
Treatment Sinner Productions would like to introduce the official treatment of the horrific film, the Cursed.

Transcript of Treatment

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Sinner Productions would like to introduce the official treatment of

the horrific film, the Cursed.

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Purpose• It can be noted why we specifically chose the Horror genre

over any genre due to the fact we can extract different Horror narratives to create our own film. The reason why I chose to evaluate the Witch, Trick 'r Treat and Regression is solely for the purpose that they all have elements we hope to have in our Horror genre. We have the reckless actions shown in Trick 'r Treat through Lucy and Kate going to the forest which leads Kate getting lost, we have the goriness of the Witch through the constant shots that include blood and we have the uneasiness feeling of Regression through the unexplained occurrences of what happens to Lucy that makes the audience feel a bit uneasy as they don't understand why it is happening

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Aim• The purpose of my group creating a Horror teaser trailer is to help

promote and advertise a film with the typical Horror elements which help us successfully market our film more easily when we make our magazine front cover and a poster due to the fact the trailer has helped create the hype which will make the audience have a greater incentive to follow every marketing strategy surrounding the film. The aim of a teaser trailer has a greater strength than a trailer as a teaser trailer doesn't explain the narrative as much as the trailer does therefore the audience will be more likely to wonder what is going to happen in the film and why it happened.

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Characters-• In our teaser trailer, the main characters are the

protagonist, Lucy and the main antagonist, Jane, which despite the fact that Kate will be shown in the teaser trailer, the main focus will be on Lucy and Jane. Lucy is a very sociable person whom tends to make reckless mistakes but it does not impact her compared to Kate whom has mistakes impacting her more than Lucy and she is dependent on Lucy. Jane tends to keep her self and is powerless but the incident in our past has allowed to exert her power on other people despite being dead.

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Target audience-

• As our film is of a Horror genre, we picked the target audience that is most concentrated within that genre which is '15' so our target audience will be of the range of 15-17 as the audience range is mostly concentrated on them so we hope to attract this particular target audience through the age of our characters. Our characters are of the age of 16 and 17 but the ages of the people acting them are 17 and 18 which is near about what we hoped.

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• We do not have a script as we don't have dialogue in our teaser trailer. But, the closest we have to a script, is our shooting script whereby we refer to it constantly to figure out what is happening shot by shot.

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Technical Requirements-

• The only technical requirements needed during our production process is an camera to film the footage, IPad to help show that we were filming our footage and it can be used as our individual or group video diaries.

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• Our budget was £15 whom of each of the team members of the Cursed gave an individual contribution of £5 each. This will help us to purchase any essential items that are needed for our Horror teaser trailer such as props, music etc.

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