Bi-Weekly XLXIV No 11, May 25, 2011 faith friendship fellowship followership fruitfulness www.firstsayyes.com There is an old hymn with the line, “when the storms of life are raging, stand by me…” There are many types of life storms...relationship storms, financial difficulties and lit- eral storms. This past weekend Joplin was hit with a historic storm caus- ing nearly 100 deaths and destroying nearly one-third of the city. St. Paul’s UMC and St. James UMC facilities were extensively damaged. Sev- eral of their congregation members lost their homes. When we say something “hits close to home” this was the case for me as the pastor and staff of St. Paul’s have part- nered with us several times to present the Move Confer- ence. Through the early hours of Sunday people in our com- munity were already making plans to respond in some fashion to the initial needs of Joplin. A truck was donated by Ron Ditzfeld and placed at Walmart in Sedalia as a col- lection point. Jim Rice took the lead talking with Janelle at the Boys’ and Girls’ Club to get various community groups mobilized—hands and hearts were joining together by the time the sun was rising on Monday morning after Sunday’s storms. By the time you read this, the truck will have made its delivery, but there the work is just begin- ning. In the next few weeks there will be need for teams to go help clear debris. Also, there is a need for money for various needs as the community begins the long process of rebuilding. Sedalia knows all too well the affects of a tornado. But we also know that, in time, what the storm takes away God can restore as lives and communi- ties rebuild. There are ways we can show God’s love in a tangi- ble way. One is to pray for our fellow Missourians. We can also give generously to a special of- fering which we will receive this weekend. And, if you are able, we can volunteer to go to Joplin when the time is right and lend a hand to offer hope. One of the first deliveries to the truck was by a young couple with a little child. Their car looked like it had been in more than one hail storm itself with more paint missing than on it. Leading People to aN active faith in Jesus christ ...S ...S TORMS TORMS R R AGING AGING , , STAND STAND BY BY ME ME ... ... FirsT United Methodist Church of Sedalia They didn’t look like they had a lot of means themselves, but they looked at the list of what was needed, went in the store and came back with a bag full of items. The little boy handed it out the car window and simply said, “we want to help, too!” And that says it all. See you at the “we want to help too” place, this weekend! ~jimd. P.S..-If you want to give to Joplin relief simply write in your memo line “Joplin” and we will get it to the right place. Y OUTH OUTH MISSION ISSION T T RIP RIP All youth 7th through 12th grades (just completed) are invited to go on our annual Youth Mission Trip July 17th through July 20th. It’s going to be a lot of fun and hard work all mixed together! Cost is $100 per person. Sign-Up is open through May. The Book of Acts is all about the way the Holy Spirit births the Church and enables follow- ers of Jesus to have power & peace. A new way of being a community emerges. Join us for SPIRITED this weekend!

Transcript of S TORMS R AGING STAND - Clover...

Page 1: S TORMS R AGING STAND - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl52511.pdf · watch a movie during the Chil-dren’s Summer Film Festival at the

Bi-Weekly XLXIV No 11, May 25, 2011

faith friendship fellowship followership fruitfulness


There is an old hymn with the

line, “when the storms of life

are raging, stand by me…”

There are many types of life

storms...relationship storms,

financial difficulties and lit-

eral storms.

This past weekend Joplin was

hit with a historic storm caus-

ing nearly 100 deaths and

destroying nearly one-third of

the city. St. Paul’s UMC and

St. James UMC facilities were

extensively damaged. Sev-

eral of their congregation

members lost their homes.

When we say something “hits

close to home” this was the

case for me as the pastor and

staff of St. Paul’s have part-

nered with us several times

to present the Move Confer-


Through the early hours of

Sunday people in our com-

munity were already making

plans to respond in some

fashion to the initial needs of

Joplin. A truck was donated

by Ron Ditzfeld and placed at

Walmart in Sedalia as a col-

lection point. Jim Rice took

the lead talking with Janelle

at the Boys’ and Girls’ Club to

get various community

groups mobilized—hands and

hearts were joining together

by the time the sun was rising

on Monday morning after

Sunday’s storms.

