reekside School of Ministry Academic Handbook 2016...

1 Creekside School of Ministry Academic Handbook 2016-17

Transcript of reekside School of Ministry Academic Handbook 2016...

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Creekside School of Ministry

Academic Handbook


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CONTENTS: Section One: INTRODUCTION 3 1. Statement of Faith 6 Section Two: OVERVIEW 9 1. Training Components 10 2. Credit Requirements 12 Section Three: DEGREES FROM CREEKSIDE 23 1. INSTE Bible College 24 2. New Hope Christian College 25 Section Four: ADMISSIONS 27 1. Academic Fees 28 2. Admissions Requirements 30 Section Five: FORMS 31 1. Enrollment Form 32 2. Pastoral Reference Form 35

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Section One:


Equip the Saints for the Work of Ministry...

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Creekside School of Ministry

Preparing the People of God for Ministry

Welcome to Creekside School of Ministry! Our purpose is based on Ephesians 4:11-12:

And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip

the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. (ESV)

We take that concept one step further, however, in our goal to equip the saints for

LEADERSHIP of ministry, specifically as pastors, church planters and missionaries. We

adhere to Open Bible Christian Center’s motto, “Loving God, Investing in People”, and

understand that in order to increase our effectiveness in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

we must equip and release leaders who will do so. Creekside School of Ministry’s goal is to

prepare ministry leaders for whatever and wherever God calls them.

Our Vision:

A great company of men and women of God will be discovered, developed, and deployed

for the respective ministries into which they’ve been called under the auspices of Open

Bible Churches.

But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from

whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred

writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All

Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and

for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good


(2 Timothy 3:14-17, ESV)

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Our Mission:

The Mission of Open Bible Churches as a whole is to globally make disciples, develop

leaders, and plant churches. In adhering to that mission, Creekside School of Ministry’s

mission is to be a unique training institute utilizing customized study plans to graduate

godly leaders for all works of ministry.

The approach rests on four elemental values:

a. Inspire: how Spiritual Formation nurtures the call of God.

b. Instruct: how Education, Marketable Vocational Skills and

sound theological training meet.

c. Instill: where discipleship, education, and values are put to

work for gaining Ministry Experience

d. Invest: when godly values are woven into one’s ministry fabric and Leadership

Skills are developed.

Creekside School of Ministry is unique in its targeted approach to ministry leadership

preparation. In contrast to a classical Bible college, Creekside offers comprehensive ministry

preparation. Our hope is that this more practical approach will produce leaders who are fully

prepared to lead when they complete their studies. Because we have the flexibility to

customize a student’s plan of study, we can graduate leaders who are specifically trained for

the task for which they are called.

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We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and the only infallible guide and rule of our

faith and practice (Psalm 119:89; Matthew 24:35; 2 Timothy 2:15, 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21).


We believe there is one God. In the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons, Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection and attribute, fulfilling distinct, but complementary, roles

in the great work of redemption (Genesis 1:26; Matthew 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Timothy


1. God the Father: We believe in God the Father , the co-Creator with the Son and the Holy

Spirit, who is the eternal, all powerful, all knowing, everywhere present, and unchangeable

Creator of all. (Deuteronomy 32:6; Psalm 103:13; Isaiah 63:16; Matthew 6:9; John 5:19-23,

17:1-11; Acts 17:28; Romans 8:14-16; Ephesians 4:6, 1 John 3:1).

2. God the Son: We believe in God the Son, co-Creator with the Father and Holy Spirit, who

took upon Himself human form, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

and given the name, Jesus. His death by crucifixion and His bodily resurrection reconciled the

human race to God. He ascended to heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father

making intercession for us as the King of kings and Lord of lords (Isaiah 53:1-5; Matthew 1:21

-23; John 1:1-3, 11:25-26; Ephesians 1:20-23; Philippians 2:1-6; 1 Timothy 2:5).

