5 - 4217 Glanford Avenue · 5 - 4217 Glanford Avenue Victoria, BC Canada V8Z 4B9 (250) 744-2720...

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Transcript of 5 - 4217 Glanford Avenue · 5 - 4217 Glanford Avenue Victoria, BC Canada V8Z 4B9 (250) 744-2720...

5 - 4217 Glanford Avenue Victoria, BC Canada V8Z 4B9

(250) 744-2720 info@bcsea.org

20 January 2011

The Honourable Colin Hansen Minister of Health Services, Victoria, BC by email: hlth.health@gov.bc.ca Dear Minister Hansen, Re: A public inquiry into the health hazards of oil and gas development The BC Sustainable Energy Association urges you to order a public inquiry under section 86 of the Public Health Act to investigate these issues relating to public health:

Do government laws and policies governing natural gas development, production and transportation adequately protect the public from sour gas and other health hazards? If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy?

Is sufficient consideration and priority given to public health in the development

and implementation of laws and policies relating to the oil and gas industry?

What measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given sufficient priority in: setting standards; creating setbacks of facilities from residents; emergency plans; air quality monitoring; consultation and notification procedures; permit approvals; and compliance and enforcement.

Are public health officials adequately involved in developing and implementing

laws and policies for the oil and gas industry, as they relate to public health? BCSEA is aware of and supports a request for an inquiry on these same issues by the University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre and the law firm of Devlin Gailus on behalf of Peace Environment and Safety Trustees Society. We are deeply concerned about the potential for oil and gas development in BC to harm the health of British Columbians, through gas leaks (such as the recent Pouce Coupe incident) and through many other means. Yours truly,

Thomas Hackney, Vice-President for Policy

January 17‐2011 


Honourable Colin Hansen 

Minister of Health Services 


Victoria BC V8W 9E2 

Fax:  250‐356‐9587   

Dear Honourable Minister: 



Please be advised that Chillborne supports the request that, as the Minister of Health 

Services, you appoint a public inquiry under s. 86 of the Public Health Act to resolve the 

following outstanding questions regarding the oil and gas industry in British Columbia: 



Does current government law and policy governing natural gas production wells, facilities and pipelines adequately protect the public from sour gas and other 

health hazards? 


If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy?    

When laws and policies are developed and implemented for the oil and gas industry, is sufficient priority given to public health?   


If not, what measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given higher priority in: 


Standard setting;  Creation of setbacks of facilities from residents;  Emergency plans;  Air quality monitoring;  Consultation and Notification Procedures;  Permit approvals; and   Compliance and enforcement efforts. 


What reform is necessary to make Public Health officials full partners in the development and implementation of laws and policies to better protect public health?  


Our employees have personally experienced some negative health issues related to 

emissions from nearby wells. 


On behalf of the employees of Chillborne Environmental I urge the Honourable 

Minister to exercise your authority to appoint this public inquiry, in order to ensure that 

the health of the residents of British Columbia are not being put at risk from sour gas‐

related activities in the province.  These important questions must be answered before 

sour gas activities in British Columbia increase further. 



Yours truly, 




Brian Churchill 

On behalf of Chillborne Environmental Employees 

January 26, 2011

Honourable Colin Hansen Minister of Health Services PO Box 9050, STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9E2 Fax: 250-356-9587 Dear Honourable Minister: I am writing to advise you that the Georgia Strait Alliance supports the request that, as the Minister of Health Services, you appoint a public inquiry under s. 86 of the Public Health Act to resolve the following outstanding questions regarding the oil and gas industry in British Columbia:

• Does current government law and policy governing natural gas production wells, facilities and pipelines adequately protect the public from sour gas and other health hazards?

• If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy?

• When laws and policies are developed and implemented for the oil and gas industry, is sufficient priority given to public health?

• If not, what measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given higher priority in:

• Standard setting; • Creation of setbacks of facilities from residents; • Emergency plans; • Air quality monitoring; • Consultation and Notification Procedures; • Permit approvals; and • Compliance and enforcement efforts.

• What reform is necessary to make Public Health officials full partners in the development

and implementation of laws and policies to better protect public health?

