D8 ·Go. - Memorial University of...

XXX. I (rO& 1'IR RUBOR OUO& S'l'AlflU.RD.] .__.. I ' I MiNion at Hearl'• DeUcht &Dd ScWy Oon. - la tu STANDAIU of Marob- 18th .. wu ao accoaa• of the Million held u New ia H eart'• Cooteot Par-tab. • Eoooa ... bJ 'the m\ny .talble toket11 of Ood't of work tbeo done, 'lur Reotor of Hear&'a Content btd oo dUiloully lo perauadiog tbtt' tw ptlliata whoee leboara had beeb eo wooderfally bleaaed oooaalou to ondert.alre limilu labottN.,in · B,a'Wc' Uellaht aad 89UIJ Qoye-two MUle· m.enta •Uti '""''are lA• ofacltll in tbe P,rleh of Be&ft'l Cootlllt. Ac· cordlo Jut Tue1day wee)r, Marcb i6, tb. Rndt. . 0. Waaboro11 aod tht Ret". W. Ho1l1 were to be foaod at Bearl'a DeliJrbt titifoolofi " Alluioo of a• limll•r oharaofer to tbat whfcb foaL ooe moa\b before bad 'beld a• New Parlloan The Senlo•• were all oarefally arranaed be· forehand by the M.luionera aod tbe Beotor, to t he fao• that two aettlem•; · were to buo the bene8t of tbeir JDini1tratione, d not one only 11 befo.te, the period appointe wu of a 1borter duratloo than that appolnkd f r tbe Parll· can : ba• tbe followinJ tlm ble will . ahow .thai the daya apeo• were m e oat of : Stroica in St. MllUkul'• Churcll, rt'c D.UglaJ ·. 'J'uesday. 26.-7.16 p·.m.- trocSuotiou of Miulouerw by Beotor. . • 8 p.m.- M.iMioo eenlbe end Hr on 1 b1 H.Y, , W. How. . Wedoeaday, March 27.-8 tl.m.- BetlJ ColD• muolon whh addreaa by }lef. \V, Ho-. '10 a.m.-MaUoe and CoaflrJUtlon Qlau b1 Rector. , . . 11 a,\D -Servtoe .aod addreae for old peopla b1 &v. A. C. Wltlhorne. · · .• , • 8 p.m-Ser'Ploe ana fot JOll.Di .women h1 Bn. A. 0. Waghorne. aad addrua for married wo· men by JleY, \Y· Ho1r. . · •,6 p.m.-Enoeooa and Cooflrma\lon Clw b1 Reotor , • 7.16 p.m. -Miaeloil eenlce aad aermon oo Be· pentaooe b1 Re•. \V. Hotr. ' . . -Oaf bankera_ are DOW ,..dj oon, only waitfnsr for a fAYOrtlble ''m• &o Joba MooD fllnr eabooatra to ao 1o SL Jehn'e wlleabe wnl Jeue fnr the \V utwar4 for a UIUI•I11PIIII) M,_re. 0 W. Rooe ...00.'• •• Trlalty Bay for Sah, and tbenoe •11 for ft.ah.lng groanda. , . , . 7'-Mt•rt .Tobn Munn. & .ateaaaer lctland, Capt Wloaor retoroed here fi'OI» lh• 11&1 fttbery . at 9 80 o'oloolr to-day : aha left Oatallaa at 1 tbl1 'morolaa; at wbioh place abe wae foroelt to pal . hi owlni (o the ttilok w .. tber abe hu a aood of 16,000 aeal, The BUJIM' wu yHte1'&1 0. Wt.Otrfall' to toe>beiDI tW• pltee a he eo' ' re.-ta. No re· 'porta of otber aeallor •tiamert llu beoo broqbt b7 I ' ( - Dt Wps H. of Uolferalty of 'tbe o\ty ,9&. ,Npw Yoak, uyer "the eymptQIIII of dlaeuad kldney'a will. flrt' in tbe ·e.xtreme. ly dlfferen•. o.ra-IUl• oil the body' Treat the kid· nf1a and oqt. the etreot._ of kidaeJ dleeaar. by ntlDjt Waroer'e Safe Oore. DBATBS AL tit . Joha 1 1.oo Monday morulor,.Iur a<loog Wo111. Sarah Aoo, rellof of tbe l11l1 (Jeor.- Warreu,aJtlll M )'Ml"', mother of tbelate Bn. A. O. J. Warren\ Oo lbe Otb !oat.. after a brief Uln111. of pllrflltala of brafo. d11ply n!l'Ntt.d y I lArge ofrolt of. and frlaode, Oapt. Jnbo Boully, aged 70 yeua u fuuer4l tnok plaoe on Mooday lut, 1Dd • •• d r•epeot.tb)J att6ndtd by pcu ·eone of enrr deoomtoa . 1 .u hi• reeldeooe,,X1Jdare .B \ld, t'D tnd tu&., .r r a louR lllnue, Hr lfloba.,l .llpel, apd 80 JIIU, a Dlltl'"G of Oount) w. nford, lreltad. ' A& Oapllo Oon,yMiflrda1 1 Waf1, ·fofaut daaahtet of Joba eild Darie. . Bl•bop;. OoYI. lu& n•Dfolf .Loaloda, .relltll ol ,the lato N&tbaofll qed 81 ,...,. 1 dM"11 H• IJl'lu.ed bt • large o!role of rei&Unt And ft oadl. Her IDd Will 1).01. ,. 1 ' the 8th lhrcb, Obarlott. L., yoaog. .. daJJgbttl' of WUU&Qa and tile I& }" Mart 1'1Doay 1 ar!C\ . , .. , I Oo tbt 21Ul April, 1looerely reRH«ed a lqe n' 11mtler of \'elatiYN ADd frftode, J"o)lo V. JitOOIJ, a rupNted luhabltaol of 1pd 10 Jeari. 8.80 p m -Inetruotlon on Repentano& b1 BeY. A 0. Waghorne. . • ' pt;a:r OJ' ll&BBOS. , 1 rborada1. Marcil 28.- 8 a.m.- Hol1 CommllD• ., · ' ..!.- ion wltb addreaa bJ BeY, 0. Waaboroe. . 10 a.m.-UatloJI and Oon6r&pa, dop Clua b1 AJ!rtl WI Ou!Wo. )'StaJttal4, Btd!ley, ballut- Roctor. Joho .Yuoo • Oo. • · · , 11 LOl.-Senloe ror CbUdren with '"addreaa bJ , lhY. W. How. · · 8 p.w.-Senlee for youug men whh addreu by lln. 0. Wagboroe · ' 1 , p.m. --Sel'Jiee for married men witht addrlll hY Bev. W. How. • , .. •oa. s &.r .EJ ..LJ.T TBS- I TOY BAZAAR ioCoriG SlrtMe ,• o p.m.-Eve ·naona Afld Oco6rmatton br --- Reqtor. I Easter 9.16 p.m. -Mtulan 1errice and aermon on R•· pentanoe by Rn . \V, · Birthday Cards, 8.80 p.m on !'Y Rn. 4t-aoed and Sh- ed .... ats, A. C. \Vqb.,rue. · ......, FrldaJ Marob 29.-S·a m.-Boly Commnuloo Berlin W 001. with addrea by Rn. W. How. 10 a.m.-Mallne and Ooa6rmatJon Cla.u b7 \ · A. 6 A. BKUN :top.m-ll:'feoeong aod Ooot!rmatloo Olaaa b7 · ---------------- JQ HN SKINNER, for tbela,aN by BeY W. Row. DEALER 01 ' -..a.ao P-·•·-ID•traotloo by a ... A.O.Wapon• ltal18" n and American Marbl"a, 8Malilaf, Karola 80.-7 a.m. -Holr Oommao· · ., .,. aCid,.. b1 an, A, o. w.,b.,u. . SOAPSTONu .._ fte ............. foUoftd lo 1M .. ""'u' eo.,u, it ........ ., ...... -- = = mon ••• Nftrtoo.ao tba •"l . .. UMUI\ BBUJSTOJ&\ ClJBBIJQ, It. irtlt • taotioicl "* Use t.- da7 sa loft oo•· &o etioutecl !u on ...anal dlligDI IMa&lrilr 1M. 'l'b• Mlaloaett at ., •• ' Jf..r..I'IIIIIID &beJ • ..,. al lbe IMt qnlte DDable a!Jt1 Amel'\o&D p]4u to •.U... or at all onall &o dnote •91d•· a 1pialaltJ• Claall u4 .... IIDOIIDI of &!&De 10 ,...... L!a&ea 1 lllo&k A.!tlido &lld hbttall• wbo dallW ao •• ucl epeak wl&la datal aloae. It &JWt Tbelr wctnll ... ouoct 10 ID&DJ to ooD• da1 puan&etlcL OtrDIDf tllop •bleb beiODJ to tliei.J S*Of P .... f:.tialad lpeohaeD Booh .. at oe ap• thai DOl on daJ pot ret two woald haft baeD plloatloa to aDJ addrett. aftlolnt, tn wblall &o .. ud •PNk lb.. a.• att.eD&ioD ,Cnu to or4ert uoolt'ed bJ &Daloa u u ., woQid ba•• w._ecl &o mall or otberwlle. do. .Proltla1 bJ &Ill. up•rloaoe, tbeJ All work eStOated aader anperrilto11 tbe Ill& dar boU. al Dehab• ud 1 . c 0 ., 1 far pihate lgter'Pl .. a. Nor were &btJ JDil• OEMENT aDd P A ats for aale. takea Ia aodoi•ll· Old aodJouuallke ofmuu. B'OVAMABBLB WOK .. no..,e of tbe million to lay u1de tbalt work, aod Ueten to tb• wbfoh •u dell'ftrtd to Street, Bl. John'•· tbe aool• of •ll Alany nre tbeinat.atscaa•ouob· Poat Oflloe Boz 488 ufad \bat, like the arrow whiob pierced Abab, ApllO r Uls word 1pokeo by their moutue bad uot been mornlua of tbe llfart'e Dellgbl ?-- 1 8100] ONE-[$100 · Mluloo. ooe buodred aqd torty-tbree Jler•oo1, .. ed. 0'-' eh of " ooajlteptloo wblob wu almoet three Qi"w.MQ.i." JJ W.lt till ....... Under tbe p1 fOllaae of dae Rn ' L:lbelle. 1 Real r;!lt.alo "'· orth ............ tfj,(tfO b,OOO 1 do · , .......... 2.000 1 dn .. . ......... l,OQO 1. 000 4. do ...... .. ,... 600 2.000 10 Ke•l r..tattte .. . .. .. .......... 800 8,000 80 Suta .... ,... . ... ... 200 6 000 60 do .... .. (: . . ..... 100 6,00<. 2uO Gold Watoh11 .... ........ 60 lO.OOQ ..... .. . ...... 10 lO.O< 0 Seu. . .... .. .. ....... , .. ; (') 6.()l}O, TIOltBTS • • - - ,. $1 . 00 ()lfera are ruado to nil wionera to pay tbelr tt-rlze s eaah, leu a oommiaaiol) of 10 p o. Wioae ra' nome,, not pnblhbod unleq apeoially ntborl&ed . S LEFEUVRE, Seoretsry. Ol'lioPI, 19 St •• lamuetreeL. Montre11 l. (;a. Fisheries.• THE D8 · Go. call Manufactures for the sea- · son ofl889. OU]{ DTANDARD H.El{RIN'G NETS, NUMBER 26 New AdvertisSaurnta . Queen cimpaii. .... __ QUEEN INSURANCE BUILf lNO LlVERPOOL·, -AlfD- QUEEN INdURANOE 60 GRc\OEOHURCH STREET, LON!'lr. N. 1 u REPORT, l'he Reports antl Acooaota for tbe year 1886, presented to the Sbat ·eholdel'r. 1\t. tbe Annual Meeting, on Tbu rarll\y 6th May, 1887, showed in the d FiRE .BRAN B, : That the P1·eminrua for 1886, dedno. ting R e-inaul'ancea, amounted w £601,6,9, and the Loaaea to £3!53,49' j ot· 68.70 per oont . 'Th' THE . L!FE BRANCU Thl\t New Policies had been i11aued for £2!58,990, yielding in £9,916. and that the n ett )'t·eminm inco me WM £82,t 374. Thnt. c.u pohoy- holdet'l \Vo•1e £!3,7!1, nnd tlmt. che Life 1 1 und.. waa i t.crt-Joi!(:d by £4Q,003. ' rhe Bt.lanoo ut. QI' .. Jit. of Prutit and Losa, after ndding .£23,000 t.o t he Fit-e lfund, •u ebown Lo "mount to £134.,196 lOa 4a, and w ua diapo11ed of an follows :- ' · ,005 . lS 0 P'or Dividend and Bon\D 1e,701 17 O.Added to B'11erve J1ud 1 .an4 90,489 8 4 Oarrle<l tonrarct Tl:IR FUNDS 40 to 60 Rans, made from the "Shepard Gold Medal" 14/6 Twines, now Wea·e shown tbe enfter to atand ua follows :- ,.J' Cnpihl Paid up ... .. ............. almost exclusively adopted in the Maritime Provinces. li tJae rna ... ... ... ..• ..• ... ... ... . ... C , o '. \ ), 0 .. · · PLIN & HEL>KING SEINEb -'. Lifo Acoumul atlonF und .......... . . 661,016 , ,. [\, Aunuity b'nnd ... ... ... ,. ... ... .. . l' OTAL FUNDS IN lUND ......... ' ......_.. JOI:I.N OORM,AOK, Merchant an(1 Fisherman can aepend upon getting n Seine from us that b General Agentfor 1tlfld, will fish well, liaudlo anti wear 8atisfactorily. sua.Ao&NT. A. 1'. D.RYSf>ALE. Harber Grace. The Bank Fishermen are now using large quantities of our -----, , ,..--- ....... - .... :..,_:...-. _____ _ 0 New Church, Spani ard's Bay B; RAN D F .J.JJNES AatbH Membuaaoftbe Obarch of Eoslaod .... in d'a Bay &1.1' libout to a reo .Nt!w- "AMERICAN" lign tly and evenly .. .... Cburob, contribution" ut e h ereby solicited qoTTON NETTING w Sheets, for Winter Work and Repairs. and will he th nkfu lly by Rev. J. Arlbna· EvanA, Ohairm(ln. of Oommittu 1 Mr. J ucoh G ouc a nd Mr. Jumea H<Utchinga, " Cltw•c/6- ; J. F. Shepprtl'd,·2't'iliU• .1. VV t .l..l., urlfr; Mr. Alm\hllm .Bttraett, .Sderetary. Sp:mitlrdH'CJ Bav, Feb. !33, 1888. soft, Half-Patent Patent, ellaizes. WE are now pre__pared to supply all th e above goods at short notice and our Newfoundland patrons can rely upon LOWEST RATES. Cor· reapondence solicited and aamples cheerfully given. ESTABLISHED 1 CAPITAL $850,000. Highest awards at Boston, 1869, Philadelphia. 1816. London Fish- eries EXnibition, 1888. · I . American Net & '"Fwine Co., New York 0 . 199 Pulton Street. BAmn·s _J PHCENIX ,. FRENOH OIN'FIENT Fire Company Tbte Oint men• baa been wL&a. itie tci'iataet l - 1aooeaelu tile 1peetl7 oura·or arl•lull . l .ONDON. from ao Impure etAte of tbe blood. or .. tbat may LOMOA 9.1 & Cl- IARING CROSS bne been imparted by whla dltto,ed per- -- 1ooe. Wbfttewer thu ernptfon, or ou t IN 1782. on the eklo, m"y bc.-wholhllr ]teA or Salt Rkum, or Scald Htud or Rlug or Jl wriqrl of any klod,a CIO't may bt rtlitd flfJIJn. Jl tlao atlmufatel rbe aotloo of old qr tndole nt Ulcere, B'evor Sore.. obltl oale .8oret and Wo nnde. &c., beallnJC them lu OlliU lmmed lalely aod aoa.nd(7. Prioe a& oeDtl a Boz. At aU Dealen. . W· H. THOMPSON & CO. Jbrbot- Or•ce. ' TB 13TDEB & DIREOTOBI:i Joe9 1 Wm. 8uandnle, Eaq. 8ri4t ow Bovill, Eaq. 'l'ho lion. Jame1 Rfng. Ulut.ton, Esq. CAMPBELL'S . CATHARTJC COMPOUND CUUES I Ohron.io Oonatipation, Ooetiveneea and a1J Oompl&1nt1 1\rleloa Crom a dl1orderwd 1rate <' r the Llnr, Sto- mscb l\o4 Bn•wle, •uob M ' Dyepopala A1!'eotiotll', lleadRobe, Acidity of the nob, Rheumatism , Loeaof Appetite, Grave\, Nort'OUI Debility. Na11.1o" OJ Vomitmc 1 &q, Children llku it I Motbera like t I Beoaaae to tho taate, doea not Nauua 1 Ia t1 whbout arlplog, I• oertaiD lo I 1 efJeota on(J aoefJeorln lo email doeel. JN LtQOJ · FORM. LARGE BO TTLES, Centa aob. . BAIRD'S LINIMEN!f . (Eatablilbed 1889. '> Will ru,.. tlsat aau be curtd ang knUIL'p Li11lm1nt . tmd in lu1 tame. Jt will t111M monv tlllng• that uo o ther wlfl. 1t u a pur'liiJ Ytge tnble Cou'l'frmd. It i1 oclebrotnd for the oure of RIIEUMA· T ISM, P1111a or Lftmeoeu In the B•ok, Cheat. and Sido Sor eoeu aod Stilobe& In the Slflu Slifroeaf 11'1 tbo jolnti, Woonde, Hrulaea. Cot...and Swell· loa•. Uoll1, Oornacuuf Folout. 1'alren lnceroall1 It irt atanny nliofet P11lua iu tbo Swm11ob. andl'\e u Chill• aod Nef\ 'oua tleadaoho. Uoldt anll UOUlof bf Sort' Tb rod, &o. " timet u many. knell be,ore the altar, and rooelt'• ed the S.Cremeot. '.rbe ume I••PI'1 molt 'ollowed lhe 'ltltlf.>o of Boilly Con. Jdaoy-alcboaab oouo u ot lluu 'e and New Perlla.o,-were trtatly elde:t by 'be Mialooer1. !)II JJO daub' now look b¥k tO tbe litla lo 'herr mldat u • llme wb•D tber learDed to kaow and fae l bow terrible a &bla11tD 11, aD4 flMt aouteiJ &betr aeed to .,, &btlr .,.. uptrard &o ./ s1at lor Sale bv Private Treaty. &1M lart"' oumber of &Jr. THAT W£LL-KNOWlf B'ARM Ootavfua b: . (;o()pe, EIJCl:... M.P. Artbor Fullo r, . Obarlea !!;, Goodhart. Eaq. Rhode Hawlrine, Esq. tilrJohn f,ubbock, Usrt., F.H.S. Prioe cent• Sold all Dealen W ll THOMPSON & Co, GrACI t6e Fiaeure oo tbe Ulll of Oalftt'J. · A.\ tbo ololiD1 llllnloe beld a' t '1 o'oJook oo TbaredaJ lua, our el41bt7 oa' of lara• cxus. greptloo ncewed tbe Bleued &oNIDA'- ma6y for &be ftret Ume Ia tha Una. . I' II ..... ,leiaUJIIoped Ual 11100111 trblob hu plalob follo•lld ibll no&are lll&bono llD• tried pa&lr. far 11"' 11111 JJlooiM 18 OODGirDed, wa1 be trlaboat eDOOanptatDt; to aboee wbo are d.eef&ou ol lleloa th• Oluaroll of &a;laod arowiJtc .. .aadoabtedlr aro•iDa hi Of lace hom tilt ..... """' .. 1a 1 Powder (blue) Wrappere, •• rouowe1 H RAN h nALE S&o to tbe 26 famllltt eaob ttuJi ul Wrtp• , \J ' g PI" .tepr .. eutlusr unt lrit ntu11 · tbu called TH£ OtTLDd,) al.JO. OOilf&lnlog abo6& .U buDdrtd . eartl of Land, ONE {.ne hundr ed oJ wblob ue under oPlt.vatiob) surrounded bJ' the bMt r 011cL. in the oouGM-1. S25 t.o (be lb famHIH eaob II.IDcllna Wrap• The Railwllf Line &o Olauke'a s..tn ia eur .. pera .rtP'"InUDI DO' 1 ... ialav &bao "Jed ricrbt tbrougti \be Propert y. The 60 OIDtl. e 4 Gcnaldl Rlye•· ad110 l'tt.at'l lc. A moet cl .. lrable p14U8 for • Hodttl .ll't.rm. lt ao& auld bJ of Jnu, .UI vldecl•n•l aold in Iota. . Apply to Thowae Lucaa, E•q. Cbarlea Megnsy, .l!:tq. ('be Son. !ldwlu B. l'ortman. Dudley R obert S1nit.b , £aq Wm . 'fbou1paoo, Eiq. RON. D1B E01'08 JuliN J. I:JLOO)IrtJLD 1 E1q. tVl LLJAX c. M ACDONALD,} FaAR018 n. llioDONALD, Jrhn t Secrttaru• Tbe of tb ia. Oftloe are guaran a ouauu·uu• ""'' wulc.hy Proprietar1 to a ltuge in \ 'til ted O•pitM.I ; url &be prora(Jtltude 11nd litwr .. Hty whb wbiob ol•ima hu• alwaJs beeu met, are well-known ud tloknowledged. - Tb e importanqe Cl( the Ct'IIPI!4lotione ot the PHtENIX FIRE OFFICE bti ldl .. as.d from "-' ilaot Ita GUARDIAN ; AND LIFE Assurance Compa,ny Olf IJONDON. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1881, SVBIORIUD CUlT At. ...... .. .&2,000,000 •tt• TOTAL !HV&IT&D FCBDI' VP• WARJ) 01' . .. . .. ..... ..... . ...... 2,760,000 " AN•UAL lNoo•s vrwJ.aDI o• SDO,OOO ..

