Facebook dark post ads training

Post on 10-May-2015

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This Facebook Ads: Dark Post training will show you how to go from scratch to create Dark Post ad for Facebook Advertising. This Facebook Ads Dark Post training is incredibly effective if you take the time to implement it with attention to detail. 70% of your ad is clicked on because of the image. So for dark posts you want to specifically target the Niche that you are going after with those relevant things.

Transcript of Facebook dark post ads training

This Facebook Ads: Dark Post training will show you how to go from scratch to create Dark Post ad for Facebook Advertising.

Before you get into this Dark Post Training you will need a few things.

First you will need these things

1. A Facebook account with a Facebook Fanpage already created.

2. You will need to have already created a custom audience to advertise to that is specific to your niche. This is most effectively done with a tool. There are several that you will need to choose from and something that“scrapes the UID’s (user id’s)” from the Facebook pages, events and groups.

3. You will want an awesome image to use that is already stored in a folder for you to get easily.

4. Once you have the above 3 items then you are ready to complete this Dark post training journey.

Be forewarned that if you proceed ahead without completing the above results your ad will most likely not be targeted correctly and you will lose time and money.

Facebook Ads Dark Post

•Specifically Facebook ads Dark post will allow you to hide the post from your fanpage in case of offers that are not congruent with your niche. Or if you have multiple posts that you are promoting that are different products.

•Don’t even use postings that are on the right hand side of the column. They are part of interruption marketing that have to be out there and obnoxious so they can grab your attention.

•How to make good ads. Create a folder whatever that catches your attention, all the ads and images that will be congruent with what you are about your target audience will also be about as well.

•Make a swipe file with catchy phrases, take it and borrow it and put your own twist on it.

- See more at: http://dustinslade.com/lead-generation/facebook-ads-dark-post-training/

Don’t use red around your border when you make an ad. Green is a much better to convert around these posts.

• When you create a new ad choose Page Post Engagement.

• Go into the Power Editor- Must be using the Chrome Browser

• Click download to Power Editor

• And when you leave the power editor you have to upload your ads to Facebook again.

 There is a lot of information to cover in this Facebook Ads- Dark Post training so make sure that you complete each step correctly in order.

 1. Start by creating a campaign

for your Facebook ads Dark post

2. Create a new ad and choose post page engagement

3. Choose the option for Auction and page post engagement

4. Choose an Ad set for the Ad and create a new one that is the name of your product.

Name the ad something that you can remember for things like split testing

• Create a new unpublished post. *** Never boost a fanpage post***

• Make sure that you use and image that is catchy and 70% of click is from an image  ***The size for the Desktop ad image is 170×166***

• Create a new unpublished post as a “link” with your URL in there to your capture page.

• The Post Text is **** Better when you tell a story like “how I generated 50 leads a week for my biz, want to learn more click here.”

• Make sure that your capture page says something almost identical to what you said in the above quote.

• Include a “learn more” button.

• In the Link headline create a title that is something that will elicit some emotions. Ie. “shocking piece of puzzle revealed.

• Include your link or something that is just a “display link” Could be fake if you dare.

• Include the link to your capture page or webinar or whatever in the Post text for them to be able to click on.

• Add the Description that is congruent with. Add something with target market will relate too.

• **** Special Bonus Tip for using images in ads. You can post an image with the company tagline text highlighted so the prospects brain is tuned in automatically to your post. You can even use similar colors in a logo.

• If you are going to test Mobile platform vs. desktop split test the ads.

This Facebook Ads Dark Post training is incredibly effective if you take the time to implement it with attention to detail. 70% of your ad is clicked on because of the image. So for dark posts you want to specifically target the Niche that you are going after with those relevant things.

• Make sure you can create custom audiences to be specific to your niche and advertise to them. Will need a tool to create the audiences with for this to be effective.

• Make sure your Fanpage restrictions are the same as your ad. IE age, Location

• You can then plug in a custom audience and it will give you a Max Bid per click cost.

• When you have taken the time to create a custom audience well then you have super targeted folks to work with so if you have this done you can choose CPM (cost per impressions)

1.In Power editor only you can choose to Manually setup bids

2.Your most important category is the reach. Social is the least important.

3.You can choose $5 in each category or change the price by order of importance.

4.Choose upload to put it back in the Facebook ad manager.

The key to this system or really any Facebook ads Dark post system is to creating a targeted custom audience.

Training to make you become a Facebook Marketing

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