Introduction -...

Introduction This application documents the intent of Milwaukee Community Cyber High School (MC 2 ), a program of Seeds of Health, Inc., to apply for renewal of its school charter and formally requests that the Office of Charter Schools initiate action leading to a renewal decision. Subsequent sections of the application provide school information that supports the renewal of the MC 2 High School charter. MC 2 High School is a non-instrumentality charter school serving grades 9-12 located at 131 South 1 st Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This report pertains to the renewal of the charter for this school and its programs defined below. In addition, Seeds of Health, Inc. provides the education program for the Milwaukee Job Corps program located at 6665 North 60 th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our agency provides individualized computer-based education for their students in grades 9-12, and a GED02 program for eligible students attending Job Corps. The data in this report is separated by three discrete programs: MC 2 High School, Job Corps on- line program, and the GED02 program. MC 2 Program, Data and Renewal The focus of MC 2 High School is framed by a unique mission and program design that prepares Milwaukee students for successful entry to post-secondary education and career opportunities. MC 2 utilizes contemporary technology to provide individualized and customized education for students to master core academics and learning skills. The MC 2 educational program engages students in a blended learning model directed by teachers. Students are engaged in online course work and also actively participate in teacher planned and directed group and individualized instruction. This blended concept combines face- to-face instruction, online lessons, independent learning and collaborative grouping based on student needs and learning styles. I. Response to Current Charter School Performance Educational Performance 1. Provide a description of how the school has been faithful in implementing its educational program outlined in the charter proposal (Appendix A). The MC 2 mission targets ten outcomes for student learning and has been faithful to its charter educational program by adhering to the following targets: 1. Commit to the learning and achievement of all students. 2. Honor differences by promoting high expectations for all learners. 3. Utilize technology to offer innovative learning experiences. 4. Ensure that proficiency-based assessment drives student learning. 5. Analyze student data to improve student learning and achievement. 1-1

Transcript of Introduction -...

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This application documents the intent of Milwaukee Community Cyber High School (MC2), a

program of Seeds of Health, Inc., to apply for renewal of its school charter and formally requests

that the Office of Charter Schools initiate action leading to a renewal decision. Subsequent

sections of the application provide school information that supports the renewal of the MC2 High

School charter.

MC2 High School is a non-instrumentality charter school serving grades 9-12 located at 131

South 1st Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This report pertains to the renewal of the charter for

this school and its programs defined below.

In addition, Seeds of Health, Inc. provides the education program for the Milwaukee Job Corps

program located at 6665 North 60th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our agency provides

individualized computer-based education for their students in grades 9-12, and a GED02

program for eligible students attending Job Corps.

The data in this report is separated by three discrete programs: MC2 High School, Job Corps on-

line program, and the GED02 program.

MC2 Program, Data and Renewal

The focus of MC2 High School is framed by a unique mission and program design that prepares

Milwaukee students for successful entry to post-secondary education and career opportunities.

MC2 utilizes contemporary technology to provide individualized and customized education for

students to master core academics and learning skills.

The MC2 educational program engages students in a blended learning model directed by

teachers. Students are engaged in online course work and also actively participate in teacher

planned and directed group and individualized instruction. This blended concept combines face-

to-face instruction, online lessons, independent learning and collaborative grouping based on

student needs and learning styles.

I. Response to Current Charter School Performance

Educational Performance

1. Provide a description of how the school has been faithful in implementing its

educational program outlined in the charter proposal (Appendix A).

The MC2 mission targets ten outcomes for student learning and has been faithful to its charter

educational program by adhering to the following targets:

1. Commit to the learning and achievement of all students.

2. Honor differences by promoting high expectations for all learners.

3. Utilize technology to offer innovative learning experiences.

4. Ensure that proficiency-based assessment drives student learning.

5. Analyze student data to improve student learning and achievement.


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6. Provide emotionally and physically safe learning environments.

7. Use time and resources wisely to facilitate student, staff, and parent learning.

8. Review, evaluate and consider research to determine effective instructional practices.

9. Engage in meaningful, reflective practice and job-embedded staff development to

enhance student learning and achievement.

