Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth

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Transcript of Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Oral Surgery

    Volume 4

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Ext rac tion techn ique


    Removal of Impac ted tee th

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    D en tal Surgery/M inor Oral Surgery

    D ef in itionincludes all surg ical procedures w ith in the

    oral cav ity tha t can be performed under local anes thes ia on an ou tpa tien t bas is. As a spec ial ized area w ith in OMS all bas ic

    pr inc iples of th is med ical d isc ipline applyto D en tal/M inor Oral Surgery as well.

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Surg ical procedure

    -each surg ical procedure represen ts an injuryand only:

    - the intention to bring healing - the patients agreement to the procedure- responsible screening about own skills

    and abilities

    pro tec ts from legal ac tion!!!!!

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    E leva tors

    Hooked Angled S tra igh t

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    Roo t separa tion Upper molar

    Lower molar

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    Sepera ted roo ts and crown of lower molar

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    Loosen ing of cerv ical a ttachmen t

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    F inger suppor t upper e xtrac tion

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    F inger suppor t lower e xtrac tion

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    F inger suppor t/S tab iliza tion

    Why is the f inger suppor t impor tan t?to f ixed the mand ible

    to ma xim ize the effec t of appl ied force- to avo id trauma of TMJto palpa te the boneto sense the too th movemen tto s tab ilize the process

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    Rema in ing Roo tsRadices relictae

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Removal techn ique1 s t: 2 ver tical inc is ions cover ing the alveolar area


    : low speed bone cu tting and removal w ith eleva tor

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    Removal of rema in ing roo tsClosure by single suture

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    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsX-Ra y re ad ing

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  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsX-Ra y re ad ing

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    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsX-Ra y re ad ing

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    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsX-Ra y re ad ing

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    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsX-Ra y re ad ing

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    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsX-Ra y re ad ing

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    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsInc is ion techn ique for lower 3 rd molar

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    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsc rown sep a r a tion / p a rti a l

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsc rown sep a r a tion / tot a l

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsX-Ra y re ad ing a n d possible nerve imp a c tion

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    theore tical s itua tion

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    clin ical s itua tion

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Removal of impac ted 3 rd molarsin c ision te ch nique upper 3 r d mol a rs

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Removal of impac ted mes iodensinc is ion techn ique

  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    C ompl ica tions af ter removalU pper 3 r d mol a r

    tuber fr a c ture

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  • 8/8/2019 Oral Surgery Volume 4, Extraction and Impacted Teeth


    Compli c a tions a fter remov a lLower 3 r d mol a r

    Foreign bo d y-bone c utter lingu a l