Transcript of D8 ·Go. - Memorial University of...


• I

(rO& 1'IR RUBOR OUO& S'l'AlflU.RD.] .__.. I

' I

MiNion at Hearl'• DeUcht &Dd ScWy Oon. -la tu STANDAIU of Marob- 18th ~ .. wu ao accoaa• of the Million held u New Peril~ ia Heart'• Cooteot Par-tab. • Eoooa ... ra~red bJ 'the m\ny .talble toket11 of Ood't aooep~oe of t~e work tbeo done, 'lur Reotor of Hear&'a Content btd oo dUiloully lo perauadiog tbtt' tw ptlliata whoee leboara had beeb eo wooderfally bleaaed ~bat oooaalou to ondert.alre limilu labottN.,in · B,a'Wc' Uellaht aad 89UIJ Qoye-two MUle·

m.enta ~b aUbou~rb tw•o~ •Uti '""''are lA• ofacltll in tbe P,rleh of Be&ft'l Cootlllt. Ac· cordlo Jut Tue1day wee)r, Marcb i6, tb. Rndt. . 0. Waaboro11 aod tht Ret". W. Ho1l1 were to be foaod at Bearl'a DeliJrbt titifoolofi " Alluioo of a •limll•r oharaofer to tbat whfcb foaL ooe moa\b before ~bey bad 'beld a• New Parlloan • The Senlo•• were all oarefally arranaed be·

forehand by the M.luionera aod tbe Beotor, Owin~t to the fao• that two aettlem•;· were to buo the bene8t of tbeir JDini1tratione, d not one only 11 befo.te, the period appointe wu of a 1borter duratloo than that appolnkd f r tbe Parll· can ~11ulon : ba• tbe followinJ tlm ble will

. ahow .thai the day a apeo• were m e oat of :

Stroica in St. MllUkul'• Churcll, rt'c D.UglaJ·. 'J'uesday. MaN~h 26.-7.16 p·.m.- trocSuotiou

of Miulouerw by Beotor. . • 8 p.m.- M.iMioo eenlbe end Hr on 1b1 H.Y,, W. How. . •

Wedoeaday, March 27.-8 tl.m.- BetlJ ColD• muolon whh addreaa by }lef. \V, Ho-.

'10 a.m.-MaUoe and CoaflrJUtlon Qlau b1 Rector. , . .

11 a,\D -Servtoe .aod addreae for old peopla b1 &v. A. C . Wltlhorne. · · • .• , • 8 p.m-Ser'Ploe ana a~dreaa fot JOll.Di .women

h1 Bn. A. 0. Waghorne. • ~ p.~n.-8e"loe aad addrua for married wo·

men by JleY, \Y· Ho1r. . • · •,6 p.m.-Enoeooa and Cooflrma\lon Clw b1 Reotor , • 7.16 p.m.-Miaeloil eenlce aad aermon oo Be·

pentaooe b1 Re•. \V. Hotr. '

. . -Oaf bankera_are DOW ,..dj ~ Jta~e oon,

only waitfnsr for a fAYOrtlble ''m• &o ~ret.oltat. Mea•~ Joba MooD &~...co.'• fllnr eabooatra to ao 1o SL Jehn'e t~~ doa~ad, wlleabe wnl Jeue fnr the \V utwar4 for a UIUI•I11PIIII)

M,_re. 0 W. Rooe ...00.'• •• ~ll ~o:: Trlalty Bay for Sah, and tbenoe •11 for ft.ah.lng groanda. , . ,

. 7'-Mt•rt .Tobn Munn. & 'Co'~ .ateaaaer lctland, Capt Wloaor retoroed here fi'OI» lh• 11&1 fttbery . at 9 80 o'oloolr to-day : aha left Oatallaa at 1 tbl1 'morolaa; at wbioh place abe wae foroelt to pal. hi owlni (o the ttilok foa~a w .. tber abe hu a aood ~rip of 16,000 aeal, The BUJIM' wu ~ yHte1'&1 0. tJte.~OIId, Wt.Otrfall' to toe>beiDI .~~ tW• pltee a he ~oald eo'' re.-ta. No re· 'porta of otber aeallor •tiamert llu beoo broqbt b7 ~·Iceland. I • ' (

- Dt Wps H. 'fbonrp~on of ~·· Uolferalty of ' tbe o\ty ,9&. ,Npw Yoak,uyer "the eymptQIIII of dlaeuad kldney'a will.flrt' appe~r in tbe·e.xtreme. ly dlfferen• .o.ra-IUl• oil the body' Treat the kid· nf1a and oqt. the etreot._ of kidaeJ dleeaar. by ntlDjt Waroer'e Safe Oore.

DBATBS AL tit. Joha11.oo Monday morulor,.Iur a<loog Wo111.

