The Hickman courier. (Hickman, KY) 1886-01-01 [p ].

LOCAL NEWS. Fresh country Lard, at Rogers. Nice Sausage, at Rogers'. Lye Hominy, at Rogeb . 1886. Don't write it 1SS5. City election Monday. A happy Now Year to vou all -- Ilick man merchants arc jubi- - lant over their unprecedented, good holiday trade. Mrs Press Berry, of Ilirkinan ! county, caught her clotiiiug on fire from u grate, and was burned to death. We are requested to an- nounce that Elder William Belt will preach at Poplar Grove, next Sunday, at the usual hour. The OouEinu neglects to print the names of Hickman ladies who will recivo New Year calls to-da- y, because the list is not full, and we don't desire to show par- tiality. Two colored men, Winstons by name, got to projecting with a pistol, Christmas day, at Iieid's mill, and one accidentally shot the other in the jaw. Wouud is not fatal. Mr. Ben. J. ITertwcclc and Miss E. M. Piggott, both of Hick- man, were married on tho 27th. Congratulations of numerous friends are extended, and many wishes for a long, useful, prosper- ous and happy life. The Kentncky Legislature as- sembled Wednesday. The Demo- crats of each Houae met in cau- cus, but adjourned without efl'cct-m- g an organization. Tho pro- gramme was to organize Wednes- day morning, but the CouKicn has no later news. Among the coming candidatOB we hear the name of Willis F. Boffe, of tho Cayce precinct, pretty authoritatively mentioned as a candidate for County Asses- sor. He is a clever man, compe- tent for the place, an old citizen, and would make a good assessor if elected. The announcement of the death of Hon. James E. Bailey of Ularksville, which occurred at his residence Tuesday morning at 7 :45 o'clock, will awaken a mourn- ful feeling in the breast of every Tennesscan who esteems personal worth, and sets a value on eminent talents conscientiously devoted to the welfare of the State. We can all remember when a "2:4.0 horse" was a marvel of speed, but this has become antiquated. The New York World in a recent issue publishes a list of about 700 horses which liavo made a trot- ting record of Jt) and better du- ring the past season, giving tho sires and previous record. This would show a great improvement in American horses. Ed Hoehn, supeiintedcnt of Hertweck, Baltzer 6c Cn's paint shop, is an artist of very rare merit, and as a sign painter can- - not be excelled in tho United j sStatCS, and we mean exactly what jwe sny. Ho made the Courier a Christmas present of new sign, which is on exhibition in front of ipost-ofiic- e, and wo challenge in- spection of tho work as a proof of tho merit we claim for him. :IIilory Jones, colored, charg- ed vith stealing twenty-fiv- e dol- lars, on his wedding night, in Ful- ton, was arrested by otlicer Bris-endin- e, only a few moments bt-for- e) the consummation of the marriage ceremony, and brought to Hickman, Wednesday, and in- carcerated in the county jail. His fiuncr, flcttie r irson, true to her plighted love, accompanied him to tho jail, but were kindly permitted to go by the court-hous- e, where his Honor, Judge Murrell, nnited them in tho holy bonds of wed lock. The question of civil rights, as it affects theatres, was decided by the supremo court of Iowa tho other day. Tho point before the court was upon tho refusal to ad- mit a colored man to a theatre. Upon this point the lower court and the supremo court both held that the plaintiff had no legal right to enter the theatre, the manager having refused to accept the ad- mission price-Loui- s Pasteur, the French dis coverer of the ancient India prac- tice of inoculation as a remedy for rabies, is a native of Dole, in the department of Jura, France, and is in his GOth year. He is not & physician but a chemist of local distinction, and ono whoso name is likely to go down to posterity with. Haivey, Jenner and other eminent discoverers of matters of interest to life and health. If this congress wants to enact ny legislation regardiug war mat ters, it certainly ought to be pretty competent tor tue purpose. Ot the 400 members of house and sen- ate, 160 ufit into the late war." There are in tho house and senate ninety ex-Uni- on soldiers and sev enty warriors. It is rumored that Queen Vic- toria is to abdicate. When tho children of to-da- y aro beginning to pick gray hairs out of their .heads the same rumor will come 'irayly skipping along by cable. The good old lady is not built ou the abdicating plan. Chicago News. Bbadstbeet's for the week re- ports the dulluess in wholesale trade common to the season. About the only notable exception is St. Louis, where dry goods movements have been full and fir. Therr are only 150 applicants lfor the office of Be venue A cent Kentucky. The entertainment riven Mon- day night, by the pupils of Cen- tral Academy, under the direction of Miss Adello Allen, was one round of praise and applause well deserved, from the beginning to the ending of the programme! Every child and person engaged deserves the highest compliment, and each act and piece was as near perfect as it could well be. We are proud of the school, proud of the teachers, and proud of each pupil. The operetta of Genevieve at City Hall, Tuesday night, as the closing exercises of Miss Daisy Castleman's music sclTool, under the direction of that accomplished young uuiy, was a mgniy crcdita hie and eniovablo noi-formo- iLittlo Miss Lalla Kuucrr has a swp,ct' phtintive oice, well suited to the personation of Genevieve. and sang her part exceedingly well, while Miss Jessie Leo Gar- rett as Isadore, shows good culti- vation, winning applause and ad- miration throughout. Tho other characters in the operetta as rep- resented by Misses Carrie May Garrett, Lizzie Goalder, Ethel Parker, Maggie Warren and Cora Underwood, were well rendered and descrvo high complimeut. The orchestral music, under the leadership of Mr. J. II. Millet, as well ns on Monday night, was the best wo ever heard in Hickman. Tho instrumental performance of Miss Bertie Bullard, and vocali- zation by Mr. George Bullard were fine, and added much to the pleas ure ot tue evening. Jir.