Bi-Weekly No. 24, December 13, 2017 faith friendship fellowship followership fruitfulness FirsT On December 23 and 24 we will have the regular service times except for 12:30 p.m. which will be in recess for that day. Then the celebration of Christmas Eve will begin with the first of five services at 3 p.m. followed by services at 5, 7, 9 and 11 p.m. all at the Celebration Center. Come celebrate the birth of Jesus! It is going to be a magnificent time of music, Scripture and candle light (we will have options of glow sticks and finger flash lights). For those who have experienced grief or loss, the holidays can be difficult. We are having a Blue Christmas service on Thursday, December 21st from 6 to 7 p.m. Please be our guest. T T HE HE C C HRISTMAS HRISTMAS M M IRACLE IRACLE . . It never has been a business as usual story. Angels announced it. A virgin carries him. Star following wisemen worship and bring gifts. A patient father who is thinking divorce. An overworked inn keeper making less than adequate room. An unsuspecting world about to be visited by its Maker and lover and redeemer. Christ- mas is unusual, out of the ordinary, other-worldly. It is a story of hope. It is a story of love. It is a story of light. And then to think that many of its elements were fore-told hundreds of years be- forewho could make something like this up? Only a God whose love exceeds his anger. Only a God who wants to touch and hold and share in the life breathed into his creation by his very nostrils eons before. Is the miracle in the birth of God? Is the miracle the holy becom- ing the divine? Is the miracle angels singing, shepherds listening, an earthly father adopting an earthly mother bearing? YES, yes it is! It is all of this and more. It is a baby who will grow in every way like us except one. He will not sin. He will not be broken by our last enemy death. He will die for sin (separation from God) and he will conquer death in his rising again! And this is the mira- cle, too! The whole life of Jesus is a message, a sign, an invitation, a call to not go it alone. To know that the God who said “let there be light” now becomes the LIGHT of the World who stepped down into darkness (as the praise song declares it). Christmas is acknowledging the gift of it all. And Christmas is re- ceiving the love given for us all. So amid the light stringing and caroling and shopping and cook- ing and gift giving and the sharing of life together, let’s not miss the invitation to CONNECT. In Jesus, the God of the universe is reaching out to us wanting to love us and to save us (that’s what his name means). He wants us to find our truest selves in him. That’s why he came. That’s why we celebrate a light that shines in the darkness. May we find that light and let it shine upon us. Christmas is nearly here. See you at the light place this weekend! Jimd. P.S. ~Thank you so much for your love and support of this ministry. We pray you find the deepest of God’s joy and feel his presence and love throughout the year! N N EW EW S S TUDY TUDY S S ESSIONS ESSIONS Join us each Saturday in January 2018 from 10:0011:00 a.m. in the Celebra- tion Center Theater to watch, listen, and react to Dr. Brene Brown’s (a re- search professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work) video. Invite your friends! Bring your favorite coffee or soft drink and be- come part of one hour of fellowship and discussion. Child Care from 10:0011:15 is available upon re- quest by Wednesday of each week needed. Call Ruth Dale at 281-0928 and leave a message.


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On December 23 and 24 we will have the regular service times except for 12:30 p.m. which will be in recess for that day. Then the celebration of Christmas Eve will begin with the first of five services at 3 p.m. followed by services at 5, 7, 9 and 11 p.m. all at the Celebration Center. Come celebrate the birth of Jesus! It is going to be a magnificent time of music, Scripture and candle light (we will have options of glow sticks and finger flash lights). For those who have experienced grief or loss, the holidays can be difficult. We are having a Blue Christmas service on Thursday, December 21st from 6 to 7 p.m. Please be our guest.

TTHEHE CCHRISTMASHRISTMAS MMIRACLEIRACLE.. It never has been a business as usual story. Angels announced it. A virgin carries him. Star following wisemen worship and bring gifts. A patient father who is thinking divorce. An overworked inn keeper making less than adequate room. An unsuspecting world about to be visited by its Maker and lover and redeemer. Christ-mas is unusual, out of the ordinary, other-worldly. It is a story of hope. It is a story of love. It is a story of light. And then to think that many of its elements were fore-told hundreds of years be-fore—who could make something like this up? Only a God whose love exceeds his anger. Only a God who wants to touch and hold and share in the life breathed into his creation by his very nostrils eons before. Is the miracle in the birth of God? Is the miracle the holy becom-ing the divine? Is the miracle angels singing, shepherds listening, an earthly father adopting an earthly mother bearing? YES, yes it is! It is all of this and more. It is a baby who will grow in every way like us except one. He will not sin. He will not be broken by our last enemy death. He will die for sin (separation from God) and he will conquer death in his rising again! And this is the mira-cle, too! The whole life of Jesus is a message, a sign, an invitation, a call to not go it alone. To know that the God who said “let there be light” now becomes the LIGHT of the World who stepped down into darkness (as the praise song declares it). Christmas is acknowledging the gift of it all. And Christmas is re-ceiving the love given for us all. So amid the light stringing and caroling and shopping and cook-ing and gift giving and the sharing of life together, let’s not miss the invitation to CONNECT. In Jesus, the God of the universe is reaching out to us wanting to love us and to save us (that’s what his name means). He wants us to find our truest selves in him. That’s why he came. That’s why we celebrate a light that shines in the darkness. May we find that light and let it shine upon us. Christmas is nearly here. See you at the light place this weekend! Jimd. P.S. ~Thank you so much for your love and support of this ministry. We pray you find the deepest of God’s joy and feel his presence and love throughout the year!


