Puerto Plata Guide

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  • 7/31/2019 Puerto Plata Guide





  • 7/31/2019 Puerto Plata Guide


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    Com and por Purto Pata and th sizzing bachtowns o Cabart, Corsi and Sosa, whr rich cuturand histor ming with dicious gastronom, warm

    Dominican pop, iv music and magica cotourismactivitis. Th nchanting Purto Pata provinc aongDominican Rpubics North Coast aturs nar 50mis (80 m) o coastin as w as a varit o rsorts,hots and condominiums to suit vr nd and budgt.Its no wondr th ara bcons r spirits who sco- advntur and stish pampring, and want toparticipat in th oous Dominican wa o i.

    Christophr Coumbus rst arrivd in this ara on his rstvoag to th Amricas and th Isand o Hispanioa in1492. Upon his arriva, h namd th rgion PurtoPata (Sivr Port in Spanish) du to th sparing

    rfction o th sun rom th pristin ocan watrsaong th coastin and mountains. Aso nown as thAmbr Coast or its rich and rar ambr, Purto Patais situatd on th outsirts o Mount Isab d Torrswhr th warm watrs and prct trad winds mathis ara th rnownd wind sports and it boardingcapita o th word. It is aso th hom to Ocan WordMarin Par, th Fort San Fip, Bruga Rum Factorand mor dightu attractions. And, i pampring andraation is what ou dsir, th rgions hots andrsorts divr.

    Th sparing ivor-coord sand and crsta-car

    bu ocan watr catch th attntion o visitors, but thwinds, watrsports and activ pac o th provinc pthm coming bac or mor. Th North Coast atursbachs that provid nough wind to p windsportnthusiasts nthrad and othrs that or pacutranquiit or thos ooing to ta it as.

    Th oowing guid to Purto Pata incuds dscriptionso th amazing attractions, accommodations and co-advnturs that await ou.

    Cover photo: Pro Kiteboarder Luciano Gonzlez

    Welcome toPuerto Plata

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    Purto Pata is ocatd on Dominican Rpubics North Coastwhr th Atantic Ocan mts this magnicnt natura rgionspristin bachs that ad to ush grn vas and pam covrdmountains. Dominican Rpubic occupis th astrn two-thirds oth arg isand o Hispanioa, which it shars with th Rpubico Haiti, and is th scond argst countr in th Caribban,comprising an ara o 29,948 squar mis (48,198 m).

    Th countr has a popuation o mor than 9.5 miion and nossunn tropica wathr ar-round with avrag tmpratursrom 78 to 88 F (25 to 31 C). Th coor sason is Novmbrthrough Apri, whi it is warmst rom Ma through Octobr.

    TIMe: Th oca tim zon is eastrn Caribban Tim (GMT-0400). Dominican Rpubic dos not obsrv daight savingstim.

    CAPITAl CITy: Dominican Rpubics historic and sophisticatdcapita cit, Santo Domingo, is th odst cit o th Nw Wordand was dcard a Word Hritag Sit b UNeSCO in 1990.

    lANGUAGe: Spanish is th ocia anguag, howvr, ou bsurprisd b th act that th maorit o mpos in hots andtourist dstinations spa rativ good engish, Frnch, Grmanand Itaian.

    CURReNCy: Th Dominican pso (RD$) is th ocia currnc.

    FactsGeTTING HeRe: Dominican Rpubic currnt has ightintrnationa airports. Th main ons srving th Purto Pataara ar Grgorio luprn Intrnationa Airport in Purto Pataand e Cibao Intrnationa Airport, ocatd in Santiago, on hoursouth o Purto Pata. Maritim Ports that rguar rciv cruisships incud: Santo Domingo Port (Don Digo and Sans Soucitrminas), Casa d Campo Port in la Romana and Saman Baaciitis.

    DOCUMeNTATION: For most visitors, a passport aongwith a US$ 10 Tourist Card (avaiab at th airport) is

    rquird to ntr th countr. For a ist o countris thatcan ntr Dominican Rpubic without a visa, pas visit:www.GoDominicanRpubic.com.

    eleCTRICITy: Oprats at 110 Vots/60 Hrtz, th sam as NorthAmrica.

    TAxeS: Dominican hots and rstaurants coct 26 prcnt othir pubishd prics (16 prcnt sas ta + 10 prcnt srviccharg).