-tiam- cs Somers' vocal solos and Blind Joe on the violin Avero repeatedly en- cored. IVii-ituiiic- In Tcxft. Great excitement lias been caused in the vicinity of Paris Tex., by tiie remarkable recovery of Mr J. E. Corley, who wan so helpless he could not turn in bd, or raise his head; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's Xew Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, lie bought a large bottle and i box of Dr. KiiiR'i Xew Life Pills; by the time he had taken two hoses of Pills and two bottles of the Dicoveryi &c was well and had gained in flerh thirty-si- x pounds. Trial Bottle-- of this Great Diacoverv for Con , sumption free at Moore & Landrum's. autmutii o tJJtcraJc Cau- - rv Frankfort, Ky., Doc. 30. The House Democratic caucus last evening was called to order by Hon. J. Stoddard Johnson, who explained that in the absence of other authority ho had taken the liberty of suggesting the time and place of the caucus. T. J. MeElrath, of Carroll, was elected Chairman, and E. Polk Johnson, Green R. Kellar and Willis Riugo, Secretaries. A res- olution by I). A. Neale was adopt- ed providing that candidates for House oflices bo nominated in the order in which they are elected by law, and that in voting for can- didates the party receiving tho smallest number of votes on tho third ballot shall be dropped, this to continue till a nomination is reached. The Senate caucus organized by electing J. II. W. Smith, of Lay fsville, Otiairjnan,"!mlI)r. V oous Secretary, and both adjourned till this morning. '.V!itit Can So Duiip. By trying Again and keeping up courage inanv thinprs seemmzly nnpoSeioie may lc attained. Hundreds of hopeless cases of Kidney and Liver Complaii.t have been cnrel bS Electric Bitters, after everything i?,181""1 rj-rt-i tried in Vnin So, don't iiiihk mere i- - no cure for you, but ttv Electric Iiittrrs. There is no medicine so safe, so pure, an.l so perfrct a Wood Puri- fier. Electric Hitters will cure Dyspepsia, Diabetes and all Diseases ol the Kidneys, Invaluable in affections of Stomach and Liver, and overcome all Urinary Difficul ties. Large Bottles only CO cts. at Moore & Lacdrum s. laiissL'i and Anuria Arzn London, Dec. 29. Reports have been received here from a reliable sourcePboth in St. Peters- burg and Vienna, to the effect that at both these capitals the feeling is growinjr that war between Rus- sia and Austria, over the Balkan dispute, is almost unavoidable. Active war preparations by both countries have been going on ever since the outbreak of hostilities between Servia and Bulgatia, and tho Russian and Austrain armies aro being actively and secretly arming in anticipation of war, Much color is given to these re ports by heavv orders for stores and ammunitions of war placed by agents of the Russian and Aus trian governments in this city. The ISrunt 3aia;iEnersi. There is a bad fooling among tho members of tho memorial committee appointed to raise the million-dolla- r Grant monument fund. This unpleasantness grew out of tho publication of the names of the entire committee, with the amount of money sub- scribed by each to the fund, 1 pub- lication which disclosed the fact that several hundred of the com- mittee who have so constantly ap- pealed to tho public for subscrip- tions have not expended one dol- lar themselves. Grant, McClellan, Hendricks, Alfonso, Yanderbilt all have died during the last five months. Death is no respecter of greatness and our ranks aro being rapidly thinn- ed. The Indianapolis Journal thinks Kentucky deserves to bo called tho "mother of Speakers," ffbeause it has been honored with the oflice eleven times. The Rothchilds estates of Em', land are estimated at one billion dollars, or five times as great a sum as Yanderbilt leaves. A thou- sand million dollars! A Roman astronomer announ- ces that tho inhabitants of the planet Mars are trying to attract the attention of the people of the earth. Thomas A. Hendkicks nevr swore an oath nor took ydrink-o- f 1 whisky or.a chew of tobacco. - 7?--- QBstwiMTxrjrxM To Our Friends umd Patrols : On beginning tho Xow War, wo desire, to express our thanks to our many friends for tho i ry lib- eral patronage so cordially be- stowed on us the past year. The year just closed has been tin; most successful ono in tho cari-e- r of this house, our trade far exceed- ing even our own cxpects.tions. It is our wish to still further in- crease it the coming 3 car, and build up a trade second to none in this facction. "With this object in view, wc shall continue our old policy, of selling first-clas- s goods only at low prices, with fail deal- ing to waul all, believing tl lis to be the only true and sine road to micccss in our business. Our lorce this ,ear will consist of Cites. Smith, Lee Klliijo,), Tim Walton, Cam Bice, and t!. Balt zer in the Dry Goods depaitmeut, and All'. M: Daniel and 11 iircue Xajlor in tho Grocery a foiTce of clerkh which iusuics polite atten- tion to all our customers. Each one will be glad to meet all hit. friends tho coming year, and to make as manv new onet as possi- ble. Thanking 3011 again for your generous patronage, and trusting that our efforts to please jou in the future, will meet with thooamc hearty appreciation as in the past, wo wish you, ono and all, a h.ppy Now Year, ami the same sua cess in your different avocations is wo hao had for tho past year. , Vorv respectfully, II. BUCHANiLN'. The war in Europe seems to have petered out, as nothieghas appeared about it in the cablegrams for several days. 3(AKu:n, 1 At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs Sue IJransford, of Fultqn county, Py., at 7 o clock, r. M, Dee. 22nd, Rev. N. 1. Itamsey, Mr. D E. Iteeves and Miss Lula May IJransford. Attendants Mr. E F. Thomas and Miss Emma Scarce ; Mr. Will Nay lor atd Miss Mattie Luton. The bride was elegantly dressed in pearl white brocade silk with cream lact and ribbon decorations. The bridesmaids ere radiant in their dresssa of cream nun a veiling. The groom and his attendants were at- tired in the usually imprestve costume of black .uth white satin ties and black kidslovcs Alter the ceremony the bridal party with their many relatives and fiieads, partook of an e'egaut cupper prepared by the bride's m ther. which w'is enjoyed by all After wishing these worthy young jcoplo much joy and happiness in their wediied life, the merry throng departed to meet them again the following morn to partake of a sumptuous dinner given in bono? of the occasion, by the groom's pareuts. Jlaj floer, like J y gems aJora I.ifr's eunuy path where'er they tread. Ami ki?s ail punliinj- - m the morn, Sflectr.t MesMUgx ou lb em !ieU. And when lifis'u twilight Uonr (hall came, A uil Tuning wyrJj to earth are given, Mhj velrottiiag aneU inp thesi heme, To he and lore agilri til luaTea. 15 Y FiaEXDS. ('HUISTJIAS ItXtlTS. On Dec 24th, E. E. Sotterfield ami Mrs. Henrietta Wallis. On Dec. 27th, J. O. Armstrong and M.is3 Mollie Haekett. On Dec. 27th, B J. Ifcrlweck and Mi: a 'Erjirriggott? On Dec. 30th, C. C. Douaho and ilisa Ellen Ilubber. COUJRED. On Dec. 24th, Will Gardner and Itosa Browder. On Dec. 25lh, Allen Freeman and Jlet-ti- e Browder. On Dee. 23th, Henry Williams and Mat tie Feltaworth. On Dec 30th, Ililroy Jones and Eettie Caisou. Council I'roeecilingH. Hickman, Ky., Dec. 23, 1SS5. Council met. Present, Councilmen Beckman, Case, DeBow, French, llamajje and Witling On motion, Councilman Case was calh-- to the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and sigued. TAX COLLECTOR'S SETTLE Jl EXT. The finance committee reported the fol- lowing settlement with the City Tax Col- lector.