NAWBO California Summer 2012 Newsletter

Owners of California Business. Power. Influence.™ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS v CALIFORNIA v SUMMER 2012 15TH ANNUAL PUBLIC POLICY SUMMIT NAWBO California s Summit Draws Business Owners to Discuss Public Policy New this year was the popular “Cruise to the Capitol”— business women from across the state traveled to Sacramento in June via luxury bus ride. IN THIS ISSUE (continued on page 4) NAWBO California’s Summit Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 NAWBO California Names Renee White Fraser WBO of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 President’s Message 2011-2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 New Board for 2012-2013 . . .2 President’s Message 2012-2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Board Education Material Available On Website . . . . . . .3 NAWBO California Corporate Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Frieda’s Inc. Founder Given 2012 Legacy Award . . . . . . . .5 California NAWBO Chapters Emerge as Leaders of the 2012 Membership Drive . . . . .5 Appreciation Extended to NAWBO California State, National and International Affiliates and Partners . . . . . .8 NAWBO-California National Association of Women Business Owners 855-629-2622 B usiness owners and entrepreneurs from all across California flocked to Sacramento in June for NAWBO’s 15th Annual Public Policy Summit to meet with state lawmakers, access the most up-to-date information about local, state and federal legislation, under leadership training and more. “NAWBO California is proud to mark fifteen years of hosting this important Public Policy Summit created to serve all our state’s business owners,” said May Pon, 2011-12 NAWBO California president. “This Summit has proved to be an effective and powerful way for small businesses to make their voices heard loud and clear in the Capitol.” NAWBO California Public Policy Summit Chairperson Cecelia McCloy added: “When you bring passionate business people and entrepreneurs in con- versation with their legislators, you are creating an opportunity for these public servants to get a real understanding of how legislation affects business. Together we can strengthen California through this platform for education, access and training available to all business people and entrepreneurs.” New this year was the popular “Cruise to the Capitol”—a chartered luxury bus N AWBO California named Renee White Fraser, Ph.D, President/CEO of Fraser Communications 2012 Women Business Owner of the Year. NAWBO California 2011-12 President May Pon presented the award NAWBO California Names Renee White Fraser 2012 Woman Business Owner of the Year CEO of Fraser Communications this year’s recipient; seven other honorees also recognized at NAWBO California’s 15th Annual Public Policy Summit (continued on page 6)


This newsletter is for the nine NAWBO Chapters in California. The National Association of Women Business Owners are Owners of California Business. Power. Influence.

Transcript of NAWBO California Summer 2012 Newsletter

Page 1: NAWBO California Summer 2012 Newsletter

Owners of California Business. Power. Influence.™



NAWBOCaliforniaÕs SummitDrawsBusinessOwners toDiscussPublic PolicyNew this year was the popular “Cruise to the Capitol”—business women from across the state traveled toSacramento in June via luxury bus ride.


(continued on page 4)

NAWBO California’s Summit

Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

NAWBO California Names

Renee White Fraser WBO of

the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

President’s Message

2011-2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

New Board for 2012-2013 . . .2

President’s Message

2012-2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Board Education Material

Available On Website . . . . . . .3

NAWBO California Corporate

Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Frieda’s Inc. Founder Given

2012 Legacy Award . . . . . . . .5

California NAWBO Chapters

Emerge as Leaders of the

2012 Membership Drive . . . . .5

Appreciation Extended to

NAWBO California State,

National and International

Affiliates and Partners . . . . . .8

NAWBO-CaliforniaNational Association ofWomen Business Owners

Business owners and entrepreneurs from all across California flocked toSacramento in June for NAWBO’s 15th Annual Public Policy Summit tomeet with state lawmakers, access the most up-to-date information

about local, state and federal legislation, under leadership training and more. “NAWBO California is proud to mark fifteen years of hosting this important

Public Policy Summit created to serve all our state’s business owners,” said MayPon, 2011-12 NAWBO California president. “This Summit has proved to be aneffective and powerful way for small businesses to make their voices heard loudand clear in the Capitol.”