Sarah Aoo, rellof of tbe l11l1 (Jeor.- Warreu,aJtlll M )'Ml"', mother of tbelate Bn. A. O. J . Warren\

Oo lbe Otb !oat.. after a brief Uln111. of pllrflltala of ~~~ brafo. d11ply n!l'Ntt.d y I lArge ofrolt of. rtl\~11 and frlaode, Oapt. Jnbo Boully, aged 70 yeua u fuuer4l tnok plaoe on Mooday lut, 1Dd • • • lu~e.ly d r•epeot.tb)J att6ndtd by pcu·eone of enrr deoomtoa .

1 .u hi• reeldeooe,,X1Jdare .B \ld, t'D tnd tu&. , .r r a louR lllnue, Hr lfloba.,l .llpel, apd 80 JIIU, a Dlltl'"G of Oount) w.nford, lreltad. '

A& Oapllo Oon,yMiflrda11 Waf1,·fofaut daaahtet of Joba eild ~a1111ie Darie. • . A~ Bl•bop;. OoYI. lu& n•Dfolf • .Loaloda, .relltll ol

,the lato N&tbaofll BarT~t, qed 81 ,...,.1

dM"11 H• IJl'lu.ed bt • large o!role of rei&Unt And ft oadl. Her IDd Will 1).01. ,. 1


.t~Oarboour,o~ the 8th lhrcb, Obarlott. L., yoaog. .. ~ daJJgbttl' of WUU&Qa and tile I&}" Mart 1'1Doay1 ar!C\ a.·,~... . , .. ~ , I Oo tbt 21Ul April, 1looerely reRH«ed ~ a lqe n'11mtler of \'elatiYN ADd frftode, J"o)lo V. JitOOIJ, a rupNted luhabltaol of Oar~.oe&•, 1pd 10 Jeari.

8.80 p m -Inetruotlon on Repentano& b1 BeY. A 0. Waghorne. . • ' pt;a:r OJ' ll&BBOS. G~B. ,

1rborada1. Marcil 28.- 8 a.m.- Hol1 CommllD• ., · ' ..!.-ion wltb addreaa bJ BeY, A· 0. Waaboroe. ~· .

10 a.m.-UatloJI and Oon6r&pa,dop Clua b1 AJ!rtl P~1 WI Ou!Wo. )'StaJttal4, Btd!ley, ballut-Roctor. Joho .Yuoo • Oo. • · · , 11 LOl.-Senloe ror CbUdren with '"addreaa bJ,

lhY. W. How. · · 8 p.w.-Senlee for youug men whh addreu by

lln. ~. 0. Wagboroe · ' • 1

, ~ p.m.--Sel'Jiee for married men withtaddrlll hY Bev. W. How. • , .. •

•oa. s &.r .EJ ..LJ.T TBS- I

TOY BAZAAR ioCoriG SlrtMe ,•

o p.m.-Eve·naona Afld Oco6rmatton Of~ br ---Reqtor. I Easter C~rds,

9.16 p.m.-Mtulan 1errice and aermon on R•· pentanoe by Rn. \V, How.~ · Birthday Cards,

8.80 p.m .-lu•tru~tlon on Ror,en~noa !'Y Rn. 4t-aoed and Sh-~ ed .... ats, A. C. \Vqb.,rue. · ~ ~ ......,

FrldaJ Marob 29.-S·a m.-Boly Commnuloo Berlin W 001. with addrea by Rn. W. How.

10 a.m.-Mallne and Ooa6rmatJon Cla.u b7 \ · A. 6 A. BKUN L~E8. ~~ ~~w :top.m-ll:'feoeong aod Ooot!rmatloo Olaaa b7 ·----------------

7.~p.m.-HIIIIooaerYi0.aodarm~oolielpe JQ HN SKINNER, for tbela,aN by BeY W. Row. DEALER 01 '

-..a.ao P-·•·-ID•traotloo by a ... A.O.Wapon• ltal18" n and American Marbl"a, 8Malilaf, Karola 80.-7 a.m.-Holr Oommao· · ., • .,. aCid,.. b1 an, A, o. w.,b.,u. . SOAPSTONu .._

fte ............. foUoftd -· lo 1M ~ ~q. ia~ .. ""'u' eo.,u, it ........ ., ...... - -= = mon ••• Nftrtoo.ao tba •"l ... l~J UMUI\ BBUJSTOJ&\ ClJBBIJQ,

It. irtlt • taotioicl "* Use t.- da7 sa loft oo•· &o etioutecl !u on ...anal dlligDI IMa&lrilr 1M. 'l'b• Mlaloaett foa~lbd at ., •• ' Jf..r..I'IIIIIID &beJ • ..,. al lbe IMt qnlte DDable ~ a!Jt1 Amel'\o&D p]4u ~bad to •.U... or at all onall &o dnote •91d•· i~ O~p, a 1pialaltJ• Claall u4 .... ~ IIDOIIDI of &!&De 10 ,...... L!a&ea 1 e~ lllo&k A.!tlido &lld hbttall• wbo dallW ao •• ucl epeak wl&la datal aloae. It &JWt • Tbelr wctnll ~.ct ... ouoct 10 ID&DJ to Joqa~ ooD• da1 ~-puan&etlcL OtrDIDf ~~ tllop •bleb beiODJ to tliei.J S*Of P .... f:.tialad lpeohaeD Booh .. at oe ap• thai DOl on daJ pot ret two woald haft baeD plloatloa to aDJ addrett. aftlolnt, tn wblall &o .. ud •PNk wl~!,t lb.. ~ a.• att.eD&ioD ,Cnu to or4ert uoolt'ed bJ &Daloa loqoln~re u u • ., woQid ba•• w._ecl &o mall or otberwlle. do. .Proltla1 bJ &Ill. up•rloaoe, tbeJ ••~ All work eStOated aader peNOn~l anperrilto11 tbe Ill& dar boU. al .Ht~r•'• Dehab• ud 1 . c0 .,1 far pihate lgter'Pl .. a. Nor were &btJ JDil• OEMENT aDd ~LASTER P A ats for aale. takea Ia aodoi•ll· Old aodJouuallke to~ll ~· ofmuu. B'OVAMABBLB WOK .. no..,e of tbe million to lay u1de tbalt work, • aod Ueten to tb• m-a~ wbfoh •u dell'ftrtd to DdOlnro~ Street, Bl. John'•· tbe aool• of •ll Alany nre tbeinat.atscaa•ouob· Poat Oflloe Boz 488 ufad \bat, like the arrow whiob pierced Abab, ApllO r

Uls word 1pokeo by their moutue bad uot been _;_------------:-:-~-

ap~!a t~~ ·~~ · mornlua of tbe llfart'e Dellgbl ?--18100] ONE-[$100 · Mluloo. ooe buodred aqd torty-tbree Jler•oo1, lf!l~11 "' ~ .. ed. lfl\oU~ "'~ 0'-' eh ou~ of " ooajlteptloo wblob wu almoet three Qi"w.MQ.i." JJ W.lt till ~

....... Under tbe p1 fOllaae of

dae Rn l a~her ' L:lbelle.

1 Real r;!lt.alo "'·orth ............ tfj,(tfO b,OOO 1 do · , .......... • 2.000 2.~ 1 dn ... ......... l,OQO 1.000 4. do ........ ,... 600 2.000

10 Ke•l r..tattte ... .. ............ 800 8,000 80 ~·u;nitnrol Suta .... ,.... ... ... 200 6 000 60 do ...... (:. ...... 100 6,00<.

2uO Gold Watoh11 .... ........ 60 lO.OOQ ~llnr4\latobea ..... ... ...... 10 lO.O< 0 folie~ Seu. . ............... , .. ; (') 6 .()l}O,

TIOltBTS • • • - - ,. $1.00 ()lfera are ruado to nil wionera to pay tbelr

tt-rlzes eaah, leu a oommiaaiol) of 10 p o. Wioaera' nome,, not pnblhbod unleq apeoially

ntborl&ed . S ~. LEFEUVRE, Seoretsry.

Ol'lioPI, 19 St •• lamuetreeL. Montre11l. (;a.

Fisheries.• THE

D8 ·Go. ·w~uld call attentl~·to t~lr. Manufactures for the sea-·

son ofl889.



New AdvertisSaurnta . Queen lnsu~ce cimpaii.




LON!'lr. N.

TWEN'l'Y-.tH~ 1 u A~~OAL REPORT, l'he Reports antl Acooaota for tbe year

1886, presented to the Sbat·eholdel'r. 1\t. tbe Annual Meeting, on Tburarll\y 6th May, 1887, showed in the d

FiRE .BRAN B, : That the P1·eminrua for 1886, ~'Ler dedno.

ting R e-inaul'ancea, amounted w £601,6,9, and the Loaaea to £3!53,49' j ot· 68.70 per oont .

'Th' THE .L!FE BRANCU Thl\t New Policies had been i11aued for

£2!58,990, yielding in pre~uu £9,916. and that the t.o~ul nett )'t·eminm income WM £82,t 374. Thnt. ~ho prt,ym~ntll c.u pohoy- holdet'l \Vo•1e £!3,7•!1, nnd tlmt. che Life 1

1und.. waa it.crt-Joi!(:d by £4Q,003.

'rhe Bt.lanoo ut. QI' .. Jit. of Prutit and Losa, after ndding .£23,000 t.o the Fit-e lfund, •u ebown Lo "mount to £134.,196 lOa 4a, and wua diapo11ed of an follows :-' · ~7 ,005. lS 0 P'or Dividend and Bon\D

1e,701 17 O.Added to B'11erve J1ud1.an4 90,489 8 4 Oarrle<l tonrarct

Tl:IR FUNDS 40 to 60 Rans, made from the "Shepard Gold Medal" 14/6 Twines, now Wea·e shown tbet·enfter to atand ua follows :-

,.J' Cnpihl Paid up ... .. ............. ~180,089 almost exclusively adopted in the Maritime Provinces. litJaerna ... ... ... .. • ..• ... ... ... .... 440,48~

C, o'. \ ), 0 .. ·\·· PLIN & HEL>KING SEINEb-'. Lifo AcoumulatlonFund .......... . . 661,016 , ,. [\, Aunuity b'nnd ... ... ... ,. ... ... ... 24,20~ l 'OTAL FUNDS IN lUND ......... £1,~96,06:l

' ......_.. JOI:I.N OORM,AOK, Merchant an(1 Fisherman can aepend upon getting n Seine from us that b General Agentfor 1tlfld, will fish well, liaudlo ea~Uy, anti wear 8atisfactorily. sua.Ao&NT.

A. 1'. D.RYSf>ALE. Harber Grace. The Bank Fishermen are now using large quantities of our -----,,,..---.......-....:..,_:...-. _____ _

0 New Church, Spaniard's Bay B;RAN D F .J.JJNES AatbH Membuaaoftbe Obarch of Eoslaod .... in Sp1Uli~ta d'a Bay &1.1' libout to a reo .Nt!w-

"AMERICAN" lign tly and evenly iair~; .. .... Cburob, contribution" ut e hereby solicited

qoTTON NETTING w Sheets, for Winter Work and Repairs. and will he th nkfully t•eceiv~d by Rev. J. Arlbna· EvanA, Ohairm(ln. of Oommittu 1 Mr. J ucoh Gouc and Mr. Jumea H<Utchinga, " m~~.,.,.'l'fES' Cltw•c/6-Warden~ ; ~h. J. F. Shepprtl'd, ·2't'iliU•

.1. VVt .l..l., urlfr; Mr. Alm\hllm .Bttra•ett, .Sderetary. Sp:mitlrdH'CJ Bav, Feb. !33, 1888.

soft, Half-Patent ~nd Patent, ellaizes.

WE are now pre__pared to supply all the above goods at short notice and our Newfoundland patrons can rely upon LOWEST RATES. Cor· reapondence solicited and aamples cheerfully given.

ESTABLISHED 1 ~- CAPITAL $850,000 . Highest awards at Boston, 1869, Philadelphia. 1816. London Fish-

eries EXnibition, 1888. · I .

American Net & '"Fwine Co., New York 0 .ffie~, .

199 Pulton Street.

BAmn·s _J • PHCENIX ,. FRENOH OIN'FIENT Fire ~ssurance Company

Tbte Oint men• baa been uae~ wL&a. itie tci'iataet l -1aooeaelu tile 1peetl7 oura·or "u·,~tq,., arl• lull . l .ONDON. from ao Impure etAte of tbe blood. or .. tbat may LOMOA 9.1 R~~T & Cl-IARING CROSS bne been imparted by ooot.ac~ whla dltto,ed per- --1ooe. Wbfttewer thu ernptfon, or bret~ki(ID out EST~ Ll~HED IN 1782. on the eklo, m"y bc.-wholhllr ]teA or Salt Rkum, or Scald Htud or Rlug W~~rna or Jlwriqrl of any klod,a CIO't may bt rtlitd flfJIJn. Jl tlao atlmufatel rbe aotloo of old qr tndolent Ulcere, B'evor Sore.. obltloale .8oret and Wonnde. &c., beallnJC them lu ~nany OlliU lmmedlalely aod aoa.nd(7.

Prioe a& oeDtl a Boz. At aU Dealen. . W· H. THOMPSON & CO. Jbrbot- Or•ce.

' TB 13TDEB & DIREOTOBI:i Joe9 1 Wm. 8uandnle, Eaq. 8ri4tow Bovill, Eaq. 'l'ho lion. Jame1 Rfng. tiO~G Ulut.ton, Esq.