- Total amount tax book $o,311.14 Less delinquent list 120 5S So, 190.50 Cr. by 5 p.c on $5,190.50 5250 53 "Treasurer's receipt, $1,972 01 So.232.47 Overpaid by collector $41.91 On motion, baid settlement was approved and a check ordered issued toG. M. W'.I bum, tax collector, hr $4191, amount overpaid. ACCOUNT ALLOWED. I The following accounts were presented properly approved, and on motion, were ordered paid : Hertweck, Baltzer & Co., repairing tools..... 5 2.23 Jno. Witting, nails 7 10 G. M. Wilbum, for City Hall 3 85 R E Millet, City Court Docket.... 13.75 Street Payroll 40 50 Gravel contract ICG 20 tayino orncEits. On motion, ordered tht all the city with the finance committee and that said settlements be reported at the next meeting. On motion, ordered that checks lie issued to all the city officers for six month's pay STREET COMMISSIONED, 4C. On motion, ordered that a check be is- sued G. M. Wilburn for $200 00 in full for street commissioner, City Marshal, and waiting on Council. On motion, ordered that tho assessment of Goodhart and Ackland for 18S5 be re- mitted. On motion, Council adjourned. Attest, 11. E. .MILLET, C. C. ST. LOUIS MARKET. "Wheit. No. 2, offered at 92c ; bid 00c. Hay. Strictly prime, $11.00; mixed, $9.50 ; fancy choice, $12.50. Cork. White, 32cai!lc. LIVE STOCK. Cattle. Good steers, S4 00 to $5.00; common, $3 50 to $4.00; scalawags, $1.50 to $2.00; milch cows, $20 00 to $55.00; veal calves, $8 00 to $11 00. Mules 14 hands, 4 to 7 years, $S0.00 to SS5.00; 10 to 1CJ hands, 4 to 7 years, $150.00 to $175.00. Houses. Heavy draft, $125.00 to $160 good drivers, $80.00 to $110.00; plugs $15.00 to $40 00. Hoos. Butchers and packers paying from $3 60 to $3.S5. HICKMAN MARKET. Cork. Iliokman buyert are paying 30c in the ear and 32c shelled, sacked and delivered at depot. ' New Orleans market paying from 43c lo 45c. CITY ITEMS. CYPRESS SHINGLES. All heart Cypress Shingles, first-cla- s in constantly on hand, every respect, kept and for sale at loue.-- t prices. peptll H. BUCHANAN. Fresh Canned Goods, at Rogers'. OYSTERS! THE freshest and best Oysters by the can, or erred at any hour, and m any way de-irc- d, always to be had during the present season, at tho The of ladies solicited, and special; arrangement for their polite at- - tCLcitli LACLEDE HOUSE. Cturlltiunmi', the Watrh maker, U now located in Moore & LamlrumV drug store. His skill and reliability ha been proven, and l.c is located hero permanently to alwiiy make pood his promises. K it rtJ n;:: mi, the Watch-imVe- r. ha3 cstabliihed a reputation as a skillful work man second to no one in his line, ami hun- dreds for whom he has dne work will evi- dence his reliability. Call nt .Moore & Landrum's. TI10 Wntch-mike- r, Il'irlinanie, is loea ted permanently in Ilirkinan; und if he fixes your watc'i. is always at homo to prove the reliability of his work. All kind of Disinfectants Chloride of Lima, Milphito of Iron, Carbolic Acid, Chloride of 'Sodn. For a'o ni COWGlLL'sJ Drug Store. "Siiii't fonrot that Salmon's & Haas Hog Cholera remedies arc guaranteed to stop the Cholera among boss ami keep them froai taking it, or money refunded, J. W. COW GILL, Druggist. ItiM'Ulcirs AritU'ti Knlo. Tun Bests vt-v- n in the world for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ithenm, Fever Soiss, Tetter, Chapped Hand", Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and post lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents pir box. For Sale at MOOHE & l.ANDHUMS 5;ccln! police. Allpennns indebted to the firm of Ron durant & Drewry, will please come forward at an early day, and make settlement. Oflice at E- - Collins' drug htoro Alexander & MiawcIPs old stand. BONDUUaNT & DREWRY. Ilicknnn, Ky., Feb 12. 18S5. Kotlco. An election will beheld at IheCity Hall, in the city of Hickman, Ky.. on Monday, the 4th day of January, 1?S, to elect a Mayor and six Counci linen for 1jSi. I5v order of the Council. DeclS-td- e K. E. MILLET, C. C. A GOQQ DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE, Willi all conveniences. AUo, a'l claims and accounts due J. W. Corman & Co Apply to ilceSS 3u T. R. Mi M A 1 1 AN. POSTA12S RATES. ijrrrsns. Letters are sent toany post-ot":- e in the United States at two certs i 'i ounce droii letters one cent I'nltr this heaJ anything wholly or partly writi'i NEUVl'AI"!.-- . Newspapers, periodica K' cl'iiely in prim, maiiea oy puuiiMieisi um- - .v--n pound. noO.c, Jetc. Books, circulars, and other mat'er whol ly in print, oie ec'it for each two ounce-- ' or fraction thereof. MKHC1I VtlU'F All ot'.iT matter, ineiclrin lis &c , one cent an ounce or fraction tli.T.-of- . Saddlery aijd Harness PLUMMER & FARRISS J Jacfcxou St , npposile Courier Office III CZ 11. IX, - - - AT. WELL selected stock of Saddles and A H irness. New work made to order. Prompt attention given to it K IS.' A I 21 I M" G of any kind. lie has secured the services of that well known an 1 excellent work- man, Uncle I'ob farriss, which of itself is a guarantee of good and faithful work. apr24 Groceries 25cts Lower than tlio Lowes 1 have no clerk exponsss no store ren und pay cush for all my Groceries, and herefore can sell as cheap ns the cheap st. Best brands of Wittenberg and I.on Flour, 25 cents cheaper than the low JOHN WITTING. less THE COURIER-JOURKA- L. isss AN ocuN or LIVtNG IDEAS AND LIVE ISSUES. A.N l.VUI (Jt Monopolies, 01lcrc!ilsm, r.nil tlie Spirit or SoctlcKal Strife. Tho Courier -- Journal i IIesbt Watteron Lie! ), h the aikTifiulolge,! Hepresenta-tir- t Kjfcspitiw oi ll.o Sout.i, li Democratic In r.ilh!, an 1 first, HM, nn I nil tlie time is fcr a i eduction cl tao VVr Taxts n loieJ ya tho lviio by tua taU uo iu furcc, Tha YecWy Courler-Jsurna- l '. tlio lt fehly newf paper putilshnl In the Umitf.2 Matti, an t for tlir ijuuntltv uml quality ir :uttT tint aitir in eadi lfsuo of it, it I tlw tiiLii-K-T- . It.4 te!e3r.'.5his nsws facilities oatcUn miv ctlir Iix.t, ami it Im the cr ices of tli alilo-- t writers anJ corresjXHiiIents in the coumrv. It tht r.eAS cf the week from m-t- or the IVorid. Itfilvrs to its rrmlers throughout theitar n. grtater numher of Serial an.l ihTt Stories by ami popular writers than any of the high-pri- magazines. It is in every resptct a Model Polltlccl and Family Paper. Tho Weoklr Courier-Journ- al hra by far tho largest Circalatiou of nay iu America. It li arknow KMsed l.y presa end people throujhoct the L'mteil JrtatM tp ho n put liajxT; preit iaIze; Riratin enterprits; Rrtot In nbiiitj ; great In it cornctn-- s or informa- tion; great in variety; great in every enifo of the it oral. ItisrAeiuiperlhatrreryiKxfjrshouU I ive. To Irft t.ithi'Ut it li a grntt opportunity li-- t. Those t ho once take It aro not willing tr Lo uithuut it in their Louies. Fi?EE PREr.IlUrflS. A li.t of hanJsotne and premium' of great variety are ottered fne to early rulscr,b- - n. ua receini. oi a rcqnef t lor tliem, we eend f.-- e J cf cha.-c- e a sample copy of V, rekly Courier-Ju:.r- nl an 1 our Premium Supplement, cIns our full lid of premium, to SUBSCSIPTION 1KR1I3. Weekly; one year, including a free pr-c- pi am V.ekO, t c'ulTf,f Rtenndotcr.ttithout m, iah.. ..... 