10. Collaborate with students, families, staff and community representatives in decision-


In addition, adherence to the charter is further observed across multiple measures of program

development and achievement:

1. Establishment of a Blended Learning Model.

2. Establishment of strong student-centered leadership and school culture.

3. Establishment of a clear and viable curriculum with the assistance of guidance and career

counseling that bridges student transition from an academic high school program to

career and post-secondary programs.

4. Academic support programs that address learning readiness, intervention, remediation

and enrichment.

5. Systematic data management that informs curriculum development, instructional practice,

learning intervention, and annual goals for improving student learning.

6. Professional development focused on mission-targeted essential student learning

outcomes and related curriculum development and research-informed instruction which

supports use of current information technology.

7. Adherence to Wisconsin State Standards and Common Core State Standards as the

program foundation.

8. Adherence to Seeds of Health, Inc. teacher and administrator evaluation system.

2. Explain how the school has met goals and measurable objectives during the term of the

contract. Highlight growth in student achievement.

Goal 1: Students will earn a high school diploma and be prepared for the world of work or

continue at post-secondary institutions.

Graduation rates have steadily improved from 33% in 2011 to 100% in 2014 and meets

the 80% PAAR compliance requirement.

MC2 has utilized Career Cruising, The Degree Project, and a .5 credit career class

preparing students for employment.

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate proficiency in the core skills of reading and math.

The NWEA developed MAP is administered to MC2 High School students in grades 9-11

in the fall, winter, and the spring of each school year. As shown in the following chart, all

measured MC2 grade cohorts grew in math and reading from 2010-2014 (except for 9th

grade reading in 2012, and 11th grade reading 2012). The chart below establishes a

pattern of student performance growth that exceeds NWEA expected Fall-Spring

performance growth.


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(*NWEA expected Fall-Spring growth)

MC2 administers the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination (WKCE) for 10th

grade students in the fall of each school year. WKCE results and analysis is provided by

MPS within the MC2 annual compliance report.

The WKCE assesses 10th grade student achievement in reading, language arts, mathematics,

science, and social studies and is administered to all students in the State of Wisconsin.

Therefore, it is possible to make comparisons between the results obtained from MC2 and

results obtained statewide and locally (i.e. MPS).

Levels of proficiency for WKCE achievement assessments include minimal, basic,

proficient, and advanced, with students classified as performing at proficient or advanced

levels viewed as meeting standards for the content area. The chart below presents the

proficiency levels of MC2 students in each of the tested subjects from Fall 2011 through Fall

2013. It is important to note that students who were in 10th grade in the Fall of 2011 are not

the same students in 10th grade in the Fall of 2012 or the same as the students in the 10th

grade in the Fall of 2013. As shown in the chart below, MC2 10th grade students demonstrate

highest rates of proficiency in language arts, science, and social studies for 2012-2013 and

2013-2014. It should also be noted that in 2012-2013, the Department of Public Instruction

established new performance standards (cut scores) for the WKCE reading and mathematics

content areas to more closely align with national expectations of what is required to be the

Fall of 2012.

Additional insight about MC2 High School WKCE performance shows that MC2 students

need to continue to increase proficiency in the areas of math and reading.

2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 MC2 MPS State MC2 MPS State MC2 MPS State

Reading 40% 48% 78% 30% 14% 38% 17% 14% 42%

LA 40% 38% 70% 57% 40% 73% 48% 39% 71%

Math 47% 33% 71% 13% 12% 44% 3% 11% 46%

Science 27% 32% 73% 47% 37% 76% 45% 35% 75%

Soc. Stud. 40% 42% 75% 67% 49% 80% 66% 45% 78%

15 FAY students tested in 2011-2012

14 FAY students tested in 2012-2013

21 FAY students tested in 2013-2014

2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

















9th Gr. Reading 1.7 +3.1 1.5 -1.1 1.5 +2.5 1.5 +4.9

10th Gr. Reading 1.5 +8.4 0.6 +0.6 0.6 +3.3 0.6 +4.6

11th Gr. Reading 0.4 +2.4 0.3 -4.0 0.3 +0.0 0.3 +4.1

9th Gr. Math 2.4 +3.0 2.2 +2.2 2.2 +8.4 2.2 +6.5

10th Gr. Math 1.9 +6.6 2.4 +5.6 2.4 +5.9 2.4 +6.4

11th Gr. Math 2.7 +1.0 2.3 +1.5 2.3 +3.0 2.3 +2.9


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MC2 met its PAAR compliance targets for WKCE in all content areas for 2013-2014. MPS has

not yet provided final WKCE data for 2013-2014; however, disaggregating the data for MC2 and

Job Corps, it is anticipated that MC2 will meet PAAR compliance requirements for 2013-2014

for all content areas except math.