3. God the Holy Spirit: We believe in God the Holy Spir it, co-Creator with the Father and

Son, who is now sent by the Father through the Son to convict the world of sin, lead us into all

truth, and empower and equip the Church to carry on Christ’s work on earth (Genesis 1:2; John

14:26, 15:26, 16:8; Acts 1:8).


We believe the human race is fallen from its original, created goodness because of the sin of Adam

and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:27, 3:1-6; Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:10, 3:23, 5:12, 5:19).


We believe Jesus Christ was the sacrifice God planned from the foundation of the world for the sin of

the human race. By shedding His blood and dying on the cross, Jesus made provision for the salvation

of all people (Isaiah 53:5; Titus 2:14; Hebrews 7:25; 1 Peter 1:19-20). SALVATION We believe,

because of our total inability to save ourselves, salvation is by God’s grace alone. It is received by

faith with repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Savior (John 3:3, 3:16-17; 2

Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Peter 2:24).


We believe water baptism by immersion in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is an outward

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sign of an inward work and is commanded by God following conversion (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38;




We believe in partaking of the bread and the cup of communion in remembrance of the Lord’s death,

burial, and resurrection. We celebrate an open communion for all believers regardless of church affili-

ation (Luke 22:7-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-28).


We believe the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in every believer at the moment of salvation. The baptism

in the Holy Spirit is distinct from salvation, releasing the power of the Holy Spirit through faith. Con-

sistent with biblical accounts, believers should anticipate Spirit-baptism to be accompanied by speak-

ing in tongues and other biblical manifestations. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is given to endue the

believer with power from God, to offer an inspired witness for Christ, to lead the believer in a life of

holiness, and to equip for a Spirit-filled life of service (John 7:37-39, 14:16; Acts 1:8, 2:4, 2:38-39,

8:14-17, 10:44-46, 19:6; Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 3:16).


We believe every Christian should walk and abide in daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit and experi-

ence continual renewing of God’s power to live a Spirit-filled life in attitudes, thoughts, speech, and

conduct. In order to build up and equip both individual believers and the Church of Jesus Christ, the

Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts that are to be earnestly desired and exercised in the spirit of love. The

fruit of the Spirit to be cultivated in the life of every believer is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (John 15:4-8, Acts 4:31; Romans 8:1-9, 12:1-2,

12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 3:16, 12:7-11, 12:31; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Galatians 5:16-25; Ephesians 4:11, 4:30

-32, 5:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22; 1 Peter 1:15, 4:10-11; 1 John 2:6).


We believe the power of God to heal the sick and afflicted is provided for in Christ’s death on the

cross. God is willing to and does heal today (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 16:18; Acts 3:16,

10:38; James 5:14-16; 1 Peter 2:24).


We believe the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ assures the believer of bodily resurrection and

eternal life (Matthew 28:1-7; Romans 6:1-10; 1 Corinthians 15:20-22; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18).


We believe the second coming of Christ will be personal, visible, and triumphant (Zechariah 14:4;

Matthew 24:36- 44; Acts 1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, 2:8; Titus 2:12-13;

Revelation 1:7).

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We believe Christians should assemble regularly for edification, worship, fellowship, and proclama-

tion of the gospel. All believers should do the work of the ministry according to their spiritual gifts

and should tithe and otherwise contribute financially to their church (Psalm 111:1; Malachi 3:8-10;

Acts 2:42-47, 16:5; Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7; Hebrews 10:24-25).


We believe civil government is ordained of God, and all people should be subject to the laws of the

land, except those contrary to Scripture. In times of war, the individual’s participation in actual com-

bat and taking of human life shall be governed by one’s own conscience (Mark 12:17; Acts 5:29; Ro-

mans 13:1-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-2; Hebrews 12:14).


We believe there will be a final judgment for all unbelievers. Hell is an actual place of great suffering,

bitter sorrow, and remorse reserved forever for the devil and his angels and all whose names are not

written in Christ’s book of life (Matthew 13:41-43, 25:41; Mark 9:43-44; Revelation 14:10-11, 20:10-



We believe heaven is an actual place of happiness and security where believers will dwell forever with

God and receive the reward of their deeds done while on earth (John 14:2; 1 Corinthians 2:9, 3:10-15;

Revelation 7:15-17, 21:4, 22:5).


