Twenty ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 22, …...2017/10/22  · Mass Schedule / Scripture...

Mass Schedule / Scripture Readings / Intentions/ Ministry Participants Twenty–ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 22, 2017 Website: Church address: 208 S. LaSalle St. Monday - October 23, 2017 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * Rom 4:20-25 * Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday - October 24, 2017 * Mass @ 8:30 am * Rom 5:12,15, 17-19,20-21 * Lk 12:35-38 * Mass Intention: + Deceased members of Dennis and Robert Bauer Families Wednesday - October 25, 2017 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * Rom 6: 12-18 * Lk 12: 39-48 Thursday - October 26, 2017 * Mass @ 8:30 am * Rom 6: 19-23 * Lk 12: 49-53 * Mass Intention: + Betty Zurkowski Friday - October 27, 2017 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * Rom 7: 18-25 * Lk 12: 54-59 ******************************************************************************************************** Saturday - October 28, 2017 * 4 p.m. Mass Readings: Eph 2:19-22 * Lk 6: 12-16 Mass Intention: + Willie and Marcella Wehrman Lector: Larry Schultz Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Shelly Schultz * Volunteer Needed * Volunteer Needed Servers: Needed and Alex Wolf Crucifix Bearer: Needed Ministers of Welcome: Jim and Laurie Doepke ************************************************************************************************************* Sunday – October 29, 2017 * 8 a.m. Mass Readings: Ex 22: 20-26 * 1 Thes 1: 5-10 * Mt 22: 34-40 Mass Intention: + Deceased members of Parish Council of Catholic Women Lector: Bob / Barb Wesle Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Kent Johnson * Deb Mlsna * Volunteer Needed Servers: Becca and Alexis Mlsna Crucifix Bearer: Needed Minister of Welcome: Kurt Feind and Nathan Derks ************************************************************************************************************* Sunday - October 29, 2017 * 10 a.m. Mass Readings: Ex 22: 20-26 * 1 Thes 1: 5-10 * Mt 22: 34-40 Mass Intention: Priest’s Intention Lector: Pauline Frome Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Sue Mews * Rita Austin * Volunteer Needed Servers: Nathan Rucker Crucifix Bearer: Needed Ministers of Welcome: Jim Bauer and Sharon Rollins

Transcript of Twenty ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 22, …...2017/10/22  · Mass Schedule / Scripture...

Page 1: Twenty ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time October 22, …...2017/10/22  · Mass Schedule / Scripture Readings / Intentions/ Ministry Participants Twenty–ninth Sunday In Ordinary Time

Mass Schedule / Scripture Readings / Intentions/ Minist ry Par ticipants

Twenty–ninth Sunday

In Ordinary Time

October 22, 2017

Website: Church address: 208 S. LaSalle St.

Monday - October 23, 2017 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * Rom 4:20-25 * Lk 12:13-21

Tuesday - October 24, 2017 * Mass @ 8:30 am * Rom 5:12,15, 17-19,20-21 * Lk 12:35-38

* Mass Intention: + Deceased members of Dennis and Robert Bauer Families

Wednesday - October 25, 2017 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * Rom 6: 12-18 * Lk 12: 39-48

Thursday - October 26, 2017 * Mass @ 8:30 am * Rom 6: 19-23 * Lk 12: 49-53 * Mass Intention: + Betty Zurkowski

Friday - October 27, 2017 * Communion Service @ 8:30 am * Rom 7: 18-25 * Lk 12: 54-59


Saturday - October 28, 2017 * 4 p.m. Mass Readings: Eph 2:19-22 * Lk 6: 12-16

Mass Intention: + Willie and Marcella Wehrman

Lector: Lar ry Schultz

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Shelly Schultz * Volunteer Needed * Volunteer Needed

Servers: Needed and Alex Wolf Crucifix Bearer: Needed

Ministers of Welcome: J im and Laur ie Doepke


Sunday – October 29, 2017 * 8 a.m. Mass Readings: Ex 22: 20-26 * 1 Thes 1: 5-10 * Mt 22: 34-40

