~NO ~HIS - Memorial University of...

·. l ·. W'eddin.t and other Rin_gs to order NUMBER 43 Largest and Best - Assorted Stock in Town. JU4t &ceiwd from JOngland, 200 pieces Dre• Stuft-in Suiting, Mny Serges, Meltons, Fancy 'l'weeda, Victoria Coating, Hop- saques, Habite Olotha and Wool Cheviots. · Ladies' Black and Colored Capes. , Ladies' Bt.ck tmd Colored Mantles. ' Ladies' Millinery:. .... Tweed an Diagonal Suits, Men's, · . Womeft'e and Children's Boote. MIOOL.EM;.«N•s PROFIT . .... .. 4;:, FALL. ,<":> To meet the Low Price of Fish we are marking I our. Goods at a very Great Re4uction on regular Rates. Provisiou of the best grade, Dry Goods, Canned Goods. Fruits, &c. All at tbe Lowest F?rices. WATER STREET EAST, HARBOR GRACE. PHENIX COMP'Y, OF BBOOKL YN, NEW YORK.

Transcript of ~NO ~HIS - Memorial University of...

Page 1: ~NO ~HIS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18971103.pdf · in thetn or advertised medicine or ony tlescriptioo, ... warda





W'eddin.t and other Rin_gs m~ to order


Largest and Best -Assorted Stock in Town.

JU4t &ceiwd from JOngland,

200 pieces Dre• Stuft-in Suiting, Mny Serges, ~ Meltons, Fancy 'l'weeda, Victoria Coating, Hop-saques, Habite Olotha and Wool Cheviots. ·

Ladies' Black and Colored Capes. , Ladies' Bt.ck tmd Colored Mantles. ' Ladies' Millinery:. • ....

Tweed an Diagonal Suits, Men's, · . Womeft'e and Children's Boote.

~NO MIOOL.EM;.«N•s PROFIT . ......

4;:, ~HIS FALL. ,<":>

To meet the Low Price of Fish we are marking I

our. Goods at a very Great Re4uction on regular Rates.

Provisiou of the best grade, Dry Goods, · Leath~nfare, Canned Goods. Fruits,

&c. ~ All at tbe Lowest F?rices. ~



Page 2: ~NO ~HIS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18971103.pdf · in thetn or advertised medicine or ony tlescriptioo, ... warda


RtyY...,.Ap. .. tMol7 ., ........ 10 daw

Allecdoa'• bll44lq bllua; .,.... ardcalloftH lOOk Uadr IIU. .. alcroba oa Uaclr lei--.

llowllapP7UICJ'Wft'C-IO~ neaw ra.s _..,.,. ....

' R·I·P·A·~·s·

The modem stand­ard Family Medi­cine : Cures the -comp10n every-day ills of humanity.


~ ) '





Prom Ulo Precmao, Kloptoll, On~. Fifteen years ago Mr. Alexonder

O'Brien, the populllT Princess street t:illor; was Qne of the most athletic young men in King11ton, both a& a foot racer nod. otherwise. Eleven yenJl ago he commenced busine~~s and shortly afterwards was stricken with rheumotism~ wbieh caused him great pain, loss of rest and neglector business. Be slA\es tbnt he tried mrmy doctors ~nd many medicines, nil to no nVllil. Over a y~>ar ngo a frien'd advised him to try Dr. Willillms' Pink Pills and though he bad but liUlo confiJence in thetn or advertised medicine or ony tlescriptioo, a~ the· urgent re· quest or hl!l fden<l be deddod to

The nlarming intelligence was made, a 11hort l.ime ago, thRt the whole Kingdom of Great Britnio ~1'5 excited by the epidemic of. typhoid fO\'Ot which wll&nllrl\eting eo much 4ttenUon to llfaiclatono, Kent. lfbere havo been thirteen hundred cnsos in that town nod in its vicinity. nnd about fif~y death!\ hnve occurred. The epidemic was spreading at the rale or 1\ hundred and twonty cues doily, ancl tho authorities were working nigbC.nnd day in their cffort.s to crush out the lever Tho hospital nccnmmoda· tion wmr found jnadequnte; tam· pomr~ hospitals n·ere erected, Rnd the schools converted into sick wnrde. There nre numerous c~U~es of typhoia fever throughout the coun· try nmong people who recently ,.,.isited )lnitlslooe. Tho town au· thorities or tbu& place nrc hold re­sponsible for tho ouLbronk, owing to their refusal to renow lhe np­pointment or a wntehm!lll for the water supply at a salary or .£200 yearly . • ;..... ____ _

An Amherst desp:\tch ofthe illh in!ll. states that a big lumber deal hal! beon completed by a number of Amherst capilalislll whereby possesaion hu been secured of one of the most vnluRble lumber vro· perUW! in Newloundlond, nod op· emtioDJ! will bo carried on oxten· sh•l.'ly bolb this nnd successive winters. The properly is lha~ of tho Exploit Wood CompMy of London, and t'omprises 820 BqUt\rO ruilea located about 250 ~1iles from St. Jobn'11. It is benvily timbered with piuQ, 111uch of which is of large size nnd all of excellon~ qul\li· ~y, nnd birch,)>ulpwood and sprue­piling. On tbe property nro saw mills, both gong nnd rotnry, nod the necQssnry equipment for manu· fRcluring at low cost. The mill Is so situnted lhnt the heaviest 'lles~el nftoat cno lie at-the n1ills ~barf nud tako corgo. The slumer GfXJrQe is included with tho prOJX'rty .. H il!l estimnted that there are 2.50,000,000 feet on tho J,)rOperty, and the lnw figure at wb1ch it wall purobl\8od leaves .room for a wide lnnrgin or profit. Under the Newfoundl11nd la\Y tho land remains tho property or the orown, but is lensed for 20 years ot S2 por square mile, with· out ...tumpago or further taxation. The gentlemen interested in the deal are Roo. W. 'P. Pipos, N. Carry, N. A. Rhode.", W. W. tUnck, Avnr~ J : Black, Josiah Lusby, Robert Pugt<ley, C. T. Hillson, E. C. Pelton, George A. FtJwier, or ..hmhenJt.. ltul Dre. L:•,it,h f'nd Thomp!lon Smith.

The nfotegoiog will have a deep interest for oar veople, wbb ''"m be pleased to learn that outside nUen· tion Is Rt last being nltmcted to the valuable resources of New· fl)tmdland. Tbr.t. much gooil will retlllt therefrom will be the heArt.· feU wish or very many.

K eep Mionrd'a Unim,mL in the Houao.

Pure. rich blood feoda the o~rvca. That is 'A h)' Hood'• Sartaparilla•· thtS grea~ blood puri6er,~ea no~neu.

~..-~-....... ~ liB. SB BR.JIAll AOAII Repliea to Lord Sal~'• Boto Do­o~ JO Partloi~ bl the

WallllqtOD COilfereoce Wathin.;ton, ac., Oct. lJ!.-&-.:retary

Sherman hat written a re-ply Lo thco n.J!.C of Lord S...li·bury UJ.t:nalug GreaL Bn· LAin'• decliDAtipn 19 tllk" part. iu the:

tt ~ •• -~. . (

. ~ Wistafs · ' . · lalsiull· 1

-or-Behring Sea ~.·ottf~reuoc io which nus· ala and JapAn aro Lo partloiJ~&le. 'fl1e euentlal featurl'l or Mr. Shennan'• rf·· ply have bc(ln aen\ by CAblu lO tbo Bri~ uh-Go,•ernroent, •u1d thl! reply in Cull Ia now on ha '!I'Ay-lo tbtt Britiah authnrl· u~. Lord &liebury'• nnte or declina­tion, it cAn now -t,o etALC\1, waa .r .. u·J Oct. G, 10 that 1he naponee le m.ulll with pnlmplneu.

i·· Wild ~ Cherry-

·t~l• old rcllablo apoolflo oOU8he, colds and oil

~ a1eooaee of a pulmonary ~ naturo Nelly roullne Ita

"\\PUiarlty amons tho poo· plo. tt\ousando of whom may almost boeald to havo boon rolsod upon ll elnco It Me 10 lon~r boon tho unl· vo-.al ouro·all In so many homoe. Ita rooord for up· warda of a half oentury fa known to all and attostelte r'merkoblo moriL Forealo b)' oil Drua~•«~·

Seth W. Fowle & Sons, no-.

-'ono11, IIA88.