    MeDICAl PReCAUTIONS: Travrs visiting th countr aradvisd to drin on bottd watr. Aso, bcaus o th strngtho th Caribban sun, it is rcommndd that vacationrs drinwatr throughout th da to avoid dhdration.

    DRINkING AGe: Th ga drining ag in th countr is 18ars od.

    HOTelS: For inormation about Dominican Rpubic hots, visitth Association o Hots and Tourism: www.Asonahors.com

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    OCeAN WORlD ADVeNTURe PARk Ocan Word tas visitorsup cos and prsona with th ocans mastic inhabitants, idophins, sa ions, stingras, tropica birds, shars and mor.Th ntrtainmnt comp ors visitors a onc in a itimprinc. Adacnt to th marina is Ocan Word Casino. Thour-stor buiding immrss visitors into a dirnt atmosphr,rom v-star dining, to iv music, to gaming, to spctacuarocan viws, to coctai oungs, to th tropica and oticBravissimo Show. For mor inormation, visit www.ocanword.nt or ca (809) 291-1111.

    27 FAllS OF DAMAjAGUA For on th most advnturous,hi and sca a sris o spctacuar watras with th orstcanop abov ou and crsta car watr bow. F oursnss com aiv as ou princ naturs prct watrpar,th 27 Watras o Damaagua. Couragous visitors can ump,sid and swim down natura watr chuts or ump in pacupoos. eprinc is not ncssar, athough on swimmrs arncouragd to participat. Visit: www.27charcos.com.

    AMBeR MUSeUM Housd in an incrdib pitom o Victorianarchitctur nown as Via Bntz, th Ambr Musum boastsa uniqu coction o vauab Dominican ambr dating bacmiions o ars. Th Ambr Musum ors guidd tours insvra anguags. Musum dispas dtai how ambr was

    ormd and vn how th inscts in th ston inspird th mjurassic Par. For mor inormation, visit www.ambrmusum.com or ca (809) 586-2848.

    VICTORIAN ARCHITeCTURe Downtown Purto Pata is nownor its gorgous at 19th and ar 20th cntur prsrvdVictorian homs and pubic buidings garnrd with gingrbradmotis, woodn ac igr and past coors. Visitors can admirturn-o-th cntur charm whi th ta a stro in th hart o thcit, which is dcoratd with som o th most bautiu Victorianarchitctur.

    SAN FelIPe FORT In 1541, Spaniards bgan constructing thFort o San Fip in ordr to protct Purto Pata rom piratsand othr intrudrs. Th ort was comptd in 1577, maing itth odst standing structur in Purto Pata and th on rmnanto th coonia tim architctur.

    MOUNT ISABel De TORReS & CABle CAR RIDe Visitors canprinc brathtaing scnr o Purto Pata rom MountIsab d Torrs. A thriing 10-minut cab car rid taspassngrs up 2,656 t (810 mtrs) through mist couds toth mountain top with spctacuar viws aong th wa. Th shortrid up rwards visitors with ush otic fowrs that fourish atopin its botanica gardns with man waing paths. At th pa,ridrs can gt a cos up oo at a statu o Christ th Rdmr,a smar rpica o th Rio d janiro andmar.

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    PlAyA DORADA GOlF ClUB lgndar go-cours architctRobrt Trnt jons Sr. dsignd th Paa Dorada Go Cub, whichopnd in 1976. jons bautiu cration is ocatd in th popuarPaa Dorada Rsort Comp in Purto Pata and is situatdamong a dozn hots in th co-rind rgion. Th rativ fatPaa Dorada Go Cub is nown or its outstanding conditioningand cptiona grns. www.paadoradago.com.

    lOS MANGOS GOlF COURSe Rdsignd b P.B. D in

    2010, los Mangos (Th Mangos) aturs 18 divrs hos,incuding 9 with sa viws. St among a ruit trs, such asmangos, Spanish ims, and coconut grovs, los Mangos isocatd in th Costambar rsidntia dvopmnt 10 minutsrom th cit o Purto Pata. Pars can vn no atingmangos whi th pa th two straight rounds. And rgardsso our si v, gors wi achiv thir gong goas with thstat-o-th-art quipmnt and prossiona ssons.www.osmangosgo.com.