By the time you read this, the

truck will have made its delivery,

but there the work is just begin-

ning. In the next few weeks

there will be need for teams to

go help clear debris. Also, there

is a need for money for various

needs as the community begins

the long process of rebuilding.

Sedalia knows all too well the

affects of a tornado. But we

also know that, in time, what

the storm takes away God can

restore as lives and communi-

ties rebuild. There are ways we

can show God’s love in a tangi-

ble way. One is to pray for our

fellow Missourians. We can also

give generously to a special of-

fering which we will receive this

weekend. And, if you are able,

we can volunteer to go to Joplin

when the time is right and lend

a hand to offer hope.

One of the first deliveries to the

truck was by a young couple

with a little child. Their car

looked like it had been in more

than one hail storm itself with

more paint missing than on it.

Leading People to aN active faith in Jesus christ



sT United M

ethodist Church of Sedalia

They didn’t look like they had a lot

of means themselves, but they

looked at the list of what was

needed, went in the store and

came back with a bag full of items.

The little boy handed it out the car

window and simply said, “we want

to help, too!” And that says it all.

See you at the “we want to help

too” place, this weekend! ~jimd.

P.S..-If you want to give to Joplin

relief simply write in your memo

line “Joplin” and we will get it to

the right place.

YYOUTHOUTH MMISSIONISSION T TRIPRIP All youth 7th through 12th grades (just completed) are invited to go on our annual Youth Mission Trip July 17th through July 20th. It’s going to be a lot of fun and hard work all mixed together! Cost is $100 per person. Sign-Up is open through May.

The Book of Acts is

all about the way the Holy Spirit

births the Church and enables follow-

ers of Jesus to have

power & peace. A new way of being

a community emerges. Join us

for SPIRITED this weekend!

Page 2: S TORMS R AGING STAND - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl52511.pdf · watch a movie during the Chil-dren’s Summer Film Festival at the

All children (under 4 accompa-nied by adult) are invited to come watch a movie during the Chil-dren’s Summer Film Festival at the Celebration Center Theatre for 6 weeks at 10 a.m. every Monday beginning June 6th. There is no cost for the movie. Snacks are 50 cents each. Par-ents and grandparents are wel-come to come. Pick up a sched-ule of movies from the Gazebo. Shrek Forever After (93 Min.) will be shown on Monday, June 6th.

Names inadvertently omitted from last

newsletter as 2011 High School Graduates: Mariah Alverson

—Smith Cotton HS Ashley Wasson —Smithton H.S..

CCOMMONOMMON G GROUNDSROUNDS CCOFFEEOFFEE H HOUSEOUSE Hours: Tuesdays 8-11am, Sat-urdays 5 - 8:30pm, Sundays 8-12:30 pm, and Tuesdays (Senior Perks—8-10:30 am) Sr. Perks $2 Menu: 1st Tues.—Biscuits and Gravy; 2nd Tues.—Donuts; 3rd Tues.—Pancakes & Sausage; 4th Tues.—Donuts

We have new smoothie flavors and price is only $2. Come check us out!

Vacation Bible School

Mon., July 25 —Fri., July 29 FOR ALL AGES!

5:15—6:15 light supper 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.—VBS


Haiti Mission Trip Scholarship

Please donate your old Cell Phones for Soldiers. Look for the box marked “Cell Phone Drop Off” in the lobby at the Celebration Center. If you are dealing with a con-flict right now in your lives, let one of our trained Stephen Ministers help provide emo-tional and spiritual care. Call Don Brandes, 827-6455, or the church office, 827-2993. We want to give our Kids’ Sunday School teachers a break for the summer. If you can help out for one or more Sundays this summer, please contact Krista Corbett at 287-3702. If you received today’s newsletter by regular mail and prefer to receive it by e-mail (let us know your e-mail ad-dress) or on-line (www.firstsayyes.com under “resources”), or you do not want to receive it at all, please call the church office at 827-2993.