Ohron.io Oonatipation, Ooetiveneea and a1J Oompl&1nt1

1\rleloa Crom a dl1orderwd 1rate <'r the Llnr, Sto-mscb l\o4 Bn•wle, •uob M ' Dyepopala orlndi~atton,BWou.~ A1!'eotiotll', lleadRobe, Beartb~, Acidity of the ~~~~ nob, Rheumatism, Loeaof Appetite, Grave\, Nort'OUI Debility. Na11.1o" OJ Vomitmc1 &q, Children llku it I Motbera like t I Beoaaae I~ ~ A~Jroeable to tho taate, doea not o~aaioo Nauua

1 Ia t1 whbout arlplog, I• oertaiD lo I 1 efJeota on(J aoefJeorln lo email doeel. JN LtQOJ · FORM.

LARGE BOTTLES, ~6 Centa aob.

.BAIRD'S LINIMEN!f . (Eatablilbed 1889.'>

Will ru,.. an~thlng tlsat aau be curtd ~ ang knUIL'p Li11lm1nt. tmd in lu1 tame. Jt will t111M monv

tlllng• that uo other wlfl. 1t u a pur'liiJ Ytgetnble Cou'l'frmd.

It i1 oclebrotnd for the oure of RIIEUMA· T ISM, P1111a or Lftmeoeu In the B•ok, Cheat. and Sido Soreoeu aod Stilobe& In the Slflu Slifroeaf 11'1 tbo jolnti, Woonde, Hrulaea. Cot...and Swell· loa•. Uoll1, Oornacuuf Folout. 1'alren lnceroall1 It irtatanny nliofet P11lua iu tbo Swm11ob. andl'\eu Chill• aod Nef\'oua tleadaoho. Uoldt anll UOUlofbf Sort' Tbrod, Dtpbc~erlft, &o. "

timet u many. knell be,ore the altar, and r ooelt'• ed the ble~~ed S.Cremeot. ~

'.rbe ume I••PI'1 molt 'ollowed lhe 'ltltlf.>o of Boilly Con. Jdaoy-alcboaab oouo a~ay u ot lluu'e Dellt~b• and New Perlla.o,-were trtatly elde:t by 'be Mialooer1. ~DeS,.. !)II JJO daub' now look b¥k tO tbe Hllalo~ litla lo 'herr mldat u • llme wb•D tber learDed to kaow and fael bow terrible a &bla11tD 11, aD4 flMt reall~td aouteiJ &betr aeed to .,, &btlr .,.. uptrard &o


Na"'ooadta;:u~0!='zuout s1at Ja~t> lor Sale bv Private Treaty. &1M lart"' oumber of WoodiU'.-&r!ID_~ &Jr. THAT W£LL-KNOWlf B'ARM

Ootavfua b:. (;o()pe, EIJCl:... M.P. Heor~te Artbor Fullor, ~ . Obarlea !!;, Goodhart. Eaq. ~i. Rhode Hawlrine, Esq. tilrJohn f,ubbock, Usrt., ~LP., F.H.S.

Prioe ~ cent• Sold ~Y all Dealen W ll THOMPSON & Co, R~rbor GrACI

t6e Fiaeure oo tbe Ulll of Oalftt'J. · A.\ tbo ololiD1 llllnloe beld a' t'1 o'oJook oo

TbaredaJ lua, our el41bt7 oa' of • lara• cxus. greptloo ncewed tbe Bleued &oNIDA'- ma6y for &be ftret Ume Ia tha Una. .

I' II .....,leiaUJIIoped ~at Ual 11100111 trblob hu plalob follo•lld ibll no&are h1"~ lll&bono llD• tried pa&lr. ~ far 11"' 11111 JJlooiM 18 OODGirDed, wa1 ·~ be trlaboat eDOOanptatDt; to aboee wbo are d.eef&ou ol lleloa th• Oluaroll of &a;laod arowiJtc .. • .aadoabtedlr aro•iDa hi Of lace hom tilt ..... """' ..

1a1 Powder (blue) Wrappere, •• rouowe1 +c~QC H RAN h nALE S&o to tbe 26 famllltt eaob ttuJiul Wrtp• , \J • ' g

PI" .tepr .. eutlusr unt lrit ntu11· tbu (~•Jlmoulj called TH£ OtTLDd,) al.JO. OOilf&lnlog abo6& .U buDdrtd.eartl of Land,

ONE {.ne hundred oJ wblob ue under oPlt.vatiob) surrounded bJ' the bMt r011cL. in the oouGM-1.

S25 t.o (be lb famHIH eaob II.IDcllna Wrap• The Railwllf Line &o Olauke'a s..tn ia eur .. pera .rtP'"InUDI DO' 1 ... ialav &bao "Jed ricrbt tbrougti \be Property . The 60 OIDtl. e

4 Gcnaldl Rlye•· ad110 l'tt.at'l ~!Jrou~b lc. A moet cl .. lrable p14U8 for • Hodttl .ll't.rm. lt ao& auld bJ ~lutll,..r. of Jnu, .UI ~ di~

vldecl•n•l aold in Iota . . Apply to

Ub,~ea Thowae Lucaa, E•q. Cbarlea Megnsy, .l!:tq. ('be Son. !ldwlu B. l'ortman. Dudley Robert S1nit.b , £aq Wm. Ja~nea 'fbou1paoo, Eiq.

RON. D1BE01'08 JuliN J . I:JLOO)IrtJLD1 E1q.

tVlLLJAX c. M ACDONALD,} FaAR018 n. llioDONALD, Jrhnt Secrttaru•

Tbe eng~t.timenta of tb ia. Oftloe are guaran ~by a ouauu·uu• ""'' wulc.hy Proprietar1 ~tddition to a ltuge in \'tilted O•pitM.I ; url &be prora(Jtltude 11nd litwr .. Hty whb wbiob ol•ima hu• alwaJs beeu met, are well-known ud tloknowledged.

-Tbe importanqe Cl( the Ct'IIPI!4lotione ot the

PHtENIX FIRE OFFICE bti ldl .. as.d from "-' ilaot Ita



Assurance Compa,ny Olf IJONDON.

ESTABLISHED A.D. 1881, SVBIORIUD CUlT At. ....... . .&2,000,000 •tt• TOTAL !HV&IT&D FCBDI' VP•

WARJ) 01' . ... .. ..... ..... . ...... 2,760,000 " AN•UAL lNoo•s vrwJ.aDI o• SDO,OOO ..

. •

'!'hla powder ne•er varieL A manel of pot• ltv. atroojltb nod wboleaomeoe .. -More &oooo· 1 .t al than tho ordioary kioda. aod oaooot be .:old in competi\ioo with tho anultlwde of low J ~t. ah'ort weight. alum or phosphate powdera. . "'J Mlly in ca''•-ROYAL BAIUSO PowOiilft Co., 106 \Valt-Atre .. t , ~.Y. Apl~lly


edic Ball. ESTABLfSH 1 Q IN 1855.

WHOLESA RETAIL. Tlw S\lh~t·iber htt~> aguin add~d to his Jarge

ani\ Vl\rieJ 8tock, a fow of Lhe neweat le11dlng P a\tent Medicines and Sundries, aa followa : G•·een'a A ug1111t Flowt~a , W aroer'a Safe Cure Lime- Fruit -Juice. Boaohee'11 Oermuu Syruv, E no's 1-'t·uit. Sal,, Hollowuy s Corn Oure, O.trter'R-Little Liver Pill11, · Wi.,t.ar's Ba.laum of Wiln Cherry, W"yeth's Liquid Motlt Extt·tt.O~, B.azeline Mother Grll~es' Worm Exttmninutor·, Liebig's Extract. of 1\Icut, Da tlillA$6 Tubinf(,

·P ear's Sdap, Pea•"~~ Shadn~X Stich. Wbit.e EMmel (for filli og-teotb,) B eru:ine (for clsan11ing purpoao:~s,) MAtt.son'a F11mily Syringe&. Lemon Syrup, R tttsHberr) l:\y tnp, D t·. \Vilsou'll H edJil\e Bittel's, Johnson's Anorlyne LinimenL, Ttl mat· Indien (for c011ti ~cnefl)l' ,, Etto's Medicuted Sugon· (lor ·worms), Gu t•d'B Hair Jy.~. 'rrico;>neroua Teaber:v Tooth Powd~:r, .Murray;a Floid Magnoai~, flee£ Iron anu Wine, Northrop d; Lyman'11 VeJ!ettLble Diacovery

do , do Quinine Wine, K elloag'a Aatbml\ Remedy

do Ot1t.e.rrb Snuff. Dl\ffy'a Elixir, Hop Hitt.etx Dr. \Valker'a Vineq"'' Bit..Ldtlf Putman's Oot·n Ext.t'ltOlOt' Kcatin~'ll InaACt Powder N rtbt'Op Jr. Lynutn'll Emwlaior Ayer'a Sarupllrillu. Pntner'tS .. :nutlz~ion

do Obern• P~otur• l · Pioroe'• Golden M-ediC~tll.>iaO'Ivery

..Jo Purgat.ivtt Pt~llet.a do Naullnjeotor:a

Waterproof' Nnrain; At1rona do Sponge Bapa do Bi'•• (for cbildrnu t~tltiuJe.)

S'ttllowa' CoWJJOnnd S.'' "t' S~chnan'~ TeethiuJr Po"'·,!erA Robb.'tt TulJin.z f,,r l.l',·etlt'ra Ayft'M Hair Vigo1', Bay llum Alia'" Hair Rt!ftt\t'er, Child'• Tru~a~ea Adult'• TruUC"t, Minaril'tJ Liniment. Oaivert'a Carbolic Soattl1 .Fullot·'A Eart..h Dried Sa\'ory, Dlled ~~~S"• Uri.eU Thywe Wright'• Untermaut11d Wino Burdock Blood Bit tc·l'il Kc.>(lleor'• Cod L·.·~r Oil and Malt Eu!Anoo ot Spt •toe, A !len's Lonjl .0"1Ram Jud•on'll Oo d !'aiut, Jnchou's Gold Ink Citrate or ~~II . w, 01)(!1100 T.otoniU


Hu'Tr 11111i Clot twa B B U J )( l<~S. SO Preoterptluoa enrarully uuanpouuded ~

wnh pure cltn~a. ·w. H. THOMP~ON.

NORTh'~ ERN . i.ssura,nce Compa,ni.


&VIR KNOWN. Sale (Wbol.-le a hetall) at Taoiii'IOJI'p Klf4U.l '8pll,

Golder' a Patent ';v'lotor.ta. Anobor aud Oil Buoy, . ..

U-.t Jalaad ....... low.

tt.• .,.... "' .... , rean

tle '"'"" 1'h. .. OIIllllJ opr eyateta Ia app&NIIt. wb~ .. ~a..,. tl\at ,.

ea._ who 1• Aorinal~ 10 woW In N•wfoaa4Jaad Gf'JI 110 &n Ula OoJa..tl ~•tee or CuadA. aad alter • tlton realdt'* In ehhiP of t)loee prAoet can hHI7 11erolat hla frnobl•t. He tboal(tl& that r!)l• It aD aDomaiJ •• oawh& to tnlf. Go. for h.· tfaaulf. ~ tl)e qntporle here, aqllJOQ •Ill ftad p,~..,,, I• •hloh tl)tre are,., .... or fo~Jr eo.,. ll•lar J'hb th1lr fat~er. ~~altbupah. l~IIIIODI lu&J N IP'P of pro~rt7 ap "o"trlbJJIIPit to Ule enppor& 0, lbJ 1ipa .. hol4, & 1 JI"J DQ\ ~fQlhted 10 YOII,

• ~Ill& &t••lr Ptlabtlpl'J. perhi'Pt. ltylna a a m&.· •r•bl• tl!tt. po ..... tilt~ prJ ,u,, .. or tbt ,,..'l· o~l•lll· 'fbtr. _,. ltl&IIJ jparauoet ha th• dleklot wblttb be laa4 &bl ~OPPr &.o "PI"MtD& In 1Fblob partl11 ilafl b,.ep wlu eaou•b for nrl· ~· , .. ,one. pa•,to a.JEe the bbr4ea of bou11· hold "pqu thtlliMift~ l ·•lld. 11. a OODitquenoe, ttrt dtprlytd Qt tb1 prlylltote of voUoa. Tbert .,, P\~1 rpep Ia lJ&. Jobu'e tQ·d•J po..,tahur edqa,&fpp •I'd h,ttllla•a~I'Qtfl to ,.hvq, we cap lo~ fAr ~n •1111@1\ttaed opfnlop qpoq toy euh· jel'• oo~toeralpr •11• tn•er••• of tht poqn&rJ-Je' lh•1 oapoo' yote to onaaeqotnoe of our prflent oon$rteltd' epd ridloulopa IIJitlm of boaaehohl eolfraJte. 'fhere .. ,., So fa.o,, membe" lo thla Hun11 who are not entitled to .a •ote. Enu &bt late Charlil Fos: HeD.DIU, when Pr'f'mler, oould no' oatt a •ote for a IDember, wblcb aoee to thew Ia a t»rt•emlueDt dtlll"H tba& tbe qoAI18· a.tloo of a Yater Ia blaher tbao &bat of a ttpr•· NQiat.IYe, lo tbe Hrltlth Hpq .. or Pon;IHODI Mr. Uledetoae eald II) morjoa 40 tJteoJIPR of &be frauobtM :~ ,

" rhlll pr,_,p·t potll~ ~ fraAcblto le an1 ot ~ ao~l1 fbAn IUI1 Jq w~lc!J It tl•• bHo bere~o. *'ru ptto.d, JMclaaM rl!o ·~ueloo nf peraon• nf llla .. me claN aod the .. ro,. d11ot0rfpUon la more p!~lpable end mor111 _pn'llleut then before, ll.ing, In fact, aprHd ••er tba whole OOllntry. peraona btlDif ez.oloded Ia oue

fl-. wbllathe Mtue pa~na are admiU..d In another .•. coutaud elr that tt la apoo tboae who op~ the ex­