NAWBO California Public Policy Summit Chairperson Cecelia McCloyadded: “When you bring passionate business people and entrepreneurs in con-versation with their legislators, you are creating an opportunity for these publicservants to get a real understanding of how legislation affects business.Together we can strengthen California through this platform for education,access and training available to all business people and entrepreneurs.”

New this year was the popular “Cruise to the Capitol”—a chartered luxury bus

NAWBO California named Renee White Fraser, Ph.D, President/CEO ofFraser Communications 2012 Women Business Owner of the Year.NAWBO California 2011-12 President May Pon presented the award

NAWBO California Names Renee White Fraser 2012 WomanBusiness Owner of the YearCEO of Fraser Communications this year’s recipient;seven other honorees also recognized at NAWBOCalifornia’s 15th Annual Public Policy Summit

(continued on page 6)

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NAWBO means business. Get involved.


M. Butterfield-Brown & Associates, Ltd.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as your2011-2012 NAWBO-CA President. I am still amazedand proud of our NAWBO-CA Executive board mem-

bers who have individually and collectively faced theopportunities and challenges this year with me. Our suc-cesses are a testament to the power of dedicated womenleaders, who have each served as chapter president orboard member, working together.

Look at what we accomplished:NAWBO-CA participated at the 2011 NAWBO Women’s

Business Conference in San Diego last August. TheNAWBO-CA Woman Business Owner of the Year award

was inaugurated, and we recognized nine chapter hon-orees. The 2012 Woman Business Owner of the Yearawards were presented at the June 2012 Public PolicySummit luncheon.

NAWBO-CA continued to make inroads in advocacyand becoming an influential presence in Sacramento. OurPublic Policy Summit Days in June reflect the fostering ofrelationships and partnering with CA Small BusinessAssociation Day and increasing our influence with law-makers and agencies.

NAWBO-CA continued to cultivate corporate fundingfor programs to include coverage for programs under thenew NAWBO-CA Education Fund, our 501c3. We plan to

elevate board education and leadership training programsto the next level for the benefit of our chapters.

With the expert help of our technology director SandyAllan, our new website was launched, with upgradedfunctionality and design development to enable astatewide NAWBO Directory on the NAWBO-CA website.Members can do business across the state and with eachother, and it also includes a directory for certified womanbusiness owners and an international trade network.

Carla Cobb Davis spearheaded the establishment ofeight official affiliations with MOUs added. There are threepending. The NAWBO-CA International and US Affiliation

committee plans to add a minimum of six more affiliationsin 2012-2013.

NAWBO-CA is on its way to completing successfullyour three-year strategic plan.

I thank you for your support, commitment, and visionto making us the best that we can be.

Please welcome our 2012-2013 NAWBO-CA PresidentUrsula Mentjes and President-Elect Tina Loza. They andthe new Executive Board of Directors are prepared toaccept their new roles and responsibilities, workingtogether to meet new challenges and seize opportunities tofurther the vision and mission of NAWBO-CA as we moveinto an exciting future.•

President: Ursula Mentjes, Sales Coach Now

President Elect: Christina Loza, Esq. Loza & Loza, LLP

Immediate Past President: May Pon, M. Butterfield-Brown &

Associates, Ltd.

International & Affiliate Affairs: Carla Davis, Biz Box

Technology, LLC

Vice President: Sandy Allan, Technology & Operational

Solutions, Inc.

Secretary: Maeda Palius, Palius + O’Kelley CPAs Inc.

Treasurer: Jennifer Dizon, Hood & Strong LLP

Public Policy Director: Hilda Kennedy, TriPac Amstate

Corporate Partners Director: Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire,

Berkhemer-Clayton Executive Search

Economic Development Director: Kathleen Thurmond,

Kathleen Thurmond, LLC

Technology Director: Sandy Allan, Technology &

Operational Solutions, Inc.