110 tr ttiry clan ct fire te.tcs Sent us ct ons tire, thsse-- t crcf cljiwl bjicni2;a prejtnl tay onjct Gur tree p'tm.ums.uclcd li) hin. D uly, (ex ppt 'Suu 'at , Mie jmr ..... $lf 00 llaily, (except iMiidny), us aiithf.... o 'li DUly, (except Sunda), ono month..... .()(, inniny, one year..... .. . . 2 00 Sunday, id months ................ 1.00 Ko travelinR aRent "are cmployeil by tho Conner-Jwiirim- l, hut n food local useu 1 1 . antet fur it in every ooniniunitj, to whoci a lil'ial rash commistn is allovt-d- . If lb: Courier-Journ- al Inn lo local agent In your naigtl-or-hood- , nd to us for our Agent' ConvatsiiiR Outfit, which eo send fri e of cliarpe All sub- scription oroVrs, rejmts for outfit;, rspIo ;opi, itc, should be addrestcd to V. N. HvLDEMAN, f Frnltst CtoW JcstsjI C, LOClSVILLr, KT. OittL 1IS51IEI sweepour streets, and lowering elouclsthrualen snow, the average man; womampr child, bethinks himself or herself; of V WARM WHIR 0 would here remark, a a gentle reminder, that we carry in stock every conceivable and desirable shape of calctilatcro make the human family happy. It is not necessary to add that these goois can he purchased lower of us, than elsewhere, as our reputation for 6 is universally known. Our counters are full of Men's,' Youth's and Joys' Overcoats, LaUtes, Misses and Children's Wraps. Extra quality lilankcts, Quilts and Flannels. In Footwear, don't forget'that wc aro Our lines of Heavy Boots and Shoes is unexcelled foe long wear. AVe can litany man, woman or child in Arctic Over-shoe- s or Rubbers. We add. ibibibibibK aiaiaiaiaiaiaKi lal j 'V alalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalam sIbibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibW .KililililililililililililililililililililililililV) SlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBiH .HililililililililHi SIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBIBW BaaaiBaiBi'i HSOLnDB HEADQUARTERS. EMPJIjX tic all y, whereof we sneak when we say that wc can and will sell Lods a great deal cheaper vou a muh larger line ANDER mt v H l i"wai icya etsi nrsirEnv nmajn miMim K- - Mil ,,' .' siij than any other house than any othere carry. i q; T FOE THE n T i I tsjjsj gg w e CStsVi fi?f(l entire stock of and Umlertaker'd Goods, from the K T. Garaner, 59 ? in nj dj the A we are enabled to offer to tlie trade thec Rood, at prices which no other houses, that have bought their goods can meet. Tlie stock is very complete, and new, ull the latest des-igi- in artistic and desirable goods. Parties to buy Fine or Medium Furniture, will certainly neglect their own interests if they fail to see our stock. We not only show the most artistic and latest but wc m m all considerable money Wc can truthfully assert that on a great many articles, our price and former prices differ by 30 per cent. We can sell you goods at prices, and then have a profit, and that is more inducements than any Store in West or can oficr. We propose to make Hickman headquarters for LOW PRICED FURNITURE. We cordially invite an inspection. Parties coming in nt night for Undertaker's Goods, will find J. T. Stepbenp, or Jft3. Darnell, at Montgomery Ilouc. & or m, & 1 oi Furniture regular, showing wishing designs, i actually wholesale Furniture Tenne.Mee Kentucky, CP OF AND AGENTS .A. tSR. L. Moore can be fount! at the Laclede House, to attend night calls. Has the new in x onens, and Kstranter's Gum with any WI1SS COVHtn ilickman, MAXWELL. a, 1 cls-ytsss- , HHP IT foM; HEAYY DISCOUNT, comparatively ism si?i mm, STEPHENS MAXWELL. XD,TJO-0-- X BIG STOCK CHRISTMAS GbODI, 4LL KINDS LAfPS, BOOKS STATIONERY. WHITE SEWING MACHINE. 3?KESCRI3?TIOiSS SI'EOIA.LTir. mm, tKOOtll isimMirPi, pricHject WBmz mm N Hroved Breech-Loadin- g Shotguns and is, bun Implements, Hunting Coats Soots. These Goods will be sold at ther city in the country. Call and oliday Gifts - xox - '.- - j4ji I 7 WIIEKE CAtf I BUY A KCIT Al!i,F, CJIf ttSTM PRES-I- T AT KEA1L VALUE? Before deciding these4 questions wc invite you to examine 05? beauti- ful and varied stock. MES. JENNIE GARDNER,' at new store, Fuqua & DeJ?ow's old stand, has an endless yarufty of itooks and Fancy Stationery, Papeterics of all sty? and finish Pons Pencils, Fort-folio- s, Lap Tablets, Albums, Card Oases, 4ards &c .t-- o' and I oys in endless variety. ' ' ' ''"ii jaisMisjjssfj pi! Occuniod Ziitu?r AS ITS This large and is jam full of new goods, and to be the greatest assortment and best selected stock ever' brought to this market, Never in the history of have goofo been oilered at such low prices, "IISI to ft by commodious building dged Hickman, i m mm many bargains too numerous to mention. But come with vour fijWf, and we 11 discount them. No humbng-- we have the goods, and mean what we say. e solicit inspection of your our Clothing, which is tha most extensive we have ever handled. Overcoats from S2 to 20- - size from a 4 year old Boy, to the largest man ; Children's Clothing, all' sizes and prices; Men's and Boy's Clothing, from $2.75 a Suit to $25, the handsomest line ever shown in this city. Ladies, Misses, and Children's raps, the latest styles, at lowest prices. The greatest assortment of ioots and bhoes. Sole Agents for the eclebeated Douglas Shoe, sold for Za'T l)a,r guaranteed ; you can' t beat them for 5 or SG. The Red fcchool House Shoe for children, from No. 4 to No. 2; caVt be beat every pair warranted . Honor us with a call and you will not regret it. ' - - op I AND We arc now prepared to offer the citizens of Hickman and eurroiu-m- g country and towns the largest and best ever placed on our counters. We have taken great pains in selectim; our goods, and as they were all bought before the recent advance we can give low bargains. We especially invite the ladle's to see our stock of DRESS GOODS, LACES, and the late N All goods as Call and see them. J. J. W. DEALER IJST DEUGS, PATENT TD1LET &c., &c, &c. filled at any hour, day r. m. The old, popular and always Has a splendid stock of the very Avhich are offered at lew Itk-k- , Bros. I all 0 WW BH . - - Trusses iORTEB BTQQl extraordinary CLOAKS, JERSEYS, EMBROIDERIES, noT-SSS- 6 ECKWEAR. represented. AMBEEG'S SONS. COWGILI, MEDICIN.ES! KRTICLES eSTPrescriptions Co. iiif Abdominal Sn;porli 3?A.I3STTS OK KM, &C, &0., &Q, or night. King night bell after 10 o'clock SbIABIiS. onsTE hall iri?g reliable Hardwarehouse of BRE74SP, best makes of all kinds of Hardwarf and that the very lowest the market justifies. All goods guaranteed to be exactly as represented. ROOFING. The best roof for the least money. Experienced workmen employed. The attention of builders especially desired as this house will give spe- cial inducements; Correspondence solicited. ! r f-- :K 0 & l:j s e ) 7 &' . jA . 4t ' - - SSk pr. 1 ... a. 5$feJW. &b 1 , v s JTS.M" ' f V fc 'li - a, ilj- PuT, ,yZz 4 "f V

