The Flynn Effect poster

What is the Flynn Effect? Cultural Differences What is intelligence? TITLE Stopping the Flynn Effect Intelligence Tests Cognitive Explanations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email protected]; .$:$18@0&( 28=&#%0$4A 4=27 34 M&.03D K1;&& TH$2# 04 23=4$. @%$.8>0&3&#1; '; $&:0%8&>$&#31 <32#8%4 %3#7$% #73& ($&$924A #7$ $H$2# 734 822=%%$. #88 L=02G1; <8% ($&$924 #8 '$ 3# @13;D "8 K1;&& 4=(($4#$. #73# MN #$4#4A .8 &8# .0%$2#1; >$34=%$ 0&#$110($&2$ '=# 28%%$13#$4 B0#7 0&#$110($&2$D J8.3;U4 $&:0%8&>$&# 04 <3% >8%$ 49>=139&( 3&. 28>@1$? #73& #7$ @34#D V$8@1$ 3%$A 0& ($&$%31A '$Q$% $.=23#$. 3&. 4G011$. 0& #$4#W#3G0&( 4G0114D X73&($4 0& $&:0%8&>$&# 3%$ &8# 481$1; #7$ 23=4$ 8< #7$ K1;&& TH$2#Y 0>@%8:$>$&#4 0& &=#%098& 3&. (18'31 7$31#7I /#&$44 3148 28&#%0'=#$ #8 0#D M# 04 &8# @8440'1$ #8 @80&# 8=# 3 40&(1$ 23=4$ <8% #7$ K1;&& TH$2# '=# .3#3 478B4 #73# 0#4 $?04#$&2$ 04 2$%#30&DD Lisa Simpson has superior intelligence compared to her father Homer Simpson, supporting the Flynn effect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`-D Maggie Simpson has been exposed to more cognitive stimulatory materials than Grandpa Simpson was when he was younger. ^$4$3%27 478B4 #73# ($&$%31 0&#$110($&2$ 428%$4 4#8@@$. 0&2%$340&( 3a$% #7$ >0.W+PC4 0& S8%B3; 3&. #7$ bcA 3&. $:$& .$210&$. 0& d$&>3%G )"=&.$# !" $%DA _PPFY J$34.31$ e fB$&A _PPRY K1;&& _PP+-D f&$ @8440'1$ $?@13&398&5 #7$ @%$:08=4 %04$ 0& MN 428%$4 B34 .=$ #8 3 .$2%$34$ 0& 18B 428%$%4 8:$% 9>$A 3&. 3 1$:$110&( 8< 18B 428%$%4 1$. #8 #7$ 1$:$110&( 8=# 8< MN 428%$4D



Transcript of The Flynn Effect poster

Page 1: The Flynn Effect poster

What is the Flynn Effect?

Cultural Differences

What is intelligence?


Stopping the Flynn Effect

Intelligence Tests

Cognitive Explanations



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intelligence compared to her father Homer Simpson,

supporting the Flynn effect.!

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!! Maggie Simpson has been exposed to more cognitive stimulatory materials than

Grandpa Simpson was when he was younger. !

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