Goal 3: Students will master the ability to complete assignments and academic responsibilities

with the least amount of external direction and monitoring.

Developing independent, engaged learners is a priority and done so systematically through

ensuring academic success for all students, as well as providing positive opportunities for

enrichment outside the school day.

The graduation rate has steadily improved from 33% in 2011 to 100% in 2014 and meets

the 80% PAAR compliance requirement.

The percentage of students who earned at least six high school credits each year increased

from 69.5% in 2011-12 to 91% in 2013-14.

Students at MC2 have been involved in myriad extracurricular activities over the past four

years. Opportunities have included:

Gaming Club

Interact/Student Government

Gay-Straight Alliance

Growing Power

Fit Club

Year Book

Flag Football



The percentage of students with no more than one documented behavioral indiscretion

increased from 87% in 2011-12 to 95.5% in 2013-14.

Goal 4: Students will advance 21st century technology skills.

Within MC2’s blended learning model, all students utilize various educational programs

including, but not limited to:

Compass Odyssey


Khan Academy




SAS Curriculum Pathways

All Students create, produce and present products, projects, and presentations using the

following technology:


Google Apps for Education





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A comprehensive introduction to the technology used within the blended learning model

is provided to all students at the time of induction. On-going support and tutoring is


Goal 5: Staff will create a learning environment that focuses on the three Rs: Rigor, Relevance,

and Relationships.

Annual perception surveys of students and staff indicate satisfaction with the learning

environment at MC2. Specifically,

83% of students indicated they feel safe at MC2

78% of students indicated that teachers treat them with respect

79% of students indicated that teachers listen to their concerns

100% of staff indicated that the school has high expectations for student behavior

MC2’s blended model ensures that the student to teacher direct instruction ratio is never

more than 12 to 1. Each class is split in three which maximizes teacher and student

interaction and helps foster caring, productive relationships. The MC2 staff cares that

each student reaches his or her true potential.

To ensure that student learning is relevant and interesting, MC2’s staff uses Project-Based

Learning (PBL) to frame their units of instruction. The focus of PBL is making sure

students understand the real-world application and relevance of what they learn in school.

These projects allow students to have a voice and choice in their learning.

MC2’s blended learning program allows for personalized learning to ensure that students

are aware of and meet their full potential.

Goal 6: Develop a professional learning community with a focus on collaboration.

Faculty and staff at MC2 work closely together to ensure a productive learning space for

both staff and students. Annual staff surveys indicate that MC2 provides faculty with a

collaborative atmosphere. Specifically,

88% of staff agree that school leaders with collaboratively with faculty

75% of staff agree that MC2 organizes work to promote initiative and innovation

75% of staff agree that MC2’s professional development program contributes to

school achievement

A variety of blended learning and project-based learning professional development

sessions have included collaborative work time for faculty to develop and hone


Collaborative work time is provided to faculty twice per month.

Seeds of Health, Inc. provides agency-wide department meetings four times per year

where staff collaboratively address Essential Learning Outcomes, disciplinary literacy,

and understanding the ACT Suite.

Goal 7: Staff will master the use of 21st century technology skills to deliver and facilitate best

online instructional practices.

In the first years of the MC2 charter, staff were enrolled and earned a Certificate of Online

Instruction from Aurora University.

Staff have received training in the use and implementation of the following programs:

Compass Odyssey


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Google Apps for Education




Khan Academy

Agency-wide, Seeds of Health, Inc. provides ongoing, individualized technology

professional development to all staff. With the assistance of the Coordinator of Computer

Science and Technology, mandatory and optional technology-focused professional

development sessions are provided throughout the year.