    PlAyA GRANDe GOlF COURSe Paa Grand Go Cours,which opnd in 1997, is th ast go cours Robrt Trnt jonsSr., dsignd. Fitting its aso considrd among his bst.Tn o th somwhat-hi aouts hos pa aong th Atantic

    Ocans cis, otn wh it is rrrd to as th Pbb Bacho th Caribban. Th cours is cut into th cis ovrooingth ocan, undrground springs supp abundant rsh watr,th ush and has numrous od trs and roa pams, and thnighboring and consists o orsts and sma arms.www.paagrand.com.

    NIGHTlIFe Purto Patas nighti rangs rom iv sasa cubsto oca bars u o ocas and visitors dancing to sutr mrngumusic. In addition, th maorit o th rsorts wi hav vningshows with dancing, singing, costumd prormrs, Mrngussons, arao, baut pagants and mor.

    SHOPPING Whn ou trav thr wi awas b tim to shoparound or som ambr, arimar, cigars, or good Dominicanrum. For ths purposs, thrs no othr pac bttr than PaaDorada Paza: a two-stor shopping cntr with boutiqus, aprumr, wr and iquor stors, git shops, art garis,cigars, photographs, boos and magazins. Paa Dorada Pazaaso aturs rstaurants, pizzrias, Intrnt and ca cntrs, apaground or chidrn, bans, thr movi thatrs, discothquand cas. Bach towns i Sosa and Cabart o th NorthCoast ar w nown or quaint itt shops sing Dominicansouvnirs, rom bachwar to arts and crats.

    MARINAS Approimat 25,000 boats cruis aong thNorth Coast, th main rout btwn Forida and Vnzua.Thror, Purto Pata aturs svra marinas to suit vrnd. Ocan Word Marina is th rst u-srvic marina ouwi nd btwn th havi travd Forida/Bahamas ara andth Purto Rico/eastrn Caribban rgion. Marina luprn has200 sips or achts rom 30 to 80 t (9 to 24 mtrs) lOA andan additiona svn or thos ovr 100 t (30 mtrs) lOA.Purto Banco Marina, ocatd wst o Purto Pata in luprn, isa u ncosd marina with th abiit to moor 200 achts withdrats up to 8 t (2.4 mtrs).

    lAGUNA GRI-GRI A sanctuar or cooru birds, laguna Gri-

    Gri is a bautiu and pacu agoon st undr a mangrovsnar th viag o Rio San juan. locatd 62 mis (100 m)ast o Purto Pata, ou can ta a boat to laguna Gri-Gri andpor th ancint mangrovs, s th cav o th swaows(Cuva d las Goondrinas), swim th shaow cov and noth pacu tranquiit o th scudd bach.

    BRUGAl RUM FACTORy TOUR Dominican Rpubic is amousor its rum and Purto Pata is th ocation or th Bruga RumFactor. This rum is cratd compt rom Dominican hands,sugar can and distid and agd insid th countr nsuringa tru Dominican favor. No wondr it is a avorit o manDominicans. Tours ar ord Monda through Frida rom9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and again rom 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

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    CARIBBeAN lASeR MIDWINTeR ReGATTA Th AnnuaCaribban lasr Midwintr Rgatta ics o th words lasrRgatta candar vr januar in Cabart, th kitboardingCapita o th Word. This vnt attracts top saiors romaround th word. Th Caribban lasr Midwintr Rgattais hostd b th lasr Training Cntr with th assistanc oth Dominican Saiing Fdration. For mor inormation, visitwww.Caribwind.com.

    CARNIVAl IN PUeRTO PlATA Carniva cbrations ar hdvr Sunda in Fbruar aong th Macn o Purto Pata, whrcbrations dat bac to th 19th Cntur. Visitors and ocas aican no parads, music and popuar dancs, Dominican dishs,dmonstrations o arts and cutur, and costums.

    MASTeR OF THe OCeAN Nationa and intrnationa athts initboarding, surng and windsurng gathr vr Apri in Cabartor Mastr o th Ocan. This utimat watr sports triathon tststhir phsica conditioning, quipmnt and princ againsttwo o th most powru orcs on arth wind and wavs. Thvnt has an ovra winnr, Mastr o th Ocan, as w asindividua winnrs in ach discipin. For mor inormation, visitwww.mastrothocan.com.

    kITeBOARDING COMPeTITIONS Cabarts idic ba is nownor hosting som o th words most spctacuar itboarding vntsduring th summr. Th bas cnt trad winds and warm watrsdraw intrnationa rcognizd comptitions that attract top-randwatr and wind sport champions goba.