•eualuo ul the frauchlM that the borden of proof D)Uet be held to llet that It la on tho11 who .. y tbaC ll Ia .. _.. .. ,., to exclude thet tiHI llurdea uf proof tflllll 1 I bat It ta for them w ebnw tbe anwonhlnHII: th1 lu· capeclt7 aud the mllunntlllch Ia order to lu.Ue )(ood lbelr ar~cneot Jlwlt DO lii"JCII" )ltoponlou nf tbl )INVte tiM a lbla eboald bit aW.ltLtd to IAe aalrai•·"

He cbooabt tbt araum.tnL a touDd one. 111111 we "leo Qalllb' allow 'b• bard.a of pr()()f to rue~ ou tboll ve,.onl wbo oppDH tbe q,a .. ure. h Ia a well fl'l)l'alliucl prlu~npl~ that tbere aboald be oo IAU&.too wltboQt l"'prttentatlop, Jll, there Ire la.rwe uai'Qben d IJ'IID In thiJ f.tlaQd wbo 11re to~ day tas:ed without ha.Jng an.r •oluo lo the mftt­ter. b baa b .. ., 1614 ~' If I'Q&obooa entfrAae -.re a ... uted tbt power of rotlniC would be Jriveo moetly t4 youoa aud lrre•ponaible l'•reooa. ~nob would 110& bt the c.•, &I there are mauy old aod wldrlle aaed penooe tllat would be beut-6ued bJ tblt meuore If p&Nvd loto law. Apio, do we oo• ftad ID lu lauuoterable ataoou &hat the JODDJl are better ellooated than tloe old meu? O therwlae •• moat. cooolotJe. after all tbe moaeJ we ban espeodtsd ip Lhi• behalf, c.b11t our eduoa\fop"l eyewm IJ!Illt I!&YI

lpro•ed defeottn. HeaideJ IJ t~e ,,.,,, of rnOGII"D pro~nll ogr TOUPJ QliD trarel wore, tbtJ m11t end oon•t~rtt •ltb ptreooe frow l)lber countrlu, at•d. l>tDome bJtter ac~uaint-

whb the "Qrld1 JP4 Ia m•RJ luareooee are be~tllr 4blt JO forJp ovloloue on

publio q ••Ntloot of ~~~ 4•1· Uor aew•v•· hart lullrt..-4 lo oqruber aod olroolatluo,

ban found tbelr wq luco flllaatl aad plaott wbere tbe7 were eoaroelr •"•r ,. .. u btforo. We WID& oor JOQOIC IDIU 10 lntlrtll "'-tuetiYet io &be ~alrt of tlle ooontrJ, aad &he wa7 ~ lead tbem t4 do eo La 10 .cl"' Uaem the pt-wer Nd prlrlle11• tlblol. c.bey will appr~ll\te of lakio~e pan lu Itt aov•rameu&. Ha wu prtparad to ad­mit &bat a l•uae a amber of our JOUilJI anea do aot a ow take ao ''-'•lllput In tertii lo our PP.biJo af. fahe. h oao b .. rdiJ tJ. llpeo~d &hf t 'PIIR •bo are prohibited frRP.J •ot(o~e eRd JhJII 1CIVhl8' ebo oniJ e!eotllal ,,.,,.ton to J~•lr j)Jihlli)AI wblob 11 poeelble to &.ham e!JoP.Id ~••n1 IQtllrll~ In polltla~. Hq~ III'QOJJWtr. the JJ1111Afr4nGbl.,ct Qf our JOODlr peQPll lhllrt er1 a fVf1 1"8'8 AllO.Iblr wbo IYID DOW talle lh.e troablt k) fOtQl 111"008' al•O loteiUJJeal oplilooe opop she Oo•ero~nral af. falra of •be ,oolonJ , He aooteodl!d, then, that bJ Uteufi(DJf tbl fr11110hiN, we thaiJ DOl OOIJ aiYI tb ... •bo alrHJJ talle a pa~triollo lnre ... a& In cl)t welf11re of tbelr oonotry a11 opportuoit7 to ....... In lhe rHpoudblllllee aud rr~illl!r• of eleothtll tltoet wbo •ball ooptro! jtJ •IJittl"'. ba t we ab\11 UldUOI tpfU}' W~O ,UII t1Jpjp11l1 aud whbuu iJ"H"t pa1 ~xee •hJph th,:r ha~·e nu •oloe 1 h'•Jh•g to J4k1 IQ r.b11 furure tbat iulrr· til llt Jhe polltiPJ of tJII 01./Potrr wbl11b th~ ha,•e o9( ealteQ IP lh• P""· l'b• ontr wrar to really u{rerear Lbe ~ltuuwlulul end hut~lllaaut in vublio alall"l It to Clothe thp•u •hb ~epopalbllltiw iu e6uQeoliou with Lhe!D. 'fn tbHa '"' a.ot of •u"­'"" at •n tl•ulloo will prt! .. ut ir~lf to :bw liMbt of " do&)' e• Will U of o ur1YIIIICI U tbls lt1 10, the deduotloD It plain. Aooord tb111D &be f4aclot co •ow aod thiJ euraly will, If ooL at onoe, Jet lu cba ouune of a llt.tl .. &im•, learn ttl ••erelae &Ji'rJr fnuaobJ.e with IDk'lllu .. uoe, a&J4 !JI)tlpr. Mri• oua•"• of o~Jilf'''"n· ijif~ ••u•n .a ,uJue In tht I(OYdllmJIJ~ Of lljJ QOillftr,, ~tu\1 fOIJ W'lll ulfn hitu an lodQ!llmlltt Jo •JaT •• 1101111 ""'"'" make bit Mlttilllllltl h•U In j)la ou•a•rouuhJ ; refo•• It 10 blm, IIIII f'Oil brdll: Oue uf tbw III"OitvU& Ji11kt whiuh hlud a ruau in att.anhWIL'IIt ro hie a..ltin laud. la tburc.. he (Mr M ) •w in thla tuu•· eurw tllw meaoa of ewlal111t a l•rwtr aud more ttdllCI'&ted pullllo tplri& amouwet l.b• eleqtore of ... It OOUIIII"l ; &lf4 lpe llfiOehllf fbiJI ... WI'J Uta' tb1 ¥h&*' • ••I wblot. alft~oc.. our Jtuhlio lift a& rbt pa ... n' Lime Ia a laok ul tlillt epirlt aaQOUJCe& tb1 eluotu.... ~Yfi"J bou au,.rtlber lu vlllfLIDIC bit OOD• aclt.uenta "'"'" h••., nnttoed lltt• l~euoranQ\o whlob lai"JteiJ pf .. IUe lltnOIItrll& ~Q.I UfiOU ID&DJ Of the poblio qu..UOue wbaoh bate lleta lljlLtlhtll lbe

polltioat ""'N· .--~~.~~~..-~----

aaeroe; i' ~:~~~r:~ ~llrliljlll!ll He bat ~·•• away fcUI'liiU .. •lebra\i( ae4 ...Uy Kool&lltet •• .._...._ enclow•.o. talNd "r •••· Hill 'Dftaileea& 1ti1 •W dlttollrJ of toaNbl Mil bratNi ., o .. t.lit ..... der &Dd dtl!,cb& Of &Itt ecJ ... IIto w0f'l4.

Tate ,.,tlo• ftnr NOGrltl In rh• ..,., ..... Oblo 4oodl. alae lire dllutan of lloiii•II4N' ,... otbtr ol&lwt a .. tiiDed Ida profoandel& •Joa ........ •ad Ia IAOh ID ... I)Oa bl• Ghttek for fi'OUI eaoo •• 16 000 •••lied 'lwl ••tnl relief haodt W._. olhar weall4l1 ~neu aan aeca &0\.1 laaDd ... M alrM bandrlld• aDd Ulou•oda.

1'ht worJLI ~ .. Dlld of IDOrl IUOh men. Ao IDGtdtut ltd him Into the maanf&olllN o(

1Ptdloln1. !:Htlaw•l tolmt twel•• yt~an aao •t&b •bat tile tbltat JlbJiil0:aQI ltrUl~'fJ fatal kl~ d~NI. be wu mlra.oulou•IJ '"'urad to b .. ltb br what 1a oow known AI Waraer'e Safe Cue• .\ L auoe be ruolved t\) ~»eke k uowu tbe raerl&a ol 10 pot.nt • nwe•ly, aod the ooueequeoot Ia lhat to ti&J be b111 lruwtoae l11borator•t~e and wa,.. houaaa lu tbe Oolt.ltfl tltetee. Ct.nada, Ea~laod, Gtri'QilDJ. Auatrla, Aut&ralla aud Uara:ah. BalM of bit Safe fttmtdlll ar• eoormoue, aod &htlr power onr diHaeo tlmplf .marulooe.

'fbe m•rl• of a prodqotlon It Ia exaot ll"plna ,.lua tbl oberaotlr or Itt producer. AD boo ... 10d relll\t-le maD blmetlf, Mr Warner mall" llonHUnl! rehabl• mtdloloat-• fact abuudaaUJ auealerl bJ tbelr pbeoomer.al efftoan1 aod pcpll• larf&J. .·

~eaaec1EI1oo(!. ln.beritecl azul Oontaaioua Jlum.-

on o~ b7 Outioura Tbroa•b ''" mtdlui'Q of oae of your boob r•·

oelyed &brftuih Mr, trau• T. WraJ, drnaalt~ ~polio, P A, I beoarot lloqufthttod whb JOilr 01.J1'10UI4 BIIIIDtU. and l"'"' tht• opportoai&J co &entry lo yon that their uau hu permtneuUJ cored I'Qe of. out nf the woral outa of blood polaoo1nll. In oouneo&lon witb 'ltyJ~pelu. tbet I han enr aeeo And thie after bnioa been pro· JJoooced ioourable tlf aotne uf the but pbyeiohlot lu oar couu&r)' ( tl\kt lltl'lll pleuuro Ia for· wording to JOU tlti11 Uttciwouial, uoeohoited u IL ta by yun. an order tha~ otl.era a01feriog from eimilll\r mall\dlea IUIIJ be enoouragaJ to gi"e JOur CtmOOil4 ltu&£01£5 a trial

P t; WIll I'Ll NlH.:R. Leeohbu...r. P~ ~feruuee: FKANE T \\'KAY. Uroagitt, Apollo.Pa

One of ~ Worat. Ouea We haYI bteo ullioa yoor CUITOURA R£11&·

lllkl for yeara, and bau tbt~ 6rn ournplaint J t!L to reoelrtl from a pnrohuer One nf the woru oaau of Sorofula 1 nar MW wu oured b7 tht ao ol 8ft bottlea of CUT!OimA Ruoa.vattr, Canou6. and Canouau Sou. 'l'be &ap tall" tht •• cake " her~ u medicinal toftp.

TAYtOR & 'I'AYLOR. Dra~raieta. • Fraakport, Kao. -8orotnloua,lllherite1,

And Coolaafoue tiuwore1 wltb l..cl11 of Hair, aa4 . Eruptlm11 of the Sltlo. are poehlfiiJ oarld by CUTIOUUA aod Ounouu tioAP e11eruallj, ao4 OOTIOUKA Rt'.IOJ.VKMT luterntiiJ, wheo all other n.edioln'- (all.

&ld ev•rJwbere P rl011. Crnoua., 60ete &.r Noap. 86ola; Raor.vur. 11 60. Prepttod bJ the P01T&IJ Dauo AICD CoaiOAt.. Co , Uottoo a.~ ... 8' Seod for " How to Cure Skin Dlaeuea.' .

S. P"llet 60 lllaatrsdnna. "ud 101.) teatlmonlale

PI M Pt£s. blank -b11•d•. oh•I'!H'd aud oJiyakua preno.ted CUTIODU MtDIOATID SoAP

' Aod W~:~akntll lneta"'l1 r•lietld bJ tile Out.ioura .&Ati·Paill ~. ' Perfeo' Aotldote to l'ala, loftammatln•

an ealtotll. A oew, loatantantoua aud IDo f•llible pain-kllllocr pluter. Prloe. 80 oeate

a s k t :a. LJ a .