For sRI c. by Mc:;:Jr:~. •r. · ~t'~l urdo & Co., ~t . J t1hD1



The ana .. ·C!r eLillt'• tlu't. t he" Uuila l St"tea Govt>rnrocnt "iOifl whh oatuni1h ment thn dett•rminall<ln of -Gt"Cl\~ Bri·

'1nln »Ql. 1<1 particlplllo in a cnnft renc•• including Huwia an.t J•pau, amd lhv aLalemtn~ ia mllde I bat. 'up Lo Sc!J>l. :?'.! ~he Unit1.'tl Sl.llt.te autbocill~ had fu lly UJlCCLcd thi\Uho eonfen•nc.o would pro· coed 11:iih Rnaela and J•pan "' wr I ••e Great. Brlt.in preeent.. It is pdul· ,J out thatl\aido from tho writVn com a· J)Ondt'ncu 10 which Lord S..llebury h.td ealloo nttention, th,-ro were v•·•ll:al uc· aotialiona bet.wceo Amb..-dor liay a~>tl hla Lonlehlp In wbM a'pecll\c r ... ft-renco waa mado to tbo JIArtiCIJt·llion of Rnttia and .l:lpan. At 'lilt' or tlu ao •erbAI <'J:~gllll, i~ ie -lal.4!d, 1 ... 1rll. S..llsburr~u h i' woulc.l' lldviat· with Uu~ offictale of ~he Fordgn Ollieo 0.. t· wmiug 1hu au~·j~ote <litcU!Il-d, wh lnoludu tbtl parllclfla~luo nf Ruui.\ "1 toutulllllme t.ulll "' brlc::; l lt n .It buil t Japan. or uoarb.c," .. f , .\llt\UIIIJ ~ ~r.

:::iub4cq ucnlly, on J111y 29, Ambii.SI\• Whtth II wuru:llllmrto l>on•t nf ,.,.,...,,.,. " .., u makM Lwn lllollc- or l:'ra.<• artnr wlwro '"'~ d or Ha)' wrote Lo Lowl "'a lia'·nry l'l{'· ev,.r turno,l\ •h••·P J)ll>lun·lut'} '\ •-otnll~ltl. ur

i n~,: tbu Pr~titlcn~ hop~<d Lo hM·e Hue~ a "-':;;'j ~~~t-..';" ~~d~ ~~~~-~~~ ~~~~"~"';:',:­And~l particii. te in tho confrr· Pftll\ an•ldlua.., a n•t lr:wu t><-hhtol tolm th', (•net' \ i.tw u f l t'tll. citciilm&I.'Uh:t·'l, knowlt'<l.:" h•H~ tn uYN'I:·vnl~ 11-11~ lm,lln lho I Sl.al<.'l ••I conlldf'lltl)" <'lt· -h~r.-!•rt~·~~~·~ ?J,;::,~~~ ... ~ ~~;,';· ... ~~;t,f~'?.r ~'('C that Grcllt dti<in would ~"\1:6 bl •ln11 •Ill. remt~lu tJrtaM •::e• au~r tbo place in thoconrcrono~, aud ~~~·~ ·lluu114 I:::.~olln <"mro:ruro "'"'~ ,,....., uUtrlf ruri:fJC.. and Japan would I•C! rolpru~nted with Uere ra ·a •hnrt torv In uu>L lin~. ~In the approral of Orv..~ Bri~ain. R~ehh'!! ' loalc" 1; m~n #Orll'"'l 111 n mill. an 1 .:•W<i tho foregoing reply, Antl ln vi t<w llf tloc ~ ~ Mhot b•l•m,.• tA' tbe rrn.l mullllu•l• to ditTcrcocu which hnvc nrlaf'n1 th., l)~l!o ~~~~~:~''lr~~"q::!t'l•~•~ ~~~~';;;:~~~~~~At~:,. Dep-urutn~ euggtale n C\lllfl•r«'I\CC j 11 m 1 \Jr,, ha~~ot• "" t r''''· u •• ,.. IOiollll r 41"'11d accoal 'th I r I Dl1 "'"""•/ ftpr htl~t>.)n I (Who " Ill l"'l"lltn • ~nco '11'1 I It! 4'r-Oia v Lun S •I· u• t~r m.-ru 1111ln.: H) I• 1\ 1-"<· ... nk.,r, and n lal>ury • a~;recnlrn~, M ~ liD co.ut.cur!l it, ,.....r l'nr u .. hnnlto\1',. awe>\ al ol• ••·nrh. naml!ly, between eltJlt'l'le of Grc:al Uri· an•l ht "'"" '~'''••llhc tnlll-n- •~ ..alol. JL .,, h •• I lAktl \1\tJ •u J,;. fill lht:! • .,.,.: 1.;) tnr, t\Ut1 lO ~ u llhu L o u n trtl l:!t ato-a lltld Cnnnla . nn·l n1· · '' II• I'"' 111 Uo.aL •n111~ pur. Early 1 b ~~ f~lllUrtl i8 110 1V und~r t·oltl• hOtlr. 1~1•1 hot~. IIU IRoll\<lt hOW b<\<•k .. 11101 aiderat n loy the Briliah Guv~rn:n. nt r.i~\'•,'\'~~ ,;·~~~l~'~:o~.!?" 0

' •'">. ''"'tt• •1•..,1'• lie IU OCO ha•iug bt:tl\ lnllllllllli(·J \\'t'll, ><t1UC lim~ In h '• lhl• W'o)ulon """" bv oati l.o 1' · , 1' t I I '' lo. .. h4'Y I•••• r ~ .... ork. \ .• ,. \fbo tllku ~ e, t • h I Ill,) t'ltPf"Clt't toat. ttll till• \Ytlhturlb··•·>lln••l rRIUlWUrlr.,ur hi\\·•

onswt<r will bo mad11 until Mr. Shc•r. no mon•Y f•>r 1111 l·ul<'n"•· tb .. '"'""'• or 1111 m11 n'e a~t~wer in detail reaoh l't U,u11ott lan•lh•hl, ""'I r•IJIR<l "'""'It mNu• ,., .. ,., ., Jn ~llu Dl"AII!I"mo nre~·-tio~• I•Jr •loc• tn ku•sck totr 11\!rlc. \"o t ,.., •ll<'k U lttll;: •• v " ,. ~·• ·- • Wf' on. Toi~~J.•"•"· WI,. <:<~n~nl 10 tlruwn &Onfewnco lsetwr con t o Unil<od St11tc·• .ulnnc .,.tilt,.. Ia" otn".w t•• rlul<'h nt: ~'h•' Jtueai" and J11pan •te proottdin~:. ·n,~ ~~\~~.~.','r~~M·n. oheou:ht '" "'""' ""-'II 111 b..·l • • Jnpaoree d•·legllll'l, who aro no,. r ll " J ,.,o •I h~rdl.- ••At~ I "t 1111 loom " •ho routo from Ban .Frandeeo, bafc •lroldt'<l &.'>) ' • ' '1 )1'u an .,., •. ,k •• 1 M •l t... ·n 111' ,.. .• ,

r • Into lh~ •t•rlnr. ! ~ .. n• UloD I n .... t trll to eLop O~(·r .or two d11y11 1\l Clli~R" h•n :;tll•ll IIITCI, ,\nd .,, '" v. J:::wrrlloho11 '"'" 1\lld will no\ reach \\' aahlngv.>n lllll ii n troul• ·· lo '"'"• I "''"' ••>illi'<'Oon..,t nntl•le-

su d v A ' T r h R I sn:""'' 11 J roalttn•t .... t: ,n,· n., .... , .. ~ w.u.~ ll ·~ o,.Jt • 'AO \1 t C I~ 1\11 "lml'tol ,;on~. An•l When l.dlrl ~.u "IIUI• ••I

deleg('Ltl, M. Dot kino and M. Uuuluw· ""'net~"-'· I' burt 1!\0lill :to~ eh .. .-c no•lln tho eky, 1tt0 her.., and the rcmalnhw d ele- 11·~ .,, lit.~ •totna<:b. Thcro "''" " bhl•r.

u G b I '· • "' tnntbh ttt"to In n•1 u'Hll!'th. 4 1\11 tt ,..1~k· ntu, ~lll, :u. rv n t1.:y, II ex.,-cll·d aoon . w lu·J or'"" clrn'u• Ul~ ) ly •l"'llf!lh ~;IW•'o•it rhot'xpec~lion Ia tbat. ell Lbn del~~· m""' an .lmor~ 11nil U<t• n~no"' wort wb•n will b b l h 0e ·r llo~ l.n.lT lr.tmblu trllh wrnli:ti< ... L W hat e 'f"' ~~ toge~ er on t. a iled 111al eonhln'l tell.

- " ~·rom lln1• 10 11m~ I "''" obllt't"IIO k:wo • ~r ard' rJt411Jcont . ... 1 u Pb · · m 1 ..-ork ~~ th mill . an•l "" Y a t hom~ u.•. 1n I 1' ~ u...,.. 'J' )'IICJAn 8. o.~lf>ltall.)" l W410hl '"' l nlll llp '"o nr ·u, ....