Education Director: Rachel Owens, Success Strategies

Legislative Advisor: Mary Griffin, Griffin & Associates

Supplier Diversity Chair: Shaila Mistry, Jayco

“Our successes are a testament to the power of dedicated women leaders, who have each served as chapter president or board member, working together.”

NAWBO California Installs New Board For 2012-13

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2012–2013 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGEUrsula Mentjes

Sales Coach Now

For the past eight years, I have been a proud memberof the National Association of Women BusinessOwners. I have served the Inland Empire chapter as

the Affiliates Chair, Corporate Partner Chair, President Elect,President, and then President of NAWBO-IE University.

Now, I will be serving as President of NAWBO-CA. I amhonored, humbled and a little frightened.

Like many new leaders who take on new roles, I thinkit’s okay to say, “I’m scared. I don’t feel prepared.” And thetruth is we can never be fully prepared. If we were fullyprepared, we would miss opportunities for change andgrowth, not only our own, but the organization’s as well.

I think back on my first days as the NAWBO-IEPresident and I remember worrying that I wouldn’t dosomething right or that I might really mess up. Well, Imade mistakes, but in the end, I surrounded myself withan incredible board that helped me stay focused on ourtop three goals that year and we accomplished a lot.

To our incoming presidents and leaders, NAWBO-CAhas your back! We understand what it’s like to step up aspresident, a role that will challenge you and help you togrow at the same time. We know what it’s like to juggle abusiness and a chapter. It’s like having two businesses!And we want you to know that we are here for you.

If I’ve learned anything over my years of serving in lead-ership roles, it’s that I don’t have to have all of theanswers. In fact, I believe a good leader knows that an

important part of their job is to ask the right questionsand then to surround themselves with a team of otherleaders who can help get those questions answered.

As I step into the presidency for NAWBO-CA, there arefour key questions that I am asking and I hope to answerduring my term:1. Public Policy: How can we expand our voice in

Sacramento to ensure that we are not only being heard,but that we are changing public policy for California busi-nesses?2. Membership: How can we support our chapter leaders

so they can easily grow their membership—and even dou-

ble our membership in California?3. Doing Business: How can we not only encourage

NAWBO-CA members to do business with each other, butalso measure that impact? How do we increase procure-ment opportunities for our members? 4. Education: How do we best deliver board training and

other education to our chapter leaders so they can feelprepared to handle the challenges they face? From there,how do we expand our role in NAWBO-CA Education andadd additional programs that will have a solid impact onour NAWBO-CA members’ business growth?

I may not have all of the answers, but I look forward toanswering the questions and serving our NAWBO-CA members.

Thank you for your faith and belief in me and pleaseknow that NAWBO-CA is here to serve you!•

“To our incoming presidents and leaders, NAWBO-CA has your back! We understand what it’slike to step up as president, a role that will challenge you and help you to grow at the same

time. We know what it’s like to juggle a business and a chapter. It’s like having two businesses!And we want you to know that we are here for you.”

Over the past two years NAWBO CA has provided com-

prehensive Board Education at the state meetings. These

very informative education sessions were made by our

Education Director Rachel Owens of Orange County and

Consultant Mary Hiland of Hiland Associates. NAWBO CA

has now made this information, as well as other useful Board

Training Tools, available to you on the website. Please review

the materials and see how it can help you to educate and

strengthen the success of your chapter board. http://nawbo-•

Board Education Material Available On Website

Page 4: NAWBO California Summer 2012 Newsletter


to Fraser at the opening reception of the NAWBOCalifornia 15th Annual Public Policy Summit inSacramento this past June.

“Renee Fraser is an influential busi-nesswoman and compassionate civicleader who infuses an ethical mindsetand commitment to quality into all ofher endeavors,” said May Pon, 2011-12NAWBO California President. “Ingrowing her agency into one of the topindependent advertising agencies inLos Angeles and one of the fast-grow-ing woman-owned businesses in theUnited States, Renee daily demon-strates her astute business sense com-bined with creativity and bold vision.