We believe the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to carry the gospel message

to the entire world – to every nation, ethnicity, culture, and language. The growth and strength of the

Church depend on its wholehearted sacrifice and support for world evangelization (Psalm 2:8; Prov-

erbs 11:30; Matthew 9:38; Mark 16:15; John 4:35-37; Acts 1:8; Romans 10:13-15; Ephesians 5:16; 2

Timothy 4:1-2; James 5:20; Revelation 5:9).

Taken from the Open Bible Churches Manual, 2015.

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Section Two:




Equip the Saints for the Work of Ministry...

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Why Creekside?

What does our School of Ministry offer you? Here you will find a more detailed description of

the four training components of Creekside School of Ministry: Spiritual Formation, Educa-

tion, Ministry Experience and Leadership Development.

Spiritual Formation (Inspire):

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints

and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and proph-

ets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined to-

gether, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a

dwelling place for God by the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:19-22, ESV)

Spiritual Formation is the foundation of any ministry leader; without a healthy daily devotional

time, how can a leader be inspired by God for works of ministry? To complete the Spiritual

Formation component at Creekside, students will learn and practice daily devotions, strengthen

their knowledge and understanding of spiritual disciplines, and work to deepen their relation-

ship and dependence on Christ.

Education (Instruct):

To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise

dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; to give prudence to the simple, knowledge

and discretion to the youth - Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who un-

derstands obtain guidance (Proverbs 1:2-5, ESV)

Wisdom is essential in spiritual leadership, and Biblical knowledge is invaluable in every form

of church leadership. To ensure our leaders have been instructed in this area, Creekside will

recognize several forms of classical education, local programs and ministry training programs.

In addition, students age 16-24 will be required to take the “Marketable Vocational Skills”

module which will help them be productive in their personal and professional lives.

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Ministry Experience (Instill)

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp

and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way,

let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your

Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16, ESV)

Nothing replaces practical experience in ministry, where disciples will have godly values and

practices instilled IN them. During the student’s time at Creekside, they will have opportunity

to serve in various roles, ministry areas and community venues. Our requirement for experi-

ence in several areas of ministry in order to complete the course aims to release leaders who’ve

had valuable ministry leadership experiences and who are ready to handle the challenges that

come with ministry.

Leadership Development (Invest):

So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as

well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is

among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you;

not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being ex-

amples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown

of glory. Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you,

with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the hum-

ble.” (1 Peter 5:1-5, ESV)

Ministry Leadership requires a high level of accountability. Therefore, the final component of

Creekside School of Ministry is Leadership Development, with a special focus on mentoring.

Individually or as a small group, students will walk beside a mature Christian in a mentoring

relationship: gleaning wisdom and experience, yielding to correction and accountability, and

noting methodology in ministry situations. In addition, students will have opportunity to inter-

act with others in various places and positions of ministry leadership; to study written leader-

ship material and to process its usefulness to ministry assignments.

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Spiritual Formation (Inspire): Credit Requirement...20 credits

Accepted coursework:

INSTE I 2 credits per completed course

(4 courses = 8 credits)

INSTE II 2 credits per completed course

(24 courses = 48 credits)

New Hope Christian College Classes (per approval)

Creekside Approved Courses 1 credit per completed course

Education (Instruct): Credit Requirement...59 credits

11 credits of basic “Bible Training”

INSTE Bible College, Level I 2 credits per completed course

(4 courses = 8 credits)

Creekside Required Courses (See list) 1 credit per completed course

48 credits of higher education courses with emphasis on Bible/Theology.

INSTE Bible College, Level II 2 credits per completed course

(24 courses = 48 credits)

New Hope or other Bible College Classes Credit value will be honored

Accredited College Classes (per approval) TBD

Military Courses (per approval) TBD

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Marketable Vocation Skills Module:

**Mandatory for students ages 16-24**

This 12-credit module is designed to assist students in their personal and professional develop-

ment. A more-detailed overview of this module is found on page 18.

