h,e bro6gh' i' forward ror ble motbe1'- lospec· Uno, • yoa aee Linda eha~ your lotre or wouaanly oocupatioua. She telle mo lbo is juat ooont:l•tio•• collar aull coli' a of lloolton 1- which ebo propollel offerinl' to you 1 you'll not reraN ber Rift, will you ?'

MtS. 'forreoe waa oou'-. for bor ko_toor oi)Mr•ation bad detected that tbo needle lu tloe emluoidefJ ber eoo e1pectod be~ to pr11iao bad rultod Into lt.

Vue4 ~l bor ailonce, tbo ardoot lotrot retoured 1&..

•If JOU hue como bere prejudiced li"in t Mlu We ~ou • . lt iA u!leleu auemrting to wio tnnr approval or aoytbior abo aaya or dOH.

• Not pael'11di.qetJ, my dear boy, but ~o· "blo to h.t p eceru~r th11t yon 11ro ~~etan~t luutily. You met tbia youn~: lady ro_r tho llnt time only three weeke 1\j(O; can rt be pouible .that in 10 ,hor~ a time you buo leM~ed to j[now .her 1\'0II enough to epood JOur tlfo •ilh be.r-~ ·

Uut .her bearer's impatienco Cl\oeed Mn. T orr,.n1 to p:~aeo. No~ for worlds would eho ~tiYo him rM~ttn to t hink her unjue~. or ittditrorent 10 his bappineu: and layinlf ber hand gootl7 on bi.ol ana, ebe t:bftttged bar \ODO,

THE ·--. --Se latrodlllld botla ~ 1fte« Ia&. l6

bUi IDOtber1 IIDd .toiiL 'l'GnMI, followlalf ber toa'a ~ planatd laiO a loa1 ud aD.IIaat.ecl ~ptloa ollltr Joara•1 to ... " oo &lie p~i•Jr day. AI tlo aleo NOOf• ored laer10U eotlcNaU7 to ~pear latoreet.d ud p1U • l•lf qtMI&iou, &.be bell ol ooa•tr· aadoo wae h-pt ap uatil Mr. 'f•too CMM illto &be .room.

lktore Uad& bad 8ailbtd ulll•lf hreeU l)o• m~cl. or bow little ber lo•er bad oYer­beard, or .tlet.ber eb• a ted few t ho inlla· eaoe of l8cb a dowd7 p-rtoo~tfe u bie mo· ther, llnbert.had ttt~ an opport.uulty and boLh Will •Jiag their adlet&S.

• W • elaall aee fOil aplu In &bo erealoa ?' qoerietl the beauty. almoa' timldiJ.

'1 lblok noL• fou ma7 buo other Cit)·

Nomen\!:' and a aigttlllc:ao~ gl~oco "' t bo programme·aod bouquet re•ealod that ao· olbor or her falaohooda bad beeo dolectod.

Flo Wilton led eacb ao oncorornrtable lire at K.enelos:t~o when Herbort Torreoa re.Ul!ood all pretonaiooe to bor couein'e hlin<l tbaL tile wu 11lad w curtail her Yiait aotl sro back 10 her dotlea aa elrleet dangbte r hi tho la rgo ramllJ or a country ourat.e.

Bnt abe bAd not been homo long whe11 ebe wu an.,ited"to Clifton to epond a few w"lte with ~~ n. T orrenl, wh<' amilingiJ ehowetf her. attached to ber chatlol~lno, tho ahilling-lt .,.. 11lmoat her onl7 one­compaulooat.ely ~?eetowod on t~e widow 'fhompeon.

'l'be •eeh bees1f!e m'lntbl, for Mrs. Tot· ren1 •ent abN'tl In the antomn to .trr aome German blltha, and beggM l"lo to ac­company ber, Tboy went uudor tho ucort or Herbert and to tho immeoao indiiiDation of tho bO."ltllJ who is atJII Utomonied, their retnn: to t!n!ll•od was epeodily rollciwed by a wtddinr. Need wo &.'lJ wboao?

•' Speak no Bvfl or Your Neighbor.


• Suppo110 wo reaol"o lo ~ay no thoro on thie IUbjcct 1.111 1 b~\oo nl~d6 MilS w~~ton'e Rome Decorative Notoe &o Roqoiaiotl\nco t I ellall bo Yory (:Inti of I am .:::> ' .'

SJ'I"'Ic nro edl ~1 ynur n~l11hbnnr, ~ft.' t.(' ""'''" c•f erunl b!•nu,

able lo CDdor:o your f~,-omblol opinoon or Sl\pphiro blue 11nd grey ia ao e.ffectin ber. l(t"member, ovllnng ~o" II r._!etrQ au,o cnmbinlition.