Transcript of The Hickman courier. (Hickman, KY) 1886-01-01 [p ].

Page 1: The Hickman courier. (Hickman, KY) 1886-01-01 [p ].


Fresh country Lard, atRogers.

Nice Sausage, atRogers'.

Lye Hominy, atRogeb



Don't write it 1SS5.

City election Monday.A happy Now Year to vou

all--Ilick man merchants arc jubi- -

lant over their unprecedented,good holiday trade.

Mrs Press Berry, of Ilirkinan !

county, caught her clotiiiug on firefrom u grate, and was burned todeath.

We are requested to an-nounce that Elder William Beltwill preach at Poplar Grove, nextSunday, at the usual hour.

The OouEinu neglects toprint the names of Hickman ladieswho will recivo New Year callsto-da- y, because the list is not full,and we don't desire to show par-tiality.

Two colored men, Winstonsby name, got to projecting with apistol, Christmas day, at Iieid'smill, and one accidentally shot theother in the jaw. Wouud is notfatal.

Mr. Ben. J. ITertwcclc andMiss E. M. Piggott, both of Hick-man, were married on tho 27th.Congratulations of numerousfriends are extended, and manywishes for a long, useful, prosper-ous and happy life.

The Kentncky Legislature as-sembled Wednesday. The Demo-crats of each Houae met in cau-cus, but adjourned without efl'cct-m- g

an organization. Tho pro-gramme was to organize Wednes-day morning, but the CouKicnhas no later news.

Among the coming candidatOBwe hear the name of Willis F.Boffe, of tho Cayce precinct,pretty authoritatively mentionedas a candidate for County Asses-sor. He is a clever man, compe-tent for the place, an old citizen,and would make a good assessorif elected.

The announcement of thedeath of Hon. James E. Bailey ofUlarksville, which occurred at hisresidence Tuesday morning at7 :45 o'clock, will awaken a mourn-ful feeling in the breast of everyTennesscan who esteems personalworth, and sets a value on eminenttalents conscientiously devotedto the welfare of the State.

We can all remember when a"2:4.0 horse" was a marvel of speed,but this has become antiquated.The New York World in a recentissue publishes a list of about 700horses which liavo made a trot-ting record of Jt) and better du-ring the past season, giving thosires and previous record. Thiswould show a great improvementin American horses.

Ed Hoehn, supeiintedcnt ofHertweck, Baltzer 6c Cn's paintshop, is an artist of very raremerit, and as a sign painter can- -

not be excelled in tho United j

sStatCS, and we mean exactly whatjwe sny. Ho made the Couriera Christmas present of new sign,which is on exhibition in front of

ipost-ofiic- e, and wo challenge in-

spection of tho work as a proofof tho merit we claim for him.

:IIilory Jones, colored, charg-ed vith stealing twenty-fiv- e dol-

lars, on his wedding night, in Ful-ton, was arrested by otlicer Bris-endin- e,

only a few moments bt-for- e)

the consummation of themarriage ceremony, and broughtto Hickman, Wednesday, and in-

carcerated in the county jail. Hisfiuncr, flcttie r irson, true to herplighted love, accompanied him totho jail, but were kindly permittedto go by the court-hous-e, wherehis Honor, Judge Murrell, nnitedthem in tho holy bonds of wedlock.

The question of civil rights, asit affects theatres, was decided bythe supremo court of Iowa thoother day. Tho point before thecourt was upon tho refusal to ad-

mit a colored man to a theatre.Upon this point the lower courtand the supremo court both heldthat the plaintiff had no legal rightto enter the theatre, the managerhaving refused to accept the ad-

mission price-Loui- s

Pasteur, the French discoverer of the ancient India prac-tice of inoculation as a remedyfor rabies, is a native of Dole, inthe department of Jura, France,and is in his GOth year. He is not& physician but a chemist of localdistinction, and ono whoso nameis likely to go down to posteritywith. Haivey, Jenner and othereminent discoverers of matters ofinterest to life and health.

If this congress wants to enactny legislation regardiug war mat

ters, it certainly ought to be prettycompetent tor tue purpose. Otthe 400 members of house and sen-ate, 160 ufit into the late war."There are in tho house and senateninety ex-Uni- on soldiers and seventy warriors.

It is rumored that Queen Vic-toria is to abdicate. When thochildren of to-da- y aro beginningto pick gray hairs out of their

.heads the same rumor will come'irayly skipping along by cable.The good old lady is not built outhe abdicating plan. ChicagoNews.

Bbadstbeet's for the week re-ports the dulluess in wholesaletrade common to the season.About the only notable exceptionis St. Louis, where dry goodsmovements have been full andfir.

Therr are only 150 applicantslfor the office of Be venue A cent


The entertainment riven Mon-day night, by the pupils of Cen-tral Academy, under the directionof Miss Adello Allen, was oneround of praise and applausewell deserved, from the beginningto the ending of the programme!Every child and person engageddeserves the highest compliment,and each act and piece was as nearperfect as it could well be. Weare proud of the school, proud ofthe teachers, and proud of eachpupil.

The operetta of Genevieve atCity Hall, Tuesday night, as theclosing exercises of Miss DaisyCastleman's music sclTool, underthe direction of that accomplishedyoung uuiy, was a mgniy crcditahie and eniovablo noi-formo-

iLittlo Miss Lalla Kuucrr has aswp,ct' phtintive oice, well suitedto the personation of Genevieve.and sang her part exceedinglywell, while Miss Jessie Leo Gar-rett as Isadore, shows good culti-vation, winning applause and ad-miration throughout. Tho othercharacters in the operetta as rep-resented by Misses Carrie MayGarrett, Lizzie Goalder, EthelParker, Maggie Warren and CoraUnderwood, were well renderedand descrvo high complimeut.The orchestral music, under theleadership of Mr. J. II. Millet, aswell ns on Monday night, was thebest wo ever heard in Hickman.Tho instrumental performance ofMiss Bertie Bullard, and vocali-zation by Mr. George Bullard werefine, and added much to the pleasure ot tue evening. Jir.-tiam- cs

Somers' vocal solos and Blind Joeon the violin Avero repeatedly en-

cored.IVii-ituiiic- In Tcxft.

Great excitement lias been caused in thevicinity of Paris Tex., by tiie remarkablerecovery of Mr J. E. Corley, who wan sohelpless he could not turn in bd, or raisehis head; everybody said he was dying ofConsumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King'sXew Discovery was sent him. Findingrelief, lie bought a large bottle and i boxof Dr. KiiiR'i Xew Life Pills; by the timehe had taken two hoses of Pills and twobottles of the Dicoveryi &c was well andhad gained in flerh thirty-si- x pounds. TrialBottle-- of this Great Diacoverv for Con

, sumption free at Moore & Landrum's.

autmutii o tJJtcraJc Cau- -rvFrankfort, Ky., Doc. 30. The

House Democratic caucus lastevening was called to order byHon. J. Stoddard Johnson, whoexplained that in the absence ofother authority ho had taken theliberty of suggesting the time andplace of the caucus.