Communication Skills 3 credits per completed course

Time Management 3 credits per completed course

Professional Development 3 credits per completed course

Personal Finance 3 credits per completed course

Ministry Experience (Instill): Credit Requirement...24 credits

Ministry Experience training will be specific to a student's calling: Pastoral, Missions Prep-

aration, or Church Planting. Please see a specific breakdown of each of these three tracks

on the next pages.

Leadership Development (Invest): Credit Requirement...12 credits

Person-to-Person mentoring Group 1 credit per semester (13-weeks)

INSTE II (Beyond Academics Mentoring) 2 credits per semester

(6 semesters = 12 credits total)

Small Group Leadership (required) 1 credit per semester (13 weeks)

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Creekside Required Courses:

We Believe (Open Bible Orientation) 2 credits per course

Approved Apologetics Course 1 credit per course

Spiritual Giftedness Testing/Study 1 credit per course

Pentecostal Distinctives Workshop 1 credit per workshop

One semester hour requires 45 clock hours of study and class time

Creekside Approved Courses:

13-week Classes 1 credit per semester

(These will be courses that meet the criteria for Spiritual Development training.)

One semester hour requires 45 clock hours of study and class time

Total credits required to complete Creekside School of Ministry

117 credits

129 credits with Marketable

Vocational Skills Module

Duration to complete the coursework at Creekside will take an average of 2-4 years, but will

vary by student - this will be covered at Student Interviews.

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Ministry Experience (Instill): Credit Requirement...24 credits

Pastoral Track

Pastoral Track Required Courses:

Homiletics (Preaching Theory & Technique) 1 credit per course

Pre-Marriage Counseling 1 credit per course

Church Administration and Finance 1 credit per course

Relational Wisdom Training 1 credit per course

Ministry Leadership Experience (4) 5 credits per experience

13-weeks (one semester) of ministry experience/shadowing an approved Pastoral Staff member

will yield 5 credits. Creekside students enrolled in the Pastoral Track will be required to com-

plete FOUR different shadowing experiences.

1. Lead Pastoral

2. Worship (optional emphasis on AV/IT)

3. Administration

4. Discipleship

5. Children/Youth

6. Parachurch Ministry Leadership (requires pre-approval)

Capstone Project:

Each student will complete a final project in order to receive a certificate of completion from

Creekside School of Ministry. Students in the Pastoral Track will complete a Plan of Ministry

and present it to a panel of Creekside leaders. (Criteria for the Plan will be given to the stu-

dents ahead of time.)

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Ministry Experience (Instill): Credit Requirement...24 credits

Missions Preparation Track

Missions Preparation Track Required Courses:

Missions Finance 1 credit per course

Relational Wisdom Training 1 credit per course

Missions Workshops (x2) 1 credit per workshop

Creekside will host Missions Workshops once per year so students can receive instruction and

coaching in missions and ministry leadership.

20 credits of “Missions Experience” 10 credits per Intensive

Students in the Missions Preparation Track will be required to complete the Perspectives

online study material and attend two four-week Missions Intensives at the following Open Bi-

ble Missions Bases:

1. Taste and See Missions Training, Trinidad

Location: School of Global Leadership, Trinidad

Student Cost: $1000 plus airfare ($900 approximate)

Duration: 4 weeks

2. Tijuana Missions Training, Mexico

Location: Puente de Amistad Missions Base, Tijuana, Mexico

Student Cost: $800 plus airfare ($500 approximate)

Duration: 4 weeks

Capstone Project:

Each student will complete a final project in order to receive a certificate of completion from

Creekside School of Ministry. Students in the Missions Preparation Track will complete and

present a Missions Plan to an Unreached Country at the final workshop. (Criteria for the Plan

will be given to students ahead of time.)

