Best SEO Tips for New Bloggers Presented By

Post on 01-Sep-2014

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Here is best SEO presentation prepared by WAQAS AHMED founder of Here is best tips for on page optimization and optimization, Best SEO tools, and Best SEO strategies.

Transcript of Best SEO Tips for New Bloggers Presented By

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

WAQAS @waqasahmad97

Skype: khanwaqaspk

Main Topics

• What is a Search Engine?• On Page Optimization• Off Page Optimization• SEO - What is NOT Recommended • Best SEO Strategies • Ranking factors • Top 10 SEO Tools

Before Going to Do SEO

Generate Idea.Do research about your idea.Try to find community for your idea

(keyword).Which keyword and which country

you will target.

What Is SEO?SEO = Search Engine Optimization

Refers to the process of “optimizing” both the on-page and off-page ranking factors in order to achieve high search engine rankings for targeted search terms.

Refers to the “industry” that has been created regarding using keyword searching a means of increasing relevant traffic to a website

How Do Search Engines Work?

Spider “crawls” the web to find new documents (web pages, other documents) typically by following hyperlinks from websites already in their database

Search engines indexes the content (text, code) in these documents by adding it to their databases and then periodically updates this content

Search engines search their own databases when a user enters in a search to find related documents (not searching web pages in real-time)

Search engines rank the resulting documents using an algorithm (mathematical formula) by assigning various weights and ranking factors

On Page OptimizationKeyword Research (First of all search

keyword with proper details, like number of searches and competition)

Quality Article (Write quality article to get attraction of your visitors. Article should be of 500+ words with 2% keyword density)

Article Title (Should be attractive and your targeted keyword should be in title and title should of 40-50 words)

On Page OptimizationH1, H2 (Heading and sub heading will be

easy for search engine to rank your website)Inner Linking (Link your post with your

existing articles)Relevant & Attractive Images ( Try to use

relevant image in your post, it will attract your visitor more)

Meta Description (Search engine using meta description to show your website in search engine, use description of less than 150 words)

On Page OptimizationMeta Keywords (Use keyword research tools to

find best keywords for your website, Google Keyword Planner is good to find keywords)

Long Tail Keywords (Mostly people using long phrase to search any thing in search engine instead of keyword)

Alt Tag (Use your keyword as a alt tag in your article, it will also useful for search engine to rank your website)

Website Design (Your website should be easy to navigate for users & Crawler as well.

Update your website regularly.

Off Page Optimization

Article Submission (Submit your website to popular Article submission websites)

Social Networking (Create community on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, G+ and many more)

Forum Postings (Create a forum/online discussion board of your own and start a discussion or share topics with your friends.

Search Engine Submission (Submit your website to the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN)

Off Page Optimization

Link Building (Link building is a method of getting links to your website from other websites and internal pages in order to drive traffic and increase search engine ranking)

Guest Posting (Guest posting on other sites can be a great way to increase awareness of your website as well as increase your authority, especially when you first start building your website)

Blog Commenting (This tends to be one of the most popular methods that people use to increase their link backs)

Off Page Optimization

Social Bookmarking (These include sites such as twitter, Digg, and Reddit, which use bookmarking to share resources and information)

Classifieds Submission (Do some classifieds submissions to advertise your products for free. Try Craigslist and other major classifieds sites like Kugli, Myspace, iMadespace, Vivastreet, etc. )

Answer Questions (This is another best way to increase your backlinks & traffic. Participate in major Q&A websites like Yahoo Answers and many more.

SEO - What is NOT Recommended

Flash and shockwave - spiders do not pick up these files

Image only sites - spiders do not pick up imagesImage maps - spiders cannot read image maps. Frames - only one page can be titled (titling is

critical in search rankings)If the spider cannot read the complete page

(because of the frames), it will not be indexed properly. Some spiders may not even read a frames web site

Misspellings, JavaScript or HTML errors (validate your code)

Copyright MaterialBlack-Hat SEO

Best SEO Strategies Research desirable keywords and search phrases

(WordTracker, Overture, Google AdWords)

Identify search phrases to target (should be relevant to business/market, obtainable and profitable)

“Clean” and optimize a website’s HTML code for appropriate keyword density, title tag optimization, internal linking structure, headings and subheadings, etc.

Help in writing copy to appeal to both search engines and actual website visitors

Study competitors (competing websites) and search engines

Implement a quality link building campaign

Add Quality content

Constant monitoring of rankings for targeted search terms

Ranking factors

On-Page Factors (Code & Content)#3 - Title tags <title>#5 - Header tags <h1>#4 - ALT image tags #1 - Content, Content, Content (Body text) <body> #6 - Hyperlink text #2 - Keyword frequency & density

Off-Page Factors#1 Anchor text#2 - Link Popularity (“votes” for your site) – adds credibility

Top 10 SEO Tools

Google AnalyticsGoogle Webmaster ToolsGoogle Keyword PlannerSmall SEO ToolsCopy ScapeOpen Site ExplorerSEOQuakeSEO by YoastAhrefsAlexa

Good By

Presented By: WAQAS AHMEDWebsite:

www.latesttutorial.comFacebook: FB/waqas97Twitter: @waqasahmad97Skype: khanwaqaspkCell # +92 344 2176465