• - W~tlt4 lu thll ,..,. f \ , a t Blll<lOU• tu ~·l Cali-1U'trt All the Time •••II; wli'> "ouhtu • "'' ~ 1 ...,,,.tl tlud two ,1,_

• t,pr1, unc n~t lno <>lh•r. 111 ho,... th~y ""''' ' "My daughter waa auiT.-rinF with AI'• Ill ... ~. TCtt•Y ........ m~ >nl"\ll~lo••· tm 1 la h r t l

· d . w a• non" th~ bt-11,. r. On• or t h•llocto"' u\.\ en rr o ~ 10 elomac 1, an ~nt:< many ony """'"'""'' 1ra.• conolltu<lunat '"" " 11""­tli.Oeren~ preacnptiona wilhou~ hr ndil. lf<'~hl· • ,,,., dt...,tor•• ou•.tlrlnr.ol lunk "'"""'· F111ally abe besan ~kin.- H ood'• Silt'- bU " ... ,,,dn'trn~h , .,,,. troubt<•. l'•·.u anor anpartita aud 1t. helped h er a t once. \, :. ,";~.~m,::,;!~!"~~~·tn!:.'!c: ~ She hat uken flf&.een buttlea&od is. no" ..... ! ... , • )I~~ tlnt<,llD•I eo loor,-ttom Lbe able lo work all the time. Wo1 prir.o 81

;:,.. •• • •• :'1~011~~:S~~: 1~{,\~ ~ku.O~t Hood'• Saraaparilla fery hi&hly." ANSA Mot,,• ,, ,. · Curattvo lfyrup, aotl c.o1 n Mt:IUliLt. .Eir\Qo Que boUJo • WalldniiCln, chumhl, n 7.t.,

> 1 • Jlfti&<J, \tl '' I h•uii~II<D l l fOr IOUrl~n dllJ'• I toll \fu .. •l Ollly "'llrvcol; nt,y rood AJ""M Wltb tnl'; l ntlllhe-.111 tUill .-•lnl'd •l rnf(lh. Ch~ Ul• l>l: lbl• ( kP~ 00 IUIUJI II, Ansi It H ooD's PtLLS acL barmonioualy with

Hood!~ &raaparilla. Curo all li v~r ilia. 20 ccnu.

,.. ... D"t. lonx !li•luro~ lllllho• p;>ln IIO•l •lltlr~·• W O ... aone like a boot tlfl'nm an• J WI\• a Utsff wom•n· tiiOO<llha\ llnu' f I. ••<' l'Djol·<"llhl' bH~ or bl'llllb. t>ili:D•-.11 ~looka U.~rnoll . 11.

Aller :Kany DayL . Mau•tJ.,nd Ruacl,l'ro •ton O,to~r 111111 l"'tl."

give lhe p,ills a trial, and according to Mr. 0 Brien it waa a lucky ven· \uri. Arter the first 'box bad beeu tAken, customers noticed the cbM~e. Rnd when three boxes hacl been ftnished.ult wu marvel-loua. His s bad returned, lbipover\'llhed renewed, mut olea. developed, rheumatism almo disappe&red. barring asli~bh'i . neu in knee joints, which 11 gmdu· ally going, antl in the last si~ ruontb6 he hils done more w"brk in his tailoring eatablisbmontf than he had accomplished in the pre· vious four years. A Freeman ropre· eeotatlve noticing the change in Mr. O'Brien's condition, Mked him to what he attributed his appnront good b~th after such a loos siege of illness. Without hesitaUun lio replied, "Well, I have taken no medicine in the p3.St yellf- other than • ·Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, therero,. I attribute my present condition aolely to th~ir use. They had eucll n goOd effect in driving rheumatism out or my system and building up my eha~(erecN:onstitu· tion, that my wife 'Who11e health wns no\ ony too good also tried tho ~il 1. A few boxes remedied .her Ulnea and ehe; too, l~t ll8 loud in her praise or them 1\S 1 am. MRny oC my customers and friends who wl(nessed tho effect of the pllle on my constitution commenced to use them, and they relate th11 t~amo story as I hove told you. 1 am R9 well now as evor I wM in my life.

A late London despatch intimnt­ed·tbnt a royal rosidonce in Ireland now appears lo ho within reoch, since the Queen seems to support· the proposition. In n ll>ng Iotter to the Duche<~8' of York congratu· Jating her upon the I$UCCCS8 of her recent tour "lth her hUtbond in Ireland, Her Majesty askd H ahe would like to speod pnrt of eRch year '1n Ireland. On the other bond. Mr. ~lichael Davitt declares the Irish do not wont royRity in Ireland, nnd he OMerta that tho Duke and Duchess ofYork mistoo~ Irish hospitalty for loyalty.

H l!l.'\,.11 tor lht III•PI'T t·n<t{na: IYhAl II frultll>ry

olmlleld, ~Ian., Ft b. H , 1890. th~ ta. T he wo .... ~ .,.n I• UJa \ • btl •houl•l W. H . Co.xsroc,., Brook ville, Onl. ha~o •oft~rt!<l •I!Jh l 1•'" ' wllh lndlr r •tl••n

DEAR SIR ,·-For l!l)'CAI'I mv wife wu anti li¥•Pt11"11" (th~ l1aDl' and IIJhl M wom• n1 ~ ·- wb~n • flo rot1h~ h•w o \Jooo·n eucM l n ~lqM

• . martyr lo that dri!Ad di•eu tl, d)'IJII'P· d.,.. had ab<" ltoown orlhu tlnuJ) a11.t u ~1 11a. Nothing relievffi, her,· ph~<eiei , 011 It In t b(o •rrlntr l th;. Th~rv ~ no inw•urln1

I d nd . t . or r:taurln11 <'nan ~liP<" rl~n«'<' IIIIo IbiS. H I•

Wt'rO cooeu ~t' 11 mediCAl aldll triC!d, df'lth In 111~. Yt~ lnm d..,.l• or thou•An•l• ,., without avail. One doctur ad,•ia~l a Y.o c n ch wo men nT<t J[ftlni thronah 11 a ll lht• Cll"llg~ or cllmMt• , . M (•~ , .. , ._,.., e.-\ln DO... W~ll ,.. .. c:an unl• ... ,~ • " " ~, augR<.'I 111g • •u ..,. tr1 tho "'"'lltln~ Uu•t c-11n·tl ;u,._ lbrl"l!tl. 1# b .. aa" UeaiDiblo place. Wo aclod up- u eurl'<l h•·•· why ouiJMI' on thie advice, comin~t hero Lwo~·~lll'l m·~~b~?.~"n~~~~~~~~ ul btlck: r 1~11 It agu. The change of ell mate wrou1h~ a .. t nod fi('Oplolll; 1 ttavl' l btm well .. . .. ,.. chango iodeeo, but. fot the wonu•, aa MothtrlkfJ •I. ' abo wae aooo confined Lobed, and n ndcr - --tho OAro or Lwo doclort, who n11ert«l REGULA TIQNS abo could lhe bu~ a naoulh Ienger. A . neighbor came to aeo her one 1lay who --1:-c--haJ boen reading your Almanac. ~ho R rot T Lold h~r or the teatlmonlala ahe ~·d In eljl~nce· 0 PUBLIC ASSAYS II, or the ~·~ am!>unt or guc.ld ~~~~r were doing, and advlatd ber to try a bo% of Dr. Morte'a lndlao Roo~ Pilla. Sho did so, waa rnllo~ed, kept lmsiroving, and Ia now ablb 1.0 do houae-work, and eontiuuee the-uae or Morae's Pitla.

" 1 . .A r.nl1sl-a 1'11111~ bco 11riotly ioclu·l<-.1. under th<' Colluwiu~t head• :-.

Dr. WilliRml' Pink PHI If cure by going tq' the root of tho dieel\lle. They renew and build up tho blood, aod strenstben th~ nerves, thus driving · d1seaee from the B)'dtem. Avoid imitat.ions by insisting thRt every box you purohose is eu"tlosoct In 11 wrapping bearin~ tho full trade markj "Dr. \Vilham11' Pink Pille fnr Po e People. , '

"Sold by all deRiet~~ in medici no or will be aeot post )Jaid nt 60 cents per !Jox or six boxes for S2:50 by addrCl!&iug Muars. 1'. MoMur<lo & Co., St. John't~, wholel!ale agents for Nf\d."

(. H BURNS uo SCA LOS."- lf r un llro

110 nofortunatt- 111 to injure younself in tbla a , wo cian aogtet a remedy tbaL

w peak from expetienet>l 1000 r..lint' y or all pain and CJillok(y helll lho WO d: i~ 008L bttL twt"flL)'·Ih·o etonll fstr Uu· Nl-w llitr llcotllt> and I~ aold by air Drul!l{iala- ntk for l'J:IliiY D•v~e' PAD'Xtu.u.

