T B -I-B-L-E I S - Clover...

Bi-Weekly XLXV No. 16, August 1, 2012 faith friendship fellowship followership fruitfulness www.firstsayyes.com You cannot surf the chan- nels of your TV without coming across some event associated with the Olym- pics. All over primetime there is the “thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.” It is also not lost on us the number of hours and years an athlete has to train to achieve the level of expertise we see in these competitions. No one goes for the gold by gorging themselves on chips while sitting on the couch. Your only gold is the stain from Cheeto crumbs left on your fingers! Would it surprise you to know that the Bible talks about our faith in athletic terms? Faith is compared to an athlete going for the prize. In 1 Corinthians 9 it says: 24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who com- petes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. And again in Philippians 3 says 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. We are being encour- aged to approach our faith with the same kind of intensity and energy it takes to run a race— and not only to run it but to win it! We were never meant to have flabby faith! The “prize” in the Christian faith is not to be “the BEST Christian” rather it is to have a deep and thriving rela- tionship with God through Je- sus. To become more like Jesus is the goal and the prize. At the time of this writ- ing our women’s sand volley- ball team has continued their streak of never having lost a single set in Olympic competi- tion. And at this same time, Michael Phelps has struggled to swim like he did in 2008. But each is doing their best. Each is giving it their all. No chip eating couch potatoes there! We don’t have to be, either! Read your Bible and ask God to help His story come alive in you. Pray and expect to hear from God. Share your faith in a tangible way with someone. Be regu- lar in worship...and watch your faith grow! See you at the finish line! ~jimd. Leading People to aN active faith in Jesus christ T HE HE O O LYMPICS LYMPICS AND AND F F AITH AITH FirsT United Methodist Church of Sedalia T HE HE B B-I-B-L-E On Monday, August 13 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class, from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. on “How to teach the Bible to your Kids/Grandkids.” There is nothing more important than sharing our Christian faith with our kids! Childcare will be available. IN THE THE S S PIRIT PIRIT On Monday, August 20 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class, from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. on “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit.” We will explore many of the gifts of God expressed in the New Testament and how God wants us to use these gifts in the church today. Childcare will be available. M EET EET M ME (U (US ) ) AT AT THE THE F F AIR AIR As a part of our new message series we thought it would be fun to experience the Missouri State Fair together. Let’s meet at the Electric Coop Bldg. on the fairgrounds at 6 p.m. August 9th. The Missouri State Fair can teach us a lot. Wear sun- screen. Two corn dogs and a funnel cake is a bad idea before the tilt- a-whirl. For three weeks in August we'll learn from the fair and the Bible. Join us for Life on the Midway.

Transcript of T B -I-B-L-E I S - Clover...

Page 1: T B -I-B-L-E I S - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl080112.pdf · THE B -I-B-L-E On Monday, August 13 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class,

Bi-Weekly XLXV No. 16, August 1, 2012

faith friendship fellowship followership fruitfulness


You cannot surf the chan-nels of your TV without coming across some event associated with the Olym-pics. All over primetime there is the “thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.” It is also not lost on us the number of hours and years an athlete has to train to achieve the level of expertise we see in these competitions. No one goes for the gold by gorging themselves on chips while sitting on the couch. Your only gold is the stain from Cheeto crumbs left on your fingers! Would it surprise you to know that the Bible talks about our faith in athletic terms? Faith is compared to an athlete going for the prize. In 1 Corinthians 9 it says: 24 Do you not know that in a

race all the runners run, but

only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the

prize. 25 Everyone who com-petes in the games goes into

strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last,

but we do it to get a crown

that will last forever.

And again in Philippians 3 says 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to

have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is

behind and straining toward

what is ahead, 14 I press on

toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me

heavenward in Christ Jesus.