Mass Intention: + Deceased members of Parish Council of Catholic Women

Lector: Bob / Barb Wesle

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Kent Johnson * Deb Mlsna * Volunteer Needed

Servers: Becca and Alexis Mlsna Crucifix Bearer: Needed

Minister of Welcome: Kur t Feind and Nathan Derks


Sunday - October 29, 2017 * 10 a.m. Mass Readings: Ex 22: 20-26 * 1 Thes 1: 5-10 * Mt 22: 34-40

Mass Intention: Priest’s Intention

Lector: Pauline Frome

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Sue Mews * Rita Austin * Volunteer Needed

Servers: Nathan Rucker Crucifix Bearer: Needed

Ministers of Welcome: J im Bauer and Sharon Rollins

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Baptism.. Expectant parents are to par ticipate in the Baptism

preparation program offered in February, June and October. The

Baptisms are then scheduled for the second and fourth Sundays of the

month, after the 10:00 a.m. Mass

Marriage.. Arrangements must be made at least six months in

advance by contacting the parish pastor.

Anointing of the Sick.. (which was known as Extreme Unction or

Last Rites) has taken a different connotation since The Second Vatican

Council. The sacrament is celebrated not only for those who are dying,

but to those preparing for major surgery, the aged, and the sick. It is

time for the Church to pray for and with those who are ill and anoint

them with oil. The proper celebrant of this sacrament is a priest. Those

who desire to receive this sacrament are to contact Fr. Martin,

in advance.

Penance . . Saturday afternoon 3:15 p.m. until 3:45 p.m.

or by appointment

As members of God’s family, Christ the King Parish will always be a

welcoming community that comforts, shares its Catholic faith, and

inspires others.

First Sunday… Joan Meyer

Second Sunday… Barb Ward

Third Sunday… Sue Mews

Fourth Sunday… Deacon Jeff and Rita Austin

Fifth Sunday… Shelly Schultz

Sue Kappel (substitute)

Rosie Frank (substitute)

Jack and Kris Franklin (substitute)

Sue Strebe (substitute)

Christ the King Parish

Email address: [email protected]

Parish Office Address: 107 East Wendell St.

Church Building address: 208 South LaSalle St.

Praised be Jesus Christ! Although we live during a time when com-munication is arguably better than ever, we still struggle in many ways. Any teacher will tell you that our grammar and spelling are worse than ever. From my years of teaching I remember many peo-ple struggling to spell “sacrifice” (not “sacrafice”); another struggle for many people is the difference between conscious and conscience. For example, while I was always grateful that my students were con-scious, better still was that they had a well-formed conscience! Every human being has a conscience. Secular sources define conscience as the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one’s conduct or motives. Our faith ups the ante by affirming that our conscience is the arena in which we can hear the still, small voice of God, guiding us to choose good and reject evil. We thank God for this gift and honor Him by cooperating with His grace so that our conscience is a trustworthy moral compass for our time on earth. One important fact is that our conscience is not the source of moral truth – God is the arbiter of what is right and wrong. Our conscience functions well when it’s attuned to God and His will; our conscience leads us astray when it’s formed by the world, the flesh, or the devil. Reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church (or the Youcat) is a great way to further refine our conscience, which functions as a sort of spiritual GPS. A well-formed conscience is a tremendous gift in our life and, as pointed out last week, protects us from the woes of a sensitive conscience as well as the callousness of an insensitive conscience. A person who knows right from wrong in the way God teaches is readily able to both apol-ogize when some sin has been committed, as well as forgive an-other’s trespasses with true charity. The great challenge for us is to realize that our conscience is like every other part of our being – it is a work in progress. One very traditional and effective way of honing our conscience is to make a daily self-examination. Many people do this at night, as it provides a natural opportunity to go over the day and ask God to show us where our hearts failed to love. A few exam-ples of areas where we may have struggled are listed here: 1) Do I give inordinate belief to superstitions? Have I consulted horoscopes, tarot cards, a Ouija board, or other New Age practices? These under-mine our faith in God and can subtly lead us to dishonoring His Good-ness; 2) Do I attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day or do I miss through my own fault? Am I attentive when I attend? Do I arrive late or leave early? Do I do unnecessary servile work on Sunday? Keep-ing holy the Sabbath is a real challenge these days – all the more reason to give it our attention; 3) Did I marry outside the Church or encourage someone else to do so? Do I use contraception or was I or my spouse permanently sterilized? Closing our bodies to God’s will leaves us sad in a deep and mysterious place in our soul – God can and will forgive this and His healing is available if we only learn to trust in Him; 4) Have I been patient in accepting the sorrows and disappointments of life? This is one of the hardest things for us and when we refuse, it leads to a complaining spirit and a critical attitude toward others. There are many other areas we could discuss, but allow me to close by encouraging an examination that includes the Holy Spirit. I ask Him to show me the day from His perspective – I begin with a prayer to the Holy Spirit and then allow Him to show me both the joys and the sorrows, and I am surprised at how often the former far outnumber the latter. A well-formed conscience knows what is sinful and what is not. It also knows and relishes the true joys that help us to be at peace in this world.