- Do You Use It? It's the best thlog for the

hnir under all circumstances. ' Just ns no mao by tAking:

tbbught can add an inch to his sta.turc, so no preparation eau make hnir. The utmost that can be done is to pro­mote conditions fovorable to growth. • This ls done by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re­moves dandruff, cleanses the

• scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, nod, just ne n desert will blossom under min, so bald heads gro9f hair, when the roots are nour., ishecl. But the ~ts must be there. I£ you wish your Jrair to c-etnin its normal color, or' U you wish to re~totc the lost · tint of gTtlY or fndcd hnir use

Ayer' s Hair Vigor. ·

Youra gratefully, G.:o. Dus!'f. ~

SrA~"iT!aD JONCilO.'i, P., Q. 121b Au~. 1Stl3.

lfwae. C. 0 . Rt£trA.11Di ft. Co. . G;o.-rr.osx.'f,-1 fell m tho llrfd~:e

leading from a pia Lo & loadt~l cn r whllo at~iatlnr m4ftl Jn onlOtldlng R lotut of grain. o bridge we-nt. d••l'fll

•ae well •• tllo load on my back, .nucl r alruok oo lhe tnde or the alec~rt, c:tu~· in& ~ aorloua injnr.y tQ my lt>g. t'nlf for 1La ~eln~t •cry iltehy, woultl h•\:,. broken lt. In an hour J cou ld not wnlk A aiC'p .' Commtneld uelng M ~ t\ltl)'d. LINIME."'T, and tho lhinl cl"y M·nt tO' Mont~• I on bualoi!Q nod got. 11bo111 wrJj ~Y the uae~f a ean!'. l n t1•n rh•ve wrta ncari.J we.ll. I can aioc<rt!y f..'l·um· mf'ud it. 1111 lho ltu\ Linim•'nt tJ1nt I know of in uae. Yourt~lruly,

G. a. OuRI)OS.

Ta Dye Or Not to Dye th~t ls thequdUOn : whctt.t:r It b ticuer to .rJ.U lha.l bde4, s!::.bbJ drC¥ and en•htre tlie -.:J..rj:l loolcs oC all your -n~roc:d ne•~:h~, or ~ po:rcl: ~ ~ rw:kace· of Dlnmoud Dyes ftnd 1~ure t!J frc-.!•ne.s in

~oother culot - m~kinj; :l ~~-~'· now draa• for ton cents.

Diam9nd Dyos t\f'O rn~tdo for hom~ usc. Ab• olwlely rcli~bl!). Any cc!or.

1<01·\ ~~Ia,.., I• ter.• a N•h ·•· trOir.oo u.,,. lloolt ILI>d ll4aaJai>k cr •olortol u~tll. rn.e.

Wau.a & Rla!nMO'f 00., lll~, l'.Q.

(I\) All~>\ye of ~I \lUll Ito on:a. (b) A Uil) ' o( •oila ft1r agricttltur.ll

Jlllt po.t!'t\. (o) .Auaye of ffllt-t·r for dum<ftti4·•

. purp0"1 e. {d) A:W•Y• t•l lln•.;r!IK•" fur 1\ktthol. ::!. t<:tt'h liiQlJ>lt• ~UIUL b,, Oh\tkt~l i ll

aNne dl,llncth··· \\ :•~. tithl'r hy 1nuuhrr , or letter, t·to,

a. S.\1111•1··~ lllll•t IJil t l•t.' uurl:t"\1 In g<·ll('l ;tl t'·rma, n_:, " fur nu,thti"," hnt mu•l L I•IJtkr.l "r"· r r •t•J' ·r, "fur $:"!.)," • rr. .H t il, Mno llmt tiu 1111•-s· lit " nl:l\" ho h l:cd, •• la thi• lf\:ci : tn bo of v&luo?" ·llll Al11•hc~tl<•n..; mi•~t he n•:utc tlll"> •ll~h alu• ,::)urYe) f•r Gt."rtcr-'1.

4. l' .. m •lu t-<~llu l It• 1\t l'l t·•· I from Cul\pmiu t•r ."nnllr!•e \': l,u 11nt c.n•lo~ll>' .,... ricin:: "tnl•tf'\ 111 r INm 1, r· (••: • '41'l)fl <' '" .-If .,~1 tu u ~ tl••ll ~~ 111•• " ' 1m uf .. ay tlun:..·h·,~. , ii. ~ lltl)•ln nu~t~ hC' llt·lrl in lh• ir lt•ri'l;ir!.l r.•rm-nn: !Ortllhll~ up. Two; r (l,ro • l l\-llllllillll lbl' c:\:111 lllitwr.ah 1\'i ' l elllli o; in l h(• c:A•~ or w.•lrr, t\\u t,'al· lon1 . •

u. '11•i" <ll•(lartm•·n~ l'.wnoL t•ro:n!; • It ftiV<· ,·aluc:~lm rrtll'l.rtica. itr dlll\ Ia to tit 1o rrnir·o roouo n:s. ' : ' . ~· Soil• thntal•l "" h•rt~•arde.l in cv

111111 of Otlu ur t\vo II. a. }J. J. B. \\'UW.

, $ur"cyor (hnu11. Sl .luhn'~t, April f\tb , ht~7 · = -=


Page 3: ~NO ~HIS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18971103.pdf · in thetn or advertised medicine or ony tlescriptioo, ... warda

C t . ......;. 1 to advance \berepula\lon or eanb'a . A on men IIGJ. beeL medicine Ulan all \be new•

Rep tatl. on pa~r ar\lclel ··~r publiabed. • 'J'be l(re&t maJorUy of dileuea

. \bd end in mtaery and ear\b mlabt Paine's Caler~ Oom- be <Juickly and permanently t~utecl

. if etck persona could only be in· pound and 1ts Thousands duced to uee Paine~e Celery Com·

of Advocates. · po~bt~ woriderCul medicine baa a noble record or curu-an array. or l.eiiUmony that i1 truly magosft· cent and utoniehing. The rbeu­maUo, dyapeptic, nenous, el~~ less, weak. ron-down, !'nd .tboee tormented with blood dsaeuea are aoon made well and strong by Paine's Celery Compound. Even ir your doctor hu doubts about your cue. Paine'• Celery Com· pound will aorelr and certainly give vou the bloom of heahb and long years or bappineaa.

Go "here you will overthe whole ~urth!Amencan eonlinent, you will hc;tr;;.Pniue's Cel,ery Com~und spoken or; und an ever vs1lage, ll\\'n and o1ty you will ftn~ some, who, through tho Compound J pow· er. hnve round health and new life.

People delight in . tellinJl :tu o:hcn~ "hat Paine's Celery Com· 11ound hos clone for them. No wonder lhnt th~re are \ens or thou· ~nndli •or ardent and enthusiastic ;nis ionaries all o\•er the cnnUnent •1.enking good words 11bout Paine's Celery Compound to those who need a curing and healing medi· cine. The friends who have spoken for and recon1mended Paine's Celel'f Compound bave don• more

Dr. MORS 'S INDIAN !Oot Pills.

Dr. Morse's Indian ROO'l\PILLS.

Dr. Morse's I ndjan Root Pills


.. Root Pills·

Dr. Morse!s Indian Root Pills.

-Let your druggm or dealer know that you must llave "P&iue's.'' u imilatione.cannot meet your cue.

lillnard'e UnlmcnL tht Lumberman'• Fril'IKI.

~e. Doctors Bills, use Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.


- ----·----

~EBTABI.TSBBnl 1'182.~

Head Oftlce: 19 Lombardi- •. · - · Lond~

The ·bulin- or tile PllQIRIX ie ~e of the ~ in the wor·ld--Utt .. &1111lDM .pretpaiD iDcome ezceedias On MILLIOll

~Bill Head~, Let~r HeBda, Note Head .Poeten, Carda, Cireulan, and all kinde of other Commefcialaad General Printing can be bad" the 8T.t.lfDA&D 061oe.~.

HOMtt.Y ON NERVOUSNESS, .... ........, ................... _., • ftla9 ... ...,_

'lbe 1110.& GIRal iJuol a& tM ooi-1DIIDI of 1,. ....... ,.. ....,. tbe fad &hal MnOU OCIIIIplalatl, • .,._ OWllJ -w IJ7 tiM ...uo.l ...... 11011, are peaUJ OD U.. bacnut. Oaaa· p:uiaoD wUl ~ &beaft AJMr. Ieana 111'1 .bloolllloa, U we .. 110& aJ. read7, the IDOit b11bJ.1 at;naq Ul4 MIT· 0111 people lu &he wmld.