CouHO J e>ur tU"I~bN>r'• rltHk 10 11\Antle ~\'•llo oto. burni"S blueb of abame.

mnro th"n nol lo b,) ablo IO feel 11 trolber 1 • • affection for JOUr •ilo ' I n olluu'll clol~ IS an ezeellent roaoolation

Cau Y"" do a l;brloll•v• daly, \1 h.u ) Oil loh&bl r our colsbt>or'e !amo1

Dul llerberl "'a.a not to be: appe~J ; for" lamb~e'luln, . many little circometAneee wore con,pmn;s E S!g sl..."us can bo removed bJ rubbtog to irritate him. Lind11 hntl refused a •isiL with cowmou tablo ult .

Lfl~ It Ia :I ~OI'IIth col..,.,,..., t:vrry b .. n Itt urrnftb knowo.

(rom him on the pre~ious evening. on the At ueceo~ llloohooo tiDy epiDDinr·• beela plea that abo ebould bc busy ftoiabiog the were offered as lavora.

W ouiJ " ' " add I he arlo~: nl ol•nJer ~·o al~llnor-bo-inre ,.,..,. 1

Slaool-. • ftb il• olhog '" d••<lly, c~llara and culfa abe intended p~ea;cntlng to Squares or avid laoo aro &o extremely btl mother. Yet on b~r t.ablo, "YIIh a rao rotty addition to a pluab abair.

:. .lletlmM deal• oudl eruol bloft'L and booqnet . ll\y a projtramme or ODO of tht p theatrt'L Wt.o oo••ld buo lofL it tb11re !.ut A oonl oar<l recei~er ia a poreelaio png

Ilath• r lr"f lo ~hf'<'r oD•I all blut l u lolo n.,-bl .. ith lonJtllo late,

beraelf •t dor, holding In bla mouth a bnu umbrella.

F rrcrutly Wf,rd • ''"!!' oue rMY I& To L.lro. tlpooolt tb•o ero lfibe 1"" lol8.

"'-"'in I no wat uo~ u blioll lo t ho elat- Small thermometer• attaobod to bra~ to· toroly appearance or tbo yonogladl"• MOO· boegaoa a ro among tho populu uddit.iea. tum u be oboM to .-eo10. Uo tboee OCCil• Lemo1111de eeta or Pomona glus bu o a aiooe wbeo Ito had •pent raptured houra t1onl rroeted efl'oot, and aro refreab.iog w ..,itbio iu prCDincta, the dom lirM of tbo bebold.

Tluot you 1.-.. r ... ...,...., n>oJ eu!hr , lu your ~i11 for blo fllo.

To Thiao Own Sell bo Truo. at.ad01l lampe bAd biddoo much tbet now SqnM& dinoor plalee grow in ruor, a11d pained and aurprieod him. tbe oeweat aro a porfect etody or ar tietie

.Jly ahlno """' 110nl • law I tarn to IIYa, )l ad If m100 lhorart I h..., ••-o no 1c- 1, A ut..l U mf'a h-Ie thN h••o no c.nt;

Kicking • IOilf!J A lia allpper out or bis decoration. way, be •talked acrouthe room to ';11° ni~ho An inketand in perfecl imitation n(" ail· tloatcontmined apieoette, and tbrowoog ham· ver fox. with bud or riobl7 cbattd eilver, is eetr ioto a low cb:air beaide it, btpD IDrD• a oo•eltJ. Sing thnu t h.ranng aDd do thy tl<>ed.

11"1"' tbnu tby b<opo ohd 1""7 tby praytr; .A ud d , ira 110 cru• n the.r ••II uol ft1V~. Nor boyo they i>'TUd!;o tboo) or tb.)' looor.

oog ov~r the beauty's IOn!(L Tbo nowea\ bottlee for •~romotio eeltt -.e Why did aloe aufor ~tuyooe to detAin her madd or oot.iqne eilnr, obuod in ~truec11n

from him 10 long? Suroly tbt pa~e had ap· <leaigne. K..,..p thna lbj .nn1· t • f' r-o 11!,.. lr••t n~tb, J.n<l W lhy bi'&TI bo ara~. thy h-or1; 'Vhlll lhfa.ouf t ... ar lut• lnlrtt en kuu.-, ..t\nt1 t•l"f i'Hat rh v "ll JloOt q tttd ,,.rl :

pri•t'd her that be ••• bore. antf oliO tbat Japanue teapota, bein~t 11 aqoare of cop· loe had not como abue. llo ooukl not !.o· por witb bamboo banollee, •oro to bo tbo loevo thl\t 1ho would t reat bia mothtlr with tbina at ~o'clock teas. &~died tliarotpect, yet 1\ quarter or an Sqaare lante rn&, perforalt'd atlclr ll<lorn<!d

hour had elftp•~. and 1till Lbero .,., no •ith largo opal• aud "raace ol varioue •i ~rns of Miu Weatou'e coming to rreet ber colon, ftnd ooi• enal ruor.

~od t bou ah•ll re.p •• thuu •ball .,.w, :Nor belt> oor ltlnJer<<tl iu tb) ~ruwtb,. .l u IL} hil l eta.tu .-o 1h ou 1ha lt t;ru w.