Join us each Saturday in January 2018 from 10:00—11:00 a.m. in the Celebra-tion Center Theater to watch, listen, and react to Dr. Brene Brown’s (a re-search professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work) video. Invite your friends! Bring your favorite coffee or soft drink and be-come part of one hour of fellowship and discussion. Child Care from 10:00—11:15 is available upon re-quest by Wednesday of each week needed. Call Ruth Dale at 281-0928 and leave a message.

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2018 Offering Envelopes New Year’s Eve Party

The 2018 Church Offering Enve-lope Boxes are being mailed out on December 21, 2017. To avoid con-fusion with our record keeping, please be sure not to use them until 2018. If you have not received a box of 2018 envelopes by January 3rd, 2018 and you would like a box so that we can keep a giving record for your 2018 taxes, please call (827-2993) or stop by the church office during office hours.

MMASTERPIECEASTERPIECE (Masterpiece is the Older Adult Minis-try of First United Methodist Church.)

~Second Sundays Each month, Masterpiece will gather on the 2nd Sunday at 12:15 for lunch followed by a special fea-ture (movie, workshop, activity, etc.). Our next event is January 14, 2018. If you have an email address and would like to be notified of upcom-ing Masterpiece events, please email a request to Rusty Smith at [email protected]

CCHRISTMASHRISTMAS OOFFERINGFFERING This year’s Christmas Offering goes to People in Need (local re-quests) or to our Covenant Church, Mangumo, UMC. Thank you in ad-vance for your generous support. Please mark your check payable to First UMC with either “People in Need” or “Mangumo” in the memo. For your convenience, a Christmas offering envelope is available at the back of the Sanctuary, and at the Welcome Center.

We are looking for spirit filled, loving people that are interested in teaching chil-dren’s Sunday School. If you would like to help nurture their spiritual growth, contact Lancy Ulrich at (660) 287-3496. $25 Key Fobs for the Fu-sion Wellness Room are available for sale by contacting Tehya at the church office (827-2993) or emailing: [email protected]. If you are interested in free access to Right Now Media, (over 12,000 Bible Studies, children’s videos, and more) please send your name and email address to: [email protected] For confidential, spiritual, and emotional support in a 1-on-1, caring relationship, con-tact a Stephen Minister at 620-4484.

The Line Dance classes at the Cele-bration Center invite you to join in the 2nd Annual New Year’s Eve Celebra-tion. Come dance with your partner or friends. The line dancers will be in the middle of the dance floor, leaving room for other dancers around the edge. You are also invited to join in and learn the dances. There will be a wide variety of music; contempo-rary, Christian, country, and lots of oldies tunes! All First Church fami-lies and their friends who would like an early, alcohol and smoke free New Year’s Eve party are in-vited. Child care will be provided by requests only, no later than Dec. 28th. Everyone can get home early and safely that evening. The event will be held at the Celebra-tion Center Friendship Hall on De-cember 31, 2017 from 7 to 10 p.m. Bring finger foods to share, your fa-vorite non-alcoholic drink (Ice, cups, and ice water will be provided.), and table or board games if you’d rather not dance. This event is free. Call Ruth Dale at 281-0938 if questions or to request childcare.

The Children’s Choir will be shar-ing some Christmas songs during the 9:45 service on Sunday, De-cember 17th. Come and be blessed!

- - - - - Strong Tower is excited to launch

their new website

Be sure to check it out!

Children’s Christmas Choir

YEsToday Bookstore Hours:

30 Min. before & after Weekend Svcs

The Church Office will be closed for the

holidays on Monday, December 25 -

Tuesday, December 26, and Monday,

January 1 - Tuesday, January 2.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Page 3: TT CCHRISTMASHRISTMAS · 2017. 12. 23. · Bi-7 s om FirsT services at 3 p.m. followed by services at 5, 7, 9