As there is increasing concerns amongst communities in British Columbia regarding the potential health and environmental impacts of natural gas production, it is incumbent on you and your Ministry to use due diligence and a precautionary approach to managing this industry. Georgia Strait Alliance urges the Honourable Minister to exercise your authority to appoint this public inquiry, in order to ensure that the health of the residents of British Columbia are not being put at risk from sour gas-related activities in the province. These important questions must be answered before sour gas activities in British Columbia increase further. Sincerely,

Christianne Wilhelmson Executive Director

ictoria BC V8W 9E2

 February 4, 2011 Honourable Colin HaMinister of Health ServicePO Box 9050, STN PROV GOVT

ax: 250-356-9587


ort Nelson First Nation supports the request ucted under s. 86 of the Public Health Act as

d gas industry in British Columbia and safety of the citizens of British Columbia is

hirst for the revenues that go into the rovincial coffers are of such strength that other non-financial matters

riginal signed by

hief Councillor

 Environment and Safety Trustees Society (PESTS)

Fort Nelson First Nation R.R.#1, Mile 295, Alaska Highway

Fort Nelson, B.C. V0C 1R0 Telephone 250-774-7257

Fax 250-774-7260

nsen s

VF Dear Honourable M Please be advised that the Fthat a public inquiry be condto how the regulation of the oil anensures that the healthprotected. We are concerned that the tpare given a lesser priority and this includes health and safety. We urge you, as the Honourable Minister of Health, exercise your authority to appoint this public inquiry. Sincerely, O Kathi Dickie C c.c. Peace

February 8th, 2011Lois HillPeace Environment and Safety Trustees Societyc/o Devlin GailusBarristers and SolicitorsSuite C – 100 Nootka CourtVictoria BCV8W 1B9

RE: Inquiry to Investigate Whether Current Regulations Adequately Protect Public HealthAND Letter to Honourbale Colin Hansen, Minister of Health Services, BC

Dear Lois Hill,

Thank-you for the opportunity to comment on the new Oil and Gas Activities Act (OGAA) and torespond to the above said letter.

I have been researching issues specifically related to air pollution and cumulative effects in NortheastBC for almost 10 years – previously as a graduate student and now as an independent researcher /consultant. Based on my knowledge of potential ecological and human health impacts associatedwith upstream oil and gas development in northeast BC, I would expect that any new regulationswould advance the protection of human and environmental health, and create a foundation on whichvalues of human and environmental health can be furthered as policy instruments.

I firmly agree that in order for human and environmental health to be protected, there need to bescientifically derived quantifiable limits and standards for protection – the new OGAA contains nosuch limits or standards, nor are there any approaches for reducing or limiting atmosphericemissions. I agree that a permanent and comprehensive air monitoring unit needs to be in place,and think that a system measuring in parts per billion (ppb) is required to ensure there are noexceedances of BC’s Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS). The lack of limits, and lack ofmonitoring, combined with the persistence to treat oil and gas activities as though they exist inisolation, and continuing to limit the regulation of emissions to “large sources”, put human andenvironmental health at risk of inadequate protection. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to publichealth.

I am of the opinion that your concerns are valid, well thought and well documented – I hope they arewell received. I know that you raise such concerns with government and industry expecting thatthese concerns will be acknowledged and accounted for. I trust that this letter to the Minister ofHealth Services will allow these expectations to finally be realised.


Dr. Judi Krzyzanowski BSc, MSc, PhDOwner and Principle Investigator - Krzyzanowski ConsultingResearch Associate – The University of British Columbiajudi@krzyzanowski.ca

30691 Simpson Road, B.C.• V2T 6C7 Tel: 604.557.5851 • Fax: 604.557.2024 •TF: 1.800.940.1150 www.mnbc.ca

February 3, 2011 Honourable Colin Hansen Minister of Health Services PO Box 9050, STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9E2 Fax: 250-356-9587 Dear Honourable Minister: Please be advised that Métis Nation British Columbia supports the request that, as the Minister of Health Services, you appoint a public inquiry under s. 86 of the Public Health Act to resolve the following outstanding questions regarding the oil and gas industry in British Columbia:

• Does current government law and policy governing natural gas production wells, facilities and pipelines adequately protect the public from sour gas and other health hazards?

• If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy?

• When laws and policies are developed and implemented for the oil and gas industry, is sufficient priority given to public health?

• If not, what measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given higher priority in:

• Standard setting; • Creation of setbacks of facilities from residents; • Emergency plans; • Air quality monitoring; • Consultation and Notification Procedures; • Permit approvals; and • Compliance and enforcement efforts. • What reform is necessary to make Public Health officials full partners in the

development and implementation of laws and policies to better protect public health?