Kid’s Film Festival

First Church has been invited to bring a small mission team to Carocol, Haiti to assist in their Vacation Bible School on August 13th-20th, 2011. If you are inter-ested in joining this team, and you missed the informational meeting on Wednesday, May 25th please contact Karen Meisner 596-3276 or Lancy Ulrich 287-3496 for more information.

UMW PUMW PICNICICNIC The next United Methodist Women’ Meeting will be a picnic on Tuesday, June 28th at 5:30 p.m. in the First Family Room at the Celebration Center. Meat, bread, and drink will be provided. Please bring a side dish and a friend.

TTAKEAKE N NOTEOTE—— ~Sunday School, with the excep-tion of our Infants and 2’s, 3’s & 4’s classes, will be in recess Sun-day, May 29th (Memorial Day Weekend). ~Youth MPact will be in recess on Sunday, May 29th for Memorial Day Weekend. It will resume (as will Area 5/6 Youth Group) on Sunday, June 5 at 2:30 p.m. at the Celebration Center. ~Also, the church office will be closed on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day.

Have a great and safe weekend!

YEstoday today today today Bookstore Bookstore Bookstore Bookstore Hours: Hours: Hours: Hours: Sat. 4-7 p.m. Sun. 8-11

If you are a student seeking any undergraduate degree or an ad-vanced degree (in a church re-lated vocation), you may qualify for a scholarship from First UMC for the 2011-2012 academic year. We will be offering at least two scholarships to applicants actively associated with First UMC or Taylor Chapel. Pick up applications from the Church Office. Deadline is 6/24/11. (A short essay is required.)

Page 3: S TORMS R AGING STAND - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl52511.pdf · watch a movie during the Chil-dren’s Summer Film Festival at the

May 29 Justin Trauschke

May 30 Pat Garrett, Mason Goff, Macy Broyles, Lyn Rayl, Shauna Fisher, Jayma Brooks May 31 Jack Ingram, Lisa King, Mike Goetz, Rachel McMurphy

June 1 Adam Webb, Ron Stultz, John Sandy, Gary Schwartz, Carol Hall June 2 Anthony Hertel, Susa Williams, Ethan Hisle, Brad Grupe, Cole Allen, Grant Kroeger, Rance Jackson June 3 Randy David, Austin Stevenson, Steve Hockett June 4 Lisa Scotten, Trace Carpenter, Tracy Dawson June 5 Deborah Ives, Aaron Pate June 6 Tara Wolfe, Mike Harding, Evan Gorrell, Benjamin Tallman, Teiara Jones, Eli Logan, Judy Royer, Judy Esser June 7 Sarah Hisle, Meredith Kemp June 8 Connie Arnest, Trenton Hoehns, Linda Morris, Tina Luper, Bob Gardner June 9 Mary Ann Richwine, Matthew McBride, Hannah Rodewald, Robert Napier, Magena Baker, Reggie Hart, Alivia Walbourn June 10 Ron Gillman, Lauren Nichols, Jill Fosnow June 11 Wendy Ellison L

eading people to an active faith in Jesus Christ.


May 14-15, 2011 Sunday School 149 Worship 893 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 10506.62 Building 1036.00 Special 604.13

May 21-22, 2011 Sunday School 155 Worship 884 Amt. Rec’d for Ministry $ 9628.49 Building 1865.50 Special 600.54

WWEE C CELEBRATEELEBRATE THETHE D DAYAY YOUYOU W WEREERE B BORNORN If your birthday is not listed, please let us know so it can be added!