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Ministry Experience (Instill): Credit Requirement...24 credits

Church Planting Track

Church Planting Track Required Courses:

Homiletics (Preaching Theory & Technique) 1 credit per course

Relational Wisdom Training 1 credit per course

Church Planting Workshops (x4) 2 credits per workshop

Creekside will host Church Planters Workshops twice per year so students can receive instruc-

tion and coaching in church planting and ministry leadership. Students will be required to read

and report on a list of books in preparation for the Workshops. (List will be provided)

Ministry Leadership Experience (2) 5 credits per experience

13-weeks (one semester) of ministry experience/shadowing an approved Pastoral Staff member

will yield 5 credits. Creekside students in the Church Planting Track will be required to com-

plete two different shadowing experiences.

Church Planting Intensive 2 credits

Students in the Church Planting Track will be required to spend two weeks with two different

current church plants.

Students will complete First Steps for Planting a Missional Church curriculum as part of their


Church Planting Interviews 2 credits

Students will be required to personally interview two different successful church planters and

summarize their findings in paper format. (Guidelines will be provided)

Capstone Project:

Each student will complete a final project in order to receive a certificate of completion from

Creekside School of Ministry. Students in the Church Planting Track will complete and pre-

sent their Church Plant Proposal at the final workshop. (Criteria for the Proposal will be given

to the students ahead of time.)

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Marketable Vocational Skills Module

**Mandatory for students ages 16-24**, optional for other students.

Credit Requirement...12 credits

Communication Skills 3 credits per completion

Time Management 3 credits per completion

Professional Development 3 credits per completion

Personal Finance 3 credits per completion

One semester hour requires 45 clock hours of study and class time

Area #1: Communication Skills Credit Requirements...3 credits

What to say and how to say it are vital skills in every aspect of our lives: work, ministry and

all other interpersonal relationships. For that reason, Creekside requires students age 16-24 to

complete coursework in this area. Topics of study will include:

1. Communication Skills course work.

Eye Contact

Speaking Style

Word Choice

Body Language

Grace under Pressure (poise)

Phone Etiquette

Email and texting etiquette

Curriculum/Study Materials:

1. Creekside Communication 101 (2 credits): This will be a combination of classroom time and

practical application. As students learn a new skill, they will immediately practice it with

peers and their coach and/or mentor. Students will learn and practice communication skills in

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various settings – online, home, church, and business/professional, public as part of this class.

2. Students will also be assigned a Professional Coach who will help them strengthen their

communication skills in an informal setting. Professional Mentors will receive the course de-

scription and a list of target areas for Creekside Communication 101 so they can complement

the course’s teachings as they work with the student in weekly meetings.

2. Conflict Resolution course work

Giving and Receiving Correction

Listening Skills

Tone/Word Choice

Critical Thinking

Team Cooperation

Curriculum/Study Materials Used:

1. CM 245D (New Hope Distance Course) – Life Skills of a Leader (1 credit)

This course targets 21st century church leaders for becoming God’s speakers. It deals with

grand principles in easy building blocks: upgrading character, personality, attitude, initiative,

teamwork, and even how to become a great thinker.

2. Students will have opportunity to practice these skills further as part of their Practical Min-

istry Experiences. Mentoring Ministry Leaders will receive a list of Conflict Resolution Skills

that the student needs to strengthen and can help monitor progress over the course of the se-

mester. Students should have opportunity to see Mentoring Ministry Leaders model conflict

resolution in the ministry setting and will be given opportunity to practice it themselves.

Area #2: Professional Development Credit Requirements...3 credits

Our Creekside students need to be marketable in the workplace. Since most will need to have

full-time employment during their Creekside career and after, we want to assist them in be-

coming “employable”. The following areas of study will be covered in a classroom setting:

Resume Writing

Interview Skills

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Dressing for Success

Being a Model Employee

Work Ethic

Team Work

Curriculum/Study Materials Used:

1. Creekside Professional Development 101: Students will receive classroom instruction fol-

lowed by opportunity to role play interviews with actual business professionals to help sharpen

their interview and professional communication skills.

2. Students will read John Maxwell’s The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork and discuss each

chapter with their Professional Mentor weekly.