Baa nenoam-. u ....... pt ... IW04-' bJ 'fao rloOJ wtn IZI8Ulllll otu-._ ~~am~ to boa oer&ala IMI!DbiMDa .,.._DOlle. I am ooutderlar U. pobaa fraaa UM .,. •• ta~ w diudYaD .... ol a 1QIDIIJl. II =~ DOiao &be oaaa « lbDpl,y the m· ckDee of ~ 'l'IIU'• whaa I want to how. To be aleuw, Ia IIMft ool• the creator ol ~ or Ia tho aniYerial coaaplaba• o1 CbMa IIOia. mt'rel7 tbe e'll~ ol ~ -· ~? .... bf the .rca ar na.m-ma. 1 bdlne, 11r1 from u. CIGIIfulc.a o1 caue ad elreo&.

Wbi'.D a letter Olllft• RddalJ' u4 uupectecl),f plpee hJa dWI. .tad11 wlala­Uo ap a Yibna& hallwq ad -me to •tan. n 1a eav 111411U1nl·eo 117 1ae

mallwiDO~ ~ .. - --­ntad tra111, brabl aan. appoMIIM a 1ta&i011, ca1111DI eftlll7 ..-a to_.... and ahrlek, U "11t1J47 t..ua em adp." anll &he cbup Ia futad,r llld-­Uio rellroad OOIIIJIU.)' ol aa.&tq ....,.. 0111 dllordcra. WheNII, &bt ,_.. .. J WU DUVOIII alralodJo IIIICllhe .... CIUo rkr'• ahd.U w~ ODl7 ~ h, and If I bad DOt bela a atr- fraaa Denoomell &he eJnated 1101111 woaJ4 llimpl7 bne bad no dect tlpOD ~ miad wbetriar. ADd U I .a clowD Ul4 wrote to tbe IMWIJIIJIG'I 00111~ aplna& all UM. Dllblfo14 Dol.. t lhoald OD.IJ acl..nlaa ..,. Dll"'11U OCID­diliou to tbe wllole oaaamulQ'.

I am aware Ula& I llball rQ aoatlr to &he. poplar U1ac17 ,.._ I -a Ulat DOlace ba.,. DOU!Iq w.....,_ to do wllh Del'ftCIIIMIL Tbe _._ ...-1011 wUl jump bJcbv u4 q1dDbr wbaa ll.lotiJapproeohed from the nu, belDr UIIUI*teclJ.1 ccmboDied .U.U7 ba the dart. belnr ~ndllenl.J toaaW bJ -oae all I Ula& momu& Ulllll or 1IDheud, or e'IUI JIIO" moro lllnODI aDder ocm­dltiODI of ablolata ailaoe. U oaD be eaallJ dalaODatratad aha• a IIWl wbo co tloap like a babe 011 the J.lue of tiM eleYatcd road will be a~ .. tile c:row of cblobDa lu the ooantz7, 11114 ,et be ,unable to lloap .. DO IOII.Ddl ..

-.IL Tbe man who il d~ bJ tile 1101ae. of u. alty Ia a Dlr'IOIIII m&D wbo woal4 to. aU mpa 011 alleaplell OOQCh 1u the dead qas.& ar the aoatz7. '11111 oal7 reuoD diaN fiiDCift Din a a- Ia 'baoaaoar IDOde ar w. ..... DinOU-111& We drlalr .... ..ab aaon, ... ... ad 10 the JIIIOI ~ u..a • ..,. lt - to ...,_.., 'Jodr a..kL




ft..-. AN a Few W1ao AN a.wuac~ Lll>o

enlly, "' a-nu., u.. u..a- Joo No& PnetaW., .... , .. ..., Ia 'ftoM c...-b7Ban ...... FMt-

Into a room In an ap towll oftlce

Ilea wbo wodt '".a.:.~ ... oa, ill, or b)' U..

-tet', or an n· poii'Cd to die cold or dulp are prooe

. to Md'c'r from that

• ·--Dalallll dW. -. rlac•aaallut. Tllla Ia ad~ of 11M blood ud c:u oal)' be pu. _.u,. c•rcd b,. IOiac baa to flrat IJMaclplca IUid 4fri.,hac oat all hap•rltlu, aad 6111ar die ar· tcrin willa • -. ricb, red. beahla)' llfe.atrcam.

blilldior tbuo paaMd at im.',allll' law. 'fAll JOIUIS women who. afw h..,IDI IPtD'- IIOIDO Umo lnaicSa, ruppeam a& tba door and atllJUd dowD the ftlah& of atepe that lead to Ule areet. ThJa haP: peaed all dq. A liDo of wa.aa WM continaallJaolor In and oat. Noae ar them ltald YU'f 10111, aod noae of ahem leta t be room w llh apn!litlona of

Tllla b tile rca­llaa wh1 Dr. Pierce'• Golde:a M~cal Dia­_,. b lUI uuCalUar cure for that en-. It I• tbe rmti.Ht or all blood meclklau..

pardcular utlltactlOD. · "I don't tblnk dlerecoold bo any bet­

ter wamlng," aald a thesbioal mail who bad au omce OJII)OIIto the door Uuoa.ab wblob tho atrla dlaappeartd. "to wcqen who Ulllllt of 101111 oo tho -.o than tbo alrht of lha& lbfn.J of womm. ~ Ia • Uleatrlftl acbllbp.A anclln ~ ot Ula& om• fba7to OY'· _, day. Somo of tbem--'lbo laeky em -cU11ppoar after 6whllo, and &hCJ to bno foand plaoea. Bat tbo m como and ao far a Ions &iDle be! oro any· t.bina il foD.Dd for them. Tbo bH& dcD't oomo to tho achan8Cf, JOD koow. Ool7 ~ who are not well cDODgb lmowu to~ aeni~alwqe!D dc.mud

It nniH a ltKJ~ IUI4 heart,. appetite. It ~ all dlsordcra or tbe d~o• aad IDaltca tile auballatioa or tbc llfe·rfvlar ele-a~ or tile food pcrlftt. It hl•t.­alH tbe ll•u aad toad tbe a~ rt h1 the anatHt of all ltDOWD blood·m&ltci'J and blood. pariliers. It buil<b 6na, bulth)' letlb. but dou aot llllk~ corpulut people mo~ CU"pUie:at. Uallltc cod IIYCr oil, It doalaot 1111.ke flabby llc.tl. bot tara down tbe aDhultll)' t iMan tbat coa•tJtatc COC· palncy, carriu off aad eacrcte:a them, and rcpl- tllcm willa tbc 10lld, mucalar tb­aau of litaltk. It dri•n all hapuritla, dl~ rcnu IUI4 add• (rota tbe blood. la Dr. Pletft'• eo.- ScMe MKical Ad'llwr .. .,. eatreftft fi'08 lbnm~ .. ..t wb---~*m1 -.~eea.­the 11t0rJ or tlldr lftOftf)' aadef l.b" -derful sDcdldu. Tllelr aames, ad~ aad pboCornp&a are rfwea b)' tllelr 01n1 ftqUnt, aJid at170De wbo wbbu to do 10 .. ,. write thCU~. Cpod dra~ ICll tile "Golden Medical~.

Wbca a dealer tlfK" - wt.lltatc lie'• lblakiaf of tile 1aJycr pro6t be'll m.alt~aot o ,...r -staR.

are ed to ~ook for poaiUona t.hroa o ~tl. The otbua can ao to tho manaauw. or, D' IODIO rue cuoa, haYe tho maDallfl'W 001110 to them.

"Thoro De'f'or W&l a aabject aboaa which I• wu rull7 lmowa lhazr thea of tbo row•rda &hat a life on the ltap bri.DI to a woman. I remember to baYe -011011 an intanlow with 'Lotta Qrab. tz.eo (n The 8D.D lu whioh abo 1alcl thllt &he atqe gne wom~ IDore &han any o~ pro.featotl ooa.ld. Lotta ia 011e ~ UI~~Hllf'7 rlob women of the aaace. and I afreld that optimlltlo opinion wu aft moro or 1- b7 her own 111 U ' lbe bad not aocumulatecl t6(10,000 or more, LotU mlsht not look eo fa't'oreb}Jt apon tho •ta«o u a maana of ll'llliboo4 tor, womaa. ~ "The ideae that are preulont about lalarieo, tho pneral. idea of &he 1 argo IUDOD.Dtl paid and the pro1pe0t1 for ll't'· Ina mODOJ tbal aaeb oca~patlon alrCI'da are aU hued oo 'ltr'f errODCl0111 impra~­aiODt, Tbve 111'1, of c:oaree, aoton Ula& mako larJo aama, and aome ahaa make fortuDel. Ba& tbe.ro 111'1 not IJUiil7.ol them. There are ftT1 ffiW paop1a, b lDat.ance, who would belJrra tba&...,.&lM leadlnaladt of a prollliDID& NfJW ~ ltoDk ooms-7 rete ool7 tt oo a"'II"''k --thatll, foraboll' 10 W.U.oftho ,ear, ar ma:~be 15 a& U. oatllde. OD tbe road abo ~1.,11 tlU a week. A oartain amODDt Ia paW b7 be:r muapr toward bl1' octtlliiiOI, ba' wbea U happcna tba& &he plqa are no& aaooellflal and ban to be chanred trequenU7, the ~ ar Cllllta.Diee - ap a 1arp pi'OPIIriloa ol what abo IIIIQ' ma1r.. The JDon popular leadlnr woman In Amorloan rooot..• on),ftlll5 a wetk wlioD abe la in New YoU: and an utra tt5 oo Uleroa4. Yo& u mADJ of tho people at tho t.bea*ut in wbJcb abe acta 10 to Ill b• MIO to­Ule !Uar' wltla whom lho'a _..&eeL Bat &M'1 to be a alar bera1f a1iw awbll-. and thm abo will make 111011rh to npa:~llar tor all tho &.lmo abo wu bulldlnaap be:r pop.larity, OYAD u abe wu not flttlnl rkh.