We are proud to name her the NAWBO California 2012Business Woman of the Year.”

Fraser is a past president of NAWBO LA and a socialpsychologist whose company creates award-winning, inte-grated advertising and public relations campaigns for suchclients as Toyota, BusinessWire, Metropolitan WaterDistrict, First 5 California and more. FraserCommunications’ motto is “Doing Well By Doing Good”;it has received numerous industry accolades as well asnational media recognition and in 2011 was namedAgency of the Year—Digital Media from ThinkLA. She wasrecently honored as one of the 50 influential women in

Los Angeles, by Los Angeles Magazine. Fraser also has asuccessful radio show on CBS Radio called UnfinishedBusiness where she and co-host Betsy Berkhemer encour-age and inspire entrepreneurship among listeners.

She serves on the national board of Volunteers ofAmerica as well as the boards of United Way of LosAngeles and WISE and Healthy Aging. Fraser also co-chairs the Business Leaders Task Force to end homeless-ness in Los Angeles, a joint effort between United Wayand the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. She is cur-rently President of the International Women’s Forum,Southern California.

The other highly accomplished California women busi-ness owners, each honored locally for their achievementsand chosen by their own chapters, were recognized at thereception. Honorees were:

n Cynthia Fassler, NAWBO San Francisco, CEO, TSSTotal Staffing Solutions, Inc., San Francisco

n Felena Hanson, NAWBO San Diego, PerspectiveMarketing, San Diego

n Donna Springer, NAWBO Sacramento Valley, Co-Owners, Go-Getters, Sacramento

n Linda Smith, MBA, BSN, RN, NAWBO Inland Empire,Founder and CEO, Four-D College, Colton

n Madelyn Alfano, NAWBO Los Angeles, Maria’s ItalianKitchen, Van Nuys

n Theresa Oatman, NAWBO Silicon Valley, CEP, StockConnections Inc

n Karen Mora, NAWBO Santa Barbara, CEO,Accountability Plus, Inc., Santa Barbara•


2012 Woman Business Owner of the Year (continued from page 1)

Renee White Fraser,2012 NAWBOCalifornia WomanBusiness Owner of the Year

Cynthia Fassler Felena Hanson Donna Springer Linda Smith Madelyn Alfano Theresa Oatman Karen Mora

2012 NAWBO California Women Business Owners of the Year Honorees

Thank you to all of the NAWBO-California Corporate Partners

Technology & Operational Solutions, Inc.

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On April 2, Los Alamitos-based Frieda’s Inc.,owned and operated by sisters Karen Caplan,CEO and Jackie Caplan Wiggins, COO celebrat-

ed its 50th Anniversary. Karen and Jackie’s mother, FriedaRapoport Caplan, 88, founded the business in 1962 out ofa small office at the Los Angeles Wholesale ProduceMarket, making it the first woman-owned produce compa-ny in the United States. In honor of her many achieve-ments and leadership, Frieda received the NAWBO-LALegacy Award in March 2012.

Today, the business thrives as a leader in the specialtyproduce category, and its leaders, Karen and Jackie, serveas prominent figures in the fresh produce industry. Karen,Frieda’s President and CEO, and past NAWBO-LAPresident, thanked NAWBO for its continued support androle in her own entrepreneurial success, and for honoringher mother and Frieda’s founder, Frieda Caplan, with thisyear’s Legacy Award at the 26th Annual NAWBO-LALeadership & Legacy Awards Luncheon.

“NAWBO has provided a support system and network ofentrepreneurial women who have helped guide methrough my role as CEO and President of Frieda’s over thepast 25 years. My experience as President of NAWBO pro-vided me with many lessons for my business as a womanbusiness owner,” Karen Caplan said.