T. J. MeElrath, of Carroll, waselected Chairman, and E. PolkJohnson, Green R. Kellar andWillis Riugo, Secretaries. A res-olution by I). A. Neale was adopt-ed providing that candidates forHouse oflices bo nominated in theorder in which they are electedby law, and that in voting for can-didates the party receiving thosmallest number of votes on thothird ballot shall be dropped, thisto continue till a nomination isreached.

The Senate caucus organized byelecting J. II. W. Smith, of Layfsville, Otiairjnan,"!mlI)r. V oousSecretary, and both adjourned tillthis morning.

'.V!itit Can So Duiip.By trying Again and keeping up courage

inanv thinprs seemmzly nnpoSeioie may lcattained. Hundreds of hopeless cases ofKidney and Liver Complaii.t have beencnrel bS Electric Bitters, after everything

i?,181""1 rj-rt-i tried in Vnin So, don'tiiiihk mere i- - no cure for you, but ttvElectric Iiittrrs. There is no medicine sosafe, so pure, an.l so perfrct a Wood Puri-fier. Electric Hitters will cure Dyspepsia,Diabetes and all Diseases ol the Kidneys,Invaluable in affections of Stomach andLiver, and overcome all Urinary Difficulties. Large Bottles only CO cts. at Moore& Lacdrum s.

laiissL'i and Anuria Arzn

London, Dec. 29. Reportshave been received here from areliable sourcePboth in St. Peters-burg and Vienna, to the effect thatat both these capitals the feelingis growinjr that war between Rus-sia and Austria, over the Balkandispute, is almost unavoidable.Active war preparations by bothcountries have been going on eversince the outbreak of hostilitiesbetween Servia and Bulgatia, andtho Russian and Austrain armiesaro being actively and secretlyarming in anticipation of war,Much color is given to these reports by heavv orders for storesand ammunitions of war placed byagents of the Russian and Austrian governments in this city.

The ISrunt 3aia;iEnersi.There is a bad fooling among

tho members of tho memorialcommittee appointed to raise themillion-dolla- r Grant monumentfund. This unpleasantness grewout of tho publication of thenames of the entire committee,with the amount of money sub-scribed by each to the fund, 1 pub-lication which disclosed the factthat several hundred of the com-mittee who have so constantly ap-pealed to tho public for subscrip-tions have not expended one dol-lar themselves.

Grant, McClellan, Hendricks,Alfonso, Yanderbilt all have diedduring the last five months. Deathis no respecter of greatness andour ranks aro being rapidly thinn-ed.

The Indianapolis Journal thinksKentucky deserves to bo calledtho "mother of Speakers," ffbeauseit has been honored with the ofliceeleven times.

The Rothchilds estates of Em',land are estimated at one billiondollars, or five times as great asum as Yanderbilt leaves. A thou-sand million dollars!

A Roman astronomer announ-ces that tho inhabitants of theplanet Mars are trying to attractthe attention of the people of theearth.

Thomas A. Hendkicks nevrswore an oath nor took ydrink-o- f

1 whisky or.a chew of tobacco.- 7?---


To Our Friends umd Patrols :On beginning tho Xow War, wo

desire, to express our thanks toour many friends for tho i ry lib-eral patronage so cordially be-stowed on us the past year. Theyear just closed has been tin; mostsuccessful ono in tho cari-e- r ofthis house, our trade far exceed-ing even our own cxpects.tions.It is our wish to still further in-

crease it the coming 3 car, andbuild up a trade second to nonein this facction. "With this objectin view, wc shall continue our oldpolicy, of selling first-clas- s goodsonly at low prices, with fail deal-ing to waul all, believing tl lis tobe the only true and sine road tomicccss in our business.

Our lorce this ,ear will consistof Cites. Smith, Lee Klliijo,), TimWalton, Cam Bice, and t!. Baltzer in the Dry Goods depaitmeut,and All'. M: Daniel and 11 iircueXajlor in tho Grocery a foiTce ofclerkh which iusuics polite atten-tion to all our customers. Eachone will be glad to meet all hit.friends tho coming year, and tomake as manv new onet as possi-ble.

Thanking 3011 again for yourgenerous patronage, and trustingthat our efforts to please jou inthe future, will meet with thooamchearty appreciation as in the past,wo wish you, ono and all, a h.ppyNow Year, ami the same sua cessin your different avocations is wohao had for tho past year. ,

Vorv respectfully,II. BUCHANiLN'.

The war in Europe seems tohave petered out, as nothieghasappeared about it in the cablegrams

for several days.

3(AKu:n, 1

At the home of the bride's mother, MrsSue IJransford, of Fultqn county, Py., at 7

o clock, r. M , Dee. 22nd, Rev. N.1. Itamsey, Mr. D E. Iteeves and MissLula May IJransford.

Attendants Mr. E F. Thomas and MissEmma Scarce ; Mr. Will Nay lor atd MissMattie Luton.

The bride was elegantly dressed in pearlwhite brocade silk with cream lact andribbon decorations. The bridesmaids ereradiant in their dresssa of cream nun aveiling.

The groom and his attendants were at-

tired in the usually imprestve costumeof black .uth white satin ties and blackkidslovcs

Alter the ceremony the bridal party withtheir many relatives and fiieads, partookof an e'egaut cupper prepared by thebride's m ther. which w'is enjoyed by allAfter wishing these worthy young jcoplomuch joy and happiness in their wediiedlife, the merry throng departed to meetthem again the following morn to partakeof a sumptuous dinner given in bono? ofthe occasion, by the groom's pareuts.

Jlaj floer, like J y gems aJoraI.ifr's eunuy path where'er they tread.

Ami ki?s ail punliinj- - m the morn,Sflectr.t MesMUgx ou lb em !ieU.

And when lifis'u twilight Uonr (hall came,A uil Tuning wyrJj to earth are given,

Mhj velrottiiag aneU inp thesi heme,To he and lore agilri til luaTea.

15 Y FiaEXDS.

('HUISTJIAS ItXtlTS.On Dec 24th, E. E. Sotterfield ami Mrs.

Henrietta Wallis.On Dec. 27th, J. O. Armstrong and M.is3

Mollie Haekett.

On Dec. 27th, B J. Ifcrlweck and Mi: a

'Erjirriggott?On Dec. 30th, C. C. Douaho and ilisa

Ellen Ilubber.COUJRED.

On Dec. 24th, Will Gardner and ItosaBrowder.

On Dec. 25lh, Allen Freeman and Jlet-ti- e


On Dee. 23th, Henry Williams and Mattie Feltaworth.

On Dec 30th, Ililroy Jones and EettieCaisou.

Council I'roeecilingH.

Hickman, Ky., Dec. 23, 1SS5.

Council met. Present, CouncilmenBeckman, Case, DeBow, French, llamajjeand Witling

On motion, Councilman Case was calh--

to the chair.The minutes of the last meeting were

read, approved and sigued.TAX COLLECTOR'S SETTLEJl EXT.