• 'Tb- w01n• &baa re& &be lal.arSal I IJ)Oke of .,.. tho belt paid in tba _.. lrJ. Amonr all tho -.a 011 &be l&ap I 4oabt U ~ 11r1 10 wbo noain u m11Gb ae Uaat. OM lo.tlnf lad.r in • !ifiW York tlleatar reteODJ.7 .. 5 a waalr. Tho w.-• who aGt oo Ula roacl with ~&ar~rehaaallyt711 ortsO, an4 in tome cuoa ttOO. Bat, ael aald, then are not JDanJ of them in tho Ju& ecbedule. The price~ nnp OD dowD to tl0, whtch Ia abo~\ tho ~mall• aalar7 paid to an:r w0111an In a am o1.ua oompaaJ.

"When &hOJ pl to be atara OD their OWD acooant, tho cue Ia ditrazat. t1aa· alJ7 tho WOIIIOD Man 1'& oartain 1111111 "C'J' week In ..W, aad outalll amoaJita from Ula proe11. Some of tbe belt paid sot poo a weak In aalar7 and

, 011o-qaarter of &he proata. Tben ~ beaiJ1 to ·make mone.J. OD-.qaarter of the ~ta mq oqaal, 1Uidtr fa'IOI'llblo ol.rcumataDoea. tJ,OOO. That milk• tb•, lalar)' of t.bo actor eDpaed on the tuma menttOMd tsOO a waalr. Bat onl7 tho Jacky oneta aaceeo4 in our aoeompliah· 1ng10cb ~~~cto~~ u that. oi C<I1IJW tbcra are oUttn who take the moo•J and merel.T litre their Baa thq are .UU fewer IIDI tier.

".A.Dothe.r 1 &hat hu to be aaltw Into c:ou.dderadoa Ia the fact lhJia a wo­JD&D bae oa.17 a oartalu time on the ltqt. Sbo mOlt be a reollll to lMt m11Gb bo70Dd 40, aad aiM 1a Dot llbl7 to become tamoaa mach before 10. So ber time Ia rather abort. A.tc.r•oertaln period the dooli.De bogiAI and aalarle. begin to,o dowu, j111t u be.foro the I8Q, 1117 of 40, the7 ln~. Tblnk ot the few rich or ,.,on oomfortablJ otr women of Ule atap. Tb•J could bo ooa.ntecl 011 the llnge.ra-LoU.a, Mqgte )(ltabell, huoy Da't'enpod and Olara :Uorria. 'rbere mq bo a few otbora, bat tho)' arc mighty few. Oompan thla with tho lons ltn of womeD tbat ha•e beaD popa· la.r and aaectafol iq their youth, aDd 1 think 7011 will agree 'l'rith mo \bat ~ women oa the .... are not u well petd u the aspl.raDtl think. "-New Yprk SIUI.

.;~~~...::::..~-.~~ Tri~ ..UO.. ~Co., AIL "Dr. Plcroo'e Goldn M~t ~..-plotdyaan4-at a caet ol oaly bor dolloin ..

For a rr«, papcroCOftrcd copy or Doctor ~·• Commoa ScDH Mt41cal. Ad..W Mad 31 OIM-«.Dt etampa, to ~ .CUNO­U\t malll:ac oal)'. C\oth·boabd ~ ewapa. Acldrcq Dr. R. V. PI~. Bulfalo, N. Y. A .r mcdka1 Kbrar)' Ia ouc td-pqc 'IOIIUIIC,

GlJARDIAN Fire and Life

A~surance Co'y. LIJMITED}


~a> Onn.u.. ..... ..£2,000,000 Stg. Tor.u.l.rBan» P'OltD8 UP. AWAli.De OF .................... 2,7~.!000 Stg. UW.u.bCOlB Ol'W'DIIOJ' liW,OOOSt.g.

The GUARDIAN being a flrat-clua EngU.h Inaurance Oom,._ny, o«cn aU thoae ad't'allt.agoa moaL deairable to ln· au.re.ra, 'lis., UDCioubted atablli~J, favor­able te.r:ms and promp~ 1ettlement to clalma Cor lou.

The UndcmiJDed having been ar,. pointed Aaentl Cor Newfoundland aro prel)l.l'ed to iaauo Pollolea apfnat lou bv~re.

T. ck M. WU.'TERJ..St. John'•· C. & E. uODDEN,

Sob-Agent. Hatbor Grace, NOcr.

- THE-

QUEEN Insurance Co: toRt in the Great ConUngrn­

tion the &um

$541,000 and the

QUEEN INSUR~NCE CO. pais\ ont to S98 .,C 1ts pntrons. whose policies were involved in the fire, exi\Ctly n. similA1 amount, viz.,

$5~1,000 JOHN CORMACK,

Agent, St. John's, A. T. DRYSDALE,

Agent, Harbor Grace.


Page 4: ~NO ~HIS - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18971103.pdf · in thetn or advertised medicine or ony tlescriptioo, ... warda



8o far u we hue h~~od means of jodarioK, one of the pleuin1 f ... \urea of the eledoral campaitnjaat paaeed baa been \he compara&iYe freedom from Yile and ecaDdalooa and low-kKled abuae \ba& baa cbaracteriled \be public utter&Dc•

• of p......- ·and plaU'orm speakera. \Ve say comparaUve, for evary· body mual admU that lbere hu been far too much ohuch sort or illegiUmat.& powder aod shot used. In fact 10roe woQld say that. it is doubUul whether we have mAde ani lmpronmeo\ In this BUll, we think the C.reful obae"er will agree with ut tha\ we han. A good deal of the ~urrili\y and name-calliog characteridnf \be preeeo\ campaign hu been euper· ftcial in ita character, only akin·

and only what be ex·

lbe Result ol tbe Blectlou. ~

H.usoa Gucs Hon. W. H. Borwoocl1078 Capt. Eli ~e 1065 W. A. Oke 10158 VV. Ward 916 Capt Henry Dawe 90IJ A. G. Kunn 850 D. J. Green 247

Buam Capt. Chu. Dawe (0.) J. A. CUR (G.)

C...UORU W. Duff (G.) A Penney (0.)

FaaYLA.IfD M. Cuhln (G.) Geo!Be Shea (0.) M. FUrlong (_G.) M. Condon (I.) JWhite (0.)

&. Y•DE·VJlaH (0)

Maoclen••el (G)

905 890

687 602 .

809 677 612 24l; t03

1086 1018 829 789

ST • . .loKII's WDT. Hon EPKorria 1762 Jam• T-.ler 1610 Jam• Oallahan 1688 T M White 1461 0 llyan 1'-18 1 Chafe 1371

ST. JoJUI'a E.ur J Fox 1973 T. J. Murphy 1720 L. O'B. J'Qrlong 1677 E. Shea 1681 R. J. Paaooa 1• P. O'Neil UOl T Kwtng 669

PuCU"fU. W. J. S. Donn~ (0.)

li.~~~8.t 1. McGI'Mh o.~ P. J. 8coU ( .) J. 0'1Uel17 (G.)

• BolrA"YUU. D. Blandford (0.) 1. Cowan (O.J J. A. ~IDeoiD (0.) Dr. N& (G.) A. B. J(aidO (G.) J. Blaedlord (0.)

'.l'WiwJio~ R. Bood (0.) ~

D. Browli1n1~0.) A. Goodrlcfie 0.) 0.~(0. A. B. 31odl:ie 0.) G. Taternet (0.)

• FOJmllfL H. R. JhJward (0) J, J. Pi"man (G)


1769 1707 1704 10015 980 SIN

1865 1618 1674 1016 leo& 1447


"'" B. BNDuaer JO) . 2887

l::::rJ.> = 8lr W. V.Wbi&ewaJ' (0) Jal6 0. Ouehae (GJ 1196 O.K; Jolulloa (G) 1176

Boam. Blr J. 8. WID&er (0) B. Lake (0) G.04a(,&) w. l'aJD• {0)

FCIOp. T. 0. Duder (0) . O.'P~e(G)

• 8t.GJo10a' .. K.P.Ol. M.~De J.HaJII

Bncnlo. B.Y.Mot& J.Kaua,.

er. B.u-. A. Bndlhaw (0.) .A..A.~(G.)