Fix M the luturo'o 1"'•1 thy Ia,...., A ntt ' ""' 1h1 f~t t .... lu rM.J U'l -.tr.y N C'Iwbl tb,.r, but t'W' •• ilt to r ou , ..AD,J na wiMre turr hy rb~ way, .Juafl at la•t tbo tood io """·

IOU\. h"tiftn wino jlii(W '"II DOW decorll"ted wilb Auotber th-e minutes hfti ei&(IM'd. and he imdeacent metallies or brooua,aud 6Diabed

wae abnut to rille and rio!( lor MiliCI Wee- with fanOJ ribbon bowL

J\ r..a u,._.u rua, a t l•.uk t..ck tro1a thr p!An), .And ae. tb, lon .. ..t•r'• r~ur .... ,. .!Duo.

ton 'a maid wbco be ht'trol the ruatle of foru . ~pota nr greeee may be efectoally remo•· onooo 1111i~. the patte r of r .. miuioo f~ot. au<! ed from tbe mOot I dt!liOIIto !&brio by tho ap· Linda bounced into tho room, Sho wM pliOI\tion of drJ buckwheat nnur. quickly followed by a pre tty oouutry oouaio, A mi~tare of water aud a llttlo common .,loom abo occalionally palrnnile•l to the Cit· eoda ia 11\id to J>OMCU rare efficacy in cleiiD· t61lt of invtttll(; her w opeod a few daye ot ing old S>Aintod 111rfacea for rep11irinc. ----------

THE BEAUTY .BOUDOIR. 1\ ru•ioo!!IOII. • • s r I be bea ·r II r t \\'i1hout intt'ndi nll w l:>lllro mt<elnef tho • pray~ o I!' 11M may 1111 " 1 roa ·

- -o-- f \\'b ed by dippln~r tn~m in " aolutlon of 1111o1 rag~ borl plov .. ci 1•i• n:llt" , '' " 0

. en aMI..ic and eptlnkliog tbom w1tb powdered

' Y ts, MiM \\'co-ton wu mt homo · tho pAI!t! .. u1 ; ' but aho wu ~n~:a~:td. She loMl told hom hM•e•·er, th~t if any one eallt-d.' aod Uoe bny io buttoua loolletl anquosuinly at the eltl.:rly lac1y, ci~NeJ with (tuaker hll.o eionplocuy. wbo•o knnek hllod brousrhl

ho put his beaJ in M loft dretJOlll$1 room dn cor, 11ho wM iu a atormy dcbato with her ¥1aaa. mollin~r who hot! . .. oot hor :on UllbeCOtDIOg I llnJiea or imit~tion of antique i•ory are hat. and' demanded "hogber proce for it than ••en on 110mo nry elrlr.lnt toolt"L article•. ~liM Wt~etoo wll'l dtop<ooed to j:i~o Hefore ·noe can iug 110d tintlnll ore moat art ostic tho hoy cvuld announce tho namra. of tl!o aoJ v lca.iu11.-Nt1D l'or.l: l'apcr.

him to tho door. • .\l ioa Wteton ha•l Mid ne••· that if aoy one C&lle•l ~he was to " "ot' Tlont "~Ina. Somebody w.u~ .,aitin~: to •cc

' Y te, of coo roc wo .ball wait, ' criec1 t ler· her wae all Loutl:'l comprchendeo.l, an•l aloo bert Tof1ena, who ha •. l otayec1 behincl to ruabed to tloe eooolueion th~t h wu a cer · Ill YO eomo dortctione to tbe drover of the laiD widow Thorop1on. whoee invAlid d"ugh­Lruug bam. and raD up tht eters on time to ler really t:recutaol t !.t- delicate II\Co ftnd lorar thl' lut wor<l. • You wtll not r.t.j~ct. embroi.Wry itm purcbaur did oot ao:ruplo to woll yo11 moth~r ? r ahould be eorry for pue off u her owu. yon to mia ecein~t·l.ind" this moruinq.' ~or wu there anything in the appearance

l in. fon-eoe readil1 aueote•l to tbi1. ol tho quietly dre...-d 6~turo that rose et Not '""'aloe wu at all t>JIIler to make tb., her entrance to diSAbuso tbo young lady uf ~quainaance ol t he bea~.~uful~:irl ..,itb wllom tbftt uotion. A aore.eD concealed liorbort h er aoo bad fall en de.per:oteiJ iD love. Torreo~ froid \'Wl" the while aho adolreM~d

lint llerhert hat! eo treateJ it u a favor; bereeU to ~ie mother in nry diiJorcot 11hbougb con•i~ in b;. owo mind that be (9oco to 1ru, dulo.e~ onea be wae r.ccoutomed htvl foullff ahe onl7 womon In exi•tonco who to hear f rom t.lo~ coral lipa. coutd malt!' him hopp,., be ••ot.erl hiell'lo th · thi• ;1 the w11y yoor daus:bt.er trew er'a Nncuoo ~ tbeor u11inn, aocl coo~ II! not her bee~ cuatomer ?' were tho fi1111 woro.la rHOIYo to 111t Laotla We~~t.OG co bo llil till lnelllll"l .11 the aetoniabod bearer . ' AI· ~e obtainod iL ( thoua:h 1 aen~ word tlat 1 mon haro tho