The finance committee reported the fol-

lowing settlement with the City Tax Col-

lector.-Total amount tax book $o,311.14Less delinquent list 120 5S

So, 190.50Cr. by 5 p.c on $5,190.50 5250 53"Treasurer's receipt, $1,972 01 So.232.47

Overpaid by collector $41.91On motion, baid settlement was approved

and a check ordered issued toG. M. W'.Ibum, tax collector, hr $4191, amountoverpaid.


I The following accounts were presentedproperly approved, and on motion, wereordered paid :

Hertweck, Baltzer & Co., repairingtools..... 5 2.23

Jno. Witting, nails 7 10G. M. Wilbum, for City Hall 3 85R E Millet, City Court Docket.... 13.75Street Payroll 40 50Gravel contract ICG 20

tayino orncEits.On motion, ordered tht all the city

with the finance committee andthat said settlements be reported at thenext meeting.

On motion, ordered that checks lie issuedto all the city officers for six month's pay

STREET COMMISSIONED, 4C.On motion, ordered that a check be is-

sued G. M. Wilburn for $200 00 in full forstreet commissioner, City Marshal, andwaiting on Council.

On motion, ordered that tho assessmentof Goodhart and Ackland for 18S5 be re-

mitted.On motion, Council adjourned.Attest, 11. E. .MILLET, C. C.


"Wheit. No. 2, offered at 92c ; bid 00c.Hay. Strictly prime, $11.00; mixed,

$9.50 ; fancy choice, $12.50.Cork. White, 32cai!lc.

LIVE STOCK.Cattle. Good steers, S4 00 to $5.00;

common, $3 50 to $4.00; scalawags, $1.50to $2.00; milch cows, $20 00 to $55.00;veal calves, $8 00 to $11 00.

Mules 14 hands, 4 to 7 years, $S0.00to SS5.00; 10 to 1CJ hands, 4 to 7 years,$150.00 to $175.00.

Houses. Heavy draft, $125.00 to $160good drivers, $80.00 to $110.00; plugs$15.00 to $40 00.

Hoos. Butchers and packers payingfrom $3 60 to $3.S5.


Cork. Iliokman buyert are paying30c in the ear and 32c shelled, sacked anddelivered at depot.' New Orleans market paying from 43c

lo 45c.



All heart Cypress Shingles, first-cla- s inconstantly on hand,every respect, kept

and for sale at loue.--t prices.peptll H. BUCHANAN.

Fresh Canned Goods, atRogers'.

OYSTERS!THE freshest and best Oysters by the

can, or erred at any hour, and m anyway de-irc- d, always to be had during thepresent season, at tho

The of ladies solicited, and

special; arrangement for their polite at--


Cturlltiunmi', the Watrh maker, U

now located in Moore & LamlrumV drugstore. His skill and reliability ha beenproven, and l.c is located hero permanentlyto alwiiy make pood his promises.

K it rtJ n;:: mi, the Watch-imVe- r. ha3cstabliihed a reputation as a skillful workman second to no one in his line, ami hun-dreds for whom he has dne work will evi-

dence his reliability. Call nt .Moore &


TI10 Wntch-mike- r, Il'irlinanie, is loeated permanently in Ilirkinan; und if hefixes your watc'i. is always at homo toprove the reliability of his work.

All kind of Disinfectants Chloride ofLima, Milphito of Iron, Carbolic Acid,Chloride of 'Sodn. For a'o ni

COWGlLL'sJ Drug Store.

"Siiii't fonrot that Salmon's & HaasHog Cholera remedies arc guaranteed tostop the Cholera among boss ami keepthem froai taking it, or money refunded,

J. W. COW GILL, Druggist.

ItiM'Ulcirs AritU'ti Knlo.Tun Bests vt-v- n in the world for Cuts,

Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ithenm, FeverSoiss, Tetter, Chapped Hand", Chilblains,Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postlively cures Piles, or no pay required. Itis guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,or money refunded. Price 25 cents pirbox. For Sale at MOOHE & l.ANDHUMS

5;ccln! police.Allpennns indebted to the firm of Ron

durant & Drewry, will please come forwardat an early day, and make settlement.Oflice at E- - Collins' drug htoro Alexander& MiawcIPs old stand.

BONDUUaNT & DREWRY.Ilicknnn, Ky., Feb 12. 18S5.

Kotlco.An election will beheld at IheCity Hall,

in the city of Hickman, Ky.. on Monday,the 4th day of January, 1?S, to elect aMayor and six Counci linen for 1jSi.

I5v order of the Council.DeclS-td-e K. E. MILLET, C. C.



Willi all conveniences. AUo, a'l claimsand accounts due J. W. Corman & CoApply to

ilceSS 3u T. R. Mi M A 1 1 AN.

POSTA12S RATES.ijrrrsns.

Letters are sent toany post-ot":- e in theUnited States at two certs i 'i ouncedroii letters one cent I'nltr this heaJanything wholly or partly writi'i

NEUVl'AI"!.-- .

Newspapers, periodica K' cl'iiely inprim, maiiea oy puuiiMieisi um-- .v--n

pound.noO.c, Jetc.

Books, circulars, and other mat'er wholly in print, oie ec'it for each two ounce-- '

or fraction thereof.MKHC1I VtlU'F

All ot'.iT matter, ineiclrin lis &c , onecent an ounce or fraction tli.T.-of- .

Saddlery aijd Harness


Jacfcxou St , npposile Courier OfficeIII CZ 11. IX, - - - AT.

WELL selected stock of Saddles andA H irness. New work made to order.Prompt attention given to

it K IS.' A I 21 I M" Gof any kind. lie has secured the servicesof that well known an 1 excellent work-man, Uncle I'ob farriss, which of itself isa guarantee of good and faithful work.


Groceries25cts Lower than tlio Lowes

1 have no clerk exponsss no store renund pay cush for all my Groceries, and

herefore can sell as cheap ns the cheapst. Best brands of Wittenberg and Flour, 25 cents cheaper than the low




A.N l.VUI (JtMonopolies, 01lcrc!ilsm, r.nil tlie

Spirit or SoctlcKal Strife.

Tho Courier --Journal i IIesbt WatteronLie! ), h the aikTifiulolge,! Hepresenta-tir- t

Kjfcspitiw oi ll.o Sout.i, li Democratic Inr.ilh!, an 1 first, HM, nn I nil tlie time is fcr ai eduction cl tao VVr Taxts n loieJ ya tholviio by tua taU uo iu furcc,

Tha YecWy Courler-Jsurna- l'. tlio lt fehly newf paper putilshnl In theUmitf.2 Matti, an t for tlir ijuuntltv uml qualityir :uttT tint aitir in eadi lfsuo of it, it Itlw tiiLii-K-T- . It.4 te!e3r.'.5his nsws facilitiesoatcUn miv ctlir Iix.t, ami it Im the cr icesof tli alilo-- t writers anJ corresjXHiiIents in thecoumrv. It tht r.eAS cf the week fromm-t- or the IVorid. Itfilvrs to its rrmlersthroughout theitar n. grtater numher of Serialan.l ihTt Stories by ami popularwriters than any of the high-pri- magazines.It is in every resptct a Model Polltlccl and FamilyPaper.