We are being encour-aged to approach our faith with the same kind of intensity and energy it takes to run a race—and not only to run it but to win it! We were never meant to have flabby faith! The “prize” in the Christian faith is not to be “the BEST Christian” rather it is to have a deep and thriving rela-tionship with God through Je-sus. To become more like Jesus is the goal and the prize. At the time of this writ-ing our women’s sand volley-ball team has continued their streak of never having lost a single set in Olympic competi-tion. And at this same time, Michael Phelps has struggled to swim like he did in 2008. But each is doing their best. Each is giving it their all. No chip eating couch potatoes there! We don’t have to be, either! Read your Bible and ask God to help His story come alive in you. Pray and expect to hear from God. Share your faith in a tangible way with someone. Be regu-lar in worship...and watch your faith grow!

See you at the finish line!


Leading People to aN active faith in Jesus christ



sT United M

ethodist Church of Sedalia

TTHEHE B B--II--BB--LL--EE On Monday, August 13 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class, from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. on “How to teach the Bible to your Kids/Grandkids.” There is nothing more important than sharing our Christian faith with our kids! Childcare will be available.

IINN THETHE S SPIRITPIRIT On Monday, August 20 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class, from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. on “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit.” We will explore many of the gifts of God expressed in the New Testament and how God wants us to use these gifts in the church today. Childcare will be available.

MMEETEET M MEE (U (USS) ) ATAT THETHE F FAIRAIR As a part of our new message series we thought it would be fun to experience the Missouri State Fair together. Let’s meet at the Electric Coop Bldg. on the fairgrounds at 6 p.m. August 9th.

The Missouri State Fair can teach us a lot. Wear sun-screen. Two corn dogs and a funnel cake is a bad idea before the tilt-a-whirl. For three weeks in August we'll learn from the fair and the Bible. Join us for Life on the Midway.

Page 2: T B -I-B-L-E I S - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl080112.pdf · THE B -I-B-L-E On Monday, August 13 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class,

If you are interested in going to the Women of Faith Confer-ence in Kansas City on Fri. evening, Nov. 2nd and Sat., Nov. 3rd, please contact Trish Henson, 473-6652. The cost is $91 each ($69 for teachers and military), plus motel & travel.

We have recently added this web booklet to www.firstsayyes.com. It tells the basic story of God’s love for us and how we can respond to that love. It is a good beginning point for people who are exploring faith and learning the Christian message. You can go directly to it at: http://viewthestory.com/6425 or find the above image on our site.

SSILENTILENT A AUCTIONUCTION FORFOR D DOORSOORS!! We had several doors created by various artists for our Easter cele-bration this year. We are planning to have a silent auction for the doors. Bids will open on Sat., July 28 and close on Sun., August 5th at 1:30 p.m. The doors will be on display in the hallway of the Cele-bration Center and bid sheets will be posted by each door. ALL of the proceeds will go to benefit Habitat for Humanity as we sup-port opening the door of affordable housing to one more person in Se-dalia. Please stop by during that week and make your bid(s)!

2012 L2012 LAKEAKE C CREEKREEK CCAMPAMP M MEETINGEETING The annual Lake Creek Camp Meeting will be held Sun., Aug. 5- 12 (past Smithton off Hwy W) from 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sun. morning Services (Aug. 5 & 12) are from 9 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. And Vacation Bible School is Aug. 6—10 from 9 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Our own First UMC Pastors will be presenting ”The Bible Answer Evening” on Sat., Aug. 11. Come join the fun!


Haiti VBS Wheeler Baby Shower The Story Web Booklet

God has put together a fantastic team from 5 churches to travel to Caracol, Haiti Aug. 3-11 to do VBS there for over 400 children!! We can’t wait to see the progress on the orphan home and the Strong Tower leadership will be training Haitian orphanage staff as well!! Thank you for your prayers and en-couragement!! The team members are: Rebecca Mankin, Krista Kemp-ton, Erin Holt, Lorie Holt, Brent Gerke, Ali Burkholder, Dean Orr, Luke Orr, Nancy Jones, Sonya Swallow, Emmaly Jurson, Linda Gra-ham, Guat Beckwith, & Noel Pratt.