    MeReNGUe FeSTIVAl Purto Pata hods on o th most popuarmrngu stivas in Dominican Rpubic vr Octobr. Th Macn,Purto Patas Ocan Bouvard, bcoms a musica stag to cbratth uniqu passionat and thriing music o Dominican Rpubic.

    jAZZ FeSTIVAl jazz acionados trav rom around th word acha to th annua jazz Fstiva hd on th bachs o Cabart,which is hd vr Novmbr. Th vnt aturs an imprssivin-up o azz musicians, incuding artists rom th U.S., Cuba,

    Purto Rico and Dominican Rpubic. For additiona inormation, visitwww.drazzstiva.com.

    MASTeRS SURF ReUNION evr Novmbr, gnrations o surrsgathr at encuntro Bach, on o th most consistnt sur spots onDominican Rpubics North Coast, whr th compt againston anothr in a sur contst or a ags. For mor inormation, visitwww.mastrssurrunion.com.

    For an updatd ist o vnts in Purto Pata and Dominican Rpubic,visit www.godominicanrpubic.com/vnts.


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    Parque Nacional

    J. Armando Bermdez

    Parque Nacional

    Jos del Carmen Ramrez







    Atlantic Ocean

    Baha de Lupern

    Baha LaIsabela

    Cabo Isabela


    Atlantic Ocean

    Caribbean Sea




    ParqueEl Choco


    La Isabela

    Los Hidalgos


    Playa Grande

    Playa Caletn PlayaDiamante



    Playa CofresOceanWorld


    Playa Maimn

    Playa Cabarete

    Playa Encuentro

    Playa Sosa

    Rio SanJuanGaspar



    MocaSan Jos

    de las Matas

    Pico Duarte








    RuinasLa Isabela

    Cayo Arena(Paraso)


    Laguna Gri-Gri



    Cibao (STI)


    To Montecristi

    To Saman

    To Santo Domingo

    2011 DR1 Maps Email: [email protected] Tel 809 769 9560

    LomaIsabel de








    Protected Area/Park

    Park Boundaries





    Golf Course

    Cigar Tourism

    Hotel Area


    Resort town

    City or Town

    Point of Interest




    International Airport


    Boat Launch


    Blue Flag Beach




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    PlAyA DORADA locatd ust at th oot o th argst a-incusiv rsort comp in th Caribban, Paa Dorada isprotctd b rs and aturs pictur-prct bachs andwarm watrs. Paa Dorada ors privac and scusion withinits gatd communit. Whi anon can driv into th PaaDorada comp, non-gusts must pa or a da pass.

    COFReS just a w minuts wst o Purto Pata as on o thrgions most uniqu bachs, Paa Corsi. Namd atr th

    pirat Robrto Cors, Paa Cors catrs to thos ooing tora and bath in th sun as it grts bachgors with pristinwatrs, a sot Atantic brz and godn sand.

    CABAReTe On Dominican Rpubics North Coast, advntursrs wi a in ov with Cabart Bach. On o th top vitboarding and windsurng bachs in th word, Cabartsbach (otn cad kit Bach) annua hosts an arra ointrnationa championships. On an givn da, visitors to thara wi s th s d with hundrds o cooru its carringamatur and pro ridrs through th sur. Th bach is bordrdb word-cass rstaurants, bars, discos and ots o shopping.

    SOSA locatd on a crscnt-shapd ba, Paa Sosa is a

    postcard prct bach. Faturing a bacdrop o towring cis,th turquois-coord watrs hr ar cam and car. Imprssivmountains rach down to th ocan and abundant amond trsin th bach in Paa Sosa, whr a w hots sit nstd inth warmth o th Dominican sand. Paa Sosa is prhaps ono th Caribbans most popuar bachs, which ma pain thcrowds. Howvr, with so much to do shopping or ating inSosa, snoring or vn taing a gass bottom boat tour thcrowds ar worth th visit.

    PUNTA RUCIA Wst o Purto Pata and ust o th batnpath, Paa Punta Rucia boasts whit sand bachs and bautiumountain viws. Popuar with snorrs du to th prsnc o aarg cora r ust o th shor, Paa Punta Rucia ors a sma

    sction o rstaurants/bars and a pacu agoon that is goodor bird watching.