May the Holy Spirit purify and form our consciences, that we may better know the path to Heaven!

Your friend in Christ, Father Martin

From the Desk of : Father Samuel Martin

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*** Wedding ***

October 21, 2017

Mark and Donna Weber

Congratulations and God’s blessings !

Fr. Martin will be live ( unless something like a funeral makes it

impossible) on Relevant Radio * Inner-Life Program * 11 a.m.

until Noon * October 23, 2017 * November 29, 2017

*December 21, 2017 and January 25, 2018.

Parishioners of Christ the King *** 2017 / 2018 Diocesan Annual

Appeal *** Theme: Stewards of Hope Our pledge goal is $34,985.00 Our hope is that we have 100% participation. Every gift of sacrifice is

important and needed and with the help of everyone we can easily

obtain this goal ! In your Annual Appeal packet you received a pledge

card. It is very important when making a pledge and/or payment that

you use that card as it has a scan code that is personal to you. It is very

important that you read over the entire card carefully and fill in the

correct information. Returning this card ensures that your pledge will be

processed more quickly and accurately. All checks (please do not send

cash) should be made out to the Diocese of La Crosse and in memo line

write: Diocesan Annual Appeal / All cards and pledges/payments should

be sent directly to the Diocesan Office in La Crosse in envelope that is

provided with your packet. *** Update: 65 responses received from

Christ the King parishioners /Amount pledged: $15,329.00 with

$19,656.00 as balance to reach our goal !!! If you have not

responded please do so and hopefully we can reach goal by end of

the year !

St. John’s Presents “Movie of The Month Club” Looking for

something to do on a Sunday afternoon? Come join Fr Martin in

the Columbia Room @ 1 pm for a great movie. There is no cost

and it’s a chance to take in a movie with other members of the

parish. Doors open @ 12:30 pm Feel free to bring snacks and

non-alcoholic beverages.

Sunday– November 5 Title of movie: St. Josephine Bakhita

BELOVED * Finding Happiness in Your Marriage * The

Marshfield Catholic Deanery presents a series on marriage:

Experience the Deeper Meaning Behind “I DO” Marries

couples are invited to experience the wonder, mystery and joy

of the sacrament of marriage assisted by stunning video presen-

tations. Time and Dates * 3 pm. until 4:15 pm. *

October 29, 2017 * November 26, 2017 * January 7, 2018 *

February 11, 2018 * March 18, 2018 * April 15, 2018

Location: St John’s Catholic School / Columbia Room /

Mfld. Cost: FREE

Childcare: Please R.S.VP. By Wednesday prior for onsite

daycare. Assistance available for babysitting in your home.