Tho Weoklr Courier-Journ- al hra byfar tho largest Circalatiou ofnayiu America.

It li arknow KMsed l.y presa end peoplethroujhoct the L'mteil JrtatM tp ho n putliajxT; preit iaIze; Riratin enterprits; RrtotIn nbiiitj ; great In it cornctn-- s or informa-tion; great in variety; great in every enifoof the it oral. ItisrAeiuiperlhatrreryiKxfjrshouUI ive. To Irft t.ithi'Ut it li a grntt opportunityli-- t. Those t ho once take It aro not willing trLo uithuut it in their Louies.

Fi?EE PREr.IlUrflS.A li.t of hanJsotne and premium' of

great variety are ottered fne to early rulscr,b- -n. ua receini. oi a rcqnef t lor tliem, we eendf.--e J cf cha.-c- e a sample copy of V, rekly Courier-Ju:.r- nl

an 1 our Premium Supplement, cInsour full lid of premium, to 1KR1I3.

Weekly; one year, including a free pr-c-pi am

V.ekO, t c'ulTf,f Rtenndotcr.ttithoutm, iah.. ..... 110

tr ttiry clan ct fire te.tcs Sent us ct ons tire,thsse-- t crcf cljiwl bjicni2;a prejtnl tayonjct Gur tree p'tm.ums.uclcd li) hin.

D uly, (ex ppt 'Suu 'at , Mie jmr ..... $lf 00llaily, (except iMiidny), us aiithf.... o 'liDUly, (except Sunda), ono month..... .()(,inniny, one year..... .. . . 2 00Sunday, id months ................ 1.00

Ko travelinR aRent "are cmployeil by thoConner-Jwiirim- l, hut n food local useu 1 1 . antetfur it in every ooniniunitj, to whoci a lil'ialrash commistn is allovt-d- . If lb: Courier-Journ- al

Inn lo local agent In your naigtl-or-hood- ,

nd to us for our Agent' ConvatsiiiROutfit, which eo send fri e of cliarpe All sub-scription oroVrs, rejmts for outfit;, rspIo;opi, itc, should be addrestcd to

V. N. HvLDEMAN,f Frnltst CtoWJcstsjI C,


OittL 1IS51IEIsweepour streets, and lowering elouclsthrualen snow, the average man;womampr child, bethinks himself or herself; of


0 would here remark, a a gentle reminder, that we carry in stockevery conceivable and desirable shape of

calctilatcro make the human family happy. It is not necessary to addthat these goois can he purchased lower of us, than elsewhere, as ourreputation for


is universally known. Our counters are full of Men's,' Youth's andJoys' Overcoats, LaUtes, Misses and Children's Wraps. Extra quality

lilankcts, Quilts and Flannels. In Footwear, don't forget'that wc aro

Our lines of Heavy Boots and Shoes is unexcelled foe long wear. AVe

can litany man, woman or child in Arctic Over-shoe- s or Rubbers. Weadd.












EMPJIjX ticall y,

whereof we sneak when we say that wc can and will sellLods a great deal cheaper

vou a muh larger line




l i"wai icya etsi nrsirEnv nmajn miMim

K- - Mil ,,' .'


than any other housethan any othere carry.




n T i Itsjjsj g g w e

CStsVifi?f(l entire stock of and Umlertaker'd Goods, from the

K T. Garaner,




nj dj


Awe are enabled to offer to tlie trade thec Rood, at prices which no other houses, that havebought their goods can meet. Tlie stock is very complete, andnew, ull the latest des-igi- in artistic and desirable goods. Parties tobuy Fine or Medium Furniture, will certainly neglect their own interests if they fail tosee our stock. We not only show the most artistic and latest but wc

m m all

considerable money Wc can truthfully assert that on a great many articles, our priceand former prices differ by 30 per cent. We can sell you goods atprices, and then have a profit, and that is more inducements than any Storein West or can oficr. We propose to make Hickman headquartersfor LOW PRICED FURNITURE. We cordially invite an inspection.

Parties coming in nt night for Undertaker's Goods, will find J. T. Stepbenp, or Jft3.Darnell, at Montgomery Ilouc.


or m,





regular,showing wishing


iactually wholesale

FurnitureTenne.Mee Kentucky,





.A.tSR. L. Moore can be fount! at the Laclede House, to attend night calls.

Has the new inx onens,and Kstranter's Gum

with any





a, 1

cls-ytsss- ,



ism si?i mm,


XD,TJO-0-- X









Hroved Breech-Loadin- g Shotguns andis, bun Implements, Hunting CoatsSoots. These Goods will be sold atther city in the country. Call and

oliday Gifts-xox-

'.- - j4ji


AT KEA1L VALUE?Before deciding these4 questions wc invite you to examine 05? beauti-

ful and varied stock.

MES. JENNIE GARDNER,'at new store, Fuqua & DeJ?ow's old stand, has an endless yarufty ofitooks and Fancy Stationery, Papeterics of all sty? and finish PonsPencils, Fort-folio- s, Lap Tablets, Albums, Card Oases, 4ards &c .t--o'

and I oys in endless variety. '' ' ''"ii jaisMisjjssfj





This large and is jam full of new goods, andto be the greatest assortment and best selected stock ever'brought to this market, Never in the history of have goofo

been oilered at such low prices,


to ftby

commodious building dged


i m mmmany bargains too numerous to mention. But come with vour fijWf,and we 11 discount them. No humbng-- we have the goods, and meanwhat we say. e solicit inspection ofyour our Clothing, which is thamost extensive we have ever handled. Overcoats from S2 to 20- - sizefrom a 4 year old Boy, to the largest man ; Children's Clothing, all' sizesand prices; Men's and Boy's Clothing, from $2.75 a Suit to $25, thehandsomest line ever shown in this city. Ladies, Misses, and Children's

raps, the latest styles, at lowest prices. The greatest assortment ofioots and bhoes. Sole Agents for the eclebeated Douglas Shoe, sold forZa'T l)a,r guaranteed ; you can' t beat them for 5 or SG. The Redfcchool House Shoe for children, from No. 4 to No. 2; caVt be beatevery pair warranted . Honor us with a call and you will not regret it. '

- -




We arc now prepared to offer the citizens of Hickman and eurroiu-m- g

country and towns the largest and best

ever placed on our counters. We have taken great pains in selectim;our goods, and as they were all bought before the recent advance wecan give low bargains. We especially invite the ladle's tosee our stock of


LACES, and the lateN

All goods as Call and see them.J.




&c., &c, &c.

filled at any hour, dayr. m.

The old, popular and always

Has a splendid stock of the veryAvhich are offered at

lew Itk-k-,

Bros. I


0 W W B H

. - -
















Abdominal Sn;porli


OK KM,&C, &0., &Q,

or night. King night bell after 10 o'clock



hall iri?g

reliable Hardwarehouse of

BRE74SP,best makes of all kinds of Hardwarf

and that the very lowest the market justifies. All goods guaranteed tobe exactly as represented.

ROOFING.The best roof for the least money. Experienced workmen employed.

The attention of builders especially desired as this house will give spe-

cial inducements; Correspondence solicited.











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. 4t ' -- SSkpr. 1... a. 5$feJW.

&b 1, v s JTS.M" ' f

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