Download - Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Page 1: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement

Indiana Education Roundtable

April 20, 2004

Adam Kernan-Schloss

Page 2: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

The Vision

From the early days of a child’s life through postsecondary education, make it possible for every Indiana citizen to acquire the knowledge, skills, and support to be successful in the 21st century economy.

Page 3: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

The Vision

Changes in:beliefs/valuesbehaviors/practices state and local policies.

Page 4: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Phase 1 Phase 2




March –June 2004

July –October 2004

January 2005 –

Two phases

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Phase 1: “internal,” “grasstops”

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Phase 2: external, mass mediaJanuary 2005 launch

Page 7: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Phase 1 goals

Raise awarenessGet all RT members on same pageBuild shared knowledge baseBuild network of key communicators: RT members and “grasstops”Begin local implementation

Page 8: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Phase 1 key audiences: RT members, “grasstops”

Administrators (K-12, higher ed)Key staff (K-12, higher ed)K-12 school boards, college trustees, legislatorsStudent leaders (K-12, higher ed)Parent leaders (K-12, higher ed)Business leadersCommunity leaders (PreK, youth- serving groups, college access, etc.)PreK groups (childcare, doctors, etc.)Media

Page 9: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Campaign title

Bright Beginnings, Better Futures

Start Smart, Stay SmartIndiana LearnsLearning PointsLearning 360Advantage Indiana

Page 10: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Key messages/themes

“We must act now (urgency)”

“We can do it (build on gains).”

“These changes will benefit me.”

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An integrated approach

Page 12: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Key messages/themes-2

Our best hope for developing a well-educated workforce that keeps our economy prosperous and our communities strong.

Ensuring that all Indiana students have the knowledge and skills to succeed in the 21st century economy.

Page 13: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Key messages/themes-3

Providing future generations with real opportunities to earn a living.

Learning after high school is a necessity, not an option.

Page 14: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Key messages/themes-4

We’re building on a stronger foundation:Strong K-12 standards, accountabilityFrom 40th to 17th in U.S. college-going rateISTEP+, SAT, NAEP scores upImproved dropout reportingCore 40 requiredEducation Roundtable’s bipartisan consensus

Page 15: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Key messages/themes-5Hoosiers support this agenda:81% favor mandatory kindergarten60% favor 8th grade Algebra Two-thirds* favor Core 40About two-thirds* say standards have helped improve schools some or a lotOver half* think ISTEP+ has improved schools some or a lot More than 7 in 10 think ISTEP+ holds schools accountable for achievement* Of those who’ve heard of standards or ISTEP+

Page 16: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Key messages/themes-6

Indiana: The Learning State, not just the Hoosier state

We need to start treating PK, ES, MS, HS and college as levels of a total learning system, not separate parts

If you learn, you can earn. If you don’t you can’t. It’s that simple.

Page 17: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

68 graduate from high school

41 enter college

About 40% of these collegefreshman need


31 are still enrolled as sophomores

21 graduatewithin 6


Of every 100 Indiana 9th graders…

Page 18: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Why this matters

Students who graduate from college are likely to earn $1 million more over their careers

If only 10,000 more students earned a degree a year, $250 million would be added to our economy

Every $1 invested in high-quality early education saves $7.16 in welfare, crime, ed costs

Page 19: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Phase 1 priorities

Now to October 2004:General brochureMedia kit and outreachConference presentationsRT member Web sites, listservs, publicationsStakeholder meetingsCabinet coordinationReinvent ICPAC (I-Learn)Media and message training for RT organizations

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General brochure

Page 21: Communicating about the P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement Indiana Education Roundtable April 20, 2004 Adam Kernan-Schloss.

Phase 2 goals

Provide practical advice for parents, students, educators, caregiversPromote legislative and regulatory changes

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Phase 2 key audiences:All Indiana

Phase 1 audiences, PLUS

More parentsMore studentsGeneral public

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Phase 2 priorities

Paid advertisingEarned mediaAdvocacy campaignsStrategic public eventsTargeted and practical tools for parents, teachers, students, caregivers, etc.