NNEWEW F FITNESSITNESS C CLASSLASS “Toning the Temple” begins Sept 10th and is held at the Celebration Center on Monday nights from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. This class is for men and women of all fitness levels (it will be mostly toning with some light cardio). There will be no fee associated with the class but we would love for people to bring an item that we could donate to the food pantry. Items to bring to the class would include water to drink, a mat for floor exercises (or a towel) and a set of light weights. Childcare will not be provided at this time. For more information or if you have questions, please call Angie Kroeger at 660-473-1190.

There will be a Baby Shower for Kara & son (Beckham) Wheeler on Saturday, August 4 from 11 - 1 pm at the Celebration Center (Gathering Place). Come and enjoy this light brunch as we share in the fun of welcoming the new baby.

If you are dealing with a con-flict right now in your lives, let one of our trained Stephen Min-isters help provide emotional and spiritual care. Call Don Brandes, 827-6455, or the church office, 827-2993.

Come to our new 9:45 West Service on Sundays at the Cele-bration Center (Friendship Hall). It starts with preaching followed by praise.

Please donate your old Cell Phones for Soldiers. Drop them off at the church office. Be sure to label them for soldiers.

Carpenter Kid’s 4 Yr. Old Preschool is still enrolling for Fall 2012. Cost is $85 per month. Contact Sheri Webb (826-0639) or the church office (827-2993) to enroll.

Pastor Jared will be attending seminary (mostly online) starting this fall. As a congregation we can show our support by praying for him and helping with the ex-pense of seminary. If you would like to make a love gift of any amount, please mark it “seminary.” Thanks!

Page 3: T B -I-B-L-E I S - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl080112.pdf · THE B -I-B-L-E On Monday, August 13 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class,

Aug. 5 Michelle Ferguson, Martha Morton, John Schwartz, Chelsea Turner, Jimmie Welch, Austin Gerken Aug. 6 Reva Woodward, Sandy Goff, Kory Gonzales, Joyce Williams Aug. 7 Kimberly Buescher, Zacha-riah Wagenknecht, Jennie Rodewald, Sean Doogs, Jason Price, Ty Hart, Buck Lynn, Ty Barth-Fagan, Joshua Mattson-Gilmore Aug. 8 Joseph Snelling, Carmen Amren, Jim Richwine, Cole Remington, Mary Hart, Gayle Oehrke Aug. 9 Amy Gibson, Marshall Nicely, Andy Beyer, Brad Kumpf, Pam May, Dan Smith Aug. 10 Stephanie Moore, Kent Miller, Peggy Blake Aug. 11 Judy Ragan, Ryan Gerrish, Mark Willadsen, Laura Darrah, Tom Dugan, Claudia Irwin, Joshua Kroeger Aug. 12 Drake Remington, Julie McQuade, Jeanne Schwartz, Wanda Trauschke, Trinity Engles, Patrick Zeisset Aug. 13 Ashley Wasson Aug. 14 Jessica Swaim, Van Davis, Paul Stevens, Doug Scott, Madalyn Cramer, Jona-than Tester, Merianne Weathers, Mackenzi Mills, Joel Malone Aug. 15 Karen Miesner, Frances Sims, Joyce Collins, Brendon Youkey Aug. 16 Mike Layton, Wes Lazenby, Sheri Kemp, Larry Welch Aug. 17 Austin Winnett, Karen Bryant, Trevor Hoehns, Hunter Davidson, Louise Lentz, Kelton Barth-Fagan, Garrett Younce Aug. 18 Sarah Cavin, Walter McBride, John Melte, Brittney Millsap L

eading people to an active faith in Jesus Christ.


July 21-22, 2012 Sunday School 93 Worship 849 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 8998.35 Building 440.50 Special 497.39

July 28-29, 2012 Sunday School 145 Worship 909 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 11188.88 Building 1972.50 Special 838.83

If you would like additional

information about the church

attendance or finances, please call

the church office (827-2993).