Mn. T orrene h"l •n often uid abe~~ taco by yeJte rday ueoing 11t t be Ia teat. you like to - him well married tbat I.e wu._ ha•o dbappoioted me! Uon·~ otumpt to onrprieed and diuppoiotM whea .tao de. m11ke any ucuua, I netrer lieteo t~ tbem. m"rred at hie choice. l'ooplo hue no boaineM to accept work un·

Y et, when ••ke•f•hy, ehocouiJ ootgi.e tea tbef lnten<t to e1ecuto tbe orciN_ well an onawer that •nnnoled otiefactor,.. ud punclnally'

She bat! no doubt abo saltt. t.baL Mi' • PerbapA this young poraon ie ill?' in· " 'eooton "'u u r,ir mnd charmin11 u ho do. terru~ ~liP Wd tou'e coueiu • Am 1 ~enbed h~r. Othen batl ann~r t.b t 'a ,.; • j!ho Mkod kiolliJ. addressing ~ln. pnoillee in her nn aa eDtbutia.t.icalll u be orrent. • u your dllnghter too ill to eon. work ?1

.Antf u $1001! 1 Well, llerbert mnal h11ve • ~onatNI", Ylo !' oriod l.iooll\ in a moru ('Nltience wnh her if •he rledinf'd to upreu p4'remptOtF f&abiou th11u belure. • llsnou't "" npiulon ou tbat point 11111~1t.e knew tbe 1 aaid ~reody that I nner •ceept ezcueu? yonntC l•dJ. If ooo would liateo to tho talee people <-f

:J"'toe only and molbfrl- dau~thlor or a thia deeerit tioo nre ol••!• ea~:er lo tell , ricl~n, wlou wou rl'ported o ""'0 lat her tbero would be oo dealing with them at all' hue hu own ""Yin .,~ery wlum and f•ncy1 • h no t thle rather hanh ?' uked Mn. hl'r n11tore .u>uat Joan.e bun a ue ono hodllt!(l T orreo11.1iodong rouro to paLio a wbrd' at latL, il It ""'not htjnred to 1010e uteo4 b71ucb and noablo tn rujet upouslng tl-o cau¥ or .ex .. ....n..e fndol~tenc-f!. tbu puor. • 'fho•o who work lor lbei r liY·

'(;.,_n~ I loa~ r.Ao.a bu buo a apOllod ing are ool7 to anziot~~to l earn all they CIID.' child.' 1or11ned 1he lover. • may ool ber fa.u lta • And ztt 1oo buo not broughL bome my be mcrelr lllch •• ahe will l'lfiiJ' Q.Onqoer lacl! ; 1 will not bue l' " all now. It ae aoon liJI tl•e1 11r,o noitt~d .oyt ? )\'ben woulol bo no u•e to mo. I nouat buyeome, ,1he "-• 1ueh" w)ae, JtUu! frleod n her el· 1 1 appcMO. ~nd it iA your own fault. eJI-. ~w aa JOD •ill be, mr .dearu~ motl•or, abe tlre:y yoar own la.ul&, ~baL ~e other ~ will J•ro•e~ ,e.,. II all UoaL yon or t caD •ieh.' tbruwo oo 7011r bande.'

If Mra. Torrtne 11ighed., aod marullod • Oh, byL, dear Linda.' rerooPalratod bet' t,hu In lhtl'l ahor~ werke tlto aPIII"' or a cootio, • h will be aueb a bou1 1oM to~ a beaut1 ehould can loeb a glamoor'o•er ber pertnn in )Ira. 11tocppeoo'e poaitioo I' Ot<tfnariiJ ~tlllble eo.,lbe •aJ'PO l»r11tleoL , 1 ""oo' t care! s .. In whaL an a•kward &o ~II him 19. · • ""

He b-d ~ll'•d her t.o come op to lo•o one h placte too! 1 told Mr. 1'orreua l from ber pleanoL boroe u ClUIDA Uowoa should bne it readJ to rreeent it to bit tlull be celjlbt lntr~oce ber to Landa, autf mother. and wbft reaaoa cao I ciu for on~ abe o~Jt,-ed the requeet ao prompLIJ tha' rrodocriog IL' r he .arrind on the Jll'f'tt>dlnif neaoirtJr. ud 1 If ?.o\1 would .lllcnr Qle w nplaifl­...,.. r~IOd1 for tlte offteal ao- lonun1 before 1 ltfT•· l'orreDe beaao, buL w .. rudely ewp· ~II• \fee&o• clre&mtd of • beloalo Lo•- pod. po,.. • No, I waul none or JDD". uplanatiou.

