On True Love

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  • 8/9/2019 On True Love


    O Venerable Cardinal John Henry Newman; intercede for me and help me to write onthis topic; so we may be able to show the True Love given by Jesus. God our Fat

    her; if this is in accord of your Holy Will; please let this intercession happen. Amen.

    I have written on Holy Love, think of this as volume two. Because we need to und

    erstand True Love. When we look at the Sacred Heart of Jesus; we see fire consuming the heart; that is the love He has for all of us.

    When we think of love or just say the four letter word after each email or letter you write; do we understand what we mean by love?

    Yes, we are human and we get caught up in Eros love; but mostly it should be Phillia; Brotherly Love. Jesus loves us with Agape and Phillia love. Because Jesusis the Son of the Father; so He is our brother; not our Father.

    If you believe Jesus is your Father; then you deny the Holy Trinity. True love;why don't we think of it or want to?

    Because it's not popular in the world we live in. If it's not popular; then theworld says we should not do it. But, we aren't to be like the world; we are to do the un-popular; which is living the faith; day in and day out; in season and out of season; every moment of our life.

    True love, just look at Jesus on the cross and that says it all. We are to carry

    our cross to be true followers of the Master; at the end of our life; we will end up on the cross.

    We will give our all for the faith; to show our true love for Jesus and that will show Jesus that we truly Love Him and that we have Faith in Him.

    Before Jesus was born; the cross was something pagan and full of hate; but onceJesus was crucified; the cross became the instrument of our salvation and actuallove.

    If you can't understand True Love; Just look at the Cross and think of Jesus.

    After you do that; then look at the Sacred Heart and see the fire of Love that surrounds His heart; that fire of Love is for us and whenever we disrespect Him in the Eucharist; we hurt the only one who truly loves us.

    Why do we hurt the one that Love us enough to die for us?

    Is it because we are loosing faith in Him? I do believe so. We need to pray andask for the gift of faith again.

    We need to keep praying and that is how we will keep loving Him and learning what True love is. Amen.