Dec. 17 Richard Mewes, Gina Pummill, Brian Welch, David Woolery, Logan Pierce, JaLynne Stratton Dec. 18 Cindy Burns, Stephanie Cox, Kay Beth Faubion, Carter Haslag, Priscilla Livengood, Kaylee Mallory, Judy Harrell, Sarah McMurphy, Jessie Boone, Dyana Cunningham Dec. 19 Amy Ford, Charlotte Hegg, Craig Matz, Curt Tagtmeyer, Tammy Kilby, Sanni McKelvey, Carson Goalder, Ralph Houchen, Dorsey Adams Dec. 20 Landon Knight, Rebecca Kruckow, Aaron McMullen, Cindy Mueller, Melanie Schlup, Lennon Adams Dec. 21 Nancy Lukacs, Brandon Prather, Ryan Swearingin, Nicky Davis, James Gregory, Jan Bartholomaeus Dec. 22 Blaine Arnett, Hunter Arnett, Cheryl McCollester, Mason Pierce, Maisie Richardson, Brittany Tallman, Christopher Bennett, Logan Sunnarborg, Courtney Balke, Jayden Douglas, Elizabeth Iuchs Dec. 23 Lorraine Arnwine, Lindsey Brosch, Caleb Rothganger, Jason Trauschke, Sara Verscha Dec. 24 Brooke Moriarty, Sherryl Pine Dec. 25 Larry Clay-comb, Timothy Iuchs, Merry Moore, Sally Tompkin, Janice Hoover, Brooklyn Severa Dec. 26 James Benner, Katelin Knight, Leslie Lane, Allen Pfremmer, Aaron Todd Dec. 27 Alix Duncan, Marjorie Kendrick, Robin Lorenson, Richard Lyles, Riley Ditzfeld, Pam Wallenburn, Brian McLemore, Raymond Tackett, Manuel Williams, Eric Fudge Dec. 28 Trish Henson, MacMcKinney, Deana Pomajzl, Jamie Napier, Chaz McAloose, Judy Davis, Jase Hinshaw, Travis Johnson Dec. 29 Vada MeMotte, Joshua Gerrish, Brody Rayl, Brody Riley, Keaton Mateja, Blake Jackson Dec. 30 Jaxon Parker, Terri Fowler, Denny Houk, Christian Wolfe, Bailey Yeater, Brenda Boh-ling, Justin Kyle, Jordan O’Connell, Madison Neth, Scott Griffin


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Dec. 2-3, 2017

Sunday School 122

Worship 708

Dec. 9-10, 2017 Sunday School 102

Worship 721

Our Family

OUR PRAYERS FOR: Darlene & Virgil Burgess, Ken-neth Burgess, Jacob Gerken, Annabell Hackman, Jennie Cheffey, Glenda Horne, Kris-tina Johns, Sandy Smith, Steve Goldsmith, Mary Matz, Cansata Arnold, Jim Rich-wine, David Miller, Dana Gillig, Virginia Davis, Judy Thomas, Jeff Zullig, Andy Allmon, Strong Tower Haiti Orphan-age, and our covenant churches in Mozambique.

BBAPTISMAPTISM Dawson Chaves born to Amanda Matz and Miguel Chevez on October 10, 2017, was baptized on Sunday, December 3rd.


Direct trade gourmet Haitian chocolate and coffee are on sale now in the Yestoday Book-store! Chocolate bars are just $3 each and the coffee is just $10-$11, depending on the blend. They make great gifts! Pick some up in the Bookstore this weekend!

WWEE CCELEBRATEELEBRATE THETHE DDAYAY YOUYOU WEREWERE BORNBORN If your birthday is not listed, please let us know so it can be added!

November 2017 Totals Budget $53915.14

Building $7392.00

Special $12889.25


The Bookstore is only open on weekends and revolves around the church services at the Celebration Center. To volunteer you must be 18 years or older. All it takes is about an hour and 15 minutes of your time plus church services. You will open approximately 45 minutes before services, as the music starts, you attend service and during the ending music, you will reopen the bookstore and stay approximately another 1/2 hour.

If you are interested in volunteering with YEstoday Bookstore, please con-

tact Sandy Goff at 287-6065 or Carol Hall at 596-9244. We would love to talk to you or answer any questions you may have. All volunteers will be trained and as a benefit, you will receive a 10% discount on all your purchases in the bookstore.


Applewood Christian School is looking to hire a Drama Teacher for K-8th Grade for Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m. If interested, please call the school at 827-4700.

OOPENPEN DDOOROOR LLUNCHUNCH BBUNCHUNCH TTOURSOURS Open Door Ministry invites you to a tour and lunch at the Open Door facilities to learn how they are eliminating hunger and serving the needy through gro-ceries, clothing needs, nourishing meals, emergency vouchers for utilities or rent, medical and prescription assistance, transportation to Doctors’ appoint-ments and so much more! Ending hunger restores strength and hope for a brighter, stabilized tomorrow. Call to schedule your tour today! 660-827-1613. (Tours at 11 and free lunch ends about 12:30 pm Monday—Thursday.) See firsthand the impact of your support! Open Door Service Center is located at 111 W. 4th St., in Downtown Sedalia, MO.

Page 4: TT CCHRISTMASHRISTMAS · 2017. 12. 23. · Bi-7 s om FirsT services at 3 p.m. followed by services at 5, 7, 9

Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St Worship //Saturday 5:30pm //Sunday 8:35am 9:45am // 11:00am // & 12:30pm Listen on the Radio at 1490AM Sundays 10:05am or on our Website at (messages) Email us at [email protected] Phone // 660.827.2993

First United Methodist Church Office: 1701 West 32nd Street

Sedalia, MO 65301

Non-Profit Organization



Permit #208