'fho fll'r e trM .. bfrin1 the rielt0n1 to tbe ltn•o' to baTI 11Jeo JOUr danRbtel' aneral drawiJII•I'Oftm bot II thl)' 111-.d the half. thlnr W do lor 1111!1 becauM ebe W ~1(1; opoe doer ol .... W•o~o•a· boadolr Uer- bat oo• J llltad aome one wbo ~mort d._ bert' l 'ornns hllt.d dlrro, ~able. Good 100mipr.' '

lbw, he -retiJ ct ... ~ Mr. vr ~toe'• I llaJI 1 00 r.r 14 wall!'/' ubd flo.l!Jad-Jarw•. onr-f•Jnlei!H .. loon, audr whll IJ, ae llh eteppecl forwud aad .Upptd • ,tldl•wlll<t •ria ,...,.uk, uwt dre.dtd the eblllj.., }11to Jla• widow"• band. • Would

y iao~ro , loo waa anerily aeut abouL b11 buat·

". Wbat ahall I tMcb my Daughter P 11

At a so<~ia l (llltberin!l tome one propote<t this quee~on : , What eball 1 tcmch my dt~o::htor ?' Tbe following rtplirs were banded ia:

Tuch her lhallOO cools make a dollu. Teach bor bow to arrange the parlor aDd

libnry. T oaeb her w aay • No' anti meao it, or

• Yea' aDd ~tick 10 il. Teach her bow Lo wo11r a calico dre10, and

weu 11 like a queen. Toi\Ch Iter ho w to 1ow on buttooe, darn

atookiro~ and mood aloYoe. • Tuach b rr w drMS for btaltb and COOl •

fort u well u for app.~1ranc:o. Teach lw!r t.o oultanto Bowen and keep

the lritcheallartlon Teach bvr ~ make tho DG~toel .room io

tho booue. Toach her w hue nntbioa w do with iu·

temperate or ~molute yo una men. Te11cb hor tbaL UJib\ lacing ia uncomely

u wall at inj urious to health. To11ch her to re11ard morala and l'labita,

and noL moDeJ, in Mlooting bor IIMOCillee. Teach her to obeeno tbo old rule : 'A

pii\OII for o•erylbioJi and e•e.,tbiog In Ita place.

T uaoh ber tbat mu.eio. dra•inl' and paint· in11 are real accou.pliabmenla in the homo, and noL to b6 oealeoteJ if there be Limo anti money for their ute.

T0110h ber tho importsn' trulem r • That the mor• lbe llYee wiLbl.o her iooome tbe tDore abe will MYO, aod 4he further abe will geL away from the poorboUM.'

'J'eaob btt to embnoe uery opportunity tor · re.adllllf. aud to aei~L encb booll:e ., wi:l &JYo ber tbe moat oaefol and praotlcal iofonoet.ioo lo order to make tbe beat pro· QTHI iD earlier aa wall u later b01111 •nd acbool life.-CtarlutM Co11rkr.

Uao a cloiu or porcelain pot. ll you do uao metal, let i& be un, new, briQ-b~ and ol111n ; oenr oM h wbeo tbn tin ia worn out. and tbo iron upoeed. U you do, you

·arc playina cberoleL end rormlog a tao nato ur t•a-alo or iroD.

• •'"' ll -•kt """"'.., N _,.. ,...rd JOttliiJ• to r• a whiJ. War. 10•10 ll_.o r ,..._ 41 hll modler. tt.,.r, bdtll '"~ U111 u• mar J ne&~• Mn. 1-....petlo 10 .... )helD woalcl ..,. .,._.. ..,. .... Ja rjle ..._..,,. ... r·• , 1

,..,., aput ..... ...._ the J••lf ,.., •• IN.,... r~-::

~":*~ ~=-......... ~ ,,. : ::~~'ef:l:.:::rr:.:. .,

tree black t.ea. Oreoo loa when 11o00 Ia kept at horne. Wht~ goea abroad i4 b~d, JtrY had and horrible. Betldoe contalnl•ll' the lWS ..tultonao• lh Obta ... pbllan· throp!.& pure op few tho o~t11tle berb&riao, ia Ia al• aya per faded b7 copper duet I ro111 tbe dlri.J clirioa peoe or tho aro,-era. Jo· flliD JOUr tea DnD't boil IL I PIAM OliO toaapooalal ol Ita Ia she pot ud poor anr Ia ODI ud o .. llalf n~ ql bojllof wa~t. Ula& Ia, wat.r ,...Jif bollioJ. U JODI ... ill poor oM aoon. J& Ia olleeptr. ~oarb, 10 boJ ~· ... a a& thlt oo•••· Pua JOilr po& Ola tJie baek ""'of ~ .,. oarel•llJ CIOrered. eo &baa il tball aot loee he h .. t. ud ..._ t.M I• boaaQeiL 1M I& ,._.." , ... ,. ft"e •laotee, "- 4rlllk 1&.