    PlAyA eNCUeNTRO Maning ncountr in engish, Paaencuntro is on v minuts rom Cabart and is a avoritdu to having prct wavs or surng. Svra schoos arocatd narb that or ssons or bginnrs as w as boardrntas. Surrs now th bach vr w and somhow p it ascrt rom th tourists. Th bach is usua vr mpt maingit an ida scap rom busir bachs in th ara. Th watrshr ar dcoratd with vibrant coras and inhabitd b pnto sa urchins.


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    Th dightu attractions around th Purto Pata rgion ar atour ngrtips. For ths tours and mor, pas contact ourhots tour ds or rprsntativ.

    CAyO AReNA Purto Patas Atantic Coast is a gitd rgionu o natura ws and on o thm is Cao Arna, aso cadCao Paraiso, a vr sma isand o th bachs o Punta Ruciaand la ensnada. This rar cora isand in Dominican Rpubicis worth visiting. Upon arriva, ou wi as though ou hav

    arrivd to th scrt isand o our drams. Th tin isand withsot whit sand is surroundd b turquois coord ocan watrswhr snoring is ida.

    OUTBACk SAFARI join us and b Indiana jons or CrocodiDund or th da and t us show ou th ReAl DominicanRpubic. you wi b drivn through som o Purto Patas mostspctacuar scnr whr ou wi discovr otic tropicaorsts, rivrs, mountains, scudd bachs and viags whrtim has stood sti or hundrds o ars! Th cursion bginson th road that ads to Sosa and th viag o los Muoz.you wi hav th chanc to go or rrshing swim in th CamRivr or boogi board on Boca Nuva Bach in th viag oMontano.

    MONSTeR TRUCk Immrs ours in th grnr and purito Dominican ds o sugarcan and wid grass aong th NorthCoast. On this tour ou wi ourn through sma viags andcross rivrs in Sosa and Cabart; visit a oca communit schoo,a tpica ami hom and arm; and s how Dominicans iv inrura aras; tast oca ood; and no th warm hospitait oDominican pop. Th tour nds with a at-atrnoon visit to aDominican ranch.

    HelICOPTeR TOURS Discovr Purto Pata and its brathtaingand and sascaps rom th thriing hicoptr tour. This fightwi ta ou abov th cit and th ba o Purto Pata. F ovrth Macn, Fort San Fip and across Purto Patas cntrapar with its Victorian houss and historic cathdra. Dpnding

    on th ngth o tour ou choos, ou can s Ocan Word Parand its marin animas rom on high or vn f a th wa toMaimn, Sosa and Cabart.

    CATAMARANTOURS eno stunning viws o th Purto Patacoast on a Catamaran with th wind, th sun and tropica coctaiin our hand. This cursion wi ta ou rom Paa Dorada toth bach o Sosa on a ourn whr cooru sh and paudophins ma swim aongsid ou in th warm watrs. Danc onboard th vss to dightu mrngu music, th nationa musico Dominican Rpubic.

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    ZIP lINING AT yASIkA ADVeNTURe PARk Onc ou arriv atyasia Advntur Par, it b thris and chis, whr adrnainriss to th highst v whn ou start fing, hung rom a cabovr grn and ush vas bow. A tam o prossionaswi giv ou a th ncssar instructions on how to us thquipmnt (zip ining) and immdiat ou aunch rom th rstpatorm or about 330 to 990 t (100 to 300 mtrs) to thnt at spds o up to 30mph.

    FUNNy BIke epor th ds o Purto Pata on our own atrrain motor bi guidd b prts who wi ta ou to thmost bautiu, scnic spots in th rgion. Th cursion wi crosssugar can ds, th Cam Rivr and th viags o Montano,los Ciruos and los Muoz. eno a swim at th e Brgantinbach to coo o nar th nd o our trip.

    PUeRTO PlATA RUNNeR Com and admir th baut oth rgions fora and auna and shar mmorab momntswith Dominicans who iv in th countrsid, gtting to nowthir customs and ist. Th tour ads ou through Corsi,Maimn, Pao Indio, e Toro and othr pacs unti th na stop atRancho Purto Pata Runnrs whr ou can ra on th bach.

    BUGGIeS Hop on a bugg and s Purto Pata. Tour adrs

    wi ta ou to los Muoz and through man othr communitisand rivrs in on unorgttab ourn o dirct contact withMothr Natur. Stops or oca shopping and crats incud somrrshing tropica drins and snacs.