As Aboriginal Peoples recognized under Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution Act and with a long history in areas now covered by oil and gas industrial development, Métis are concerned about the potential for harm to the health and well-being of all people living in areas associated with these industries.

30691 Simpson Road, B.C.• V2T 6C7 Tel: 604.557.5851 • Fax: 604.557.2024 •TF: 1.800.940.1150 www.mnbc.ca

Further, Métis Nation BC feels that our concerns and the concerns of the general public are being marginalized in a race to develop these industries. In those cases where Métis are consulted regarding development, there is little interest in addressing Health concerns and even less time spent on the cumulative impacts on the people who live in proximity to major developments. Métis Nation BC urges the Honourable Minister to exercise your authority to appoint this public inquiry, in order to ensure that the health of the residents of British Columbia are not being put at risk from sour gas-related activities in the province. These important questions must be answered before sour gas activities in British Columbia increase further. Respectfully, Bruce Dumont President Metis Nation British Columbia

February 1, 2011 Honourable Colin Hansen Minister of Health Services PO Box 9050, STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9E2 Fax: 250-356-9587 Dear Honourable Minister: Please be advised that [your organization] supports the request that, as the Minister of Health Services, you appoint a public inquiry under s. 86 of the Public Health Act to resolve the following outstanding questions regarding the oil and gas industry in British Columbia:

• Does current government law and policy governing natural gas production wells, facilities and pipelines adequately protect the public from sour gas and other health hazards?

• If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy?

• When laws and policies are developed and implemented for the oil and gas industry, is sufficient priority given to public health?

• If not, what measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given higher priority in:

• Standard setting; • Creation of setbacks of facilities from residents; • Emergency plans; • Air quality monitoring; • Consultation and Notification Procedures; • Permit approvals; and • Compliance and enforcement efforts.

• What reform is necessary to make Public Health officials full partners in the

development and implementation of laws and policies to better protect public health?

Blueberry River First Nations urges the Honourable Minister to exercise your authority to appoint this public inquiry, in order to ensure that the health of the residents of British Columbia are not being put at risk from sour gas-related activities in the province. These important questions must be answered before sour gas activities in British Columbia increase further. Yours truly, Chief Joe Apsassin On behalf of Blueberry River First Nation

February 2, 2011 Honourable Colin Hansen Minister of Health Services PO Box 9050, STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9E2 Fax: 250-356-9587 Dear Honourable Minister: Please be advised that the Custodians of the Peace Country Society(CPCS) supports the request that, as the Minister of Health Services, you appoint a public inquiry under s. 86 of the Public Health Act to resolve the following outstanding questions regarding the oil and gas industry in British Columbia:

• Does current government law and policy governing natural gas production wells, facilities and pipelines adequately protect the public from sour gas and other health hazards?

• If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy?

• When laws and policies are developed and implemented for the oil and gas industry, is sufficient priority given to public health?

• If not, what measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given higher priority in:

• Standard setting; • Creation of setbacks of facilities from residents; • Emergency plans; • Air quality monitoring; • Consultation and Notification Procedures; • Permit approvals; and • Compliance and enforcement efforts.

• What reform is necessary to make Public Health officials full partners in the development and implementation of laws and policies to better protect public health?

CPCS urges the Honourable Minister to exercise your authority to appoint this public inquiry, in order to ensure that the health of the residents of British Columbia are not being put at risk from sour gas-related activities in the province. These important questions must be answered before sour gas activities in British Columbia increase further. Yours truly, Original signed by:

Gwen Johansson, President Custodians of the Peace Country Society

Old Hope Road Residents’ Group C/O P.O. Box 415 Charlie Lake B.C. V0C 1H0 Feb. 2/2011 Honourable Colin Hansen Minister of Health Services PO Box 9050 STN PROV Govt Victoria BC V8W 9E2 FAX 250-356-9587 Dear Minister Hansen, The “Old Hope Road Residents’ Group” supports the requests that, as Minister of Health Services, you appoint a public inquiry under s. 86 of the Public Health Act to resolve the following outstanding questions regarding the oil and gas industry in British Columbia.