Goal 8: All staff will participate in professional development. Staff will understand the concept

of blended online learning and differentiated instruction.

MC2 provides faculty with professional development opportunities, both before the start

of the school year and throughout the year, focusing on blended and project-based

learning to inform personalization of student learning.

The Director of Blended Learning provides individual coaching to all faculty members

throughout the year.

On a bi-weekly basis, faculty participate in all-staff professional development sessions

lasting two hours that cover such topics as:

Cross-curricular literacy

Blended rotational model

Content providers

Project-based learning

Response to Intervention (RtI)

Data usage

Assessment techniques


In addition, Seeds of Health, Inc. provides agency-wide full-day in-service sessions

covering such topics as:


Disciplinary literacy

Cultural responsiveness

ELL strategies

Common Core State Standards

MC2 provides faculty with opportunities outside the building to increase their knowledge

of blended learning and differentiated instruction. Some of those opportunities include,

but are not limited to:

iNACOL Conference

Wisconsin State Reading Association Conference

Disciplinary literacy conferences


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Goal 9: Implement an appropriate online curriculum to meet the needs of diverse learners.

MC2’s blended model provides opportunities for personalized student support. Students

engage in individualized work aimed at boosting their literacy and math skills through the

use of programs that address identified student needs including, but not limited to:


Khan Academy

Compass Odyssey


Students have access, as necessary, to a bank of staff-curated online courses which cover

both core and elective options.

Goal 10: Build an appropriate online facility for a blended learning school.

Just as the program has evolved and adapted to student needs, the facility has undergone

changes to support the blended model. The initial concept of individual workstations has

been replaced by furnishings/technology more flexible to the success of students working

in the model.

Goal 11: Assess the appropriateness of the online vendor in meeting the needs of the student


As part of a comprehensive review process, a variety of qualitative and quantitative data

is analyzed to determine the impact of specific online curriculum in aiding individualized

learning. MC2 staff take into consideration factors including, but not limited to:

Student engagement

Student growth/progress

Remedial/skill-building options

Extension activities

Rigor of lessons offered

Content of online lessons aligned to curriculum

Usage of online lessons in daily instruction

As a result, MC2 has been able to focus on specific products that student and staff find

most beneficial including MasteryConnect, Kahn Academy, Achieve3000 and Compass

Odyssey while dropping others from the program’s curricular and financial focus.

Goal 12: Build a parent-school community.

MC2 provides opportunities to engage parents and the community in a variety of ways,

including, but not limited to:

Student/parent interview and orientation sessions

Parent technology seminars

Parent Advisory Council

Family theme dinners

Parent/teacher conferences

Direct communications by email/phone and social media

All-family events such as attending a Brewers baseball game

Quarterly newsletters

Monthly mailings

College and career readiness seminars


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Parental participation on Justification of Graduation (JOG) panels

Graduation celebration

Financial Performance

3. Explain how the school has met its financial performance goals. Describe how the

school is financially sound.

MC2 High School has an operating reserve of $161,000 as of June 30, 2014. These reserves are

specifically designated for the future use by MC2 High School when/if expenses for a given year

should exceed revenues. Cash in bank for MC2 amounts to $288,746 as of June 30, 2014.

Receivables and prepaid expenses amounted to $28,353 and $24,419 as of June 30, 2014

respectively. The fixed asset costs less related depreciation/amortization for building,

improvements, furnishings and loan fees amounted to $1,830,200 as of June 30, 2014. Accounts

payable, accrued liabilities and deferred student fees totaled $96,868 as of June 30, 2014. MC2

has outstanding debt for its building and related improvements amounting to $1,913,850 as of

June 30, 2014. There is no line of credit specifically for MC2 High School, but Seeds of Health,

Inc. maintains a line of credit at Associated Bank in the amount of $450,000. There have been

no draws on the line of credit since 2007.

The most recently issued agency-wide Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) audit

was completed by Ritz Holman CPAs for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013. They expressed

an unqualified opinion on those financial statements. There was no management letter for the

year. The Internal Control Document for Seeds of Health, Inc. is updated yearly and is the most

comprehensive summation of Seeds of Health’s internal control policies and procedures.