“This year, we are so fortunate to have NAWBO recog-

nize my mother, Frieda Caplan, for her dedication to notonly NAWBO, but to Frieda’s Inc. and the produce indus-try. I still learn from my mother every day, as do manyother women inside and outside of the produce industry.From Frieda’s Inc. and the Caplan family, we thank you.”

Frieda's, Inc. distributes exotic fruits, vegetables andgourmet items, as well as exceptional consulting and pro-motional services, to their clients all over the UnitedStates. Having introduced more than 200 items to U.S.supermarkets since 1962, Frieda’s is still continuing ininnovation to achieve their mission of Changing the WayAmerica Eats Fruits and Vegetables. Frieda Caplan goes towork five days a week, along with her daughters and hergranddaughter, Alex (Communications Coordinator).Celebrate 50 years with Frieda’s on their Facebook page,FriedasSpecialtyProduce or with Club Frieda.•

2012 Legacy Award Presented to Frieda’s Inc. FounderUpon Golden Anniversary of Company’s Start


NAWBO® Chapter Services team recently named the

winners of the the 2012 NAWBO® Membership

Drive Contest that took place during March and

April 2012. Of the three categories, two winners are chapters

in California. The growth of NAWBO® demonstrates the cul-

tivation of business in California and its bright prospect for

the future of our fellow entrepreneurs.

n Small Chapter Category: NAWBO Inland Empire

Chapter with 18 new members

n Medium Chapter Category: NAWBO Phoenix Chapter

with 33 new members

n Large Chapter Category: NAWBO Los Angeles Chapter

with 38 new members

NAWBO® Chapter Services: “As an integral part of

NAWBO®, the winning chapters were instrumental in mak-

ing this year's Power NAWBO® Annual Membership Drive a

great success. We also want to thank ALL chapters who

took advantage and participated in the membership drive

contest. Each new member recruited will now reap the

rewards and benefits of being part of a community of

women entrepreneurs who are all dedicated to each other's

success. We wish each chapter continued growth and look

forward to seeing all of you at the Women's Business

Conference in Louisville, KY!” Register here for the WBC set

for October 4-5, 2012 in Louisville.•

California NAWBO Chapters Emerge as Leaders of the 2012 Membership Drive

SAVE THE DATE! National WBC Event Set for Oct. 4-5in Louisville, Kentucky. Register now!

Page 6: NAWBO California Summer 2012 Newsletter

which traveled from San Diego to Sacramento making stopsalong the way to pick up new riders. There was only a nomi-nal fee for the one-way trip thanks to sponsors and corpo-rate partners including Bank of America, AT&T, SDGE,Metropolitan Water District, BSE Engineering and IntegratedScience Solutions, Inc. Riders enjoyed networking, goodconversation, food and drink along the way to the Capitol.

California Small Business Day activities were held June11 as well as a NAWBO California Board Meeting, “How ToBe An Effective Board Member” educational training andreception. The Public Policy Summit schedule on June 12was packed with activities focused on government, busi-ness, and business finance issues along with recognition ofCalifornia’s outstanding businesswomen [see following arti-cle]. Keynote speaker for the Tuesday luncheon was MonaPasquil, Appointments Secretary to Governor Jerry Brown.

Activities also included a women legislators panel, withintroductions by Ceil McCloy, NAWBO California PublicPolicy Summit Chairperson, and panelists:

n Assemblywoman Holly Mitchell—47th District—from South Central to West LA

n Assemblywoman Fiona Ma—Assembly District 12—most of Western San Francisco and northern edge,San Mateo County

Cruise to Capitol (continued from page 1)


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n Assemblywoman Betsy Butler—Torrance Area

The “All About Business” event explored multiple top-ics, including Banks Are Lending—How to Access Capital,Small Business, Legislative Hot Topics, Small Business TaxIssues That Affect Your Business, Avoiding HR Pitfalls, andIncreasing Revenues by Doing Business with Government.Kathleen M. Cole, Executive Legislative Representativediscussed current legislation issues related to theMetropolitan Water District.