""-.. ..

~~~ 8arlun 'race ~arlt -ANU-


wEnN"£sO:\Y'7'ArliiL to-r;tuis9~---.. Tu&a...: has lntt~ly h~n i~>:iu";J'a v;;~i;-t;;: ea~mg, \"cry 'faluahle dooumen~. Tlu1.t ia the &port by ~r. At.lolph Niei~Wu (thll Oolony'e now Filchna·y Cou11nisNiooer). of hilt journey a• OllllU the Re!ntl~ or Conceii'·IOII. Trinhy tlbd Pl11cun t.i ..Btlytl. A~ ~hu }li'O!'Ant 'tiuae this baa ll llpMlill l itnJ>Ortll n~W. The (.'l~t>Qt. Mr. Niulll&il hnd W tl8 "to exnuaiue, 11'4 l:s.1 au• pos:silJie, the ahorea of those Bgp•, w1Lh ~lu: Yitsw ot ~eloo~ in2 the moet lllltttlllo toil~ fo1· ll cod hutuhery h om wltich thear wu~n• wight ho •looked with fry;'' ~tnd td80 " to ~.Un ~ muuh intor~ Wlltiori us po·tttble, 'e11urdin:t thu time at 'vhic:b codliah ~tp, wn iu thu tl.flilluur. bay•," &o

:llr. Nitl!aeu lir~tt tAII11 "" dant the presence ol ice in ~be heAdll " ' tha nnu~t nnd tillt!\11 t~f Con­ception Bety iutt•.Ct" ~~~ CUIIMidurul;ly with bia

(' exumina~ions, 1u1d o••ligcd him to confine ' hh1sel£ to till)~<& ' plttCOll in which tha ice waa

sufficiently JLI'>II~ ro be walkt.-d lll>QII. Iu rega1· t.o the time of spawning, Mr,

~ iei~An aaya lle mlly st11.te, in general t.erwa, t h ~ frolll ~he iuformu~:on be reoeived in vari· Olta t•laces. he iR led to believe tbd cnc.J wiU bt• found llJnl.YIIing from the month of Jane t ill la\t t4 in the "b'llll. Tl IJit'OUWIJtl\noe, Mr. N:ul11eu l tlliCII, ia favornb to hutohlug opera t10011,

r' rom MN-fttJ 8Xn dona mAde, be b.la n ce rtnined tbtlt !J<:cifio grf\vit.y of t he wnte r is found to he bighesr. 111 Trioir.y uh 1 Plt\.OOOLif\ Bnyll. aa templ'1Atuto, tuo, of .he water in Lhe latt 1· btty ill from two 1.0 tivo de •tees bish~.>l' tht&n in the et\itern bay•. t.ow the \'Ut'i~ttion will 'n ~he spring und

.J ti"~ part of au.nmtH' he could not s~ty ; llut he shol\ld t!Xpeo~ to tiotl it e'•en more, owing to t.lae p1 e~>ence of ice.

~lr. ~ ielseu t6lla ua t.hat no exact date at which the codtish spawn oonld be obLainea either from • the fiahurruen Ol' other~ witb whom he bad IIJ>Oken on the auhjeot. (Tbia srtows how li tt.l& i11 generlllly known of tbe habits and habit.a~ of our l:lela.) ·~ome tlaougqt thl\t t.he cod •pawned in June and the early pl\rt of July; otbera thttt the &i'awning toolt ~ll.tce in August a nd the 6r11t. purt «>f Septew ber ; " ori tbia 'the people of the thtee bti.)'B \1'ero p t•etty well ugreeu.'l. As thea·e wet·e no llsh caught whPn he visited t.boao baya, he Lncl not the opportunit.y of ex..mining any spcciwemt himself, but juJgiog by tho in lor · madou he wai able to ~olloct, 1\lt·. Nielsen 110) tl lao is liti'ODgly Ot opiniou that. uiffel·en~ ach\lols of cod appr~scb the $!08~t.a and bays from • pring till A .ttnwo, arrd in P ltcentia, t:\'cn to tthe la tter p~trt of November. Plru:entia Bay he ~hink" the tiah spawn lia1· dum in tbe eutero lJaya. Il this pt·ove to L~ t.lae fact, which lao did not doubt, New .. fo•mlllanJ, he says, hAs this im!JOrtant 1\dvan· t .,ge o~er•liOme ot.her countrio11-~hat we aha II be ublc to hatch ont threo ot• perhape fonr t .. •c!Ju of liah eMh yeal.

'' Jn Norway the cod apllwn from t.he 8l'flt of M.uo~ uu~il the Iuter part of April; wbil~ iu Lhe Uni~d St.Rt.&l they spaLwn from tbe n.iJ lib of No,•oauberund until March.

"In t"C!':,tllrd to tho fa~cilitT of getting anftioient p;trent W.b, there will prolJAblt be more dim­cultr in aeoorinsl tbem in Trinity atnd Oon· ce11tion than fn Placen&.ia Bays. A» (u u h.­lad learned, tbe eutern baya are muoh more exuauated of ood6ab than Plaoentia !Jay. but ¥~ wonld preaume that by haring aaruall•e.. II(( fltted ov for the purpo~Mt or oolleoti~ ~ from &he labennen, we •hall be &ble to gttt wh\lt parent flab we wane. (or tu" hnlohe'71

wh'ert-Yer it maay he placed. To uoertAin Cnlly the oaaeN ot tLe l~lling

of!' of codllah in your bay•, r•w~ta k• the Com •&Mioaer, 11 would r&quh·e a wullh Iunger autl .tlore oaareful 1tud"y tb11n J hMe Lceh able to D11l~e .Juring thia juarney. I 11m incllnl'd however to thh,k &.bat a& reoklea11 mode of taking immature 1&8 wella.a old •p~waung 6ah, att~d tho ODt)llnone deat ruction of impre~oated P 'SB by tho l•rgo ~l.Jool11 of aquida and her·

ngt w hloh ir~queot. your bays, pea·h .. pa in lur~et· uuu1ber~ of lat.e yea111 tblln foru.e1·ly, ~any bave OJ~Qr&ted injudonaly Lo Clluae a de· ~ine in thf' fi~thOI'ies. Scienti6o iuvcatigation

til prohnbly lind numy othet· Cl\11868. It i11 !'ot unlikely, too, tbat the letrge fleet of bank­!."' no\v proaeouting the Bttuk lislnuy, lltaJ. 9-011troy lurgo qUHntit.iea of l:l .. h which o~bea· .. w o would •l.ai.t the oout for epllwning pur­JOIU· We cannot proveut. this, but 1 feel qllito certain that a proper pro~ction, (Wd a fcarly re·a~k:ing of yona· baya with fry, on erge acalo, (fry hatohod from egga wbioh

onriao would periab), will,aft,er aome 181tn, ain improve your Jbore fieltery and render

it more valuable than h1mswtore. The- pro too~ion of Sab alone U. not autBoieut to rea tore the depleted b•J•• and aeoure the eWeot.a yoo.

... dcaire, unlGIIII at were carried out on 'lNoh a "Urge aoale and 80 completolr, that it woold be roino1\l t.o the balk of Lh• people wboae exi..atenoe depc~nd11 on the tleberiet. Even

-then, it the vrobibitol'1lawa were oatded c.ut to auob ao extent u to rfnder it imp<lllillle for a 6.eberman to make hie li•ins by prote­~tin~ tbe ootl·liabery*t wouJd ~ke a ••'7 mucb longer &ime beforE' anr lluoccM(al re. 1alta would be nbtair&ed, than if we auiat na · ~ by ari1801aJ m•n•, aod guard tb• im• prepated ... ffOID &heir manr entdllel, and from tbeeDOI'Qin• d•raotloa to wbiob tlw7

• n~ whUe e .. Uq abOut Ia .... aa&Or· udl Ct,er .,. ~ieoUd. ftll .. tJai

l&rllr.'liiiiiDie oa wldob- ~J&ure ,..... It bu .................................. 1$Uoalcl110111e .,..u, ....

-NOT long ainoe, .. oa.r Nadert win rerQetn• ber, we o.lled aUeot.loo to &he fact th•&. pett .. · Lion• W\tre ia ooal'l8 ot eipature, aud would sbon be preHDtecl to the HoUM of Auemblf, pt"&ying that t' certain amendment be tllllde to th~ Act paeaed laat ..Uon for &be abolition pext year of c.bat generallr injarioua appliance of fiab-oaptore known u the o3dtrap. Tbe desired amendment, we repeat apin here, wu ru.lvW8d before the bill ~me law; it wu briefly this, Yia., 'bat all Northern \ Labrador (~my frow O&pe 1Lmiaob DOl~b) be exoluded froru thtJ .aope of the A.o~, for-what peraolllt qualiUed to judge belle•e to be-good and euffioient reaaonL Tbeae were-6ri1~1beoaut~e, owing to the grea• eoaroa.r of balt 011 thttt portion of NorLbera Labrador referred to, little-or indeed no 6.1h 'can be aeout't'd wi~h 1\0_r applianoe othtr tban tbe oodtrap or t.he oodeeine; and tbe eeuoo beina ~ery abo,t, the nnfoi',unate reanlt often, indeed invarit~.bly ii that the book•nd·llne 6abery thttre 'ia aen· ei'MIIy very amall, "otl reoour~e na uat uooda therefoa-e be had to the trap or eeino if evtJn a moderate catoh ia to be 8tllured. SeOQncl, be· Ollll&O the former eogiue doea nob wo1•lc 0011. ...

ly the aame amount. or lnjllry there aa i~ un­qucationaUy doea' on the 11outhem part ot tl•e shore. end arollnd c.be NewfuundlaLnd coast. The third ~11on ia tbat if the tt'ltp be proeoribed on the ab" ve p~trt of t.he ~aba·"· dor, the jigger will in many iuatll.noea haLve to talco Ita plaott. And that being ,o, the evjl euught to be ob•iated \"ill bo ruorjt than oount~rbahmced hy the bat'Ol that will hi .. e,•itubly euaue-(1) in the •ve1·y an)atll qn,.n-· tit.y ot tlab teoured ; (2) in toll inj .1ry thAt tltiB objeotionaLble apphiLnott ~ill ttpeedily work: by drh mg the uod ofF into t!ep wa&t.er in purauit of tboee of their fellow whioh ltave been torn by the Jigger; a\nd (3) the regret· ~ble consequence tb•t t.be voyat;e on North­ern Lltbnu.lor will buA lo be oouaider•bly ourt.ll.iled, if not, alaaoet wholly ab~&nduued.

· rl'bl!ll~t thea are tl.e ptinoiplll reuona which have !Pd r.o tbe preaeot.men~ of peLi· tiona to tbe Auemblt pray ina for the.atlt.era • tion referred to, {

The above matter, we ootioe by the l11.tive de~atea, oume before the HotU18JL dBya &Jto, on Mr. McGn~.tb'a Bill for the amendment of tho liLw having relado11 to the abolition of oodtr~tpe. 4 lio,le llmbiguity on tbo aubj~t ia apparent. from tbtt vublished dniJa~a; .it ia no~ certain tberefro::n wbet.ber the intuntion Ia to mt~rely anaend tbe IILw or repeat! 1t. Two or three pe~hiona were pre· aeuted, abme in aupport of ooi t.bing, aowe of ~be o

N we believe ·.,e are just.itieJ in re· ng here that the pt•eaent difficulty

'vould h~ve been obviated, h11d {P.a we point-­ed out when the Bill Wll8 heroro lhe Houae Int. IOU ion) a ff'w D8068lti.I'Y al t.et-ationa then been Wilde. Theae were--(1) hing a limit where tnapa should b.t used on N\lrtiJern Ll· brudor; (2) that u NgllrcJa c.bia vaut.. of t.he col\8t a longer t.ime than Lwo y81lra frou1 ~hett date ahould have been aallowed ere it beoame unlllwfnl to emplor m.- in t.he fi•llel'ftbore; that, in abort, the Bill ahould b~&•e btt~n • ·• altered u not to proao1ibe 1.beir tJ..e on northern IAPrador until after four yearv, Had tbia been dooe, &be 4ot woqlt.l h&Ye t.eea 10 framed a• to etfeot wba& it baa been lpeol· ally pa.ecl to a&tella J aml the aeoeral ~ (nln- of the IQIUure '9'0clld not bave been lnterC.Nd with J DOl' the interuta o( a oe1·t•in ~tet.luo of t.be people t.raely deot.e.l, u i' ia to be fared t.bey will be lfttr tbe A.ot onmN into force and 'h• a• of dle abon applianoe be prohibited on &.be nortbt~ro pctrt o( t.he IALrttdor, and tbe opttratloDil there of mnny or tbe people of .Bonaviata, of Greeo, ~&np of Oonceptlon O.r• -"oa•lyenocunbered,

YP1'JUlD.A.rl p11hllo despRtu4 o\ln~ina tho ratbar aigoifloant llatemtm Lla~tt the o.nadi~tn Houae of Oommona have l~ttttlJ dilloqa~ted tbe qneation of tb" uport uf Vrt.mob caught ltah by [illlilt\x merobanta.