3. Common sense Job Shadowing: – students will spend a day with professionals in order to

get a feel for the work involved AND to learn work ethic. These are deliberately entry-level

positions that they may apply for during their time at Creekside. They will choose from

THREE of the following:

1. Food service

2. Maintenance

3. Construction

4. Agriculture

5. Call Center

6. Clerical/Secretarial

7. Sales

8. Other: We will try to match a shadowing experience to student’s interest.

At the conclusion of their Job Shadowing experiences, students will submit a written paper to

their Professional Coach and Creekside’s Director that summarizes their experience for each:

1. What new skills they learned.

2. Positives and negatives about the job.

3. Strengths and weaknesses they saw in the employee they shadowed.

4. A SELF-analysis of the strengths and weaknesses they identified in themselves as they


4. How they saw Communication and Time Management Skills operating in the work place.

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Area #3: Personal and Professional Time Management

Credit Requirements...3 credits

From the onset of their Creekside School of Ministry career, we will help students to be orga-

nized and efficient with their time. They will be trained in four areas of Time Management:

Personal Time Management

Family Time Management

Ministry Time Management

Vocational Time Management

Curriculum/Study Materials Used:

1. Students will receive and complete a Time Management Assessment during their initial Stu-

dent Interview in order to best plan their study schedules, then will update their Mentors week-

ly on their Personal Time Management and Family Time Management (for students who are

already married and/or parents).

2. Students will work with their Mentoring Ministry Leaders to learn Ministry Time Manage-

ment. They will be part of planning and executing ministry programs and/or events to get a

realistic understanding of time commitments. They will also be part of ministry phone calls,

hospital and home visits and other pastoral duties.

3. Students will be invited to attend Leadership Academy’s February webinar on Effective

Time Management, featuring Open Bible President, Randall Bach.

4. As part of their Common Sense Job Shadowing, students will interview the employee or a

manager (if possible) regarding Vocational Time Management. They will keep track of the

employee’s duties and habits during their Job Shadowing experience and submit a written pa-

per to their Professional Mentor and Creekside’s Director summarizing their observations.

(See above)

Upon completion of all FOUR steps in this area, students will receive 3 credits

in Personal and Professional Time Management.

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Area #4: Personal Finance Credit Requirements...3 credits

We all know that financial burden can affect every part of our lives! Because we want our

Creekside students to leave our school with zero debt and prepared to live fiscally responsible

and productive lives, students will be required to take the Dave Ramsey course Foundations in

Personal Finance College Edition – see description below:

Foundations In Personal Finance College Edition with STREAMING VIDEO is the com-

plete kit students need for their college class including hardcover textbook and voucher

card to have access to the streaming instructional video from anywhere. Chapters in-


Savings: Save for emergencies, large purchases and wealth building

Budgets: Create and live on a zero–based budget

Debt: Avoid the trap of borrowing money

College Student Essentials: Learn what every college student needs to know about money

Family, Friends and Philanthropy: Assess the impact of money on relationships

Consumer Awareness: Buy wisely by understanding powerful marketing strategies

Bargains: Find and negotiate deep discounts

Credit Bureaus: Evaluate the role of credit in our culture

Insurance: Protect yourself with seven types of insurance

Investments: Build wealth and change your family tree

Retirement Plans: Retire as a millionaire through long-term tax-favored plans

Real Estate: Buy, sell, and rent real estate property

Curriculum/Study Materials Used:

1. Foundations In Personal Finance College Edition by Dave Ramsey (3 credits)

(In addition to personal study of this material, students will meet weekly with other students

and a facilitator to discuss and encourage one another in their financial study.)

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Section Three:


Equip the Saints for the Work of Ministry...

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Degrees and Certificates from Creekside:

As students meet their educational criteria, they can achieve the following upon completion of

their specified coursework:

Certificate/Degree Options from INSTE Bible College:

Certificate in Christian Ministry (Level 1)

Requirement: 8 credit hours

Advanced Certificate in Bible and Theology

Requirement: 38 hours

Prerequisites: Certificate in Christian Ministry and at least 15 hours of transferred credit

The Advanced Certificate provides a short program for those who cannot commit to the full di-

ploma program at the time of enrollment. It parallels the Associate of Arts program but at a

non-degree level.

