The industrial revolution

Brayden Carlson The Industrial Revolution Luddites The founder(s): Ned Ludd Key ideas/concepts: Luddites hated the advancement of technology because it replaced jobs of those individuals who were skilled with a person that uneducated and not skilled. The objective was to stop and prevent the advancement of technology. For example they met during the night to destroy any machines or devices that were introduced as the industry progressed. It was a problem for a Luddite because jobs were hard to obtain and by being skilled in the textile industry, it allowed them to be successful. However, with the introduction of new machines they lost their jobs and were unable to provide for their families. Quotations: “The greatest danger in modern technology isn't that machines will begin to think like people, but that people will begin to think like machines.” – Anonymous “If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” – Omar Bradley My comment: Luddites would be a part of our ice cream store, because any individual that was affected by the advancement of technology joined together to destroy these devices. The goal was to return to the old process of skilled individuals using hard- work rather than the unskilled individuals who replaced them. During this time it was important to have a job in order to obtain food for your family, and by being the handful of skilled individuals it was easier to be successful in the textile industry. The focus of the Luddites is to put the needs of the individual and their families before those of a community.

Transcript of The industrial revolution

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Brayden Carlson

The Industrial Revolution


The founder(s): Ned Ludd

Key ideas/concepts:

• Luddites hated the advancement of technology because it replaced jobs of those individuals who were skilled with a person that uneducated and not skilled.

• The objective was to stop and prevent the advancement of technology. For example they met during the night to destroy any machines or devices that were introduced as the industry progressed.

• It was a problem for a Luddite because jobs were hard to obtain and by being skilled in the textile industry, it allowed them to be successful. However, with the introduction of new machines they lost their jobs and were unable to provide for their families.

Quotations: “The greatest danger in modern technology isn't that machines will begin to think like people, but that people will begin to think like machines.” – Anonymous

“If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.” – Omar Bradley

My comment: Luddites would be a part of our ice cream store, because any individual that was affected by the advancement of technology joined together to destroy these devices. The goal was to return to the old process of skilled individuals using hard-work rather than the unskilled individuals who replaced them. During this time it was important to have a job in order to obtain food for your family, and by being the handful of skilled individuals it was easier to be successful in the textile industry. The focus of the Luddites is to put the needs of the individual and their families before those of a community.

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Brayden Carlson


The founder(s): London’s Working Men Association (William Lovett, Francis Place and Henry Hetherington)

Key ideas/concepts:

• A vote for every man twenty-one years of age and not undergoing punishment for crime.

• A vote by a secret ballot

• Annual elections for change in government

Other ideas:

• Equal-sized electoral districts

• An end to the need for property qualifications for Parliament

• Pay for Members of Parliament

Quotations: “A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality

exhibits under this sun.” – Thomas Carlyle

“A man's labour is not only his capital but his life. When it passes it returns never more. To utilise it, to prevent its wasteful squandering, to enable the poor man to bank it up for use hereafter, this surely is one of the most urgent tasks before civilisation.” – William Booth

My comment: Chartism would be a flavour in our ice cream store because the focus of Chartists was to achieve political equality for men. For example, the right to vote at twenty-one or voting by a secret ballot by any man belonging to any group. Chartism values the rights of individuals, but considers those of the working class because they formed to protest the equality for every group in society.

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Brayden Carlson

Utopian Socialism

The founder(s): Thomas More and Robert Owen

Key ideas/concepts:

• Humanitarians (An ethic of kindness, benevolence and sympathy extended universally and impartially to all human being)

• Education was the key to a humane society

• People could see potential if they were free to pursue their own inclinations

Other ideas:

• Keep the basic political , economic and social systems

• Robert Owen introduced incentive rewards to good workers

• Improving living conditions of the workers (existing houses were renovated and streets were paved and cleaned)

• The village was landscaped so villagers could enjoy outside activities

• Sponsored free medical care, concerts and dancing

Quotations: “Nothing, not even a Utopia, can necessarily make the pursuit of happiness a successful one that ends in capture. The best society can merely allow every individual to flourish in the pursuit.” – Daniel Nettle

“Every daring attempt to make a great change in existing conditions, every lofty vision of new possibilities for the human race, has been labelled Utopian.” – Emma Goldman

My comment: Utopian Socialism would also be sold in the ice cream store because it focuses on the happiness and needs of an individual in order to form a perfect society. For example, to motivate workers to perform well under the bad conditions each station had a supervisor. A supervisor would mark each individual with a color to indicate how well they worked. If they received a certain color the worker would rewarded. It attempts to create fairness between the workers and owners. The community was kept clean and the village was landscaped so each individual could enjoy outdoor activities. The goal was to satisfy the needs of individuals and make them happy to create a perfect society

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Brayden Carlson


The founder(s): Karl Marx

Key ideas/concepts:

• The worker’s revolution (worker vs. owner) was necessary to overthrow Capitalism and to create significant change

• Abolition of all right of inheritance

• Confiscation of all property of emigrants and rebels

Other ideas:

• Violence should be used to overthrow the leaders if they decide to not change

• Free education for all children in public schools and abolition of child labour

• A heavy progressive income tax

• Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly

• Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state

• Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; cultivation of wastelands and the improvement of the soil

• Abolition of the distinction between town and country and an equal distribution of people throughout

Quotations: “History does nothing; it does not possess immense riches, it does not fight battles. It is men, real, living, who do all this.” – Karl Marx

“Society does not consist of individuals but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand.” – Karl Marx

My comment: Marxism should not be included our ice cream store because it starts to removes the right of private property. He also suggests that no one should receive any inheritance from his/her family which means the government is taking others’ property. Another idea is to introduce income taxes that would go towards the government and development of the society. He also introduces an

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Brayden Carlson

idea to confiscate any emigrant or rebel’s property which indicates the government may have a large amount of control its people.

Classical Conservatism

The founder(s): Edmund Burke

Key ideas/concepts:

• Government should elected by those with special rights, responsibilities and privileges

• Society should be structured in a hierarchical fashion because people do not have equal abilities

• The established institutions needed to be controlled by educated people and to control the masses of uneducated people and their irrational desires

Other ideas:

• Leaders should be humanitarian

• Stability of society should be maintained by law and order

• The government represented the will of the people and the legacies of those who have passed away

• If change was to occur it would have to be from the ideas of the past and the thoughts of the future

Quotations: “We owe an implicit reverence to all the institutions of our ancestors” – Edmund Burke

“He that struggles with us strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper.” – Edmund Burke

My comment: Classical Conservatism is not a part of our ice cream store for several reasons. Edmund Burke thought the government should represent its people and the ideas of the past. He thought that society should be structured by hierarchical fashion because people did not have equal abilities. Another idea of his suggests that the government should be elected by a select few of people with special rights, responsibilities and privileges. It does not focus on the needs or happiness of individuals, but it is an attempt to create a successful society.