Organizational Performance

4. Illustrate how the school has a well-functioning organizational structure. Include

pertinent information about parental involvement, staffing, health and safety, school

enrollment and discipline policies, and school facilities.

Underlying the success of MC2 is the organizational structure and support provided by Seeds of

Health, Inc.:

A thirty year record of developing effective and sustainable educational programs that are

validated by ongoing external reviews and recognition of program achievement and


School facilities that are superior in cleanliness, attractiveness, code adherence and

structural integrity.

An economy of scale advantage from a K-12 system administration structure that is

experienced in managing multiple school sites and programs.

A history of established programs that attract full enrollment.

An experienced governing board of directors composed of private and public section

individuals who are well informed, extensively involved in the Milwaukee community,

and committed to the organization’s mission.

Thirty years of success in leading and managing a nonprofit agency.


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Fiscally responsible resource management recognized by continuous audits, compliance

with contracts, and recommendation from chartering agents.

Strong and committed leadership that believes every child has a right to a free and

effective education program.

Compliance with Applicable Law, as that term is defined in the contract, is monitored variously

by the Seeds of Health, Inc. Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Human

Resources, and the school principal, all in consultation with outside counsel for the agency.

Systems and procedures are in place to ensure that the recurring requirements of Applicable

Law, the charter contract and contracts with other entities are met on a timely basis. Other legal

issues that arise are resolved after consultation and with the assistance of outside counsel.

A consistent record of MC2 compliance with the terms of its charter and applicable state and

federal laws and regulations has been documented by:

Providing all required documents and data in a timely manner.

Maintaining required insurance policies in force.

Properly conducting background checks on new employees and other adults that work

with students.

Completing annual financial audits with no unresolved issues.

Addressing compliance with annual performance requirements.

Preparing and presenting annual accountability reports to the Executive Director.

Complying with all contractual and legal requirements including Title 1 requirements,

Special Education Compliance, and others as outlined in the contract.

Parental involvement

The school planning council meets four times a year with school administrators and

representative faculty. Matters addressed in council meetings include blended learning

curriculum update, staffing, assessments (e.g. MAP, ACT), blended learning technology

programs, monthly attendance, and family events.

Beyond parent advisory council, the school utilizes a number of approaches to provide parents

with school program and information and respond to questions, including:

Admission Process

Parents/guardians students are required to attend an interview during the enrollment

application process at which time information is shared including the nature of the program

and its mission, the expectations for student success, the curriculum, the school’s

organizational structure, and policies and procedures as outlined in the student handbook.

This process provides parents the opportunity to fully understand the school and its mission.

Parent Orientation

A parent orientation is held for each new family prior to the beginning of school. At this

meeting, the program expectations and student handbook are reviewed in detail and contact

information for teachers and administrators is provided.


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An orientation focusing on technology is held in mid-September to help parents understand

how to access information using the programs utilized by MC2 including Skyward, Edmodo

and Compass Learning.


The Seeds of Health, Inc. website provides parents with a variety of school information

which can be translated into multiple languages. The information includes, but is not limited


Student grades, assignments and attendance

Graduation requirements

Available support services and resources

Faculty and staff contact information

School handbook

School policies concerning bullying, dress code and discipline

School calendar/events

School news and announcements

Information about Seeds of Health’s other programs including WIC

Personal Contact information

Staff telephone numbers and email addresses are provided to parents/guardians. They are

encouraged to contact the appropriate person/s regarding concerns about the expectations,

achievement or behavior of their child.

Teacher Initiated Contact

Teachers are required to contact parents if they have concerns about the performance of

individual students.

Parent Conferences

Parent-student conferences are held twice a year to review student achievement, attitude, and

behavior in relation to the school curriculum and mission targeted outcomes for student

learning. If the administrative team believes additional conferences are warranted, they are

arranged on an as needed basis.

Progress Reports

Progress reports are sent to home to parents bi-weekly. Grade reports are sent home three

times per year.

Family/Parent Access Program

Parents can access their child’s attendance, grades, and other information electronically via

Skyward and Edmodo through the MC2 website.