Associate of Arts in Bible and Theology

Requirement: 65 hours

Prerequisites: Certificate in Christian Ministry and at least 15 hours of transferred credit

(50 hours plus 15 transferred hours and collateral reading)

This program is designed specifically for those called to ministry who desire degree-level prep-

aration for lay ministry. After completing the Certificate Program, students must complete 12

more INSTE courses in addition to their transferred credit in order to obtain this degree.

Diploma in Bible and Theology

Requirement: 68 credit hours

Prerequisite: Certificate in Christian Ministry

This non-degree program, designed for those whom God has called to leadership and ministry,

helps develop the emerging leader/minister to be able to fulfill his/her leadership or ministry


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Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology

Requirement: 128 credit hours

Prerequisites: Certificate in Christian Ministry

36 hours of transferred credit*

Degree Options from New Hope Christian College:

Associate of Science in Ministry Leadership (Online)

Requirement: 63 credits

Prerequisites: See New Hope Chr istian College Enrollment Requirements (1.800.322.2638)

Students may apply for credentialing with Open Bible Churches upon completion of their

studies, though completion of Creekside does not guarantee a credential. Students will

still need to meet the regular criteria for credentialing.

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Section Four:



Equip the Saints for the Work of Ministry...

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Creekside utilizes programs (INSTE Bible College, Leadership Academy, New Hope Christian

and other college courses) that already have fees attached to them, and students will pay those

entities directly. Partners of Open Bible Christian Center will pay a one-time Enrollment Fee

of $100. Non-partners will be charged a non-refundable Enrollment Fee of $250. Individual

Tracks have varying fees. (see next page)

For your convenience, we have listed up-to-date program fees for you for the existing pro-

grams we utilize at Creekside:

One - Time Enrollment Fees

Non-Partner Enrollment Fee: $250

Partner Enrollment Fee: $100

Individual program fees:

INSTE Bible College Level I $90/course (4 x $90 = $360 total)

INSTE Bible College Level II $240/course (24 x $240 = $5760 total)

(Degree program = $7560 total)

**See for a complete breakdown of student cost for INSTE.

New Hope Christian College Online Associate of Science in Ministry Leadership

$975 Tuition

$100 Technology and Books

**See for a complete breakdown of student cost for New Hope Christian Col-

lege’s online program.

You can register for INSTE Bible College by contacting Pastor Christi Hendrickson:


[email protected]

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Pastoral Track Fees: $480.00 Workshops (optional) $480.00

Missions Track Fees: $3440.00 Workshops $ 240.00

Missions Experiences* $3200.00

Church Planting Track Fees: $980.00 Workshops $480.00

CP Intensive * $500.00

Marketable Vocational Skills Module Fees: $500.00 Curriculum (Financial Peace and other) $500.00

*Estimated cost - dependent on actual travel expenses.


Creekside School of Ministry does not offer any form of student housing at this time. Students

are encouraged to seek part-time employment while enrolled in order to pay for coursework

(INSTE Bible College, New Hope Christian College, Leadership Academy) as well as living


If it is preferable, students can enroll in one of our local universities or technical schools in or-

der to attain marketable vocational skills in addition to their ministerial training.


Students should not purchase any of the books from the “Approved” or “Required” Class list

or any other study materials until they’ve had an interview with Creekside’s Director to estab-

lish an individualized plan of study.

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Requirements for admission to Creekside School of Ministry:

Student must be a born-again believer.

Student must exemplify faithfulness in attendance and service to his/her local church (as

attested by Pastoral Reference Form)

Student must be at least 16 years old and exemplify personal and spiritual maturity.

Creekside does not require a secondary education diploma for enrollment . However, to be

able to benefit from these studies, the applicant to Creekside must be able to read and com-

prehend the study materials and have the capacity to complete the program requirement.

(Currently, Creekside only offers course work in English.)

Students must attain a Pastoral Reference from an Open Bible credentialed pastor.