J)riok FOP. ... pl.. JJoa ., tdd milk


. ' --Jraq of tMal \hat are Lit.~ Kilo~ bad "'7 Val~

BO! DlAIIO.Qf All CL.USinJm.:-TKK ,AGATK, TUI AlllftiiTIT AlfP T11& UUAI.D-40.U:•cr .&MD •LOODnOII~ LOJIO urr u,.,·.y.u­,uc.a oua, , · · " ......;_ • Our people haft &o ba tdaoatod lo &be

-Uer of, .. , I ledacr ~Ia ftlaable ....,_ ·'1,. peoflle of .LoadOD sad .New Yorlt ar. Lboro•rltlr poat.ed oo the wb· i• of atoaw, ud &borer ore drtJ ' luiow tbo nlae of t.bem. Oa• bo'- tbe d!.ta'ood la Jookod upoo • lite _, nlaable-la fac:t., t.ll" oolf raltJ preclooe MollO ella& there b. .. a CODMqiiODft Ire IDbor aacl'!lr I diUrl· "IDiafP, at/ compartd wlt.la deale,. fa the oaa&.. Uf coune. I koow tbaL tbere 11ro eome here wbo are foformtd oo tbe tubjeot of preelooa atoa-.. btU J ~ID &bak aa a cla.w our ~pi• bat'll mucb w lura. Por faataDce, tf I were to uk alra• eo7body that cawe io here If bo would like to :X,y ao Alouodrite be would IIIIo 14 k.oow wbat 1 meaDt.'

• Toll mo IODIGtblog about coma. Wbat i1 AD Aloundrite ?'

• h l1 dark grtto i11 color by dlyllgbhnd dark red a~ night. Jt Ia Damod after t ho cur or Rn11ia. ud owee Ita oolebriiJ to ita promlaoDt bu011 or red aoJ gToon, tbo oboaea etnblcmalio colo11 oftb11t emplre'e lbg.'

'lJ It true lhat you can't bre.ak a dia · mood?'

• A di:~moq4 wlll c:nok or break ., eny otbor etone, bot Lho prac\ log will roduoe 11,000 to ootbiug, ephe or tho Ylllgv tra· ditioo thf~ you • CIID'L break a diamond.' Onl7 about ouo in teo i8 royill, t.bo utll~ra being black or colored (uaeral in ar ta.)'

\'ALUAT10:f or DIAliOSDS. 1 ftow do yOU SCL at tbO VAltlO Of dim•

lliOod• ?' • l'be Till nation or gem• ia arbitrary,

depending 'Jn m:1oy conaideratlona. Among thorn ia • water.' 1f perfcctlr limpid. like a d rop of tbe porHt water, it Ia olaued • 6ru wl\lor.' Color oomee ned . Color· leea raDka bighut, wbltiab oezL, wbllo tbo meru t auapic:ioo or ereeo or bloc ntber beightone tho rank or wblte awDea. RoN comu oo:rt, and then yellow or 11ruber, but tbeJ moat 11lt be perfect in watar aod flaw · 1- to rank •moor: the f1rll olue.'

• W hat about aaatee ?' •Tiley are ·traotluoeDt lo tnoepatt'ot.-

311 oolon. Aptoa are butiL up layer on layer, toouet i<oC11 hnodrede to tho inch. 'l 'hoeo atained b7 mao11uaoeao or iron in moae Iiiio figure• aod Yeioa (mOM ~atea) • aomothnee cloeeiJ retemllliuiC penon• oot.l tllin~t•. cotroano Yery hlwh priooe.'

• Can y u giYO mo a ob11ptor oo the amo· thyll ?'

• It i• tran•[lllrent, purple OT triolct in color. A cluftle r u mined general17 COD• taloe other crrllala of blue, green, yellow, red, JttaY anti wbito Tho rod oryeaala arc properly roM quMI.J, t he clou.Jcd once amult)' quart&; t be ~:roe a are p1uo, t he yel· low • r .. l~e topaz' and t ho perfoctl' clear aro roclo: cry~tale 'floe llu~t rock crJIIala are fouutl io ~rfnt numben near Hot SpriUjll, Ark., in • Diamoo<l mount• io ''

• What ia a bard etooo uido from lbe dia. mond ?' •

• Tho a~aam:~nne- a lranepareot beryl or ~;roeo'-h ~lue. It is " lotrely etone-aiater of tbe emtmld, and nry hArd. It will cut all tbe aruetbytlla, but not tho top•z, anti Ia uot affected by acidL 1 'bo ohrJaolkrJ I {cat'a <~ye) it •ery bsrd. but ranh belo ... .. pphlre•. rubloe. etc. Jt ta tran~J)!lreDt t.u 1nnaluceot green lo maoy aloadra. Tbu cbryltopr:ue i! "PPI .. are .. n, 1\nd IOftlll ltooea are ,·erJ btftntifn l oud hhchiJ valued.'