For more information and to R.SVP contact Dan Kitzhaber @

715-384-3252 Ext. 6 or [email protected]

***** Winter Clothing Drive *****

Christ the King Catholic Church

The Family Life Committee of the parish is participating in the “Winter Clothing Drive” again with the Spencer Schools. We ask that you bring gently worn winter coats, boots, hats and scarfs. We will be accepting * children * teen * women * men * size winter clothing . Please bring to church and place your contributions , in sturdy bags, by the deadline of Sunday-October 29, 2017. Thank you .

The Society for the Propagation of Faith * World Mission

Sunday * October 22, 2017 * Pray and give generously to

this annual request. *Contribution envelopes have been placed at

end of pews and your donation, if you wish to do so, must be

returned back into weekend collection baskets by Nov. 6, 2017.

Attention Ladies: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church is extending an invitation for you to attend the 2017 Women of Christ Conference on Saturday-November 4 and has reserved a bus. Please contact Susan Youngwith for the details of cost and departure times, by calling her at 715-384-4343. Detailed informational sheets about the conference have been placed on back table as a reference.

Sacred Heart Octoberfest 2017 * Join us for an Authentic

German Dinner on Saturday - October 21, 2017 * In Toeller Hall

with serving for 4 pm. until 7 p.m. Suggested donation is $8.00

per adult / $4.00 for children / free for children under the age of 4.

* All are welcome-Open to the Public. Menu: Sauerkraut &

Kielbasa & Potato Dumplings * Ham * German Potato Salad *

Mashed Potatoes & gravy * Green Beans * Variety of breads and

desserts * Coffee and Milk * There will be basket raffles and

sweepstakes Raffles * Mass will be @ 4 p.m. and not 5 p.m. on

October 21st.

All Saints Day * Holy Day of obligation *

Masses at Christ the King Catholic Parish

“NO” Vigil Mass on October 31st

Wednesday-Nov. 1st * 8:30 am mass and

6:40 pm ( with religious education students)

Ministry participants are needed * Sign up sheet on back table

Masses @ St John the Baptist Catholic Parish-Mfld.

October 31, 2017 * Vigil Mass @ 6 p.m.

November 1, 2017 * Mass @ 6:30 a.m. and

6:30 p.m. (with religious education students)

Save the date: Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church in Mfld.

will be hosting a “Healing Mass” om Friday—November 3, 2017

Father Robert Thorn from Wausau will be joining us for this

wonderful opportunity to receive the healing graces of God’s

compassion At this point we do not have all the details, but hope

you will place this date on your calendar and watch bulletin for

further information as it is provided. This might not happen again

any time soon.

The Fr. John Eisen Council 1799 of the Knights of Columbus

will have their annual Memorial Mass for Deceased Members on

November 6th at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. There

will be a Rosary starting at 6:00 PM with the Mass following at

6:30 PM. Please join us as we pray for all of our Deceased


Tuesday-Oct. 24-Community Outreach Meal for Everyone-

Serving 5-6 p.m. @ St. John’s Lutheran Church-B3750 Hwy 13

North, Spencer

Wednesday-Oct 25 and Thursday-October 26 from 8 am until 6

pm “Fall Thrift and Bake Sale “ @ St. Bernard / St. Hedwig

parishes * Location: N14921 Gorman Ave Quonset Hall in Thorp,

WI. Drop of dates of thrift items is Monday-Oct 23 and Tuesday-

Oct. 24 from 8 am until 5 pm * Friday-Oct 27th is packing day

with “NO SALES”. Sponsored by P.C.C.W. of both parishes.

Friday-Oct 27-Christian Skate Night @ Melody Gardens

Skateland in Mfld. Time: 7:30 p.m. until 10 p.m.

Evening of Recollection * Led by Fr . Mar tin * Euchar istic

Adoration and Reflection * The evenings will alternate between

St. John and Christ the King parishes. Time: 6:30 pm-8 pm

Thursday– November 2 , 2017 Theme: St. Joseph patron of a

happy death @ St. John the Baptist in Mfld.