Our Family Our Prayers for: Betty Rose Thompson, Norma Tullis, Steve Emory, Elmer & Louise Lentz, Rosalee Bur-gess, Darlene & Virgil Burgess, Sue Coleman, Frances Gold-smith, Jacob Gerken, Clifford Smith, Dorothy Shull, Saman-tha Welch, Charles & Jennie Cheffey, Mac McBride, Bray-den Gleason, Brittany Blake (Carolyn Montgomery’s Grand-daughter), Strong Tower Haiti Orphanage, and Our Military Families.

Our hearts go out in Christian love and sympathy to the family and friends of Lorraine Raines due to her death on July 21, 2012.

Congratulations to . . . ~Jennifer Langston and Chris Spence who were united in marriage on July 25, 2012.


HHOURSOURS:: Saturday 4:30-7:30 p.m.

Sunday 8-10 a.m.


TTHANKHANK Y YOUOU:: (On display at Welcome Center Bulletin Boards)

We received a note of thanks from: Maxine King I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped make VBS possible! Thank you for the many hours of time that you devoted, going above and beyond the call of duty, to make the week special for all 230 children and youth that attended VBS this year. We could not have done it without YOU! You made an eternal difference in the lives of the next generation and helped the children of our community know that God is always with them. No matter what you may be facing, God is with you too (Is. 41:10). May God continue to bless you as you have blessed so many around you this week. In Christ, Stacie Grifford, Children’s Pastor

YEstoday today today today Bookstore Hours: Bookstore Hours: Bookstore Hours: Bookstore Hours: Sat. 4-7 pm Sun. 8-11am

Attention Children!! We will be showing a movie in the Theater for 5 year olds through 4th grade during the Sunday School hour on August 12th!! Please drop off (and pick up) your children

in the Theater on August 12!


If your birthday is not listed, please let us know so it can be added!

Bird Greg & Caitlin Tessa 19192 Hwy T LaMonte, MO 65337 760-500-7233

Page 4: T B -I-B-L-E I S - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl080112.pdf · THE B -I-B-L-E On Monday, August 13 Pastor Jim will teach a one hour class,

Downtown, 4th & Osage

//Worship Sunday 10:50am

Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St

// Worship Saturday 5:30pm // Sunday 8:35

9:45am East & West & 12:30 pm

Listen on the Radio at 1490AM Sundays 10:30am

or on Website at www.firstsayyes.com

First United Methodist Church

Office: 1701 West 32nd Street

Sedalia, MO 65301

Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID SEDALIA, MO 65301

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FirsT United Methodist Church of Sedalia


AATTENTIONTTENTION Y YOUTHOUTH!! Youth Groups will start back up again at the Celebration Center on Sunday evenings be-ginning August 26th. Area 56 (grades 5-6) and Junior high (grades 7-8) meet at 6:00 p.m. and High School (grades 9-12) meet at 7:30 p.m.

There will be an all youth pool party at Al and Pat Sturges' home, 1504 E. 36th St., Sunday, August 19th at 6 p.m.

MMOMSOMS O ONN M MISSIONISSION Mom's Group begins again on September 8 at 6:45 - 8:30pm in the Gathering Place. Summer will soon be over, so plan to join Moms of all ages for fun and encouragement on the second Saturday evening of every month. Whether your kids are 2 or 42 - you are welcome! September's topic is "Stress Less!" Don't miss it. Childcare is provided for children up to age 5.

SSUPPORTUPPORT OOURUR S SOLDIERSOLDIERS On Friday, August 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. in the theater, we’ll again be packing boxes for our service men and women located in war zones. This time, we are asking specifically for snacks. I’ve heard that there are plenty of magazines and books left by troops before them. We suggest small packages of nuts, jerky, sunflower seeds, cookies, candy, gum, soft drink mixes, crackers, tuna, homemade “puppy chow” or Chex mix, trail mix, and lots of homemade cookies. Cards, letters, drawings and photos are appreciated with each shipment. Children’s groups are invited to send art to be put up in the living quar-ters. If you have a loved one or friend who will be on active duty in August or later, be sure to send the address to the church office at [email protected] so that we’ll have that address before August 3. We thank you for continuing to donate toward post-age for this project. It is important to let our men and women in uniform know that God loves them and that we hold them in our prayers.