Soto Mi - · kunyit daun jeruk kerupuk cabai bawang merah daging bawang putih...

Soto Mi Match the following ingredients with the appropriate picture. kunyit daun jeruk kerupuk cabai bawang merah daging bawang putih garam daun bawang serai

Transcript of Soto Mi - · kunyit daun jeruk kerupuk cabai bawang merah daging bawang putih...

Soto Mi

Match the following ingredients with the appropriate picture.

kunyit daun jeruk

kerupuk cabai

bawang merah daging

bawang putih garam

daun bawang serai


Soto mi is one of the many variants of soto – a soup-like dish that is found in many parts ofIndonesia, particularly on Sumatra, Jawa, and Sulawesi. Soto is always meat-based, the mostpopular are chicken, beef, and tripe soto, and is usually served with a spicy sambal and kerupukcrackers. Soto mi is different as, unlike the other soto dishes, it is not served with rice but withfresh egg noodles. e ingredients of Soto Ayam can be easily obtained, at least here in Hawai’i. For the noodles weuse Yaki Soba Oriental Style Noodles which you can get at Don Quichote or at Costco. espices, kerupuk and bawang goreng fried shallots (labeled as ‘fried onion’) can be bought at Chinatown or at the Asian Grocery 1319 South Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96814-1821 - (808)593-8440


A sambal is a chili-based dish, which can either be the main dish, a side-dish, or just acondiment. Sambal can be based on potatoes, eggplant, tofu, dried anchovies and peanuts,tempeh, eggs, beef, chicken, liver, or shrimps. As a condiment it usually consists of groundchilies, red shallots as the main ingredients and can take a number of optional ingredientsincluding tomatoes, tamarind juice, shrimp paste, lime juice, sweet soy sauce, and several otheringredients. Sambal dishes are usually made of cabai merah, or cabai keriting – medium hot re chilies with aScoville rating of about 40,000 (Jalapeno has a rating of 4,000 and Habanero of 250,000), butsome sambal dishes are made from spicier or milder varieties, and also from green chilies.


e Indonesian language uses a lot of classifiers. e most commonly used are orang (for people),ekor (for animals), biji (for small objects), and buah (for large objects), but there are many moreand specialised classifiers such as batang (for stick-like objects like cigarettes, pencils), butir (smallround objects like eggs, pepper corns), helai or lembar (soft flat objects), keping (hard flat objectslike wooden boards), potong (for all kind of cuttings), iris (slices), and many more. Se- is used forthe number one: seekor kuda one horse, dua ekor kuda two horses.

Soto Mi

Untuk 5-6 orang


500 g daging sapi2 l air3 bungkus (500gr) mi kuning1/2 kolbawang gorengkrupuk udang3 telur rebus5 batang daun bawang2 buah wortel diiris kira-kira 0,5 cm2 batang seledri diiris setebal 1 cm


1 batang serai, dimemarkan3 helai daun jeruk1 helai daun salam3 siung bawang merah, dihaluskan3 siung bawang putih, dihaluskan1/2 st bubuk kunyit 1 st merica putih, dihaluskan3 butir kemiri, dihaluskangaram secukupnya


10 butir cabai merah, dihaluskan1/4 st garam1 st air jeruk nipis


Daging dipotong kira-kira 2x3 cm lalu direbus dengan 2 liter air di api sedang selama satujam. Masukkan bumbu halus, serai, daun jeruk, daun salam, dan seledri. Direbus selama 15 me-nit lalu masukkan wortel dan masak lagi selama 15 menit. Masukkan separuh daun bawang. Saji-kan dengan sisa daun bawang, bawang goreng, krupuk, dan mi (sebelum disajikan mi diseduhdengan air panas).

Daftar Kosakata

batang piece (classifier for stick-like objects)bawang goreng fried red shallotsbawang putih garlicbubuk powderbumbu spicebutir piece (classifier for small round objects)cabai chili pepperdaging meatdaging sapi beefdaum salam salam leafdaun bawang spring onion, green onion, daun jeruk (kaffir) lime leafgaram salthalus fine, groundhelai piece (classifier for flat soft objects)jeruk citrus fruitjeruk nipis limekemiri candle nut (kukui nut)kerupuk udang shrimp crackerskira-kira approximatelykol cabbagekuning yellowkunyit tumericmemar, me-kan crush (with a blade of a knife)merica peppermi noodlemi kuning egg noodle similar to yaki sobaparuh, se- halfpotong, mem- to cut rebus boiledrebus, me- to boil saji, meny-kan to servesapi cattle seledri celerysendok spoonsendok teh tea spoonserai lemon grassseduh, meny- to pour boiling water over somethingsiung (garlic or shallot) clove telur eggwortel carrot