Skenario 6 Blok 12

What A Heavy Box…. A 48 years old man was brought to the emergency room complaining of difficulty of breathing. The shortness of breath started two hours ago, just after he lifted a heavy box. He also complained pain in the left chest, and the pain got worse when he was breathing. The man has a long history of cough and had underwent a 6 months of treatment. In the ER, the patient’s blood pressure was 100 /60 mmHg, his pulse was 1 2 0 times per min ute, and his respiratory rate was 3 4 times per min ute. On inspection, the examiner found an asymmetrical chest wall movement. On palpation the absence of the tactile fremitus on the left side was found, along with hiperresonant on the left chest percussion and diminished breath sound on the left chest auscultation. Reference Karnadiharja W, Djojosugito MA, Lukitto P, Rahmad KB, Manuaba TW. Dinding toraks dan pleura: trauma. Dalam : Sjamsuhidayat R, de Jong W, editor. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Edisi kedua. Jakarta : Penerbit buku kedokteran EGC; 2005. p406 Maddaus MA, Luketich JD. Chest wall, lung, mediastinum and pleura. Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery . Eighth edition, Mc Graw Hill, London, 2005 Sjamsuhidayat R, Ahmadsyah I, Busroh IDI, Rahmad KB. Trakea, mediastinu m dan paru, trauma. Dalam : Sjamsuhidayat R, de Jong W, editor. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Edisi kedua. Jakarta : Penerbit buku kedokteran EGC; 2005. p429-30



Transcript of Skenario 6 Blok 12

What A Heavy Box.

A 48 years old man was brought to the emergency room complaining of difficulty of breathing. The shortness of breath started two hours ago, just after he lifted a heavy box. He also complained pain in the left chest, and the pain got worse when he was breathing. The man has a long history of cough and had underwent a 6 months of treatment.

In the ER, the patients blood pressure was 100/60 mmHg, his pulse was 120 times per minute, and his respiratory rate was 34 times per minute. On inspection, the examiner found an asymmetrical chest wall movement. On palpation the absence of the tactile fremitus on the left side was found, along with hiperresonant on the left chest percussion and diminished breath sound on the left chest auscultation.

ReferenceKarnadiharja W, Djojosugito MA, Lukitto P, Rahmad KB, Manuaba TW. Dinding toraks dan pleura: trauma. Dalam : Sjamsuhidayat R, de Jong W, editor. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Edisi kedua. Jakarta : Penerbit buku kedokteran EGC; 2005. p406Maddaus MA, Luketich JD. Chest wall, lung, mediastinum and pleura. Schwartzs Principles of Surgery. Eighth edition, Mc Graw Hill, London, 2005Sjamsuhidayat R, Ahmadsyah I, Busroh IDI, Rahmad KB. Trakea, mediastinum dan paru, trauma. Dalam : Sjamsuhidayat R, de Jong W, editor. Buku Ajar Ilmu Bedah. Edisi kedua. Jakarta : Penerbit buku kedokteran EGC; 2005. p429-30