1(111 101.2 rm rm

718 4M

,._...aDd BDDPI1 ~for u­C4-. ..,._ • ooaapac& formticf Ualdy , .. ...,. . ~. JS.-Whale ftth41y lot&l failure. Ca&U1o, Oabao rebellllider, bu beeD

klllecl. Bn&lah J!'vpUaD Ez11edUloo Ia a&

Ben JllYRpalam. OIJiaaa bf_gma. Denieb• O\&erlf dee&roYecl 'l1aful

\dbe lor nlllllo1 co a&&ack &be Brtdah. Berber and Kecmeb .,. depopoja&ed.

Ocr. 27.-Wirburlon "becomee Premier of Prince Edward laland.

FronUer iribea con\lnue deter· mined oppoeiUon to British ad· vance. A collision Ia feared. Brit­iab West Iudia Regiment baa been ordered inland.

Dr. Patenon or New Glugow, N.S., died yeelerday.

Oor. 28.;-'l'be Duob .. Gf Teclt died yeat~rday.

BJlAin IJaa&a a new foan. The reply of'tbe United &a&.el Ia oonoUlatory. AKtU~ •now•&orm occorred yeaLer­

daJ'_ ro 't»lorado. Yelll)w feYrr Ia eprudiog lo the

UnUed· B&a&ee. Tbe dead-look In \he A111t.riall ParUa­

Jilftl\ ooa&.lnu•. lfo'f. i.-The burin« &abel')' Ia a f&il·

are Ia NoYa ScoUa. Tbe macbre1 fteh­eq Ia fair.

Laurier and n. .. a. "J)IOOeiCI &o Wub· llii&Oa 011 lhe Bebrlac a. OoofereDOe. Ttie Anaerioane ~rea&eo· &o kill lhe Prhololl' IM&I herde ebould Oanada COD· UDae pelaalo ~ <..

YellOw tmr Ia abaUil


QCaeral Blectloo_.89J, -Huaoa Guoz.-8 Membere. Henry_ Dawe 1140 R. 8. ».ann 1125 Ell Dawe • 888 .. W.Ward ~2 D. J. Green 100 D. Browning ~ Alex. Squires . Aln. Parton• 86

&r. JoJUI'I W.aT.-3 Membere. Hon. E. P. Morrie 2J1J7 JameaTeaier 1962 H.. M. Furlong 1780 Hon. M. Monroe 1602 P. J. ScoU 1669 J. Callahan 1258

H.uaoa .MA.IH-2 Membere. Frank Morris 1011 W. Woodford 878 R. Macdonald - 448 W. Holden 258 Mr. P. Gibbe 137 • BoaiN. Dr. Tait W. Pa£:. ILIA uier H. Knight


963 960 5~ 491

Sir W. V. Whiteway 2086 Boo. R. Bond 1936 J. H. Wa~n 1639 W B Grien 1462 R Bremner 1813 Edward White 1102

ST Jou:c'e E.ur James P Fox 2134. T 1 Muaphy 14.52 L Furlong 1296 J Bc)ggan 1229 M Fenelon 1142 J D Ryan 1102 J Callahan 805

Batous. Charles Dawe 601 J A curt 461 H Bartlett 442

OARBOOAB. \ W Doff, 471 A Penney 899

PremaLuabtliclalea m&J' be preYeDt.­ed and Lho lr&ir Jude &o ~· 011 beadi already bald, by \he aM Ot Hall'• Vep SlcUlan B&ir Renewer. ·--The Harbor Grace _jut. of \he 0&110 ol tho Polino wu oooeip~ bJ' S&ewan Huon & Oo., Dol llonD & Oo. ulnad· vertenUy el.a&ed ln.luL !Mae.

-M. T. Jooee wW allow 80o. aacl iOo. &o l.bo dollar for untea'la&end and = ~red Union and ~naerclal note~ duriog \he monLb ol Bo•em~.

-The S. 8. Portlale ex~~ lo 8&. John'• from New York and Rauru t.o­morro" or early nul dA7 ; &he S. 8. Cape BreLOD from Mon\nal ou llooday womlna.

-The Newfoundland ca\cb of flab for the pu\ N&IOD inoludlng Lllbrador"is eatima&ed at 1,000,000 quin\D.la. Thie would mean 800,· 000 quinLala below the average.­Daily Nt:W. .

Sir D. P. Chalmere arrived hure ~J lhe R. M. 8. StHria11 Monday_. He ia the Jndce &o ~1'1- the bank wreckere. Bli Lordllalp Ia an elderly gen\leman,and, apparently, a man ol great force of oharac\er. Be is now agueetofBia Excellency Sir HerbertMu.rry.-~m.

• .A!UWW. A' Carboneu, on Sunday,by LbeRev.

P. W. CoUey, &muel Aab, l'bereu Webber, bo&b or tble &own.

A.\ St. Jobn'e, oo l.bo 27&b inat.ba& tl}e Church ol ~land CaUiedral, y the BeY. J. B. Bradford, Hr. Wm. Buller, ol 8&. Jobn'a, tO Miu Olcily Spooner, or Brigue.

DIID. Oa Tueeday, Lou lea, relicl or tbe lat,e

John Kennedy of BHr'• Co\'e, and mother ol J. W. Kenoedy, aaed &! yrara.

Tble (Wtdneedaf) fDn'noon, afier a l(log IUneee, C&thet1ne, wife of Mr. Wm. It. 'l'appl-.J'daughter or tbn lat.e Ed­ward P: ke of Moaqult.o, aged 18Jear..

A&. Hoaqul&o, on 'doaday lul, ~e Pynn, an old and well·known realdeat ol &bat place, a god 71yean.

A&. Oarbooear, on HoodayJ_EUubetb, relirL oC Jobu Clarke. aeocl oo Je&n.

At 8,. Jobn'e, on Tbur.da, luL, alter a loog iUneu, Capt. Wm. Power, aged 62yeara.

AL Haliluft.~f!· 28nl, J01epb, IOU ot Boborl and nab Lilly, aged 23 Je&n. Ooe precloue t.o our bear&a bu gooe

The Yoioe we loYe Ia edlled. Tbe place IIMide ncaaL In our homo

Oan neYer mare be IIUed, Our FaLber in bla Wladom called

The booo hie lo'fe bad &inn; And lhou&b on earlh &he bodyllee,

Tbeaoulle eale In Beaven.

Be wu To-D.v. 'l'ia naadn ... a.o Poet Office Notice. neglecL a CO¥&b or cold, bt'Wefer aUab&.. OoOeumptlon may follo'!t. and \bouah Da. WIG'.u'a B4UIU& oP WILD CuaaT hu frequeoUy cured \ble muob dread· ed diaeaee, '' alrnoa\ Invariably cu~ \he p~ dleeaaea oJ Lbe &hroU, lunp aolPcllee&., wbue o\ber remedlea fail. L



pet 8 8. IJ"'""' "via' PlacentiA will be cloaed atthe Post Office, Harbor Grace, Every \VEDNESDA Y and SATURDAY MORNING at 8.45 o'clock.

A. T . DRYSDALE, Poe\m11.8lor.

-The Supre;;c;,urt on Ci. opened at. Brigu11 to-dAy, Mr. Jus· tice Emeraon pruiding. The Court will open here on SAturday, and clil llie 12Lh inet..

T cue or/ the Queen nreoa Jam Goodfello'IJJ.Dd othere, (the NFLD. N. & W. RAILWAY. Bank direc\ore,) hu been ~t~n· ed until MonCiay next. Judge R 1· Mail p 1 St

FzRa.:n.uo. M.PCuhln 870

ChAlroere will preaide at Ule 'rial a. oya a ace · earner \ Mes!'re. Green, Fudoog and Mur· "BRUCE." ,.

phy Appear for the Crown, and Sit BigbN\ 01aaa al IJoyda. D J Green& 670 George Shea 501

Foa'fUN"L lO~er, Jr • 686 J J iUman GOO

Buao&o, JMurray 607 HYMoU 466

FOQO TC Duder 639 Dr Skelton (12

PI.AoUTrA AND ST MARY's. J McGrath 12.U G H ~me,on 1210 W JS Donnelly 120-& H Slteman 1068 J W Foran ~> 1050 R O'Dwyer 1038

Bu-n•-V~Ro .. Ron H J B Woode George Moore Levi March J A Robinson

BONA VlB'tA. D Morison A BMorine D Blandford G \1 Jobneon Sir R Thorburn 1 Davia


J PThomJd:n A.FGood dge ?tl T Knlgb\ G Foote · Dr McKeone G Langmead G Taverner Wllliam.a

&rBuaa A A Pareona G Moore

STGEORGE . J Keating M Carty


~ 630

22915 22(8 2184 1204 1189 1029

H82 1852

ga 1014 649 .so 68

628 883

661 609

-The S...S. Bruce from Sydney, ar­rhed a&. Plaoeod• OD Lbe 27Lb, harin~ lll&de &be paeeap in oalyl9i houm. 88 p&IMD&en, we learn from Lbe Tel~ pam rena&ined on board 111 take pu­~ bonae &o \ble &own put morn1Df. Sbe broo&b&. 20 bap mall ma&t.u . .A.I_DODI herulooa ~.all for 8L. Job'e, Major: IIIIOialllaa, 8. A., l:llllp Dial, 8..6. lleaua. Jamee KenL, OUa SoOU, and John PeroJ. Tbe cionnecUng &zalo Jet\ PlaceDU.. a&. 7 a.m., and •r­rlm at 8&. John'• at 10.