Process for Parent Complaints and Complaint Management

The school encourages parents to express concerns and communicate complaints they may

have about the quality of the education their child is receiving as outlined in the student



The administrative structure of MC2 High School includes three positions:



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Director of Blended Learning

Dean of Students

The administrative team is supported by an administrative assistant, eight full-time content area

teachers in the areas of science, English, mathematics, and social science, and one and one half

special education teachers. Each teacher and administrator holds a current DPI license. The

total teaching experience of the school faculty ranges from 1 to 11 years, and 4 of the teachers

have completed master’s degrees.

Beyond the competencies and responsibilities of the MC2 administration team and staff,

governance of the school benefits from access to Seeds of Health, Inc. management expertise and

related resources. Under the leadership of the Executive Director, the management team provides

a central office consisting of the Assistant Executive Director, Coordinator of Curriculum and

Instruction, RtI/Literacy Coordinator, Coordinator of Computer Science & Technology, Director

of Human Resources, Chief Financial Officer, and Director of Operations.

Health and Safety

MC2 High School has a documented school safety program that is annually reviewed with staff

and students, and updated accordingly. The school meets all health and safety requirements as

outlined by the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Public Schools. To maintain a healthy

and safe environment, Seeds of Health’s Director of Maintenance completes regular inspections

of the MC2 facility for safety, systems operations (HVAC), hazardous materials and other health

and safety factors. In addition, a regular schedule for routine maintenance of the facility is in

place as per the other Seeds of Health facilities.

School Enrollment and Discipline Policies

Enrollment in MC2 High School is open to all students living in Milwaukee County regardless of

gender, race, national origin, or disability. In addition, MC2 accepts open enrollment students

from outside the Milwaukee Public Schools District. Interested students and their

parents/guardians who wish to enroll at MC2 attend an interview with school personnel. During

the interview, the school philosophy and model is explained and commitment from the family is

obtained. Students involved in an expulsion hearing are not eligible for the program. Parent

permission is required for enrollment for students under 18 years of age. With respect to its

admission requirements, MC2 complies with all of the requirements of Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act of 1974, 29 U.S.C. & 794, the Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S.C. &

1400 et seq.

MC2 has demonstrated clear and detailed policies that describe areas of misconduct, defined

examples of misconduct in each area, and minimum and maximum disciplinary actions.

Discipline policy is also communicated to students, parents, and teachers by school

administrators with reference to the student handbook.


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School Facilities

MC2 is located at 131 South 1st Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin in a facility owned by Seeds of

Health, Inc. The facility meets all code requirements from the Milwaukee Public Schools and

maintains an up-to-date occupancy permit. The facility has been remodeled to reflect the mission

of the blended learning model and meets all required occupancy permit and city codes.

5. Provide evidence that parents and students are satisfied with the school.

Parents and students demonstrate satisfaction with MC2 through their response to annual

perception surveys. Parents express particular satisfaction with school qualities related to clear

rules, high academic and behavioral expectations, communication between school and home,

opportunities for school involvement, and safe and welcoming environment. Students express

particular satisfaction with school qualities related to curriculum, clear rules, high expectations

for behavior and performance, safe learning environment, and teacher support.

6. Demonstrate that the school has an active and effective school governance structure.

Provide examples and explain.

MC2 is designed and operated by Seeds of Health, Inc., a Wisconsin non-stock, non-profit

corporation with a 501c(3) status. The eight member Seeds of Health, Inc. board of directors

serves as the school board for the school programs. The board of directors is composed of the

positions of president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, and five other members. The board

meets quarterly and as otherwise necessary to establish operational policies for the agency and its

programs, review program accountability data, and determine budgets and staffing.

At the direction of the Executive Director the central office staff, in conjunction with the MC2

staff, is responsible for program leadership, curriculum design, and instruction and assessment.