Our Family Our Prayers for: Betty Rose Thompson, Norma Tullis, Avia Meek, Steve Emory, Elmer & Louise Lentz, Rosalee Burgess, Darlene & Virgil Burgess, Carolyn Mont-gomery’s granddaughter-Brittany Blake, Paul Manuel, Sue Coleman, and Our Military Families. Our hearts go out in Christian love and sympathy to : ~Neil Roche and family in the death of his wife, Janett Roche on May 14th, ~Jane & Ron Barker and fam-ily in the death of Jane’s sister, Bessie Smith on May 15th, and ~Everett & Maggie Temple and family in the death of Everett’s sister, Wynell Carter, on May 15th.


their recent baptisms: John Zullig, Jeff Zullig, Karen Zullig, Tiffany Zullig, Santasha Zullig, Cindy McGlothlin, Rick McGloth-lin, Trish Brown and son, Kennedy Brown, Cassidy Ferolito, daughter of Nicho-las Ferolito, Elizabeth Harri-son, and Emma Slaughter, daughter of Melissa Slaugh-ter.


Phillip Huffman & Tehya Murray 508 W. 20th Sedalia, MO 65301 553-8492 / 221-4177

KKIDSIDS’ S’ SUMMERUMMER S SUNDAYUNDAY S SCHOOLCHOOL Summer Sunday School begins Sunday, June 5th!! During the summer months, your child may have a different drop-off & pick-up location. Please see below, which will be our Sunday School schedule beginning June 5th through and including August 28th:

Infants & 2 Year Olds~ no change! 3 & 4 Year Olds~ no change!

5 Year Olds thru 4th Grade~ Friendship Hall Area 56 (5th & 6th Graders)~ Area 5/6 Classroom

Please remember that Sunday school begins at 9:40am and ends at 10:40am. Please honor these times, and have your children dropped off and picked up as scheduled! We look forward to teaching your children about God this summer!

TTHANKHANK Y YOUOU:: (On display at Welcome Center Bulletin Boards)

We received a thank you from: Eldo Palmer

Bill & Karen Dennis 209 Oakline Drive Lincoln, MO 65338 660-547-3403 (after 5 p.m.)

Page 4: S TORMS R AGING STAND - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchurch9/documents/nl52511.pdf · watch a movie during the Chil-dren’s Summer Film Festival at the

Downtown, 4th & Osage //Worship Sunday 10:50am

Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St // Worship Saturday 5:30pm // Sunday 8:35 9:45am & 12:30 pm

One Warrensburg: Worship Sunday 5:30 p.m. at the Warrensburg Community Center

Listen on the Radio at 1490AM Sundays 10:30am or on Website at www.firstsayyes.com (messages)

Email us at [email protected] Phone // 660.827.2993

First United Methodist Church

Office: 1701 West 32nd Street

Sedalia, MO 65301

Three locations serving the HeartlandThree locations serving the HeartlandThree locations serving the HeartlandThree locations serving the HeartlandThree locations serving the HeartlandThree locations serving the HeartlandThree locations serving the HeartlandThree locations serving the Heartland FirsT United Methodist Church of Sedalia


Our Annual Scott Joplin Ice Cream Social is Thursday, June 2 through Saturday, June 4, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. downtown. You can help by preparing food, serving, and/or by patronizing the event. For $4 you can get Homemade Ice Cream & Cake, and $3.50 a sandwich, or a chef salad. For $3 you can get soup, and for $1.50 you can get a side salad. Drinks are included. All pro-ceeds go to missions! Scott Joplin Symposiums will be held at our Downtown location from 9 to 12 p.m. on Thursday, June 2, through Saturday, June 4th for a $5 admission. There will be additional concerts in the afternoon. Come and join the fun!

The Care Ministry is throwing an Appreciation Party for all First Church Volunteers and their families. Come to the Celebration Center for a night of fabu-lous 50’s fun on June 10th starting at 6 p.m. Stay for dinner, dancing & ice cream. Families are welcome and nurs-ery provided. Sign up on this weekend’s blue card (bulletin insert) of number at-tending and number needing childcare.