Students should have ministry leadership experience

Students must provide transcripts from other post-secondary programs/schools

Enrollment in the individual program associated with Creekside (INSTE Bible College, New

Hope Christian College, Leadership Academy, other college courses) may have additional re-

quirements. Prospective students should thoroughly research the programs they plan to utilize

during their Creekside School of Ministry attendance to ensure they are able to meet the re-

quirements for each program.

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Section Five:





Equip the Saints for the Work of Ministry...

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Creekside School of Ministry Enrollment Form

Personal Information (please print):

Name: _______________________________ Date-of-Birth _____________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________ State ________ Zip Code __________

Phone: _____________________ Email: ____________________________________

Gender: ___ Male ___ Female

Marital Status:

___ Married (Spouse’s name: _________________) ___ Single

___ Widowed ___ Divorced

Previous Academic Experience:

Highest level of education achieved: Check one box below. Not High School Graduate

High School or GED Currently in college or have some college courses completed

College Degree: Undergrad. ( 2 yr. 4 yr.) Vocational School College Degree: Graduate

Church Background:

Name of the church you presently attend : _____________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________ State ________ Zip Code __________

Denomination: ___________________________________

Senior Pastor’s name ______________________________

Please circle the following which apply: I’ve been baptized in water I’ve been baptized in the Holy Spirit

I’m employed part-time I’m employed full-time

I’m unemployed I’m a full-time student

I minister/serve in my church I’m an official member-in-good-standing

at my church

I regularly attend (3-5 times monthly) I’m a faithful financial supporter of my

my church church

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Please describe how you have served and currently serve in your church: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please provide a concise testimony of your relationship with God: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Please, briefly explain why you want to enroll in Creekside School of Ministry and what

you hope to gain from the experience: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By signing below, I agree to the following:

I have read Open Bible Churches’ Statement of Faith and agree with the doctrinal beliefs


I agree to fulfill the academic and financial obligations that accompany my personalized

study plan at Creekside School of Ministry.

I agree to the accountability of my mentor, instructors and the Director of Creekside School

of Ministry.

______________________________ __________________________

Student Signature Date

______________________________ __________________________

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Printed Name of Parent/

(for students under 18) Legal Guardian

What’s Next?

1. Complete this Enrollment Form

2. Ask your Pastor to fill in and submit the Pastoral Reference Form. (next page)

3. Submit completed Enrollment Form to Reverend Christi Hendrickson. (See contact infor-

mation below)

And then what?

1. You will be contacted for a Student Interview to help establish the best Creekside plan for


Creekside School of Ministry

Open Bible Christian Center

ATTN: Reverend Christi Hendrickson

2225 E. St. Patrick Street

Rapid City, South Dakota 57703

[email protected]


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Open Bible Pastoral Reference (required):

PASTOR: Please complete and sign the following:

This applicant _________________________fulfills the following requirements

necessary for admission to Creekside School of Ministry:

• Born again and shows signs of spiritual growth ........................... Yes No

Faithful in attendance and service to the local church ................ Yes No

Will be at least 16 years old before beginning the course ........... Yes No

Ability to read and comprehend courses ..................................... Yes No

Shows Ministry Leadership potential ………………………….. Yes No

Do you have any concerns/reservations about recommending this student for ad-

mission to Creekside School of Ministry? If so, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you recommend this student for admission to Creekside School of Ministry,

please sign below.

_____________________________ ____________________

Pastor’s signature Date

_____________________________ ____________________

Printed name Phone Number

Return this form to:

Creekside School of Ministry

Open Bible Christian Center ATTN: Reverend Christi Hendrickson

2225 E. St. Patrick Street

Rapid City, SD 57703

FAX 605-342-0865

[email protected]

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Want to know more about

Creekside School of Ministry?

Visit our Website

Call or email us today.

Creekside School of Ministry

Reverend Christi Hendrickson, Director

2225 E. St. Patrick Street

Rapid City, South Dakota 57703

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 605-342-4496

Fax: 605-342-0865

There’s a Need.

You’ve Been Called.

Creekside Can Get You There!