In addition, a parent advisory council is operational at the school level. The council members are

appointed by the MC2 principal and at a minimum includes:

Two MC2 high school students

Three MC2 high school parents

One MC2 teacher

A community representative

The parent advisory council meets quarterly and discusses areas such as:

Blended learning curriculum update


Assessments (e.g. MAP, ACT)

Blended learning technology programs

Monthly Attendance

Family events


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II. Plans for Continued Success

Educational Performance

1. What is the school’s proposed enrollment and grade levels for the term of the next


MC2 High School/Job Corps Projected Class Sizes 2015-2020:

2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020

9th Grade MC2 36 36 36 36 36

10th Grade MC2 30 36 36 36 36

11th Grade MC2 27 30 36 36 36

12th Grade MC2 27 28 36 36 36

Total MC2 120 130 144 144 144

Job Corps 80 80 80 80 80

Total Both Programs 200 210 224 224 224

2. Describe any changes to the school’s educational program for the term of the next


Over the past five years, MC2 has conscientiously assembled and put into operation the essential

components of an innovative secondary educational program. The challenge which lies ahead for

MC2 is to refine the program to a degree that demonstrates viability and intended results.

The following areas will be further enhanced and implemented over the next five years of the

program in order to ensure that students are graduating prepared for the world of work and/or

post-secondary education:

Refinement and modification of the program model in order to achieve acceptable

outcomes on MPS compliance reports and the State Report Card.

Further enhancement of a cross-curricular program through the alignment of curriculum

maps, syllabi, and lesson plans to Essential Learning Outcomes (ELO).

Development and management of a five year strategic plan.

Continued refinement of the use of data to provide academic support to focus on

individual student performance and inform the MC2 strategic plan.

Development of academic support programs based on data analysis of student learning

needs; e.g. sustained silent reading, concentrated math coursework, after school tutoring,

extended class periods for struggling students, additional math support, and Response to

Intervention (RtI) policy and procedure.

Provision of professional development that is focused on curriculum and instruction; e.g.

research-based “best practice” instruction, discernment and focus of Essential Learning

Outcomes, curriculum mapping, lesson plan design, classroom management,

incorporation of current information technology, reading and writing across the

curriculum, differentiation, and Common Core State Standards.


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Restructuring of school leadership, e.g. new personnel, addition of school counselor.

Articulation and implementation of Teacher Effectiveness Model.

Development and implementation of additional extracurricular and learning enrichment


On-going social growth and academic improvement for all students.

Continued professional development of the school model for administrators, faculty and


On-going review and improvement of organizational structure and staffing.

Expanded marketing of the program to parents, students, and the community.

3. Outline the schools goals and measurable objectives for the term of the next charter.

With reference to mission-targeted learning outcomes and assessment of current program status,

the MC2 High School vision of 2014-2018 program improvement is focused on the following


● 80% freshman to senior retention rate

● 90% of 12th grade students as determined by 3rd Friday count will graduate

● 60% of students will meet MAP growth goals in reading, math and language arts from

fall to spring

● 100% of students will achieve soft-skill proficiency

● 100 % of all 12th grade students will develop a post-secondary transition plan

● 100% of all 11th grade students will take the ACT

● 70% of parent/guardians will attend parent/teacher conferences

Financial Performance

4. Explain the school’s financial plans and forecast.

The Chief Financial Officer of Seeds of Health, Inc. has prepared a five year sustainability report

for the Executive Director and Board of Director for its review. The report projects the detailed

revenues and expenses for each program for the fiscal years ending June 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

and 2019. This report projects MC2 High School operating with 200 FTEs for each of the five

years and ending each year with revenues exceeding expenses ranging between $17,000 and


Organizational Performance

5. Illustrate plans for strengthening parental and community involvement in the school’s

educational mission.

MC2 will continue to develop opportunities that will strengthen parent and community

involvement in MC2’s educational mission.


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6. Describe any changes in the school’s governance structure.

No changes to the school’s governance and structure are anticipated.

Milwaukee Job Corps Program & Data

Following its mission to address the educational needs of Milwaukee-area adolescents, Seeds of

Health, Inc. entered into an agreement with Milwaukee Job Corps to provide its educational

program to participants enrolled at Job Corps beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. Seeds

of Health, Inc. currently provides educational services to approximately 80 students age 16-21

enrolled at the Job Corps facility located at 6665 North 60th Street, Milwaukee, WI.