The comprehensive Business Panel was facilitated byHilda Kennedy, AmPac Tri State CDC, and included thefollowing:

n Anne Senti-Willis, Thoits, Love, Hershberger &McLean, PLC

n Maeda Palius, Palius & O'Kelley CPAs, Incn Betsy Berkhemer-Credaire, Berkhemer Claytonn Marty Keller, Small Business Revolutionn Emily Shanks, Small Business Banking Regional

Executive. Bank of America

An informative Healthcare panel, facilitated by McCloy,included the following:

n Herb Schultz, U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices

n Anne E. Ferguson, Anne E. Ferguson A ProfessionalLaw Corporation

n Colleen King, Colleen King Insurance Agency•Our thanks to Official Photographer

Deb Halbertstadt, HalfCity Productions.

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NAWBO California is a Consortium of Nine NAWBO Chapters Located in California

Inland Empire

Los Angeles

Orange County


San Diego

San Francisco

Santa Barbara

Silicon Valley

Ventura County



Appreciation Extended to NAWBO California State,National and International Affiliates and Partners

Building relationships and partnerships with affili-ate business associations is essential in buildingyour business. It is an excellent resource to find

partners and secure the right introductions. NAWBOCalifornia’s official affiliations are being posted on our newNAWBO CA website and quarterly e-newsletters.

Corporate partner Technology and OperationalSolutions, Inc., totally rebuilt the NAWBO CA new web-site and is continuing to add resources and links. Thecompany will be adding a directory of NAWBO CA mem-ber companies that are doing or want to do business inter-nationally. If you are interested in adding your company tothe NAWBO CA International Business Directory, pleasecontact Sandy Allan at [email protected].

NAWBO California announced thispast spring its newest affiliate partner,Women Impacting Public Policy(WIPP), a Washington, D.C.-basednonpartisan organization that educates and advocates onbehalf of women-owned businesses within the nation’s leg-islative process. Since its inception in June of 2001, WIPPhas reviewed, provided input, and has taken specific posi-tions on many economic issues and policies which affectthe bottom line of its membership of more than half a mil-lion members. Other affiliate partners are:

n California Small

Business Association—TheCalifornia Small Business Association provides an extend-ed advocacy voice for legislative issues in Sacramento thataffect small businesses. A volunteer-driven nonprofitorganization, the CSBA is the state’s largest small businesstrade association.

n Invent Your Future Enterprise—InventYour Future (IYF) is a social enterprisespecializing in the retention, developmentand acceleration of women leaders.NAWBO Silicon Valley’s Ruth Stergiou operates IYF, whichprovides strategic networking opportunities for theNAWBO California chapters.

n Monterey Bay International Trade

Association—Affiliate Partner MBITA bringsinternational business and strategic tradeopportunities to the NAWBO Californiamember businesses. This organization provides tools andrelationships that will assist business owners as theyexpand into the global marketplace.

n Orange County Institute for Women

Entrepreneurs—IWE provides services andprograms for the economic advancementof the underserved women in California’sOrange County. Providing clients with the critical supportneeded to start and grow successful businesses, the IWE isuniquely tailored to serve women

n VAI Global International - Partner—VAI Global is a business social networkingsolution for members of the entrepreneur-ial start-up community to foster dynamic partnerships andcreate new opportunities. The network connects entrepre-neurs, investors, service providers, university innovators,corporations and economic development organizationsacross a diverse range of industries.

n Astra Women’s Business Alliance—Astra is the only provider of WBENC cer-tification in Northern California, Oregon,Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska.Astra’s training programs, events and other resources areall created with the goal of generating breakthroughs formembers.

n California Public Utilities

Commission—The CPUC regulatesprivately owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications,water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportationcompanies, in addition to authorizing video franchises.Dedicated to ensuring that consumers have safe, reliableutility service at reasonable rates, protecting against fraud,and promoting the health of California’s •