    MONkey jUNGle locatd 25minuts rom Purto Pata btwnCabart and Sosa, Mon jungis a squar mi (1.3 squariomtr) natura wondrand omountains and vas, and is homto 15 squirr and si capuchinmons. Hr ou can zip inrom mountain top to mountain top,

    ovr vas and down into a nwdiscovrd cav. Th ACCT crtidcours is hiarating, sa and morun than th barr o mons thatgrt ou in th ung. This is atru, hands-on princ which hasbrought much o to th hundrds ochidrn and aduts who hav visitd.www.monungdr.com.

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    As th scond argst countr in th Caribban, DominicanRpubic ors a wid rang o activitis which can b ashort or ong distanc awa rom on anothr. Man optionsist or traving on w-maintaind highwas to narbattractions and aso to mor distant ocatd cursions.

    BUS COMPANIeS Air conditiond motor coachs and vans

    arrangd b oca tour oprators ar avaiab rom mosthots. Maor companis incud Carib Tours, T. (809) 586-4544 and Autobuss Mtro, T. (809) 586-6063.

    CAR ReNTAlS Car rnta ocs and aciitis can b oundat a airports. Rntrs must b 25 with a vaid drivrs icns.

    By PlANe Air Cntur has rguar fights twic a w romPurto Pata to Santo Domingo, Santiago and Punta Cana.www.aircntur.com

    GROUND TRANSPORTATION Tais ar avaiab at mosthots and tour oprators ar mor than wiing to providadditiona options or gtting around. Visitors shoud aso

    chc with thir hot or an rcommndations.

    Local Transportation


    Purto Pata to othr rgionsSantiago 1 hourjarabacoa 2 hoursSaman 2 hoursSanto Domingo 3 hoursla Romana 5 hoursBarahona 7 hoursPunta Cana 7 hours

    Purto Pata to (within th rgion)Corsi 10 minuts

    Paa Dorada 10 minutsSosa 20 minutsDamaagua 25 minutsCabart 30 minutsPaa Grand 1 hoursRio San juan 1 hoursCao Arna (Paraiso) 2 hours

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    Isla Saona

    Isla Beata

    Atlantic Ocean





    Puerto Plata







    Punta Cana


    Baha deSaman Cayo





    Parque NacionalIsla Cabritos


    de Oviedo

    Cabo Rojo

    Parque NacionalSierra de Bahoruco


    J. ArmandoBermdez

    Jos del CarmenRamrez

    Los Haitises

    Baha deManzanillo

    Pico Duarte

    San PedroDe Macors

    Monte Plata

    Salto El Limn




    Cayo Arena(Paraso)

    Estero Hondo

    La Vega

    Laguna Rincnde Cabral

    Loma QuitaEspuela

    El Choco



    Lagunas Redonday Limn

    Hoyo dePelempito


    El Seibo

    Cabo CabrnCabo Saman

    CuevaFun Fun

    Mara Montez (BRX)

    Punta Cana (PUJ)

    La RomanaCasa de Campo


    La Isabela (JBQ)

    Arroyo Barril




    La Romana

    Reserva Cientficabano Verde

    Cibao (STI)



    Cueva LasMaravillas


    Altos deChavn

    El Catey (AZS)

    Las TerrenasEl Portillo

    Las Amricas(SDQ)

    La Caleta

    Bocade Yuma

    Dunasde Ban


    Lago EnriquilloIsla Cabritos

    Caribbean Sea

    ParqueNacionaldel Este



    San Cristbal


    San Josde las Matas

    Dominican Republic

    San FranciscoDe Macors

    City and Town

    Point of Interest

    Cruise Port

    International Airport

    Domestic Airport


    Protected Area/Park

    Golf Course


    Highest Peak


    Playa Grande




    2011 PRO RD S.A. Email: [email protected] Tel. 809.769.9560

  • 7/31/2019 Puerto Plata Guide



    NeW yORkPhone: 212-588-1012/ 14Toll Free: [email protected]


    : 305-358-2899Toll Free: [email protected]

    CHICAGOPhone: [email protected]

    SAN jUAN, PUeRTO RICOPhone: [email protected]


    : 514-499-1918Toll Free: [email protected]

    TORONTO, ONTARIOPhone: 416-361-2126/ 27Toll Free: 1-888-494-5050

    [email protected]

    Dominican RepublicMinistry of Tourism