Tbi.a mat.ter hl~ lte(ore onKttged tJt.tentlon io theao oolamn.a J And we are gl.1.d thiLt ir. llu been takeo up hy euob an imt)()rtan~ body "' t.he Dominiun J.llll'liatnent. A.a oc)r readara will remember, Wrbl¥8 Ahown and we httvtt depre<~~~Uid bow that i•unclreda of qnint.aht of Frenoh tleh have t>.en l.tndiKl (iu bond) at Halifu and Lunenbura by St.. ~ierre fiaher• men. Thenoe lt II &.ranahipped to tbtt \V eat lndaea-br and whb tbe ouonl•ance of Ba'lt.. ish aubjeota-whbou• payment of daty I

It ia, tbeo, • areat aat.iaf•otiqn to know that the reprebenaible (Jr&Otioe baa at lal~ a&t· traor.ed the at~otion of the (!anadillu all• tborittea J ani tba' before ury lona doub~, leu auob etrln,-nt Ia •• •ud ragulatlooa 11hall be enal)t.ed u wlU 1.,-IUy rtJPedf the evil, ami prennt. our 1~t Vrettoll Hablll!f rival• from takiaa &be f8rJ qnfttir •d•4n~•P qf qe whioh they saow .. ~ &o pisJ. ,

=· 5

Nor ia tba .. other l&'tem•n• 10a~lned io yetterd•y'a d-.•&oh 1- utlafaotory tb"n tbe a(of8iOina ooe--t.be a&atemnt, viJ , &hat the N o.J~a Sootla 8-enneD are oaQJplainlna or the oumpe~tloo ol boun&.y ,.,. rrenob t.rtde. w. an 1lad •bu CHJr proJIDolal ~JelcbboiW are .& laa 'Wakiat ap eo tt,e q&eot of &be lrYYaDOI u4 ._ 1111 •orldD1J. "bTl fflMn tbMIH'PitDIII __ _

tct ~-=urz=~~=,~IIPJ~.f:·


, ....... . Tn NoawaoJUOoDftiD&Y, ~ougb mDCh

beh~~ ~·~ ~==reuead ~lihl• .mo. 18& 1'8;*~1 .. :tll reoe'iYid OD

~ouday r~lba oatali op to Saturda1. at 28 milliona 1(,60ut ~10.000 quiatala), agalnat -'l million• (about 680,0,00 qaint.ala) for ~be oorreapoudioa period of lut. year. Tbia, it will be 188D, ahoWf .~ ~ diffilrenoe.

IT aWorde u muob at.laf'ac~o.n to 111 \i•l 00 rurLber de•elopmeot. ol the dilteh8 b. we tnani~te..d. tbem•tvea alnce 8&tordar. Qhr· IUltiue bal'been railed on all the 11 lmapeot.ed" houW& in bland (1oqe, •i~h Lbtt excepLloo or £our; and it L. t,boush~ t.bat W!eae, alao, will, before long, be rel..a.J.

A liule girl, uvttn yeara o( ajze, died in LbA botpital on Sundayt ,nd wu oararnllrlnteraed witbin Lbe gl'Oilllll. All tbe o~hor paLienta ara progrH~In;; u fuoOLbly u pouible ; lmd it ia r .. •aonallle to aop1)1)18 11b•t in t.bA-oonrae of not a long 'ime will bo ~horoughly oon

· valeaoeut. The t.wo pat.iei\C.1 Willi11.m 1\nd Selbt Noei,

Wele aziven ~hflb- olear&noe from the botpltal lut week, ·

Hooall or AlsUBLY.-Aa a »peoil~.t St. ,"{ohn'a deepa&toh }old tbe &u.trouo's rt:ati!erft Qn S"turdt.I, OD the }lte\liOUI nigb~, whon Mr, Mo'rioe moved thllt lhe Hoaae go into Oommi~~e on the Mt\Ohood Suft'ralle Bill, t.llerenpon Mr. Emeraon moved and M a ~ Gdeve aeoondNt tba~ 11 it he l'8ad a aeoontl time thatdayalx montha." Uron tlaiA" lh·ely debllt.e eo1ued J and on a& cli•laion, 17 voted for going into Oommi~t.ee, and lS agl\ittiiL• 'ln favor: Meure. Thorburn, Donnelly, \Vin~r, Knight, Pecor, T,el~leAul'ier, Godden, 0'\rt,., Mo.·ine, l\toria~on,. Bonet. P.anona, Murphy, Soot.t, Morrie, O'MJu·a, Veltob-17. A"l\iltllt"; M&~t'l. E1neraon, (Jrieve, D•we, .B.olla,Pe.Lf'•'l, &1aroh, MoDilnJlell, Greene, Shea, Goodridge, Britdabaw, Oall"hl"n, Hutoltinga....-18.'

On Mondtp.y JJJiJJt the Houao reported lH'O~ r•·eaa on SuJ,plf, tnd paned the Revenu6 Bill. ThA 1\flaoluU.On M the St.. J ohn'a Manioipl\1 Bill ~t·e ou lut. night.

·, .... L~U l'.&oll Jlr. XOBDJB.

• $1: Joln'•, April 6, 1889. • [TO Tl!tn~orron OF TBC ITAIIDARD )

OtAn g,R,- /" \ Y ctonpeolal oor,earoudeot," [odtox," m.ade two ml et.a'temeot. oooo,roloa the d11bato ou 101 lho· bood Sutlrqe Bill 1 your ap•olal tflleJ(rapblo \lOr reapoadaat another, and ooa of alloor importance. reprdini my laoture la l:lo. Jobo'1, " lucitx" ro­preaeotl the Attorney Geunal u mo'fiDil tba' tbe committee of t.he whole oa tho bill abould aead· tbe bill to A aeltot ooc:nmhtee before tbo propoal· doa1 for educational 1\Uii property quallltoatiooa were dlepoaed of; 11ud ~tlao repreaeata m)1ulr with havlna \breateoeJ th~ Altorotoy Geuf'ral and otbe,. luto oompllaooe with ruy 'fiewa. .'l'he A'· toroey Gtneralraade oo eoob motion, thoul(h ha 1U11geated th11 ldell that the oomiDitteo migla1 aeod th~ bill to a aeleo~ oommittea, wbiob 1ucaa~tioo be aubsequeotly \"'olaocarily whhdr•w I did araue ltrooglv. u ltrooulyaa 1 ooulct. lu fuor or m1 Maabood Satfu,~re Bill, bat 1 U.reatuett uobody. nor "'!• threat• ueadetl. All the anem· ber1 at t}JDt tluat appeared fl'lorable to ao nteo · eioo uf tha frano~l1e In 1om• form , 11od !l8 to 9 were Ia ra~or of the prloolple of my bill u lnt.ro· dnoed. Your oorreapoodeoc al1o ar11un u tbouab

.booathold 1utrraa• waa tbe principle of tbe frao­ohlee law• uo• io force lo Great Bricllln and Oao· ad!'. Tbla t. looorreot. Iooome raal prnperty aod lodwn rraaQitlae. e lat Ia (~reaa Brltalo, and c.o.da Ia addhloD &o llNhuld l:laf!raao. and In t~a la&&er oocaurry '"IOna u.ay •ott oo their fathtra' proptnJ'. •·Ontario aod New Hraoawlok

till• , .. ,.. ad~ed Manhood 8affra,,, aod leh (loluiQ~ aod PaiDGe Edward LIAo'd bad

I\. barore. wh~ MJ~faotory raeulta. New South \Val .. bu had.~hoqd !lu~rall• for 81 1•ara

'l'be thlrd erro1 wu lu acourdlna me ooly oae buocirad ll1teuetl u my lf'Otare bere. Deeplta tbt faot tha• IDOtbtr leot11re aod aeveral toie\'• taio~QeDtl took phtue elee•bare on the aame ulaM. aud t4e bad weather whioh prnalled. I w .. fora oaate IDOilllb to ba'• :l6ll in tbt aadl· ~tuoe, whlob QQfortQDAtely tlid not e ldantl' Ia .. olurltt Juur oorreapoadaut ,, luc\111." 'the mido· rorruaclon "l•eo wu ao doqbt ubt.alo•d from tba Colorti•J.

Youre toll11 •


-'t'o·~orro., (l'bqraday) a daaorlptlve leoture OQ 2oallab Churob Hietory will be •lell9•r•d lu t:lt. l'aol'a Uall. illuauac.d by Magio LllOtoru Vlewa. lt will lliJ\~'"a«t a period ftoru •he land· llut of the Q.omaaa In Uritaao r.o tlie pre11ut time. 'fhla Ia the fotrodcaotlon Into thi• oouotry of a auoJtmeot la'Pif adopt11d Ia &p,laad for loatrno­~o lo Hlatorie& aobj11ota. To make It popoTar &Qd plaoa l~ wltblo utrybody'a raaob, U•e low obarp of 6 oeq" trlll be .made. A lltuhad auo•· btr of obalra .rltt be pt!J'IIdtd •• 10 oeutL Doort •Ill be opto _.7 o'o•oo~. co 40•omeaa• aL half puH. .

,. __ a .... --

-G~aal falfa,. of atreagua, e11rame pallor Of faoe,puflln .. Ulldtr the IJil, ptraJa&eo' 8WeiJ• IDir Of ftJa#OiDtl, abdomtD &ad teal, UDIOOOI1Dt• a~hl tharp .,_hr Ia the beart..Ahon011• of br"U. followed I)J tba I!JDP nlll~~~~r whb "a111r, wblob lhl tiduara fall to pua o•- aoa qf 1b1 fora . (lOhJit ._re •Jaqptoma or adnaoed ktduey or HrltCht'a l>iaeaae 'r&e late o, Dio lAwla laid, oier hi• QtnJ al1&aalnn, " U 1 round my•lf tha riotha or • Mriqa k11aeJ WoDble. I lhpald ON 1~ar p11.,.ntlo•" Brofcr110r Wm fi '.l'hoaapaoa, If. D. or the Uelweflia7 o1 &he e\tJ ot !!Ia• York, •1• 1 "More eclotJ.a are •rrlecl off Ia dtla ooao· try bJ obroala ~~~~ diaeaae &baa b7 BAJ o&bar ll»aaad7 noepa toa~ta•p&'loa .


tlii~t lliaioli laliirOu &fl'om7 cme.

-Kltew....,_ will .,.·foaul An adYerliatm.al • of &lit l'erra No.,.. Mfrbl• yrorb, &. Joha'a, 'to wbin •• woalcl dnw tlieJaUeatioo of •our ~era. llr. lltfaaet! &lae proprietor, Ia well· luowo ID ht. bale.t; aacl all wbo ma,y reqalre work ID bla llae .. , :.oaat oa fiOtlYiog eutire aa&laf.&otloa· .

'llarldUowJtir~nri ~oldor .Jar• of tlamh wai1 1Uid tir Mr. Worm. &h• La)' a..der of &illy Cote, o~a1llaraday moroiaa Jll&, af&er ltbt wl.r calebrafioo of u,. HolJ CommaDloa at the ood~-OD bf 'De Ja&e Millloa of· wb!Ob detall1 wlU 6Row laYr .. o .. r 70 llfi.Jboa ~maal•&o et.1 tba~ ruoralua ~0 for &ht Ire& thne, and the deep ~o&Jon alaowo dcarior tbe rtadlol ol &N Ntd,... bore wlt.o .. &o tbe J(Nat lmpraaioa &he -A GooD SJOif. -A. late oumber of the 'rtril· •"':rbad .made apoo the people of t.U Jla4e. · llap&e &, aaye that pri•ate a :f'lioea from ~be ( Tel ,. &od"l WK. I:Jow tlrul A. c. w AOIIOUE, Cape Shore hue bee a reoe1Ye8 *hicb COD\'ey tho

S; P. G . • Yu•i?,..,,, pleula,.-repor~ tbat pleuly of lleb bu betto ecea R&'v. Iio V'ur Dull S1na-By Q..,d'e Grane 00 the bouo.., a& Shoe CoYe; oae 01a.o eaachC

sod ·Afercy, aided by your e.arou~obiull. ex- llvo Ia an old hi•De&. lt 1eem1 remarkAble (aay1 botnulou~ Jlrayera aod brotherly fine for ua. we, our oooteg,porarJ) tbac &be fla11 ahoald beJoo the &b& communlcauta of St. Luke'a Cbarob, 6ollly erouadl 80 earlyao the aeaaoa, ol'lertbelenlit i• Co,.._ readily aod tb,ultfully ambraoa tbla op· perf•otly oorreo& &ha~ they bl'le bed uea there, "POftUnlty of pr .. eatiua &o you, throaah our be· aad If the fi•herm1a were p?epated, It Ia pro­lotrlllleotol, oar mol~ alooere espruaioo• of bable tlaat they would be aucoeaafal i.Afaecuriulf 1ratltiade ~ good oa\Ohaa. It may be that the cnildneu of tire e. 0) pleue oept them They ara P'alo word•, wiatu 1 aa bad aomelhfosi t.o db ln briDitng th1 offered by pia aad hulbble people, bat. oner· ftouy tribe 10 early to that part or Ollf bay. 'beh .. a tlley 11re tbtt worda of tratb aod eobera.... ._..._ Y~ lil\v• hean wh.b ue. Yea, aud we thank -Oan.-Oar obituary column lo·d•y.coulaloe

Gg'd fo it We tbaok. film ~10 that under HI~ , the ootloa of the d•ceaee or ao old aod oaoh re. yon h11ve baeo tbe ruean1 of doing ua (:OOd- real llpeoted member of a oiAtt that Ia e.,.ry year be. goJCT;"aod we are aorry iodei d tbal euga~teolibta • oo..-,ioiJ am&Uer a ad 1maller-tba• ~ ll piau-.. eaterod hnoobJ you prior to your ad'llln•lhD9aRIC olau.'' ~ a oorreevo~eot well ~ay•: 11 few 01 preveoc' t he uteoeioo of tbi1 our cniuloa ltlel)c t*'"t · hl"e 1>und from oar tuftlu are more period jleaerally aud more deeply lamented tbao fa tba