1)Does the current government law and policy governing natural gas production wells, facilities and pipelines adequately protect the public from sour gas and other health related hazards? 2)If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy? 3)When laws and policies are developed and implemented for the oil and gas industry, is sufficient priority given to public health? 4) If not , what measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given higher priority in the following areas: -standard setting -creation of LEGITIMATE setbacks of facilities from residents -LEGITIMATE emergency plans -air quality monitoring -consultation and notification procedures -permit approvals and -compliance and enforcement efforts Finally, what reform is necessary to make Public Health officials FULL PARTNERS in the development and implementation of laws and policies to better protect public health? The Old Hope Residents group has been lobbying for real and substantive change to the above questions for about 8-10 years now. We have met with much resistance but the tide is turning. Now that your government is also in transition, NOW is the time to make the decisive changes. This can only clear the air, literally and figuratively. The Oil and Gas industry, as you well know, plays a critical role in the lives of each and every British Columbian. Yet we, here in the Peace country are required to carry the lion’s share of risk and liability when it comes to our health and safety. NOW is the time for your government to act decisively and firmly. YOU CAN DO IT!

In conclusion, we support the numerous other groups and organizations lobbying your government, urging the Honourable Minister to exercise your authority to appoint this public enquiry, in order to ensure that the health of the residents of British Columbia are not being put at risk due to the EXPONENTIAL growth of the OG industry at the present time. Yours truly, Rick Koechl Spokesman for the Old Hope Road Residents’ group.

January 20, 2011 Honourable Colin Hansen Minister of Health Services PO Box 9050, STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9E2 Fax: 250-356-9587 Dear Honourable Minister: The Pembina Institute writes today to support the request by the University of Victoria Environmental Law Centre and Peace Environment and Safety Trustees that you, as the Minister of Health Services, appoint a public inquiry under s. 86 of the Public Health Act to resolve outstanding questions regarding the oil and gas industry in British Columbia. Among the questions that we feel need to be considered are:

• Does current government law and policy governing natural gas production wells, facilities and pipelines adequately protect the public from sour gas and other health hazards?

• If not, what measures should be taken to improve the relevant law and policy?

• When laws and policies are developed and implemented for the oil and gas industry, is sufficient priority given to public health?

• If not, what measures should be taken to ensure that public health issues are given higher priority in: standard setting; creation of setbacks of facilities from residents; emergency plans; air quality monitoring; consultation and notification procedures; permit approvals; and compliance and enforcement efforts.

• What reform is necessary to make Public Health officials full partners in the development and implementation

of laws and policies to better protect public health?

The Pembina Institute urges the Honourable Minister to exercise your authority to appoint this public inquiry, in order to ensure that the health of the residents of British Columbia is not being put at risk from sour gas-related activities in the province. These important questions must be answered before any further increase of sour gas activities in British Columbia. Yours truly,

Karen Campbell Staff Counsel

Please be advised that the Lardry Womens Institute supports the request that, as theMnister of Health Services, you appoint a pubhc inquiry under s.86 of l\e Public HealthAcf to resolve the following outstanding qriestions rdgarding the oil arrd gas industry inBritish Columbia:

Jan27 2011

Honourable Colin HansenMnister of Health ServicesPO Box 9050 STN PROV GOVTVictoria BC V8W 9E2Fax: 250-356-9587

Dear Honourable Minister:

Does current goaerflme t law anl policy goaerning atural gas productionwells,facilities and pipelines adequately protect the puhlic from sour gos and. otherhealth hnzards?

If not, whqt measures shauld be tafun to imprqae the releaant law and policy?

lMen laws and policies are deueloped anl implemented for the oil and gas industry, ksufricimt piotitv gipefl to public health?

lf not, T.oh&t measures should be laken to ensure that public health issues are gioen higherpriority in:

. Standard setting;

. Creation of setbacks of fecilities from residents;

. Lneryenry plans:

. Air Wlity raflitoring;

. Consultatitfl anl Notificalinn Procedures;

. Permit appropalq and

. Cofttpliance and enforcement {furts.. IMat reform is necessnry to rMke Public Health fficials full part erc in the deoe@nent

a d implementation of laws and policies to better protect public health?

The Landry Womens Institute urges the Honourable Minister to exercise your authorilrto appoint this public inquiry, in order to ensure that the health of the residents ofBrltis'l.r Columbja are not being put at risk from sour gas-related activities in theprovince. These important questions must be answered befo{e sour gas activities inilriti sh Columbia inirease further.

Yours truly,

Aaruu 6'LKaren BullOn behalf of Landry Womens Institute