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Youth Ministry News

*** Pray daily for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and sacramental marriage ***

Religious Education

March For Life Pilgrimage 2018

INFO MEETING MON OCT 23, 7PM @ St. John’s for The March for Life pilgrimage will

be Jan 17-21, 2018. All people 13 years of age and older are invited to be a witness

to the dignity of life for the unborn, elderly, and those who society regards as use-

less. We’ll travel with a Diocesan group via motorcoach. This is for YOUTH &

ADULTS. Cost is ~$330 for teens, $290 for chaperones.

Deposit of $175 due by Dec. 1. Pilgrims will also get a hooded sweatshirt. Fundrais-

ing options and need-based scholarships are available. (*$25 less if you have a

hood from previous March) For more info please contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber

Youth Fundraiser All teens can begin to earn money toward Adventure Camp, World Youth Day, Steubenville

Conference, Mission Trip … or any of the great opportunities offered. The fundraiser presently available is

selling Younkers Community Day booklets. You sell the booklet for $5 (you earn the entire $5), the buyer gets

a $10 coupon (a $5 savings) and everyone is happy! This is only available through Nov. 8.

For more details, contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber.

Pilgrims for Life Fundraiser – Need PINT Jars & Cloth

The youth preparing to participate in the March for Life will again be making and selling delicious Jar Mixes.

We need more PINT size canning jars as well as Christmas colored cloth scraps for covering jars. If you have

some to donate, please contact Mr. Dan Kitzhaber

Youth Minister:

Mr. Dan Kitzhaber

St. John the Baptist:

715-384-3252 ext. #6


[email protected]


Mrs. Deb Mlsna

[email protected]

Thank you to our 7th grade class and their catechists, Mrs. Stacy Wolf and Mrs. Susan Bauer for preparing them.

God bless you on a job well done!

We had 16 students who earned the bonus prayer reward for learning their prayers early! Congratulations to:

Karsten Bissonette, Anna Willcome, Caitlin Clark, Faith Hinrichsen, Reed Knecht, Montana Kohls, Alexa Stange,

Hailee Bohman, Alexis Mlsna, Taylor Stange, Arianna Likes, Amber Becker, Becca Mlsna, Paige Smith, Alyssa Willcome

For the past few years our students have been collecting for Operation Christmas Child, which was coordinated locally

through St. John’s Lutheran Church. They have decided not to continue with this collection. We had participated in this

collection in place of an Advent activity. This year we will resume an advent collection/activity instead.

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, October 22: Grade 6 class Mass at the 10am Mass

October 25: Father Sedlacek will be talking to the 6th grade class about the Religious Life

Wednesday, November 1: All Saints Day Mass at 6:40pm

Sunday, November 12: Grade 5 class Mass at the 10am Mass

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To place a prayer request on the Christ the King Prayer Chain, please call these prayer leaders:

Marcia Draeger (715-659-5182), Kay Derks (715-659-4046), Joan Meyer (715-384-2774)

Each of these has a list of people to call and inform them about your prayer requests, do not call parish office.

You may also place your requests on the St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Prayer Chain by calling

Shirley @ 715–384-3613 and Donna 715-384-2479 (there are 2 lists) and they will take your request.

Christ the King Staff: Fr . Samuel Mar tin : Pastor * Fr . Daniel Sedlacek : Associate Pastor * Deacon Jeff Austin : Per manent Deacon

* Judy A. Drechsler : Parish Secretary * Bonnie Jakel : Sacristan * Gary Niziolek : Part-time Maintenance * Jim Kilty : Snow Removal

Parish office Hours Are: Monday * Tuesday * Wednesday - 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Thursday - 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. * Friday - Office is CLOSED

The Diocese of La Crosse is committed to creating a safe environment within the Church for children and youth.