To-day eo•na or 111 baye made our jir~t Com. deou•ed. -An ollh:eo he waa unl•er•AIIy reap~t­munioo. We htlnably thaok our llel\vaoly Fa· ed AI ao nprillbt, houe~t mao. The poor and af. 1ber tha~ He h111 in H1a •o\!roy aod .~Dell per· tlloc•d will loo,c romember the lelf-dea,.ing 'tl:lltted lll. mo1t unworthy tbllugb •e be, to ~r- paiuetaltln~e intere1t e•ioced by him whe~ no~ cake pf acoh l>ivloe mr-terlu ,aad wuay io 1imple c!er bl• care. lo bealioa wbanda, toltloSl brokeo, faith; • Lotd, I belleve, help Tuoo mloc uobellef.' rl lalooat~ bnol!l, &o,, for aa a boo~·aetter be waa

Otbert there ara, whoae oamwa wUI be found t"eolarltably alcllfol, etpeolally at Labrador wbera appooded to tbla ad'dreu, who have been from hie ae,.loe• ware required every •euoo • tbere •tme to time, durlug many ye11t1. In \be babll of will hi• lou be aave.rely felt. Mr Soollyleavea OODliOJ to meet J ean• at tbe altar We 11okoo,.,. " larlle aa.d reapejtted familylo mourn tbalr irre­tedge with aouuluo ijOrroll·, that orteu our heiU'la parable Iota •• •ro thoee tho ~AND£RD teodora and aplrl t1 havo uot booo 10 full of lo'o iod lla ddtp aympatby. •rnat and f~tlth a• thoy .are, thank God, to-day - - -\Vilb nur w~ole beart we doalte to thank Gull -S&AU~o N&ws -The etenmer Polynia a1 ere that He UM le~u to tU, aod tbat He. bu by llated eon SacurdGy, arrived Ill St. Jobn'i from you. :Hia Prleata or our moet Uoly Faith. ehown &he Gulf Fiabery oo Friday olab& with 21,000 111 cbe aiofuloe11 of 1lo, aod what a terrible thiUI( •eal- prime ltarpa· Sbe atroolt tbe Ieala oo the elo It In God'a algbt After tbe example of our 20th Marob, aod wben 1he waa OOIDiog out of the Great .f;li~b Prie1t, who Ia a lao t he Pby1ioi11a or. P3 tob loaded, oo tbe 80th MarobJ met tbe aleamer our 1pula.,you did oot lean our beuu oroahed Nirltrod 11oioi loto It wltb enry proaptot qf lh• aod wpunded, ~ut yoat dlreotad ua where to look latter aeutoa a gbod frlp: On the 17tb aod'18~ for healiojl :-'Co lho " Lamb of God who takath 0,r ~laNb •lla uw tl1e ateamer,t Llopard aod MtU• away tbe 1la1 of the •orld.'' W• looked and ti.Jf, but. at too Jroat • diatloce to make out wbe. we ban 1eeo Hill\ to. day \p tha' Moet Holy "tller &bey bad I(Oocl trip• or not. Tbe Polpai4'' Saorameut of the Body and Blood nl Obriat. · scala are the prim oat- qo"llty of harp•. whiob wUl

Verily aud lodeed you bave taal(bt u.1 • God avera~re at ltut abont forty.ftn pouoda eact. 11 Lov•.' So olearly, vl•ldly, aod feeliogly hue A: 1'wll_llogate deepatoh of Frjda,r uya Bre.tt'a yoa ~iofured God'• lo'fe to aa that aa 'we' bue aobooner tlrrl'lld yeeterda1 wit'6 dO. Not much lieteuctd wo havo feJt oar ' qoarta bora wltbln ,baa beeo dooe there "ltb 1eal1 tbit~ •eaaoo · bat J• ua." ' 1 ba dlep luter8.t whlob you hue take a. '' hoped tbaUoe w•albor al5d ahte60e ot 'i~e wall iu 01. the IJ111patby and oon•olatloo wbloh we lud to ao early opening of the aummer ftabory, hue reoelved from JOU durioa our pereooal aod ~ -- • print. iuaenlewa. aooompaoied wlt.b Uodly -A.: UoLr ACOID&NT ooouned ou Mllitary oouo1el aud advice will. we &roat, live Ia our R?ad. St. Jqbo'1, oo.lul Friday forenoon, oaaaed. mtmdrln. and lt&Dd ILl ooa of the JTW~torioll of by '~e fierce couduot of ao auar1 bull, .iraported tbla • mlmoh' . IO!~e: tirue aluoe bf Mr. Woodley. Iarmer, of

We lout.c to r.l\y mure, aod tell yoq of all the Q utdlvttli rol'd. It aeem1, aaye tbe Cuionul, tbat gooa chi on God b111 done' ror our 1o~l• u tlae re. thu animal •aa aold to lho A~rrioultural Sooiety aalt nf your Ill boor io tbi• c Mi11!ou, • t.at time au•l • u be(og takeu to Mr. H1111idata farm wher~ 11olJ "P 1ct: fail, La a wu to be kep for the 11aaau. It wn a &OQ

W" b~tll ~t 9u that aotiooa 1peak louder than of Mr. fl !llllday'a wbo , .. takiu11 the bull hom .. wordii, aud thu aa. rroc:n tf,u11 r.o thne, yon hear Coming up Military road tbe t.ulml\l broke away from ue. tho lntelli11enoa will givd you CU\Oie to from Halliday and attaokecl bim with hie boroa. rl'joice, snd wiv11 ulory to Go~. llu toned blm lo the air repeatadiT before httlp

\V e hopo lltat lb bavpy aod oburlog reaulta cnaoe. Jaaoea Myriok. ftrtt aawe to &be reaoue of t.btl Miuion "ill eoooura~ee you lu thl• oow aod the Infuriated bl!ut now turoed on blm and wo ric-. noJ 1 bat oLbor placea ma1 be a ran ted tbe 1\ruck at him oooe or t wioe ·•ill• ble boro1. Maoy

1aaa1e uJe .. ed privileaea wblob we bAre ao mnob peraoo.t b:uJ aathered by tbia time and 'be bull, ~ojoyed · oow complete!>: looee rao u~ Mlllta'l' .Bi)ad, ••cl

AQd oo•, oar de':lr brotbera 10 Obrfel. we bid around ~eebau • ooro11r. .Eiare au aUempt w .. you fart•ell. and we pray tbnt God will bleu made to atnp tbe animal, be -ICaJ')ed Mad rao down botl.l you aod youra aod 1'11ttbtlly pru1p1r yoor 1\eaole'a 14111 8oad, but not ' before two abota every eorieavor to, win 80011 for Ubriat-.(men bad been ftrpd Into blan by pollee oW~ar Squire•

Wo re•nalo, ReYuead aud dear Sirt, yotm Ia Tho b.ull beaded for Kloa•a Bridal,' where b~ !ott tutd tbaoltrulutu, wu oaa~bt and d11patobec.J. Poor Hallld~l ,. .. 0 ~rnelb Srulth, Rector, Jobo &u•om, brOU'fbt toto AJra. chttpbaoaoq'a, ooratr of ~lnv'e H d ~lnrrfe, L,y Rud'r William Ploboru, roed, and dootora aod oleraJQliD aaol fot. lin, Alfrell Parrot, l:Juah Hl•ooo~ . ~k ijrabam aud Ora. Hol"IIJ aucl aarrey Wllr. John rri!IIOh, Jteslah Parrotb 10011 prtlll!l,fo On e~miuatlop tht faoe ... Pelitr Parrot, OIIYII\ Jtelland, !ouud to ba oqt, beel~ee IPIOJ bodliJ lofuriee, FrAooil Fr~tnoh, aud 76 uaQ)ea l'be mao wu ordered to tl.le hoepltal, llyrlok

baa oal( utern11l wouoda Ia 'h• leae and arQle , Sollly Cote, 'th April, ~889 and wit bll all rlaht lu.a day or two. Wbetllt;

poor I:Jalllday will pall tltroui"h or oot the doo. By Telegraph. tera ooqld not uy. Tbe olotblua of llotb a;e;

wo.' toro JD atome. ~ II e _,. ____

II~IF.\X • .\ptil6 - l'lte Britlah Hoqee of Co~­...,.. P""'"'i &be ~.ad NarUor 411 Bill problbh· Iocr th""AI)Uul;,of llqnQr oo Hllndert.

Buuho.cll'r beld a ooafereoot u 8ro11el1 whh deP.ucicta (rom Parl1.

r~ao ~·ronoh <Jbteromeat urae• Uolafum to Uoulaul(&l'. New Aruo•wlok legltlature rejeotad cbe

a ::iu~.:ct UJII. Pn.IL 8.-!.'1~ ..Ooohe11 of Ca.brldae. auaL of

V"'torl" lit de•d• · barl111 lt•rual'• optol11~ • .-pee~ aoool b~ea

oo tad11y. O•lfyftn anembeet of..tbe Eseou· thg tbe Netlqual I:;eaaae beloaaad to aeorat aool•t.i•i. • •

ProaiJecta of the Jo,•ober trat.Je la C.o.ula are e&etoedfo)!l.)' 1100. t , • • L • ..

tile ~p.. Wit"'"" aut,ett Ill"- ~ydnty frooa S"mo11. Her uoap\' from tbe barrloaue i1 ro-l(ardecLu ~v11Uou1. .

Pope Leo,tt J~r.sparlusc an eooJollo~l dl.ouuloa the talljool of S1•ol"llff0,

A fit tb Suan'b• h. Oeorula..~eatroyttf ftf~ illio aort \ ll"lf dollar1' .. nr1h Qf vropwrty. Nor tlk,VtT~IcUII, ~u Anlfl!red frotn oyolone,ltr•

aod fiUC~tJ. l'ifublJrg b"* had a ballu.~lllloo dol· lar ftrl!i aua·a .,,. a~ ~nrat, lodt.~ ttl uroyttd one huodrtid llauee'ijorohioll' a to" of oue mallloo dollua. '

AprU 9 . .,...'l'ho . llp"'e Role Qill fqr !Jaoti&Qd wu lntrorlooed· b1 the LOrd Ad,ooale yttttrda,. h oreat11 a oottoty oouaoU aeleekd b1 &ba ~holdHII 'rtM Oiteeoila •UI baYe power to enaot pri'llte b11J1, A' nab& hlll)arto Yllted lD l'a!Tt.•aeot ~'M- reported tbe Qalafall) a_atborltlea reqaM' .-aaaal(er t-a le&ylf "'• ooauti7. • ~· tJ•n.t.flall Qow'lDooa bne cfttoaiiCd cu •· pon of Fr~uoh a•ught ftab bJ Halifax marohaot4. :qov\ Sooti.\ 81btrmen oomplala of th• oomptU• tiou of bDnlltY·fed Jlreuab &nde

~PilL 10 --The Marqula of Lootloudari'J N• 111CUa tba Vfoi·roraltt of lreluad owllf 10 preaa•rt of pllra&e aLlN aad &be lH•blilllb of bla wjla. ,

Pen. bM .ad foiUtli of &tiMe ~o~.

The " I:Joletelo'' bull 'WU aold br auotaoo oaa, .tbo ~lag'• 15rldae, eJJd ·~ purohuad. b7 Ah denla Dooley (batober). for ttie aqm of elabty; aevon dollart Tbe ·aulrpul we~Jabed abQut teQ boodred wela~t. . -- .

--~ION0Af'5 L EOTURI' ...,..'l'bp Ber. llr .aollli&'a lecture, to ~ltd of cbe widow aqd orpbaoa of tha lllt.e lhv. A. 0 . J Warr11u, tlullnred iu St. Paul'a

, Sell oo ~onrlay epanto~r. dre•, U'waa fallr ao. tlolp11t~d. a good audieooe-.r:61 well beoaaae ot the IYU!Patbotlo, OOQianeodabla objeot rtfllrrod to u froQJ thtt fac~ lhal tb«! young re..-. Jrt,Dtlomau'' faatUe botb u.a aobolar {~te baviug woo a double 61'1~ at Oxford) aud a riaiul{, pO"~fllt: platform 1 enlt11r1 tAd prt~oedad 111111. aod moob eapeotauoy Mad Vl.tllllllrO "ert t borl.'fore felt by tb .. e Oitl&en• lO ht~tr and judge (or tbeultelvel,

The Ohair or tbe Wlleliu" \\U taLeo by tbe ltn Mr. Noel. Before, bowever, iotroducloa lbe leoturar. he wae pleued to loforrn &ba audj. eooe tbat there bad been prepared fqr &be oo .. oqfoq eome good CDuelo whiou ~bey wuuld now bne rbe oppor&uuity .. ( llattolo~r &o. 1 Aooord­lu~«l.r ~o luetrameul<61 duet-T/., Voi~• of th'l Wall!'~ tutefuliJ pleyed bJ ~~~ ~11••• Oalro1, fortutlli a ftnlu.r lotroduatloa, followed aa t, wQ br a prauy aooi, prattllJ taajJ b,y Mfu M Ratbefford. Tlteo OAJ,LII tbau&ortio~d aoog....: Slrangtr.6 ht-reuct~recllq 109.d 8&71t by Mr Calraa. M1ae Hall &lid Mto. W hitQJao uu~ ap: peuecl aod &?lollled tbe audlfaoe wi'b cbat, it aot yerr ~ew, rae at war• pQpt&lar .tt.-4 B. 0, Mn Hl~loa I&Dir In ber OWD aooa ltyle ~ Slttu of 1M OttGII. 'l'be Qlaaloal .,ar' qf tbe pro. pmme waa ter1olatt8() bJ tbe alalla1 ol &bat plalodre tnelody-Good·lll....-bt ilt.l:ieJ 'IDnllr •

, Thla bro~ht the re,, leo&aret. before tl.e u­~· .udll.-, •lldj fqi!dter \he ~ of aa liotir be held hJa ti.-er. eoobiafoea w\ile ·be elo­qaeatly dilated oa a ~ pl.....,.aeGbieet-" o,. ford ~o&el," He waa !M&tald so .wt~ d .. (» ~p &oa&lop, uct u tile elOM Ilk aadboN f.t& tb&& b waa thai" lo btu' w .... eoald aof. be nnrdi4 .. 1 other 'b~ a brUUu• •on. ~'- a brtUa..t ~p•or, ror ti• ·~b ~"' irlab ~-

ti" &b6 rql ~· of ...... ~ :a; a I ••• laltallcl ......... ,... ... ...act =·!i~i=-":=~=-~~ ~- ..... i~-· .,.....~ ... ~ 11;_:.,..=·-~---·., ... ,.,.."-~-.-~