Google calendar

Post on 15-May-2015

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Transcript of Google calendar


With Google Calendar you can do the following:


Go to .com


Click on “Calendar”

You will see this page:

Enter your e-mail address

Enter your password.

Click “Sign In” if you already have an account.

If none, create an account, by clicking “Sign Up”

It will take you to this page.

Fill up the necessary information.

Fill up the necessary information.

Click on “Create my account”

It will take you to this page;

You may change the View, And make it “Daily View”

Or make it , “Weekly View”

“Monthly View” is also possible,

Or even “4 days View”

You may change also, “the Agenda ”

Let’s Create an Event now, Click on “Create”

You will have this page.

Enter the title of Event...

The date, time and other time specifications

Then location and guests e-mail addresses.

Followed by Descriptions and other important details


Once completed, click on “Save”

It will show you the event has been recorded on the Calendar

Now, let’s share the event that has just been finalized to your

enlisted guests, choose the event....

This will appear

Now, choose on “Share the Calendar”

You will have this page, now enter the e-mail address of the person

you want to share with, your calendar...

Arrange the way you want to share it

Click on “Save”

Congratulations, you have just completed making an

event and shared it to special people in your life.