The focus of Job Corps is framed by a unique mission and program designed to prepare at-risk

students with the skills they need to become employable and independent and place them in

meaningful jobs or further education.

The Job Corps program consists of the following components which address the specific

educational needs of Job Corps participants:

An on-line computer-based instruction program in all content areas allows students to

earn credits through a credit recovery program and/or credits in general. Students age 16-

21 enter the program at a third grade reading and math level, and mobility is an issue due

to students dropping out of the Job Corps program.

A GED 02 program is provided for students age 17-19 who read at or above a 9th grade

level and are eligible to earn a GED 02 certificate which results in earning an MC2 High

School Diploma. This is the more successful component of the Job Corps relationship.

The following data shows the student assessment results for participants in the Job Corps


Job Corps Reading and Math MAP Assessments Fall 2013-Spring 2014:























9th Gr. Reading 205.4 221.4 207.2 222.9 1.5 + 1.8

10th Gr. Reading 211.2 223.2 195.2 223.8 0.6 - 16.0

11th Gr. Reading 202.8 223.4 202.8 223.7 0.3 0.0

9th Gr. Math 219.6 233.8 215.8 236.0 2.2 - 3.8

10th Gr. Math 217.2 234.2 215.4 236.6 2.4 - 1.8

11th Gr. Math 207.5 236.0 205.8 238.3 2.3 - 1.7


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Job Corps 2013-2014 WKCE Assessment:

Subject Year

Total #




or above Prof Rate

Lang. Arts 2012-2013 21 2 9.5%

Lang. Arts 2013-2014 18 2 11.1%

Mathematics 2012-2013 21 0 0.0%

Mathematics 2013-2014 18 0 0.0%

Reading 2012-2013 21 0 0.0%

Reading 2013-2014 18 1 5.6%

Science 2012-2013 21 2 9.5%

Science 2013-2014 18 1 5.6%

So. Studies 2012-2013 21 2 9.5%

So. Studies 2013-2014 18 6 33.3%

Of the 18 Job Corps students enrolled at the time of the WKCE 2013 test, 0 were FAY students

Of the 21 Job Corps students enrolled at the time of the WKCE 2012 test, 2 were FAY students

Reviewing the disaggregated WKCE data specific to Job Corps, Seeds of Health, Inc.

anticipates that Job Corps, under the at-risk criteria, will be eligible for the Alternative

Accountability performance measures moving forward. Seeds of Health, Inc. will be

seeking to amend the current contract to reflect this change.

In addition, overall attendance at Job Corps from 2011-2014 has averaged 96%.


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Job Corps/GED02

Data Element (Category) Weight Scale (1-10) Outcome Measurement Source

Graduation Rate 15% 8 1.2

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


Passed GED Tests 15% 4 0.6

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


Community Service Hours 10% 10 1

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


Student Selection Process 10% 8 0.8

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


Edgenuity 10% 6 0.6

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


Monthly/Final Reporting 7% 8 0.56

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3

Manual Voucher Usage &

Accountability 7% 7 0.49

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3

Manual Administrative Oversight &

Support 6% 8 0.48

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


JA Finance Park 5% 8 0.4

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3

Manual College Access Center

Attendance 5% 6 0.3

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3

Manual College & Career Readiness

(Ex. college placement) 4% 5 0.2

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3

Manual Total students served

(Enrollment) 3% 9 0.27

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


Program Cost Effectiveness 3% 8 0.24

DPI Manual/GEDO2/IS3


Totals 100% 7.14

Program Recommendation Renew Proficient


5.0 and below Unsatisfactory 0

5.1-6.9 Basic 5

7.0-8.9 Proficient 7

9.0-10.0 Advanced 9

Narrative: Data to support the GEDO2 program outcomes at MC2 High School was in part based on fall reading

TABE data provided by the coordinator in which 87% of enrolled students did meet the basic qualifications for

the GED Option #2 program. MC2’s graduation rate of 76% fell just short of the DPI state requirement of 80%.

Final data reporting spreadsheets reflected the completion of community service hours which is a graduation

requirement of the program. MC2’s total student enrollment met program expectations. Administrative oversight,

monthly reporting, along with voucher usage and accountability proved to be strengths of the program at MC2.


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