Tho nee wUI UkeiJ&aketbegreater par\ oC Lhe .,....ager mftlo beLweeo \ble OOO'DU)' and &be adjoining CltnlLin· Jell&. Beeidee ebortenloJ Lhe 10& YOY• qo &o 1 .. lhan 24 boon, u the anraae Unao oC1 p&~~a&e will probably be, tbe r.a&.el wi.U be an addiLioaal a"rao'ioo. A lint-clue tlok• by raJ I and e\eamer between Wbl,boume and Bf.dner, and we eappoee ~ween 8L John • and BJd· DeJ, C&D be had for nine dollan. Tbie doee noL, we are dYeD &o undentand, include meal.. ilaay will prefer &o Lake Lbeir own refreabmen&a. Dy \be way, woald IL DOl eue a good deal of trouble bo\h &o lbe ownPo and pnbli9 tb huo the p&lleneer r.&.el pubhebedl ,

- Tho S,S. J.eop~ arrivocl h i!N yea· tenlay a' abou' 1.30 a.m .• after com· pledng 'be eeuon•e f.abrador mail aer­viee. She lefL apln for 8&. John'• al abool noon. Amonpt hrr Jl&elen&en were Dr. Grimon aDd Ml.eea W111ame, O.'rie and Lyde or Lbe Deep Bu. Hle­etoa,· Mr. Georse Jerreu, or B!lpa, Mr. BlaokoC M11111. Simpeon & Blaolt oC Oart.onear. n, eenioe \bo put. INMOa bu been Yery fahhfa.!Jy &lld ea&lafae&orilJ' carried ou& by Oap&. W. P&IIODI. We uodentand ebe took on ~ ror &. Jobo'e a quantity of lumb· ~· e&c. IJo~J~ &be "Beaeh" pre-

for 0. MoX. Hane7 & Oo.

Jrunes Winter, A. B. Ml)rine and D. (CAPTAIN P. "'ELANEY.) Moriaon Cor the defendan~. J.J

-ProteeiA against the return of 8/wrt~.d Sea Voyage. th.tee Wltitewav membere have Quickeat ancl &.je~t Route. bee~ed, Yia. l'ame. Teuier, and --o--Jame~ Fox forSt John'e, and W • Duff for Carbonear, There are ' -.,sydney, HalHax, &. John, N.D., li ... 1 t r 11 d b .... Uontl'e&l, Toroot.o, Bol&oo, New York, a.e y more o ,o ow AD 1. we aad all oLber poia&a in Canada and the lim11 all are dune wUh, ohaoe United St.a~ a. wtll u All parte of will reign supreme. Europe. '

-OrP POR 0ANADA.-Two of our --o-'tl M A h 'b ld llirSPICIAL H.w. TRAIB WITU Su:I;P. young 01 zena- eaare. ro 1 ~ J1fO Una attached will leave Newfound-

Hall and Michael 1. Kennedy- land RailwAy &a\loo, 8&. John'•, at 6 will leave here next week for a.m. MGND.lY abd To11118D.lY or r•ch Caollda, Kr. HAll ror Toronto, llnd week, coonec&iog wtlb s.a. Bruce at Mr. Kennedy for Londi)D,. The Pu.CE.>mA. and lnl.4.rooloolal Railway poor g.roepeata ahead for locralive al s ,-dney RftuaNil(O, 8.8. Bruce •ill employment hue compelled our lr~·'l •· ;ugy on arrival or Intercolooial voung friends to seek their f~e. 'l'r · · I Sydner enl)' ~.lY .um t Bob II FIU'I\ \' I.VDDrO FOR Pl.ACJai'I'U, COD· m anotber land. t ar e • o(c:lua ~hh Special Hall Train for 8&. known here, and the hearly and Jo\111•, ,.,; 1 '" poto&a io Newfoundland. sincere wiahea of many friends go 'Fot 'lt ~ · • · Pauenger and Fre.lgbt with &hero. The STAMDARD wishes Ba\11, apply &o them a bright And proepero118 R. G. REID, fut.ure. Ocl.22 8&. John'•·

-The Harbor Grace Water Co. p ffi N • ! has imported a fine bell to replace oat 0 ce otace the one which did duty eo long -o--on tbo Engine house, Water SCreet. H.w.a for VniLed Kingdom, l.bo Do-The new bell weighs about three mfniqo or Oaaada, Uui~ &ate.a and

i Bl WeeL (odie., per &.nln &o PJaoenU.. and hundredw-eights, waa made n r- per B.S. Bruoe, thence ao Sydney, O.B .. ,' mingham, and will be erected will be oloaed a&. Lhle of!loe nery W&o­ahortly on. the Hall. Mr. Wm. IJICIDAY .um B.noltDAY motn AT !l Carson baa, we ubderetaod, the o'CLOCL -.La~ lel.&eni may bo poat.­conlract to place the bell in poai· poeted a& the General PeeL Oftlce only lion • unW 4 1:\'oloot on Monday and Thura·

-Lon BIB 0DWIOA11-0n Salur- ~ B=D<f'flloee ~:.~ ~: day, aLa Board of Trade inquhy held WeciDelday and Ba&wday olghL 7 aL We•L BarUepool, la&o Lbe oauae ol o'olook.. the Lotall011 of&bo Fumeee ll.aer' BaJ. J. 0. FRASER, P.M.O. limore City,' wrecked OD Flal lalaod, General Poe& omoo, ~ 20, 1897. SLralte oC Bellelale, mwfoundlaod \be courl rouod tba' tbo mu&er, Kr. iht. J F DQWAI ETI tbowe~wu in CauiL, tbe Ia. oflhe ,... • • 1 ., t:::l , eel be oaueed by bla wroa&rut act aod neg &enoe. Tbe Ye.~el wu DoL Expert in all ma\tere of narigated whb propereeamaal.lke care. APPR.USEMENT ov PROPERTY, Tbe rouLer:'e certillca&e wu 101peoded PLANT ror eilt montbe.-Llverpool • Mercury,' ' ETC. Oct. 6. Special attention given to

-The eleolion retur118 are now Adjustments of Claims in, with the exception of St. Barbe for land taken for Rail way right-of· which ia expecf.d to follow in the lead or the other Northern Ditl· w~ and for oompenution for con· tricla and give the Opposition an· sequential damages, etc. other sea\. The parties stand- Mr. DOWNEY will pereonolly

Oppoeition 22 vislt 'kny locality desired. Government 18 Addrus-822 City Tcrrncn, St.

The country muat stand by and Jobn'e. patlent1y await the proeperoua timee eo lavishly promitled by Ule Opposition candidalea and their organa.

·TO·DA~AGE Nov. B.-~nwlck, Tammany

candldatn, -6rries · Greater New York by a largo majority.

The mail contraot with the Beav­er Line baa been completed. The voyages terminate al St. John. Stoaroert call nt HalifAx. • .

The Bank of Novn Scotia ndda hnl f·n·millon doll are to its en pi tal .

Railway Work. 2.-l()() men are now employed on

the line from Brigus to Spaniard'e Bl\)1 Pond (Shearslown) and 800 more nre 1\t work In Mosquito Vl\lley Numborearo daily looklna to be tAken on,butit ialmpos.lblo to finc11\·ork for Any more. Th~ track ie cul and graded from the Cat Bills to Spaniard's Bay Pond. 1he ftre' iron waa laid yesterda_y, and in a .few daye' time., the baHaaling of the road will beJin. Tbia wlll afford employm~t. tor.moro labor­ere.

Robt. Allan & Co. 1 OtulQm Houu Squ{lre,


Ex. porters of Flour and Produce. Importers ofFish, H errin!{ and Oils Consigomen~ of Hemng, Snl·

mon, Cod Oil, &c., will alwAys hB\'O prompt and careful attention. •

fJ!argu light. Rtm.it14nca prorn,.,t.

., ...

, •