Social Media Plan - Naroma

1 October 12, 2016 Naroma Social Media Plan Social Media Marketing Plan Justin Cole Sakthivel Karunanithi Eddie Huang Sumit Syal 000366892 000379086 000371471 000366019 MRKT-10047-01 Submitted to: Richard Hampshire Date: October 12, 2016

Transcript of Social Media Plan - Naroma

Page 1: Social Media Plan - Naroma


Naroma Social Media Plan

Social Media Marketing PlanJustin Cole

Sakthivel KarunanithiEddie HuangSumit Syal000366892000379086000371471000366019

MRKT-10047-01Submitted to: Richard Hampshire

Date: October 12, 2016

October 12, 2016

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Naroma Social Media Plan

Restaurant Selection

For this social media marketing plan Naroma Pizza Bar on 215 Locke St S in Hamilton Ontario was selected. With it’s unique placement close to Hess Village and Main street Naroma gives a lot of room to bring their social media game to the next level.


The audience that this social media campaign will be targeting are men and women aged 23 – 30 who live in the Hamilton Area. They are ether college or university educated and make between $40,000 to $60,000 a year. The type of audience that Naroma would want to reposition to individuals who live a party lifestyle.


Naroma will be hosting several events throughout the year such as ladies night, date nights, hockey nights and various holidays parties that will be promoted through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The collected pictures will be posted as albums on both Facebook and Instagram while event live tweeting can happen during events. Special discounts will be run for live tweeting at the Naroma twitter page or tagging Naroma on Instagram. Check ins on Facebook are encouraged during events. Reviews on Facebook are also encouraged and will be brought by restaurant staff during day to day operations as well as a post about reviewing how Naroma did after an event.

Goals and Objectives

Naroma is aiming to increase reach, brand awareness and to generate more customers. During campaigns we will be keeping track of overall traffic to both the website and the restaurant. We will also be tracking the number of likes, engagements and shares during various paid campaigns. The goal for 2017 is to double the amount of likes on Facebook which is currently at 2,774. For Instagram we would want to grow the current follower base to 10,000 followers from it’s current 4,064 followers. As for twitter increasing the followers to 10,000 during 2017 from it’s current 4,942 followers. Utilizing paid promotions these goals will be fairly easy to reach.


The recommended responses that the social media campaign would be looking for is the established audience to like, share and comment of various pictures taken at events as well as any other content published by the various accounts. When events are created on Facebook we would also like our audience to opt in to going to these events and preferably invite people on their friends list into going to these events.

October 12, 2016

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Naroma Social Media Plan

Complimentary Marketing

Naroma will be linking all of our accounts to our website. Various future events and albums from event nights will be available under the social tab on the website. We will be complimenting information available on website by re-posting content on the various accounts that Naroma has established. During store promotions these accounts will deliver information about these promotions to the already established audience. During events that have been planned and set up by Naroma Facebook will be the platform to deliver the date and time as an event on the platform. For twitter date and time will be relayed as a post and pinned to the top of the page so that it’s on display so new followers can see the event details. For Instagram delivery of the event will be delivered through a pictured post containing details of the event.

Platform Selection

Facebook: Facebook is a no brainer for Naroma because of the event functionality that allow our audience to engage in one space. The call now button which can be subject to paid promotion can also promote our delivery services. With the purchase of Instagram and the event functionality built in Facebook is one the most in depth platforms that Naroma can use. Built in video functionality as well as live streaming will allow for audience engagement on a more visual medium.

Instagram: Instagram has the sheer reach and visual appeal that the target market would be looking for. Instagram has 2 main purposes that can be leveraged by Naroma to increase audience reach which are posting ether videos or pictures. Built in functionality with geo-filtering a picture by setting the location to Hamilton Ontario will put pictures or videos posted by Naroma in a list of other pictures that were geo-tagged in Hamilton. Potential audiences can then look up Hamilton and any posts Naroma has will show up in that list. Instagram can also use hashtags like twitter that can allow potential audiences to look up certain hashtags and stumble across content produced by Naroma.

Twitter: For Naroma twitter is an amazing platform for engaging the audience on a personal level. Utilizing the hashtag functionality Naroma can keep up to date on current events and trending content. With the events that are being planned to be thrown by Naroma the audience can live tweet at the Twitter account as well as ask questions ether by tweeting at the account or direct messaging. Twitter also has a built in retweeting functionality which adds an extra layer for audience engagement.

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Naroma Social Media Plan

Recommended Social Media Monitoring Software Zoho is a dynamic software that for $100 a year will allow Naroma to track and generate reports on the fly. Zoho has an app for both Android and Iphone that allows access from anywhere. The key advantage that Zoho offers is that it is cloud based and has scheduling capabilities for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Natively Facebook does offer scheduling but with Zoho Naroma can schedule a whole year of content across the board and get an outlook what exactly is being posted at what specific times. Zoho also has all audience engagement in one platform which means any messages sent to any accounts connected to Zoho will be displayed in one area. Zoho also offers smart posting which recommends what time and date is best to post.