• Ito do..~ the emerald rao.k ?' • Tho traoolncent or aubtrAnlparent Md

~:reeu YariclJ' of tho beryl, ju11 111 &he aquto· marine h1 the traolpareDL,aod blne nri~t;r . buL it ia •ery IOUCb tuoao bi~tbly IJMlOtl. Brner11h.la raulo: Dell to tho diamnoHI, ruby and fiuer upphire. Oriental e~cnld ia t b11 gTeen u~hire-very n ro, ve~y beautiful and • ery ul ul\blo.'

• Aru Lbcre atooea tlti\L can bo puaod for aootloer ?'

• Toe jtllrnet. w bich Ia traoepareot and reel, depeotfa uooo ita nluo altogether no ita lo.:Jke, for it can oheu puau a rub7 .'

• WloaL ia a bluodetooo 't' • A urirLy or chalcedony or a deop JlTetn

color, uriel(aoted witb blood-red or yellow­ish epota. It !1 properl7 Cllllad be litrope.•

• Namo eomo other I~Dta l ' tro run ouL• A LOtiO UST or OEJIS.

•There Ia tho hyaolDth cinnamon atooc. traNJiareut. yellow, red and brown '!'here uo garnet byacintbe and &ircoo hyacriutba Allhonl(b ill iatrloaic qoali1iea ought to rank Lbeurcon bJaciot b flm.tbe marke, rates i& eecoDd. Tben there i8 t ho l o~ta lite (blao apar). tranalooen\ ud deop bl ue. Onlf tho ftue varietiu are Yaluod for jewelen' pur. poaoa. NeiL tho malachite, t ranalucont g-reen, used for clncke. naea ~d perlor ornamonta,al;1be,e to. Ale:riCilo onyx, trane· lucenl greenlab while, ..,itb nine of all colora, makte lo1JIIY paf.l)r weilclota, iDk· et.aode, pipe bowie, etc. fbo ooy1 " con· etrucled io 61ma or lllyera or different col· ore Ulro tbe "iSlO, ucept tbaL io t ho ODJI tho films are laid flat, wbilo in t.he lll!ato they ere like tbe poeliaga of ao onion. 11te onyx Ia ob1o8y u lued for cottinjl cam-. ' l'he choice nolo,. in lruo nny1 are white, black aod brown Sardonyx baa alto • atm of carnelian rod. The opal !. tr~~nepareoL wbito, palo yellow, anJ, l{rllln ud rod. h owee ita nlut to ito poouhar power or nbibio og a wonderful play of colo,. ., It Ia t11roed w nrloua uglea. 'fbo moe~ re· raarhble !. ~· llro opAL Preeiooa epel ie t be nry ftaeel aod mOt& delioar.ly thad· eQ and tioltd Of fire OpiiL Of tbt ruby there it. abe aplnel, trauaparent llrbt, IDI· dium nr dt.r~ nd. 'l'be orieotel •ppblre r ub1 le or the aamo doaoriptioo, and YefJ d ifBouh to dlat.ioguiah from the aploel h it a de-rree barder. M a R•n•ral rate. t ho orieaula are the moe& ftluable. eod aptnela of equal bfaUIJ aro baodlo•ppod by repu· tatioo. OricDial rabltl or lbt terJ llnetl qaalltiee are more nlua.blo tban diemooda or the aame weiab&..

• l.At mo eee-there fa tho aappbire, trolll• pAreat, uore, celeatl,l, tt.O., ud blue. Sappblroe of tbe 0\0eL celt.U..l liDo outd all oUier rood qualiU. aro' wonh mocb 1-tban oriental rubi011 o r tht ia1111 elM. Y rl­low •pp~lrea are oalletl oriolttal topu, grtJ~n ODta oriental o111enld aad Yiolat "" oritlital amethpt.e. 'l 'llo )'Mio .. &optol Ia tran.epareo~.aad yellow.. lbe,. are ~tw nrieUee-ereeolab, blaiah, ,.ddleb ud .OIM a,. perf4111l7 tolorl... Wbea ....,_ •re eallrelJ &n.a~P.B:r•a' a all odlcrwta.~· ftol "''' ~., • • ltirb Jalot alan, ro~ . ... , or ......... """'" ~appblree nd cijatD.oD4a. .AooUier bqrlll7 ralud -tQN Ia the tqonaa• lioe. J&!. ~l. 7.tlln•. Net, pMD, blot. 'lllt al..,, Nh llo..., ue lf't&&IJ prlp<L '1'\t rt4 .. llalltcl na.llllllte.. DOd It ort, n ·~ aa,. w•b7· aa Ia ... ,eu­for a toll"'- SOme_._ aH ,..., ~ ed 7elluw tetna•ll• .. are &1111011 JIM i1-* beaudrel ,...let..,....,

.,....., 1e • e,. • H .w .,. oal~":!. ......... eiMI qaJt. ••· lf&to le to • ..._ k ...