We continue to have a special care for and a commitment to reaching out to victims of sexual abuse and their


October / Respect Life Month: Good News The US Depar tment of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced a relaxation of

the HHS contraceptive mandate for nonprofits and businesses opposed on religious or moral grounds. This provides relief to the Little Sisters of

the Poor and many other organizations. Also, in a radical change of direction from the previous administration, the HHS has not only declared that

human life begins “at conception,” but has made protecting citizens “from conception to natural death” one of its top priorities. Read more at

Please note that if you or your loved one who is a member of the parish is admitted to the hospital through the emergency room, more

than likely you will not be asked which parish you are a member. Consequently, your name will not be r ecorded in the hospital census, and

the parish will not know you have been admitted. Moreover if your loved one is in a nursing home or moved from one home to another we may

lose touch with them. Knowing where they are assures them the opportunity for a visit so that they can receive Jesus in Holy Communion on a

monthly basis and be anointed when necessary. Please call the parish office at 715-659-4480 with that information so that we can keep in contact

with them.

In the Diocese of La Crosse, Donations for Hurricane Relief top $230,000 The faithful of the Diocese of La Crosse have been exceedingly

generous in donating over $230,000 to hurricane relief for Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the surrounding areas. Great devastation is still being

experienced in Puerto Rico. To make a donation, send your check payable to “Catholic Charities” and write “Puerto Rico Relief” in the memo

line, to Catholic Charities, Puerto Rico Relief, 3710 East Ave. S., La Crosse, WI 54601. To donate online, visit

for instructions.

Thank you to Christ the King parishioners Ronnie and I would like to thank you for all the prayers, concerns and visits while he was in the hospital. Ronnie is doing really great. He is up and

mowing lawn, driving the car and he has even drove the tractor, the other day. We are so happy that the outcome of his terrible accident proved

against the odds and that God is truly present in our lives and has blessed us with His grace and watchful eye. We were very blessed with great

doctors and nurses that took care of Ronnie. The prayers you said for Ronnie were heard and God’s blessings to each of you.

Ronnie and Gwen Schmidt

Village of Spencer / Revolving Loan Fund . The Village Community Block-Revolving Loan Fund is set up to assist low to moderate income

Spencer residents. Loan are available to provide home owners with a means to return a home to a decent, safe and sanitary conditions.

The program is not intended to help remodel or beautify a home. These loans to homeowners are interest free and do not need to be repaid until the

property is sold or transferred To qualify you must have an income of less then the following:

Number of people in the household : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2017 income limits: $39,150 $44,750 $50,350 $55,900 $60,400 $64,850 $69,350 $73,800

Village of Spencer property owners that rent to low to moderate income person may also qualify under different repayment terms. If you have any

questions about this program or are interested in applying or know of any family member or neighbor please let them know about this and than

contact the Village of Spencer Office at 715-659-5423

If you would like to have a “Mass Intention” for a deceased loved one or special intention in 2018 please call the parish rectory @

715-659-4480 and talk to Judy. There are openings for weekend masses and numerous openings for Tuesday and Thursday morning,

weekday mass @ 8:30 am..

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Diocese of La Crosse Guidelines

For Reporting Instances of Child


The Diocese of La Crosse is committed to creating a safe environment within the Church for

children and youth. We continue to have a special care for and a commitment to reaching out to

the victims of sexual abuse and their families. * To report allegations of sexual abuse by a

member of the clergy, lay employees or volunteers of the Diocese of La Crosse please fill out the

report form found at: * Alternatively, you can also

contact these people: Msgr. David Kunz, Vicar for Clergy @ 608-791-2679 or

Mrs. Karen Becker ,Victim Assistance Ministry @ 608-519-8002

Victims of sexual abuse, in addition to contacting civil authorities, are asked to come forward in

order to receive pastoral assistance Such assistance can be received from: Deacon David Allen,

Victim Assistance Coordinator @ 608-792-9684

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time