Best Practices

Facebook: Facebook posts should have some content based around the website, events and relevant information. The major call to action for potential consumers is the call now button and implementing a link back to the website. Posts should be somewhat minimalistic only containing some words and some pictures with the only exception to this being the events that Naroma is planning on throwing. With the events page information and hype posts should only be posted 1 or twice a week to try to limit spamming a feed. For the page itself the general rule of thumb is to limit posts to once every 2 days so a schedule being Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and should range between 12:00 pm to 7:00pm to improve reach.

Twitter: Twitter’s main purpose is to relay up to date information about current promotions and respond to our client base when they tweet at us. This platform will also be used for live tweeting events. The general rule of thumb is to use hashtags that are relevant to pizza and to shy away from politics because no one wants a political pizza. Stay true to the character limit provided by twitter and generally try to aim to fill up the limit and have at least 5 hashtags in a post. Pictures are ideal for posting on twitter but having only one has a general impact because a twitter post will be bigger. For consistency sake using the same hashtag which would be #Naroma would help keep a record of what the profile has tweeted out in the past

Instagram: The general rule of thumb is to add relevant captions to photos that are not lengthy but carry some weight to the picture itself. Adding hashtags, a couple lines down after the caption of a photo is recommended and having at least 5 hashtags on a photo will help reach a new audience. Location is key when posting photos on Instagram so anytime a photo is taken at Naroma it should be geo filtered to have the location set for Hamilton, Ontario.

October 12, 2016

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Naroma Social Media Plan

Monitoring The Conversation

Naroma will be keeping track of engagement across the board with the official Facebook page replying to comments both positive and negative. Across the board when a positive comment is made about Naroma the account will respond with a thank you comment to the commenter. When a negative comment is made the generic response that the accounts will make will be saying sorry for the inconvenience and offering a discount or promotion to the commenter. An example of this would be that if a customer who recently purchased a pizza tweeted at the Naroma pizza page stating that they were not satisfied with the peperoni pizza that they ordered. The response to that situation would be to tweet at the customer saying sorry for the inconvenience we would like to offer you a 50% off your next order check your message box for details.


Budget & Spending

Social Media Budget 2017

Facebook $850 Page Promotion ($500)($1.37 Daily Budget)Event Promotion ($300)(30 Events $10 per event)Post Boosting ($50)(5 Major Posts $10 per post)

Twitter $200 4 account promotions ($200)January, April, September, October ($50 per account promotion)

Instagram $200 Sponsored Posts ($200)Ran 20 times ($10 per sponsored post)

Zoho CRM Software $100 Yearly account fees ($100)

Total Cost $1,350

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Naroma Social Media Plan

Return on Investment (ROI)

Facebook: ROI will be measured the amount of likes that the page receives during a page promotion period. With the event promotion ROI will be measured through attendees who opted in to intending and a physical count of how many attendees will be recommended during events. During a post boosting which will be used to inform potential customers on promotions that are being run the ROI will be measured through both paid reach, likes, and clicks.

Twitter: ROI will be calculated through the number of new followers attained during an account promotion campaign. During certain dates followers will be monitored more closely due to outside influence of events.

Instagram: ROI will be measured through the amount of likes and new followers a post receives during a paid sponsorship campaign. Videos that are posted on Instagram that put under a sponsorship campaigns will also be measured for the amount of views that it receives.

Potential Advertising Concepts Celebrate the Holidays with Family: This advertising concept will include a campaign where people will tweet at us their holiday plans and Naroma. During the campaign the goal is to get potential consumers onto the website to reserve seating for a larger group during the holiday season. There will be a discount offered for groups larger than 4 and an even greater discount offered for groups larger than 10. This advertising concept will be promoted through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. As the market is around 23-30 these group promotions will focus on younger couple who wish to celebrate with their friends.

A Hamilton Pizza: This advertising campaign will focus on Hamilton heritage and the hammer. This campaign will focus on everything Hamilton has offer like the Hamilton tiger-cats games as well as events such as super crawl. Events will support this campaign and Naroma will offer custom pizzas to compliment said events

Fuel Up: Fuel it up is a concept to support sports in Hamilton Ontario. During Sports events in Hamilton Naroma will create custom pizzas alcohol mixes in the Spirit of Hamilton football. The drink campaign will be posted on Instagram with how to videos how to make drinks. These stylized drinks will be the colors of the tiger-cats

October 12, 2016

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Naroma Social Media Plan


@NaRomaPizzaBar. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

By clicking 'Sign Up', you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. (n.d.). Social media management software for growing businesses. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

Gilbert, M., & Don, T. M. (2016). Places. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

NàRoma Pizza Bar (@naromapizzabar) • Instagram photos and videos. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

Plans & Pricing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

Slice, B. T. (2016). NÀROMA PIZZA BAR - PIZZA IS PASSION - WORLD CLASS PIZZA. Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

Zoho Social - Features. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2016, from

October 12, 2016