01 ...... ,;:· .. •• 11114 ......... ,.. ....... , ~ ..... cw.... ...., c1o. It ... .., .. ll,iia. ellllll•••· ...._., Ill llllell.a ,._. ..... TIM• or_..._...__. ........... bep....,.._U....._Ia ... ll ... llld

~~~~!~~~:;~~ .. " - ...... ., ....... Mlllaa ............ ne _..,...,..,...., ..... O.&f ...

' SpeclalaUoatiob cinQ' to lobe aale of B"tal

and Fieb Oile. • J\1110, w t.bo bayinlt ar~d lbippinrr of FloUJ

aDd Pro•i•iooa and Genera~ Produoo. 1

Cabt. addrC# : M~naA, 41o•tu4l. Oeo..SO


Tbe ' "UJuniooue Y ordiet of a Di&c:rrim• \ inaLiog Puhlio 1~, ti.JaL Lhll

SPECTACLES .. aold and 6tted bJ

W. H. THOMPSON llftdical HaU, Harbor Gratlf,

11ro tbo best in tbo World. They OC\'Ar tire tbo Eye, and

many r co.ra without abanp. lui

K.uiUI'A01111lED B!'

F.T.AZA"Ft.UB, Ma»ufocturirg Opt1t:ian,

London .¥ Shuffield.

110L1) O~LY DV

-W. H. '£HO&IPSON,­/Ifctliralllall. Harbor Cmce, N/ld.

A n~ I~

NORTHERN Assura.nca C'mpany



CAPlTAt.--£3,000,000 Stg

FIRE I'RE~UUMl:l.L .. ~ . ....... !40~,( 00 L i lt'!!. tfo ...... ........... 157,(00 IN l'K lll!.ST . ..... .......... ~ .... ...... llO,OOC.

II Y.A D OFFICES: l .o~oo~-1 MoOJ1:lll e Stree I Atstta:ous-S King Street .

I Munneo cfTo-ct.ocl on P roperty in Newfoundl•ntl ul cunent R.voa of P ro­minm.

Paosrr.OTusr.:s-F orma o f Application for Firo and I.ifo I nsurance, and all o · her I nlonuation can bo obtained &' the oftioo of

A. 0. Ra YW .lRD, ST. JoaN's,

.4gmt (or NN/w.MlaNJ


(Sgd.) MA. YNARD BOWMAN, ComiiiM A.Ulpt.

~ ...... ~ ......... ...,.......... . .......................... -~ af ............... ....,..,..,.,.. / ....... ~... .. .......

t•=-:.~ ... ,, ......... r~ .. --.... ~ ;.;. l~~= ..... 111 ........ -w.., Clla ,.., ,. .... .., _.., .rr tp~.-. ill .... t.w.

'~ • f oC 11ny size or atyle, mad a t.o ordrr at _abort notice.

STANDARD .. HE.RRING NETS. A1llius ready. for immediate delivery. For gilling 6eh, tho UoLton net unqucationo.bly aarpsaaos any other kind, ond

ia tbe fiJolt proliLohl~ to ""'· '

SHE.ET-NETTING for makin~ or repairing SeinM, Trupa, or Gill Nets, e&n be anrpli~, in any aizcr meab and ~wine, at once upon «-eclpt of ordor.

COTTON LINES W o aan (umlab Cot t..)n Lines, TARn&D or \VntTB of a anperio; qsality, to

orderr. \V.-i to for prices before ordering. We aro tbo oldest an•l larg08t mo.nufo~etuc·crs of fiab nolling in t he 11nil,.cl

State.. l t i» our dfort :.o learn tho roquircmtnto or the fishermen, and prod01le tho­good• belt ad~pto'i to their want. .

W o epin our own Yam and ar~ the only ml\nnraetn~el"l or tho Slvpnrd (loJJ MedDJ TtDinu which hu reuiotd tJu: !Jigl.ut ttl.carJ -vhorcvor cxloil.ilcd, inclndin,; the London l nLOrnlllioMI Fi1hcrius E,.;loihi d on, wlocrn we rucoivutl Lho oul1 Goldl i\led"l 11warded for 811JlCriority ol Twini'JJIInd .N cuin~.

&ing manuftlatnr•·cB from tho ntw lllllll'riul, our cnt~l.omorll can n.ly on thO' quality ol on r gooJK, and ltu l\t<lnrt.'tl of w1ot1f 1101nble r~ricu.

O..n 6 11 onlc ra lly wirn uL ahor~ n otice uud will ;;ivo t loem C.lrcful nttention.

ES1'ABLISHED ... 1842. CAPIT.\T,, ... $3:>0,000.

MiiJJ. ot Boaton, Canton nnd ITatlclllm.

AMERICAN NET &. TWU~E CO •• 43 Co~ercia.l Streer, BOSTON, Mass, U.S.A·