Why Calls Are Better Than Clicks

Why Calls Are Better Than Clicks

Transcript of Why Calls Are Better Than Clicks

Why Calls Are Better Than Clicks

“More Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan.

This presents a tremendous opportunity for marketers to reach people throughout all the new touch points of a consumer’s path to purchase.”

Calls Have a Higher Revenue Value

Our data shows that people call when they make larger revenue decisions. People who spend money---big money-- make phone calls.

Calls are lower in the sales funnel than web leads.

The Path to a Purchase

When it comes to mobile leads, the time between the initial awareness stage and the action stage is significantly shortened.

Instead of weeks or months, from the time of discovery to making a purchase, calls are often made within minutes of viewing an ad or landing page.

Phone calls are one of the fastest and straightforward paths toward a conversion.

“86% of businesses say calls are the best leads they receive.”


31% of calls convert to revenue within 3 months, compared to only 2% of web leads. So, obviously you need far fewer phone calls converting at 31% to produce the revenue equal to form-fills converting at 2%.

A lower volume of calls will produce the same revenue as far more web leads.

Calls with a Lead Quality Score over 80 convert to revenue 98% of the time.

In an analysis of 116,000 calls across all clients in the month of April 2015, we saw the following correlation:

The Cost of Missing Phone Calls

Missing phone calls, or handling them improperly, essentially means that businesses are throwing away some of their most profitable leads.

Setting up a system to effectively track and manage inbound phone calls can be a significant revenue generator.

The Call Tracking Advantage

With call tracking, you can pinpoint the precise campaigns, ad groups and keywords that are generating phone calls.

This type of information can transform marketing results.

Call tracking tells us what happened BEFORE the phone rings. Conversation Analytics fills in the gaps.

Tapping Into the Conversation

With Conversation Analytics, you can access an even deeper layer of data that is extracted during the actual phone call.

This data offers critical insight into lead quality and sales performance.

By implementing this feature businesses can analyze the content of their inbound phone calls in near real-time.

Analytics for the phone are just as essential as web analytics if you are looking to gain a complete picture of marketing impact.

An advanced lead scoring platform prepares businesses for serious customer inquiries that lead to higher revenue decisions.

Some of your best customers will connect through a phone call.

Get ready to meet them when they do.